V7i3 1579
V7i3 1579
V7i3 1579
ISSN: 2454-132X
Impact Factor: 6.078
(Volume 7, Issue 3 - V7I3-1579)
Available online at: https://www.ijariit.com
In Robotic industry has evolved so much and has been a revolutionary in helping human being to complete certain task. Without
the help of industrial robotics to produce car, cell phone or a computer, productions will suffer as time is a very important factor
for businesses. Researchers around the world understand this, and there is already an artificial intelligent robot being produced.
Each year, there will be new findings to create a robot that may one day behave similarly like a human being. However, this
project deals with only a human following robot which makes use of a metal and an RFID to distinguish the owner of the robot
and follow the person. In an environment such as hospitals, schools, and shopping malls. Having a robot assistant surely seems
like a dream for most of us. A robot that can help us carry items, accompany us at shopping malls, or during a jogging session
at the park. A robot that can help nurses at hospital or bringing the medical supplies during war to injured soldiers. There are
so many advantages of having such robot, that in the future, it will most likely be the trends. There are a lot of research
surrounding this topic. Person detection and tracking using diverse image features and classifications method. Most of this
research use a fixed camera, because when using a moving camera, there is a problem with background/foreground separation.
Metal detectors and RFID tags are commonly used for person detection and tracking for this type of robots. The RFID tag is
used to tag the owner of the robot and follow the person without getting mis leaded by any other person. The human following
robot can be provided with sensors like Ultra sonic and IR sensor for obstacle detection. It can be connected through RFID to
receive the commands.
In this approach combine all your researched information in form of a journal or research paper. In this researcher can take the
reference of already accomplished work as a starting building block of its paper.
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International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology
The purpose of research is to provide simpler robotic hardware architecture but with powerful computational platforms so that
robot’s designer can focus on their research and tests. This simple architecture is also useful for educational robotics, because
students can build their own robots with low cost and use them as platform for experiments in several courses. The main purpose of
this project is to develop a physical user interface to control a robot via a wireless technology. There is a need to communicate with
the robot physically in order to control the robot movements and pass critical data both ways. The current IR controls are not good
enough because the robot does not have an IR transmitter but only a receiver, meaning that the communication is one way. The IR
communication works only in line of direct sight and any objects in the way will obstruct the communication. Sensor communication
will enable us to control the robot up to 5 meters without the need for direct sight which means that the robot could be located behind
a wall or some other object and the communication would not be lost. This research can further be implemented in commercial cars
in order to reduce the pollution level as it is an electronic car which comes with rechargeable battery. As this robot is semi-automatic
and works on physical commands its some of the features can be added to wheel chairs for physically handicapped and old people
in order to help them in movement on their own.
The source code for the IDE is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2. Arduino IDE supports the languages C
and C++ using special rules of code structuring.[4] The Arduino IDE supplies a software library from the Wiring project, which
provides many common input and output procedures. User-written code only requires two basic functions, for starting the sketch
and the main program loop, that are compiled and linked with a program stub main () into an executable cyclic executive program
with the GNU toolchain, also included with the IDE distribution.[5] The Arduino IDE employs the program avr dude to convert the
executable code into a text file in hexadecimal encoding that is loaded into the Arduino board by a loader program in the board's
A human following robot. The robot uses Radio frequency identification technology. By the use of RFID, it decides whether to
follow the human or not. It depends upon the UID we write in the program. When the identification number that is unique to user
that is, the UID embedded in the RFID tag carried by the owner matches with that which is stored in the code. The robot is accessed
to go on to the next section of the program. After recognizing the user, the robot makes use of the ultrasonic sensor and the infrared
sensor to guide behind the user. Here, the sensors work in coordination and give inputs to the Arduino Uno which acts as a Central
Processing Unit for the whole model. The Arduino then gives the instructions to the motor shield. The L293D motor driver shield
gives commands to the respective motors (4 motors on either side of motor) as HIGH or LOW to drive it in the right direction.
Step to connect:
1. Connect the wiring, power up, while the device is not connected, the RFID module board
2. At PC search for the respective port to dump the code into.
3. Upload the code required to check the UID of RFID tags and perform execution.
4. Note down the UID which you want to give access to.
5. Write the specific UID in the condition and compile the program.
6. Export the program to the Arduino board.
First make sure that you check for the RFID tag UID you want to give access to. Write it down correctly. Place that number correctly
with respective spaces in between so that the experiment goes on in a flawless manner. After compiling and Uploading, the robot
moves forward when the person in front id detected by the Ultrasonic sensor. It moves right when the right Infrared sensor senses
the man. It moves to the left if the Infrared sensor on the left indicates a person ahead of it. All the 4 DC motors work in coordination
to make the robot move in the accurate direction. The motors on the left move forward to make the robot turn right. The motors on
the right move forward to make the robot turn left. All the four motors turn forward to move the vehicle to the front and if no person
is sensed in front of it all of them come to a stable condition.
Stage 1: The RFID tag works as a key to the robot. In technical terms, the unique identification number of the RFID tag is used as
an allowing condition for the robot to follow the subject. The loops for and if are used to condition whether to access the code that
prompts the robot to follow the human by accessing the ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensor. If the UID matches with the one that
is fed in the program the servo motor rotates 90 degrees and back as an indication to the access. If the UID does not match with the
one that is written in the code then the robot will stay idle meaning the access is denied.
Wireless control is one of the most important basic needs for all living beings. But unfortunately, due to a huge amount of data and
communication overheads the technology is not fully utilized.
Many of the wireless-controlled robots use RF modules. But this project makes use of Android mobile phone for robotic control
which is very cheap and easily available. The control commands available are more than RF modules. For this the android mobile
user has to install an application on her/his mobile. Then user needs to turn on the in the mobile. The wireless communication
techniques used to control the robot is RFID technology. User can use various commands like move forward, reverse, move left,
move right using these commands which are sent from the Person mobile. Robot has a ri receiver unit which receives the commands
and give it to the microcontroller circuit to control the motors. The microcontroller then transmits the signal to the motor driver ICs
to operate the motors the objective of the paper is to realize the smart living, more specifically the home lighting control system
using RFID Technology. Robot and smart phones are a perfect match, especially mobile robots. As phones and mobile devices are
each time more powerful, using them as robot for building robot with advanced feature such as voice recognition. Android ID-
enable phones and RFID module via MRFC-522 and communication among RFID devices. It is concluded that smart living will
gradually turn into a reality that consumer can control their home remotely and wirelessly.
[1] http://www.scribd.com
[2] http://www.morldtechgossips.com simple way of understand
[3] http://www.elprocus.com/solar-panel-facts/