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4 Length, Weight, Capacity,

Time and Money
Learning objectives
5.1 Length 5.2 Weight 5.3 Capacity 5.4 Time
5.5 Calendar 5.6 Money

Length is the measurement of something from one end to other end.
Note :
Different devices are used to measure different lengths.

Units of Measuring Length

h The most common units of lengths are kilometre (km), metre (m) and centimetre (cm).
h The kilometre is larger unit than metre. The metre is larger unit than centimetre.

Metric System of Length

÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10

Kilometre Hectometre Decametre Metre Decimetre Centimetre Millimetre

(km) (hm) (dam) (m) (dm) (cm) (mm)
Base Unit

× 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10
Conversion of Units
h To convert metre (m) into centimetre (cm), we multiply the number by 100.
For example :
8 m = 8 × 100 cm = 800 cm
h To convert centimetre (cm) into decimetre (dm), we divide the number by 10.
For example :
400 cm = (400 ÷ 10) dm = 40 dm
h To convert kilometre (km) into hectometre (hm), we multiply the number by 10.
For example :
4 km = 4 × 10 hm = 40 hm
Olympiad Bite
h To convert metre (m) into kilometre (km), we divide the number • To convert the larger unit into
by 1000. smaller unit, we multiply.
For example : • To convert the smaller unit
6000 m = (6000 ÷ 1000) km = 6 km into larger unit, we divide.

Addition and Subtraction of Lengths
We can add or subtract measures of lengths, as we add or subtract ordinary numbers.
For example :
1. Add 215 m 35 cm and 120 m 59 cm.
m cm
215 35
+ 120 59
335 94 = 335 m 94 cm

2. Subtract 20 km 315 m from 52 km 525 m.

km m
52 525
– 20 315
32 210 = 32 km 210 m

Weight means how much heavy something or someone is.

Units of Measuring Weight

The most commonly used units of weight are kilogram (kg) and gram (g).
For example :
h Weight of basket of fruits is measured in kilograms.
h Weight of a pen is measured in grams.

Metric System of Weight

÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10

Kilogram Hectogram Decagram Gram (g) Decigram Centigram Milligram

(kg) (hg) (dag) Base Unit (dg) (cg) (mg)

× 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10
Conversion of Units
h To convert kilogram (kg) into gram (g), we multiply the number by 1000.
For example :
5 kg = 5 × 1000 g = 5000 g
h To convert gram (g) into decagram (dag), we divide the number by 10.
For example :
80 g = (80 ÷ 10) dag = 8 dag

Addition and Subtraction of Weights

We can add or subtract measures of weights, as we add or subtract ordinary numbers.
For example :
h Add 12 kg 565 g and 27 kg 302 g.
kg g
12 565
+ 27 302
39 867 = 39 kg 867 g

h Subtract 40 kg 630 g from 62 kg 460 g.

kg g
12 14
62 460
– 40 630
21 830 = 21 kg 830 g

The quantity of liquid which a container can hold is called its capacity.

Units of Measuring Capacity

The most commonly used units of capacity are litres (L) and millilitres (mL) .

Metric system of Capacity

÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10

Kilolitre Hectolitre Decalitre Litre (L) Decilitre Centilitre Millilitre

(kL) (hL) (daL) Base Unit (dL) (cL) (mL)

× 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10

Conversion of Units
h To convert litre (L) into millilitre (mL), we multiply the number by 1000.
For example : 8 litres = 8 × 1000 mL = 8000 mL
h To convert millilitre (mL) into centilitre (cL), we divide the number by 10.
For example : 70 mL = (70 ÷ 10) cL = 7 cL

Addition and Subtraction of Capacity

We can add or subtract capacity, as we add or subtract ordinary numbers.
For example :
h Add 148 L 218 mL and 16 L 755 mL.
L mL
1 1
148 218
+  16 755
164 973 = 164 L 973 mL

h Subtract 56 L 734 mL from 75 L 125 mL.
L mL
6 14 10 12
75 125
– 56 734
18 391 = 18 L 391 mL

1. Solve : (C) =
44 km 29 m + 13 km 500 m – 9 km 200 m (D) Can't be determined
(A) 48 km 329 m (B) 46 km 315 m 4. Soham have 5 m 30 cm of cloth. He only needs
(C) 48 km 521 m (D) 45 km 52 m
3 m 70 cm of cloth to make a curtain. How much
2. Karan weighs 56 kg 250 g and his brother cloth will be left with him after making the curtain?
weighs 45 kg 850 g. Find the total weight of both
(A) 1 m 35 cm (B) 180 cm
of them.
(C) 130 cm (D) 1 m 60 cm
(A) 101 kg 200 g (B) 85 kg 950 g
(C) 102 kg 100 g (D) 98 kg 100 g 5. Find the value of
3. Compare and fill in the box. 28 L 325 mL + 15 L 120 mL – 18 L 210 mL.
3 kg 500g + 1000 mg 4 kg 200 g + 2000 mg (A) 25 L 633 mL (B) 25 L 235 mL
(A) > (B) < (C) 28 L 225 mL (D) 20 L 315 mL

5.4 TIME
5 minutes 5 minutes
to 12 past
11 1
10 minutes 10 minutes
When the minute 10 2 When the minute
to past
hand hand
is before the Quarter is past the
3 Quarter (O’ clock)
(O’ clock) 9
to past
hour (after 30 hour (upto 30
minutes past) we minutes past) we
8 4
use ‘to’. 20 minutes 20 minutes use ‘past’.
to 7 5 past
25 minutes 25 minutes
to past
Half past

A.M. and P.M.

There are 24 hours in a day but a clock shows only 12 hours time. So when we read 6 O’ clock on the
clock, we don’t know whether its morning time or evening time.
Therefore, we use a.m. and p.m. to distinguish different parts of the day.
A.M. is short form of ante meridiem which means before midday.
P.M. is short form of post meridiem which means after midday.
12 O’clock in the night is midnight.
12 O’clock in the day is midday also called noon.
A.M. P.M.
Midnight Midday Midnight

Conversion of Time
Olympiad Bite
Converting bigger units into smaller units
h Convert : 5 days into hours. • 1 Day = 24 hours
Since, 1 day = 24 hours • 1 hour = 60 minutes
Therefore, 5 days = (5 × 24) hours = 120 hours • 1 minute = 60 seconds
h Convert : 3 hours into minutes.
Since, 1 hour = 60 minutes
Therefore, 3 hours = (3 × 60) minutes = 180 minutes
h Convert : 7 minutes into seconds.
Since, 1 minute = 60 seconds
Therefore, 7 minutes = (7 × 60) seconds = 420 seconds

Converting smaller units into bigger units

h Convert : 125 hours into days.
24  125 5 Number of
– 120
  5 Number of
\ 125 hours = 5 days 5 hours
h Convert : 275 minutes into hours.
60  275 4 Number of
– 240
Number of
\ 275 minutes = 4 hours 35 minutes
h Convert : 563 seconds into minutes.
60   563 9 Number of
– 540
Number of
\ 563 seconds = 9 minutes 23 seconds

24 Hour Clock Time

The 24 hour clock time is another way of telling time in which the time begins from midnight to next
midnight. It does not use a.m. or p.m.
A time in this format is written as
Hours : Minutes Olympiad Bite
For example : • 24:00 and 00:00 means same time,
h 5 a.m. is written as 05:00 i.e., midnight.
• Duration of an activity means time
Hours Minutes
h 7 p.m. is written as 19:00
that had passed during the activity.

A calendar shows us the days and the months of a year.
From calendar, we observe that
h There are 12 months in a year.
h There are 7 days in a week.
h There are 365 days in an ordinary (non-leap) year and 366 days in a leap year.

Olympiad Bite
 A century year is a leap year, if it is divisible by 400.






Knuckle bumps = 31 days Knuckle gaps = 30 days (except February)

Units of Money
In India money is calculated in Rupees and Paise.
When the amount has rupees and paise both, we separate the rupees and paise by putting a dot between
The numeral to the right of the dot is paise and to the left is rupees. Paise is written in two digits.
For example :
h ` 18 and 56 paise is written as ` 18.56
h ` 20 and 5 paise is written as ` 20.05.

Operations on Money
Addition and Subtraction of Money
For example : Rupees Paise
h Add ` 105.25 and ` 25.20 1

Step 1 : Arrange the amounts in specific columns. 105 . 25

+  25 . 20
Step 2 : Perform ordinary addition. = ` 130.45
130 . 45
Step 3 : Place the decimal points in the sum.
h Subtract ` 28.50 from ` 95.72 Rupees Paise
8 15
Step 1 : Arrange the amounts in specific columns. 95 . 72
Step 2 : Perform ordinary subtraction. – 28 . 50
Step 3 : Place the decimal point in the subtraction. 67 . 22 = ` 67.22

Multiplication and Division of Money

Olympiad Bite
Multiplication and division of money is similar to multiplication
and division of ordinary number. Put a dot after two digits from the
Let us learn with the help of examples. right to separate the rupees & paise
in product & quotient.
For example :
h Multiply ` 80.25 by 5 h Divide ` 238.20 by 30
Rupees Paise 7.94
1 2 30 238.20
80 . 25 –210
× 5 282
401 . 25 = ` 401.25 –270
– 120
So, ` 238.20 ÷ 30 = ` 7.94

1. What date falls on 10th day after 15th August? (A) 6:35
(A) 24th August (B) 25th August (B) 6:25
(C) 26th August (D) 28th August (C) 7:15
(D) 6:15
2. 422 hours = _______ days _______ hours.
4. Shivani has ` 540. How many caps of ` 12
(A) 18, 15 (B) 14, 17 each can she buy?
(C) 17, 18 (D) 17, 14 (A) 35 (B) 40
3. 50 minutes after the time shown in the given (C) 45 (D) 55
clock is _______. 5. Select the CORRECT match.
(A) ` 35.60 = 35600 p
11 12 1
10 2 (B) ` 20.90 = 2090 p
9 3 (C) ` 142.50 = 1420 p
8 4
7 6 5 (D) ` 31.61 = 3116 p

1. Yashika works 8 hours a day. If she earns
` 15 an hour and works for 2 weeks everyday in the
week, then how much does she earn?
(A) ` 1800 (B) ` 1520
(C) ` 1680 (D) ` 1230 ` 525 ` 405
2. Aaryan bought 30 kg 500 g of sugar from (A) ` 1200 (B) ` 1500
shop P and 20 kg 750 g of sugar from shop Q. How (C) ` 1070 (D) ` 950
much more sugar did he buy from shop P than shop Q? 7. Raghav travelled 18 kilometres in two days.
(A) 9 kg 750 g (B) 9 kg 250 g 1
(C) 11 kg 750 g (D) 10 kg 150 g On the first day, he covered 5 kilometres. How
3. What is the weight of each apple? much distance did he covered on the second day ?
1 1
(A) 10 kilometres (B) 12 kilometres
2 2
0 0
1 1
(g) (g)
(C) 15 kilometres (D) 9 kilometres
900 300 900 300

600 600
8. Ashina used 3 kg 750 g flour to bake 15 cakes.
(A) 40 g (B) 60 g If each cake required equal amount of flour, then
how much flour did she use for one cake?
(C) 240 g (D) 90 g
(A) 250 g (B) 180 g
4. Compare and fill in the box.
(C) 270 g (D) 320 g
10 g 45 mg + 12 g 105 mg 20 g 215 mg 9. Select the CORRECT match.
 + 18 g 315 mg (A) 450 mm = 4500 cm
(A) > (B) 2 m 10 cm = 210 cm
(B) < (C) 24570 m = 2457 km
(C) = (D) 5 dm = 500 cm
(D) Can’t be determined
10. Puneet wanted to take the bus at 6:25 p.m. He
5. What is the weight of box B? arrived at the bus stop 40 minutes before 6:25 p.m.
A D At what time did Puneet arrive the bus stop?
3 B C 1
? kg 2
kg (A) 5:35 p.m. (B) 5:45 p.m.
(C) 4:45 p.m. (D) 5:25 p.m.
11. The capacity of a small container is 400 mL
2 3 and the capacity of a big container is 1500 mL. If
(A) kg (B) kg
3 8 Sumit uses 9 small containers and 2 big containers
1 3 of water to fill up an empty tank, then what is the
(C) kg (D) kg
6 2 capacity of the tank?
6. Varun bought the given items at a sale. He went
(A) 5 L 200 mL (B) 6 L 600 mL
to the sale with a ` 2000 note. How much money is
(C) 4 L 500 mL (D) 6 L 60 mL
left with him now?
12. If a kettle can hold 3 L of water, then how many 18. A toy car costs ` 45 more than a toy bike. If
litres of water 20 such kettles can hold? the cost of these two toys is ` 1085, then how much
(A) 85 L (B) 80 L does the toy bike cost?
(C) 60 L (D) 72 L (A) ` 450 (B) ` 545
(C) ` 520 (D) ` 475
13. At a local fair in Delhi, Yogesh had ` 1800 to
spend. He spent ` 320 on games, ` 240 on food and 19. Soham’s birthday is five days before her sister’s
` 800 on shopping. How much money is left with birthday which is on third Saturday in November
him? 20XX.
(A) ` 110 (B) ` 220 NOVEMBER 20XX
(C) ` 440 (D) ` 340 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
14. Abhinav went for a walk and returned home 1 2 3
at 7:20 a.m. If it took him 1 hour and 45 minutes, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
then at what time did he start walk ? 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
(A) 5:40 a.m. (B) 4:30 a.m.
25 26 27 28 29 30
(C) 5:35 a.m. (D) 6:05 a.m.
On which date is Soham’s birthday?
15. Ankit filled 5 L 700 mL petrol in his car on 1st
(A) 4th November
March, 3 L 250 mL on 9th March and 5 L 150 mL
(B) 11th November
on 15th March. How much total quantity of petrol
did he fill in his car? (C) 10th November
(D) 12th November
(A) 8 L 250 mL (B) 14 L 100 mL
(C) 12 L 500 mL (D) 104100 mL 20. Gaurav’s weight is 72 kg and his sister is 1
16. How much does cost ? times to his weight. What is the weight of Gaurav’s
+ + = ` 510 (A) 90 kg (B) 64 kg
(C) 92 kg (D) 84 kg
21. A milkman has 20 L 500 mL of milk. He gives
+ + = ` 630
3 L 250 mL to Mrs Gupta, 2 L to Mrs Sharma and
4 L 500 mL to Mrs Saxena. How much milk is left
(A) ` 100 (B) ` 150
with the milkman?
(C) ` 205 (D) ` 180
(A) 9 L 750 mL (B) 7 L 250 mL
17. 500 poles were erected along one side of a (C) 9 L 50 mL (D) 8 L 250 mL
straight road. Two poles were 5 m apart. What is
the distance between the first pole and the last pole? 22. If a year has 366 days and a day has 24 hours,
then how many hours are there in a half year?
(A) 5460 (B) 4120
(C) 4975 (D) 4392
23. Shilpa walks 5 km 50 m and Amit walks 3 km
212 m every morning. How much more distance
5m does Shilpa walk than Amit?
(A) 2 km 90 m (B) 3 km 495 m (A) 1 km 838 m (B) 1852 km
(C) 2 km 500 m (D) 2 km 495 m (C) 1 km 520 m (D) 1720 km

24. Priyanka uses 18 tomatoes to make half litre of
tomato sauce. How many tomatoes does she need
to make 5 litres of tomato sauce?
(A) 120 (B) 155 31. What is the weight of C ?
(C) 135 (D) 180 A B C D
0 0
25. Pooja packed 624 caps into packets of 4. She 800
200 800

sold them at ` 50 per packet. How much amount 600 400 600 400
did she get in all?
(A) ` 7542 (B) ` 6500 A B D
(C) ` 7800 (D) ` 6420 0
800 200
26. Manish purchased 22 m 35 cm cloth for shirts,
31 m 16 cm for trousers and 1 m 34 cm for other 400

purposes. How much cloth did he purchase in all?

(A) 300 g (B) 350 g
(A) 49 m 30 cm (B) 54 m 85 cm (C) 400 g (D) 450 g
(C) 50 m 25 cm (D) 514 m 20 cm
32. The given table shows the amount spent by Priya
27. The length of Road A is 130 km 750 m, length and Puneet in a month.
of Road B is 98 km 411 m and length of Road C Amount (in `) Amount (in `)
is 223 km 42 m. Find the difference of length of spent by Priya spent by Puneet
Road A and Road B together and length of Road C. Food 1250 1300
(A) 7 km 220 m (B) 5 km 105 m Petrol 550 650
(C) 6 km 119 m (D) 6 km 19 m Grocery ? ?
Medicine 500 450
28. Mr Verma and his family had flight at 6 : 30 a.m.
Miscellaneous 1150 1250
on 15th May. They left home at 4 : 08 a.m. They took
Total 3800 3850
1 hr 15 minutes to reach the airport. For how much
time they have to wait at the airport for boarding Who spent more amount on grocery and by how
the flight? much?
(A) Priya, ` 150 (B) Puneet, ` 180
(A) 65 minutes (B) 76 minutes
(C) Priya, ` 180 (D) Puneet, ` 150
(C) 66 minutes (D) 67 minutes
33. The following table shows the schedule of some
29. Arrange the following in descending order. trains in 12 hour clock format as well as 24 hour
81 L 252 mL 20 L less than 70 L 520 mL clock format where some entries are missing. Find
P Q the missing entries.
Arrival Time Departure Time
15 L more than 80 L 250 mL Trains 12 hour 24 hour 12 hour 24 hour
R clock time clock time clock time clock time
(A) R, P, Q (B) P, Q, R P (i) 17:50 8:20 p.m. (ii)
(C) R, Q, P (D) Q, P, R Q 6:20 a.m. (iii) (iv) 10:50
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
30. The capacity of a beaker is 3 L 600 mL. What (A) 5:50 p.m. 20:20 06:20 10:50 a.m.
is the total capacity of 5 such beakers? (B) 4:50 p.m. 16:20 18:20 10:50 p.m.
(A) 18 L (B) 1800 mL (C) 5:50 a.m. 20:20 06:40 8:50 a.m.
(C) 17 L (D) 16800 mL (D) 4:50 a.m. 17:20 18:40 8:50 p.m.
34. Sakshi is practicing for a race. She uses the given
map to find the possible routes. The route must starts
from her home and ends at the garden. She wants (A) (B)
to take the longest route. Which of the following is
the best route?

(C) (D)

3 km Home 
Market (Level-1)
3 km

4 km
3 km 2 km
2 km 2. If = 525 mL
3 km
2 km Temple
3 km Library
2 km 2 km and + = 270 mL, then
3 km
+ = ___________.
Garden (A) 130 mL (B) 105 mL
(A) Home - Temple - College - Garden (C) 120 mL (D) 250 mL (Level-1)
(B) Home - Library - Garden
3. Rishi had ` 7295. He spent ` 2105 on shopping,
(C) Home - Market - Church - College - Garden ` 1223 on travelling and ` 1500 on movie. How
(D) Home - Market - Church - Temple - College much money is left with him now?
- Garden
(A) ` 2467 (B) ` 3105
35. Vineet goes to his office daily by his bike. The petrol (C) ` 2400 (D) ` 2050 (Level-1)
used on different days of a week are shown below:
4. Aanya filled 15 L 750 mL of petrol in her car. She
Days Petrol used used 7 L 250 mL of petrol while going from Delhi
Monday 180 mL to Agra. Find the quantity of petrol left in her car.
Tuesday 350 mL (A) 8 L 100 mL (B) 7 L 500 mL
Wednesday 413 mL (C) 8 L 500 mL (D) 6 L 200 mL (Level-1)
Thursday 452 mL 5. In an adventure park, Ridhima took a water
ride of 20 minutes and looping ride of 45 minutes
Friday 510 mL
one after another. If she finished the second ride at
Read the above information carefully and select 6 : 35 p.m., then when did she start her first ride?
the CORRECT option.
(A) 5 : 30 a.m. (B) 3 : 30 p.m.
(A) Maximum petrol is used on Thursday.
(C) 5 : 30 p.m. (D) 4 : 30 p.m. (Level-1)
(B) Total petrol used in all the given days is 19 L.
(C) Total petrol used on Monday and Tuesday 6. Find the value of + – .
together is 20 mL more than the petrol used
on Friday. 20 kg
(D) None of these

1. Sneha went for playing at 3:15 p.m. and returned

20 kg
home 1 hour 15 minutes later. Which of the following
clocks shows the time she came back home? 15 kg 11 kg 21 kg 15 kg
(A) 3 kg (B) 10 kg (A) 10:35 p.m. (B) 11:25 p.m.
(C) 5 kg (D) 18 kg (Level-1) (C) 11:35 p.m. (D) 10:55 p.m. (Level-1)
7. The given clock shows the time at which Sonika 13. Ruhanika bought 12 headphones for ` 3972.
starts playing the guitar in the evening. She played If each headphone has same price, then how much
guitar for 2 hrs 15 mins. Then after taking 20 minutes did she pay for one headphone?
break, she did her homework for 1 hr 15 mins. At
(A) ` 331 (B) ` 530
what time did she finish her homework?
(C) ` 281 (D) ` 361 (Level-1)
(A) 8 : 05 p.m.
(B) 7 : 50 p.m. 14. A wooden log is 3 m 48 cm long and another
(C) 8 : 00 p.m.  wooden log is 3 m 140 mm long. What is the total
(D) 8 : 10 p.m. (Level-1) length of both the logs?
(A) 5 m 56 cm (B) 662 cm 
8. The given table shows the rates of some items
in a shopping mall. Study it carefully and answer (C) 5060 cm (D) 5 m 62 cm (Level-2)
the following question. 15. A container has a capacity of 61 L 365 mL. How
Item Cost (in `) Item Cost (in `) many cans each of capacity 4 L 91 mL are needed
T-shirt 430.00 Shawl 1100.00 to fill the container?
Saree 2100.00 Dupatta 130.00 (A) 25 (B) 18
Shirt 970.00 Pair of 720.00 (C) 15 (D) 12 (Level-2)
shoes 16. Kanika wakes up at 6:15 a.m. She leaves her
Watch 1200.00 Belt 120.00 home after 20 minutes for jogging and jogs for
Vishal wants to buy 2 shirts, 1 watch, 2 belts and 3 35 minutes. At what time her jogging completes?
T-shirts. How much amount does he need to pay? (A) 7:05 a.m. (B) 7:10 a.m.
(A) ` 4670 (B) ` 6100  (C) 7:15 a.m. (D) 7:20 a.m. (Level-2)
(C) ` 5000 (D) ` 5120 (Level-1) 17. Ajay bought 2 toy cars and 3 toy trains. The
9. Mr Gupta travelled 75 km 800 m by car and cost of a toy train is ` 45 more than the cost of a
1800 km 40 m by air. How much distance did he toy car. If he gave the cashier two ` 500 notes, then
travel in all? how much change did he get?
(A) 1875 km 840 m (B) 1675 km 
(C) 175800 km (D) 255840 km (Level-1)
10. Manish buys a bag of rice weighing 4 kg 50 g
from a shop every month. How much quantity of ` 130
rice will he buy in 6 months?
(A) ` 215 (B) ` 310
(A) 24 kg 300 g (B) 22 kg 500 g 
(C) ` 115 (D) ` 210 (Level-2)
(C) 18 kg 600 g (D) 20 kg 500 g (Level-1)
18. The given table shows the duration of Aanya’s
11. A barrel contains 30 litres of milk. A milk dealer tuition classes on four days. How much total time
empties it equally into 6 cans. Each can will hold did Aanya spend on tuition classes?
______ of milk.
Day Time
(A) 5 litres (B) 24 litres 
(C) 36 litres (D) 180 litres (Level-1) Monday 2 hrs 15 mins
Tuesday 45 mins
12. A cricket match started at 7:50 p.m. and it lasted
Wednesday 1 hr 52 mins
for 3 hours 45 minutes. At what time did the match
Thursday 1 hr 40 mins
(A) 7 hrs 32 mins (B) 6 hrs 42 mins 22. If
(C) 7 hrs 42 mins (D) 6 hrs 32 mins

19. Study the given figures carefully and find the weight Pot

of + .

Mug Cup
0 0
500 2500
g 500
then ________ cups are needed to fill the pot.
2000 1000 2000 1000 (A) 36 (B) 33
1500 1500
(C) 15 (D) 18 (Level-2)
23. Avika was saving money to buy a necklace
(A) 450 g (B) 480 g worth ` 5824. She saved ` 416 every month for
(C) 550 g (D) 580 g (Level-2) 1 year. How much more money does she need to
save to buy the necklace?
3 2
20. Priya, Payal and Kirti bought 1m, 2 m  and (A) ` 832 (B) ` 932
4 5
1 (C) ` 780 (D) ` 820 (Level-2)
3 m  of ribbon for decorating the birthday present
24. If the weight of is 2 kg, then the weight of
for Raman. What is the total length of ribbon they
bought? is _______ kg.

11 13
(A) 7 m (B) 6 m
20 20
13 11 
(C) 7 m (D) 6 m (Level-2)
20 20
21. 400 poles were erected along a straight road.
The distance between two consecutive poles is 15 m.
What is the distance between first and 199th pole ? (A) 40 (B) 10
(C) 20 (D) 15 (Level-2)
25. Anamika’s flight to Bangalore departs at
2 : 45 p.m. She has to check in at the airport terminal
1 hour 10 minutes earlier. The journey to the terminal
takes 1 hr 15 mins. She needs 45 minutes to get
dressed and 20 minutes to have her lunch. At what
15 m 15 m 15 m
time should she start preparing for her trip?
(A) 2 km 985 m (B) 2 km 970 m  (A) 10 : 55 a.m. (B) 11 : 15 p.m. 
(C) 3 km 970 m (D) 3 km 985 m (C) 11
 : 15 a.m. (D) 12 : 05 p.m.
(Level-2) (Level-2)
SELF TEST - 1 5. (B) : (A) ` 35.60 = 35.60 × 100 paise
1. (A) : 44 km 29 m + 13 km 500 m = 57 km 529 m = 3560 paise
Now, 57 km 529 m – 9 km 200 m = 48 km 329 m (B) ` 20.90 = 20.90 × 100 paise = 2090 paise
So, 44 km 29 m + 13 km 500 m – 9 km 200 m (C) ` 142.50 = 142.50 × 100 paise = 14250 paise
= 48 km 329 m (D) ` 31.61 = 31.61 × 100 paise = 3161 paise
2. (C) : Weight of Karan = 56 kg 250 g EXERCISE
Weight of Karan’s brother = 45 kg 850 g 1. (C) : Number of working hours in a day = 8
So, total weight = 56 kg 250 g + 45 kg 850 g Number of working hours in 2 weeks = 8 × 14 = 112
= 56250 g + 45850 g = 102100 g Amount of money earned in 1 hour = ` 15
= 102 kg 100 g Amount of money earned in 112 hours
3. (B) : 3 kg 500 g + 1000 mg = ` (15 × 112) = ` 1680
= 3000 g + 500 g + 1 g 2. (A) : Quantity of sugar bought from shop P
= 3501 g = 30 kg 500 g = 30500 g
and 4 kg 200 g + 2000 mg Quantity of sugar bought from shop Q
= 4000 g + 200 g + 2g = 20 kg 750 g = 20750 g
= 4202 g \ Amount of sugar bought from shop P more than
So, 3501 g < 4202 g shop Q = 30500 g – 20750 g = 9750 g
= 9 kg 750 g
4. (D) : Total length of cloth = 5 m 30 cm
Length of cloth needed to make the curtain 3. (B) : Weight of 1 = 180 g
= 3 m 70 cm
So, remaining length of cloth = 5 m 30 cm – 3 m 70 cm Weight of 3 +1 = 360 g
= 530 cm – 370 cm ⇒ Weight of 3 + 180 g = 360 g
= 160 cm or 1 m 60 cm
⇒ Weight of 3 = 360 g – 180 g = 180 g
5. (B) : 28 L 325 mL + 15 L 120 mL = 43 L 445 mL
Now, 43 L 445 mL – 18 L 210 mL = 25 L 235 mL 180
⇒ Weight of 1 = g = 60 g
So, 28 L 325 mL + 15 L 120 mL – 18 L 210 mL 3
= 25 L 235 mL 4. (B) : 10 g 45 mg + 12 g 105 mg = 22 g 150 mg
= 22150 mg
SELF TEST - 2 20 g 215 mg + 18 g 315 mg = 38 g 530 mg
1. (B) = 38530 mg
2. (D) : 24 422 Now, 22150 < 38530
17 Days
–24 5. (B) : Weight of box A + Weight of box B
182 = Weight of box C + Weight of box D
–168 3 1 1 3
14 Hours ⇒ kg + Weight of box B =  +  kg = kg
8  4 2  4
So, 422 hours = 17 days 14 hours 3 3
⇒ Weight of box B =  −  kg
3. (D) : Time shown in the clock is 5 : 25. 4 8
50 mins after 5 : 25 is 6 : 15. 6 −3 3
=  kg = kg
4. (C) : Total amount of money Shivani has = ` 540  8  8
Cost of 1 cap = ` 12 6. (C) : Total cost of toy car and teddy bear
So, number of caps she can buy = ` 540 ÷ ` 12 = 45 = ` 525 + ` 405 = ` 930
Amount of money Varun had = ` 2000 So, time at which he start to walk
\ Amount of money left with him = 1 hour 45 minutes before 7 : 20 a.m. = 5: 35 a.m.
= ` 2000 – ` 930 = ` 1070 15. (B) : Total petrol filled = 5 L 700 mL +
1 3 L 250 mL + 5 L 150 mL = 14 L 100 mL
7. (B) : Distance travelled on first day = 5 km
11 2
= km 16. (B) : Cost of 3 = ` 630
Total distance travelled on both days = 18 km
11  Cost of 1 = ` 630 ÷ 3 = ` 210

So, distance travelled on second day = 18 −  km
 2
 2 11   36 − 11  Also, cost of 2 + cost of 1 = ` 510
= 18 × −  km =  km
 2 2  2 
⇒ Cost of 2 + ` 210 = ` 510
25 1
= km = 12 km
2 2 ⇒ Cost of 2 = ` 510 – ` 210 = ` 300
8. (A) : Quantity of flour used for 15 cakes
= 3 kg 750 g = 3750 g ⇒ Cost of 1 = ` 300 ÷ 2 = ` 150
So, quantity of flour used for 1 cake = 3750 g ÷ 15 17. (D) : Distance between two poles = 5 m
= 250 g Distance between first and last pole = 5 × 499 m
9. (B) : (A) 450 mm = 45 cm = 2495 m or 2 km 495 m.
1 18. (C) : Since, cost of toy car = Cost of toy bike
 (Because 1 mm = cm)
10 + ` 45
(B) 2 m 10 cm = 200 cm + 10 cm = 210 cm Also, cost of toy car + cost of toy bike = ` 1085
 (Because 1 m = 100 cm) ⇒ Cost of toy bike + ` 45 + cost of toy bike
(C) 24570 m = 24 km 570 m = ` 1085
1 ⇒ Cost of 2 toy bikes = ` 1085 – ` 45 = ` 1040
 (Because 1 m = km)
1000 So, cost of 1 toy bike = ` 1040 ÷ 2 = ` 520
(D) 5 dm = 50 cm (Because 1 dm = 10 cm)
19. (B) : Third Saturday of November 20XX falls
10. (B) on 16th November.
11. (B) : Capacity of 1 small container = 400 mL So, Soham’s sister birthday is on 16th November.
Capacity of 9 small containers = 400 × 9 = 3600 mL Five days before 16th November is 11th November.
Capacity of 1 big container = 1500 mL So, Soham’s birthday is on 11th November.
Capacity of 2 big containers = 1500 × 2 = 3000 mL
20. (D) : Weight of Gaurav = 72 kg
So, capacity of the tank = Total capacity of 9 small
and 2 big containers = 3600 mL + 3000 mL = 6600 mL 1
Weight of Gaurav’s sister = 1 times of weight of
= 6 L 600 mL 7 6
Gaurav = × 72 = 84 kg
12. (C) : Capacity of a kettle = 3 L 6
Capacity of 20 kettles = 3 × 20 = 60 L 21. (A) : Quantity of milk, milkman has = 20 L 500 mL
13. (C) : Total amount of money Yogesh had Total quantity of milk he gave = 3 L 250 mL +
= ` 1800 2 L + 4 L 500 mL
Total amount of money spent by him = 3250 mL + 2000 mL + 4500 mL
= ` (320 + 240 + 800) = ` 1360 = 9750 mL = 9 L 750 mL
\ Amount of money left with him 22. (D) : Number of days in a year = 366
= ` 1800 – ` 1360 = ` 440
14. (C) : Time at which Abhinav returned home Number of days in a half year = = 183
= 7:20 a.m. Number of hours in a day = 24
Duration of walk = 1 hour and 45 minutes So, number of hours in 183 days = 24 × 183 = 4392

23. (A) : Distance walked by Shilpa = 5 km 50 m 30. (A) : Capacity of 1 beaker = 3 L 600 mL
= 5050 m = 3600 mL
Distance walked by Amit = 3 km 212 m = 3212 m Capacity of 5 such beakers = 5 × 3600 mL
Distance walked by Shilpa more than Amit = 18000 mL = 18 L
= 5050 m – 3212 m = 1838 m or 1 km 838 m 31. (C) : Weight of ( A + B + D ) = 850 g
1 and weight of ( A + B ) = 650 g
24. (D) : Number of tomatoes used to make  
2 So, 650 g + weight of D = 850 g
litre of tomato sauce = 18
⇒ Weight of D = 850 g – 650 g = 200 g
Number of tomatoes used to make one litre of
tomato sauce = 18 × 2 = 36 Also, we have
\ Number of tomatoes used to make 5 litres of Weight of ( C + D ) = 600 g
tomato sauce = 36 × 5 = 180
⇒ Weight of C + 200 g = 600 g
25. (C) : Number of caps packed = 624
⇒ Weight of C = 600 g – 200 g = 400 g
Number of caps in 1 packet = 4
Number of packets Pooja packed = 624 ÷ 4 = 156 32. (A) : Total amount spent on various items by
Cost of one packet = ` 50 Priya = ` 3800
\ Cost of 156 packets = ` 50 × 156 = ` 7800 So, ` (1250 + 550 + 500 + 1150) + Amount spent
26. (B) : Total length of cloth purchased by Manish on grocery = ` 3800
= 22 m 35 cm + 31 m 16 cm + 1 m 34 cm ⇒ Amount spent on grocery = ` 3800 – ` 3450
= 2235 cm + 3116 cm + 134 cm = ` 350
= 5485 cm = 54 m 85 cm Total amount spent on various items by Puneet
= ` 3850
27. (C) : Length of Road C = 223 km 42 m So, ` (1300 + 650 + 450 + 1250) + Amount spent
= 223042 m on grocery = ` 3850
Total length of Road A and Road B together ⇒ Amount spent on grocery = ` 3850 – ` 3650
= 130 km 750 m + 98 km 411 m = ` 200
= 130750 m + 98411 m So, Priya spent ` 350 – ` 200 = ` 150 more on
= 229161 m grocery than Puneet.
Required difference = 229161 m – 223042 m 33. (A)
= 6119 m or 6 km 119 m
34. (D) : (A) Total distance covered
28. (D) : Time at which Mr Verma and his family = 3 km + 2 km + 3 km = 8 km
left home = 4:08 a.m. (B) Total distance covered = 4 km + 2 km = 6 km
Time at which they reach the airport (C) Total distance covered = 3 km + 3 km + 2 km
= 1 hr 15 minutes after 4:08 a.m. = 5:23 a.m. + 3 km = 11 km
Time of flight = 6:30 a.m. (D) Total distance covered = 3 km + 3 km + 2 km
So, duration of time they have to wait at the + 2 km + 3 km = 13 km
airport for boarding the flight = Duration between So, route in option (D) is the best route.
5:23 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. = 67 minutes 35. (C) : (A) Incorrect : Maximum petrol is used
29. (A) : P : 81 L 252 mL = 81000 mL + 252 mL on Friday.
= 81252 mL (B) Incorrect : Total petrol used in all the given
Q : 70 L 520 mL – 20 L days = 180 mL + 350 mL + 413 mL + 452 mL
= 70000 mL + 520 mL – 20000 mL + 510 mL = 1905 mL = 1 L 905 mL ≠ 19 L
= 50520 mL (C) Correct : Total petrol used on Monday and
R : 80 L 250 mL + 15 L Tuesday together = 180 mL + 350 mL = 530 mL
= 80000 mL + 250 mL + 15000 mL Petrol used on Friday = 510 mL
= 95250 mL So, petrol used on Monday and Tuesday together
As, 95250 > 81252 > 50520 is (530 – 510) mL = 20 mL more than the petrol
So, the correct descending order is R, P, Q. used on Friday.
SOF IMO 2019 QUESTIONS 7. (A) : Time at which Sonika starts playing guitar
1. (C) : Time at which Sneha go for playing = 4 : 15 p.m.
= 3 : 15 p.m. Time taken by her in playing guitar, break and
Duration of time after which she returned home doing homework = 2 hrs 15 mins + 20 mins
= 1 hour 15 minutes + 1 hr 15 mins
So, time at which she came back home = 4 : 30 p.m. = 3 hrs 50 mins
2. (C) : Capacity of 5 buckets = 525 mL \ Time at which Sonika finishes her homework
So, capacity of 1 bucket = (525 ÷ 5) mL = 105 mL = 3 hrs 50 mins after 4 : 15 p.m.
Now, capacity of (2 buckets + 4 bottles) = 270 mL = 8 : 05 p.m.
⇒ 210 mL + Capacity of 4 bottles = 270 mL 8. (A) : Cost of 2 shirts = ` 970 × 2 = ` 1940
⇒ Capacity of 4 bottles = 270 – 210 = 60 mL Cost of 1 watch = ` 1200
⇒ Capacity of 1 bottle = (60 ÷ 4) mL = 15 mL Cost of 2 belts = ` 120 × 2 = ` 240
\ Capacity of (1 bucket + 1 bottle) Cost of 3 T-shirts = ` 430 × 3 = ` 1290
= (105 + 15) mL = 120 mL \ Total amount Vishal needed
3. (A) : Amount of money Rishi has = ` 7295 = ` (1940 + 1200 + 240 + 1290) = ` 4670
Amount of money he spent 9. (A) : Distance travelled by car = 75 km 800 m
= ` (2105 + 1223 + 1500) = ` 4828 Distance travelled by air = 1800 km 40 m
So, amount of money left with him \ Total distance travelled = 75 km 800 m
= ` (7295 – 4828) = ` 2467 + 1800 km 40 m = 1875 km 840 m
4. (C) : Quantity of petrol filled in the car 10. (A) : Quantity of rice bought in 1 month
 = 15 L 750 mL  = 4 kg 50 g = 4050 g
Quantity of petrol used = 7 L 250 mL Quantity of rice bought in 6 months = 4050 g × 6
So, quantity of petrol left in the car = 24300 g = 24 kg 300 g
= 15 L 750 mL – 7 L 250 mL = 8 L 500 mL 11. (A) : Total quantity of milk = 30 L
5. (C) : Total duration of time for 2 rides Number of cans = 6
 = 65 minutes = 1 hour 5 minutes \ Quantity of milk in each can = 30 L ÷ 6 = 5 L
So, she start her ride 1 hr 5 mins before 6:35 p.m. 12. (C) : Time at which match started = 7 : 50 p.m.
i.e., 5:30 p.m. Duration of match = 3 hrs 45 mins
6. (C) : + + = 21 kg \ Time at which match finishes = 3 hrs 45 mins
after 7 : 50 p.m. = 11 : 35 p.m.
⇒ = 21 ÷ 3 = 7 kg 13. (A) : Cost of 12 headphones = ` 3972
\ Cost of 1 headphone = ` (3972 ÷ 12) = ` 331
Also, + + + = 20 kg
14. (B) : Length of one wooden log = 3 m 48 cm
⇒ + + 7 + 7 = 20 = 348 cm
Length of another wooden log = 3 m 140 mm
⇒ + = 20 – 14 = 6 kg = 3140 mm = 314 cm
\ Total length of both logs = 348 cm + 314 cm
⇒ = 3 kg = 662 cm
15. (C) : Capacity of the container = 61 L 365 mL
Now, + + = 15 kg
= 61365 mL
⇒ 7 + 3 + = 15 Capacity of the can = 4 L 91 mL = 4091 mL
\ Number of cans needed = 61365 mL ÷ 4091 mL
⇒ = 15 – 10 = 5 kg = 15
16. (B) : Time at which Kanika wakes up = 6 : 15 a.m.
So, + – =3+7–5 Time at which she starts jogging = 20 mins after
= 10 – 5 = 5 kg 6 : 15 a.m. = 6 : 35 a.m.

Time spent by her in jogging = 35 mins
22. (A) : = = 3 cups
\ Time at which she complete her jogging
= 35 mins after 6 : 35 a.m. = 7 : 10 a.m. ⇒2 =6
17. (A) : Cost of toy car = ` 130
Cost of toy train = ` 130 + ` 45 = ` 175 =
Cost of 2 toy cars = ` 130 × 2 = ` 260
Cost of 3 toy trains = ` 175 × 3 = ` 525
=2 +
Total cost of 2 toy cars and 3 toy trains
= ` (260 + 525) = ` 785 =6 + =7
Amount of money Ajay gave to the cashier
= ` 500 × 2 = 1000
⇒3 = 21
\ Amount of money he get back = ` (1000 – 785)
= ` 215
18. (D) : Total duration of Aanya’s tuition classes
= 2 hrs 15 mins + 45 mins + 1 hr 52 mins
+ 1 hr 40 mins = 6 hrs 32 mins
=5 +3
19. (C) : Weight of + + +
+ + + = 2000 g = 15 + 21 = 36
and weight of + + = 900 g 23. (A) : Cost of necklace = ` 5824
Amount saved by Avika in 1 month = ` 416
So, 900 g + 900 g + weight of = 2000 g
Amount saved by her in 12 months = ` (416 × 12)
⇒ Weight of = 2000 g – 1800 g = 200 g = ` 4992
\ Amount of more money she needed to save
⇒ Weight of + + 200 g = 900 g
= ` (5824 – 4992) = ` 832
⇒ Weight of + = 900 g – 200 g = 700 g 24. (C) : Weight of 1 = 2 kg
Weight of 2 = Weight of 10
⇒ Weight of = 700 g ÷ 2 = 350 g
⇒ Weight of 2 = 10 × 2 kg = 20 kg
So, weight of + = 350 g + 200 g = 550 g
20. (C) : Length of ribbon bought by Priya \ Weight of 1 = (20 ÷ 2) kg = 10 kg
3 7
= 1 m = m Weight of 1 = weight of 5 + Weight
4 4
2 12 of 1
Length of ribbon bought by Payal = 2 m = m
5 5 = (2 × 5) kg + 10 kg
Length of ribbon bought by Kirti = 3 m = 7 m = 10 kg + 10 kg = 20 kg
2 2 25. (C) : Time at which Anamika’s flight depart
 7 12 7  = 2 : 45 p.m.
\ Total length of ribbon bought =  + +  m
4 5 2 Time at which she has to check in = 1 hr 10 mins
35 48 70 153 13
=  + +  m = m=7 m
before 2 : 45 p.m. = 1 : 35 p.m.
 20 20 20  20 20 Time taken by her to reach the airport, getting
21. (B) : Distance between two poles = 15 m dressed and having lunch = 1 hr 15 mins
\ Distance between first and 199th pole + 45 mins + 20 mins = 2 hrs 20 mins
= (15 × 198) m = 2970 m \ Time at which she should start preparing
= 2 km 970 m = 2 hrs 20 mins before 1 : 35 p.m. = 11 : 15 a.m.

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