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 Types of Integers
CONTENTS (1) Positive Integers : The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
 Definition .... i.e., the natural numbers are called positive
 Integers on Number Line (2) Negative Integers : The numbers –1, –2, –3,
 Addition of Integers –4, –5, .... are called negative integers.
(3) Zero Integers : The number 0 is simply an
 Subtraction of Integers integer. It is neither positive nor negative.
 Limitations of the Number Line EXAMPLE 
 Subtraction of Larger Number Ex.1 Write the predecessor and successor of the
from Smaller Number following numbers 4, –4, 6, 1, b, n2

 Properties of Addition & Subtraction Predecessor 3  5 5 0 b  1 n 2  1

 Multiplication of Integers Sol. Number 4 4 6 1 b n2

Successor 5  3 7 2 b 1 n2 1
 Properties of Multiplication
  Distributive Property INTEGERS ON NUMBER LINE

  Division of Integers Positive numbers are always on right side of zero &
negative numbers are on left side of zero.
 Sign system For Division –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
  Rule of BODMAS –ve numbers +ve numbers

  The Operation 'OF' or we can say all integers are in ascending order
from left to right.
  Absolute value of an integer

INTRODUCTION Ex.2 Fill the square by '<', '>' or '='

Whole numbers with + or – signs are called (i) 0 –2

integers. (ii) –31 –21
Eg : –17, –5, 0, 1, 3, ……… (iii) –3 8
Note : (iv) –7 7
(1) Decimal numbers are not include in integers, (v) 11 –6
like 0.3,  , –11.97, 0.03, 5 etc. (vi) 3 3
(vii) –1132 –2
(2) The set of integers is denoted by I and
I = {…… –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3……..}  (viii) –1039 –2138
Sol. (i) > (ii) < (iii) < (iv) < (v) > Note :
(vi) = (vii) < (viii) > No matter which number you choose as first
and the other as second number, because in
ADDITION OF INTEGERS both the conditions you will get the same
In order to add two integers on a number line, we Ex.4 Draw a number line and represent each of the
follow the following steps : following on it :
Step 1 : On the number line, mark one of the given (i) –2 + 8 + (–9)
(ii) –2 + (–3) + (–5)
Step 2 : Move as many units as the second number
to the : Sol. (i) –2 + 8 + (–9) = –3
(i) right of the first, if the second integer is Adding –9
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(ii) left of the first, if the second integer is negative.
Step 3 : The point thus we reach represents the sum Adding 8
of two given integers.
(ii) –2 + (–3) + (–5) = –10
EXAMPLES  Adding – 5 Adding – 3
Ex.3 Add the following integers :
–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(i) 6 and –9
Sol. (i) First we draw a number line and mark the We know that in the subtraction fact 7 – 2 = 5, 7 is
integer 6 on it. the minuend, 2 is the subtrahend and 5 is the
Adding –9 difference.
Step 1 :
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 First we draw a number line and mark (label) the
minuend on it.
To add –9 we move 9 steps to the left from 6.
Thus, we reach at a point representing –3. Step 2 :
Hence the sum of 6 and –9 is –3. That is, (i) To subtract a positive integer, we move to the
6 + (–9) = –3. Note that if we represent the left from the minuend as many steps as the
number –9 on the number line then to find second integer is.
6 + (–9) we shall move 6 units to the right of
–9. Obviously, we reach at –3. (ii) To subtract a negative integer, we move to the
right (not left) as many steps as the second
Adding –6 integer is.
Step 3 :
–11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
The point thus we reach represents the difference of
(ii) Draw a number line and mark the integer –3 on it. two integers.
Adding –4 EXAMPLE 
Ex.4 Subtract the following integers :
–11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
(i) 4 – 8
To add –4 and –3 we have to move 4 steps to the (ii) – 5 – 4
left of –3. Thus, we arrive at –7. Hence, the
required sum is –7. That is, (–3) + (–4) = –7. (iii) – 3 – (–4)
Sol. (i) First we draw a number line and mark the That is smaller natural number – Larger natural
number 4 on it. number = – [Larger natural number – Smaller
natural number]. To add two negative numbers, we
Subtracting 8
add the numbers without sign and then we put the
negative sign (common sign) before the sum so
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
To subtract 8, we move 8 steps to the left of 4,
thus we reach at the point representing – 4. Ex.6 Represent the following numbers as integers
Hence, 4 – 8 = –4. with appropriate signs :

(ii) Mark the integer –5 on a number line. Sol.

Subtracting 4 S.No. Statement Signs

–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0
(i) 1500 m above sea level +
To subtract 4, we move 4 steps to the left of
–5, thus we reach at the point representing –9.
Hence, –5 – 4 = –9. (ii) 15°C below 0°C –

(iii) First we draw a number line and mark the temperature

integer –3 on it.
Subtracting (–4) (iii) Depth of 500 m –

–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (iv) A deposit of rupees +

To subtract a negative integer –4, we will move thousand
4 steps to the right of –3, thus we reach at the
point representing 1.
(v) Withdrawal of rupees –
Hence, (–3) – (–4) = –3 + 4 = 1
From the above example (iii)
We observe that –3 – (–4) = 1 which is same as Ex.7 Represent the following numbers on a number
–3 + 4. line :
Note : Subtracting a negative is the same as (i) +9 (ii) –3 (iii) +8 (iv) –5
adding a positive and subtracting a positive is Sol.
the same as adding a negative. –5 –3 0 8 9

Ex.8 A number line given below shows the

LIMITATIONS OF THE NUMBER LINE temperature of different cities on a particular day:
Of course, addition and subtraction of integers on a Patnitop Srinagar Shimla Bhubaneswar Chennai
number line would not work so well if we are
dealing with large numbers. Eg, 465 – 739 or –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
465 + (–739). Nainital Varanasi

SUBTRACTION OF LARGER NUMBER (i) Observe the number line and write the
FROM SMALLER NUMBER temperature of the cities marked on it.

We subtract smaller number from the larger number (ii) What is the difference of temperature
and we put a negative sign before the difference so between the hottest and the coldest places
obtained. among the above ?
(iii) Can we say temperature of Bhubaneswar is Ex.12 Write all the integers between the given pairs in
more than the temperature of Nainital and ascending and descending orders :
Srinagar together ? (i) 0 and 5 (ii) –3 and 3
Sol. (i) Patnitop –9°C ; Srinagar –4°C ; (iii) –8 and –15 (iv) –40 and – 32
Nainital 6°C ; Shimla 7°C ; Sol.
Bhubaneswar 21°C ; Varanasi 32°C; S.No. Integers Ascending Descending
Order Order
Chennai 39°C
(i) 0&5 1, 2, 3, 4 4, 3, 2, 1
(ii) 48°C (iii) Yes
(ii) –3 & 3 –2, –1, 0, 1, 2 2, 1, 0, –1, –2
Ex.9 Draw a number line and represent each of the
following : (iii) –8 & –15 –14, –13, –12, –9, –10, –11, –
–11, –10, –9 12, –13, –14
(i) –2 + 6 + (–7) (ii) –6 + 8
(iv) –40 & –32 –39, –38, –37, –33, –34, –35,
Sol. (i) –2 + 6 + (–7) = – 3 –36, –35, –34, –36, –37, –38,
Subtracting 7 –33 –39
Adding 6
Ex.13 Complete the following table :
–7 –3 –2 0 4 6 + 3 –4 0 –12 4
(ii) –6 + 8 = 2 –3
Adding 8
4 0 –8
–6 0 2
Ex.10 Find the difference between the following pairs
of integers : –19 –19
(i) –20 and –40 (ii) –19 and 30 (iii) 45 and –36 –27
Sol. (i) –20 – (–40) = –20 + 40 = 20 17
(ii) –19 – 30 = – 49 0
(iii) 45 – (–36) = 45 + 36 = 81 Sol.
Ex.11 Draw a number line and answer the following : + 3 –4 0 –12 4
(i) Which number will we reach if we move 8 –3 0 –7 –3 –15 1
steps to the right of –15? Write this number –5 –2 –9 –5 –17 –1
with appropriate sign.
4 7 0 4 –8 8
(ii) If we are at –7 on a number line, in which
direction should we move to reach –15 and 7 10 3 7 –5 11
how many steps? –19 –16 –23 –19 –31 –15
Sol. (i) 8 + (–15) = –7 –27 –24 –31 –27 –39 –23
17 20 13 17 5 21
0 3 –4 0 –12 4
–7 –6 –5 0 8

(ii) –15 – (–7) = –8 Ex.14 Write true (T) or false (F) for the following
statements. Also correct those which are false :
(i) Sum of two positive integers is always
–15 –7 0
(ii) Sum of two negative integers is always (b) (i) 0 –1 4 (ii) –5 2 –3
5 1 –3 0 –2 –4
(iii) When a positive integer and a negative –2 3 2 –1 –6 1
integer are added, the result is always a
negative integer. Ex.16 Neena has a loan of j 1200 to repay. Her
(iv) The sum of an integer and its additive brother gave j 2500. Describe Neena's financial
inverse is always zero. position.

(v) When a positive integer and a negative Sol. Money of loan

integer are added, we take their difference = j 1200
and place the sign of bigger integer,
ignoring the sign of both. Money she has from her brother = j 2500
Sol. (i) T left money after paying loan
(ii) F (Sum of two negative integers is always = j 2500 – 1200
= j 1300 Ans.
(iii) F (When a positive and a negative integers
Ex.17 Find whether the given statements are true (T) or
are added, the result may be a positive or a
false (F) :
negative integer).
(i) The smallest integer is 0.
(iv) T
(ii) The opposite of zero on a number line is
(v) T
Ex.15 (a) Check which of the following is a magic
(iii) Zero is not a positive integer.
square. (If each row, column and diagonal have
the equal sum.) (iv) 0 is larger than every negative integer but
less than every positive integer.
(i) 5 –1 –4 (ii) 1 –10 0
(v) A positive integer is greater than its
–5 –2 7 –4 –3 –2
0 3 –3 –6 4 –7
(vi) Every integer is less than every natural
(b) Magic squares are given below, fill in the integer.
empty cells with appropriate integers: (vii) –1 is the greatest negative integer.
(i) 0 4 (ii) –5 (viii) 0 is the smallest positive integer.
1 –2 (ix) The sum of greatest negative integer and
–2 –6 1 smallest positive integer is zero.

0 –6 (x) The negative of a positive integer is a

Sol. (a) (i) No negative integer.
5 –1 –4 0
–5 –2 7 (xi) The negative of a negative integer is
0 3 –3 0
(xii) If a and b are two integers such that a < b
0 0 0 then (b – a) is always a positive integer.
–9 –9 Sol. (i) F (ii) T (iii) T
(ii) 1 –10 0 –9 Yes (iv) T (v) T (vi) F
–4 –3 –2 –9
(vii) T (viii) F (ix) T
–6 4 –7 –9
(x) T (xi) T (xii) T
–9 –9 –9
PROPERTIES OF ADDITION AND Sol. (i) –14 – (–5) = –9 (Negative integer)
SUBTRACTION (ii) (–11) – (–3) = –8 (It is greater than – 11
Addition Subtraction and less than –3)

(1) Closure    Ex.21 Verify : [–a – (–b)] – c –a – [–b – (c)] :

(2) Commutative  × if a = 3, b = 7, c = –9

(3) Associative  × Sol. LHS = [–a – (–b)] – c

= [–3 – (–7)] – (–9)
(4) Additive Identity  ×
= [–3 + 7] + 9
(5) Additive Inverse  
= 4 + 9 = 13
Eg.(i) 5 + 3 = 8 (integer), –7 + 3 = –4 (integer)
RHS = –a – [–b – (c)]
Eg.(ii) 3 + 7 = 10 = 7 + 3, 4 – 5 = –1 & 5 – 4 = 1
= – 3 – [– 7 – (–9)]
2  (3  5) , 1  (7  9)  1  (2)
 2  8  10 1 2  3 = – 3 – [– 7 + 9]
Eg.(iii) 
(2  3)  5 , (1  7)  9  6  9
 5  5  10  15
= – 3 – [2]

= –5
Ex.18 Find the integer for the following integers so that Ex.22 Verify a – (–b) = a + b for the following :
sum is zero.
a = 117, b = –112
23, –3, 0, –1, 7, 10, 253, –497
Sol. LHS = a – (–b)
Sol. 23 + (–23) = 0 ; –1 + (1) = 0; 253 + (–253) = 0
= 117 – [– (–112)]
–3 + (3) = 0 ; 7 + (–7) = 0; –497 + (497) = 0
= 117 – (112)
0+0=0 ; 10 + (–10) = 0;
Note :
RHS = a + b
(i) Sum of the given two integers in each of
the given pairs is zero i.e. the additive = 117 + (–112)
identity for integers. = 117 – 112 = 5
(ii) To find the additive inverse, we change the LHS = RHS
+ sign into – sign (except in case of 0) of
the given integer and vice-versa. MULTIPLICATION OF INTEGERS
(iii) Each of the integer in such a pair is called
the additive inverse of the other e.g. –8 is (i) Two positive numbers.
the additive inverse of 8.
(ii) One positive and one negative number or
Ex.19 Write a pair of integers whose (i) sum is –7 and negative to positive number.
(ii) difference is –9.
(iii) Two negative numbers.
Sol. (i) –9 + 2 = –4 + (–3) = –7
Eg. (i) 5 × 6 = 30 (ii) 7 × 9 = 63
(ii) 1 – 10 = 2 – 11 = –9
(iii) 9 × 10 = 90 (iv) –3 × 1 = –3
Ex.20 Write a pair of integers whose difference is :
(v) –7 × 9 = –63 (vi) –11 × 11 = –121
(i) a negative number
(vii)13 × –5 = – 65 (viii) 10 × –10 = –100
(ii) an integer greater than only one of the
(ix) –40 × –20 = 800 (x) –5 × –1 = 5
Sign system for multiplication = –14 = –14
(+) × (+) = + Positive × Positive = Positive Thus, 7 × (5 – 7) = 7 × 5 – 7 × 7
(–) × (+) = – Negative × Positive = Negative This property of integers is known as the
(+) × (–) = – Positive × Negative = Negative distributive property of multiplication over
(–) × (–) = + Negative × Negative = Positive
Note : Any number ‘a’ when multiply by 1 and 0,
Note: (i) If negative integers are multiplied even gives itself and 0 respectively.
times, product is always a positive integer.
Eg : 7 × 1 = 7, –3 × 1 = –3, 9 × 0 = 0
(ii) If negative integers are multiplied odd
times, product is always a negative integer. EXAMPLES 
PROPERTIES OF MULTIPLICATION Ex.23 In a class test containing 20 questions, 3 marks
are given for every correct answer and –1 mark
(i) Closure  is given for every incorrect answer.
 (ii) Commutative  (i) Ritu attempt all questions but only 11 of her
(iii) Associative identity  answers are correct. What is her total score ?

(iv) Multiplicative identity 1 (ii) One of her friends attempt 8 questions but
only one answer is incorrect. What is her
(v) Multiplicative inverse reciprocal of given
friend’s total score ?
Sol. (i) Marks given for one correct answer = 3
Eg. (i) 16 × 12 = 192 (integer)
So, Marks given for 11 correct answer = 3 × 11 = 33
(ii) 17 × 10 = 170 = 10 × 17 (commutative)
Marks given for one incorrect answer = –1
(iii) 2  (3  20)  2  60  120
 ( Associative) So, Marks given for 9 incorrect answers
(2  3)  20  6  20  120
= –1 × 9 = –9
Therefore, Ritu's total score = 33 – 9 = 24
For any three integers a, b, c ; a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c (ii) Marks given for one correct answer = 3
Let us observe the following products :
So, Marks given for 7 correct answer
(i) 7 × (2 + 5) and 7×2+7×5
= 3 × 7 = 21
= 49 = 14 + 35 = 49
Marks given for one incorrect answer
Thus, 7 × (2 + 5) =7×2+7×5
= 1 × –1 = –1
(ii) –2 (–3 + 1) and –2 × –3 + (–2) × (1)
Therefore, her friend’s total score
= –2 (–2) = (–2) × (–3) + (–2) × 1
= 21 – 1 = 20
= –2 × –2 =6–2
Ex.24 Complete the following multiplication :
=4 =4
× –7 –6 5 4
Thus –2 × (–3 + 1) = –2 × (–3) + (–2) × (1)
This property of integers is known as the
distributive property of multiplication over –6
addition. –5
(iii) 7 × (5 – 7) and 7×5–7×7 –4
= 7 × (–2) = 35 – 49 0
Sol. Sol. (i) b (ii) e (iii) f (iv) d (v) c (vi) a
× –7 –6 5 4
–7 49 42 –35 –28
–6 42 36 –30 –24 Division is the reverse process of multiplication.
–5 35 30 –25 –20 For example, to divide 32 by –4 means to find a
–4 28 24 –20 –16 number by which – 4 should be multiplied such
that it gives the product 32. The answer is –8.
0 0 0 0 0
Eg : Observe the pattern and fill up the boxes.
Ex.25 Compare :
(i) (7 + 9) × 10 and 7 + 9 × 10
(i) 6 × 4 = 24 24 ÷ 4 = 6
(ii) [(–4 – 6)] × (–2) and (–4) – 6 × –7
(ii) 8 × –5 = –40 –40 ÷ –5 = 8
Sol. (i) (7 + 9) × 10 and 7 + 9 × 10
(iii) –8 × 3 = –24  ÷ 3 = –8 –24
= 16 × 10 = 160 = 7 + 90 = 97
(By BODMAS Rule) (iv) 7 × 5 = 35 35 ÷ = 7 5
(7 + 9) × 10 > (7 + 9 × 10) (v) –6 × 4 = – 24 –24 ÷ = 4 –6
(ii) [(–4 – 6)] × (–2) = –10 × –2 = 20 (vi) –8 × 48÷
= –48 = –8 –6
and (–4) – 6 × –7 = – 4 – 6 × –7 = – 4 + 42 = 38
[(–4 – 6)] × –2 < (–4) – 6 × –7 SIGN SYSTEM FOR DIVISION
Ex.26 If a × (–1) = –25, is the integer a positive or
negative ? (i) The quotient of two integers involving two like
signs is positive
Sol. – a = – 25 a = 25 a is positive
or (+) ÷ (+) = + and (–) ÷ (–) = +.
Ex.27 Match the following :
(ii) The quotient of two integers having opposite
(i) (–7) + 9 = 9 + (–7) (a) property of signs is negative
multiplicative or (+) ÷ (–) = – and (–) ÷ (+) = –.
identity Properties of division
(ii) 6 + [3 + (–2)] (b) Commutative (1) Closure No (divisor should be non zero)
= [(6 + 3)] + (–2) property of
(2) Commutative No
(3) Associative No
(iii) (–8) (–5) = (–5) (–8) (c) Multiplicative
Eg :(i) 25 ÷ 5 = 5 (integer)
property of zero
(ii) 20 ÷ 10 = 2 (integer)
(iv) 4[5 × (–5)] = (4 × 5) (–5) (d) Associative
(iii) 30 ÷ 7 integer
property of
(iv) 20 ÷ 5 = 4  5 ÷ 20
(v) (36 ÷ 9) ÷ 2 = 4 ÷ 2 = 2
(v) 7 × 0 = 0 (e) Associative
property of 36 ÷ (9 ÷ 2) = 36 ÷
(vi) 13 × 1 = 13 (f) Commutative = 36  =4×2=8
property of Note : Thus, division of any non-zero integer by
multiplication zero is an undefined operation.
EXAMPLES  (i) In a particular month she incurs a loss of
j 10. In this period, she sold 45 pens. How
Ex.28 The product of two integers is –120. If one many pencils did she sell in this period ?
number is –30, what is the other.
(ii) In the next month, she earns neither profit
Sol. Let the other number be ‘a’ nor loss. If she sold 80 pens, how many
pencils did she sell ?
Then according to questions (a) (–30) = –120
Sol. (i) Profit earned by selling one pen = j 2
a = –120 ÷ –30 = 40 Ans.
Profit earned by selling 45 pens
Ex.29 In a test +4 marks are given for every correct
answer and –2 marks are given for every = 2 × 45 = j 90
incorrect answer.
Total loss given = 10, which we denote by j 10
(i) Neeta answered all the questions and
Profit earned + Loss incurred = Total loss
scored 40 marks though she got 15 correct
answers. Therefore,
(ii) Radhey also answered all the questions and Loss incurred = Total loss – Profit earned
scored –16 marks though he got 5 correct = j (– 10 – 90) = j –100
= – 10000 paise
How many incorrect answers had they
attempted? So, Number of pencils sold = – 10000 ÷ –50

Sol. (i) Marks given for one correct answer = 4 = 200 pencils

So, Marks given for 15 correct answers (ii) In the next month, there is neither profit nor loss.
So, Profit + Loss incurred = 0
= 4 × 15 = 60
It means profit earned = – Loss incurred
Neeta’s score = 40
Now, profit earned by selling 80 pens
Marks obtained for incorrect answers
= 2 × 80
= 40 – 60 = –20
= j 160
Marks given for one incorrect answer = –2
Hence, loss incurred by selling pencils = j 160
Therefore, number of incorrect answers
Which we indicate by – j 160 or – 16000 paise
= –20 ÷ –2 = 10
Total number of pencils sold = (–16000) ÷ 50
(ii) So, Marks given for 5 correct answers
= 320 pencils
= 5 × 4 = 20
Radhey’s score = –16 RULE OF BODMAS
Marks obtained for incorrect answers B stands for brackets, O for the operation ‘Of ’ D
= –16 – 20 = –36 for division, M for multiplication, A for addition
and S for subtraction.
Marks given for one incorrect answers
Types of bracket
= –2
 Round brackets or parenthesis ()
Therefore, number of incorrect answers
Curly brackets or braces {}
= –36 ÷ –2 = 18
Square brackets []
Ex.30 A shopkeeper earns a profit of j 2 by selling one
pen and incurs a loss of 50 paise per pencil while bar or vinculum –
selling pencils of her old stock. Vinculum or bar is used as the innermost brackets
and then ( ), then { }, and finally [ ].
Eg. (i) (8  2  2) means 8 ÷ 4 Ex.33 Simplify :

(ii) 10 + [5 × {48 ÷ (2 × 4)}] 63 – (–3) {2  8  3} ÷ 3{5 + (–2) (–1)}

= 10 + [5 × {48 ÷ 8}] Sol. 63 – (–3) {2  8  3} ÷ 3{5 + (–2) (–1)}
= 10 + [5 × 6]
= 63 – (–3) {–2 – 5} ÷ 3{5 + (–2) (–1)}
= 10 + 30
[Removal of bar]
= 40 Ans.
= 63 – (–3) {–2 – 5} ÷ 3 {5 + 2}
THE OPERATION ‘OF’ [(–2) (–1) = 2]
= 63 – (–3) {–7} ÷ 3 × 7
Eg. (i) 9 of half of 20 means 9 of = 9 × 10 = 90
2 [Removal of curly brackets]

1 7
(ii) One third of 213 means  213  71 = 63 + 3 ×    7  63  49  14
3  3 


Ex.31 Simplify : 57 – [28 – {16 + (5 – 3  1 )}]. The value of an integer is numerical value with no
regard to its sign and it is always positive.
Sol. 57 – [28 – {16 + (5 – 3  1 )}]
Eg : | –27 | = 27, | –31 | = 31, | 29 | = 29, | 3 | = 3.
= 57 – [28 – {16 + (5 – 2)}] [Removal of bar]
= 57 – [28 – {16 + 3}]
[Innermost brackets removed]
= 57 – [28 – 19]
[Next Innermost brackets removed]
= 57 – 9 = 48
Ex.32 Simplify : (i) 7 – {13 – 2(4 of – 4)}
(ii) 81 of [59 – {7 × 8 + (13 – 2 of 5)}]
Sol. (i) 7 – {13 – 2(4 of – 4)}
= 7 – {13 – 2(4 × – 4)}
= 7 – {13 – 2(–16)} = 7 – {13 – (–32)}
= 7 – {13 +32} = 7 – 45 = – 38
(ii) 81 of [59 – {7 × 8 + (13 – 2 of 5)}]
= 81 × [59 – {7 × 8 + (13 – 2 × 5)}]
= 81 × [59 – {7 × 8 + (13 – 10)}]
= 81 × [59 – {56 + 3}]
= 81 × [59 – 59]
= 81 × 0 = 0

A.Multiple Choice Type Questions B. Short Answer Type Questions

Q.1 The additive identity of integers is Q.11 Evaluate the following :
(a) –1 (B) 1 (i) (– 40) ÷ 10
(C) 0 (D) none of these (ii) 60 ÷ (–6)
(iii) (– 49) ÷ (–7)
Q.2 The smallest negative integer is (iv) (–79) ÷ 79
(A) 0 (B) – 100 (v) 13 ÷ [(–4) + 3]
(C) –1 (D) none of these (vi) 0 ÷ (–14)
Q.3 The greatest positive integer is (vii) (– 41) ÷ [(– 40) + (–1)]
(A) 0 (B) 100 (viii) [(– 48) ÷ 12] ÷ 4
(C) 999 (D) none of these (ix) Is [(–7) + (6)] = [(–3) + 2] ?

Q.4 The integer which is its own additive inverse is Q.12 Write down a pair of integers whose :
(A) 0 (B) –1 (i) sum is – 7 (ii) difference is –10
(C) +1 (D) none of these (iii) sum is 0

Q.5 The value of 5(10 – 9) is Q.13 Write the value of

(A) 5 (B) 5 × 10 – 5 × 9 (i) | +22 |
(C) (A) and (B) (D) none of these (ii) | –8 |
(iii) | 18 – 8 |
Q.6 The absolute value of –6 is
(iv) | – 5 – 4 |
(A) 6 (B) –6
(v) – | 3 – 2 |
(C) 0 (D) none of these
Q.14 Arrange the following integers in ascending
Q.7 If 4 + (–7) = (–7) + 4, this property of integers
is called
(i) – 20, 13, 4, 0, –5, +5
(A) Closure (B) Commutative
(ii) +30, –2, 0, –6, –20, 8
(C) Associative (D) None of these
Q.15 Which temperature is higher ?
Q.8 If [–7 + (–8)] + 9 = –7 + [(–8) + 9], this
(i) 40°C or –40°C (ii) –18°C or 12°C
property is called
(iii) –2°C or –4°C (iv) 17°C or 27°C
(A) Closure (B) Commutative
(C) Associative (D) None of these Q.16 A water tank has steps inside it. A monkey is
sitting on the toppest step (i.e., the first step).
Q.9 The sum of two integers is also an integer, this
The water level is at the ninth step.
property of integers is called
(i) He jumps 3 steps down and then jumps 2
(A) Closure (B) Commutative
steps up. If he continues in this way, in
(C) Associative (D) None of these
how many jumps will he reach the water
Q.10 If a and b are integers, then a ÷ b level ?
(A) may or may not be an integer (ii) After drinking water, he wants to go back,
(B) always an integer for this he jumps 4 steps up and then jumps
(C) never be an integer 2 steps down in every move. In how many
(D) none of these jumps will he reach back the top step ?
Q.17 Match column A with column B
Column A Column B midnight, what would be the temperature at
(i) | –7 | (a) Distributive mid-night ?
Q.23 In a class test (+3) marks are given for every
(ii) x×1=1×x=x (b) 7
correct answer and (–2) marks are given for
(iii) x × (y + z) (c) Multiplicative
every incorrect answer and no marks for not
=x×y+x×z identity
attempting any questions.
(iv) x÷0 (d) 20
(i) Ram scored 20 marks. If he has got 12
(v) –2 × (–7 – 3) (e) Not defined correct answers, how many questions has
(vi) –31 × 0 × (–1) × 151 (f) Commutative he attempted incorrectly ?
Property (ii) Mohan scores –5 marks in the test though
(vii) a×b=b×a (g) Zero he has written 7 correct answers. How
many questions has he attempted
Q.18 Match column A with column B
incorrectly ?
Column A Column B
(i) –a × b = b × (–a) (a) 1 Q.24 A boy has j 350 in his bank account. He
(ii) [6 + 4] + (–3) (b) 0 is additive deposits j 40 everyday for 10 days. What will
= 6 + [4 + (–3)] identity of be the amount in his account at the end of 10
integers days ?
(iii) –9 – (–19) (c) Commutative
Q.25 In a class test containing 10 questions, 5 marks
are answered for every correct answer and (–2)
(iv) 0+5=5+0=5 (d) Associative
marks are awarded for every incorrect answer
and 0 for questions not attempted .
(v) (–709) ÷ (+ 709) (e) 10
(i) Mohan gets four correct and six incorrect
(vi) (–1)6 (f) –1
answers. What is his score ?
Q.19 Verify and name the property used : (ii) Reshma gets five correct answer and five
(i) –110 × (–237) = (–237) × (–110) incorrect answers. What is her score ?
(ii) (–35 × 4) × (–152) = –35 × [4 × (–152)] (iii) Heena gets two correct and five incorrect
answers out of seven questions she
Q.20 Verify and name the property used :
attempts. What is her score ?
(i) –117 × 251 + (–117) × 249
(ii) 156 × 273 – 156 × (–73) Q.26 A cement company earns a profit of j 11 per
bag of white cement sold out a loss of j 6 per
C. Long Answer Type Questions bag of grey cement sold.
Q.21 Verify that : (i) The company sells 4,000 bags of white
a ÷ (b + c) (a ÷ b) + (a ÷ c), if a = 12, cement and 8,000 bags of grey cement in a
b = –4, c = 2. month. What is its profit or loss ?
(ii) What is the number of white cement bags it
Q.22 The temperature at 12 noon was 10°C above must sell to have neither profit nor loss, if
zero. At what time the temperature will be 8°C the number of grey bags sold is 1,100 bags.
below 0°C, if it decreases at the rate of 2°C ? If
it decreases at the rate of 2°C per hour till Q.27 Find
(i) a pair of negative integers whose Q.29 Find the value of :
difference gives 6. 72 – [3 + {18 – 19  2 }] ÷ {1 + 5 of 7 – (3 – 1)}
(ii) a pair of negative integers whose
difference gives –9. Q.30 Find the value of :
(iii) a negative integer and a positive integer 5 ÷ [5 + {5 – (5 + 5  5 )}]
whose difference is –15.
(iv) a negative integer and a positive integer
whose difference is 16.

Q.28 An elevator descends into a mineshaft at the

rate of 7m/min. If the descent starts from 15 m
above the ground level, how long will it take to
reach 475 m ?

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. A

11. (i) –4 (ii) –10 (iii) 7 (iv) –1 (v) –13 (vi) 0 (vii) 1 (viii) –1 (ix) yes

12. (i) –1, –6 or –9, 2 (ii) –11, –1 or 35, –45 (iii) –1, 1 or 20, –20

13. (i) 22 (ii) 8 (iii) 10 (iv) 9 (v) –1

14. (i) –20, –5, 0, 4, 5, 13 (ii) –20, –6, –2, 0, 8, 30

15. (i) 40ºC (ii) 12ºC (iii) –2ºC (iv) 27ºC

16. (i) 11 times (ii) 5 times

17. (i) b (ii) c (iii) a (iv) e (v) d (vi) g (vii) f

18. (i) c (ii) d (iii) e (iv) b (v) f (vi) a

19. (i) Commutative property of multiplication. (ii) Associative property of multiplication.

20. (i) Distributive property of multiplication over addition

(ii) Distributive property of multiplication over subtraction

22. 9 pm, –14ºC 23. (i) 8 (ii) 13

24. j 750 25. (i) 8 marks (ii) 15 marks (iii) 0 mark

26. (i) Loss of j 4,000 (ii) 600 bags

27. (i) –3, –9 (ii) –10, –1 (iii) –8, 7 (iv) 1, –15

28. 1 hr 10 min.

29. 2

30. 1
A.Multiple Choice Type Questions C. Fill in the Blanks Type Questions
Q.1 Every integer is also a Q.16 The product of 200 negative integers is ……..
(A) natural number (B) whole number integer.
(C) (A) and (B) both (D) none of these Q.17 The product of 999 negative and 999 positive
Q.2 When 0 is multiplied by any negative integer, integers is ……..
their product will be Q.18 The absolute value of –35 + 25 = . ……..
(A) a positive integer
Q.19 Which temperature is greater –110°C or
(B) a negative integer
110°C? …….
(C) zero
(D) none of these Q.20 At noon the temperature was 30°C. One hour
later it was 6°C lower. The temperature after an
Q.3 The sum of two integers is always
hour was …….
(A) a natural number (B) a whole number
(C) an integer (D) none of these Q.21 The additive inverse of 0 is ………

Q.4 The multiplicative identity of integers is Q.22 The product of 58 negative integers is a …….
(A) 0 (B) +1 integer.
(C) –1 (D) none of these Q.23 By which integer – (700) must be divided to get
Q.5 Every positive integer is greater than the quotient 700 ? …..
(A) zero Q.24 When we divide a negative integer by a
(B) every negative integer positive integer, the result so obtained is ….
(C) both (A) and (B)
Q.25 A negative integer is always ……. than its
(D) none of these
additive inverse.
B. True/False Type Questions Q.26 The value of | 28 – 18 | is …….
Q.6 The greatest positive integer is 100. Q.27 The smallest negative integer is ……
Q.7 The smallest negative integer is not defined. Q.28 (–111) ÷ ……. = 1
Q.8 Zero is positive integer. Q.29 8 + (9 + 7) = (8 + 9) + …….. .
Q.9 Every negative integer is greater than every Q.30 Additive inverse of negative integer is… always.
positive integer.
Q.31 Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C. and was 66
Q.10 Zero is less than every positive integer. years old when he died. In which year did he die?

Q.11 Division in integers is closed. Q.32 A certain freezing process requires that room
temperature be lowered from 43°C at the rate
Q.12 On dividing any integer by zero, the result is of 8°C every hour. What will be the room
always zero. temperature 6 hours after the process begins ?
Q.13 18 – |–12| is equal to 6. Q.33 The temperature at 12 noon was 15°C above
Q.14 | –50 | is equal to –50. zero. If it decreases at the rate of 3°C per hour
until midnight, at what time would the
Q.15 Additive inverse of zero is 1. temperature be 9°C below zero ?
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. C
6. F 7. T 8. F 9. F 10. T
11. F 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. F
16. positive 17. negative 18. 10 19. 110ºC 20. 24ºC
21. 0 22. positive 23. –1 24. negative integer 25. less
26. 10 27. does not exist 28. –111 29. 7
30. positive integer 31. 34 B.C. 32. –5ºC 33. 8 pm

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