DCC Microproject
DCC Microproject
DCC Microproject
Bluetooth based Garage Door Opening
Submitted By Group: 03
Sr. No. Name of Students Roll No.
1. Pranjali Ramesh Surjagade 14
2. Prajit Hemdev Bhoyar 13
3. Simran Ashok Ramteke 23
4. Sajan Pramod Gedam 12
5. Sahil Someshwar Shedmake 11
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. PRANJALI RAMESH SURJAGADE.
Roll No. 14 of Third /Forth semester Diploma in COMPUTER
ENGINEERING has completed the micro project satisfactorily in Data
Communication and Computer Network (22414)for the academic year
2021 To 2022. As prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. PRAJIT HEMDEV BHOYAR. Roll No.
13 of Third /Fourth semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING has
completed the micro project satisfactorily in Data Communication and
Computer Network (22414)for the academic year 2021 To 2022. As
prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. SIMRAN ASHOK RAMTEKE. Roll No.
23 of Third /Forth semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING has
completed the micro project satisfactorily in Data Communication and
Computer Network (22414)for the academic year 2021 To 2022. As
prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. SAJAN PRAMOD GEDAM. Roll No.
12 of first /second semester Diploma in COMPUTER ENGINEERING has
completed the micro project satisfactorily in Data Communication and
Computer Network (22414)for the academic year 2021 To 2022. As
prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. SAHIL SOMESHWAR SHEDMAKE.
Roll No. 11 of Third /Forth semester Diploma in COMPUTER
ENGINEERING has completed the micro project satisfactorily in Data
Communication and Computer Network (22414)for the academic year
2021 To 2022. As prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.
Seal of
Bluetooth based Garage Door Opening
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the
Award of
We are the students of first year of the course
Diploma .ME/CE/EE/CO/EJ humbly submitted that we have completed
project work “Bluetooth based Garage Door Opening”as describes in this
report by our own skills and study between the period 2021-2022 as per the
guidance of prof. Miss S.B. Lingayat and that the following students were
associated this work. However, the teacher has approved quantum of
We further declare that we have not copied the report per this any
appreciable part from any other literature in contravention of the academic
PLACE: - Gadchiroli
1. Annexure-l 10-11
o Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project
o Course Outcome Addressed
o Proposed Methodology
o Action Plan
o Resource Required
2. Annexure-ll 12
o Rationale
o Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project
o Course Outcomes Addressed
“Bluetooth based Garage Door Opening”
The aim and benefits of the microproject related knowledge through various teaching-
learning, experiences. Bluetooth based garage door opening to know more about Bluetooth
how to connect and use of it to the student and they can learn from this project how to
manage it and that help into their future.
First, we will discuss the topics and then select the topic.
All group members collect the data related to the topic from different sources.
All group members give their ideas for completing the project.
Then last, we will start working on the project.
In this project, we know about recent and widely used unguided media in industries.
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity)
6.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machine facility,
software, etc.)
Pranjali R. Surjagade 14
Prajit H. Bhoyar 13
Simran A. Ramteke 23
Sajan P. Gedam 12
Sahil S. Shedmake 11
Bluetooth based Garage Door Opening
1.0 Rational
Always keeping the garage door opener remote with your self and recharging/changing
its batteries are necessary task if you love autonomous car garage car doors. Keeping the
garage door opener remote with yourself and changing its batteries consumes a little time.
This time becomes important if you have a busy schedule and even 1 minute relief is
important for you. So why not to get rid of the extra garage door opener remote and export
the door opener functionality to your cell phone.
The aim and benefits of the microproject related knowledge through various teaching-
learning, experiences. Bluetooth based garage door opening to know more about Bluetooth
how to connect and use of it to the student and they can learn from this project how to
manage it and that help into their future.
Always keeping the garage door opener remote with your self and recharging/changing its
batteries are necessary task if you love autonomous car garage car doors. Keeping the
garage door opener remote with yourself and changing its batteries consumes a little time.
This time becomes important if you have a busy schedule and even 1 minute relief is
important for you. So why not to get rid of the extra garage door opener remote and export
the door opener functionality to your cell phone.
Step 1: Parts List
For this project you will need several parts.
- The heart of the project is the Arduino Uno (my preference you
can adapt your own micro controller)
- 2 Mini Relay SPDT 5 Pins 5VDC 10A 120V (or 1 per door opener
you are operating.)
- Terminal blocks
- Prototyping Board
- USB Phone charger or similar and usb cord with end cut off to
supply power to Arduino and circuit.
Step 2: Circuit Layout
3 More Images
The circuit is pretty simple please refer the to pictures. The idea is
that you write to a specific pin on the Arduino and it will activate the
transistor that will in turn activate the relay which operates the door.
The relay may not be necessary considering we are using a power
transistor anyway but better to incorporate an added layer of
overload protection. I would recommend laying it out on a
breadboard first and testing for proper relay operation first.
int dataFromBT;
int door1 = 2; int door2 = 3;
LOW); dataFromBT='0'; } else if (dataFromBT == '2' )
{ digitalWrite(door2, HIGH); // activate transistor/relay delay(2000);
digitalWrite(door2, LOW); dataFromBT='0'; } delay(100); }
The design of the application is such that you connect to the opener
then open/close doors and then disconnect when done. You will
need to adjust the MAC address for your Bluetooth receiver and
possibly the UUID if you run into compiling errors. I have the
application setup to run two door openers and labelled one for my
wife and the other for me.
I have included the source code for the Main Activity and the entire
application build files, feel free to modify the application as you see
I have the project box with Arduino and other circuitry mounted
directly above one of openers and then using the ADT wire/4 strand
wire I was able to relocate the Bluetooth receiver outside of the
project box. I ran the wire down the center tube of my opener rail
and mounted the receiver directly above the garage door. This is
not entirely necessary but I did run into issues with establishing a
strong connection outside until I moved the receiver closer to the
Feel free to modify this instructable to make it your own. If you run
into any issues let me know what problems you are having and I will
try to expand on any of the above areas to help.
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed
It contains collecting data from the internet and references from books, our teacher’s
guidelines, and refer from old project data.
To make this project our group discussion plays an important role. First, we will all discuss
the topics and select one topic. Then we will discuss the topic and start working.
We collect all the information and raw materials which is significant for the project
To collect the data related to the project we search the information on our laptop or
school computer lab and for a book reference, we will go to the library.
We collect the data and start working on the project with the help of all the group
We successfully develop our project which is recent and widely used unguided media
in industries.
We attach some images.
Furthermore, we learn about the how the unguided media is used in industries.
The research methodology helps to learn how to use the Bluetooth based garage door
opening in industries. It develops special interests and skills in as. It helps to known as about
what Bluetooth based Garage Door Opening in data communication and computer network
(DCC) is. Furthermore, it helps to understand the special needs of the research process. It
improves our creativity and thinking, we will be able to create a new technology in the
future with the help of it. Not only that, but it increases our level of concentration.