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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha‟s

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic,Satara

Micro-Project Report
Presented By
Roll No. Name
24 Pawar Akanksha Janardhan
25 Pawar Disha Sagar
28 Pharande Akshada Arjun
35 Shinde Shrutika Pravin

Program: Diploma in Computer Engineering

Class: Third Year (Semester 5)
Course: Software Testing (Subject Code: 22518)

Guided By
Prof. Gujar A. N.

Computer Engineering Department


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s
Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic, Satara

This is to certify that
Miss. Pawar Akanksha Janardhan
Miss. Pawar Disha Sagar
Miss. Pharande Akshada Arjun
Miss. Shinde Shrutika Pravin

Of Third Year (Semester 5) have successfully completed the Micro-Project work

entitled “Online Feedback System” in the Software Testing of Program
Diploma in Computer Engineering of Maharashtra State of Technical Education,
Mumbai, Maharashtra State.

Prof. Gujar A. N. Prof. Nalawade A. S. Prof. Sheikh K. S.

Guide Head of Department Principal

Place: Satara.


It is great pleasure for us to acknowledge the assistance & contribution of the number of
individuals who helped us in presenting the Project “Online Feedback System”. We have
successfully completed our project with the handful support of Staff, Project Partners,
External Resources, etc. We acknowledge all of them & them for their support.

Special thanks to project guide Mr. Gujar A. N. who gave us the valuable guidelines for the
seminar & project work. We whole heartedly thank all the staff members & every possible
person who possibly helped us in this project.

We would like to give away gratitude to Mr. Nalawade A. S., Head of Computer Engg.
Department for prior support in terms of morality, technical aspects & relative guidance
required for the „Online Feedback System‟ which helped us get better grip & quality in every
aspect of project .

Our sincere thanks to Prof. Sheikh K. S., Principal, Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Polytechnic,
Satara, for providing us an opportunity to present & express the ideas of our project.

Thanking You ,

Miss. Pawar Akanksha Janardhan

Miss. Pawar Disha Sagar
Miss. PharandeAkshada Arjun
Miss. Shinde Shrutika Pravin

Undertaking by Students

We will preserve micro-project and the report in our custody till end of completion of our
program. We assure that we will produce the same without fail whenever we or anybody from
our group will be asked to do so.

Sr. Roll No. Name Of Student Mobile No. Signature


1 24 Pawar Akanksha Janardhan 7020650559

2 25 Pawar Disha Sagar 7972634187
3 28 PharandeAkshada Pravin 7588401690
4 35 Shinde Shrutika Pravin 9834414923

Annexure – I B

Part A – Plan

Format for Micro-Project Proposal

th th
For 5 &6 Semester

“Online Feedback System”

1.0 Rationale:( Importance Of The Project, In About 200 To 400Words )

In this project we are going to test an Online Feedback System using Software Testing.Online
feedback system is web based system which provides a way for colleges to allow students to
gives feedback for staff to improve their teaching. Students are required to give feedback using
one standard feedback form. In our project, the security is also maintained as result of feedback
is only visible to authentic user. This project also includes time portal. This system helps
teachers to improve the performance by analyzing the feedback given by students. Above
features will be tested using different Software testing techniques.

2.0 Literature Review :(Existing status, Knowledge required to complete chosen task in
about 200 to 400 words.)

a) We require knowledge of various software testing techniques to test an application.

b) We must know how to prepare Functionality Requirement Specification document, as it
contains all the functionality related to the software.
c) We require knowledge of preparing the Test Plan.
d) We must know how to prepare test cases for testing the specified software.
e) We must have the knowledge of preparing the Defect Report .
f) We should at last provide conclusion related to the project and Application.

3.0 Proposed Methodolgy :( Procedure in brief that will be followed to do micro-project in
about 200 to 400 words.)

a) Firstly we will decide which Software Testing Techniques are required to test the Online
Feedback System application.
b) Then we will prepare Functionality Requirement Specification Document for Online
Feedback System Application.
c) We will then prepare Test Plan for Online Feedback System.
d) Then we will design Test Cases for Online Feedback System, to check the functionality
of software.
e) After that we will prepare a Defect Report if any serious bug or defect is encountered in
the software.
f) At last we will prepare a Summary Report and provide a proper conclusion.

4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and Time Required For Major Activities for 8 Weeks)

Sr. Planned Planned Name of responsible team

Details of activity
No. Start date Finish date members
1 Decide the subject of project 30/07/2019 16/08/2019 PawarAakanksha
Pawar Disha Sagar
Pharande Akshada Arjun
Shinde Shrutika Pravin
2 Collecting information of 20/08/2019 02/09/2019 PawarAakanksha
project Janardhan
PawarDisha Sagar
Pharande Akshada Arjun
Shinde Shrutika Pravin
3 Creating report 04/09/2019 14/09/2019 PawarAakankshaJanardhan
PawarDisha Sagar
Pharande Akshada Arjun
Shinde Shrutika Pravin

5.0 Resources Required (Major Resources Such As Raw Materials, Some Machining Facility,
AndSoftware Etc.)

Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks
1 Computer system Intel(R) Core (TM) i31450 1 Used
CPU32 bit operating system
2 Operating System Windows _ Used

3 Software Microsoft Office - Excel 2007, _ Used

Word 2007

Annexure – IIB

Part B – Outcome after Execution

Format for Micro-Project Report (About 8-15 Pages)

For 5thand6th Semester

“Online Feedback System”

1.0 Rationale:(Importance of project in about 100 to 200 words. This is modified version of earlier
one written after work.)

In this project we are going to test an Online Feedback System using Software Testing.Online
feedback system is web based system which provides a way for colleges to allow students to
gives feedback for staff online to improve their teaching. Students are requires to gives
feedback using one standard feedback form. In our project, the security is also maintain by
result of feedback is only visible to authentic user. This project also includes time portal. This
system helps teachers to improve the performance by analyzing the feedback given by students.
Above features will be tested using Software testing different techniques in this project.This
system is not time bound due to which student will give the monthly feedback.

In this project the Online Feedback System will be tested using different parameters. Firstly
SRS(Software Requirement Specification) will be created i.e. it contains all the functional and
non-functional requirements .It will be easier using SRS to test the application and find bugs. A
Test Plan with standard format will be created for this application. Test Cases will be prepared
to test the functionality of the software. And at last the Summary Report with a conclusion.

2.0 Course Outcome Integrated

a) Apply various software testing methods.

b) Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.
c) Prepare test plans and defect bug reports.
d) Discipline knowledge: Apply computer engineering knowledge to solve broad-based
computer engineering related problems.
e) Engineering tools: Apply appropriate computer engineering related techniques/tools with
an understanding of the limitations.
f) Communication: Proper communication takes place between students and faculty.

3.0 Literature Review(if additional literature review done, you may add in about 200 to 400

a) Firstly we will decide which Software Testing Techniques are required to test the Online
Feedback System application.
b) Then we will prepare Functionality Requirement Specification Document for Online
Feedback System Application.
c) We will then prepare Test Plan for Online Feedback System.
d) Then we will design Test Cases for Online Feedback System, to check the functionality of
e) After that we will prepare a Defect Report if any serious bug or defect is encountered in the
f) At last we will prepare a Summary Report and provide a proper conclusion.

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed (Write step wise the work was done, including which team
member did what work and how the data was analysed (if any).)

 Introduction to Software Testing and application of Online Feedback System

 Prepared Functionality Requirement Specification documents of Online Feedback System.
 Prepared Test Plan for Online Feedback System.
 Prepared & executed Test Cases for Online Feedback System.
 Prepared Defect Report of Online Feedback System.
 Prepared summary report.

5.0 Resources Required (Major Resources Such As Raw Materials, Some Machining Facility,
And Software Etc.)

Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks
1 Computer system Intel(R) Core (TM) i31450 1 Used
CPU32 bit operating system
2 Operating System Windows _ Used

3 Software Microsoft Office - Excel 2007, _ Used

Word 2007

6.0 Outputs of Micro-Projects
(Drawings of prototype, drawings of survey, presentation of collected data, findings etc.)

6.0.1 - Functionality RequirementSpecification

Student Module:

First, the student has to register. Only registered Student will log in by his username and password.
In the dashboard all the contents of the student‟s feedback forms will be displayed. There would be
an option student feedback in this there would be questions related to how students can make the
teaching quality more good. Student can tell his likes and dislikes about the teachers by attending
every questions.

Faculty Module:

Here faculty will first login in this section. The faculty will enter their user name and password if
the faculties do not have an account they have to sign up in order to create an account. As the
details are filled the faculty dashboard appears in which they can fill self appraisal, peer appraisal.
The faculty should firstly fill the self appraisal in which they have to rate themselves on some
criteria. The peer faculty has to click onto the peer appraisal in order to fill the form as they click
onto peer appraisal.

Principal/H.O.D’s Module:

HOD user cannot sign up for the feedback system since she is the only one to access the feature the
login is pre-defined in code itself. Once the HOD logins into her portal she can perform various
tasks like Giving authority appraisals also reviewing form no one which is duly filled by faculty
after verifying that only then the HOD can further proceed with the summary form. In summary,
the total of all marks will be calculated and according to it percentage is calculated also the grades
are calculated on this percentage basis also she can take print out of the summary list and keep a
backup of it.

6.0.2- TEST PLAN

Prepare Test Plan for Online Feedback System

1 Introduction

The Test Plan is designed to prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of all testing
activities of the project Online Feedback System.

The plan identify the items to be tested, the features to be tested, the types of testing to be
performed, the personnel responsible for testing, the resources and schedule required to complete
testing, and the risks associated with the plan.

1.1 Scope

1.1.1 In Scope

All the feature of Online Feedback System which were defined in software requirement specs are
need to bested

Module Applicable Roles Description


Registration Students, Students:A student can register into the college feedback system
Faculty,HOD, by entering his Name, then Password again confirm password
Principal field, as well as Email ID and Mobile No. will be required here.
Either he/she can register or login if he/she has an account already
over the system
Login Students, Students:Only the students who are admitted in that college will
Admin be provided with a specific username and password. He/She can
login the college online feedback system by entering correct
username and password allocated to them. If He/She don‟t have
account He/She can register using registration process available in
that feedback system and then login to the system.
Admin:Admin can login in the Feedback system to see whether
how many students have given their feedback and prepare a note
on their feedbacks.
Feedback Student Student: Here in this Feedback module there are number of
Feedback partitions.Such as :-
1. Course Feedback, here a student can give a feedback for each
2. Staff feedback, here a student can give feedback on staff.
3. Event Feedback, here a student can give feedback related to all
events which are being carried out in the college.
4.College Feedback, here a student can give feedback related to
college buildings, water purifiers, washrooms, Office, etc.
5. Transport Feedback, here a student can give feedback related to
transport system of students such as Bus transport, etc.
6. Canteen Feedback, here a student can give feedback related to
canteen, items sold in canteen, their costing more or less, etc.
Logout Students,Admin Students: Students can logout after giving his feedback on the
college online feedback system using Logout option available

Admin:Admin can logout after he has collected feedback of


1.1.2 Out of Scope

Thesefeature are not be tested because they are not included in the software requirement specs

 User Interfaces
 Hardware Interfaces
 Software Interfaces
 Database logical
 Communications Interfaces
 Website Security and Performance

1.2 Quality Objective

The test objectives are to verify the Functionality of Online Feedback System the project should
focus on testing the Feedbackoperation to guarantee all these operation can work normally in
real business environment.

1.3 Roles and Responsibilities

The project should use outsource members as the tester to save the project cost.

No. Member Tasks

1. Test Identifying and describing appropriate test techniques/tools/automation

architecture Verify and assess the Test Approach Execute the tests, Log
results, Report the defects.
Outsourced members

2. Developer in Test Implement the test cases, test program, test suite etc.

3. Test Administrator Builds up and ensures test environment and assets are managed and
Support Tester to use the test environment for test execution

4. SQA members Take in charge of quality assurance
Check to confirm whether the testing process is meeting specified

2 Test Methodology

2.1 Test Levels

In the project Online Feedback System, there're 3 types of testing should be conducted.

 Integration Testing (Individual software modules are combined and tested as a group)
 System Testing: Conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's
compliance with its specified requirements
 API testing: Test all the APIs create for the software under tested

2.2 Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

If the team members report that there are 40% of test cases failed, suspend testing until the
development team fixes all the failed cases.

2.3 Test Completeness

 Specifies the criteria that denote a successful completion of a test phase

 Run rate is mandatory to be 100% unless a clear reason is given.
 Pass rate is 80%, achieving the pass rate is mandatory

2.4 Project task and estimation and schedule

Task Members Estimate effort

Create the test specification Test Designer 12man-hour

Perform Test Execution Tester, Test Administrator 10man-hour

Test Report Tester 6man-hour

Total 28 man-hour

3) Test Deliverables

Test deliverables are provided as below

Before testing phase

 Test plans document.

 Test cases documents
 Test Design specifications.

4) Test Environment

It mentions the minimum hardware requirements that will be used to test the
Application.Following software's are required in addition to client-specific software.

 Windows 8 and above

 Office 2013 and above

5) Terms/Acronyms

 Make a mention of any terms or acronyms used in the project


API Application Program Interface

AUT Application Under Test


A test case is a specification of the inputs, execution conditions, testing procedure, and expected
results that define a single test to be executed to achieve a particular software testing objective,
such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific
requirement.Test cases underlie testing that is methodical rather than haphazard. A battery of test
cases can be built to produce the desired coverage of the software being tested. Formally defined
test cases allow the same tests to be run repeatedly against successive versions of the software,
allowing for effective and consistent regression testing.

Typical Written Test Case Format:-

A test case is usually a single step, or occasionally a sequence of steps, to test the correct
behavior/functionality, features of an application. An expected result or expected outcome is
usually given.
Additional information that may be included:

 Test Scenario ID
 Test Scenario
 Test Case ID
 Test Case Description
 Test Steps
 Pre-Conditions
 Test Data
 Post Conditions
 Expected Result
 Actual Result
 Status
 Executed By
 Comments if Any
Larger test cases may also contain prerequisite states or steps, and descriptions.A written test
case should also contain a place for the actual result.
These steps can be stored in a word processor document, spreadsheet, database or other
common repository.
In a database system, you may also be able to see past test results and who generated the results
and the system configuration used to generate those results. These past results would usually be
stored in a separate table.
Test suites often also contain

 Test summary
 Configuration.


Application Test Scenario

In our Online Feedback System there is a “Transport Feedback Issue” Module. In that module user
enters all details in that form which are required. When user clicks on submit button it displays an
message that the “Form should be filled completely”, even if the form is filled correctly. Now, we
should report this bug.

Now here is how a bug is reported on the basis of above scenario:

Bug Name: Application crash on clicking the Submit button after filling Transport Feedback form.
Bug ID:BG_LMS_001
Area Path: Feedback Module.
Build Number:Version Number
Severity: HIGH
Priority: HIGH (High/Medium/Low)
Assigned to:Pawar.Akanksha.Janardhan
Created By: Pawar.Disha.Sagar
Created On: 22th September 2019.
Reason: Defect
Status: Active
Environment: Windows 2003/SQL Server 2005.
Application crash on clicking the Submit button after filling Transport Feedback form.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Login to the application.
2. Click on Feedback Option.
3. Enter the Transport Feedback option.
4. Fill the details correctly and click on Submit button.
5. Seen an error message.
6. See the attached logs for more information.
7. See the attached screenshots of error the error message for reference.

Expected: On clicking the “Submit” button user should be able to view a message “Transport
Feedback Form Registered Successfully.”

6.0.5 - SUMMARY

In today‟s world where education has become a basic necessity for every child/adult so to ensure
that proper education Is being delivered or not their lefts only one way „by taking feedback‟ so as
to reduce the manpower, the software is build which automatically takes the feedback turn by turn
so as to not skip any of the member.

 The number of test cases executed- 18

 The numbers of test cases pass - 17
 The numbers of test cases fail - 1
 Pass percentage – 94.45 %
 Fail percentage – 5.55%
 Comments - We have prepared defect report of one defect and assigned it to developer so as
to resolve it. Other modules are tested and they don‟t have any issue.

7.0 Skill Developed / learning out of this Micro-Project(in about 150 to 300 words)

This Project is created for improving the testing knowledge of applications.

1. Studying of the different types of testing techniques.
2. Learned how to prepare Test Plan related to that specified application.
3. Learned how to prepare Test Cases to test if the application is working properly or not.
4. Learned about SRS (Software Required Specification) document.
5. Learned about Defect Report and its necessity.
6. Studied advantages and disadvantages of testing and how necessary it is to build a defect
free software and user friendly.

Annexure – III

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: _____________________________________ Enrollment No.: __________
Name of Program :__________________________________ Semester: ________________
Course Title: _________________________________________ Code: ___________________
Title of the Micro-Project: ________________________________________________________
Course Outcomes Achieved:

Evaluation as per suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project

(Please tick in appropriate cell for each characteristic)
Poor Average Good Excellent
Sr. Characteristic to be
( Marks 1 -3 ( Marks 4 -5 ( Marks 6 -8 ( Marks 9 -
No. assessed
) ) ) 10)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature survey /
Information collected
3 Project Proposal
4 Completion of target as
per project proposal
5 Analysis of data and
6 Quality of prototype /
7 Report Preparation
8 Presentation
9 Defense

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Process assessment Product assessment

Seat No. Part A Project Part B Individual Total
Project Methodology Project Presentation Marks
Proposal ( 2 marks ) Report/Working /Viva
( 2 marks ) Model ( 4 marks ) 10
( 2 marks )

Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evaluation in first 3
columnsand individual evaluation in 4th column for each group of students as per suggested

Comments / suggestion about team work / leadership / inter-personal communication (if


Any other Comment:


Name and designation of faculty member: __________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________________________________________


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