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GAD Micro Project report

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Micro project


“Create CALCULATOR using VB.Net”

Submitted By

Pratham Kadam (19)

Shashank Rai (30)
Prerna Sherkhane (31)

Guided By

Mrs. S. Kadam

Diploma Course in Computer Technology

(As per directives of I Scheme, MSBTE)

Sinhgad Institutes

Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s


PUNE - 411041


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Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. Pratham Kadam with Roll No. 19 of Semester IV of
Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute Sou. Venutai Chavan
Polytechnic (Code: 0040) has successfully completed the Micro-Project in GUI
Application Development using VB.NET (22034) for the academic year 2020-
2021 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: SVCP, Pune Enrollment No: 1900400173

Date: Exam Seat No:

Mrs.S. Kadam Mrs.A.V.Kurkute Dr.(Mrs.) M.S. Jadhav

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

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Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. Shashank Rai with Roll No. 30 of Semester IV of
Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute Sou. Venutai Chavan
Polytechnic (Code: 0040) has successfully completed the Micro-Project in GUI
Application Development using VB.NET (22034) for the academic year 2020-
2021 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: SVCP, Pune Enrollment No: 1900400170

Date: Exam Seat No:

Mrs.S. Kadam Mrs.A.V.Kurkute Dr.(Mrs.) M.S. Jadhav

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

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Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Education
This is to certify that Mr. Prerna Sherkhane with Roll No. 31 of Semester IV
of Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute Sou. Venutai Chavan
Polytechnic (Code: 0040) has successfully completed the Micro-Project in GUI
Application Development using VB.NET (22034) for the academic year 2020-
2021 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: SVCP, Pune Enrollment No: 1900400207

Date: Exam Seat No:

Mrs.S. Kadam Mrs.A.V.Kurkute Dr.(Mrs.) M.S. Jadhav

Subject Teacher HOD Principal

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

Annexure - I
Micro-Project Proposal

1.0 Aim of the Micro-Project:

To develop ‘CALCULATOR’ online store using VB.Net.

2.0 Intended Course Outcomes:

a) Use Visual Studio IDE to design application.
b) Develop GUI Application using Form Controls and its events.
d) Use Data access controls to store data in Database and retrieve it.
e) Use Data Binding in GUI Application

3.0 Proposed methodology:

I. Study the concept of VB.Net programming.
II. Study various syntax and functions of VB.Net.
III. Study to create Windows Form application.
IV. Study to connect Windows Form application to Database.
V. Study to create application to store and retrieve data from database.
VI. Make program for given criteria.
VII. Prepare the final report.

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

4.0 Action Plan:

Name of
Sr. Planned Planned
Details of Activity responsible
No. Start Date Finish Date
Team members
Identify the requirements of the
1 19/04/2021 27/04/2021 Shashank Rai

2 Design the structure of the project. 29/04/2021 07/05/2021 Pratham Kadam

Develop the program using in

3 10/05/2021 20/05/2021 Shashank Rai
Debug code and eliminate errors
4 26/05/2021 04/06/2021 Prerna Sherkhane

5 Test the project. 07/06/2021 14/06/2021 Prerna Sherkhane

6 Prepare the final report. 15/06/2021 19/06/2021 Pratham Kadam

5.0 Resources Required:

S. No. Resources required Specifications

1 Computer system Intel(R) Pentium CPU, RAM 4 GB

2 Operating System Windows 10, 64 Bit Operating System

3 Software’s Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

6.0 Team members:

S. No. Roll. number Name of Student

1 19 Pratham Kadam

2 30 Shashank Rai
3 31 Prerna Sherkhane

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

Annexure - II
Micro-Project Report

1.0 Rationale:

GUI applications are very popular and important, especially for normal users,
interaction to computer becomes very easy with the help of Graphics.
A small electronic machine used for calculating figures Called CALCULATOR, in this
project we have tried to develop an CALCULATOR , which will help us to calculate
big numbers just on the tips of the fingers .
In this application one perform the calculations of the big figures .

2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project:

To develop ‘CALCULATOR’ using VB.Net.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved:

a) Use Visual Studio IDE to design application.

b) Develop GUI Application using Form Controls and its events.
d) Use Data access controls to store data in Database and retrieve it.
e) Use Data Binding in GUI Application

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

4.0 Literature Review:

A calculator is a device that performs arithmetic operations on numbers. The

simplest calculators can do only addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
More sophisticated calculators can handle exponent operations, roots, logarithm s,
trigonometric functions, and hyperbolic functions.


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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR


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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR



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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed:

To develop ‘CALCULATOR’ online store using VB.Net.

I. Study the concept of VB.Net programming.

II. Study various syntax and functions of VB.Net.
III. Study to create Windows Form application.
IV. Study to connect Windows Form application to Database.
V. Study to create application to store and retrieve data from database.
VI. Make program for given criteria.
VII. Prepare the final report.

6.0 Actual Resources Used:

S. No. Resources required Specifications

1 Computer system Intel(R) Pentium CPU, RAM 4 GB

2 Operating System Windows 10, 64 Bit Operating System

3 Software’s Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

7.0 Source code of program:

• add the following program statements to the Form Calculator class
Dim inputLength As Integer

Dim charLimit As Integer = 16

Dim opFlag As Boolean = False

Dim eqFlag As Boolean = False

Dim funcFlag As Boolean = False

Dim firstTerm, secondTerm, memory As Double

Dim activeOp As Integer = 0

Dim lastOp As Integer = 0

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

Dim startFlag As Boolean = False

Dim opCharArray() As Char = {"", "+", "-", "*", "/"}

• The numClick() procedure:

Sub numClick(index As Integer)

If opFlag = True Then

If index = 11 Then


Exit Sub


lblDisplay.Text = ""

opFlag = False

End If

End If

If eqFlag = True Then

eqFlag = False

lblDisplay.Text = ""

End If

If funcFlag = True Then

funcFlag = False

lblDisplay.Text = ""

End If

inputLength = Len(lblDisplay.Text)

If index = 11 Then

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

Dim strLen = Len(lblDisplay.Text)

If strLen > 1 Then

lblDisplay.Text = Mid(lblDisplay.Text, 1, strLen - 1)


lblDisplay.Text = "0"

End If

Exit Sub

End If

If index = 10 Then

If InStr(1, lblDisplay.Text, ".") = 0 Then

lblDisplay.Text &= "."

If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left (lblDisplay.Text, 1) = "0" Then

charLimit = 18


charLimit = 17

End If

End If

Exit Sub

End If

If inputLength >= charLimit Then

Exit Sub

ElseIf inputLength = 1 Then

If lblDisplay.Text = "0" Then

If index = 0 Then

Exit Sub

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR


lblDisplay.Text = index

End If


lblDisplay.Text &= index

End If


lblDisplay.Text &= index

End If

End Sub

• The opClick() procedure:

Sub opClick(index As Integer)

If opFlag = True Then

lastOp = index

lblSuperScript.Text = lblDisplay.Text & " " & opCharArray(index)

Exit Sub


opFlag = True

activeOp = lastOp

lastOp = index

If startFlag = False Then

firstTerm = CDbl(lblDisplay.Text)

startFlag = True


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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

secondTerm = CDbl(lblDisplay.Text)

Select Case activeOp

Case 1

firstTerm += secondTerm

Case 2

firstTerm -= secondTerm

Case 3

firstTerm *= secondTerm

Case 4

firstTerm /= secondTerm

End Select

lblDisplay.Text = firstTerm

End If

lblSuperScript.Text = lblDisplay.Text & " " & opCharArray(index)

End If

End Sub

• The funcClick() procedure:

Sub funcClick(index As Integer)

Select Case index

Case 1

lblDisplay.Text = -CDbl(lblDisplay.Text)

funcFlag = True

Case 2

lblDisplay.Text = Math.Sqrt(CDbl(lblDisplay.Text))

funcFlag = True

Case 3

lblDisplay.Text = 1 / CDbl(lblDisplay.Text)

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

funcFlag = True

Case 4

Dim percentage As Double

percentage = CDbl(lblDisplay.Text)

lblDisplay.Text = firstTerm * percentage / 100

funcFlag = True

End Select

End Sub

• The evaluate() procedure:

Sub evaluate()

Dim result As Double

If startFlag = False Then

Exit Sub


activeOp = lastOp

secondTerm = CDbl(lblDisplay.Text)

Select Case activeOp

Case 1

result = firstTerm + secondTerm

Case 2

result = firstTerm - secondTerm

Case 3

result = firstTerm * secondTerm

Case 4

result = firstTerm / secondTerm

End Select

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR


lblDisplay.Text = result

eqFlag = True

End If

End Sub

• The clearAll() procedure:

Sub clearAll()

inputLength = 0

charLimit = 16

opFlag = False

firstTerm = 0

secondTerm = 0

activeOp = 0

lastOp = 0

startFlag = False

lblDisplay.Text = "0"

lblSuperScript.Text = ""

End Sub

• The cmdButton_Click() event handler:

Private Sub cmdButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _

Handles cmd00.Click, cmd01.Click, cmd02.Click, cmd03.Click, cmd04.Click, _

cmd05.Click, cmd06.Click, cmd07.Click, cmd08.Click, cmd09.Click, _

cmdDecimal.Click, cmdBS.Click, cmdAdd.Click, cmdMin.Click, cmdMul.Click, _

cmdDiv.Click, cmdChangeSign.Click, cmdSqrRoot.Click, cmdInv.Click, _

cmdPercent.Click, cmdEquals.Click, cmdClearAll.Click, cmdClearEntry.Click, _

cmdMemSave.Click, cmdMemClear.Click, cmdMemRecall.Click, cmdMemPlus.Click, _


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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

Select Case sender.TabIndex

Case 0 To 11


Case 12 To 15

opClick(sender.TabIndex - 11)

Case 16 To 19

funcClick(sender.TabIndex - 15)

Case 20


Case 21


Case 22

lblDisplay.Text = "0"

Case 23

memory = CDbl(lblDisplay.Text)

If memory <> 0 Then

lblMemStatus.Visible = True


lblMemStatus.Visible = False

End If

Case 24

memory = 0

lblMemStatus.Visible = False

Case 25

lblDisplay.Text = memory

Case 26

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

memory += CDbl (lblDisplay.Text)

If memory = 0 Then

lblMemStatus.Visible = False


lblMemStatus.Visible = True

End If

Case 27

memory -= CDbl (lblDisplay.Text)

If memory = 0 Then

lblMemStatus.Visible = False


lblMemStatus.Visible = True

End If

End Select

End Sub

8.0 Skills Developed:

During the course of this micro-project, we learnt to create a standalone VB.Net
application connecting to database.

a) We learnt various syntaxes of VB.Net language.

b) We learnt to create Application in VB.Net.
c) We also learnt to use database in an application.
d) We also learnt to publish/create .exe application for final use.

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GUI Application development using VB.Net - 22034 CALCULATOR

9.0 Applications of this Micro-project:

This micro-project finds its application in:
a) For creation of product sales system.
b) For database sales application.

10.0 Area of future Improvement:

In future, this project can be modified for real-time use for calculating big numbers .

11.0 Conclusion:
We learn to create VB.Net Database application of a product store, also we learnt to
make application to use databases for storing user data.

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