Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent
Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent
Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent
An investigation was conducted effect of addition co- solvent on solvent extraction
process for two types of a lubricating oil fraction (spindle) and (SAE-30) obtained
from vacuum distillation unit of lube oil plant of Daura Refinery. In this study two
types of co-solvents ( formamide and N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone) were blended with
furfural to extract aromatic hydrocarbons which are the undesirable materials in raw
lubricating oil, in order to improve the viscosity index, viscosity and yield of
produced lubricating oil. The studied operating condition are extraction temperature
range from 70 to 110 °C for formamide and 80 to 120 °C for N-methyl, 2,
pyrrolidone, solvent to oil ratio range from 1:1 to 2:1 (wt./wt.) for furfural with
formamide extraction and 1:1 to 3:1 (wt./wt.) for furfural with NMP extraction. The
results of the investigation show that the viscosity index of lubricating oil fraction
increases while viscosity and percentage yield of raffinate decreases with increasing
extraction temperature, the solvent to oil ratio and co-solvent to furfural ratio. For
formamide the best temperature were 90 °C, furfural to co-solvent ratio (60:40) and
solvent to lube oil ratio (1.5:1) to get best value of viscosity index 102, viscosity 3.01
cst and 69.23 % yield. While for NMP co-solvent 110 °C extraction temperature,
(2:1) solvent to lube oil ratio and (60:40) furfural to co-solvent ratio, to produce lube
oil with 96 viscosity index, 9.10 cst viscosity and 68.50 yield.
Abdul-Halim and amal [10], in 2008, Alibrahemi and Sharif [12], in 2010,
improved the viscosity index of a study the extraction system under
lubricating oil fraction (SAE – 30). By atmospheric pressure and different
extracting the undesirable materials temperatures to improve the properties
which reduce the viscosity index of of lubricating oil produced from a
raw lubricating oil fraction, the first vacuum distillation in the Al_Daura
solvent was furfural and the second refinery, to increase the productivity of
was NMP (N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone). raffinate; the top product of extraction
Where the extraction temperature was column, and to improve the process by
range from 70 to 110 °C for furfural using two different types of solvents
and NMP, solvent to oil ratio range (furfural and normal NMP). The best
from 1:1 to 5:1 (wt. /wt.) for furfural results achieved for specification and
and from 0.5:1 to 2:1 (wt. /wt.) for productivity blending (80% furfural
NMP. The results show that the with 20% NMP and up to 60% furfural
viscosity index of lubricating oil with 40% NMP), where viscosity
fraction increases with increasing index increased to (114) and refractive
extraction temperature and increasing index decreased with increasing
the solvent to oil ratio and reaches 83 production rate.
for NMP extraction at extraction The aim of this study is to improve
temperature 110 °C and solvent to oil the percent raffinate yield and viscosity
ratio 2:1, while the viscosity index index of different lubricating base oil
reaches to 80 for furfural extraction at stock 40 (spindle) and stock 60 (SAE-
the same extraction temperature and 30) obtained from vacuum distillation
solvent oil ratio. Higher viscosity unit of Dura Refinery by using a new
index of lubricating oil fraction is solvent mixture (furfural + a co-
obtained by using NMP instead of solvent). The investigation includes
furfural under the same operating also a detail study of the effect of
variables. extraction temperature and the type of
Hatampipour M. S. Etal [11], in co-solvent choosing from two co-
2009, used 2, 2, 4-tri methyl pentane as solvent ( formamide and N-methyl, 2-
co-solvent with furfural for extraction pyrrolidone) which was blended to
of aromatic hydrocarbons from lube oil furfural, solvent to co-solvent ratio,
cut. General binary interaction and mixed solvent to lube oil ratio on
parameters are computed and reported viscosity, viscosity index and the
for estimating the liquid- liquid percentage yield of the produced
equilibrium products between 50 and lubricating oil.
70 °C. Also, a generalized model is
presented for calculation of the EXPERIMENTAL
refractive index and specific gravity of
lube oil fraction. Feedstock
Raman et al.[3], in 2010, suggested Two feed stocks were used in this
to use N-dimethyl amide as a co- work, the distillate lube oil fraction
solvent with NMP to increase Stock 40 (spindle) and Stock 60 (SAE-
extraction yield by more than 6 wt. % 30) obtained from vacuum distillation
than raffinate obtained by using NMP unit of lube oil plant of Daura
alone. This co-solvent was selected Refinery. The feedstock for vacuum
from a group consisting of formamide, distillation unit was atmospheric
N-methyl formamide, acetamide, residue produced from mixed Iraqi
propionamide. crude oils (60 % of Basrah, 30 % of
Kirkuk and 10 % of Sharki-
3.7 furfural:formamide,(40:
60) especially polycondensed aromatics in
3.5 solvent, the aromatics materials which
3.3 reduce the viscosity index of
lubricating oil [13].
65 70 75 80 85 90 95100105110115120 97
temperatur, °C
viscosity nidex
viscosity index
together in extraction phase [14].
Since poly-aromatics and hetero 102
compounds are components with a low 100
viscosity index, poor oxidation and furfural:formamide,(80:20)
furfural to co-solvent (formamide)
ratio for stock 40 (spindle) on
106 Raffinate Yield
104 Fig. (6) shows the effect of the
viscosity index
yield of extraction by forming extract– that the effect of the ratio of two
solvent complex. And the second is solvents are higher than the effect of
acting against main solvent when the the extraction temperature on the
second solvent is selective to raffinate. viscosity of raffinate phase produced
In this case second solvent increases from solvent extraction for a given
the yield of extraction by forming solvent to lube oil ratio. The gradual
raffinate–solvent complex, and the addition of co-solvent (NMP)
mixture reaches to equilibrium state in decreases the amount of furfural for a
a shorter time. However, by use of the given extraction temperature and
co-solvent the purity of extract may be solvent to lube oil ratio respectively
increased. For this reason second which will have a higher effect in
solvent should have higher solubility in decreasing the raffinate viscosity, this
one of the extract or raffinate phases caused by of the higher activity and
[5]. In this work formamide has a solvent power of NMP in compare
higher solubility in extract phase. with furfural solvent[14].
The high molecular aromatics have the
higher viscosity among the
SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 1:1 hydrocarbons in raw lubricating oils
85 0:20)
and the extraction of these materials
furfural:formamide,(6 decrease its content in the produced
83 0:40)
furfural:formamide,(4 raffinate and increase the paraffin
81 0:60)
content which have a viscosity
79 relatively lower than that of aromatics
as mentioned by Kosters [15].
yield, wt%
In general, the extraction temperature
is responsible upon the relation of
73 immiscibility between solvent and lube
71 base oil, and a significant impact to
extraction process. Its effect on
selectivity of the solvent and solvent
power, the solvent power increase with
65 increase extraction temperature to
6065707580859095100 105
120 become solvent and lube oil are mixing
temperatur, °C
completely, while selectivity increase
Fig.6 Effect of extraction temperature with decrease extraction temperature.
on raffinate yield at various solvent to The extraction temperature must install
co-solvent ratio (at solvent to lube oil for each type of lubricating oil for any
ratio 1:1) extraction process, so get the
equilibrium between selectivity and
Effect of extraction temperature and power solvent to give best results
furfural to co-solvent (NMP) ratio qualitative and quantitative [16].
for stock 60 (SEA-30) on Raffinate
Fig. (7) shows the effect of the
extraction temperature, mixed-solvent
(furfural and NMP) to lube oil ratio
and solvent (furfural) to co-solvent
(NMP) ratio on raffinate viscosity
which calculated in laboratory at
100°C. The figure clearly indicated
60) higher viscosity index for the same
10 operating variables. These results are
in agreement with those obtained by
9.5 Sequeira and Sherman [14] which is
stated that the solvent power is better
9 (solvent to oil ratio is lower) for NMP
than for furfural.
90 MP,(60:40)
96 85 Furfural:N
yield, wt%
80 Furfural:N
furfural:NMP,(80:20 MP,(20:80)
94 ) 75
furfural:NMP,(40:60 70
92 )
furfural:NMP,(20:80 65
90 60
75 80 85 90 95100105110115120125130
temperatur, °C
75 80 85 90 95100105110115120125130
Fig. 10, Effect of extraction temperatur, °C
temperature on raffinate viscosity Fig. 11, Effect of extraction
index at various solvent to co-solvent temperature on raffinate yield at
ratio (at solvent to lube oil ratio 3:1) various solvent to co-solvent ratio (at
solvent to lube oil ratio 1:1)