Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons From Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent

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Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Vol.16 No.1 (March 2015) 79- 90

Iraqi Journal of Chemical and
ISSN: 1997-4884
University of Baghdad
Petroleum Engineering College of Engineering

Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different


Ibtehal k. Shakir and Muslim A. Qasim

Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Baghdad University

An investigation was conducted effect of addition co- solvent on solvent extraction
process for two types of a lubricating oil fraction (spindle) and (SAE-30) obtained
from vacuum distillation unit of lube oil plant of Daura Refinery. In this study two
types of co-solvents ( formamide and N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone) were blended with
furfural to extract aromatic hydrocarbons which are the undesirable materials in raw
lubricating oil, in order to improve the viscosity index, viscosity and yield of
produced lubricating oil. The studied operating condition are extraction temperature
range from 70 to 110 °C for formamide and 80 to 120 °C for N-methyl, 2,
pyrrolidone, solvent to oil ratio range from 1:1 to 2:1 (wt./wt.) for furfural with
formamide extraction and 1:1 to 3:1 (wt./wt.) for furfural with NMP extraction. The
results of the investigation show that the viscosity index of lubricating oil fraction
increases while viscosity and percentage yield of raffinate decreases with increasing
extraction temperature, the solvent to oil ratio and co-solvent to furfural ratio. For
formamide the best temperature were 90 °C, furfural to co-solvent ratio (60:40) and
solvent to lube oil ratio (1.5:1) to get best value of viscosity index 102, viscosity 3.01
cst and 69.23 % yield. While for NMP co-solvent 110 °C extraction temperature,
(2:1) solvent to lube oil ratio and (60:40) furfural to co-solvent ratio, to produce lube
oil with 96 viscosity index, 9.10 cst viscosity and 68.50 yield.

Key Words: Co-solvent, extraction of aromatic, lubricating oil, viscosity index,

viscosity, yield

Introduction remove aromatics from potential lube

Refining of crude oil to produce fraction. While many solvents were
lubricating oil is one of the oldest proposed for aromatics extraction,
refinery arts. Suitable crudes are furfural has been a preferred solvent
fractional to isolate a suitable boiling since about 1933 when the first
range material, usually in the 316 to commercial furfural extraction units
593 °C range, to produce a distilled oil were built. Since the furfural unit is
fraction. Various solvent purification often a bottleneck in the lube refining
steps are then used to reject process, improvement in the capacity
components not suitable for lubricating of furfural without loss of selectivity
stock. Aromatics are too unstable, and would be of value to the lube refining
refiners resort to various means to industry [1].
Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent

The most important properties of Table (1): important specifications and

lubricating oil which solvent extraction operation condition present from
is meant to improve are viscosity– Niigata Engineering Co. [8].
temperature characteristics, stability Stock 40 Stock 60
Type stock
toward oxidation, and carbon residue. (spindle) (SAE-30)
The improvement of these properties is Viscosity at
accomplished almost entirely by the 2.9-3.2 9.0-11.0
100 °C, cst
extraction of aromatics [2]. Viscosity
Since the feed stock contains aromatic 97-105 92-97
index 80°C
material usually ranging from 30 wt. % Temperature
to 60 wt. %, the feed stock is initially 90 121
(top) treating
subjected to an extraction step. Yield
Removal of aromatic material 70 60
Vol. %
improves the viscosity index, color, Furfural:lube
and oxidation stability and inhibition 1.8-2:1 2.2-2.5:1
response of the base oil [3].
A strong temptation to produce high The improvement in the properties of
viscosity index lubes has led to a an oil gained by solvent refining is
prolific growth of solvent extraction. somewhat dependent on the properties
Solvents of the original stock as well as the type
widely used for this affair are furfural, of solvent employed, and since base
phenol, mixture of cresols and oils differ widely in molecular
propane. Many other solvent’s like composition and physical properties
aniline, sulfur dioxide are enlisted; but due to the crude source, hence each
without much use [4]. refinery must satisfy himself by
Furfural is the most widely used laboratory tests and studying in detail
solvent because its selectivity toward the selected fraction of lubricating oil
aromatic compounds is high enough [9].
[5]. Solvent and lubricating oil are Raman and Devotta [3], in 2003,
especially complex systems because of discovered an improved furfural
the high number of components in the extraction process for lube oil base
system [6]. Using a second solvent in stock containing aromatic type material
liquid-liquid extraction is a common by the addition of a co-solvent
task in extraction. Second solvent preferably an aliphatic amide or
could increase the yield of extraction mixture of amides to furfural to
by forming extract-solvent complex facilitate phase separation, selectivity,
[7]. and increase the raffinate yield while
Specifications required achieved by maintaining the same raffinate
Niigata Engineering co. are leading measured by raffinate refractive index.
companies in Iraq to produce The results show that for extraction
lubricating bas oil from lube-oil cut in conducted at solvent to feed treat ratio
furfural extraction unit [8]. The most of 1.5, the co-solvent –furfural blends
important specifications and operation are more effective than furfural alone,
condition worked out by this company resulting in more than 3 vol %
are listed in table (1). improvement in raffinate yield at same
raffinate refractive index, and an
increase of more than 5 vol. % of
raffinate yield at same refractive index
at solvent to feed treat ratio of 1.8.

80 IJCPE Vol.16 No.1 (March 2015) -Available online at: www.iasj.net

Ibtehal k. Shakir and Muslim A. Qasim

Abdul-Halim and amal [10], in 2008, Alibrahemi and Sharif [12], in 2010,
improved the viscosity index of a study the extraction system under
lubricating oil fraction (SAE – 30). By atmospheric pressure and different
extracting the undesirable materials temperatures to improve the properties
which reduce the viscosity index of of lubricating oil produced from a
raw lubricating oil fraction, the first vacuum distillation in the Al_Daura
solvent was furfural and the second refinery, to increase the productivity of
was NMP (N-methyl, 2, pyrrolidone). raffinate; the top product of extraction
Where the extraction temperature was column, and to improve the process by
range from 70 to 110 °C for furfural using two different types of solvents
and NMP, solvent to oil ratio range (furfural and normal NMP). The best
from 1:1 to 5:1 (wt. /wt.) for furfural results achieved for specification and
and from 0.5:1 to 2:1 (wt. /wt.) for productivity blending (80% furfural
NMP. The results show that the with 20% NMP and up to 60% furfural
viscosity index of lubricating oil with 40% NMP), where viscosity
fraction increases with increasing index increased to (114) and refractive
extraction temperature and increasing index decreased with increasing
the solvent to oil ratio and reaches 83 production rate.
for NMP extraction at extraction The aim of this study is to improve
temperature 110 °C and solvent to oil the percent raffinate yield and viscosity
ratio 2:1, while the viscosity index index of different lubricating base oil
reaches to 80 for furfural extraction at stock 40 (spindle) and stock 60 (SAE-
the same extraction temperature and 30) obtained from vacuum distillation
solvent oil ratio. Higher viscosity unit of Dura Refinery by using a new
index of lubricating oil fraction is solvent mixture (furfural + a co-
obtained by using NMP instead of solvent). The investigation includes
furfural under the same operating also a detail study of the effect of
variables. extraction temperature and the type of
Hatampipour M. S. Etal [11], in co-solvent choosing from two co-
2009, used 2, 2, 4-tri methyl pentane as solvent ( formamide and N-methyl, 2-
co-solvent with furfural for extraction pyrrolidone) which was blended to
of aromatic hydrocarbons from lube oil furfural, solvent to co-solvent ratio,
cut. General binary interaction and mixed solvent to lube oil ratio on
parameters are computed and reported viscosity, viscosity index and the
for estimating the liquid- liquid percentage yield of the produced
equilibrium products between 50 and lubricating oil.
70 °C. Also, a generalized model is
presented for calculation of the EXPERIMENTAL
refractive index and specific gravity of
lube oil fraction. Feedstock
Raman et al.[3], in 2010, suggested Two feed stocks were used in this
to use N-dimethyl amide as a co- work, the distillate lube oil fraction
solvent with NMP to increase Stock 40 (spindle) and Stock 60 (SAE-
extraction yield by more than 6 wt. % 30) obtained from vacuum distillation
than raffinate obtained by using NMP unit of lube oil plant of Daura
alone. This co-solvent was selected Refinery. The feedstock for vacuum
from a group consisting of formamide, distillation unit was atmospheric
N-methyl formamide, acetamide, residue produced from mixed Iraqi
propionamide. crude oils (60 % of Basrah, 30 % of
Kirkuk and 10 % of Sharki-

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Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent

Baghdad).Table (2) shows the Table (3), Properties of furfural,

determined properties of the lube oil formamide and NMP
fraction [9].
furfural formamide NMP
Table (2), Properties of lube oil
distillation fraction
Feedstoc Feedstoc
No Specificati k 40 k 60
. on (Spendil (SAE-
e) 40) Density ( 1.1563 1.134 1.0270
Specific 25
1 Gravity @ 0.896 0.932
d 4
60/60 oF
2 cSt, @ 21 151.48 Boiling 161 210 202
point, °C
Viscosity, Refractive 1.5235 1.447 1.4690
3 cSt, @ 3.9 11.68 Index (
100°C n D
4 59 47
index COC Flash 68 175 95
Point, °C
Pour point,
5 22.3 38.34
COC flash
6 204.45 260 Melting -36.5 2.5 -24
point, °C Point, °C
7 content, % 1.95 2.76
Extraction Experiment
Laboratory batch extraction unit was
ASTM- used in the present work. Fig.(1) shows
8 2.5 4.5 the details of the laboratory extraction
D1500, at
25°C unit. This unit consists of a Heat
Source Stuart Magnetic Stirrer Device,
Solvents a bench scale 1-liter and a 250ml, of 2-
Three solvents were used in this necks Pyrex flask extraction apparatus.
work. These solvents are furfural The middle flask neck was connected
(Liaosin private limited company, with thermometer and the second neck
China), N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone was connected with recycle condenser.
(Fluka chemicals AG, Germany) and The magnetic stirrer with 1.5"length
formamide (Exact Chemical Co., magnetic stirrer bars was used to mix
China) Table (3) shows the determined the feedstock with the extraction
properties of these solvent. solvent inside the flash extractor.
Agitation speed and flask
temperature were kept constant using
regulator attached with electrical
magnetic stirrer. The lube oil fraction
was mixed with the extraction solvent
in the extractor flask at controlled
specified temperature.

82 IJCPE Vol.16 No.1 (March 2015) -Available online at: www.iasj.net

Ibtehal k. Shakir and Muslim A. Qasim

Fig.1, Laboratory extraction unit

The operating condition of total decomposition and avoid oxidation of

solvent to feedstock ratio, treating furfural (because the furfural will be
temperature and solvent to co-solvent converting to coal at higher
ratio were specified. Mixing the three temperature when contact with air).
materials at the specified temperature The unit consists of a 250ml, tow neck
was continued for the best period of 60 Pyrex flask, the middle flask neck was
minutes then the mixture was left at the connected with thermometer (to
specified temperature for 60 minutes to indicate vapor temperature) and the
be separated in to two phases by using second neck connected with condenser.
a separating funnel. Top of the liquid At the end of condenser there is a
phases are light raffinate solution and receiver flask which connected with a
the bottom liquid phase is heavier trap and vacuum pump with a vacuum
extract solution. The raffinate phase gage pressure. The raffinate solution
contained about (70-80) % of lube oil was heated in the flask using heating
without aromatics substances and (30- mantle with a regulator to control heat
20) % solvent, the extract phase supply. The stripped raffinate was
contained about (70-80) % 0f solvent weighted and the raffinate yield was
with (30-20) % aromatics and obtained.
naphthenic substances. The interface
level formed after steady state to be Result and Discussion
constant. The two solutions were
weighted to ensure material balance Effect of Extraction Temperature
closure [9]. and Furfural to Co-Solvent
(Formamide) Ratio For Stock 40
Solvent Recovery (Spindle) On Raffinate Viscosity
The solvent was recovery from the Fig. (2), shows the effect of the
raffinate solution by distillation under extraction temperature, and furfural to
vacuum about (0.1 bar) to reduce flash co-solvent (formamide) ratio on
point of distillate, prevent furfural raffinate viscosity which calculated in

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Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent

laboratory at 100°C. The viscosity of compared with extraction temperature

raffinate product from solvent for a given solvent to oil ratio, due to
extraction process increase with that the power solvent and selectivity
decrease the extraction temperature or for formamide and furfural solvents
decreasing the solvent to lube oil ratio were nearly identical. The increase of
[6]. extraction temperature by 10°C will
increase the viscosity index one point
for a given solvent to lube oil ratio at
SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 1:1 the different ratio from furfural and
furfural:formamide,(80: formamide solvent. The increase in
3.9 furfural:formamide,(60: extraction temperature will increase the
40) solubility of undesirable materials
viscosity at 100 °C, cst

3.7 furfural:formamide,(40:
60) especially polycondensed aromatics in
3.5 solvent, the aromatics materials which
3.3 reduce the viscosity index of
lubricating oil [13].
65 70 75 80 85 90 95100105110115120 97
temperatur, °C
viscosity nidex


Fig. 2, Effect of extraction temperature 93

on raffinate viscosity at various solvent 91
to co-solvent ratio (at solvent to lube furfural:formamide,(80:
oil ratio 1:1) 89
87 furfural:formamide,(40:
Effect of extraction temperature and 85
furfural to co-solvent (formamide) 6065707580859095100105110115120
ratio for stock 40 (spindle) on temperatur, °C
Raffinate Viscosity Index Fig.3, Effect of extraction temperature
Figures (3) to (5) show the effect of on raffinate viscosity index at various
the extraction temperature and solvent solvent to co-solvent ratio (at solvent
(furfural) to co-solvent (formamide) to lube oil ratio 1:1)
ratio on raffinate viscosity index at
various mixed-solvent( furfural and Figures (4) and (5) indicate that the
formamide) to lube oil ratio. By increase in solvent to lube oil ratio has
analyzing the graph, the increase in a higher effect on increasing the
extraction temperature will increase the viscosity index of lubricating oil
viscosity index in raffinate phase for fraction compared with extraction
1:1 mixed-solvent to oil ratio at temperature and furfural to formamid
different furfural to co-solvent ratio in extraction process. The
(formamide) ratio. increase of solvent to oil ratio (1.5:1)
Fig. (3), clearly indicates that in Fig. (5) will increase viscosity index
furfural to formamide ratio slightly above five points nearly for a given
effect on the viscosity index for extraction temperature and furfural to
raffinate produced from extraction formamid ratio as extraction solvents.
84 IJCPE Vol.16 No.1 (March 2015) -Available online at: www.iasj.net
Ibtehal k. Shakir and Muslim A. Qasim

While when increasing the extraction

temperature above 100 °C the viscosity SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 2:1
index has affixed value , due to that 110
formamid solvent at high temperature
will be has a low selectivity and high 108
power solvent where it dissolves 106
aromatic and paraffinic compound,

viscosity index
together in extraction phase [14].
Since poly-aromatics and hetero 102
compounds are components with a low 100
viscosity index, poor oxidation and furfural:formamide,(80:20)

color stability, their removal is 98 furfural:formamide,(60:40)

required in solvent extraction. 96


Together with the poly-aromatics and furfural:formamide,(20:80)

the hetero compounds, most of the di- 94

aromatics are extracted with only a part 92
of the mono-aromatics [13].The 65 70 75 80 85 90 95100105110115120
selectivity of furfural is very higher temperatur, °C
than other solvents at low temperature,
while the solvent power to furfural Fig. 5, Effect of extraction temperature
increasing at high temperature. on raffinate viscosity index at various
solvent to co-solvent ratio (at solvent
to lube oil ratio 2:1)
SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 1.5:1 furfur
110 al:for
Effect of extraction temperature and

furfural to co-solvent (formamide)
ratio for stock 40 (spindle) on
106 Raffinate Yield
104 Fig. (6) shows the effect of the
viscosity index

extraction temperature, mixed-solvent

(furfural and formamide) to lube oil
100 ratio and solvent (furfural) to co-
solvent (formamide) ratio on raffinate
yield. By analyzing data in the graph,
96 the furfural to formamide ratio slightly
94 effected on the yield of raffinate
produced from extraction compared
92 with extraction temperature for a given
65 70 75 80 85 90 95100105110115120 solvent to oil ratio, due to the power
temperatur, °C solvent and selectivity for formamide
and furfural solvents were the same
Fig.4, Effect of extraction temperature specification also this feedstock of lube
on raffinate viscosity index at various oil has few aromatic substance[1].
solvent to co-solvent ratio (at solvent Using a second solvent in liquid–
to lube oil ratio 1.5:1) liquid extraction is a common task in
extraction. The co-solvent could
increase the yield of extraction in two
ways, first is acting in parallel with
main solvent, when the second solvent
is selective to extract and increases the

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Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent

yield of extraction by forming extract– that the effect of the ratio of two
solvent complex. And the second is solvents are higher than the effect of
acting against main solvent when the the extraction temperature on the
second solvent is selective to raffinate. viscosity of raffinate phase produced
In this case second solvent increases from solvent extraction for a given
the yield of extraction by forming solvent to lube oil ratio. The gradual
raffinate–solvent complex, and the addition of co-solvent (NMP)
mixture reaches to equilibrium state in decreases the amount of furfural for a
a shorter time. However, by use of the given extraction temperature and
co-solvent the purity of extract may be solvent to lube oil ratio respectively
increased. For this reason second which will have a higher effect in
solvent should have higher solubility in decreasing the raffinate viscosity, this
one of the extract or raffinate phases caused by of the higher activity and
[5]. In this work formamide has a solvent power of NMP in compare
higher solubility in extract phase. with furfural solvent[14].
The high molecular aromatics have the
higher viscosity among the
SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 1:1 hydrocarbons in raw lubricating oils
85 0:20)
and the extraction of these materials
furfural:formamide,(6 decrease its content in the produced
83 0:40)
furfural:formamide,(4 raffinate and increase the paraffin
81 0:60)
content which have a viscosity
79 relatively lower than that of aromatics
as mentioned by Kosters [15].
yield, wt%

In general, the extraction temperature
is responsible upon the relation of
73 immiscibility between solvent and lube
71 base oil, and a significant impact to
extraction process. Its effect on
selectivity of the solvent and solvent
power, the solvent power increase with
65 increase extraction temperature to
6065707580859095100 105
120 become solvent and lube oil are mixing
temperatur, °C
completely, while selectivity increase
Fig.6 Effect of extraction temperature with decrease extraction temperature.
on raffinate yield at various solvent to The extraction temperature must install
co-solvent ratio (at solvent to lube oil for each type of lubricating oil for any
ratio 1:1) extraction process, so get the
equilibrium between selectivity and
Effect of extraction temperature and power solvent to give best results
furfural to co-solvent (NMP) ratio qualitative and quantitative [16].
for stock 60 (SEA-30) on Raffinate
Fig. (7) shows the effect of the
extraction temperature, mixed-solvent
(furfural and NMP) to lube oil ratio
and solvent (furfural) to co-solvent
(NMP) ratio on raffinate viscosity
which calculated in laboratory at
100°C. The figure clearly indicated

86 IJCPE Vol.16 No.1 (March 2015) -Available online at: www.iasj.net

Ibtehal k. Shakir and Muslim A. Qasim

temperature, this caused by the high

SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 1:1 power solvent and selectivity of the co-
furfural:NMP,(80: solvent NMP in compared with
furfural:NMP,(60: furfural. The higher solvent power of
10.5 40) co-solvent compared with furfural gave
viscosity at 100°C , cst

60) higher viscosity index for the same
10 operating variables. These results are
in agreement with those obtained by
9.5 Sequeira and Sherman [14] which is
stated that the solvent power is better
9 (solvent to oil ratio is lower) for NMP
than for furfural.


75 80 85 90 95100105110115120125130 100 furfural:NMP,(80:20)
temperatur, °C 98
96 furfural:NMP,(20:80)
Fig. 7 Effect of extraction temperature
viscosity nidex
on raffinate viscosity at various solvent
to co-solvent ratio (at solvent to lube 92
oil ratio 1:1) 90
Effect of extraction temperature and 86
furfural to co-solvent (NMP) ratio 84
for stock 60 (SEA-30) on Raffinate 82
Viscosity Index 80
Figures (8) to (10) show the effect of 75 80 85 90 95100105110115120125130
the extraction temperature and solvent temperatur, °C
furfural to co-solvent (NMP) ratio on
raffinate viscosity index at various Fig.8 Effect of extraction temperature
mixed-solvent ( furfural and NMP) to on raffinate viscosity index at various
lube oil ratio. The increase in solvent to co-solvent ratio (at solvent
extraction temperature will encourage to lube oil ratio 1:1)
the solubility of undesirable materials
such as aromatics and a small Figures (9) and (10) show that the
percentage of the paraffinic in increase in solvent to lube oil ratio has
extraction solvent. The graphic shows a higher effect on increasing the
that the viscosity index increases with viscosity index of lubricating oil
increase the extraction temperature. fraction compared with extraction
The increase of extraction temperature temperature and co-solvent to furfural
by 10°C will increase the viscosity ratio. In case of using furfural as
index by approximately two points for extraction solvent in operating unit, the
a given solvent to lube oil ratio at the significant solvent to oil ratio should
different ratio of furfural and NMP be higher than (1:1) ratio because of
solvent. the constancy of the viscosity index on
The increases of the co-solvent NMP a fixed value using different extraction
to furfural ratio will increase the temperatures and that is due to the
viscosity index by approximately two saturation of this amount of furfural
point for a given solvent to lube oil with undesirable materials [16].
ratio at the different extraction

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Extraction of Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Lube Oil Using Different Co-Solvent

Effect of extraction temperature and

SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 2:1 furfural to co-solvent (NMP) ratio
for stock 60 (SEA-30) on Raffinate
101 Yield
99 Fig. (11) clearly indicate the effect of
extraction temperature on raffinate
97 yield at various solvent to oil ratio and
viscosity nidex

different ratio of furfural and NMP

solvent. This explains that yield
93 percentage decreases as the extraction
temperature increases. The increasing
the value of co-solvent (NMP) to
89 ) furfural, lead to decrease yield on
raffinate phase, due to the aromatics
87 furfural:NMP,(40:60 substances dissolve in extraction
) phase. The effect of increasing solvent
75 80 85 90 95100105110115120125130 to oil ratio results in a deeper
temperatur, °C
extraction this reduces the aromatics
content of the raffinate and therefore
Fig. 9, Effect of extraction temperature decreases its raffinate yield. The
on raffinate viscosity index at various overall effect of an increase in solvent
solvent to co-solvent ratio (at solvent to oil ratio will be a decrease in
to lube oil ratio 2:1) raffinate yield but also a decrease of
the aromatic content of the raffinate
and an improved raffinate quality in
SOLVENT TO LUBE OIL 3:1 extraction process [17].
100 100
95 MP,(80:20)
viscosity nidex

90 MP,(60:40)

96 85 Furfural:N
yield, wt%

80 Furfural:N
furfural:NMP,(80:20 MP,(20:80)
94 ) 75
furfural:NMP,(40:60 70
92 )
furfural:NMP,(20:80 65
90 60
75 80 85 90 95100105110115120125130
temperatur, °C
75 80 85 90 95100105110115120125130
Fig. 10, Effect of extraction temperatur, °C
temperature on raffinate viscosity Fig. 11, Effect of extraction
index at various solvent to co-solvent temperature on raffinate yield at
ratio (at solvent to lube oil ratio 3:1) various solvent to co-solvent ratio (at
solvent to lube oil ratio 1:1)

88 IJCPE Vol.16 No.1 (March 2015) -Available online at: www.iasj.net

Ibtehal k. Shakir and Muslim A. Qasim

Conclusions from hydrocarbon oil using N-methyl,

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