Platform. The Clipper PR Platform is installed adjacent to Shell's Sole Pit Platform complex to act as a reception facility for Carrack gas production. As part of this project, Zeta-pdm Ltd supplied the full process design and supply of process internals for a new horizontal Slug Catcher; PR-V-3403.
The scope included; CFD Analysis of Clipper Slug Catcher
•1 x ZP-Vane Type inlet device.
•1 x single perforated distribution baffle. from •1 x mesh type pre-conditioner. Zeta-pdm Ltd •1 x single perforated calming baffle. UK Office Zeta House •142 x 4G-FD demisting cyclones. Daish Way, Newport Isle of Wight PO30 5XJ Vessel Principal Dimensions; United Kingdom tel +44 1983 528 142 2,800 mm ID x 9,109 mm Tan / Tan fax +44 870 052 8749 e-mail Operating Conditions; Zeta-pdm Ltd Duty : 2-phase gas / liquid Netherlands Office Max. Design Flowrates; 400 MMSCFD, Veilingstraat 8a 6827 AK 8,235 BOPD & 1,450 BWPD. Arnhem Max. Operating Temperature; 15.5°C. The Netherlands tel +31 26 389 42 40 Max. Operating Pressure; 126 barg. fax +44 870 052 8749 Miscellaneous; 30% Margin of flow, Trial Assembly of 4G-FD Demisting Cyclones e-mail 15.2 m³ of Slug. Zeta-pdm Ltd Australasian Office General Information; 47 Kanimbla Rd, Nedlands 6009 Zeta-pdm Ltd worked closely with both Western Australia a reputable UK vessel fabricator and Australia engineering contractor; SLP Engineering tel +61 89386 1220 Ltd to optimise the Slug Catcher ‘s fax +44 870 052 8749 e-mail operational flexibility, minimise the vessel dimensions and vessel weight Zeta-pdm Ltd Italian Office whilst accommodating a slug volume and meeting stringent project and Zeta-pdm Ltd USA Office company, process, mechanical and quality specifications.
Load out of Clipper Slug Catcher Vessel
Shell Clipper PS. Rev: 09/02/05.
Value-added services to the oil, gas, water and petrochemical industries