Fresadora #12

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Operation and jla"intenance

and .
Model No. 12
Van Norman Ram Type
Milling Machine


Springfield, 7, Massachusetts, U. S. A.

....,""'" UI 11.1."
Installation, Operation and Maintenance
Instructions for
The No. 12 Van Norman Ram Type MiI.ling Machine is a
precision tool, built of the best material obtainable and to
th e high es t degree of accuracy. Each machine and its parts
arc c h ecked many times during com.Lruction for both quaJity
and accuracy. With ordinary care and observance of the sug-
gestions in this booklet your No. 12 Van Norman Ram Type
Milling Machine will give you many yea rs of satisfactory
servi ce.

In the general operation of the No. 12 Milling Machine it

is important to note that this machine can be used for an
exceptionally wide range of milling operations with th e mini-
mum of e ffort on the part of the operator.

In milling operations involved on most jobs where one or

a few pieces are required. much time can be saved and the
highest degree of accuracy will be assured, by keeping in mind
at all times that your No. 12 Van Norman Ram Type Milling
Machine has as an important part of its design, a spindle
whic h ca n be instantaneously adjusted to any angle between
horizontal and vertical. Also, the spindle c.utle rhead is ad-
jus tabl e in or out with respect to the column by means of the
ram on which it is mounted; thereby providing added range
aud adaptability to a wide range of milling operations with
the minimum of changes in setups.

Before setting up the piece to be milled it is sugges ted that

the operator carefully analyze the operations to be done in
order to position the piece for most advantageous use of the
horizontal, vertical and angular adjustments of the c utter-
h e ad as wen as adjustability of the ram unit.

VAN NORMAN COMPANY, Springfield 7, Mass., U. S. A.


FIG. 2 - Right Quarter View

Handling as one on each aide midway between the rear and
(ront edges. If leveling blocks Me not usoo, the
Seriou!) damage can Tetluh froID improperly concrete floor should be as smooth as pouible.
Hfting and moving a milling machine. Where and tapered wedges or shingles. should be inserted
possible. it is Lhe be8t procedure to "skid" the in any openings 80 that the base receives as much
machine to itll location, and ease it into place foundation rut po88ible. Lag screws must be used
without a c rane. If c rane!! are used. it is moe! im- forseeuring the machine to theRoor after leveliD,.
portant t.hat the sling be pf"Opcrly applied to pre-

Initial Cleaning and Preparation

for Operation
The machine is shipped with slushing oil on
.U ways and machined s urfacetf to prevent rust
during shipment. This slushing oil should be
wuhed off with kcrOBene or o th er dissolving agent
to make sure that all surfaces are free from rai-
due ordu8l which might have accu",ulated. Then
all slide ways and flat surfaceR should be carefully
covered with luhricating oil. aft~r which it. is ad·
visable to move the table, saddle and knee by
hand so that this oil will thoroughly work onlo
the .urfuces. Before operating machine, check all
oil levels. and oil Dud grease in accordance with
i08tructions under "Lubricatioo" on page 5.


~ ..
'-ent pt'rrnanf"nl mi.!>nli,knnlt~nl io the machine. A
sling: of 3A· diarnl'lt.' r rOJW ohouI12' in circumfer-
ence or lortlZ,·r. should bt· ,)laced around 1ht' rain,
as shown in fi!1!urt' I , the hook bdng lOoCated About
panlilel to th,' ram s hifler !lhufLA, with nrn 3-
ahead of rolu mn and on the right "iii .. of lh(> ram.
Tesl lhf' !if! for balance before lifting to an)'
CAUT ION : Do nOI a llow ~Iinf,; to come a~Hin8t the
.•.+- u_
ram feed screw, as it may cause damage; keep it
high on the back of th e ram under the overarm, + If""
as shown. A.oid olb~r mcthods of tlinging, as
they may either spring Ihl! machiot:. or uptlet it
a5 it is lifted.

It is e8scnlial to tht· accuracy of the milling
milch inc thllt it be prolK:rly leveled. This should
be done by the use of II long spirit level mounted -- ".
. -l
on the table, bolh longitudinally and traos- J
versely. If le~'eling blocks are used, these should
be placed at the four corners of the base. at well FIC . ,,-E,.ection Dimension.

Wiring and Electrical Controls If lllf: eutterhclltl i" ol)Crllted con tinuously in
II "erlicu l IW,.ilioll the rcar hearing alwuld Itt"
The dCf·trkal l'Olltrol)< of your No. 12 Van
1'1orl1ll1l1 Mille r IIrc' l·o nlllint.... 1 in a box on the lubricated al. Icu8 t once each week with high
lefl sid e of the ('olumll IInci cOll sist or a selector teOlIH!rllturc ~rcusc. (E. F. Houghton's Cosmo-
,",will'li uud 8Iop-!<tnrt IllIsh hulton. A magnctic lulM" #1 Cn:ll~ or equltl. )
s will'lI :111(1 ou'rloml h Cll tcnii are pro\·ided . flAM AND FEED GEA U BOXES : An oil .s igh l
The '\0. 12 'liller 11lI ~ t\\oo motors, a re,'e~ing !l:ldIge ilf pMvitit.'d on cach unit t.o indica t e the
motor 1o'I1,i"h llri\I'" tin:: "utlcrheod "Jlindle and l,rorN"r Ic,,~1. Th e oil Ic .'el s hould he chCC'.ked
II (""II IIrhe molur w hich il!l nlo unlOO on th e
when th~ rUin gelln< ore !' Iationary . Apl)ro:(iIHute
ulltier "idc of lilt· (t,t.'d /!I'ur ben at Ule rear of UH' If tl\(' IIlildlillC is obtained with a eUllaeil) of the rl\1It i", two (Itutrls anti or th e
('OOllll1t 1!I~,!I t ell'. the IHIIlII) wilh II third motor i"
f(.'i"d bo~ one rplOrt.
Inolllllcd 011 the 1"(!1Ir of tile ba~e. To alld oil. rell10\e the .,l1Iall cm"ers un lile lUI)
The fccil Illillor i .. inll'rlockNJ with the ""ioillt' or the g(,lIr l~l\ Clt und fill to the line on the sight
motur 1'\0 it i,. lint IKIl'!l!Ii blc to oJIcralc the power f,l:uges . Oil lUll )' h e c1ruinccl from the ram lhrou,:.:h
(cci l unlc ...:o; 1111' lI llimll(· ill in Oltcrntion thu s pre - II "lU I! in the bottom hetwce n lhe don'tail wu,\'"
"I'nlill~ Clulllllj.:e ttl 'he mat'hine. III the forward t'lUIUIUI frolll the reed hn~ through
The .It'lct,ltlr 8w ilt' li 1m!! lcn l)()giliollS, Iwo of II I'lu~ in the bOllfllll.
,hC.oII· heillJ: "O FF" , The rour 1)o!:Iitions on olle
!:Iidt, (I'; illtlit'lIleti I,royidl! r"rward or clockwise MOTOnS: Should lie' IlIhri cl.Il~II I:.'e r~" three to sh
rulutinn 10 t h .. sl,indlc when \'iewcd from lhe in IH'CordlUil'e with Ihe indi " iduuJ manu.
rcur. Thl' olher fOllr pol'litiolli'l pro~' ide rC\'crStl ruc lurt' r',. inl!l lrlH'li u I18 ,
rotnliull of thc " ,lil'lIl1c. Thc positions "5" indi- NOT"; I Do nut olerfill Itn) of the oil rCSCHoirs,
cute " "illcllr nlll) ~ "SC" ilulif'tlte spind lr :Inll
O\'crfillinj,f rl',;ctllJl ill unn ece!lSlt r~> hcatinl,; tlncl UII
eoululIl: "S F'" judil'ule I!Jli lltlle and feecJ; nncl
' ·SFt.;'· inclil'1lt(' I'I fJinllle fccd Gild ('oolant. ulerllow of oil ulon!/: lhe " hafL" und through th e
The ltIOll-,.turt "11 ,,,11 hllUon willl!lop anti start hellring!l, ('uu~inR leakage. Kccl' oil al JinC$ nn
nil motur~ a~ .'OClcc'h·" h~ the I!wileh described eig ht glAi'os~,
alH)'('. Operation
Lubrication The IUllt' hin e is no'" read~ for olJoeralion. so il
would lH! "ell ror the ulwralor to 1)Ct'OIne familiar
Lllbril'alion of thilt mac hine requires high
~ilh the nlovemen~ a"uilable. botb nlunual anti
(I"ulit~ oill'omllllruble to S.A.E. No. 30 (300 S.l!. V. power o,H:rKtcd. In J.!t·neral. the mac hine is 0llCr-
at 100" F. ) C\ccpt wht.'re noled . Oil CU J.S sbould
be filled tlail), und Il:cnerul oiling of other Imrt ~
8u l'h til!! fl'('tf ... 'rCWl:!. uni.ersal joints, ele •• s hould
he .lmH' 'H'ckl) .
It i.. recommcnded Lhul th e oil I.e tlrainetl
rrOll1 till.' rnln. genr 1,0,. alld c utterhead ever)'
four IlwIIlh tl. TIIt~ n'se'ryalr s hould thcn b e
(' Iemll'd " 'ilh II light f1l1~hing oil. The rnal· hill c
11111,\' "t' rUII ttl jive' minutes with this flu s hing'
uil, IIftl'r which it " hould lit' drllinetl and the
r('sc'noir n.' jill~cl to lhe leve.l wilh tJu.'
ret'Ol1l nl (-' lIdeli I Uilril'III1I,
- - 6
Cl'TTEUJlEAJ): All oil ~ i ghl gla88 is pro,"ided on
Ule ;;iclt, of the c'lIl1crlll'ud for inspection or IJl('
oil 1<:\1.'1. Thl' ui! Ic\ef ;;lIQuid be al Ihe ('enler or
till' j.: lu", .. wllt'n IIIC~ hl'ud i .. in lhc b orizontal
1H)~ition untl the ,}indlr i~ hlalionu r). Thii" r('scr_
.oir luhril'ale;; tilt' "I)irnl ~,cI @carand the front
tillwr ItCltrin![, \\ h en net '~sar~ the oiJ nUl, be
rc'plC'ni ,dlt.'(1 h) rl'mO\ill~ the oil 1)11If; on lh e tOI"
A drltill 1.luJ! i", 1000ul('(1 011 the underside or lhe
l'lIUl'rhI.'(HI. The r3pucit~ i.. I pint.
The rc:tr JH.'lIrill~ ", h oult! b,' lubricated every
fuur "cckg wilh /!r('a~(' through u lernitr- zerk
fiuiu/! ,.rcwidctl. i\ hi gh cIU:tlil) uuti-friction
Iwaring gl'l'lt8t.l s hould be lIMt.-U. Fir., 5-1 'j~HI' S IIOlci1l g S pjm/te S pee d Levers

·ted by two moton, one operating the c utter ex- hurizuntul IInrl lerlicul. the dClOirl'tl lingle bcin~
clusively, and the other the table feed. Each TClulahl.· 011 Iil'a le ....~ ". LOIJJ'iil'1I the IWIJ l,i n der
motor h Rll it. auenrlant gearbox for obtaining !!creWIi ....." on ri~ht Plitle of h~1(1 using T-wrt'nch
various 81)Ced8. Verlical adjustment of the knee prfwid"d ill tool kil , 1t11l11l1 ..... bi luler nut whi"" i",
and erosa adjustment of the aaddle are entirely locull·1i Iwhind the heUlI bclw,!c'll the Pll,indlc :t'1I1
manual . Table feed may be either po operated the nun, to lo~l~ ,s ",in,: heall to de"ired a n~l c. 11,,,1
or hand operated: when po operated. the ti~hlt' n the thrt'CO bin, lens. S IOI)S "11" which hu,c
lenFth of tohle tral'c l can be I)reset with the ad- been (lIl' lor~ !!wt. IIt·t'Uralely determine Ih e hori-
justable stop I)rovided for the purpose . Cutterheull 7.o11UII ,,1111 ,crti('ul IKI~ilhms. " 'hen It(lju~ting
is revt"r!!lihh:. electricall y. hcull. do 1I0l hllll~ the heOld IIgilin .. t tl lese ~ loll~.
m. mi",ulignmenl mighl 1'(''''1111 from 111f.' .!OlrCl:llres
GEARS. Do nOI clash rno"ing gears when c hanging
llpeed!!. IUM AU,Il'ST'''': NT (Si't' "'i~. ;!) : The Hunl i~ IId-
CUTTER II EAD S PI NDLE SPEEDS: Various j u ",tetl for'Hlrd lI utl luU"k .... "rti;o:. 0 11 it.s "':I~ ~ h) rum
c ull er spind le 8 1M!Ccis 3rt' ubtained by po8itioning (.·(·d I'wrcw " I " whit·" t'>;lcnd". out fro," under
levers "A" and "11" (See Fig. 5) on lop of ram, relit of rllm. A rCIl'Ol'lIhle ';1'111' k hnntllc i" I'rul'ided
in ~I eeordtln e(' wilh the table on the etched plate witl , Ihl' 1II:II·hil1e t.1I Iii Ihe end of thi" "C·T(·W. III
"C" (Fig. 2 ) 011 ralll . Being sure cutter- spindle is unler to tnule rilll'. it is lIel'eSS;lr~ to 10111""11
sta tionary, lift the handle on lever, disengaging hi,Il!t'J"l!! "J" UII ri~ht !'ii.le IIf .·o!tlliln just IIlIder
the s pring lenllionoo pin (rom the stop hole the rum "'"~~. :ulI l lu lij.!:hlt'll them lI(ter 11"!"irCiI
beneath, and move unlil the de!lir ed hole is en- IKJllilion i .. tiel.
gaged. If the ~ears do nol readily mesh , slightly 0 \ 1-;1«1\1(\1 An.rtl~T\lE'lT: "11t_'1l h ejl\~ hori :WI1-
rotate hand wheel "D" (Fig. 5) . and sel lever "A" lal mi llillf.: i", In bc tlnll e . il i:. de!i irabl e II, slellll~ •
first, thrn "B", thus engagin g the teeth on the I h e :Irhor \I ith I he OH'rl.lrlll und arhor I!i IlJll'ort.
gears which may ha"e hall lheir edges on "dead Bindt· ..... " 'I-I" ( "'i~. ':; ) IIIHI "\1-2" ( "'i~. I ) ,..hnuld
cente r ." To reVt nu~ eutler direction, thro .... revel'8- be lou"c l1ed. alltl O\C'rOlrlll .. litl into I'n~ilion,
in g swi tch on s tarter CIISf"'. omllhcn hirltler!O li~hlelll·11. I.ubric"te the (,,,"ler
011 the IId~l.Ir tiU II","rl wllt'n ill Ul!'C.
CUTTERIIEAD AOJUST;\1ENT (See Fifo(. 6 ) : The
e utterhend is adjustable to any angle between KNEE OPEHATION (Sc{' Fi~. 1) : Th e knee ie
raised and 10""crcd manually by handwhcel "N"
which OIK"rale& Ihe ,·erti .. ,,1 lIcrew through H 1)C"el
gear. \ ~,,"duated diul i!l mounted on Ihe llftaCt
behillli the hlll1dwheel. mArked ofT in thousandths
or an inch. To sel tlu~ diul, loosen lht' thumb
serew (In its hub. roillte il 10 the desired rt.·alling,
and lighten Ihe thumb~f'rl.l"'· ,
The klH..'C is locked in posit ion by knee gib
binder "0" 011 verlical way on lert side o( Ihe
knee. This should he loosf' when vertical adjust-
ments are bein, matle. as tighlness reKUil8 in
wear on the vertical 8cr('W.
CROSS FEEl) OPERATION (Sc.oe Fig. I): Cr08l1feed
or Cr06f!l acljulIllllent of the saddle is obtained by
lhe !laddie er08s(f'ed St'ff"" and hand wheel "p".
A gradlU(ted dial is pro,ided. Cross feed binder
"Q" is located under saddle on lefl side. Rnd oper-
ate! b, tighleninp: the sfuldlc gi.b. Binder .should
he loos(' when IJdjustinJ; the crossfced 10 pre\cnl
UlIlleCCltSllr) strain on the c ross(eetl bcrew und
nut meehallilHn.
TARLE FEEl> ( Se~ FiJ;s. I and 7) : Tuble (t"cd is
IJro,ided by table feeel ser('w "R", which IlIUY be
lurned l.Iy either handwhed "S-I" or "S-2", o r by
the power feed. A dilll gralluillcd in thOUSRndths

o( an inch is mounted on screw sha(t at left end of TABLE STOPS (See Fig. I ) : Stopa "8B" are fixed
tulll~. Diluler srrt"w ",." locka table, when desired. in poAition at the factory and should not be
I~ower fefil is ohtained from the 1,4 HP motor touc hed. They are ufetyatopti provided to prevent
Iliounted on hack of colUllln. This motor dtivell Ihe table running out too flar Dnd damaging the
f~d II;earilO'C "U" ( Fi". 7) throliKh a silent chain feed mechanuun. Stop "CC" is adjustable, and ia
Ulted 10 limit the length of lable feed travel. All
drl\e; th(' gearbox is cOIII,lcd to the saddle and
hlblc through telescol,in,: s ho(t and univeraol lJtopA Ol)l'rat e by d e pressing plunger "00"
joint assembly "V" (Fig. 2). which in turn fol'CCtli lever h AA" to the vertical, or
neulrlll l)()Silion. stopping further table travel.
The p08itionti of lev .... .,. lOW" on lull' of gearbox
"U" drtermine the fecd rate in in c hes, as indi-
cated on etched platt' ··X". These lever'S are oper-
ated in the sa m e Illanner u th e ram lelen "A" Gib Adjustments
and '"8", I( gea,.. do not mefth readily dut' to their
Th~ table, saddle, knee and ram 8iiM are
prOIH'rI~adjusled when leaving lhe factory and
. hould not be reudjus ted unless absolutely
nece8sory .
The laille gil, is adjus led by means of lhescrew
on its right end, and lockt:d by the stop Herew on
the Idt end. To alljUlH, loosen the s top screw, and
adju.t in or out with th e adjusting screw. When
checkin~ ,uJjustmcnt. ulways reset lhe stop 8crew.

1'11(" kn«. saddle and ram Sibs are solidly

loeked in position, hut are adjustablt' with
spretl(ler scrClo\5 locat ed in the gibt! themselves.
Tht: knee 8preatler acre .....s extend from the knee
into IInll throu~h th .. k'Wf' gib. Locknuts Inevent
them from lihiftin!'. ThC8(' s hould be loosened be-
fore adjusting. lind tight e n e d before each check
-v on the adjustment. All s preade r screws should be
adjust ed an equal lunount, a little at a time be-
tween c h eckin,R:S.
The IIDddle 8ib 8preacle r screws are in the 8ib
i18f'Ir, Dnd s hould be adju~tclt a little at a tim e ,
all equally. They arc locked by two sctscrcwlI in
the gib which Icnd 10 ,.reIiS the Sib away from the
suddle, thus IlPI.lyin!, tension to the screws 10
Ineven l the ir 'urning.
FlC . 7- Table "~ee d Gf'o" Bo:c
The ram Kib !>cr(' .... s in the right s ide of Ihe
edges ~inK on " dead ~·cntf·t,·' this can be " ,'oided column ex t e nd ul.ward.. into the ram ~ib. To a d.
by fit8tsetling l)OSition!> I Ihroll~h ", and then 5 jU8t these. just turn them s lightly, a ll equally.
through 1, while turnin g hDndwheci ")" 11 slightly.
Lever hAA" (Fig, I ) on front of saddle throw. CHECKINC C IS AOJllST\IENTS: Cib "dju81-
in tht' l)Owe r feed on t he table. Moving it to the menls I5hould onl), M nlBdt' by lho..t' .... ho art'
right a hould caust" thl' table to Iravel to the righl,
acquainted .... ith the opt·ration. In genl'ral, a ll
and the le ft to the left. If the revers.- is true. inter-
gibs "hould lH' lighl !'nough to eliminate a ll
change two of the IHlwer feed wire con n ections to
ph)'. but nOI $0 tight that thf'r(" will be a heav)
correct the direction of rollatiun of fl ed motor.
When lever uAA" is in a vertical position. the drag on th~' workinft paris. Cib 8 thal are 100
power feed is dillwnnected b) a clu t ch located in looSf' will teliult in inaecuratf' work . Cibs that
thesaddl~ . and adjustmenta of tabl~ may be made a~ too tight will caUM' 5e,'ere wear and .!Itnin

by hand e\~n though feed mutol' i.!I running. on Ihe op("rating mechanUuns.

Feed Screw Adjustments
TABLE (See FiEr:. 8): The Table Screw is adjutltcx.l
by means of an adjuI'tahlt' nul at the Je(t hand
end of tht; Saddle. To adju~t. lornsen {'h«k nut
"A" and adjust nut "n" in either direc-tion to
remove backlash. After com,llelinp: adjU!ilm~nl
lighten ch,('(!k nUl HA".

, o

SAODLF. ( S~ Fi,lli. 9 ) : The CI"()!o!K Fccd S~~w iii

adjutltoo b~ mellfUJ of 1111 atljuIIlahle nut al Ih ..
right h .. nll end of thC' Sad!!) ... To adju .. t.
~t sc'rew "C" and adjlun nul "0" in either
d i reI:! i()I1 In rcnlO\ e ha('l..Ia,,". A flcr ,'ollliliel iop:
uflju.!<lmcnt li,.:hl .. n .." .... w "( : ", To rcmoH~
cnd I,ltt~ in !'>,'rrw looo;.cn hCt "('f"CIoO . ' .: " and :ulju",
nul "F" un Iii (',"I pia) j .. (rOIll ,UUt lei .00;;, After
FI(;. 8 - Tubl,. {,()lIIplt'lillll luljll"tnwnt liJ!ht"1I _I ,."rt''''' "E".

and Insf ructions for OrderilLg Replacemell1 Parts for
The' fullo .. in,: pufte,. rplltain (ull information to ('naMl' Iht· u'".' n. of tlu' '(1. U R;JIII 'J'}IJe 'Iillin~
\'u('hinrto 10 order rt-I.IIU'cJnt·nl pa .. loj will, a "linlll1um of ('frorl .
\\c "3\1' eruIC'Hor(>tI 10 ,.iml)Ij(~ Iht' id('lIlili,'ulioli allli "d ..... 'ioll or hueh 11:lru. throuLCh th t' UII(, of
dra",,·inp;,. of I,ua-I,. for t'1U'h major unil of th e "".(,hint'. If r('rluin .. mall 111(:,.(',,-1'0 a nd other miM'clianeou,",
".rlJl, not ~ ho""n are r'''<Iuirt.-.!. lh,.~ .. holiM he obluitH'f1 fro m;l JU('.III mill!'!ul' pl, h(lu~ or IUlnlwarc ",Iorc .
h i~ illl,Klrlanl thnl in all~ "orrr"lM')ndenC'c ",it" the (a(' lor, ref!:arcli,,~ I,art... Iht' mod .. 1 a ud ",erial
numbert' of machinl'M tohould I~ gi ven. The ..eri.1 numb.,,. ill .. l . mpr·d on the front fa ...• of the ('olum"
ncar th e 1(1) or .. 11 \ an Normlln Milllll ft 'hu·h lnf' ... II j ", a l~ advisaMr 10 inrhule. ""hen po!!l"lhl~ . Ih e
flalt: and number of ,our nrifl;inul purc htt.o.c ordt:r or Ihe flUl r hi" ...

r ,U : F. "ACt:.
<..:ulumn Utt..c Coulant 9 HIIIII 12
FCI'!iI Box 10 Cullf'r JlClttl 13
Knee. Saddl~ and Tublt'

/OOCY 110-10:32-
SOC.V 1'2.- e~9
1'2.- 970


12. -4-47






,,"OCY 103+3
50 c.y 14-!52. I
25 c..Y


139 1 7





'''''' __-1'2..-52.8

' - 5052.

14-72.. 7


I~ -·10,," 9

IV-I2.11 12..14-7

2,,- 12.:!'







( KHoe , 2.- .3G.O

I :: ~"'O -.....
• PI..&JNCoVt
S"".~ 67- 17$
.!I7 175 .........
l ~~ ',, - Z.l.8
/1 -10

/2 - /0' Z.
_ ,2. _ 101 0
2 - .537


:;~_ _- oS 7"7 3

1%- 765

58?3 -
r2 .... .s8~ e.

.. 6 ... +

sel ,--f!
s oza ...A


<$ TABLE -"'.

J - IS7
"'- 3.5
6i1O 4-3

,~ .

roe IS



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