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Wolf Safety Lamp Company

ATEX Explained
Ex Equipment
This guide is provided to aid in the selection of Wolf lighting products for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Information given is based on practice within the EU, as specified in the requirements of the 94/9/EC ATEX (Equipment) Directive and the 99/92/EC ATEX (Workplace) Directive.


Notified body
responsible for
BAS 00 ATEX 2176 Serial
CE mark denotes Number of EEx e ib IIC T4 (Test House)
manufacturers’ Notified Body IP66 T135oC Year Certificate Issued ATEX Certificate
Specific Equipment Defines suitability BAS 00 ATEX 2176 Explosion protection mark (ATEX marking)
declaration responsible for
mark for Group of use of Group II CERTIFICATION CODE Battery 4V, 5Ah 3.6 min. 1.0A max. X Suffix denotes special conditions of certification
of product EC monitoring
Explosion equipment in gas gases, vapours & mists
compliance to of production
Protection Equipment
type H-66 ONLY
HPR 3.75V min. 0.75A max.
EC-TYPE EXAMINATION U Suffix denotes Ex component approval
all relevant EU quality and/or dust
Category Do not open or charge in Ex areas.
Directives atmospheres
Charge in charger unit C-251 HV/LV ONLY.
Recharge battery immediately after use. EC NOTIFIED BODIES
Replacement parts specification Ne pas charger ni ouvrir l’appareil en zones Ex. MARKING FOR DUST
Ne recharger que sur des chargeur C-251 HV/LV. 1180 Notified Bodies have been appointed by the governments of individual EC
Recharger immediatement les batteries dechargees. CE mark (ATEX marking) IGNITION PROTECTION
CERTIFICATION CODE Safety measures to be applied in service Gerat nicht im Ex-Bereich laden oder öffnen. to EN 50281-1-1 countries as responsible to carry out part or all of the functions specified in
gases, vapours and mists to EN 50014 Nur mit Ladegerät typ C-251 HV/LV aufladen. Supplementary approval the ATEX Equipment Directive, such as EC type examination of equipment
Serial/batch number Nach Gebrauch sofort wieder aufladen.
Lloyds Register of Shipping and quality assurance assessment of equipment production.
incorporating year of construction Batch No. IP66 T135°C
E Ex e ib IIC T4 marine approval
The Wolf Safety Lamp Company Ltd. Baseefa (2001) Ltd are responsible for the quality assurance assessment of
Explosion Protected equipment Sheffield - S8 0YA - England equipment manufactured by the Wolf Safety Lamp Company, this is identified
‘E’ prefix denotes compliance by their notified body number (1180) appearing below the CE mark on
Protection Gas Group Temperature Ingress Maximum External
with CENELEC Standards in Wolf products.
the EN50014 series Concepts Classification Protection Code Surface Temperature

Note: ‘EEx’ and Protection Concepts are not marked if a ‘Technical File’
from first principles is applied.

Group Typical Hazard Maximum Safe Maximum Safe Gap Applicable
Equipment Equipment Protection Hazard Use Sparking Energy Flameproof Ex d Concepts Explosion
Group Category Level Protected INGRESS PROTECTION (IP) CODE to EN 60529
Intrinsic Safety Ex ia/ib
Gas Dust n Equipment
ignitio Ex equipment selection for use in gases, vapours, mists or dusts must take into consideration
Risk of
✓ ✓
I Methane the environmental conditions of the area in which it is to be used. Apparatus resistance to
I M1 Very high – – Operable in Ex
ingress of both solid bodies and water is identified by use of an “IP rating”.
energy required more

protection atmosphere all concepts
M2 High – – De-energised

✓ ✓

to ignite gas

protection in Ex atmosphere 1st Numeral 2nd Numeral

gap size
IIA Propane
IIB Protection Against Solid Bodies Protection Against Water

II 1 Very high G Zones 0,1,2,

✓ ✓
IIB Ethylene no protection 0 0 no protection
protection IIC
Ex d, Ex ia/ib

D Zones 20,21,22 > 50mm

2 High
G Zones 1,2
IIC Hydrogen/Acetylene
✓ ✓ II 1 1

D Zones 21,22 > 12.5mm

II All Gases Ex e, Ex m, Ex p, 15°
3 Normal G Zones 2 IIC
Ex o, Ex q, Ex n IIB tially
Industrial protection IIA Poten e 2 2
D Zones 22 Explos ere
Atmos > 2.5mm
Equipment sub-grouping segregates gases according to ease of ignitability by sparks or flames. These apply to flameproof Ex d and
Equipment Group and Category identify the areas in which equipment may be safely used
intrinsically safe Ex ia/ib equipment only.
3 3

> 1mm
Temperature class relates to the hot surface ignition temperature of a particular explosive 360°
Concept Symbol Icon Description Category EN Standard
‘CE’ marking has been introduced as part of the European Union’s new approach to technical harmonisation atmosphere. It must not be exceeded by the temperature classification of the equipment
as a means of identifying products that comply with all relevant EC directives. – intended to be used in that atmosphere. 5 5
General req. – General requirements EN 50014
Hot surfaces can ignite explosive atmospheres Explosion Protected
Subject to certain safeguards, products bearing the ‘CE’ mark are permitted to be sold throughout the EU
without interference from national regulatory authorities. The Directives have been put in place in order to Oil immersion Ex o explosive gas excluded 2 EN 50015 Equipment
by immersing ignition
remove artificial trade barriers within the European Union previously caused by individual countries’ national ition
source in oil of ign
standards, a secondary function is as a means of regulating safety. Risk 6 6
The Explosive Atmospheres 94/9/EC ATEX (Equipment) Directive came into force
on 1 March 1996. The Directive is in transition, where product compliance is optional, Pressurised Ex p explosive gas excluded 2 EN 50016
until 1 July 2003 when it becomes mandatory. by surrounding ignition
source with pressurised T2 7
On this date the existing Explosive Atmospheres and Gassy Mines Directives will be inert gas 450°C
repealed. Thereafter only equipment and systems ‘CE’ marked as compliant with the 1st numeral and 2nd numeral
ATEX Equipment Directive (and all other relevant mandatory directives) may placed on the Powder filled Ex q explosive gas excluded 2 EN 50017 combined to identify level of
market within the EU. by immersing ignition T3
300°C ingress protection, e.g. dust tight, 8
source in sand
The Directive applies to all equipment and systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres within the EU. protected from high power water
The scope of the directive includes electrical and mechanical equipment for use in Group I (mining) or Group II jets/heavy seas:–
(industrial) applications, both on and offshore and considers risks of ignition of potentially explosive gas, Flameproof Ex d ignition within the apparatus 2 EN 50018 T4
enclosure is contained and 200°C Ingress Protection rating: I P 6 6
vapour, mist and dust atmospheres. In addition, devices intended for use outside potentially explosive
will not ignite surrounding
atmospheres that contribute to the safe functioning of equipment and systems with regard to explosion risk explosive atmosphere
are also included. T5
Compliance of products to the ATEX Equipment Directive, through conformity assessment, takes a modular Increased Ex e design excludes 2 EN 50019
approach, and is generally in two stages; design and production. safety the possibility of
incendive arcs, sparks APPARATUS GROUPS AND
A common route to product design compliance is to apply to a Notified Body (Ex. Test House) for an EC or hot surfaces 100°C TEMPERATURE CLASSES FOR
Type Examination Certificate. To comply, the equipment or system must meet the Essential Health and Safety COMMON EXPLOSIVE GASES
Requirements (EHSRs) listed in the Directive. Harmonised EU standards have been adopted by CENELEC and Intrinsic safety energy in circuit and EN 50020 AND VAPOURS
Ex ia temperature on 1
CEN, relating to the design, construction and testing of equipment; a product complying with these standards T6
Ex ib components reduced 2 85°C T5
is deemed to meet the EHSRs to which the standards relate. Where apparatus follows a protection concept to a safe level T4 Gas/Vapour Gas Temperature
not covered by these standards, compliance to the 94/9/EC Directive is still possible by compiling a ‘Technical sive
T3 Explo Temperature Group Class IGNITION
File’ from first principles, demonstrating compliance through test and assessment to the EHSRs relating to tially
Poten here
Encapsulation Ex m flammable gas excluded 2 EN 50028 T2
design and construction of equipment for use in explosive atmospheres. by encapsulating the T1 os p Acetic acid IIA T1
ignition source in resin Acetone IIA T1
The production quality stage of the conformity assessment procedures ensure continued product compliance
in manufacturing. Typically a manufacturer should have a certified ISO 9000 quality management system and Acetylene IIC T2 COMBUSTIBLE DUSTS
comply with one of the quality modules in the ATEX Equipment Directive, however this will vary depending on Ammonia IIA T1
Non-incendive Ex n will not ignite explosive 3 EN 50021 Benzene IIA T1
product equipment category; equipment used in higher risk areas will require more onerous conformity gas in normal operation, Dust Cloud Ignition
assessment procedures to be applied. Butane IIA T2 Temperature
faults unlikely to occur
Cumene IIA T2
In addition to the 94/9/EC ATEX (Equipment) Directive, products for use in potentially explosive atmospheres Cychlohexane IIA T3 Aluminium 590°C
may require to be compliant with other directives including the 89/336/EEC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Protection concept identifies the means by which explosion protection is achieved. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) IIA T2 Coal dust (Lignite) 380°C
(EMC) Directive, which became mandatory on 1/1/96. This Directive applies to virtually all electrical and Ethylene IIB T2 Flour 490°C
electronic apparatus potentially able to generate interfering emissions or exhibit an undue sensitivity to
Hydrogen IIC T1 Grain dust 510°C
interference sources. Equipment approved to the Methane (industrial) IIA T1 Methyl cellulose 420°C
CENELEC standard have T. class Methanol IIA T1 Phenolic resin 530°C
Once compliance with the relevant directives is complete and an EC Declaration of Conformity issued by the
manufacturer, the ‘CE’ mark may be applied and the product placed on the market.
Area Classification Zone Criteria CLASSIFICATION OF based on use in an ambient of Petroleum IIA T1 Polythene 420°C
Gases Dusts HAZARDOUS AREAS -20°C to +40°C unless otherwise
Propane IIA T1 PVC 700°C
The ATEX Equipment Directive in full, and EC Commission guidance on the Directive, may be found on the To EN 60079-10 Toulene IIA T1 Soot 810°C
present continuously or for long periods stated (ie. T amb. = 35°C) Turpentine IIA T3
following website: Zone 0 –200C Starch 460°C
(>1000hrs per annum) Hazardous areas are classified Xylene IIA T1 Sugar 490°C
into zones on the basis of the
REQUIREMENTS FOR IMPROVING THE SAFETY AND HEALTH frequency and duration of the A more comprehensive list of gases and vapours A more comprehensive list of dusts is
PROTECTION OF WORKERS POTENTIALLY AT RISK FROM Zone 1 likely to occur in normal operation occasionally occurrence of an explosive is provided in IEC 60079-20 provided in BS 7535
atmosphere. Durations on
EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES. (>10hrs, <1000hrs per annum)
table are typical.
Zone 21
(mandatory from 1 July 2003)
Zone 2 unlikely to occur in normal operation,
The Directive covers both Group I and Group II activities, on shore and offshore within the EU, and aims to
provide a better level of protection for the health and safety of workers in potentially explosive gas, vapour, if it does will only be for short periods
Zone 22 (<10hrs per annum)
mist and dust atmospheres.
It lists a set of obligations and safety measures for employers, requiring the adoption of a coherent risk
assessment based strategy for the prevention of explosions. These obligations include:
• Generation of an explosion protection document, evaluating explosion risk, including:
likelihood of the presence of the explosive atmosphere, the presence of ignition sources
(including electrostatic discharge), identification of the substances and processes in use, EXAMPLE OF HAZARDOUS AREA ZONES KEY ASSOCIATED STANDARDS
definition of specific measures taken to safeguard the health and safety of workers. This diagram shows how hazardous area zones may occur in typical circumstances. Explosive Atmospheres. Explosion prevention & protection
• Classification of areas into zones and marking points of entry with safety signs.
Basic concepts and methodology EN 1127-1
• Appropriate training and supervision for workers. PETROL STATION Explosive atmosphere
• Use of written instructions and permits to work. consisting of a mixture with Electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive gases,
air of flammable substances in vapours and mists - associated non-concept standards
• Special requirements for work equipment:- GARAGE
– Equipment in service before 30 June 2003 may continue to be used after the form of gas, vapour or
mist, or a cloud of Classification of hazardous areas EN 60079-10
this date if the explosion protection document indicates it can be safely used.
combustible dust in air. Electrical installations EN 60079-14
– Equipment brought into service after 30 June 2003 must be CE marked as compliant with the
94/9/EC ATEX (Equipment) Directive. Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations EN 60079-17
• Due consideration of explosion protection measures, encompassing issues such as: Repair and overhaul of apparatus IEC 60079-19
– Control of releases. Data for flammable gases and vapours IEC 60079-20
– Use of protective measures appropriate to the greatest potential risk. Spark
UNVENTILATED Electrical equipment for use in the presence of
– Selection of appropriate equipment by referencing the explosion protection document. GARAGE combustible dusts
– Ensuring equipment is correctly maintained and operated. FROM CONTAINER
TO CONTAINER Construction and testing EN 50281-1-1
– Minimising the risk of explosion and the effect of explosion in the workplace.
– Provision of suitable warning and escape facilities. Selection, installation and maintenance EN 50281-1-2
99/92/EC is a separate directive specifically covering workers in explosive atmospheres, working Classification of areas prEN 50281-3
within the more general 89/391/EEC Directive on the introduction of measures to
encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers at work. Non-Electrical Equipment for use in potentially explosive
gases, vapours, mists and dusts
The ATEX Workplace Directive in full may be found on the following website:

Ex Environment Basic method and requirements prEN 13463-1
Flameproof flange gap on
Ex d equipment
THE DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES AND EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES This provisional standard will be supplemented by a number of standards
for specific concepts of protection, currently in preparation.
REGULATIONS 2002. < = less than
Standards available from: British Standards Institution, 369 Chiswick High Road,
In the UK the 99/92/EC ATEX workplace Directive will be implemented as The Dangerous Substances and > = more than London W4 4AL
Explosive Atmospheres Regulation 2002 (DSEAR). These regulations will also include the safety aspects of
the 98/24/EC Chemical Agents Directive, resulting in flammable and dangerous substances being covered
by a simple set of regulations, thus reducing the volume of legislation covering this area.
It is the user’s responsibility to ascertain if a particular product is safe and without risk to health and safety by virtue of its location in a hazardous area, i.e. classification of zones, gas groups, ignition temperatures, etc. Both the specifier and
A copy of the DSEAR regulations is available at: user should be thoroughly familiar with the standards mentioned in this guide. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of this document, the Company regrets that it cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions contained herein. Readers should not rely upon the information contained in this
A guide to DSEAR, published by the Health and Safety Executive can be downloaded at: document without seeking specific safety advice and ensuring that their own particular circumstances are in accordance with the matters set out. © The Wolf Safety Lamp Company Limited 2000 & 2003. Do not reproduce without prior permission from the company. MM Design Limited, Sheffield. Printed in England

For details of our full range of explosion protected lighting products visit our website listed below or contact Wolf to request data sheets.

Wolf Hazard Lamp HL-95
Wolflite Rechargeable Handlamp H-251A
II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4
II 2 GD EEx e ib IIC T4 IP66 T135°C
Wolf Rechargeable Torch
II 2 GD EEx e ib IIC T4
A-TL45A Wolf ATEX Turbolite Approval Pending
II 2 GD II T4 (Tamb=55°C) T135°C Wolflite Primary Cell Handlamp H-4DCA
SIRA02ATEX5099X II 2 GD EEx e ib IIC T4 IP66 T135°C

Wolf ‘Zone 0’ Headtorch HT-200

II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4/T3
Wolf EX GLS Leadlamp Wolf LiteTracker™ LT-102
Baseefa04ATEX0398 Wolf Flameproof Leadlamp HL-95
II 2 G EEx d e IIA T3 TS-26/TS-24/TS-24+ II 1 G EEx ia IIC T4
Wolf Ex-Penlite PL-01 II 2 G EEx d e IIC T4/T3
IBExU03ATEX1018X Wolf ATEX Safety Torches BAS99ATEX1017
II 2 G EEx e ia IIC T4 DMT03ATEXE279
II 2 GD EEx e ib IIC T6 IP67 T65°C
II 2 GD EEx e ib IIC T4 (Tamb=40/55°C) IP67 T95°C (Tamb=55°C)

Wolf Safety Lamp Company Saxon Road Works, Sheffield S8 0YA England
tel: 0114 255 1051 fax: 0114 255 7988 e-mail: web: www.wolf–

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