Longitudinal Noise in Audio Circuits, Part 2
Longitudinal Noise in Audio Circuits, Part 2
Longitudinal Noise in Audio Circuits, Part 2
Longitudinal Noise in
Audio Circuits- Part 2
H. W. AU6U3 I A U I * and W. t. K A N N t N B t K b "
A discussion of the general effect of the presence of longitudinal noise on a transmission circuit, with
a description of the differences bdween metallic circuit noise and longitudinal noise. Test circuits and
representative conditions are illustrated and discussed.
nor a current can be impressed on the longitudinal induced noise, especially C2. A longitudinal nolse current z t / % ,
input circuit of an amplifier without when the center point of the input cir- whose magnitude is determined by the>
degrading the signal-to-noise ratio of cuit is not grounded. Difficulties, in coupling impedance Zc, flows along the
the system. I t is, therefore, of interest this case, generally will be experienced conductors of the circuit to ground
to investigate by what means the longi- from longitudinal noise currents. The through the capacitors CI and Cz. The
tudinal induced noise is converted into manner i n which the translation from flow of this current through C2 causes
a metallic-circuit voltage in order that longitudinal to metallic-circuit noise little difficulty. However, the flow of
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in Fia. 8. It is assumed. for the ~ u r ~ o s e sthe .
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grid-to-ground -
imvedance of the
of illustration, that the impedance to amplifier sets up a metallic-circuit volt-
Shielding ground of the input equipment and in- age on the grid side of the coil which
The omission of an electrostatic terconnecting circuit is large compared is amplified and degrades the signal-
shield from the input transformer of to the impedance to ground of the re- to-noise ratio of the system.
ceiving equipment. The impedance to Figure 8 and its discussion show in
*Bell Telephone Laboratories ground of the amplifier results from the fairly simple manner how a longitudinal
Murray Hill, N. I . interwinding capacitances of the input noise current is converted into a me-
Fig. 8 (left). Conversion of longitudinal current to a metallic circuit voltage by interwinding capacitances in input trans-
former. Fig. 9 (right). Conversion of longitudinal current to metallic circuit voltage by capacitance unbalance.
Fig. 10 (left). Conversion of a longitudinal voltage to a metallic circuit current by metallic circuit unbalances. Fig. I I
(right). Circuit elements (above) which may require adjustment to achieve satisfactory equipment performance in
the presence of longitudinal noise. Equivalent bridge circuit (below) for analytical purposes.