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MIKE URBAN CS - MOUSE • User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1 MODELLING COLLECTION SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2 MODELLING COLLECTION SYSTEMS WITH MOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 HYDRAULIC NETWORK MODELING WITH MOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2 Definition of a MOUSE Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.1 Modelling real network elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3 Nodes and Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Identification group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
MOUSE model data group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Q-H relations for nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4 Pipes and Canals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Identification group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Geometrical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Hydraulic friction losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.5 Weirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Identification and connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Model data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.6 Orifices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Identification and connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Model data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.6.1 Defining a gate or a weir in an orifice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.7 Stormwater Inlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.7.1 Curb Inlet (Lintel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.7.2 On-grade Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.7.3 Capacity curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.8 Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.8.1 Pump types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Constant flow pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Constant speed pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Variable speed pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Identification and connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Model data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.9 Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.10 CRS & Topography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.11 Emptying Storage Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4 RAINFALL-RUNOFF MODELLING WITH MOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.1 Terms and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.1.1 MIKE URBAN Catchments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.1.2 Connecting Catchments to the Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.1.3 Hydrological Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.1.4 Creating Hydrological Models for a Catchment . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.2 Time-Area Method (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2.1 Model Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2.2 Parameter Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.2.3 Time-Area Curve Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3 Kinematic Wave (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.3.1 Model Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.3.2 Parameter Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.4 Linear Reservoir (C1 and C2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
4.4.1 Model Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
4.4.2 Parameter Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.5 Unit Hydrograph Method (UHM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.6 Additional Flow and RDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.6.1 Model Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
4.6.2 MOUSE RDI Parameter Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.7 Rainfall Data and Other Meteorological Variables - Boundary Conditions for
Hydrological models 98
4.8 Running the Runoff Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4.9 MOUSE RDI - Guidelines for application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.9.1 Choice of calculation time step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.9.2 The RDI hotstart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.9.3 The RDI result files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.9.4 MOUSE RDI Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Surface runoff model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
General hydrological model - RDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.9.5 Overflow within the model area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
4.9.6 Non-precipitation dependent flow components . . . . . . . . . 111
4.10 Using the Computed Runoff as Network Hydraulic Load . . . . . . . . 112
5 TIME SERIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.1 Inserting new time series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.1.1 Properties of time series object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.1.2 Properties of time series item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.1.3 Time series plot properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
5.2 Example: How to enter a rain time series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
5.3 Example: How to import a time series from Excel . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
6 CURVES AND RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
6.1.1 Capacity curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.1.2 Pump acceleration curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

6.1.3 Regulation curves Qmax(H) and Qmax(dH) . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6.1.4 QH relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Manholes, Basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Storage node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6.1.5 Time-Area curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
6.1.6 Removal efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6.1.7 Basin geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6.1.8 Valve rating curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.1.9 DQ and QQ relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.1.10 Capacity curve QdH & Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.1.11 Undefined type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
7 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
7.1 Catchment Boundary Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
7.1.1 Visualization of catchment boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
7.2 Network Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
7.2.1 Visualization of network boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
7.3 Boundary Condition Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7.3.1 Catchments Loads and Meteorological Items Editor . . . . . . 154
7.3.2 Network Loads Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
7.3.3 External Water Levels Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
7.3.4 Boundary Items Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
7.4 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
7.4.1 How to add a varying water level at an outlet ? . . . . . . . . . 160
7.4.2 How to add infiltration in a pipe? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
7.4.3 How to add a rainfall as a boundary condition to the catchments? .
7.4.4 How to add a discharge to a node? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
7.4.5 How to add runoff results as input for the network computation? . .
7.4.6 How do I add DWF in my network dependent on number of inhabit-
ants? 164
7.4.7 How to attach a pollutant concentration to a network load? . . 166
7.5 Repetitive Profile Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
7.6 Diurnal Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.7 Profiles Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.8 Cyclic Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.9 Special Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
8 MOUSE SIMULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
8.1 The General Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
8.1.1 Batch simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

8.2 The Runoff Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
8.3 The Network Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
8.4 The Summary Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
8.5 The 2D Overland Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
8.6 MOUSE Result Selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
9 2D OVERLAND FLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
9.2 Input required - overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
9.3 Input required - details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
9.3.1 Defining 2D Domain, Resolution and Parameters . . . . . . . 192
9.3.2 Defining Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
9.3.3 Flow parameters at nodes and basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
9.3.4 Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
9.3.5 Pumps and weirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
9.4 Running the combined 1D and 2D simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
9.4.1 Setting the Simulation Type and Requesting 2D results . . . . 202
9.4.2 Starting Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
9.5 Visualising simulation results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
9.6 Understanding the files generated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
10 MOUSE CONTROL MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
10.1 RTC in Urban Drainage and Sewer Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
10.2 Architecture of RTC Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
10.3 MOUSE Control vs. Real Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
10.4 Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
10.5 Logical Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
10.6 Control Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
10.7 PID parameter sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
10.7.1 Calibration of the PID constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
10.8 Controllable devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Control Type and PID-ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
10.8.1 Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
10.8.2 Weirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
10.8.3 Orifices with weirs and gates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
10.8.4 Difference between weir and orifice with weir . . . . . . . . . . 227
10.8.5 Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
10.8.6 Control rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
10.9 MOUSE Control Computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
10.10 User Written Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
11 LONG TERM STATISTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
11.1 Data input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240

11.1.1 Job list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
11.1.2 Job list criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
11.1.3 Initial conditions for simulated events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
11.1.4 Generating job list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
11.1.5 Edit job list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
11.1.6 Runtime stop criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Run-Time Stop Criteria Evaluation Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
11.2 LTS computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
11.3 Result files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
11.3.1 User-Specified result files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
11.3.2 Statistics result file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
11.4 Specification of statistical result file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
11.5 LTS Statistics Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
12 AUTOMATIC PIPE DESIGN WITH MOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
12.1 Design principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
12.2 Design Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
12.2.1 Example of an ADP-file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
12.2.2 Design Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
12.2.3 Design Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
12.2.4 Design Group Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
12.2.5 Lower Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
12.2.6 Commercial Diameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
12.2.7 Creating the ADP file for the design simulation . . . . . . . . . 264
12.3 Design simulation and output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
13 MODELLING WATER QUALITY WITH MOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
13.1 Key features and application domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
13.1.1 Surface Runoff Quality (SRQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
13.1.2 Pipe Sediment Transport (ST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
13.1.3 Pipe Advection-Dispersion (AD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
13.1.4 Biological Processes (BP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
13.1.5 Interaction between water quality modules . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
13.2 Surface Runoff Quality (SRQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
13.2.1 Surface Sediment Data Dialogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
MOUSE| Water Quality| SRQ Main Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 275
MOUSE| Water Quality| SRQ Attached Pollutants . . . . . . . . 276
MOUSE| Water Quality| SRQ Gully Pot Data . . . . . . . . . . . 277
13.3 Advection-Dispersion (AD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
13.3.1 Advection-Dispersion Data Dialogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
MOUSE| Water Quality| AD Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
MOUSE | Water Quality | AD Dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Advection-Dispersion and Open Boundary Conditions . . . . . . 282

13.4 Biological Processes (BP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
13.4.1 Biologoical Processes Dialog (MOUSE|Water Quality|WQ Process
Model) 284
13.5 Sediment Transport (ST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
13.5.1 The Sediment Transport Models in MOUSE ST . . . . . . . . 288
The Explicit Sediment Transport Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
The Morphological Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
13.5.2 The Transport Formulae - Short Description . . . . . . . . . . 289
The Ackers-White formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
The Engelund-Hansen formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
The Engelund-Fredsøe-Deigaard formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
The van Rijn formulae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
13.5.3 The Flow Resistance in Sewer Systems with Sediment Deposits .
13.5.4 Sediment Transport Data Dialogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
MOUSE | Water Quality | ST Main Parameters . . . . . . . . . . 291
MOUSE| Water Quality | ST Sediment Fractions . . . . . . . . . 293
MOUSE | Water Quality | ST Initial Sediment Depth Local . . . 295
MOUSE| Water Quality| ST Sediment Removal Basins . . . . . 295
MOUSE | Water Quality| ST Sediment Removal Weirs . . . . . 296
13.5.5 Boundary Conditions for the Sediment Transport Model . . . . 297
13.6 Storm Water Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
13.6.1 Assigning concentrations of pollutants to runoff and infiltrations . .
Cst. concentration (method 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
Table concentration (method 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
EMC formula (method 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
13.6.2 Local treatment nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM • User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

14 HYDRAULIC NETWORK MODELLING WITH SWMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
14.1 Terms and Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
14.2 Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
14.3 Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
14.4 Orifices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
14.5 Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
14.6 Weirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
14.7 Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
14.8 Transects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
14.9 Tabular Data (Curves) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
14.10 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343

15 HYDROLOGICAL MODELLING WITH SWMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
15.1 Terms and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
15.2 Catchments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
15.3 Surface Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
15.4 Infiltration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
15.5 RDII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
15.6 Aquifers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
15.7 Groundwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
15.8 Snowpack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
15.9 Climatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
15.10 Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
15.11 LID Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
15.12 LID Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
16.1 Time Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
16.2 Time Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
16.3 Raingauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
16.4 Dry Weather Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
16.5 Inflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
17 PROJECT OPTIONS AND SIMULATIONS IN SWMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
17.1 The General Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
17.2 The Runoff Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
17.3 The Network Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
17.4 The Summary Simulation Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
18 WATER QUALITY MODELLING WITH SWMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
18.1 Terms and Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
18.2 Land Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
18.3 Buildup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
18.4 Washoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
18.5 Loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
18.6 Pollutant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
18.7 Local Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431

User Guide


When modelling a collection system with MIKE URBAN you can choose
to model the collection system with either the SWMM5 engine or the
MOUSE engine.
In order to run SWMM5 simulation a Model Manager module is required,
while running MOUSE simulations require some further modules depend-
ing on type of simulation being carried out (e.g. pipeflow, rainfall runoff

Figure 1.1 The modular structure of MIKE URBAN


Modelling Collection Systems

MOUSE is a powerful and comprehensive engine for modelling complex
hydrology, advanced hydraulics in both open and closed conduits, water
quality and sediment transport for urban drainage systems, storm water
sewers and sanitary sewers.

MOUSE owes its exceptional power to the advanced software implemen-

tation techniques, the efficient algorithmic formulations and the applica-
tion versatility. And finally, it is the reliability of MOUSE, tested and
proven in great many applications since the late 70s by more than one
thousand users all around the world, which makes MOUSE the perfect

Typical applications of MOUSE include studies of combined sewer over-

flows (CSO), sanitary sewer overflows (SSO), complex Real Time Con-
trol (RTC) schemes development and analysis, design of new site
developments, regulatory consenting procedures and analysis & diagnosis
of existing storm water and sanitary sewer systems.

By applying MOUSE, it is possible to answer questions, such as:

z What are the return periods for overloading of various parts of the
existing sewer system?
z What are the main causes of that overloading - backwater or insuffi-
cient local pipe capacity?
z What are the implications of replacing critical sewers, installing new
basins, weirs, etc.?
z How is the long-term environmental impact affected by changing the
operational strategy?
z Where and why are sediments deposited in the sewer network?
z What are the peak concentrations of pollutants at the overflow weir or
at the treatment plant after a rainstorm?

Modelling Collection Systems with MOUSE



3.1 Introduction
MOUSE allows for the hydrodynamic simulation of flows and water lev-
els in urban storm drainage and wastewater collection networks, thus pro-
viding an accurate information about the network functionality under a
variety of boundary conditions. The hydrodynamic simulations can be
extended with pollution, sediment transport and water-quality simulations.
The model can also be enhanced by the variety of real-time control func-
tions. The simulations can be carried out for single events or as efficient
long-term simulations for longer historical periods.

This chapter provides a comprehensive guideline for the preparation of the

basic MOUSE hydrodynamic simulation models. Information related to
Control, Long Term Statistics, Water Quality etc. can be found in respec-
tive chapters of this manual.

Modelling of network hydrodynamics in MOUSE requires understanding

of the information requirements. On the other hand, detailed knowledge of
the computational theory is not essential.

The modelling process consists of the following distinct steps:

z Definition of the network data

z Specification of the boundary conditions
z Adjustment of the computation parameters and running the simulations
z Result analysis.
Furthermore, an important part of successful modelling is related to the
model calibration and verification, which must ensure that the computed
results fit reasonably well with the flow observations. These are important
engineering activities in the modelling process.

3.2 Definition of a MOUSE Network

A MOUSE network within MIKE URBAN can be defined in one of the
following ways:

z Import of existing MOUSE Project

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

z Import of external data (e.g. GIS) into MIKE URBAN CS MOUSE

z Copying network data from MIKE URBAN CS Asset network into
z Copying network data from MIKE URBAN CS SWMM network into
z Graphically digitizing and manual data typing within MIKE URBAN
The last option is frequently used in a combination with one of the previ-
ous options as means for achieving a full consistency of the MOUSE

The following paragraphs provide a comprehensive information on the

MOUSE network data model and the associated editors.

A model consists of the following hydraulic elements:

z Nodes and Structures

z Pipes and Canals
z Weirs
z Orifices
z Stormwater Inlets
z Pumps
z Valves

3.2.1 Modelling real network elements

When setting up a model some knowledge of the principles used in the
numerical solution of the flow equations is useful. This section will pro-
vide some information, for further please refer to the “MOUSE Pipe Flow
Reference Manual”.

In all pipes and canals the computational grid is set up in an alternating

sequence of h- and Q-points. In these grid points the discharge Q and
water level h, respectively, are computed at each time step. The links
(pipes and canals) will always be setup with h-grid points at each end
where the link connects to nodes in the network. This means that links will
always have an odd number of computational grid points with three points
( h - Q - h ) as the minimum configuration.

Definition of a MOUSE Network

Figure 3.1 The computational grid

The nodes will only have a single computational point where the water
level H is computed. The nodes are typically circular manholes in the
sewer network. But it can also be basins or tanks with a significant vol-
ume. Still only a single water level computational point is located at the
node. Based on the computed water level and the description of the geom-
etry of the node the computation keeps track of the volume of water stored
in the node.

It is of importance to notice that only a water level is computed at the

nodes. In the simple case with one incoming pipe to a node and one outgo-
ing pipe it may seem simple to compute a "flow through" the node. But
think of the more complex situations with more than two pipes connected
and also external flow entering the node. Defining a "flow through the
node" is in the general situation not possible.

Figure 3.2 Water flowing through a node

At the nodes the water level is computed based on the water level at the
previous time step and the flow contributions during the time step from

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

each connected pipe and external connected flow like a catchment runoff
discharge. When the computational grid is set up for a network of links
and nodes it will end up like shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 The computational grid for a given network

MOUSE is able to handle various "devices" which basically are related to

manholes, basins or other constructions in the sewer network. These
devices are: pumps, weirs, orifices, valves and storm water inlets. Typi-
cally these elements are placed at locations which in the real system could
be manholes, basins or other structures. It is also characteristic for all
mentioned elements that there will be a discharge computed for the
device: pump discharge, discharge over weir, flow through orifice and
flow through valve.

The main point to realize is the conflict between computing a discharge

for these elements and the fact that only a water level is computed at

This is why the pump, weir, orifice, valve and storm water inlet elements
from the computational and numerical point of view are links and not an
element placed in one node. All the elements are links forming a connec-
tion between two nodes.

In MIKE URBAN we have five functional elements which from the

model building point of view are related to nodes like manholes or basins.
These are "Pumps", Weirs", "Valves", "Orifices" and “Stormwater inlets”.
The concept of elements related to nodes is reflected in the design of the
dialog for editing the parameters for these elements. Here you find a field
named "Location:" for all of the elements. The field takes the ID of a node
as input. All elements also have a field for "To:" which also takes a node
ID as input.

Nodes and Structures

Seen from the computational solution point of view the five elements are
actually connections from one node to another node. This is similar to how
pipes are defining the link for flow between nodes as reflected in the dia-
log where you find fields for entering "From node:" and "To node:".

3.3 Nodes and Structures

The “Nodes and Structures” editor makes it possible to define the ele-
ments used to model manholes, outlets and basins in a CS MOUSE storm
and sewer collection system.

The editor organizes the related input data into the following groups:

z Identification - General identification and location information

z MOUSE model data - Model related data
z Basin Geometry - Geometry information
z Q-H relation and Outlet head loss - Q-H relations and information on
the head loss approach and coefficients
z 2D overland flow - used for coupling to 2D flood (requires MIKE
FLOOD license, see separate description on the 2D overland flow

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Figure 3.4 Nodes and Structures editor

MOUSE distinguishes between four types of nodes: circular manholes,

basins, outlets and storage nodes. The same dialog is used for all four node
categories, but the dialog adapts according to the selected node type.

Each node is geographically determined by 'x' and 'y' co-ordinates. The

co-ordinates may be specified in any local co-ordinate system.

Manholes and basins are per default considered open at the top (Cover
type equal to 'Normal'). This means, that when the water level in a node
reaches the ground level, the water spills on the ground surface. In that
case, MOUSE introduces an artificial basin on the top of the node, with a
surface area 1000x larger than the node's surface. The surcharged water is
stored in the basin, to be returned back into the sewer.

Nodes and Structures

Alternatively, it is possible to specify a sealed/locked node (Cover type

equal to 'Sealed'), i.e. a node with a fixed lid on the top - at the ground
level - so water cannot escape although the pressure still builds up inside.

On the other hand, a node can be specified as a 'spilling' node (Cover type
equal to 'Spilling'). In a spilling node, water escapes irreversibly from the
model, if the water level reaches and exceeds the node's ground level
(optionally set off by a 'buffer pressure level). The rate of spill is approxi-
mated as a free overflow over the crest at a given level and with a "con-
ceptual" crest length. For further details, see the MOUSE Pipe Flow

If inflow to a node from catchments is limited this can be modelled by

specifying the ‘Max. Inflow’ parameter for the specific node. It is possible
to get the information about the volume held back at the node due to the
inflow limitation by adding an entry in the ‘dhiapp.ini’ file. Please refer to
the documentation on this file for further information.

In the tables given below each data variable is described shortly and if it is
required as input.

Identification group

Table 3.1 The edit fields in the Identification group

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in
simulations datastruct
Asset ID Reference to an ID used in external No AssetName
data sources

Data Reference to an external data source No DataSource

source (table ID) where the record has been
imported from

Node ID A unique name for the node. Up to 40 Yes MUID

characters (letters, numbers, blank
spaces and underscore characters)

Model Associates the current node to a spec- No SubModelNo

ified submodel

Description User's descriptive information related No Description

to the node

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Table 3.1 The edit fields in the Identification group

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in
simulations datastruct
PM Type Definition of the node´s role in the Yes PMTypeNo
pressure main as the downstream
point of the pressure main’s connec-
tion to the network. Manholes and
basins can be declared as a “Tail
Node”. Please refer to the MOUSE
Reference Manual (Pipe Flow) for
further on pressure mains.

Tail level Water level (absolute elevation) in the Yes PMLevel

"receiving node", used as lower
boundary for permanently pressurized
parts of the system. Please refer to the
MOUSE Reference Manual (Pipe
Flow) for further on pressure mains.

Status Data status for the entire record, No Element_S

serves for keeping track on the source
of information

Network Attributes the link to a certain type of No NetTypeNo

type network. Used in cases when two or
more different networks are included
in the same project

X coordi- X coordinate of the node position Yes Shape_X


Y coordi- Y coordinate of the node position Yes Shape_Y


Links Number of links going to or from the - -

node. Non-editable value.

Nodes and Structures

MOUSE model data group

Table 3.2 The edit fields in the MOUSE model data group

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in
simulations datastruct
Node type MOUSE Node Types: Yes TypeNo
1. Manhole - node with shaft and
chamber storage
2. Basin
3. Outlet - node where water leaves
the system (no storage)
4. Storage node

Diameter Diameter of the manhole - not ena- Yes Diameter

bled for any other node types

Ground Ground level of the node Yes GroundLevel


Bottom The bottom level of the manhole Yes InvertLevel


Critical User defined critical level. Used in Yes CriticalLevel

level result presentations and in the Pipe
Design module

[Tickmark] Activates the inlet delimiter function Yes InletCon-


Max. Value of maximum possible inflow Yes MaxInlet

Inflow into the node from runoff

Cover sub-group

Type Choose among available types: Yes Cover-

1. Normal TypeNo
2. Sealed
3. Spilling

Buffer Buffer pressure is only active for type Yes BufferPres-

pressure = spilling. Equal to the pressure sure
above the ground level needed to
cause spills from the manhole

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Table 3.2 The edit fields in the MOUSE model data group

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in
simulations datastruct
Spill coeff. Spill coefficient is only active for Yes SpillCoeff
type = spilling. Controls the spill

Basin geometry sub group

ID Reference to a tabulated area-eleva- Yes GeometryID

tion function for the basin geometry.
The H-column for the basin geometry
can start at any value, e.g. 0.0 for
interpretation of H as depth in the
basin. The MOUSE Engine will asso-
ciate the first H-value to the bottom
level of the node.

Q-H relation sub group

[Tickmark] Switch for choice of the comp. Yes QHTypeNo

method for hydraulic conditions at the
outlet, in a manhole or basin. When
toggled on uses Q-H tabulated func-
tion, toggled off calculates on the
basis of water level (see note below
this table)

[Text Reference to a tabulated Q-H relation Yes OutletQHID


Outlet head loss sub group

ID Reference to a head loss parameter set Yes LossParID

Method Method selected for the actual head - -

loss parameter set

Use local Switch for use of local head loss data Yes LossParNo

Coeff. Locally defined interpretation of Yes LossTypeNo

head-loss coefficient. Km="shape
coefficient", Cont. HLC= outlet con-
traction headloss coeff. (relative to
velocity head) , Total HLC = outlet
total headloss (relative to velocity

Nodes and Structures

Table 3.2 The edit fields in the MOUSE model data group

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in
simulations datastruct
[Field next Local value of loss coefficient Yes LossCoeff
to coeff

Eff. flow Locally defined choice of method for Yes EffAreaNo

area the calculation of wetted area

Q-H relations for nodes

Specifying a Q-H relation for an outlet controls the flow at the outlet.
When specifying a Q-H relation for a manhole or basin the Q-H relation
controls infiltration to the node. The Q-H relation specifies the relation
between the water level in the manhole (or basin) and the infiltration flow.
The flow (Q) value in the Q-H relation should be given as a positive value
when water enters the node and a negative value for specifying a loss of
water from the network model.

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

3.4 Pipes and Canals

Figure 3.5 Pipes and Canals editor

A link is specified as a conduit between two nodes. A link is considered as

either a straight line or a drawn polyline between two nodes and per
default is assumed to connect the adjacent nodes at bottom levels. Pipes
permanently running under pressure are specified by setting the tickmark
in “Pressure main”. Please refer to the MOUSE Reference Manual (Pipe
Flow) for further on pressure mains.

The respective node bottom levels are displayed in the grey areas of the
“UpLevel” and “DwLevel” fields by selecting “Recompute” when click-
ing the “Advanced” button.

Pipes and Canals

In case of a step-wise connection (but not allowed below node bottom

level), the elevations of both the upstream and downstream connection
must be specified in the editable “UpLevel” and “DwLevel” fields.

Specification of nodes as 'upstream' and 'downstream' does not have any

impact on the computations, apart that positive flow is considered from
upstream to downstream. Therefore, it is recommended to specify the
upstream and downstream in the direction of predominant flows. The
specification of ‘upstream’ and ‘downstream’ can be swapped by select-
ing “Swap nodes” when clicking on the “Advanced” button.

Depending on the selected type, a link may take the form of one of the
'standard' pipes (Circular, Rectangular, O Shaped, Egg-Shaped), or any
closed or open cross section shape (CRS) and Natural Channels. The CRS
and Natural Channels are defined in the CRS and Topography Editors.

Standard pipes are defined by diameter (or cross section width and height
for non-circular pipes), the geometry of special cross sections is as men-
tioned specified under the cross section editor. In this dialog, only the ref-
erence to the CRS ID.

For natural channels a topography, defined in the Topography editor, is

specified. The topography is specified with a series of CRS, where the
first is placed in chainage 0. The chainage of the last CRS defines the
length of the topography. If the length of the topography is shorter than the
computed length for the link (or user specified length if specified) the last
cross section will be used for the remaining part of the natural channel.
And vice versa, if the length of the topography is longer than the link
length only the topography specified until the computed length (or user
specified length) will be used, the CRS at the end of the link may be an
interpolation from two CRS. When the topography length differs from the
computed length (or the user defined length if specified) a warning will be
issued. It is possible to define an optional maximum length, dx between to
h-points between two CRS. I.e. the distance between two chainages is 235
m and the max dx = 150 m, then MOUSE will add an h-point at the middle
between the two CRS at 117.5 m.

A link is characterised by material, which determines the Manning friction

coefficient (Manning), the Colebrook White coefficient (Equivalent
roughness) or Hazen-Williams coefficient. It is optional to use either the
default roughness values for specific materials or local values.

Specification of the different kind of materials and roughness coefficients

is done through the ‘MOUSE | Materials’ Editor

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Figure 3.6 Materials Editor

The length of a link is calculated from the shape of the line in MIKE
URBAN. The length is displayed in the 'length' field, upon executing the
'Recompute' command when clicking the ‘Advanced’ button. If a user
defined length is specified this will overwrite the calculated one during

Identification group

Table 3.3 The edit fields in the Identification group

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in
simulations datastruct
Asset ID Reference to an ID used in external No AssetName
data sources

Data Reference to an external data source No DataSource

source (table ID) where the record has been
imported from

Pipes and Canals

Table 3.3 The edit fields in the Identification group

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in
simulations datastruct
Link ID A unique name for the node. Up to 40 Yes MUID
characters (letters, numbers, blank
spaces and underscore characters)

Status Data status for the entire record, No Element_S

serves for keeping track on the source
of information

Description User's descriptive information related No Description

to the link

Network Attributes the link to a certain type of No NetTypeNo

type network. Used in cases when two or
more different networks are included
in the same project

From node Upstream Node Yes MUID

To node Downstream Node Yes MUID

Pressure Defines a link as pressure main. A No PMApprNo

main link connected to a manhole or basin,
can only constitute a pressure main if
the manhole/basin is declared to be
“tail node”. Please refer to the
MOUSE Reference Manual (Pipe
Flow) for further on pressure mains.

Geometrical properties

Table 3.4

Edt field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Shape Shape of pipe Yes TypeNo
Size Nominel size of pipe (diameter of cir- Yes, if Shape Diameter
cular pipe, height of Egg-shape pipe = Circular,
and width for O-shaped) Egg-Shape
and O-

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Table 3.4

Edt field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Width Width of rectangular shape Yes, if Shape Width
= Rectangu-
Height Height of rectangular shape Yes, if Shape Height
= Rectangu-
CRS ID ID of cross section Yes, if shape CrsID
Topogra- ID of topography Yes, if Shape Topogra-
phy = natural phyID
Max Dx Max distance beween gridpoints Yes, if Shape Maxdx
= natural
Length Length of link Yes Length
UpLevel Upstream invert level of link Yes UpLevel
DwLevel Downstream invert level of link Yes DwLevel

Hydraulic friction losses

Table 3.5

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Material Material of link Yes MaterialID
Formula- Formula for calculation of the friction Yes FricTypeNo
tion loss (Manning Explicit, Manning
Implicit, Colebrook White, Hazen-
Use local Determines if roughness values from Yes FricNo
data the material are overwritten by local
Manning Manning roughness value Yes, if ‘Man- Manning
ning Explicit’
or ‘Manning
Implicit’ is

Pipes and Canals

Table 3.5

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Eq. rough- Equivalent roughness Yes, if ‘Cole- Rough
ness brook White’
is chosen
H-W coef Hazen-Williams roughness coeffi- Yes, if HWCoef
cient ‘Hazen-Will-
iams’ is cho-

The ‘Regulation’ button provides access to inserting a regulation in the
selected link. This regulation does not require the Control module. The
regulation can be either a maximum discharge as a function of the water
level in a user specified node (Ctrl. Node A) or a maximum discharge as a
function of the water level difference between two user specified nodes
(Ctrl. Node A and Ctrl. Node B).

Figure 3.7 Links regulation dialog

The ‘Additional’ button provides access to more advanced options for a

link such as specifying a depth-variable Manning number.

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

3.5 Weirs
A weir is actually a functional relation, which connects two nodes of a
MOUSE network (two-directional flow and submerged flow possible), or
is associated with only one node (free flow 'out of the system'). The latter
case is achieved if the 'To' field is left empty.

In the real world a weir may be located in a manhole or a similar construc-

tion which you normally would define as a node in the model configura-
tion. The numerical solutions for the flow equations, however, need a
model configuration with two nodes where the weir is defined as the con-
nection between the nodes. The weir will then be placed between the two
nodes as the flow connection.

It is possible to define several weirs between the same two nodes if this is
required. This is similar to the possibility of having more than one pipe as
the link between nodes. The generation of the computational grid shown
in Figure 3.9 for the orifice is also applied for pumps, weirs and valves.
The numerical solution of the flow equations will depend on the selected
device. Please refer to the reference manual on more on this.

It is recommended not to place the two nodes in the same spot, instead
place the nodes a short distance apart. The reason is that the node head
loss computation will have a component from change of flow direction. If
the two nodes surrounding the device are placed exactly at the same loca-
tion then the computational engine cannot determine the direction of the
flow from the coordinates of the nodes and a default direction will be
applied. This may unintentionally introduce a change in direction and
therefore also an unexpected head loss.

By using a small displacement of the nodes the change in flow direction

will be determined based on the coordinates and angles between the con-
nected pipes. Therefore consider carefully the placement of the nodes with
respect to the actual construction.


Figure 3.8 Weirs editor

A weir is characterised by the computational method, weir type, crest

level, crest width, and orientation. If the Q-H relation is specified, only the
crestlevel and a DataSetID are specified. With the built-in weir formula,
the results are affected by the specified parameters. The weir type can be
selected among 'Rectangular', ‘V-notch’, ‘Trapezoidal’, ‘Irregular’and
‘Long weirs’. For ‘Rectangular’ and ‘Long Weirs’ the ‘Weir formula’
option is used. For the other weir types the Q-H relation must be used.

Orientation ('degrees') plays an important role, since depending on the

specified orientation, kinetic energy of the flow is included (90o) or is not
included (0o) in calculations of the weir flows.

The dimensionless head loss coefficient is optional. If the coefficient is

specified it will overwrite the default during simulation.

Weirs are per default static (No Control) but can be controlled through
Real Time Control (RTC). Clicking on the “RTC” button to the right gives
quick access to the RTC specification dialog.

There are no limitations on the number of weirs specified at one location

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Identification and connectivity

Table 3.6

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Reference to an ID used in external
Asset ID No AssetName
data sources

Reference to an external data source

(table ID) where the record has been No DataSource
imported from

A unique name for the weir. Up to 40

Weir ID characters (letters, numbers, blank Yes MUID
spaces and underscore characters)

Data status for the entire record,

Status serves for keeping track on the source No Element_S
of information

Location ID of Node where Weir is located Yes MUID

ID of Node where Weir is discharging

To to. If field left empty, then water is Yes MUID
discharging out of the system

Attributes the weir to a certain type of

Network network. Used in cases when two or
No NetTypeNo
type more different networks are included
in the same project

Weir type Specification of type of weir Yes TypeNo

User's descriptive information related

Description No Description
to the weir


Model data

Table 3.7

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Comp type Selection of computation Method Yes MethodNo

Flap indicating a flap-gate built-in

Flap Yes FlapNo
weir (i.e. no return flow possible)

Oper. mode No control or RTC controllable weir Yes

Yes, if dis-
Weir orientation relative to the main
charge coeff.
Orientation flow direction. “0” is Side weir, “90” AngleNo
is not speci-
is a transversal weir

Crest level Crest level of weir Yes CrestLevel

Yes, if weir
Discharge coefficient formula is Coeff

Yes, if weir
Crest width Width of rectangular weir formula is CrestWidth

Yes, if Q-H is
Q-H table Reference to tabulated Q-H funtion QHID

Yes, if frag-
Source The ID of the source or the upstream Source-
mented is
Channel channel of the weir LinkID

Destina- Yes, if frag-

The ID of the destination or the Destination-
tion Chan- mented is
downstream channel of the weir LinkID
nel chosen

Weir Crest Reference to tabulated variation of

Yes WeirCrestID
Geometry the weir crest along the weir

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

3.6 Orifices
An orifice is actually a functional relation, which connects two nodes of a
MOUSE network or is associated with only one node (free flow 'out of the
system'). The latter case is achieved if the 'To' field is left empty.

In the real world a flow restriction in the form of an orifice may be located
in a manhole or a similar construction which you normally would define
as a node in the model configuration. The numerical solutions for the flow
equations, however, need a model configuration with two nodes where the
orifice is defined as the connection between the nodes. The orifice will
then be placed between the two nodes as the flow connection.

Figure 3.9 The difference between real world orifice and model configuration of

It is possible to define several orifices between the same two nodes if this
is required. This is similar to the possibility of having more than one pipe
as the link between nodes. The generation of the computational grid
shown in Figure 3.9 for the orifice is also applied for pumps, weirs and
valves. The numerical solution of the flow equations will depend on the
selected device. Please refer to the reference manual on more on this.


It is recommended not to place the two nodes in the same spot, instead
place the nodes a short distance apart. The reason is that the node head
loss computation will have a component from change of flow direction. If
the two nodes surrounding the device are placed exactly at the same loca-
tion then the computational engine cannot determine the direction of the
flow from the coordinates of the nodes and a default direction will be
applied. This may unintentionally introduce a change in direction and
therefore also an unexpected head loss.

By using a small displacement of the nodes the change in flow direction

will be determined based on the coordinates and angles between the con-
nected pipes. Therefore consider carefully the placement of the nodes with
respect to the actual construction.

An orifice is specified by a type; circular, CRS or rectangular, and the cor-

responding diameter, height and width.

A discharge coefficient can be specified (default = 1.0) and a flap gate (or
non-return valve) can be specified.

Orifices are per default static (No Control) but an orifice can be controlled
through Real Time Control (RTC). Clicking on the “RTC” button to the
right gives quick access to the RTC specification dialog.

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Figure 3.10 Orifice editor

Identification and connectivity

Table 3.8

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Asset ID Reference to an ID used in external
No AssetName
data sources
Data Reference to an external data source
source (table ID) where the record has been No DataSource
imported from
Orifice ID A unique name for the orifice. Up to
40 characters (letters, numbers, blank Yes MUID
spaces and underscore characters)
Status Data status for the entire record,
serves for keeping track on the source No Element_S
of information
Location ID of Node where orifice is located Yes MUID


Table 3.8

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
To ID of Node where orifice is discharg-
ing to. If field left empty, then water Yes MUID
is discharging out of the system
Network Attributes the link to a certain type of
type network. Used in cases when two or
No NetTypeNo
more different networks are included
in the same project

User's descriptive information related

Description No Description
to the orifice

Model data

Table 3.9

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Type Type of orifice according to shape Yes TypeNo
Flap Flap indicating a flap-gate built-in Yes FlapNo
(i.e. no return flow possible)
Oper. mode No control or RTC controllable ori- Yes Control-
fice TypeNo

Discharge Calibration coefficient. Value = 1 Yes Discharge-

coeff results in the flow as determined by Coeff
orifice algorithm
Invert level Absolute elevation of the orifice Yes InvertLevel
Height Height of rectangular orifice Yes Height
Width Width of rectangular orifice Yes Width
Diameter Diameter of circular orifice Yes Diameter
CRS ID Reference of a cross-section ID for Yes, if CRS CrsID
irregularly-shaped orifice type is cho-

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

3.6.1 Defining a gate or a weir in an orifice

The orifice itself is just an opening with a static shape. In real construc-
tions orifices are often equipped with a controlled gate or weir which can
be used in real time control for regulating the flow through the orifice. The
gate device will move from the top of the orifice opening and downwards
until the orifice is fully closed. The weir moves from the bottom of the ori-
fice upwards and closes fully when the weir crest reaches the top of the
orifice opening (see Figure 3.11 for an illustration). It is possible to apply
both types of movable devices in the computations. In both cases the
device is "added" to a defined orifice. This is done from the Controllable
Devices dialog (MOUSE|Control|Controllable Devices). See more on this
in section 10.8.

Figure 3.11 Examples on a rectangular orifice with a gate and a weir

3.7 Stormwater Inlets

The connections between pipe systems and overland flow networks to
simulate the capture capacity (and surcharge) of side inlet pits and grates
can be approximated in MOUSE using a combination of orifices and weir
geometry. However, a method has been developed to incorporate the
geometry of the inlet structure (Curb Inlet or Lintel) via a new MOUSE
element which allows user input of the empirical relationship governing
the structure capacity.

Stormwater Inlets

A typical Curb Inlet/grate configuration is shown below. Flow into the pit
chamber is via both a grate and side weir (operates as an orifice for deeper
flow depths).

Figure 3.12 A typical curb inlet configuration

Standard curves have been developed in Australia for "ON-GRADE" type

(using a Qapproach/Qcapture relationship where flow can bypass the structure)
and "SAG" type (using a Depth/Q relationship at locations/low points
where water collects). However the formulation with MOUSE allows for
non-specific and user defined relationships. An example of the empirical
curves developed for the ON-GRADE type is shown below, with the flow
captured represented as a proportion of the approach flow, and varying
with approach slope.

Figure 3.13 Example of empirical curves for On-Grade type

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

3.7.1 Curb Inlet (Lintel)

A Curb Inlet (Lintel) is a connection between two nodes of a MOUSE net-
work (two-directional flow and submerged flow possible), describing the
transfer of flow at a grate or inlet from an overland flow network to the
sub-surface pipe network. The Curb Inlet dialog is accessed via the
“MOUSE | Stormwater Inlets | Curb Inlets” menu.

There are two types of Curb Inlet:

z SAG Type, where the connection node on the overland flow network is
located at a sag or low point where water will collect. Transfer capacity
of the connection is specified as a DQ-relation (tabular data type).
z ON-GRADE Type, where flow in the overland flow network can con-
tinue past the connection node. Transfer capacity of the connection is
dependent on the slope of the overland flow network, and specified as
a Capture ID (collective of QQ-relations defining the capture rate as a
proportion of approach flow).

Figure 3.14 The Curb Inlet data dialog (SAG Type)

Stormwater Inlets

Figure 3.15 The Curb Inlet data dialog (On-Grade Type)

User defined parameters in the Curb Inlet dialog include:

z Invert level (m) defining the point at which spilling starts (similar to
weir crest level). The user is shown a system calculated invert level
which is the same as the invert of the connection node in the overland
flow network. As with weir flow, a crest level at least 0.01 m higher
than the connection node invert level is recommended for initial condi-
tion stability.
z Freeboard (m), defining a critical water level (Invert - Freeboard) at the
connection node in the pipe network below which the defined DQ and
QQ-relations apply. For submerged and reverse flow (surcharge), the
transfer capacity of the connection reverts to a standard orifice rela-
z Slope (%), representing the slope of the steepest link in the overland
flow network entering the connection node (only applies to ON-
GRADE Type). The system calculated slope is used in the calculation
unless a user defined slope is specified.
z Blockage factor (%) which can be used to account for debris blockage
at the grate/inlet. This linear factor is applied to the tabular data sets
defining the transfer capacity of the connection.

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

z Number of Curb Inlets, allowing multiple curb inlets of the same spec-
ified geometry (transfer capacity) applied at the same location within a
single connection.
z Default rectangular orifice geometry, applies to those flow cases (sub-
merged and reverse flow) were the defined DQ and QQ-relations do
not apply. This generally applies when water levels at the connection
node in the pipe network exceed the critical level defined by the Free-
board, including reverse flow (surcharge).
There are no limitations on the number of curb inlets specified at one loca-
tion; however, the connectivity must be ‘From’ a node in the overland
flow network ‘To’ a node in the pipe network, for correct automatic calcu-
lation of slope. Note: Link slopes must be calculated in the link dialog for
automatic calculation of slope to operate.

3.7.2 On-grade Capture

The On-grade Capture dialog allows the user to group together QQ-rela-
tions (tabular data) that comprise a single On-grade Curb Inlet geometry
(similar in function to the Topography dialog). As the transfer capacity for
an On-grade Curb Inlet is dependent on the slope in the overland flow net-
work, a number of QQ-relations can apply.

Figure 3.16 The On-Grade Capture data dialog (On-Grade Type)

For calculated or user defined slopes in the Curb Inlet dialog that are out-
side the range of slopes specified in the On-grade Capture dialog, the clos-
est slope curve will be used. For intermediate calculated or user defined
slopes (lying between slope curves in the On-grade Capture dialog), linear
interpolation is applied.


In the case of an On-grade Curb Inlet capacity that is not dependent on

slope of the overland flow network, the user needs to define the On-grade
Capture with a single QQ-relation. Note: In this case, the calculated or
user defined slope in the Curb Inlet dialog for ON-GRADE Type will be

3.7.3 Capacity curves

Two curve types specified in the tabular data (MOUSE|Curves & Rela-
tions) can be used with the two different types of Curb Inlets.

z Capacity Curve, DQ (depth/discharge relation specified in the Curb

Inlets dialog)
z Capacity Curve, QQ (Qapproach,Qcapture relation specified in the On-
grade capture dialog).

The DQ relation specifies the depth based capacity curve for a SAG Type
Curb Inlet. Values must be monotonously increasing in depth and dis-
charge and starting at (0,0). For depths in excess of the maximum value
specified in the last row of the table, the last corresponding discharge
value is used.

The QQ relation specifies the relationship between approach flow in the

overland flow network (Qapp) and the captured flow at the connection
node for an ON-GRADE Type Curb Inlet (Qcap). Values must be monoto-
nously increasing and starting at (0,0). For approach discharges in excess
of the maximum value specified in the last row of the table, the last corre-
sponding capture discharge value is used.

3.8 Pumps
A pump is actually a functional relation, which connects two nodes of a
MOUSE network or is associated with only one node (free flow 'out of the
system'). The latter case is achieved if the 'To' field is left empty. In this
case it is also possible to let the water pumped out of the system enter a 2D
model (in the case of coupling MIKE URBAN to MIKE 21, i.e. MIKE
FLOOD). This is done by setting the tickmark in ‘Coupling to 2D over-
land flow’.

In the real world a pump may be located in a manhole or a similar con-

struction which you normally would define as a node in the model config-
uration. The numerical solutions for the flow equations, however, need a
model configuration with two nodes where the pump is defined as the con-

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

nection between the nodes. The pump will then be placed between the two
nodes as the flow connection.

It is possible to define several pumps between the same two nodes if this is
required. This is similar to the possibility of having more than one pipe as
the link between nodes. The generation of the computational grid shown
in Figure 3.9 for the orifice is also applied for pumps, weirs and valves.
The numerical solution of the flow equations will depend on the selected
device. Please refer to the reference manual on more on this.

It is recommended not to place the two nodes in the same spot, instead
place the nodes a short distance apart. The reason is that the node head
loss computation will have a component from change of flow direction. If
the two nodes surrounding the device are placed exactly at the same loca-
tion then the computational engine cannot determine the direction of the
flow from the coordinates of the nodes and a default direction will be
applied. This may unintentionally introduce a change in direction and
therefore also an unexpected head loss.

By using a small displacement of the nodes the change in flow direction

will be determined based on the coordinates and angles between the con-
nected pipes. Therefore consider carefully the placement of the nodes with
respect to the actual construction. For pumps the distance between the
nodes will often be larger.

3.8.1 Pump types

Several pump types can be specified in MIKE URBAN.

Constant flow pumps

This is the simplest way of modeling pumps. In this case the pump will
discharge the same constant flow Q at any time when the pump is
switched on. Eventually with the variation as defined during acceleration
or deceleration periods.

When specifying a constant flow pump, set the Speed to ‘Constant’ and
choose ‘Constant’ in the Cap. curve type field and type in the constant
flow in the Constant flow field.

Notice: 'Constant flow' pump is different from 'Constant speed' pump. The
later may have varying discharge.

Constant speed pumps

When defining pumps in MIKE URBAN models for sewer and drainage
systems it will most commonly be pumps with a pump curve of type "Q,
dH". The actual pump discharge Q will be a function of the actual pressure


difference dH between the pump wet well and the receiving point in the
model. The pump curves for this type of pumps will in general be as
shown in the figure below.

Figure 3.17 Typical example of pump curve

Pump curves are defined in MIKE URBAN by tabulating the curve (see
more in section 6). This can be done by selecting representative points on
the pump curve as shown in the next figure. Information about pump
curves are typically provide by the manufacturer of the pumps.

Figure 3.18 Tabulating the curve

When a pump curve is tabulated like this and used in the simulations exe-
cuted with the MOUSE Engine, then the pump is allowed to operate
within the range of the dH values in the table. At any time during the sim-
ulation the MOUSE Engine will compute the actual dH and determine the
corresponding Q value from the table, resulting in the actual duty point
position for the pump.

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

As a standard feature the MOUSE Engine will stop the simulation with an
error message if the hydrodynamic conditions result in an actual dH value
outside the range of the pump curve table.

Variable speed pumps

When applying variable speed pumps the manufacturer typically provides
a set of pump curves describing the pump capacity at various percentages
of maximum rotation speed or maximum power input. You may have a set
of curves available as show in the figure below.

Figure 3.19 Pump curves at various percentages of maximum rotation speed or

maximum power input

It is also found that variable speed pumps cannot be regulated over the full
range between 0% and 100%. Instead the regulation may be in the range
of 70% to 100% as indicated in the figure above. Search for specific infor-
mation available for the pumps applied at the pumping stations being

For simplicity in the modeling the actual method of varying the pump
capacity is not considered. It is not directly related to the actual number of
rotations per minute (RPM) or the actual electrical power input. In the
modeling we only consider the pump capacity as varying between a pump
curve corresponding to the minimum speed and a pump curve correspond-
ing to the maximum speed.

For variable speed pumps the two pump curves are defined as 'RPMmin'
and 'RPMmax' pump curves. For constant speed pumps only the 'RPM-
max' pump curve is applied.


Figure 3.20 The RPMmax and RPMmin pump curves

When the MOUSE simulation is executed it is the standard condition that

the simulation will stop and give an error message if the conditions exceed
the range for the dH value in the pump curve table. This applies both for
the 'RPMmax' and the 'RPMmin' pump curve.

Operation of variable speed pumps

If the 'Speed' selection field is set to 'Variable' and the 'Oper. Mode' field is
set to 'Wet Well Set Point' a value for the wet well set point is entered.

When a variable speed pump is in operation during the simulation with the
MOUSE Engine the duty point will move between the two pump curves
depending on the actual conditions. The actual flow is determined by
using a PID function which will attempt to control the water level at the
wet well to stay at the specified set point value.

The discharge Q determined by the PID function and the dH found by the
actual hydraulic conditions defines the duty point. This may vary in the
area between the two pump curves.

Figure 3.21

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Eventually the conditions may result in the duty point ending up on one of
the pump curves. If the PID regulation sets the discharge Q to a value
higher than the limitation by the 'RPMmax' pump curve at the given dH
condition, then the discharge will be defined by the pump curve. As a con-
sequence the water level in the wet well will rise above the defined set-
point value.

Figure 3.22

If the inflow to the pumping station is low, then the operation of the pump
may result in an actual duty point located at the 'RPMmin' pump curve. In
this case the water level at the wet well will drop below the defined set-
point value. Eventually the water level will reach the stop level defined for
the pump and the operation is switched off

Figure 3.23

More detailed output information may be added to the standard result file
for variable speed pumps. Please refer to the documentation on the DHI-
APP.INI file found in the “DHIAPP INI and ADP Files Reference Man-


Registration of 'dry stops' of pumps

The hydrodynamic network simulation provides a simulation summary
report at the end of the computation. The summary for the pumps will
show the number of pump starts during the simulation and if the individ-
ual pumps have been forced to stop due to lack of water in the pump wet

There can be various reasons for situations where pumps are running dry.
When this happens in the model simulation it indicates a mismatch in the
configuration. E.g. too small wet well volume, errors in the applied pump
capacity curves or deceleration times.

Figure 3.24 Summary reveals dry stops during simulation

Pumps will be switched off when the water level drops to the defined stop
level. But the pump flow continues during the specified deceleration
period by a linear decrease to zero flow. During this time interval the
water level in wet well may eventually drop to the bottom of the wet well
during a single time step. In this situation the MOUSE Engine will force
an immediate 'dry stop' of the pump discharge.

The 'Pumps - Discharge' section is only output to the summary report if

'pumps' has been selected in the summary selection dialog (found on the
Simulation dialog).

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Figure 3.25 Pumps editor

A pump is characterised by the 'Start Level' and 'Stop Level', an offset,

acceleration and deceleration time and a capacity curve. The capacity
curve is specified in the Curves and Relations dialog. The capacity curve
can be specified as a 'Capacity Curve QH' relation (for screw pumps) or as
'Capacity Curve QdH' relation (for differential head pumps), where 'H' is
the absolute water level in the pump's wet well (at 'Location'), and 'dH' is
the water level difference between the 'To' and the 'Location' nodes. A
pump type with a 'Capacity Curve QH' relation is named a screw pump,
while a pump type with a 'dH-Q' relation is named a differential head

If an offset is specified this will be added to the capacity curve relation.


Pumps are per default static (No Control) but can be controlled through
Real Time Control (RTC). Clicking on the “RTC” button to the right gives
quick access to the RTC specification dialog.

Identification and connectivity

Table 3.10

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Asset ID Reference to an ID used in external
No AssetName
data sources
Data Reference to an external data source
source (table ID) where the record has been No DataSource
imported from
Pump ID A unique name for the pump. Up to
40 characters (letters, numbers, blank Yes MUID
spaces and underscore characters)
Location ID of Node where pump is located Yes MUID
To ID of Node where Pump is pumping
Status Data status for the entire record,
serves for keeping track on the source No Element_S
of information
Network Attributes the pump to a certain type
type of network. Used in cases when two
No NetTypeNo
or more different networks are
included in the same project
Speed Selection between constant and vari- Yes SpeedNo
able speed pumps. Only variable
speed pumps can be used for PID
Description User's descriptive information related
No Description
to the pump

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Model data

Table 3.11

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in datastruc-
simulations ture
Oper. mode Switch between “normal” (i.e. Yes Control-
ON/OFF at fixed level) and RTC TypeNo
operation. “Wet-well set point” is a
special RTC control, which is accessi-
ble also without RTC add-on module
Cap. curve Type of capacity curve. Type 1 is Yes CapTypeNo
type applicable for archimed Screw, type 2
for all rotodynamic pumps
Start level Water level in pump sump which trig- Yes StartLevel
gers the pump to start
Stop level Water level in pump sump which trig- Yes StopLevel
gers the pump to stop
Acc. time Pump acceleration time. Used to Yes AccTime
dampen sudden increase of flow at
the pumps START events
Dec. time Pump decceleration time. Used to Yes DecTime
dampen sudden decrease of flow at
the pumps STOP events
Offset Offset of the capacity curve. Applies Yes. if Q-H Offset1
to Q-H types, which may be specified type
relative to different datums
Offset Offset of minimum capacity curve. Yes, if vari- Offset2
Applies only for variable speed able speed
pumps pump
Wet Well Absolute water level in the pump Yes WetWellSet-
set-point sump (i.e. wet well) which the pump Point
is supposed to maintain
QMax- Capacity curve for the nominal (max) Yes QMaxSetID
SetID rotation speed
QMin- Capacity curve for the minimum Yes QMinSetID
SetID speed. Applies only for variable
speed pumps


3.9 Valves
A valve is a functional relation which connects two nodes of a MOUSE

Figure 3.26 Valve dialog

In the real world a valve may be located in a manhole or a similar con-

struction which you normally would define as a node in the model config-
uration. The numerical solutions for the flow equations, however, need a
model configuration with two nodes where the valve is defined as the con-
nection between the nodes. The valve will then be placed between the two
nodes as the flow connection.

It is possible to define several valves between the same two nodes if this is
required. This is similar to the possibility of having more than one pipe as
the link between nodes. The generation of the computational grid shown
in Figure 3.9 for the orifice is also applied for pumps, weirs and valves.
The numerical solution of the flow equations will depend on the selected
device. Please refer to the reference manual on more on this.

It is recommended not to place the two nodes in the same spot, instead
place the nodes a short distance apart. The reason is that the node head
loss computation will have a component from change of flow direction. If

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

the two nodes surrounding the device are placed exactly at the same loca-
tion then the computational engine cannot determine the direction of the
flow from the coordinates of the nodes and a default direction will be
applied. This may unintentionally introduce a change in direction and
therefore also an unexpected head loss.

By using a small displacement of the nodes the change in flow direction

will be determined based on the coordinates and angles between the con-
nected pipes. Therefore consider carefully the placement of the nodes with
respect to the actual construction.

A valve is specified by a diameter, flow area (by default calculated on the

basis of the diameter, but it is possible to overwrite this value) and an
invert level.

It is possible to specify a valve to be a non-return valve and thereby pre-

venting flow in the negative flow direction. A rating curve is specified to
define the relation between the valve opening (%) and resistance (k). The
rating curve is specified under “MOUSE|Curves & Relations”.

The valve is by default static, in which case the valve opening must be
specified. It is also possible to define a valve to be the RTC controlled and
then the valve opening will be controlled by any specified control rules.

Table 3.12 Identification and connectivity edit fields of the MIKE URBAN valve

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulations ture
Asset ID Reference to an ID used in external No AssetName
data sources
Valve ID A unique name for the valve. Up to Yes MUID
40 characters (letters, numbers, blank
spaces and underscore characters)
Location ID of Node where valve is located Yes FROM-

To ID of Node where valve is discharg- Yes TONODE

ing to
Description User’s descriptive information related No Description
to the valve


Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulations ture
Data Reference to an external data source No DataSource
source (table ID) where the record has been
imported from
Status Data status for the entire record, No Elements
serves for keeping track on the source
of information
Network Attributes the valve to a certain type No NetTypeNo
Type of network. Used in case where two
or more different networks are
included in the same project
Valve Type Specification of type of valve, this No TypeNo
information is not used in the simula-
tion engine

Table 3.13 Geometrical and hydraulic properties, edit fields of the MIKE
URBAN valve editor

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulations ture
Comp type Selection of computation Method. Yes MethodNo
Oper.mode Yes Con-
No control or RTC controllable valve
Non Return Indicating a flap-gate built-in valve Yes FlapNo
(i.e. no return flow possible)
Rating Reference to the tabulated k-opening Yes RatingCur-
Curve function veID
Diameter The default value of the area (the field Yes Diameter
“Flow Area”) is calculated on the
assumption of a circular valve, with
the diameter specified in this field.
Furthermore, the transition to a pres-
surized valve is defined by the invert
level plus the diameter.
Flow Area A user specified flow area overwrites Yes Area
the default valve area computed on
the basis of a circular cross section.

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulations ture
Invert The invert level defines the minimum yes InvertLevel
Level water level, which generates flow
through the valve
Valve Defines the opening of the valve in Yes Opening
Opening percentages (value between 0 and
100). For an RTC controlled valve,
this value is not applied, the opening
is controlled by the MIKE URBAN
build in RTC algorithm

3.10 CRS & Topography

The CRS and Topograpy editors allow the definition of the conduit cross-
sections and natural streams topographies, according to the following:

z CRS editor: Open and closed Cross sections. The X, Z types are appro-
priate for irregular cross sections, while H, W are best for symmetric
cross sections.
z Topography: The "Channel Topography" dialog is an editor for
MOUSE topography data. A topography is made up from a number of
cross sections,specified in the cross section editor.
The CRS and Topography Editors are reached by selecting MOUSE |
CRS & Topography.

Figure 3.27 The CRS editor

CRS & Topography

Cross sections are classified in seven types: three of them are closed cross
sections, and four of them are open cross sections. Each of the types has
three sub-types, defined by the way how the CRS geometry is described.
Thus, the following CRS types are supported:

z X, Z open: The CRS geometry is described by points defined by co-

ordinate pairs (x, z), where 'x' is a horizontal axis, and 'z' a vertical axis.
The points are specified in a counter-clockwise direction.
z X, Z closed: The CRS geometry is described by points defined by co-
ordinate pairs (x, z), where 'x' is a horizontal axis, and 'z' a vertical axis.
The points are specified in a counter-clockwise direction. The first and
last points are connected to close the cross section.
z H, W open: The CRS geometry is described by pairs (h, w), where 'h' is
relative height, and 'w' is the corresponding cross section width. The
pairs are specified in an upward direction.
z H, W closed: The CRS geometry is described by pairs (h, w), where 'h'
is relative height, and 'w' is the corresponding cross section width. The
pairs are specified in an upward direction. The last specified (h, w) pair
defines the top of the closed cross section.
z Processed open: The CRS geometry is described directly through their
hydraulic parameters; Length (L), Width (W), cross section area (A)
and hydraulic radius (R). For this type of CRS a graph is not available.
z Processed closed: The CRS geometry is described directly through
their hydraulic parameters; Length (L), Width (W), cross section area
(A) and hydraulic radius (R). For this type of CRS a graph is not avail-
z X-Z-R-M open: The CRS geometry is described by points defined by
co-ordinate pairs (x, z), where 'x' is a horizontal axis, 'z' a vertical axis,
the relative resistance (R) and the marker (M). The points are specified
in a counter-clockwise direction.
This cross section type allows to specify open channel systems to have
variable roughness across a cross section (common in urban and drainage

A series of lateral resistance factors can hence be specified for the cross
section. The markers (see Figure 3.28) are used for splitting the cross sec-
tion into parallel channels defined by the markers. The marker (1) and the
marker (3) define where the cross section is ‘cut off’, i.e. outside of these
markers the cross section will not be taken into account. If marker (1) and
(3) are not specified the entire cross section will be used. Marker (2) is not
used for MOUSE simulations. Marker (8) and (9) indicate the left and
right channel banks respectively. The markers are used for splitting the

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

cross section into three parallel channels. Thus the reach of the left flood
plain is given by markers (1) and (8), the reach of the main channel is
defined by markers (8) and (9) and finally the right flood plain is defined
through markers (9) and (3). The calculation of the hydraulic parameters is
carried out for each of the three channels.

Figure 3.28 The marker options for the cross section type X-Z-R-M.

The X, Z types are appropriate for irregular cross sections, while H, W are
best for symmetric cross sections.

For X,Z and H,W closed cross section types, MOUSE automatically pro-
vides the Preissmann slot, in order to facilitate the flow computations in
pressurised conditions.

Figure 3.29 The Topography Editor

Emptying Storage Nodes

A topography is made up from a number of cross sections (specified in the

cross section editor), each combined with the corresponding chainage,
bottom level and three optional parameters: The Manning number at the
top of the cross section, the Manning number at the bottom of the cross
section and the Manning's number variation exponent. These three param-
eters allow for a non-linear variation of the Manning number as a function
of the water depth in the cross section. If the fields for specification of the
parameters are left empty MOUSE will use the Manning's numbers speci-
fied for friction loss under 'MOUSE Materials'.

The 'Chainage' is the location for which the CRS is valid and 'Bottom
Level' is the elevation of the CRS at the specific chainage. MOUSE will
interpolate between each of the inserted CRS according to chainage. A
CRS must always be specified at chainage = 0.0. If the last CRS is speci-
fied at a chainage lower than the length of the pipe the last CRS will be
extrapolated to the remainder of the link.

3.11 Emptying Storage Nodes

Storage nodes are dimensionless elements used for a controlled routing of
the flows outside the MOUSE network. They are typically used for simu-
lating the partial return of surcharged water into the network in case of
urban flooding.

Storage nodes are defined only by their name (ID-string), a receiving

node, a control node and Emptying function (QH-relation).

Storage nodes are not connected to the MOUSE network by links, which
is the case with all other types of nodes.

Water arrives into a storage node over a weir or a pump. This process is
controlled by the actual hydraulic situation in the system and the weirs or
pumps capacities. Weirs and pumps behave in this case as if they dis-
charge "out of the system". The volume of water that can be stored in a
storage node is unlimited.

Return of water from storage basins back into the MOUSE network is
controlled by the emptying functions specified in the dialog "Emptying
Storage Nodes". An emptying function is actually a Q-H function, where
'Q' is the flow from the storage node into a 'receiving node', and 'H' is the

Hydraulic Network Modeling with MOUSE

water level in a 'control node'. The flow according to the emptying func-
tion is possible only until the storage node is completely empty.

Table 3.14

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulations ture
Node ID Identifier of a storage node Yes NodeID
Receiving Receiving node for the flow from
node Yes RecNodeID
a storage node
Control Identifier of a node for the flows from ContrNo-
node the storage node deID
Emptying Reference to tabulated emptying EmptFunc-
function function tID

Terms and Concepts


4.1 Terms and Concepts

MOUSE provides a versatile set of tools and computational models aimed
at modelling surface storm runoff and infiltration on urban and semi-rural
catchments. As a result, user can quickly prepare a precipitation-runoff
model set-up of desired level of detail (in terms of spatial discretization
and in terms of input data) and utilize the computed runoff as a load of the
collection network.

This Chapter provides a comprehensive guideline for the preparation of

the MOUSE hydrological models and execution of the hydrological com-

Modelling of urban storm runoff and infiltration in MOUSE requires

understanding of the information requirements and the involved proc-
esses. This understanding is supported by the illustration in Figure 1-1.

The user must be aware that runoff computation and its subsequent use as
a network load are, in principle two distinct steps in the modeling process.

Accordingly, the runoff modeling (Step 1) engages the following:

z MIKE URBAN catchments

z Optionally (only if network computations will follow), definition of
the catchment connection, i.e. specification of the point of runoff
inflow into the network.
z Definition of the hydrological models
z Precipitation (optionally, temperature and evapo-transpiration)
z Runoff computations
Upon execution of the runoff computation, the runoff is typically used as a
hydraulic load of the collection network (Step 2). This requires further

z Declaration of the computed runoff as a network hydraulic load.

z Execution of the network computation
Furthermore, an important part of successful modeling is related to the
model calibration and verification, which must ensure that the computed
results fit reasonably well with the flow observations. The calibration and

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

verification are important engineering activities in the modeling process,

and a due attention to them must be paid.

Figure 4.1 Illustrated flow of information in hydrological modeling

4.1.1 MIKE URBAN Catchments

In the context of hydrological modeling, MIKE URBAN catchments are
treated as hydrological units where storm runoff and infiltration (RDI) are
generated on the basis of a single set of model parameters and input data.
In fact, MIKE URBAN catchments represent the level of spatial discreti-
zation of the hydrological model.

The nature of MIKE URBAN catchments as geographical features, their

creation, editing and management has been described in full detail in a
separate chapter "MIKE URBAN Catchments". Here, only the aspects of

Terms and Concepts

relevance for the hydrological modeling will be repeated and further elab-

Catchments are essential for any hydrological model. In MIKE URBAN,

the geographical extent of a catchment is determined by the catchment
polygon perimeter. MIKE URBAN provides upon user request the total
catchment area.

In some cases, geographical boundaries of a catchment do not coincide

with the actual drainage area. E.g. a catchment extent may be defined on a
basis of some administrative division, while the drainage network is
present only in some parts of the catchment. In such cases, user may spec-
ify "Drainage area", which would simply overwrite the actual catchment
area in all hydrological computations.

4.1.2 Connecting Catchments to the Network

In order to transfer the runoff generated on the catchment surfaces into the
collection network, the MIKE URBAN MOUSE model must include the
information about the connection of the catchment outlet to the collection
network. One or multiple catchments can be connected to one node.

Details about the principles and methods for catchment connections can
be found in the chapter 13.4.

The information about the catchments connections is written in the

MOUSE runoff result file (*.CRF), which can be utilized by the MOUSE
pipe flow model.

4.1.3 Hydrological Models

Hydrological models for urban catchments include two distinct classes of

z Surface runoff model: These are the most common type in urban runoff
analysis. The common characteristic of all the models in this class is
that only surface runoff is computed. This implies discontinuous runoff
hydrographs where flow starts as a result of rainfall and ceased back to
zero again after the end of rainfall. As such, these models are suitable
for relatively densely urbanized catchments with dominant amount of
runoff generated on impervious surfaces, and for single-event analyses
(e.g. design rainfall of certain recurrence interval). These models fail to
provide realistic results in dominantly rural catchments and for long-
term analyses involving multi-event rainfall series.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

z Continuous hydrological models: These models treat the precipitation

volume balance without any truncation, through more or less complex
concepts. As a result, the generated runoff includes both the overland
and sub-surface runoff components. Due to longer time scales
involved, the runoff hydrographs appear practically continuous. An
important property of continuous hydrological models is "hydrological
memory", i.e. the ability to simulate the catchment reaction to certain
rainfall dependent to previous rainfalls. This type of model is essential
for any long-term analysis and for dominantly rural catchments. On the
other hand, these models are usually incapable of simulating extremely
fast response of heavily impermeable urban catchments.
MIKE URBAN MOUSE includes a series of surface runoff models and
one continuous hydrological model. The surface runoff models available

z Time-Area Method (A)

z Kinematic Wave (B)
z Linear Reservoir (C1 and C2)
z Unit Hydrograph Method (UHM)
The continuous hydrological model included is MOUSE RDI.

Any of these models can be used on its own, or in a combination of one

surface runoff and MOUSE RDI.

However, combining different models for individual catchments in one

runoff computation is NOT possible.

Detailed description of the models is available in following paragraphs

and in the technical reference documentation.

4.1.4 Creating Hydrological Models for a Catchment

Database records containing MIKE URBAN catchments do NOT include
the information related to hydrological modeling. Such information is
stored in separate tables - one table for each model. MIKE URBAN main-
tains the hydrological model tables automatically, i.e. new records are
added and obsolete records deleted along with the catchment records.

Each time a catchment is inserted a record is also inserted under the

hydrology tabs. Then the user can add hydrology data for each of the run-
off methods available. See e.g. Figure 4.2.

Time-Area Method (A)

Figure 4.2 Choosing which runoff model records to insert

4.2 Time-Area Method (A)

The Time-Area Method (MOUSE model A) is a simple surface runoff
model with minimum data requirements. The runoff computation is based
on a simple treatment of hydrological losses and the runoff routing by the
so called time-area curve. Details on technical background can be found in
the technical reference documentation.

4.2.1 Model Data

The model data are stored in the database table msm_HmodA.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Figure 4.3 The Time-Area Model Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Models|Time-Area


A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.1.

Time-Area Method (A)

Table 4.1 Overview of the Time-Area Database Attributes (Table


Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
CatchmentID Unique catchment Yes CatchmentID
Catchment Area Displays the actual Yes -
model area (total (calculated, read-
area or drainage only)
Impervious Area Impervious catch- Yes ImpArea
ment area, as per-
cent of the actual
model area
Parameter Set Reference to a set Yes ParAID
of model parame-
ters to be used for
the current catch-
Use Local Parame- Allows for use of Optional LocalNo
ters individual parame-
ters locally
Reduction Factor Local value of the Optional Rfactor
reduction factor
Time of Concen- Local value of the Optional ConcTime
tration concentration time
Initial Loss Local value of the Optional Iloss
initial loss
Time-Area Local switch for Optional CoeffNo
Curve/Coefficient use of predefined
radio buttons tabulated T-A
curves or analyti-
cally computed T-
A relation
Time Area Curve Locally selected Optional ACurveID
predefined T-A
Time-Area Coeffi- Local value of the Optional TACoeffID
cient analytical T-A
curve coefficient

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

4.2.2 Parameter Sets

The Time-Area model uses several parameters. For practical reasons,
these parameters have been grouped in parameter sets, which, in turn, can
be associated with certain catchment. By these means the entire model
setup can be established with a very small amount of information, while
still allowing for full spatial variation of model parameters for individual
catchments through the application of local values.

New parameter sets can be inserted and values of individual parameters

can be edited in the "Parameters Time-Area" editor. This can be activated
at MOUSE|Runoff Models|Parameters Time-Area.

MIKE URBAN comes with a default parameter set (-DEFAULT-). User

can insert any number of parameter sets and edit them according to the

Figure 4.4 The Time-Area Parameter Sets Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Mod-

els|Parameters Time-Area

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.2.

Time-Area Method (A)

Table 4.2 Overview of the Time-Area Parameter Set Database Attributes

(Table ‘msm_HParA’)

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Parameter Set ID Parameter set Yes MUID
Reduction Factor Hydrological Yes RedFactor
reduction factor
Time of Concen- Concentration Yes ConcTime
tration time
Initial Loss Initial loss (wet- Yes InitLoss
ting, interception,
local depres-
Time-Area Switch for use of Yes TAMethodNo
Curve/Coefficient predefined tabu-
radio buttons lated T-A curves
or analytically
computed T-A
Time Area Curve Predefined T-A Optional, alter- TACurveID
curve ID nates with TACo-
Time-Area Coeffi- Value of the ana- Optional, alter- TACoeff
cient lytical T-A curve nates with TACur-
coefficient veID

4.2.3 Time-Area Curve Editor

The Time-Area model uses (except if analytical curve is applied) prede-
fined tabulated time-area curves. A Time-Area curve represents the con-
tributing part of the catchment surface as function of time. Implicitly,
Time-Area curve accounts for the shape of the catchment in relation to
outlet point.

MIKE URBAN comes with three defaults time-area curves TACurve1,

TACurve2 and TACurve3, applicable for rectangular, divergent and con-
vergent catchment, respectively (see the figures below).

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Figure 4.5 Three default time-area curves

You can define any number of custom time-area curves. These can be
inserted and edited in the editor for the curves and relations
(MOUSE|Curves&Relations). Each Time-area table must start with a pair
of values (0,0) and must end with a pair of values representing the whole
(per default, MIKE URBAN maintains T-A curves in percent (%), i.e. the
last pair of values in the table must be (100,100).

Figure 4.6 The Curves&Relations editor with one correct user defined time-
area curve

Kinematic Wave (B)

4.3 Kinematic Wave (B)

The Kinematic Wave (MOUSE model B) is a surface runoff model with
moderate data requirements. The runoff computation is based on a com-
prehensive treatment of hydrological losses (including infiltration) and the
runoff routing by the kinematic wave (Manning) formula. Details on tech-
nical background can be found in the technical reference documentation.

4.3.1 Model Data

The model data are stored in the database table msm_HmodB.

Figure 4.7 The Kinematic Wave Model Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Models|Kine-

matic Wave (B)

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.3.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Table 4.3 Overview of the Kinematic Wave Database Attributes (Table


Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
CatchmentID Unique catchment Yes CatchmentID
Catchment Area Displays the actual Yes, (calculated, -
model area (total read-only)
area or drainage
Length Characteristic Yes Length
length of the
Slope Representative Yes Slope
slope of the catch-
Area (five fields) Fraction of the Yes AISteep, AIFlat,
actual model area APSmall, APMe-
for each surface dium, APLarge
Parameter Set Reference to a set Yes ParBID
of model parame-
ters to be used for
the current catch-
Use Local Parame- Allows for use of Optional LocalNo
ters individual parame-
ters locally
Manning number Local value of the Optional MISteep, MIFlat,
(five fields) Manning number MPSmall, MPMe-
for various types dium,MPLarge
of catchment sur-

4.3.2 Parameter Sets

The Kinematic Wave model uses relatively large number of parameters.
For practical reasons, these parameters have been grouped in parameter
sets, which, in turn, can be associated with certain catchment. By these
means the entire model setup can be established with a very small amount
of information, while still allowing for full spatial variation of model

Kinematic Wave (B)

parameters for individual catchments through the application of local val-


New parameter sets can be inserted and values of individual parameters

can be edited in the "Parameters Kinematic Wave" editor. This can be acti-
vated at MOUSE|Runoff Models|Parameters Kinematic Wave.

MIKE URBAN comes with a default parameter set (-DEFAULT-). User

can insert any number of parameter sets and edit them according to the

Figure 4.8 The Kinematic Wave Parameter Sets Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Mod-
els|Parameters Kinematic Wave)

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.4.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Table 4.4 Overview of the Kinematic Wave Parameter Set Database

Attributes (Table ‘msm_HParB’

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Parameter Set ID Parameter set Yes MUID
Wetting loss (five Wetting loss on Yes WetSteep, Wet-
fields) various types of Flat, WetSmall,
surfaces WetMedium, Wet-
Storage loss (four Storage loss on Yes StorageFlat, Stor-
fields) various types of ageSmall, Storage-
surfaces Medium,
Maximum Infiltra- Maximum Infiltra- Yes InfMaxSmall, Inf-
tion Capacity tion capacity on MaxMedium, Inf-
(three fields) various types of MaxLarge
Minimum Infiltra- Minimum Infiltra- Yes InfMinSmall,
tion Capacity tion capacity on InfMinMedium,
(three fields) various types of InfMinLarge
Horton Exponent Horton Exponent Yes InfExpWetSmall,
Wet Conditions for wet conditions InfExpWetMe-
(three fields) on various types of dium, InfExpWet-
surfaces Large
Horton Exponent Horton Exponent Yes InfExpDrySmall,
Dry Conditions for dry conditions InfExpDryMe-
(three fields) on various types of dium, InfExpDry-
surfaces Large
Manning number Manning number Yes ManningSteep,
(five fields) for various types ManningFlat,
of catchment sur- ManningSmall,
faces ManningMedium,

4.4 Linear Reservoir (C1 and C2)

The Linear Reservoir (MOUSE model C) is a surface runoff model with
minimum data requirements. The runoff computation is based on a com-

Linear Reservoir (C1 and C2)

prehensive treatment of hydrological losses (including infiltration) and the

runoff routing by the linear reservoir principle. Details on technical back-
ground can be found in the technical reference documentation.

MIKE URBAN includes this model in two versions: C1 and C2. These are
variants of the same model, and are used as national standards in the Neth-
erlands and in France, respectively.

4.4.1 Model Data

The model data are stored in the database table msm_HmodC.

Figure 4.9 The Linear Reservoir Model Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Models|Linear

Reservoir (C)), set up for the work with model C1 (Dutch)

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Figure 4.10 The Linear Reservoir Model Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Models|Linear

Reservoir (C)), set up for the work with model C2 (French)

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.5.

Linear Reservoir (C1 and C2)

Table 4.5 Overview of the Linear Reservoir Database Attributes (Table


Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
CatchmentID Unique catchment Yes CatchmentID
Catchment Area Displays the actual Yes, (calculated, -
model area (total read-only)
area or drainage
C1/C2 Toggle for editor Yes -
setting for model
C1 and C2, respec-
Length Characteristic Optional, model Length
length of the C2 only
Slope Representative Optional, model Slope
slope of the catch- C2 only
Impervious Area Impervious area as Optional, model C2Area
a fraction of the C2 only
actual model area

Contributing Area Contributing area Optional, model C1Area

as a fraction of the C1 only
actual model area
Parameter Set Reference to a set Yes ParCID
of model parame-
ters to be used for
the current catch-
Use Local Parame- Allows for use of Optional LocalNo
ters individual parame-
ters locally
Reduction Factor Local value of the Optional, model RedFactor
hydrological C2 only
reduction factor
Lag Time Local value of the Optional, model LagTime
lag time C2 only

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Table 4.5 Overview of the Linear Reservoir Database Attributes (Table


Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Time Constant Local value of the Optional, model TimeConst
time constant C1 only
Initial Loss Local value of the Optional, model Iloss
initial loss C2 only

4.4.2 Parameter Sets

The Linear Reservoir model uses a number of parameters. For practical
reasons, these parameters have been grouped in parameter sets, which, in
turn, can be associated with certain catchment. By these means the entire
model setup can be established with a very small amount of information,
while still allowing for full spatial variation of model parameters for indi-
vidual catchments through the application of local values.

New parameter sets can be inserted and values of individual parameters

can be edited in the "Parameters Linear Reservoir" editor. This can be acti-
vated at MOUSE|Runoff Models|Parameters Linear Reservoir.

MIKE URBAN comes with a default parameter set (-DEFAULT-). User

can insert any number of parameter sets and edit them according to the

Figure 4.11 The Linear Reservoir Parameter Sets Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Mod-
els|Parameters Linear Reservoir) - Dutch version

Linear Reservoir (C1 and C2)

Figure 4.12 The Linear Reservoir Parameter Sets Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Mod-
els|Parameters Linear Reservoir) - French version

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 Overview of the Linear Reservoir Parameter Set Database

Attributes (Table ‘msm_HParC’)

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Parameter Set ID Parameter set Yes MUID
C1/C2 Toggle for editor Yes -
setting for model
C1 and C2, respec-
Reduction Factor Local value of the Optional, model RFactor
hydrological C2 only
reduction factor
Lag Time Local value of the Optional, model LagTime
lag time C2 only
Time Constant Local value of the Optional, model CTime
time constant C1 only
Initial Loss Local value of the Optional, model Iloss
initial loss C2 only

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Table 4.6 Overview of the Linear Reservoir Parameter Set Database

Attributes (Table ‘msm_HParC’)

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Infiltration Toggle for switch- Yes InfitrNo
ing ON and OFF
calculation of
Horton´s infiltra- Minimum and Optional, if infil- MaxCap, MinCap
tion capacity (two maximum Infiltra- tration included
fields) tion capacity
Horton´s time con- Infiltration time Yes WetCond, Dry-
stants constant for wet Cond
and dry conditions

4.5 Unit Hydrograph Method (UHM)

The Unit Hydrograph Method (MOUSE UHM) is a simple surface linear
runoff model which can be used to derive hydrographs for any amount of
excess precipitation. The runoff computation includes a comprehensive
treatment of hydrological losses (i.e. calculation of excessive precipita-
tion) and the runoff routing through creation of a composite hydrograph.
Details on technical background can be found in the technical reference

The model data are stored in the database table msm_HModUHM.

Unit Hydrograph Method (UHM)

Figure 4.13 The Unit Hydroghraph Model Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Models|UHM)

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.7.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Table 4.7 Overview of the UHM Database Attributes (Atble


Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
CatchmentID Unique catchment Yes CatchID
Catchment Area Displays the actual Yes, (calculated, -
model area (total read-only)
area or drainage
Area Adjustment Relative size of Yes AreaFactor
Factor contributing area
Hydrograph Method for Yes MethodNo
hydrograph com-
Peaking factor Hydrograph peak Optional, method Cp
factor SUH Standard
Slope Representative Optional, method SuhSlope
catchment slope SUH Alameda
Loss Model Method for com- Yes LossModelNo
puting hydrologi-
cal losses
Initial Loss Initial loss Optional, "con- InitLoss
stant loss" method
Constant Loss Constant Loss Optional, "con- ConstLoss
stant loss" method
Runoff Coefficient Runoff Coefficient Optional, "propor- RunoffCoeff
tional loss"
method only
Curve Number Standard Optional, "SCS CurveNum
hydrograph curve Method" and "SCS
number Generalized" only
Initial AMC Antecedent Mois- Optional, "SCS AMC
ture Condition Method" only

Unit Hydrograph Method (UHM)

Table 4.7 Overview of the UHM Database Attributes (Atble


Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Initial Abstraction Initial Abstraction Optional, "SCS InitAbstractDepth
Depth Depth generalized" only

Lag Time Method for lag Yes LagTimeMeth-

time odNo
Lag Time User-specified lag Optional, "User LagTime
time specified" lag time
method only
Hydraulic Lengt Hydraulic length Optional, "CSC HydraulicLength
of the catchment Formula" lag time
method only
LT Slope Average catch- Optional, "CSC Slope
ment slope Formula" lag time
method only
LT Curve Number CSC Curve Optional, "CSC LagCurveNum
number used for Formula" lag time
computing lag method only
L Length of the main Optional, "SUH SuhL
stream from outlet Standard " lag
to the divide time method only
Lc Length of the main Optional, "SUH SuhLc
stream from the Standard" lag time
outlet to the point method only
closest to the
catchment centroid
Ct Watershed (catch- Optional, "SUH Ct
ment) coefficient Standard" lag time
method only
Stream Slope Average Overland Optional, "SUH StreamSlope
Slope Alameda" lag time
method only
Basin factor Basin Factor Optional, "SUH BasFactor
Alameda" lag time
method only

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

4.6 Additional Flow and RDI

Continuous runoff from MIKE URBAN catchments can be modelled at
two distinct levels: either as a simple specification of a constant additional
flow or as a MOUSE RDI computation.

The later option involves a continuous hydrological model MOUSE Rain-

fall Dependent Infiltration (RDI). RDI provides detailed, continuous mod-
eling of the complete land phase of the hydrologic cycle, providing
support for urban, rural, and mixed catchments analyses. Precipitation is
routed through four different types of storage: snow, surface, unsaturated
zone ("root-zone") and ground water. This enables continuous modeling
of the runoff processes, which is particularly useful when long- term
hydraulic and pollution load effects are analyzed.

Instead of performing hydrological load analysis of the sewer system only

for short periods of high intensity rainstorms, a continuous, long-term
analysis is applied to look at periods of both wet and dry weather, as well
as inflows and infiltration to the sewer network. This provides a more
accurate picture of actual loads on treatment plants and combined sewer

When studying the real flow conditions in sewer systems, flow peaks dur-
ing rain events are often found to exceed the values that can be attributed
to the contribution from participating impervious areas. This is a conse-
quence of the phenomenon, usually named Rainfall Induced Infiltration.
This differs from the Rainfall Induced Inflow by the fact that it does not
depend only on the actual precipitation, but is heavily affected by the
actual hydrological situation, i.e. the "memory" from earlier hydrological
events. For a certain rainfall event, the increase in flow will therefore dif-
fer, depending on hydrological events during the previous period. The
Rainfall Induced Infiltration is also distinguished by a slow flow response,
which takes place during several days after the rainfall event.

From a hydrological point of view, parts of the infiltration behave in the

same way as the inflow. Therefore, classification of total hydrological
loads to infiltration and inflow is not suitable for modeling approach.
Rather, to describe appropriately the constitutive components of flow
hydrographs, distinguished by their hydrological behaviour, the following
concept is used instead:

z FRC - Fast Response Component: comprises the rain induced inflow

and fast infiltration component;

Additional Flow and RDI

z SRC - Slow Response Component: comprises slow infiltration compo-

Distinctive for the FRC component is that it is not influenced by the previ-
ous hydrological situation, i.e. high or low soil moisture content. It occurs
as a direct consequence of a rainfall. The FRC component consists of the
inflow to the sewer system and the fast flow component of the infiltration,
not dependent on previous hydrological conditions.

On the other hand, characteristic of the SRC component is that it is highly

dependent on the previous hydrological conditions and usually responses
slowly to a rainfall. The SRC component consists of the rest of the precip-
itation-induced infiltration and dry weather infiltration/inflow.

When combined with any of the MOUSE surface runoff models, MOUSE
RDI provides a platform for accurate and reliable computation of urban
runoff, liberated from the limitations inherent to "standard" urban runoff

Figure 4.14 shows an example illustrating the influence of previous

hydrological conditions for the two components and their response to a

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Figure 4.14 Different catchment response under the same rainfall, due to differ-
ent soil moisture conditions at the beginning of the rainfall

Additional Flow and RDI

Figure 4.15 Schematics of the RDI Model

4.6.1 Model Data

The model data for additional catchment flow and RDI are stored in the
database table msm_HmodCRC.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Figure 4.16 The Additional Flow and RDI Model Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Mod-
els|Additional Flow and RDI

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.8.

Additional Flow and RDI

Table 4.8 Overview of the Additional Flow and RDI Database Attributes (Table

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Catchment Area Displays the actual Yes, (calculated, -
model area (total read-only)
area or drainage
Additional Flow Amount of con- Yes, default value AddFlow
stant additional =0
Area checkbox Toggle for activa- Yes RdiiNo
tion of MOUSE
Area RDI area as a frac- Optional, if RDI RdiiArea
tion of the actual activated
model area
Parameter Set Reference to a set Optional, if RDI ParRDIIID
of RDI model activated
parameters to be
used for the cur-
rent catchment

4.6.2 MOUSE RDI Parameter Sets

The MOUSE RDI model uses a large number of parameters. For practical
reasons, these parameters have been grouped in parameter sets, which, in
turn, can be associated with certain catchment. By these means the entire
model setup can be established with a very small amount of information.

New parameter sets can be inserted and values of individual parameters

can be edited in the "Parameters RDI" editor. This can be activated at
MOUSE|Runoff Models|Parameters RDI.

MIKE URBAN comes with a default RDI parameter set (-DEFAULT-).

User can insert any number of parameter sets and edit them according to
the needs.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Figure 4.17 The MOUSE RDI Parameter Sets Editor (MOUSE|Runoff Mod-
els|Parameters RDI)

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes

is provided in the Table 4.9.

Table 4.9 Overview of the RDI Parameter Set Database Attributes (Table

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Parameter Set ID Parameter set Yes MUID
Surface Storage Capacity of sur- Yes Umax
(Umax) face storage
Root Zone Stor- Capacity of root Yes Lmax
age (Lmax) zone ("lower")
Overland Coeff. Fraction of runoff Yes Cqof
(CQOF) going to overland

Additional Flow and RDI

Table 4.9 Overview of the RDI Parameter Set Database Attributes (Table

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Groundwater Relative size of Yes GwCarea
Coeff. (Carea) groundwater reser-
TC Overland Flow Time constant for Yes Ck
overland runoff
TC Interflow Time constant for Yes Ckif
interflow runoff
TC baseflow Time constant for Yes Ckbf
baseflow runoff
Snowmelt check- Switch for activa- Yes SnowmeltNo
box tion of the snow
Snowmelt Snowmelt coeffi- Optional, if snow- SnowmeltC
cient melt activated
Overland flow Fraction of sur- Yes Tof
threshold (Tof) face storage capac-
ity at which
overland flow
Interflow thresh- Fraction of sur- Yes Tif
old (Tif) face storage capac-
ity at which
interflow starts
Baseflow thresh- Fraction of sur- Yes Tg
old (Tg) face storage capac-
ity at which
ground water
recharge starts
Specific Yield Specific yield of Yes GwSy
the groundwater
reservoir (poros-
Min. GW Depth Top of the ground- Yes Gwlmin
water storage
(depth from sur-

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Table 4.9 Overview of the RDI Parameter Set Database Attributes (Table

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Max GW Depth Bottom of the Yes Gwlbf0
groundwater stor-
age (depth from
GW Depth for Groundwater Yes Gwlfl1
Unit Capillary depth causing unit
Flux capillary flux
Initial Surface Water depth in the Yes InitU
Storage surface storage at
the simulation
Initial root zone Moisture contents Yes InitL
moisture in the root zone at
the simulation
Initial Groundwa- Groundwater Yes InitGw
ter Depth depth at the simu-
lation start
Initial Interflow Interflow intensity Yes InitIf
at the simulation
Initial Overland Overland flow Yes InitOf
Flow intensity at the
simulation start

4.7 Rainfall Data and Other Meteorological Variables -

Boundary Conditions for Hydrological models

Any precipitation-runoff model is "driven" by the specified precipitation

(rainfall) data. Rainfall data are usually provided as time series - either in
the form of accumulated rainfall depths or as average rainfall intensities.
In some cases, the rainfall can be given in a simple form as a "block rain"
with constant intensity over the entire simulation period.

MOUSE RDI also uses air temperature (used for snowmelt process) and
potential evapo-transpiration data. Air temperatures are given as time
series of instantaneous values. Potential evapo-transpiration is provided as

Rainfall Data and Other Meteorological Variables - Boundary Conditions for Hydrological models

time series of accumulated evapo-transpiration (e.g. on monthly basis).

Equally as rainfall, both air temperature and potential evapo-transpiration
can be specified as constant for the entire simulation period.

MIKE URBAN MOUSE can utilize time series data stored in DHI propri-
etary format DFS0. Please refer to Chapter 5 for importing, reviewing and
editing of time series data.
All three categories of meteorological variables act as boundary condi-
tions for the hydrological model and as such must be specified through the
MOUSE model boundary system (MOUSE|Boundary Condition|Catch-
ment Loads). As with any other boundary condition, this is done in two
distinct steps:

1 Declaration of a catchment boundary (rainfall, air temperature or

evapo-transpiration) and its relation to the catchments

A new boundary is inserted by "Insert" button on the "Catchment Loads

and meteorological items" editor (MOUSE|Boundary Condition|Catch-
ment Loads). It is recommended to replace the default load identifier by a
clearly descriptive string, which undoubtedly defines the actual contents
of the boundary (e.g. Rainfall_26-Nov-04).

The current boundary will apply to the catchments according to the speci-
fied "Connection Type": All, List or Individual. If "All" is selected, the
data source' (e.g. rain gauge or meteorological station) co-ordinates can
optionally be specified.

The co-ordinates are of relevance only in cases where two or more bound-
aries of the same type have been specified with connection type "All":
Instead of applying the boundary condition to the entire model, the system
will apply the specified boundary conditions using the principle of geo-
graphical proximity to the catchment's centrepoint.

Some data sources (e.g. dfs0 time series) include the information about the
data source co-ordinates. By activating the data source co-ordinates group

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

on this dialog, the specified co-ordinates would overwrite the original co-
ordinates from the time series file.

If the connection type is set to "List" or "Individual", the current boundary

condition will be applied to the specified catchment(s) independently on
the existence of co-ordinate information.

Figure 4.18 The "Catchment Loads…" editor with a rainfall boundary condition
applied for all catchments in the model. The co-ordinates specified
under the "Data Source Location" represent the rain gauge location

At this point, the declared catchment boundary is just a "placeholder" for

the actual rainfall data. These have to be specified in the second step.

2 Specification of the load items

Upon completed declaration of the catchment boundary, user must add the
actual "substance" to it. This is done through the specification of "items"
associated with the current boundary. Each catchment boundary condition


Running the Runoff Computations

must include at least one item. By the nature of the meteorological bound-
aries, they can include only the "default" item types.

The items can be created and edited in the "Boundary Items" editor. This
can be open by "Items" button on the "Catchment Loads…" editor (recom-
mended), or through the menu at MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Items.

If opened from the "Boundary Loads…" editor, the "Boundary Items" edi-
tor displays only the items associated with the current boundary. Initially,
for a newly declared boundary, the list of items will be empty. A new item
is created by the "Insert" button.

For any item of the catchment meteorological boundary "Temporal Varia-

tion" can specified either as "Constant" or as "Time series/Result File". If
"Constant" is selected, user must specify the constant value. If "Time
series" is selected, user must select "DFS0" a source type. The actual
DFS0 file to be applied ("Path") can be specified by typing the file name
(and a full path if the file is NOT located in the project directory) or by the
help of file browser.

Per default, the specified boundary will be applied throughout the entire
duration of the simulation or during the period covered by the time series.
Optionally, the user can limit the temporal validity of the specified file to
any period within the DFS0 file's duration, by specifying the temporal
validity. For the rest of the simulation period, the boundary conditions
must be "extended" by some other time series or constant value. This is
achieved by inserting and specifying another boundary item.

A full reference on the functionality of the MOUSE boundary system is

available in Chapter 7.

4.8 Running the Runoff Computations

Upon the definition of model data for all catchments, defining the catch-
ment connections (if the computed runoff is to be loaded into the network
model) and the definition of the boundary conditions, the model is ready
for the runoff computation.

The computation is set-up and initiated from the MOUSE Computation

dialog (Simulation|Run MOUSE) - see Chapter 8 for full detail).

On the "General" TAB, the user must specify the essential information
about the simulation (see example in Figure 4.19), and the runoff-specific
parameters on the "Runoff parameters" TAB (see example in Figure 4.20).

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Figure 4.19 The "MOUSE Computation dialog (Simulation|Run MOUSE), with

general computation parameters


MOUSE RDI - Guidelines for application

Figure 4.20 The "MOUSE Computation dialog (Simulation|Run MOUSE), with

runoff-specific (T-A Curve) computation parameters

4.9 MOUSE RDI - Guidelines for application

4.9.1 Choice of calculation time step
When calculating with MOUSE RDI, time steps are given separately for
the Surface Runoff Model and for the rain dependent infiltration part.

The RDI calculation can often be performed with a relatively long time
step (several hours), while calculation with the Surface Runoff Model is
typically performed with a time step in order of value of several minutes.

The time step for Surface Runoff computations is primarily concerned

about the sufficient resolution of the runoff process in time.

Generally, the RDI simulation time step should be chosen in accordance

with the resolution of precipitation data, e.g. a time step of 24 hours could
be suitable if only daily precipitation data is available. However, in case
when precipitation data with high resolution of e.g. few minutes are avail-
able, the RDI time step should be chosen in accordance with the response

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

of the discharge when raining. E.g., an RDI time step of 2 - 4 hours should
be chosen, if the time constant CKOF is given a value of 8 hours.

To minimize the calculation time as well as the size of the result files the
RDI calculations are performed according to the following principle:

The RDI simulation is carried out continuously for the whole period spec-
ified. On the contrary, the Surface Runoff simulation is carried-out only
when raining. Thus, the start time for the Surface Runoff calculation is set
as the start time for rain hydrograph. The Surface Runoff calculation con-
tinues until all the surface runoff hydrographs are regressed.

4.9.2 The RDI hotstart

There is a HOTSTART facility for MOUSE RDI, i.e. the initial conditions
for the various storages can be automatically taken from a former result
file, at a simulation start time.

The structure and contents of the result file used as a HOTSTART file
requires that the time series in the boundary connection start at least for
the maximum specified concentration time Tc earlier than the start time
for the HOTSTART is specified. This is required for the correct recon-
struction of the surface runoff component (FRC).

4.9.3 The RDI result files

Two result files are generated by a MOUSE RDI calculation. These are:

z *.CRF file, containing maximum five time series for each sub-catch-
ment, namely:
– discharge, calculated with the Surface Runoff Model (the FRC
– discharge, calculated with the RDI model (the SRC component),
– total discharge,
– variation of water content in the surface storage for the Surface
Runoff Model,
– variation of water content in the snow storage for the Surface Run-
off Model.
The *.CRF file is used as input data for a MOUSE Hydrodynamic calcula-

z *.NOF file (optional), containing detailed information about the proc-

esses treated by a RDI- model, e.g.:
– different flow components in the RDI model,


MOUSE RDI - Guidelines for application

– variation of water content in the different storage in the RDI model.

The *.NOF file is used for calibration of the SRC component and for RDI

In the *.CRF file the time series are saved with two various intervals, the
shorter one for the periods when the Surface Runoff Model is used, and a
larger one in the remaining periods. In the *.NOF file the time series are
saved with the larger time interval, which is equal to the time step used for
the RDI calculation.

4.9.4 MOUSE RDI Validation

Some of the parameters in MOUSE RDI (here meaning both for the rain
dependent inflow and the infiltration part) are related to actual physical
data. However, the final choice of parameter values must be based upon a
comparison with historical measured discharges, since a number of the
parameters have an empirical character.

The available period of the measured discharge data and its resolution in
time are of major importance for the credibility of the obtained parameter
values. Ideally, for a good accuracy, a 3-5 years long time series of meas-
ured discharge data with daily values is required for the calibration of the
RDI parameters. Several months long time series with higher resolution,
i.e. minutes or hours, depending on the size of the area, are needed for the
calibration of the surface runoff model. Measured time series with shorter
duration are also useful, although not securing optimal parameter values.
In such case it is important that the time series represents different hydro-
logical situations, i.e. typical wet period or dry period.

An exact correspondence between simulations and measurements can

however not be expected and for areas where precipitation data of worse
quality is used a less accurate calibration result must be accepted. In this
case it may be preferable to recall the purpose of the actual model applica-
tion and concentrate on calibrating yearly volumes, flow peaks or base
flows, depending on what kind of analysis is to be performed with the

It must be remembered that MOUSE RDI calculates the precipitation-

dependent flow component. When comparing with measured discharge
data the total measured discharge therefore has to be reduced with the
flow components not being precipitation dependent, e.g. foul flow.

MOUSE RDI calculates the total generated discharge from a catchment,

i.e. overflow within the sub-catchment will also be included in the calcu-
lated discharge. Therefore, when comparing with measured peak flows

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

and controlling the water balance (total volume) this has to be taken into

In principle, the model validation is concerned about comparison of the

computed and measured hydrographs. As there are almost an infinite
number of possibilities to describe level of agreement between two
hydrographs, it is recommended to establish some validation criteria, i.e. a
measure for accuracy of the model, relevant for current application. There
are several types of criteria, such as numeric criteria based on single val-
ues (e.g. peak discharge, volume, etc.), or more complex numeric criteria
based on statistical analysis of the computed and calculated time series.
Also, there are different types of "visual" criteria, based on visual inspec-
tion, e.g. comparison of graphic presentations of the calculated and meas-
ured duration curves. An important issue is to find the most appropriate
criteria for the intended application of the model

The choice of criteria is important since it may affect the final choice of
parameter values and by that the behaviour of the calibrated model.
Numerical criteria are, however, limited and therefore a visual comparison
between the hydrographs is indispensable.

MOUSE supports visual comparison of the calculated time series with any
time series of the same type contained in the time series database. E.g.,
when validating the model, the calculated discharge can be plotted on the
same graph with the measured discharge and compared.

In the present version of MOUSE RDI there is no automatic calculation or

evaluation of specific numeric validation criteria as mentioned above. If
appropriate, analysis of that type can be conducted so that the calculated
time series are exported to a spreadsheet or some other program for further
processing and comparison with measured time series.

In the example related to the illustrations, overflow occurs within the

model area. MOUSE RDI can not describe this kind of processes, which
complicates the choice of validation criteria.

Surface runoff model

When simulating storm sewer systems or fully combined systems, usually
a good estimation of the area drained-off by the FRC component (impervi-
ous areas etc.) can be obtained from physical data (maps etc.). The final
model verification of a FRC should however be based upon comparison
with measured discharges during rainfall.


MOUSE RDI - Guidelines for application

To separate the Afrc component (Surface Runoff Model) and the fast part
of the SRC component (Surface Runoff Component in RDI), measured
discharge data with fairly high resolution in time (hours) is required.

For calibration of the parameters describing the response of the discharge

(e.g. tc and TAtype for model A, or M, L and S for model B), a very high
resolution in time is usually required, minutes to hours.

General hydrological model - RDI

It is not possible to determine the RDI parameters from geophysical meas-
urements, since most of the parameters are of empirical nature. It is there-
fore necessary that measured discharge from the studied area is available,
so that the RDI parameters can be determined by comparison between
simulated and measured discharge through the calibration procedure.

The introductory calibration is performed visually by comparing simu-

lated and measured discharge. The final optimization of the parameters is
thereafter performed preferably using different numeric and graphical cri-

The effects of changing each particular parameter are discussed below.

Also, the most suitable hydrological periods for calibrating certain param-
eters are identified, which implies that a certain parameter affects the
model behaviour more during periods with specific hydrological condi-
tions. Usually, effects will also be obtained during other periods, why
these should also be studied when adjusting a parameter.

The parameters are discussed in the preferable order of adjustment. How-

ever, it may be necessary to return to the previous calibration step, as well
as repeating the whole process several times. It is recommended, espe-
cially for less experienced users, that only one parameter is changed at a
time (i.e. for each calculation), so that the effect of the adjustment will
appear clearly.

Sometimes, however, the effect of changing one parameter is not suffi-

cient. Then, several parameters controlling similar phenomena can be
adjusted together.

In some other cases, undesired secondary effects can be obtained when

adjusting certain model parameter. These effects can often be eliminated
by simultaneously adjusting other parameters, which do not influence the
desired effects, but reduce secondary effects induced by the first parame-

The following sequence of action is recommended:

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

z The first step in the RDI calibration is usually to adjust the water bal-
ance in the system, i.e. the accuracy between the calculated and meas-
ured total volume during the observed period. This is done by
correcting the proportion of area, Asrc. An increase of Asrc propor-
tionally increases every flow component at each time step.
The total volume generally also contains the runoff from impervious
areas (Surface Runoff Model) - see Chapter 4.

z Next, the overland flow coefficient CQOF is adjusted to obtain a cor-

rect distribution of volume between overland flow (peak flows) and
baseflow. This is done after wet periods and preferably for a period
with low evaporation.
A reduction of CQOF reduces the overland flow and increases the
infiltration, i.e. induces increase in the baseflow.

The measured flow peaks generally also contain the runoff from imper-
vious areas (Surface Runoff Model).

z CKBF is adjusted against the response of the baseflow, i.e. the build-up
and regression of the baseflow. Adjustment against the built-up of
baseflow is done during and after wet periods with low evaporation.
Adjustment against regression is done during the start of dry periods
with high evaporation, preferably when baseflow is the only flow com-
An adjustment of CKBF does not influence the size of the discharged
volume studied for a longer period, but displaces the volumes in time.

z CKOF is adjusted against the response, i.e. the shape of the peak flows.
This is done during periods with heavy rainfall, preferably after a wet
The measured flow peaks generally also contain the runoff from imper-
vious areas (Surface Runoff Model).

z A reduction of Umax reduces the actual evapo-transpiration, the proc-

ess responsible for reduced discharges during period with high poten-
tial evaporation. The effect of reducing Umax will be largest for
periods preceded by a wet period. Additionally, an increased overland
flow is obtained, as well as more water transported to the groundwater
storage resulting in an delayed effect of increased baseflow, because of
the long response time of baseflow.
An important behaviour of the RDI model is that the surface storage
must be filled-up before overland flow and infiltration, respectively,
occur. Therefore, during dry periods with high potential evaporation,


MOUSE RDI - Guidelines for application

Umax can be estimated from how much rainfall is required for filling-
up the surface storage, i.e. generating overland flow. The same meth-
odology can also be used for the periods with low potential evapora-
tion, but only if the rain event is preceded by a long dry period.

z CKIF is adjusted against the response of interflow during periods with

low potential evaporation. A reduction of CKIF will result in a small
increase in volume during these periods.
z The relative water content in the unsaturated zone (i.e. root-zone),
L/Lmax controls several of the different water transports in the RDI
model. Since the storage capacity, Lmax, influences the velocity of the
filling of L towards Lmax, Lmax is adjusted during periods of heavy
filling of the root zone storage. This usually occurs during periods with
low potential evaporation preferably in combination with a wet period.
A reduction of Lmax increases the discharge, but it may decrease a lit-
tle during period with very high potential evaporation.

z The threshold values indicate at which relative water content in the

root zone, L/Lmax, overland flow, interflow and baseflow respectively
will be generated. Therefore, the threshold values can be estimated
from the time of filling the root zone storage when each flow compo-
nent starts discharging.
The threshold values have no effect during periods when the root zone
storage is full, L = Lmax.

An increased threshold value reduces the discharge during dry periods

and in the beginning of wet periods, i.e. periods with low relative water
content in the root zone storage.

TG is adjusted during periods with heavy filling of the root zone stor-
age, preferably in combination with low potential evaporation and pre-
ceded by a dry period. TG is therefore an important parameter for
adjusting the increase of the groundwater level in the beginning of wet

TOF is adjusted after a dry period at events with heavy filling of the
root zone storage. For example adjustment can be done for events
where even larger rainfall volumes does not generate overland flow.

TIF is adjusted after a dry period when filling of the root zone storage,
preferably in combination with low potential evaporation. However,
TIF is one of the less important parameters.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

z The degree-day-coefficient, Csnow can be estimated from analysis of

the relation between temperature, water content in the snow storage
and measured discharge. When temperature is below zero, the precipi-
tation is stored in the snow storage. When temperature is above zero
the content in the snow storage is emptied into the surface storage,
where the velocity of emptying is controlled by Csnow. An increase of
Csnow increases the emptying procedure.
This process should be addressed now and then during the whole cali-
bration procedure. Otherwise, there is a risk that a snow-melting phe-
nomenon is attempted to be described through adjusting other

z The Carea coefficient establishes the ratio of groundwater catchment

and surface catchment (per default, the two surfaces are equal). By
changing the ratio, the ratio between the baseflow and other runoff
components is correspondingly changed.
The default values of the remaining RDI parameters: Sy (specific yield
of the groundwater reservoir), GWLmin (minimum groundwater
depth), GWLBF0 (maximum groundwater depth causing baseflow)
and GWLFL1 (groundwater depth for unit capillary flux) are adjusted
only in exceptional cases. Therefore, these parameters have been
included into the RDI parameter set dialog in a separate "box". The
effects of changing the default values should be well understood prior
to adjustment.

Figure 8 shows an example of the build-up of the snow cover, followed

by the snow-melting process. The calculated and measured flow reac-
tions during the same period are shown. The example is from the treat-
ment plant at Duvbacken, Gävle, Sweden. Considering the complexity
of the snow melting process within urban areas, a fairly good descrip-
tion was obtained with the RDI model.

Since the variation of water contents in the surface and root zone stor-
age controls many of the other processes, they should be studied con-
tinuously throughout the calibration procedure. Figure 9 shows an
example of the variation of water content in the surface storage, root
zone storage and groundwater storage. The example comes from the
catchment of Rya treatment plant, Göteborg, Sweden. It appears that
the root zone storage is emptied only during the summer period,
because the evaporation during the rest of the year is almost non-exist-
ent. Discharge from the groundwater storage exists continuously all
year around. Drawing of the surface storage is faster during summer
period since the evaporation is high, and is therefore the dominating
effect on the surface storage. During periods with low evaporation,


MOUSE RDI - Guidelines for application

drawing of the surface storage is controlled by the given time constant

for interflow, CKIF.

The example also shows that filling of the root zone and groundwater
storage only occurs when the surface storage is completely filled, i.e.
when precipitation has filled-up the surface storage. A larger surface
storage, i.e. a larger Umax, will therefore imply that this happens more
rarely and at a smaller extent, allowing a larger part of the precipitation
to evaporate.

A smaller root zone storage, i.e. a smaller Lmax, would have led to an
increased relative variation in the storage. Furthermore, the actual
evaporation will decrease in case of smaller root zone storage, because
less water is available for the vegetation to draw water for transpira-
tion, mainly during summer period.

Monthly and yearly values for the different processes, e.g. precipitation
volume, real evaporation and total discharge, are written to an ASCII
file, NAMSTAT.TXT after every RDI calculation. It is recommended
that the content of this file is studied now and then during the calibra-
tion procedure.

4.9.5 Overflow within the model area

In those cases when overflow occurs in the studied model area, e.g.
when simulating the discharge to the treatment plant, this has to be
considered when calibrating the peak flows during rainfall. MOUSE
RDI calculates the total generated discharge in the catchment area and
is therefore not able to describe hydraulic processes like e.g. overflow
("loss of water"). Calibration of parameters affecting the volume in the
peak flows should therefore be performed for rain events, when over-
flow is unlikely to occur. Model parameters affecting the response of
the discharge, for rain events when overflow occur, can be calibrated
against the peak flows base or width.

A well-calibrated MOUSE RDI model can therefore be used for a

rough estimation of overflow volume by studying the difference
between calculated and measured discharge for heavy peak flows. The
credibility for such estimation is however strongly affected by the
quality of measured precipitation and discharge time series.

4.9.6 Non-precipitation dependent flow components

MOUSE RDI calculates the precipitation dependent flow component.
Therefore, both for calibration and validation, other flow components
should be treated outside MOUSE RDI.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

Examples of non-precipitation dependent flow components are foul

flow and sea-water leaking into the sewer system.

The foul flow is preferably estimated through daily values from pro-
duced water volumes weighted with yearly charged water volumes.
This will however only give a rough estimation, why departure from
this methodology may be necessary, e.g. for areas where a large
amount of freshwater is used for irrigation.

The amount of leaking sea-water is preferably estimated through an

iterative procedure between MOUSE RDI calculation and studies of
the difference between the calculated and measured discharge. Only a
rough estimation can be achieved, why less accurate calibration results
may have to be accepted.

Specially, during the calibration procedure it is very important that

non-hydrological errors generally are kept at the lowest level possible
in the flow series used. Otherwise, there is a risk of hydrological inter-
pretations of these errors, the error transmitting in the model and
increasing when simulating extreme hydrological situations. A typical
example is a rough resolution in time for the foul flow component. The
method described above should give a description sufficiently correct
for most cases.

4.10 Using the Computed Runoff as Network Hydraulic Load

The computed runoff is frequently applied as a hydraulic load to the col-
lection network. This is achieved through the MOUSE boundary system
(MOUSE|Boundary Condition|Network Loads). As with any other net-
work load, this is done in two distinct steps:

1 Declaration of the network load and its connectivity to the network

A new network load is inserted by "Insert" button on the "Network Loads"
editor (MOUSE|Boundary Condition|Network Loads). It is recommended
to replace the default load identifier by a clearly descriptive string, which
undoubtedly defines the actual contents of the load (e.g. Runoff_event 26-

Concerning the network connectivity of the storm runoff, the option

"Defined by Catchment Connections" must be selected. This selection
means that the model will utilize the catchment connection information
from the runoff result file (*.CRF) used. I.e. no explicit declaration of the
runoff connection point is needed.


Using the Computed Runoff as Network Hydraulic Load

Figure 4.21 The "Network Loads" editor with runoff defined as a load. "Defined
by catchment connections" implies that the MOUSE runoff result file
(*.CRF) will be used as a source of connection information

At this point, the declared network load is just a "placeholder" for the
actual data. These have to be specified in the second step.

2 Specification of the load items

Upon completed declaration of the network load, user must add the actual
"substance" to it. This is done through the specification of "items" associ-
ated with the current load. Per default, each load must include the "flow
item". This carries the information about the actual water amount and its
temporal variation. Optionally, items containing similar information about
pollutants, sediments or water temperature associated with this load may
be added.

The items can be created and edited in the "Boundary Items" editor. This
can be open by "Items" button on the "Network Loads" editor (recom-
mended), or through the menu at MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Items.

If opened from the "Network Loads" editor, the "Boundary Items" editor
displays only the items associated with the current load. Initially, for a
newly declared load, the list of items will be empty.

"Insert" creates a new item. Automatically, each new item is categorized

as "Default", i.e. as flow item. If the current MOUSE model includes any
pollutants of sediments, user may change the item type to be "Pollutant" or
"Sediment". In any case, at least one flow item must be present on the list.

Rainfall-Runoff Modelling with MOUSE

For the default item, "Temporal Variation" is specified as "Time

series/Result File". In the "Time series" group, "MOUSE" (i.e. MOUSE
result file) is selected as data source type. The actual file to be applied
("Path") can be specified by typing the file name (and a full path if the file
is NOT located in the project directory) or by the help of file browser.

Per default, the specified runoff result file will load the network through-
out its entire duration, corresponding to the runoff computation Start and
End times. Optionally, the user can limit the temporal validity of the spec-
ified file to any period within the file's duration, by specifying the tempo-
ral validity. For the rest of the simulation period, the network can be
loaded by some other runoff result file. This is achieved by inserting and
specifying another flow item.

A full reference on the functionality of the MOUSE boundary system is

available in the Chapter 7.


Inserting new time series

Time series can represent both input and result time series. Examples of
input time series are e.g. rain event, a varying water level at an outlet etc.

These input time series can be entered in MIKE URBAN through the time
series editor. Time series in the time series editor are saved in dfs0 format.
In the time series editor it is possible so save several time series with the
same time axis in different time series items, these various items are then
saved in one time series object. When using the time series as tidal varia-
tions of e.g. a specific load in the simulation, reference to the individual
time series items within the time series objects are made.

5.1 Inserting new time series

When inserting a new time series (TS) go to Edit|Time Series. This will
bring up the dialog shown in Figure 5.1. It is normally not expected that a
massive TS data input would be done ‘manually’ by typing data. If the
data are already available in a digital format, they can readily be imported
into MIKE URBAN as described later in this section.

Figure 5.1 The empty time series dialog

If the data are to be typed in anyway, the TS data input starts by specifying
the basic TS properties: number of values, start date and time, time inter-
val between successive values (assuming a uniform time resolution of the
TS) etc. When data are imported it may also be desirable to change some
of the properties, please refer to the example later in this section.

In order to set the properties for the time series object:

Time Series

z Right-click on the TS object

z Choose ‘TSObject Properties’ on the local menu

Figure 5.2 Right-click on the TS object to get to the local dialog

After specifying the properties for the TS object, you can now continue to
specify the properties for the TS items. One item is per default already

A new TS item is created this way:

z Right-click on the TS object

z Choose ‘New Item’ on the local menu

5.1.1 Properties of time series object

The properties of the time series object can be set in the dialog seen in
Figure 5.3. A description of the input fields is found in Table 5.1.


Inserting new time series

Figure 5.3 The TSObject Properties dialog

Table 5.1 The TSObject properties

Field Description
Title Title of the time series object
Auto Conversion When tick mark is set then the values that are in ‘Delete
of Delete Values Value’ will be converted on the fly if the unit specified
in the ‘EUM Unit’ field is changed. Only conversion
between units of the same type can be done. If the tick
mark is not set then it is possible to change the unit
without the delete value typed in being converted.
Delete Value Threshold for values that are so small that they should
be disregarded.

Time Series

Table 5.1 The TSObject properties

Field Description
Nr Days in Year If a time step of months is used, the number of days is
used to compute the number of days in a month. Other-
wise not used
TS Data Type Not relevant
Time Type A time definition can be equidistant, meaning that the
time values difference between consecutive Timesteps
is constant through the entire time or non-equidistant,
meaning that the time values difference between con-
secutive Timesteps is not constant through the entire
time. Besides these two classifications, a time defini-
tion can be Calendar type, meaning that the time values
are specified as dates or Relative type, meaning that
time values are specified as numbers.

Equidistant_Calendar - time values difference

between consecutive Timesteps is constant through the
entire time and time values are specified as dates

Non_Equidistant_Calendar - time values difference

between consecutive Timesteps is not constant through
the entire time and time values are specified as dates.

Equidistant_Relative - time values difference between

consecutive Timesteps is constant through the entire
time and time values are specified as doubles.

Non_Equidistant_Relative- time values difference

between consecutive Timesteps is not constant through
the entire time and time values are specified as doubles.

Undefined_Time - time type is not specified

Auto Conversion When tick mark is set then the values specified in the
of Time Values timer series will be converted on the fly if the unit spec-
ified in the ‘EUM Unit’ field is changed. Only conver-
sion between units of the same type can be done. If the
tick mark is not set then it is possible to change the unit
without the delete value typed in being converted.
EUM Unit The unit applied for the time axis
Start Time Specifies the start of the time series within the TS
End Time Specifies the end of the time series within the TS object
Nr TimeSteps Specifies the number of time steps within the TS object.
This number needs to be larger than 0.


Inserting new time series

Table 5.1 The TSObject properties

Field Description
Time Step Value Specifies the time step value within the TS object. If
you specify the time steps in the fields in the ‘TimeStep
Information’ group box then the time step value will be
computed automatically in the unit specified in the
‘EUM Unit’ field.
Year, Month, Day, Specification of time step. If e.g. a time step of 1 day
Hour, Minute, and 1 hour is appropriate then type ‘1’ in the ‘Day’ field
Second and ‘1’ in the ’Hour’ field

5.1.2 Properties of time series item

The properties of the time series item can be set in the dialog seen in
Figure 5.4. A description of the input fields is found in Table 5.2.

Time Series

Figure 5.4 The TSItem Properties dialog


Inserting new time series

Table 5.2 The TSItem properties

Field Description
Item Name Name of the item
Data Type Type_Float: 4 byte floating point number,
Type_Double: 8 byte floating point number ,
Type_Char: 1 byte signed integer char, Type_Int: 4 byte
signed integer int, Type_Unsigned: 4 byte unsigned
integer, Type_Short: 2 byte signed integer short
Type_Unsigned_Short: 2 byte unsigned integer

When writing dfs0 files please remember that most of

the applications that deal with this file types use always
and exclusively Type_Float.

Time Series

Table 5.2 The TSItem properties

Field Description
Value Type Instantaneous: means that the values are representa-
tive at one precise instant.

Accumulated: means that the values are representative

of one successive accumulation over the time and
always relative to the start of the event to register val-
ues from. For example, the rainfall accumulated over
the year if we have monthly rainfall values.

Step_Accumulated: means that values are representa-

tive of an accumulation over a Timestep. For example,
rainfall is a step-accumulated value in the following
context. Let’s say that we start measuring rainfall at
10:00:00. At 11:00:00 someone picks the recipient
where rain felled, registers the value of 10 and empties
the recipient. At 12:00:00 the same process but with a
value of 15 and so on. So, in a timeseries we shall have
the value 10 at Timestep 11:00:00 and the value 15 at
Timestep 12:00:00 and so on. Values represent the
timespan between the previous Timestep and the cur-
rent Timestep

Mean_Step_Accumulated: means that values are rep-

resentative of an average accumulation per Timestep.
Picking the previous example, a mean step accumulated
type could be used to register the average rainfall per 15
minutes. Which would be 2.5 (we are working now
with 15 minutes and registering in 1 hour Timestep) for
11:00:00 and 3.75 for 12:00:00 and so on. Values repre-
sent the timespan between the previous Timestep and
the current Timestep

Reverse_Mean_Step_Accumulated: is equal to
Mean_Step_Accumulated type, but values represent the
timespan between the current Timestep and the next
Timestep. Used for forecasting purposes.
Auto Conversion If tick mark is set then the values that are entered will
of Data Values be converted on the fly if the unit specified in the ‘Unit’
field is changed. Only conversion between units of the
same type can be done. If the tick mark is not set then it
is possible to change the unit without the values typed
in being converted.


Inserting new time series

Table 5.2 The TSItem properties

Field Description
Item Type The type of time series that is entered. E.g.if you choose
Water Level the units in the ‘Unit’ field will only dis-
play units that are relevant for that type of time series. If
‘undefined’ is chosen all the units displayed in ‘Unit’
will not be filtered but will display all possible units.
Unit Displays units relevant for the time series type chosen
in ‘Unit’
x,y The x and y co-ordinates used to connect a time series
of rainfall, evaporation and temperature to a catchment.
If x and y co-ordinates are specified in the "Catchment
loads and meterological... " dialog- then these co-ordi-
nates will overwrite the coordinates typed in with the
time series.
z, Alpha, Phi, Not used in MIKE URBAN

5.1.3 Time series plot properties

The properties on the time series plot can be accessed by right-clicking on
the plot. The local menu see in Figure 5.5. If you have more than one TS
object you need to select the relevant TS object before the TS belonging to
this object are displayed on the plot.

Time Series

Figure 5.5 Local menu on the TS plot

Allows to change properties on the x-axis, y-axis and text annotations, e.g.
display and placement of legends.

Graphic Settings
Allows to change the display of the graphs, e.g. line thickness, line colour,
line type (solid, dotted etc.).

Allows to change the font used for the title, legends and the axis.

Zoom in, Zoom Out, Zoom to Selected Item, Next Zoom,

Previous Zoom
Allows to access various zoom functionality.


Inserting new time series

Draw Time Axis Label, Draw Left Axis Label, Draw Right Axis
Label, Draw Left Legend Label, Draw Right Legend Label
Controls the settings of the axis and legends related to the axis.

Draw Grid, Draw Title, Draw Units, Show Tooltips

Controls the display of the grid, title, units and tooltips.

Use Secondary Axis

Toggles the secondary axis on/off.

Copy to Clipboard, Save to MetaFile, Save to PicFile

Allows to copy the plot to the clipboard as well as saving to either Meta-
File or PicFile.


Delete Points
When this mode is selected, when the mouse pointer is near a data value,
the pointer becomes a rubber and clicking on the left button of the mouse,
deletes the data value. The data value is not really deleted from the data set
but its value is set to delete value.

Figure 5.6 Delete points mode

Move Points
When the mouse pointer is near a data value, the mouse pointer becomes a
moving cross and you can move the data value by moving the mouse
while keeping the left button of the mouse down (drag). Before the data
value drag begins, the data value is selected. When moving data values, if
the selected item is also being shown in a Timeseries Tabular, the corre-
spondent cell value in Timeseries Tabular changes accordingly.

Time Series

Figure 5.7 Move points mode

Select Points
When clicking in a data value that data value is selected. The current
Timestep is set to the selected data value timestep. A red square around
the data value appears and the correspondent cell in the Timeseries Tabu-
lar (if the selected item is also being shown in a Timeseries Tabular) is

Figure 5.8 Select points mode

Set Bookmarks
When the mouse pointer is near a data value not bookmarked, the pointer
becomes a pushpin. Clicking on the left button of the mouse bookmarks
the data value.


Example: How to enter a rain time series

Figure 5.9 Set bookmarks mode

Clear Bookmarks
When the mouse pointer is near a bookmarked data value, the pointer
becomes a rubber. Clicking on the left button of the mouse removes the
bookmark for the data value

Figure 5.10 Clear bookmarks mode

Add Lines, Delete Lines, Move Lines

Allows to add, delete and move a vertical line. If the TS is a result time
series the placement of the line is synchronized with the horizontal and
longitudinal profile plot, e.g. if you place the line at a specific time, the
horizontal plot (if it displays results layers) will display the results for the
same time.

5.2 Example: How to enter a rain time series

So the procedure is:

3 Go to Edit|Time Series
4 Right-click on the ‘Untitled’ and choose TSObject Properties, see
Figure 5.11

Time Series

Figure 5.11 Right-Click to set the properties for the time series

5 On the dialog that comes up your are able to specify the various prop-
erties. The properties for this specific example are seen in Figure 5.12.
In this example we are specifying that the rain starts at the 1st of Novem-
ber 2004, that we would like 20 time steps that are a minute apart.


Example: How to enter a rain time series

Figure 5.12 Example of TSbject Properties

6 And then it will look like seen in Figure 5.13

Time Series

Figure 5.13 Example of how it looks after specifying the TSObject Properties

Now right-click on the TS item (per default named ‘Undefined’ before

renaming) and specify the properties for the TS item. This is done as
shown in Figure 5.14.

Note how the type ‘Value Type’ is set to ‘mean_step_accumulated’. This

is done as time series of rain are always plotted as histograms. The unit in
this example is chosen to be ‘mm/h’, but could equally be any of the other
units applicable for rainfall intensities.


Example: How to enter a rain time series

Figure 5.14 Example of TSItem properties

7 After the specification of the TSItem properties, you can start to type in
the various values. A result of this is seen in Figure 5.15

Time Series

Figure 5.15 Example of how the rainfall is displayed after typing in the values

5.3 Example: How to import a time series from Excel

Assume that you have two time series in Excel that look as seen in
Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.16 The TS used in the example


Example: How to import a time series from Excel

1 Go to Edit|Time Series
2 Choose File|Open
3 On the dialog that comes up choose between available bridges for time
series, see e.g. Figure 5.17

Figure 5.17 Time Series Bridge Selection dialog

4 Choose the ‘Excel Timeseries Bridge’ and press ‘OK’

5 The dialog seen in Figure 5.18 appears

Time Series

Figure 5.18 Dialog for specifying the import from Excel and ASCII files

6 Now you need to specify how data should be interpreted, e.g. is data a
rainfall in mm - or an intensity. First, choose the file and then specify
how time should be interpreted. In this case the time and date column
is found in one column. Hence the time description tab page will look
as seen in Figure 5.19.


Example: How to import a time series from Excel

Figure 5.19 The time description for the excel file in this example

7 In this example both time series are rainfall depth measured in mm.
The values are mean step accumulated values (see previous section).
As the first row in the Excel sheet is used for descriptive headings, data
will firs start in row two. All this is then specified on the data descrip-
tion tab page, see Figure 5.20.

Time Series

Figure 5.20 The data description for the excel file in this example

8 Then go to the Preview tab page. Here you can see how your time
series is interpreted before you import the data into MIKE URBAN. If
an error has been made on the previous pages, e.g. you have specified
that data will start in row one instead of row two you will now receive
an error message and data cannot be previewed. You can now choose
to either import the data straight ahead or to save a template file first
that you can reuse when importing data of the same format.
9 The result of the import then looks like seen in Figure 5.21.


Example: How to import a time series from Excel

Figure 5.21 The TS after import

10 The save the data in the native storage format used in MIKE URBAN
for time series, i.e. the dfs0 format. This is done from the file menu of
the time series dialog. See Figure 5.22.

Figure 5.22 Saving data into the dfs0 format

You can change the properties for the display of the time series. See
Figure 5.23.

Time Series

Figure 5.23 In the plot the graphic settings have also been changed to make it
easier to see the difference.




6.1 Introduction
In MOUSE|Curves and Relations (Figure 6.1) a number of tabular data
used in other data dialogs are specified.

There are a number of different types of tabular data:

z Capacity Curve QH (used for Pumps)

z Capacity Curve QdH (used for Pumps)
z Pump Acceleration Curve (used for Pumps)
z Regulation Qmax(H)
z Regulation Qmax(dH)
z QH Relation (when specifying a QH relation for a node)
z Time-Area Curve (used in Time Area runoff model)
z Removal Efficiency (used for the efficiency curve for removal weirs)
z Basin Geometry (used for Basins)
z Valve Rating Curve (used for Valves)
z DQ Relation (used for Curb Inlets)
z QQ Relation (used for Curb Inlets)
z Capacity Curve QdH & Power
z Undefined (used for surface runoff pollutants - SRC, FRC and TOT

Curves and Relations

Figure 6.1 Curves & Relations dialog

6.1.1 Capacity curves

It is possible to define two different capacity curves - both used for speci-
fying pump operation. The capacity curve can be specified either as a
'Capacity Curve QH' relation (for screw pumps) or as 'Capacity Curve
QdH' relation (for differential head pumps), where 'H' is the absolute
water level in the pump's wet well (at 'Location'), and 'dH' is the water
level difference between the 'To' and the 'Location' nodes. A pump type
with a 'Capacity Curve QH' relation is named a screw pump, while a pump
type with a 'Capacity Curve Q-dH' relation is named a differential head

If an offset is specified this will be added to the capacity curve relation.



Please also note that you can specify a pump capacity curve with the
energy consumption as well - for more on this type please refer to section

6.1.2 Pump acceleration curves

Pumps can be RTC controlled. For those that are PID controlled, the
acceleration of a pump can be specified as dependent on the actual flow.
This pump acceleration curve is then specified as a number of ‘Q, dQ/dt’
data sets.

6.1.3 Regulation curves Qmax(H) and Qmax(dH)

The regulation curves Qmax(H) and Qmax(dH) are used in the regulation
of the maximum discharge in links. The regulation can be either a maxi-
mum discharge as a function of the water level in user specified node or a
maximum discharge as a function of the water level difference between
two user specified nodes. Please refer to section 3.4 for regulation in links.

6.1.4 QH relation
QH relations can be used for various types of manholes, outlets, basins
and storage nodes.

Manholes, Basins
When using a QH relation in either a manhole or a basin it is possible to
specify an infiltration (Q) based on the water level in the manhole/basin.

Using a QH relation in an outlet means that you specify the discharge out
of the outlet based on the water level in the outlet.

Storage node
Return of water from storage basins back into the MOUSE network is
specified in the dialog "Emptying Storage Nodes". An emptying function
is a QH relation, where 'Q' is the flow from the storage node into a 'receiv-
ing node', and 'H' is the water level in a 'control node'. The flow according
to the emptying function is possible only until the storage node is com-
pletely empty.

6.1.5 Time-Area curve

The Time-Area curve is used in the Time-Area runoff model (see section
4.2). A Time-Area curve represents the contributing part of the catchment
surface as function of time.

Curves and Relations

MIKE URBAN comes with three defaults time-area curves TACurve1,

TACurve2 and TACurve3, applicable for rectangular, divergent and con-
vergent catchment, respectively (see more in 6.1.5).

You can define any number of custom time-area curves. Each Time-area
table must start with a pair of values (0,0) and must end with a pair of val-
ues representing the whole (per default, MIKE URBAN maintains T-A
curves in percent (%), i.e. the last pair of values in the table must be

Figure 6.2 Example of user defined Time-Area curve

6.1.6 Removal efficiency

There are three methods available for removal of sediments in weirs (see
also section 13.5). In one of these methods you specify the relation
between discharge towards the weir and the effiency, i.e. the efficiency
curve. The removal efficency is hence a function of Q and the efficiency
(unit less 1/1).

6.1.7 Basin geometry

The basin geometry is described as a tabulated area-elevation function.
You specify a set of (H, Ac, As) values. The Ac is the cross section area
perpendicular to the main flow direction in the basin (used to calculate the
velocity). The As is the surface area of the basin (used to calculate the vol-
ume). Both parameters are specified as functions of the water level, H, in
the basin.



The H-column for the basin geometry can start at any value, e.g. 0.0 for
interpretation of H as depth in the basin. The MOUSE Engine will associ-
ate the first H-value to the bottom level of the node. This means that the
same geometry can be reused several places in the model. If we let Hmax
indicate the maximum level before flooding the highest value of the top of
the specified basin or the ground level is applied. Therefore if the top of
the basin geometry is below the ground level the specified basin geometry
will be extended with additional points to allow for flooding.

6.1.8 Valve rating curve

A valve is a functional relation which connects two nodes of a MOUSE

A rating curve is specified to define the relation between the valve open-
ing (%) and resistance (k).

6.1.9 DQ and QQ relations

Two curve types can be specified for the two different types of Curb Inlets
(see 3.7):

z Capacity Curve, DQ (depth/discharge relation specified in the Curb

Inlets dialog)
z Capacity Curve, QQ (Qapproach,Qcapture relation specified in the On-
grade capture dialog).
The DQ relation specifies the depth based capacity curve for a SAG Type
Curb Inlet. Values must be monotonously increasing in depth and dis-
charge and starting at (0,0). For depths in excess of the maximum value
specified in the last row of the table, the last corresponding discharge
value is used.

The QQ relation specifies the relationship between approach flow in the

overland flow network (Qapp) and the captured flow at the connection
node for an ON-GRADE Type Curb Inlet (Qcap). Values must be monoto-
nously increasing and starting at (0,0). For approach discharges in excess
of the maximum value specified in the last row of the table, the last corre-
sponding capture discharge value is used.

6.1.10 Capacity curve QdH & Power

If you have the knowledge of the power consumption of the pump at vari-
ous pump levels it is possible to add this to the pump capacity curve by
using the ‘QdH & Power’ capacity curve (see Figure 6.3).

Curves and Relations

Figure 6.3 Pump capacity curve including power consumption

After the simulation with a ‘QdH & Power’ the summary will contain
information on the power consumption during the simulation period.

Figure 6.4 Snapshot from the html-summary with example of output when
using the QdH & Power capacity curve

6.1.11 Undefined type

The undefined type is used for surface runoff pollutants - SRC, FRC and
TOT dataset.

The concentrations of a given pollutant can be given for each specific

catchment. For one catchment it is possible to give a concentration on the



slow runoff component (SRC) and the fast runoff component (FRC) or
override these settings stating a concentration for the total runoff (TOT).
Instead of fixed concentrations it is possible to state a name of a tabular
data set (the undefined type). The tabular data set should then hold a table
with concentrations versus normalised flow, i.e. the runoff divided by the
total catchment area. See more in section 13.6.

Curves and Relations


In broad terms, a model boundary condition can be defined as an external
interference, which forces the behaviour of the computed variables within
the model domain.

A great part of the boundary conditions represent various types of water

loads (rainfall, infiltration, wastewater…). The main characteristic of
these "load" boundary conditions is that they contain a "transport
medium" - water. Water can transport other material (dissolved pollutants,
oxygen, sediments), heat (temperature) and organisms (bacteria and para-
sites), as well as various other properties, such as pH, conductivity, turbid-
ity, etc. Properties of "water load" boundary conditions (expressed as con-
centrations, mass flow, temperature, etc.) are also, in strict terms,
boundary conditions for e.g. pollution transport model (Advection-Disper-
sion). However, these are not treated as separate boundary conditions, but
items inseparably associated with the water loads. E.g. a lateral inflow is a
water load boundary condition for the hydrodynamic process in the net-
work (defined as discharge item), while the temperature, concentration,
etc. associated to this particular inflow are specified as pollutant items of
that “load” boundary condition. Effectively, pollutant items of that “load”
boundary conditions to the AD process in the network.

Boundary conditions other than water loads are "simple" in a sense that
they are fully defined by the boundary condition variable itself, i.e. no
additional item is possible to be associated with them. These are water lev-
els, air temperature, evapo-transpiration, etc.

In the following the terminology used is:

z Boundary condition: it is defined by its type and model connectivity

MOUSE distinguishes three groups of boundary conditions:
z Catchment Loads and Meteorological Boundary Conditions
z Network Loads
z External Water Levels
z Boundary item: per definition, it is a property inseparably associated
with a boundary condition. A boundary item is fully defined by its
type, temporal variation and quantity/quality. Through the link to a
boundary condition to which it belongs, connection of a boundary item
to a model is ensured.
The variable which defines a boundary condition is a default item of the
boundary condition.

Boundary Conditions

The structure of boundary conditions and relations between boundary con-

ditions and associated items can best be illustrated by a tree-like structure,
similar to archive directories and files.

On the top level, there are three groups of boundary condtions (see fig-
ure….below). Each of these three groups is served by a separate editor,
described in full detail further below.

Depending on the model, individual boundary conditions may be added.

Figure 7.1 Basic frame of MOUSE Boundary Conditions with three groups

7.1 Catchment Boundary Condition

Types of variables associated with catchment boundary conditions are:

z Air temperature
z Evapo-transpiration
z Rainfall
z Flow - including WQ, sediment and temperature properties
An example illustrating the catchment boundary conditions is presented in
below figure

Figure 7.2 The Catchment Boundary Conditions - Example


Catchment Boundary Condition

Any number of each boundary conditions types can be specified.

In this example, the model includes four catchment boundary conditions:

"Air Temperature" is a boundary condition of the type "air temperature",

and always has a temperature (constant or a time series) associated as a
default item. This type of boundary condition is used for snow melt calcu-

"Evapo-Transpiration" is a boundary condition of the type "evapo-transpi-

ration ", and always has potential evapo-transpiration (constant or a time
series) associated as a default item. This type of boundary is used for RDI
hydrological calculations.The dfs0 file needs to be of the type ‘Evapo-
Transporation’. Delete values will be considered equal to 0.0.

"Rainfall" is a boundary condition of the type "rainfall", and always has

rainfall (constant or a time series) associated as a default item. This type of
boundary is used for precipitation-runoff hydrological calculations. Asso-
ciation of WQ properties (e.g. temperature, acidity, etc.) with rainfall is
not supported. When using a time series the dfs0-file needs to be one of
the following Item Types: ‘Rainfall Intensity’, ‘Rainfall’ or ‘Rainfall
Depth’. Delete values will be considered equal to 0.0.

"Water Load.Resident DWF" is a boundary condition of the type "catch-

ment load", and always has discharge (constant, cyclic or a time series)
associated as a default item. This type of boundary represents various
kinds of hydraulic loads, such as area-based or PE-based dry weather
loads, area-based infiltration, etc. The discharge can be associated with
any pollutant, sediment or temperature item (constant, cyclic or a time
series). In the example above, the default item (Resident WW flow) is
associated with pollutants BOD, NH4 and Temperature.

Note that the first three boundary conditions are used by a runoff-precipi-
tation model, while the water load boundary condition can either be
appended to the computed runoff (only flow) or passed directly to the net-
work connected to the catchments.

7.1.1 Visualization of catchment boundaries

The catchment loads are visualized by toogling the display of ‘MOUSE
Catchment Boundaries’ on in the TOC.

Boundary Conditions

Figure 7.3 MOUSE Catchment Boundaries

The following items can be toggled on/off under ‘MOUSE Catchment

Boundaries’ in the TOC:

z MOUSE Rain Gauges (represents the rain gauges, as defined by the

‘Data source location’)
z MOUSE Rainfall (shows catchments with a catchment load of type
z MOUSE Catchment Rainfall (shows catchments with a catchment load
of type ‘Catchment Discharge’)
z MOUSE Air Temperature (shows catchments with a catchment load of
type ‘Air Temperature’)
z MOUSE Evapo-Transpiration (shows catchments with a catchment
load of type ‘Evapo-Transpiration’)

Figure 7.4 Example of the visualization of catchment boundaries


Network Boundary Conditions

7.2 Network Boundary Conditions

Types of variables associated with MOUSE network (i.e node/grid point)
boundary conditions are:

z Water level
z Flow (discharge) - incl. WQ and sediment properties
The discharge boundary conditions are termed as "Network Loads". An
example illustrating the network loads is presented (see illustration below)

Figure 7.5 MOUSE Network Loads - Example

Network Loads represent all kinds of hydraulic loads, such as DWF point-
inflows, individual lateral inflows, infiltration, storm runoff, etc. This type
of boundary condition always has discharge (constant, cyclic or a time
series) associated as a default item. The discharge can be associated with
any pollutant, sediment or temperature item (constant, cyclic or a time

Any number of network loads can be specified, independently on the loca-

tion point.

In this example, the model includes three network loads:

"Water Load.Industrial DWF" represent some industrial loads. In the

example above, the default item (Resident WW flow) is associated with
pollutants BOD and NH4 and with Temperature.

"Water Load.Storm Runoff" represent calculated storm runoff loads. Note

that in the example above, two default items are specified, each covering

Boundary Conditions

different time period. The default items (i.e. storm runoff itself) are associ-
ated with temperature and pollutants BOD and NH4.

"Catchment Water Load.Resident DWF" is an example of a special type of

network load definition. It is actually only a reference to already existing
"catchment load" (in this case "Water Load.Resident DWF") and a signal
to the model to pass the catchment load to the network model. This type of
load definition does not need any item.

The downstream water level boundary conditions are termed as "External

water levels" (see illustration below).

Figure 7.6 External Water levels - Example

Only one water level boundary condition is allowed at each network out-
let. If nothing is specified for an outlet, the model assumes a constant
water level equal to the outlet invert level. I.e. a free outlet is assumed.

This type of boundary condition always has water level (constant or a time
series) associated as a default item.

In the example above, two external water level boundary conditions have
been defined.

7.2.1 Visualization of network boundaries

The network loads are visualized by toogling the display of ‘MOUSE Net-
work Boundaries’ on in the TOC.


Network Boundary Conditions

Figure 7.7 MOUSE Network Boundaries

The following items can be toggled on/off under ‘MOUSE Network

Boundaries’ in the TOC:

z MOUSE Node Discharge (shows nodes with a network load of type

Inflow Hydrograph or Infiltration Loss assigned to)
z MOUSE Catchment Discharge (reflects the network load using a
Catchment Load. In this specific case, the boundary condition will be
displayed even if no Boundary Item is created)
z MOUSE Load Point Discharge (shows the nodes that have a Load
point assigned)
z MOUSE External Water Level (shows the outlets that have an External
Water Level assigned as a boundary condition)
z MOUSE Link Discharge (shows links with a network load of type
Inflow Hydrograph or Infiltration Loss assigned to)

Figure 7.8 Example of the visualization of network boundaries

Boundary Conditions

7.3 Boundary Condition Editors

Three editors are available for specifying boundary conditions corre-
sponding to three boundary condition groups and one common editor for
boundary items:

z Catchments Loads and Meteorological Items

z Network Loads
z External Water levels
Common for all three editors is the specification of the Boundary condi-
tion identifier and controlling if the specified boundary is actually applied
to the model or not (per default, each new boundary condition is applied).

Additionally, there is a common editor for boundary items.

7.3.1 Catchments Loads and Meteorological Items Editor

Figure 7.9 The catchment loads editor

The following describes how to define an boundary condition for a catch-



Boundary Condition Editors

As the first after insertion of a new boundary conditions, a proper name

(ID) must be specified. It is recommended to give a descriptive ID to a
boundary condition.

Next, a type of boundary connection is selected, among Rainfall, Air tem-

perature, Evapo-transpiration and Catchment Discharge. For the first three
types, co-ordinates of a data source (e.g. raingauge) may be specified
(Data Source location). The co-ordinates are used for the simulation of
spatially distributed rainfall (snowmelt, evapo-transpiration), in cases
when the data file itself (i.e. time series file) does not contain this informa-
tion. Checking the "Data source Location" overrides the coordinates from
the TS file.

The "Connection Type" determines the mode of identification of the

catchments for which this boundary condition applies. "Individual"
applies for a single catchment, and requires a specification of the catch-
ment ID. "List" applies for a set of catchments, contained in the catchment
selection file (*.CSE or *.MUS). "All" applies to all catchments. In case
of two or more meteorological boundary conditions of the same type spec-
ified, the co-ordinate information is used to distribute the boundaries
accordingly. This latter only applies when the "Connection Type" is set to
"All". It is only possible to have one rain used as a boundary condition per

Boundary Conditions

7.3.2 Network Loads Editor

Figure 7.10 The network loads editor

The following describes how to define an boundary condition for the net-
work. This could e.g. be a discharge entering a manhole or pipe infiltra-

As the first after insertion of a new boundary condition, a proper name

(ID) must be specified. It is recommended to give a descriptive ID to a
boundary condition.

The "Connection Type" determines the mode of definition of the network

location(s) to which this boundary applies. "Individual" applies for a sin-
gle node or pipe, and requires a specification of the Node ID or Link ID.

If a load is connected to a link, it will be uniformly distributed over all

computational grid H-points along the link.

"List" applies for a set of node or links, contained in the selection files
(*.NSE, LSE or *.MUS). "Defined by Catchment Connections" applies to
the storm runoff loads from MOUSE *.CRF file.


Boundary Condition Editors

For a node - either an inflow hydrograph can be specified or an infiltration

boundary can be specified. If the 'Infiltration' option is chosen the bound-
ary items page allows to specify a positive or negative rate. So either
infiltration to the node or loss of water from the node to the surrounding
ground can be used.

The loss can be defined for any type of node, but it is primarily intended
for use with basins or nodes with geometry representing small ponds. The
infiltration can be defined as a constant rate (velocity) which is multiplied
by the actual wet area in the node. Note that the rate value should be given
as a negative value for specifying a loss of water from the network model.
Applying a positive value will result in water being added to the node.

Check-box "Distribute" is of relevance for network loads connected to a

list of nodes or links. If checked, the specified load will be uniformly dis-
tributed over the listed nodes or links. Otherwise, each location specified
in the list will receive the specified load.

"Geo-coded" applies for point-loads (typically DWF) geo-coded to the

network nodes. User can select which one of the geo-coded load catego-
ries applies for this boundary condition.

7.3.3 External Water Levels Editor

This editor is dedicated to specification of external water levels interacting
with the collection system.

Figure 7.11 External water levels editor

Boundary Conditions

In addition to the specification of the boundary condition ID and the loca-

tion (outlet), user can define an open boundary here (relevant for pollution
transport simulations).

7.3.4 Boundary Items Editor

Boundary item editor allows for a full definition of a boundary item in
terms of type, temporal variation, quantity/quality and temporal validity

Figure 7.12 The Boundary Items Editor

The 'Boundary Items' editor has been designed to operate in conjunction

with the three boundary condition editors. When open simultaneously
with one of these, this editor displays only the boundary items associated
with the currently active boundary condition. Otherwise, displays all
boundary items.

'Boundary Items' editor allows for a full definition of a boundary item in

terms of type, temporal variation, quantity/quality and temporal validity.

A new boundary item is created by pressing "Insert". The new item is

automatically associated with the currently active boundary condition and
is appended to the list of associated items. Alternatively, already existing
item can be re-used and associates it with the currently active boundary.
"Re-use Item" actually makes a copy of a selected item and adds it on the


Boundary Condition Editors

list of items for the current boundary condition. By these means user can
assign the same item (e.g. concentration of some pollutant in wastewater)
to many boundary conditions quickly.

A new item can also be inserted while none of the boundary condition dia-
logs is open. In that case, user must "manually" connect the item to a
boundary condition. There is no automatic control over the match between
the boundary condition type and the actual item definition, so due care is

Each new item is set as "default". For some types of boundary conditions,
this can be changed to "Pollutant" or Sediment". In the later case, a pollut-
ant component or a sediment fraction must be selected from the respective
lists. The pollutant items can be defined in terms of concentrations or

The scaling factor determines the fraction of the specified load which is
actually loaded into the model. Per default, the scaling factor is set to 1.

Temporal variations

Temporal variation of boundary items may take one of the following


Constant - any boundary item can be defined as a constant

Cyclic (Diurnal) - all hydraulic loads items can be defined as diurnal

Time series

A constant boundary item is the simplest form of boundary. In case of

large constant network loads, the HD model may display some stability
problems. This can be avoided by allowing a gradual increase of the load
over a specified start-up time.

Cyclic (diurnal) boundary items are typically associated with wastewater

loads. Cyclic loads may be quantified in several ways: as area-based or
person equivalent-based loads (associated with catchment loads), as aver-
age load or geo-coded loads (associated with network loads).

Time series may come from various sources, including previous MOUSE
result file (this latter option includes MOUSE files CRF, SMR and PMR).

Temporal validity

Each boundary item may be specified with limited temporal validity.

Boundary Conditions

Per default, each item is considered valid during the entire simulation
period. Indeed, in case of TS items, the validity is also limited by the
length of TS.

If multiple items are specified they may all be with default temporal valid-
ity (i.e. over the entire simulation period), or with overlapping validity
periods (e.g. when mixing de-fault and limited validity) or with periods
with missing coverage.

7.4 Examples
In the following paragraphs some examples on setting up boundary condi-
tions are shown step-by-step

7.4.1 How to add a varying water level at an outlet ?

This boundary condition falls into the category 'External Water Levels'.
The definition involves the specification of a boundary condition itself
and the water level (default) item.

z Enter Edit mode: Go to Edit|Start Editing

z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|External Water Levels
z Press Insert button
z Boundary ID is then given automatically (hint: you can change this ID
if you wish to)
z Choose the list button next to the location field (hint: you can also type
in the Location directly - note that you can only add External Water
Levels to MOUSE outlets)
z Select the outlet from the list press OK button (hint: you can just dou-
Press the Items button to open the Boundary items dialog to connect the
time variation for the water level. Note that the Boundary ID is automati-
cally filled in on the Boundary items dialog.

z After having pressed Insert an item ID will automatically be given

(hint: you can change this ID if you wish to)
Now the temporal variation can be specified:

z Choose “Time Series/Result File” in order to specify an irregular vary-

ing water level. This activates the Time Series part of the editor



z Choose DFS0 as the Source Type, click the list button next to the Path
field and choose the dfs0 file with the water level (item ID is only nec-
essary to fill out if the dfs0 file contains more than one item, i.e. time
After completing this, the time-varying water level has been successfully
added to the outlet.

7.4.2 How to add infiltration in a pipe?

This boundary condition falls into the category 'Network Loads'. The defi-
nition involves the specification of a boundary condition itself and the
infiltration item.

z Enter Edit mode: Go to Edit|Start Editing

z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Network Loads
z Press Insert button
z Boundary ID is then given automatically (hint: you can change this ID
if you wish to)
z Choose the connection type to ‘Individual’ and set the radio button in
‘Pipe ID’
z Select the pipe from the list and press OK button (hint: you can just
Press the Items button to open the Boundary items dialog to add the infil-
tration value. Note that the Boundary ID is automatically filled in on the
Boundary items dialog.

z After having pressed Insert an item ID will automatically be given

(hint: you can change this ID if you wish to)
Now the infiltration can be specified. In this case we choose a constant

z Choose “Constant” in order to specify a constant infiltration. This acti-

vates the ‘Constant’ part of the editor
z Type in an infiltration value in the active field. The value is provided as
an inflow per length unit of the pipe and is hence also kept constant
along the pipe.
After completing this, the constant infiltration to the pipe has been suc-
cessfully added.

Boundary Conditions

7.4.3 How to add a rainfall as a boundary condition to the catchments?

This boundary condition falls into the category 'Catchment Loads And
Meteorological Items'. The definition involves the specification of a
boundary condition itself and the rainfall (default) item.

z Enter Edit mode: Go to Edit|Start Editing

z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Catchment Loads
z Press Insert button
z ID is then given automatically (hint: you can change this ID if you
wish to)
z Set Type = Rainfall
z Set Connection type, choose = All (All = all catchmens, List = a group
of catchments, Individual = a single catchment)
Note: Now a rainfall is assigned to all catchments. By checkmarking the
data source location field you can specify where the rain gauge is placed

z Press the Items button to open the "Items" editor.

z Press Insert button on the Boundary Items dialog to insert a rainfall
z After having pressed Insert an item ID will automatically be given
(hint: you can change this ID if you wish to)
Now the temporal variation can be specified:

z Choose Time Series/Result File in order to choose a time series for the
rain event
z This activates the Time Series part of the dialog
z Choose DFS0 as the Source Type, and select the dfs0 file with the rain
event (item ID is only necessary to fill out if the dfs0 file contains more
than one item, i.e. time series)
Now the rain event has successfully been connected to the catchments!

7.4.4 How to add a discharge to a node?

This boundary condition falls into the category 'Network Loads'. The defi-
nition involves the specification of a boundary condition itself and the dis-
charge (default) item.

z Enter Edit mode: Go to Edit|Start Editing



z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Network Loads

z Press Insert
z A Load ID is automatically assigned (you can change this)
z Set the Connection type to 'Individual'
z Choose the relevant Node ID
z Now press the Items button. This will open the Boundary Items dialog
where the discharge variation can be specified
z Press Insert button on the Boundary Items dialog. The Boundary ID
field is automatically filled in by the current boundary ID. This ensures
a bond between the Boundary condition and this item.
z After having pressed Insert an item ID will automatically be given
(hint: you can change this ID if you wish to)
z Specify that the load type is 'Other'. This will insure a correct categori-
sation of this load in the simulation summary statistics and in the job-
list generation for LTS simulations.
Now the temporal variation can be specified:

z Choose Time Series/Result File in order to specify a irregular varying

discharge (note: constant as well as cyclic variation can also be chosen)
z This activates the Time Series part
z Choose DFS0 as the Source Type, click next to the Path field and
choose the dfs0 file with the water level (item ID is only necessary to
fill out if the dfs0 file contains more than one item, i.e. time series)
Now the discharge is successfully connected to your node!

7.4.5 How to add runoff results as input for the network computation?
The runoff results are treated as network loads in MIKE URBAN, and can
be specified following the same principle as any other load (see the exam-
ple above). Alternatively, a 'shortcut' specification can be used.

The 'standard' definition of runoff input to the network model is described

in the following example. Further below, the "shortcut" hint is provided.

z Enter Edit mode: Go to Edit|Start Editing

z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Network Loads
z Press Insert
z A Load ID is automatically assigned (you can change this)

Boundary Conditions

z Set the Connection type to 'Defined by catchment connection'. No fur-

ther specification of the location is required, since this is controlled by
the catchment connections.
The specification of the load type will allow the computation to take into
account where the load came from initially - and hence also report this in
e.g. the summary after the simulation

z Now press the Items button. This will open the Boundary Items dialog
where the runoff result file to be used can be specified
z Press Insert button on the Boundary Items dialog. The Boundary ID
field is automatically filled in by the current boundary ID. This ensures
a bond between the Boundary condition and this item.
z After having pressed Insert an item ID will automatically be given
(hint: you can change this ID if you wish to).
z Specify that the load type is 'Storm Runoff'. This will insure a correct
categorisation of this load in the simulation summary statistics and in
the job-list generation for LTS simulations.
Now the temporal variation can be specified.

z Choose Time Series/Result File in order to choose the result file from
the catchment simulation
z This activates the Time Series part of the dialog
Choose MOUSE as the Source Type, click the list button next to the Path
field and select the *.CRF file containing the results from the runoff com-

Now the runoff results are used as input for the network computation!

Alternatively, a 'shortcut' definition can be used. On the MOUSE Compu-

tations dialog ('Network Parameters') user can checkmark the 'Runoff' in
the Runoff Input group, and select the runoff file from the list. The effect
of this specification is identical as if the runoff input is specified through
the boundary conditions dialogs. Please note, that this way it is NOT pos-
sible to assign any water quality properties to the runoff input. If this is
required, the boundary conditions editors must me used.

7.4.6 How do I add DWF in my network dependent on number of inhabitants?

The PE-based and catchment area-based DWF fall into the category of
catchment loads. This is because both the input parameters and the results
of the computation are catchment-related. However, in most applications,
this load is supposed to be passed into the network through the catchment



connection points. The following example describes the entire definition


The overall procedure involves the following major steps:

z Define the diurnal patterns (note: not a part of this tutorial)

z Define the catchment load. Note that inhabitants (PEs) are associated
with catchments, so the DWF load which they generate is also associ-
ated with catchments
z Define the boundary item for the catchment DWF load
z Define a network load and declare it as a "carrier" of the catchment
load defined previously. This allows for a direct passage of the catch-
ment load into the network. The water is loaded into the network at the
catchment connection points. Note that for this load no item definition
is required.
The detailed steps:

z Enter Edit mode: Go to Edit|Start Editing

z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Catchment Loads
z Press Insert button
z ID is then given automatically (hint: you can change this ID if you
wish to)
z Set Type = Catchment Discharge
z Set Connection type, choose = Individual (All = all catchments, List =
a group of catchments, Individual = a single catchment)
z Choose the list button next to the Individual field and select the catch-
ment (hint: you can also type in the catchment ID directly)
The Catchment load and its connectivity to the catchment(s) is specified.
The following step is the definition of the boundary item, i.e. temporal
variation, quantity and temporal validity of the load.

z Press the Items button. This opens the Items editor.

z Press Insert button on the Boundary Items dialog
Note that the boundary ID is automatically filled in on the Boundary items

After having pressed Insert an item ID will automatically be given (hint:

you can change this ID if you wish to)

Boundary Conditions

The scaling factor and item type are per default set properly, so no action
is required. Now the temporal variation can be specified:

z Choose "Cyclic" in order to specify a diurnal load variation. This acti-

vates the Cyclic part of the dialog.
z Select a predefined pattern from the list.
z Specify the Method as "PE Based". This indicates that the DWF contri-
bution is computed taking the number of inhabitants PE on the catch-
ment into account
z Specify the water amount per PE/day
Note: "Average" means that an average diurnal value will be used (taken
from the field 'Value'), while 'Area based' will compute the total flow tak-
ing the catchment area into account.

This completes a full definition of the catchment DWF load based on PEs.
The remaining step is to allow this load be directly applied to the network

z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Network Loads

z Press Insert
z A Load ID is automatically assigned (you can change this)
z Set the tickmark in 'Catchment Load' and select the boundary ID from
the list for the catchment load just created.
The specification of the 'Load Type' will allow the computation to take
into account where the load came from initially - and hence also report
this in e.g. the summary after the simulation.

7.4.7 How to attach a pollutant concentration to a network load?

Attaching a pollutant concentration involves adding a pollutant item to
already existing network load.

z Enter Edit mode: Go to Edit|Start Editing

z Go to MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|Network Loads
z Scroll through the list of loads and place cursor on the wanted load
z Press the 'Items' button. This will open the Boundary Items dialog
where items associated with the actual load will be displayed. There
will be at least one discharge item and, possibly, some pollutant and
sediment items.


Repetitive Profile Editors

z Press Insert button on the Boundary Items dialog. The Boundary ID

field is automatically filled in by the current boundary ID. This ensures
a bond between the Boundary condition and the new item.
z After having pressed Insert an item ID will automatically be given
(hint: you should change this ID in order to be able to identify it easier)
z Specify the new item type as 'Pollutant'. This will activate the part of
the editor where a pollutant must be selected from the list. Note that
pollutant can be specified as concentration (i.e. mass per unit volume
of water) or as load (i.e. mass per unit of time). This specification is not
effective for the cases where actual pollutant data include the informa-
tion of actual unit (e.g. dfs0 time series).
z Now the temporal variation can be specified. Note that specification of
cyclic variation in a combination with "concentration" affects the mass
balance, i.e. the simulated pollutant mass changes with changes in
cyclic pattern. This must be compensated by appropriate adjustment of
the pollutant concentration.
Now a pollutant (concentration or load) has been successfully connected
to your network load!

7.5 Repetitive Profile Editors

The 'Repetitive Profile Editors' can be used for generating dimensionless,
cyclic time series ('repetitive profiles') with a fixed time resolution of one
hour. E.g., it can be applied for defining diurnal profiles that can describe
the Dry Weather Flow (DWF) from a specific catchment. An unlimited
number of repetitive profiles can be applied to different groups of catch-
ments in order to reflect that e.g. an industrial area will have a different
DWF flow description than a rural or residential area. The DWF may,
however, also vary according to the time of week or year and holidays.

The 'Repetitive Profile Editor' consists of four sections:

z Diurnal Patterns- used for specifying the diurnal patterns

z Profiles Calendar - used for specifying when the diurnal patterns are to
be used
z Cyclic Profiles - used for coupling of individual diurnal patterns with
profiles calendar definition
z Special Days - used for specifying days that are to be considered as
exceptions to the calendar (e.g. the 1st of January).

Boundary Conditions

7.6 Diurnal Patterns

A diurnal pattern consists of the 'PatternID', a DeltaT [min] and the non-
dimensional coefficients. The dimensionless coefficients may be given
any appropriate value, as long as their relative size reflects the diurnal var-
iation. Prior entering the multiplier coefficients, the DelataT is set for the
pattern and clicking on ‘Distribute’ fills the two time columns with the
appropriate numbers of values for having a daily pattern.

An unlimited number of diurnal patterns can be entered. E.g. one for

weekdays and one for weekends, but also one for weekdays belonging to
one group of catchments and one for weekdays belonging to a different
group of catchments. Clicking on ‘Graph’ gives a grafical display of the

Figure 7.13 Diurnal Pattern Editor

7.7 Profiles Calendar

The purpose of the profiles calendar is to specify when the diurnal patterns
are to be applied, e.g. only during the summer, only in February, only on
weekdays, only on each first in the month, etc.

Three checkboxes 'Week Days', 'Dates' and 'Months' are available for the
activation of three different, mutually inclusive modes of the calendar def-
inition. This means that if any day is to be included in the current calendar
definition, it must be included in all three definition modes. If any of the
definition modes is not activated (i.e. the checkbox not ticked), it does not
affect the calendar definition. If only a calendar's ID is given, but no tick


Cyclic Profiles

marks are set, the diurnal pattern that the profiles calendar is assigned to
would be unconditionally used.

Figure 7.14 Profiles Calendar Editor

7.8 Cyclic Profiles

A 'Cyclic Profile' (defined by its 'Profile ID' string max 40.characters)
links the diurnal pattern with the relevant calendar definitions.

Each pattern can contain an arbitrary number of profile-calendar links. For

inserting a new link, use the "Insert new line" icon. For deleting a selected
link use the "Delete selected line" icon. If the calendar definitions for two
or more links are covering the same period, the links positioned highest on
the list will have the highest priority. In other words, the definition given
by some link covers only the days which are not included into any of the
higher positioned links. In order to control the priorities, it is possible to
change the order of sets in the pattern with the "Move line up" and "Move
line down" icons.

For each pattern the 'Interpolation' method is chosen to either 'Linear

Interpolation' or 'No Interpolation'. The 'Linear Interpolation' performs a
linear interpolation between the values given in the diurnal profile while
the 'No Interpolation' will apply a step function. For use with DWF, the
'Linear Interpolation’ is recommended

Boundary Conditions

Figure 7.15 Cyclic Profiles Editor

7.9 Special Days

The 'Special days' is used for the specification of individual days that
should be considered differently than it is given by the profiles calendar.

E.g. the 1st of January each year (the New year holiday) even though it
comes every year on a different day of the week could be coupled with the
diurnal profile of e.g. Sunday, since the diurnal pattern of a holiday
matches better with Sunday than by any other week day.

The special days are divided in two categories: Special days that are to be
considered every year and special days that are only considered once
(Unique date). An example of this could be the Easter holiday which will
not be on the same date every year.


Special Days

Figure 7.16 Special Days Editor

Boundary Conditions


The General Simulation Settings

MOUSE simulations may be started from ‘Simulation | Run MOUSE’.
Simulation options for MOUSE are also defined here.

The editor is split into following five tabsheets:

z General
z Runoff parameters
z Network parameters
z Network Summary
z 2D overland parameters
The ‘Simulation ID’ and ‘Scenario ID’ are found on all four tabsheets as a
common reference.

8.1 The General Simulation Settings

On the General page the following can e.g. be specified:

z Name of simulation (equal to the name of the result file)

z Simulation period
z Simulation type
The General page also a includes a button in the upper right ‘corner’ that
allows to copy simulation settings (to be re-used in another simulation,
e.g. for another scenario).

MOUSE Simulations

Figure 8.1 The MOUSE Simulation General Editor dialog

Edit fields on the General page

A full overview of the editor fields and corresponding database attributes
is provided in the Table 8.1.


The General Simulation Settings

Table 8.1 Overview of the general simulation settings (Table ‘msm_Project’)

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ScenarioID
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog
Runoff/Net- Switch for starting runoff, net- Yes Computation-
work radio work or network combined TypeNo
buttons with 2D simulation
Simulation User’s descriptive information No Description
Start Start date and time for the sim- Yes ComputationBe-
ulation gin
Duration Allows to specify the duration Optional (will -
of the simulaion. Entering the be automati-
duration will automatically fill cally filled)
in the end date and time of the
simulation. If the start and end
time are specified the duration
will be filled automatically
End End date and time for the sim- Yes Computatio-
ulation nEnd

‘Info’ button
The ‘Info’ button opens a dialog containing:

1 Start and end time of the simulation similar to the values found under
max time
2 Start and end time of a hotstart file (if specified) (Table : msm_Project,
Attribute: PRFHotstartFileName)

MOUSE Simulations

Figure 8.2 Example of the dialog that comes up, when pressing the ‘Info’ but-

‘Set max. time’ button

The ‘Set max. time’ button will set the maximum simulation time by fill-
ing in the start time and the end time of the simulation. The start time of a
simulation is considered the latest start time of all boundaries. Likewise
the end time for the simulation is considered the earliest end time of all

Each boundary contains a number of items which can cover different parts
of the simulation.

If a validity is specified for an item this specifies the start and end time. If
a validity is not specified only items specified as timeseries have a start
and end time. If either a constant or cyclic value is given without validity
the item is not included in the evaluation.

8.1.1 Batch simulations

If you need to run more simulations sequentially you can choose to do so
by including these to a batch run. This is done by setting the tick mark in
‘Include to batch’ for each of the simulations that you wish to include to a
batch run. Once all simulations have been included pressing the ‘Batch
run’ button will execute all simulations that have the ‘include to batch’
flag set in the sequence that they are specified in the simulation dialog.
This means that multiple scenarios can be simulated in batch without user
interaction. Each scenario will be activated automatically before the simu-
lation is executed.


The Runoff Simulation Settings

Figure 8.3 Each simulation can be included to a batch simulation

8.2 The Runoff Simulation Settings

On the Runoff parameters page the following can e.g. be specified:

z Name of simulation (equal to the name of the result file)

z Simulation type
z Simulation description
z Simulation period
z Start simulation

MOUSE Simulations

Figure 8.4 The MOUSE Simulation Runoff Editor Dialog

Table 8.2 The Simulation Runoff Identification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ScenarioID
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog


The Runoff Simulation Settings

Table 8.2 The Simulation Runoff Identification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Model Type Selection among available Yes RunoffModel-
runoff models and combina- TypeNo
tions: T-A Curve (A), Kine-
matic Wave (B), Model C1,
Model C2, RDI (solo), RDI +
Fixed time Yes, for runoff DtFixedSec
step models A, B and
Time step Time step during dry periods Yes, for runoff DtDryPeriodSec
dry weather model C1 and
Time step Time step during wet periods Yes, for runoff DtWetPeriodSec
wet weather model C1 and
Time step RDII Fast Runoff Compone- Yes for RDI + RDIIDtFRCSec
FRC nent time step either model A
or B for the fast
runoff compo-
Time step RDII Slow Runoff Component Yes, when RDI RDIIDtSRCSec
SRC time step modeling is
Additional If this checkbox is set to true Optional ADPRunoff-
parameters - an ADP file for the runoff sim- FileNo
checkbox ulation can be chosen.
Surface Flag for including the surface Optional SRQComputa-
quality quality process in the simula- tionNo
(SRQ) tion
RDII hot If this checkbox is set to true a Optional RDIIHotStartNo
start check- hotstart file for the RDII part
box can be chosen.
Overwrite Flag which controls if existing Optional
checkbox runoff result files can be over-
written by a new one created
in this simulation under the
same name.

MOUSE Simulations

8.3 The Network Simulation Settings

The Network page is organized into following groups:

z Identification of simulation
z Simulation mode
z LTS Job list
z Runoff Input
z Dynamic simulation
z Hot Start
z Processes
z Results


The Network Simulation Settings

Figure 8.5 The MOUSE Simulation Network Editor Dialog

Table 8.3 The Simulation Network Identification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ScenarioID
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog

MOUSE Simulations

Table 8.3 The Simulation Network Identification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation Choice between Normal (“one Yes Computation-
mode - radio event”) simulation or LTS ModeNo
buttons (Long Term Simulation) simu-
‘Normal’ lation
and ‘LTS’
Reference to a MJL file (LST Optional MJLFileName
job list) to be used in the LST
Runoff Reference to a CRF file I(run- Yes if runoff CRFFileName
checkbox off hydrographs) to be used in hydrographs
network simulation should be
included as
Model type The model to apply for the net- Yes NetworkModel-
work simulation: Dynamic TypeNo
Wave, Diffusive Wave, Kine-
matic Wave
Time step Time step data for network Yes DtMinSec,
model. Minnimum time step, DtMaxSec,
maximum time step and DtIncreaseFac-
increase factor tor
Save every Save result frequency for net- Optional DtSaveHour,
work model DtSaveMin,
Hot start Seleting a hotstart file for the Optional HDHotStartNo
File Reference to HD hot start Yes if Hotstart is PRFHotStart-
result file selected FileName
Hot start Specification of start date/time Yes, if Hotstart HotStartDate-
date/time in the Hot start file is selected Time
AD Hot start Reference to AD hot start Optional ADHotStartNo
result file
RTC Real Time Control simulation Optional RTCComputa-
Additional Selecting the optional ADP Optional ADPNetwork-
parameters file for the simulation FileNo
File Reference to ADP file Yes, if addi- ADPFileName
tional parame-
ters is chosen


The Summary Simulation Settings

Table 8.3 The Simulation Network Identification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Trans- Advection Dispersion simula- Optional ADComputa-
port(AD) tion tionNo
Water qual- Water quality simulation Optional WQComputa-
ity tionNo
Transport Simulation of sediment trans- Optional STComputa-
(ST) port tionNo
Graded Sed- Simulation of graded sedi- Optional GradedSedi-
iment ments mentNo
Standard Standard result file Optional Standar-
User-speci- User specified result file Optional UserSpecifie-
fied dResultNo
File Reference to result selection Yes, if User- RSFDataID
file specified is cho-
Overwrite Overwrite existing result file Optional NAllowOwer-
LTS Statis- Calculation of LTS statistics Optional LTSStatisticsNo

For the 2D overland parameters, please refer to separate chapter on this.

8.4 The Summary Simulation Settings

The Summary page is organized into following groups:

z Identification of simulation
z Tables with min, max and accumulated values for
z Summary of input data
z Use selection to reduce summary tables

MOUSE Simulations

Figure 8.6 The MOUSE Simulation Summary Editor Dialog


The Summary Simulation Settings

Table 8.4 The Simulation Summary identification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ScenarioID
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog
Nodes Tables with min, max and Optional SummaryN-
accumulated values will be odeNo
included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Weirs & Tables with min, max and Optional Summary-
orfices accumulated values will be WeirNo
included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Pumps Tables with min, max and Optional Summary-
accumulated values will be PumpNo
included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Links Tables with min, max and Optional SummaryLin-
accumulated values will be kNo
included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Grid points, Tables with min, max and Optional SummaryLin-
water levels accumulated values will be kLevelNo
included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Grid points, Tables with min, max and Optional SummaryLink-
discharge accumulated values will be DischargeNo
included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Links, Tables with min, max and Optional Summa-
velocity accumulated values will be ryLinkVelocit-
included in the summary if yNo
checkbox is true.
Summary of Tables with min, max and Optional SummaryLink-
input data, accumulated values will be InputNo
Links included in the summary if
checkbox is true.

MOUSE Simulations

Table 8.4 The Simulation Summary identification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Node selec- Tables with min, max and Optional NodeSelec-
tion file accumulated values will be tionNo
checkbox included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Node selec- Tables with min, max and Yes, if NodeSe- NodeSelection-
tion file accumulated values will be lectionNo = Name
included in the summary if True
checkbox is true.
Link selec- Tables with min, max and Optional LinkSelec-
tion file accumulated values will be tionNo
checkbox included in the summary if
checkbox is true.
Link selec- Tables with min, max and Yes, if LinkSe- LinkSelection-
tion file accumulated values will be lectionNo = Name
included in the summary if True
checkbox is true.

8.5 The 2D Overland Parameters

This tab page specifies the parameters used when setting up a combined
pipe flow and overland flow simulation. Please refer to the chapter on 2D
Overland Flow for more on these settings.

8.6 MOUSE Result Selections

It is possible to control the output from a MOUSE pipe flow simulation by
defining a user specified result file. A user specified result file contains
only the simulated time series according to the specification.

The definition of an user specified result selection contents is achieved

through MIKE URBAN menu option "Simulation | MOUSE Result selec-


MOUSE Result Selections

Figure 8.7 Network Result Selection Editor

By ticking the 'Save volume data' checkbox, data regarding mass balance
in the system will be saved in the result file. If ticked, 'Save time step data'
will save information about the used time steps in the simulation.

It is possible to save data in a time period that does not necessarily cover
the whole period of the simulation. Make sure that the interval specified
by 'start' and 'end' dates is at least partly covered by the simulation period.
Saving frequency specified for the 'Reduced' result file is not dependent
on the time interval chosen for the complete result file, if such a file has
been specified.

Results can be saved from four categories; Nodes, Pipes, Weirs, Orifices
and Pumps. Consequently, the result save specification is divided into four
separate tables. By pressing the appropriate button a specific editor can be

It should be noted that if a set of nodes is selected, and the selection (from
the horizontal plot or from the selection file) is loaded into the pumps or
weirs list, only nodes where pumps or weirs do actually exist would turn
up on the list.

In cases where several pumps or weirs are associated with one node, the
results will be saved for all these pumps or weirs.

Presence of a certain item on the list is not sufficient for it to be included

into the user specified result file. This is first ensured after a result type is

MOUSE Simulations

chosen e.g. water level. In figure Figure 8.8 is displayed the Editor for
‘Nodes result selections’

Figure 8.8 Nodes Result Selection Editor

The 'Mark List' option helps clearing or checking all items on the dis-
played list. If a queried list is displayed, 'Mark List' will operate only on
the currently displayed list. The remaining part of the list will retain earlier

When a result selection file has been specified then it is activated in the
‘Run MOUSE | Network parameters’ editor by selecting the Selection ID
in the ‘Results’group in the field labeled ‘Contents:’ - see figure


MOUSE Result Selections

Figure 8.9 Selection of ‘Selection_1’ - result selection file

MOUSE Simulations




9.1 Introduction
Surface flooding can be simulated with MIKE URBAN using the follow-
ing two approaches:

1 Combined 1D and 2D model: The flow in the subsurface pipes is simu-

lated using the MOUSE CS 1D engine and the overland flow is simu-
lated using the MIKE 21 2D overland flow model. This combination of
models is called MIKE FLOOD. The main input required for the 2D
overland flow model is a digital elevation model. Based on this, the 2D
model is capable of simulating overland flow paths and velocities. The
main advantages of using this approach are:
z Leads to more reliable and more accurate modelling
z Requires less engineering judgement
z Requires less engineering hours
z Provides better result visualization
The main disadvantage of this approach is the longer simulation run times.

2 Two-layer 1D model: The flow in subsurface pipes as well as the over-

land flow are both simulated using the MOUSE 1D engine in MIKE
URBAN. This approach requires that the overland flow paths (streets,
etc.) are known or estimated beforehand and each flow path is then
defined as an open channel in MIKE URBAN. Flow exchange between
the pipes and the overland channels is accounted for using MIKE
URBAN model components, such as weirs, orifices or curb inlets. The
engineering time and judgement required in order to predefine the
overland flow paths can be substantial, and this is one of the main dis-
advantages of this approach. It also adds uncertainties and inaccuracies
to the modelling, as the model will only allow overland flow to take
place along paths anticipated by the modeller.
The remaining part of this chapter explains how to apply the combined 1D
and 2D modelling approach.

9.2 Input required - overview

The main input required for combined 1D and 2D flow modelling is the

2D Overland Flow

1 A working pipe flow model.

2 A digital elevation model (DEM). MIKE URBAN 2D currently
accepts DEMs specified as raster data sets which have to be stored in
ESRI Grid format or DEMs provided in the .dfs2 file format. The latter
is the DHI file format for raster data sets.
3 A number of couplings between the 1D model and the 2D model. Such
couplings are connections between the two models allowing for
exchange of water between the two model domains. Couplings can, for
example, represent manholes or curb inlets.

9.3 Input required - details

9.3.1 Defining 2D Domain, Resolution and Parameters
Setting up the 2D model requires the following steps:

1 Choosing 2D model
Select MOUSE|2D Overland... to open the dialog shown in Figure 9.1.

The underlying 2D overland flow model, MIKE 21, offers the following
different types of 2D model solvers:

z Single Grid using a rectangular cell solver. The 2D model area is cov-
ered by square calculation cells.
z Single Grid using a rectangular multi-cell solver. Again, the 2D model
area is covered by a grid of square calculation cells. This is referred to
as the coarse grid. Each coarse grid cell is further subdivided into N by
N cells called the fine grid. N is an integer number - the ratio between
the linear cell dimension of the coarse and the fine grid.
z Flexible Mesh solver. The 2D model area is covered by a grid consist-
ing of a combination of triangular and quadrangular cells. Currently,
this option is not supported through the MIKE URBAN user interface.
For further information on the pros and cons of each of the 2D solvers,
please refer to the MIKE 21 documentation.


Input required - details

Figure 9.1 Selection of DEM and 2D model area

2 Adding the DEM to the map view

The DEM to be applied is loaded to the map view using the Insert Layer
button in the Layer Management toolbar or by choosing Insert Layer in
Background Layers within the TOC. Both these options will accept DEM
raster data stored in ESRI Grid format or in DHI dfs2 format. Depending
on your GIS installation other raster formats could be available.

3 Defining the 2D model domain and the resolution

The following steps should be followed:

z Select the desired raster layer as the DEM to be applied in the model.
z Enter the X- and Y-coordinates for the lower left hand and upper right
hand corner of the rectangular area to be modelled with the 2D model.
Instead of manually entering the coordinates the buttons ‘Digitize rec-
tangle’, ‘Set as extent of data set’ or ‘Set as extent of raster’ can be
used to set the coordinates corresponding to the rectangular extent of
either a manually digitized polygon, a MIKE URBAN data set or a

2D Overland Flow

z Enter the desired 2D model resolution. The model resolution does not
have to be the same as the resolution of the DEM. However, if chosen
to be the same and if the lower left hand corner of the model area coin-
cides with the lower left hand corner of a cell in the DEM, then the
DEM data used in the 2D model will be an exact copy of the input
DEM data. Otherwise, the DEM data used in the 2D model will be
interpolated from the DEM data provided as input.
4 Setting 2D model parameters
Select MOUSE|2D Overland... followed by clicking on the tab ‘2D model
parameters’ to open the dialog shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2 Editing 2D model parameters

This dialog allows for the editing of the following 2D model parameters

z Land value. The land value is applied for two purposes:


Input required - details

– The land value is the DEM elevation above which flooding is

assumed not to take place. For overland flow simulations, the land
value is often set equal to the highest DEM value within the model
area. However, if significant parts of the DEM within the model
area are at high elevations, which will never get flooded, a lower
value can be specified for the land value. Any calculation cell in the
2D model area with an elevation higher than the land value will
remain dry (called true land in MIKE 21 terminology) throughout
the simulation.
– The first row/column of cells along the perimeter of the 2D model
area DEM data will automatically be assigned the land value as ele-
vation. In this way, the 2D model area will remain closed - flows are
not allowed across the 2D model boundaries throughout the simula-
tion. The land value will also be assigned to empty cells or areas of
empty cells adjacent to the first row/column of cells along the
z Flooding and drying. For 2D overland flow simulations, flooding and
drying is an important mechanism as it reduces the simulation runtime
by not having to spend computational efforts on simulating flows in
dry cells. The drying and flooding depths are used for deciding when to
exclude and to reintroduce cells in the computations. The drying depth
must be less than the flooding depth.
z Bed resistance. The bed resistance coefficient in terms of the Manning
(M) number (m1/3/s) can be specified as a constant value applied
throughout the 2D model area or as a raster layer. For the latter, the
raster cell size does not have to be the same as the DEM cell size or the
2D model cell size. The specified bed resistance raster will be resam-
pled at the resolution of the 2D model.
z Eddy viscosity. The eddy viscosity influences how eddies are simu-
lated as a result of spatial velocity or flux gradients. Higher values of
the eddy viscosity may also dampen numerical instabilities, and
increasing the eddy viscosity is thus sometimes used as a method for
stabilizing models. The eddy viscosity can be specified in three ways:
1 It can be included in terms of an automatically calculated, flux based
value equal to 0.2.∆x.∆y/∆t, where ∆x and ∆y are the model cell size
and ∆t is the simulation time step.
2 It can be excluded
3 It can be included as a user defined value, using either a flux based or
velocity based equation.

2D Overland Flow

9.3.2 Defining Couplings

Defining the couplings between the pipe flow model and the 2D overland
flow model involves the following steps:

z Selection of the pipe flow components to be coupled. These are typi-

cally mostly manholes, but it is also possible to establish couplings for
basins, weirs, pumps and outlets.
z Selection of the specific calculation cells in the 2D overland flow
model, which the selected pipe flow model components should be cou-
pled to. This selection of 2D cells is done automatically based on
number of cells or a search radius (see coupling parameters below for
z For manholes and basins a flow formula is applied for calculating the
exchange of flow between the pipe flow model and the overland flow
model. The preferred flow formula and the associated parameters have
to be selected.

Figure 9.3 Sub-menu for 2D Overland Land Tools

The following set of tools found in the sub-menu MOUSE|2D Overland

Tools (see Figure 9.3) are available for defining the couplings:


Input required - details

z Coupling parameters…
Selecting this will open the dialog shown in Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4 Dialog for parameters for the 2D overland flow tools

When coupling a pipe model node to the 2D model, a coupling area cover-
ing the spatial extent of the 2D cells involved is the coupling has to be
defined. The coupling area will automatically be defined by the tool "Cou-
ple nodes". The selection in this dialog defines how many 2D model cells
the coupling area will span. There are two choices. 1) Either a squared
coupling area with the width/height as the specified number of cells. 2) A
coupling area defined by all 2D cells within the specified search radius
from the node in question. If no 2D cells will have a cell centre within the
specified coupling area, then the 2D cell containing the node in question
will be selected as the coupling area.

z Couple nodes
This tool applies to manholes, basins and outlets that are not already cou-
pled. If any nodes are selected the tool will apply only to those selected
nodes - otherwise to all. Once a node is coupled the following will happen:

1 The node will be marked as coupled and it will show-up as such in the
tab ‘2D Overland’ in the dialog MOUSE|Nodes.
2 A coupling area polygon will be defined and an entry will be added to
the table ‘Coupled 2D Areas’. If selected for drawing the coupling area
will show up in the map view.
3 A line between the node and the centre of the coupling area will be de-
fined and an entry will be added to the table ‘Coupled 2D Connec-
tions’. If selected for drawing the connection line will show up in the
map view.

2D Overland Flow

Figure 9.5 below shows an example of three nodes which have been cou-
pled to respectively a single 2D cell, to 3x3 2D cells and to the 2D cells
within a circular search radius.

Figure 9.5 Nodes coupled to varying numbers of 2D cells

Once a coupling area has been defined automatically, its shape and loca-
tion can be manually edited using the tools in the Feature Edit toolbar.

z Un-couple nodes
If any coupled nodes are selected this tool will apply only to those - other-
wise to all coupled nodes. The tool will un-couple nodes by taking the fol-
lowing actions:

1 The node will be marked as un-coupled and show-up as such in the tab
‘2D Overland’ in the dialog MOUSE|Nodes.
2 The associated coupling area polygon will be deleted.
3 The associated coupling connection will be deleted.

z Show coupled 2D cells

This tool will select all coupling area polygons in the table "Coupled 2D
Areas". If any nodes are selected, the tool will only select the coupling
area polygons associated to the selected nodes.

z Show all coupled nodes

This tool will select all coupled nodes.


Input required - details

z Show ground level and DEM differences

If any coupled nodes are selected, this tool will apply only to those - other-
wise to all coupled nodes. This tool will calculate the difference between
the ground level in each node and the elevation in the raster layer selected
as the DEM. The differences will be added to the map view as a point

z Show MIKE 21 j,k

Mostly there is no reason to be concerned about the so-called j and k coor-
dinates in MIKE 21. These are the horizontal and vertical indices of the
2D cells in the MIKE 21 model grid. The cell in the lower left hand corner
of the 2D model area is defined as (j,k)=(0,0).

After clicking this menu item, the MIKE 21 j,k coordinates at the position
of the cursor, when pointing in the map view, will appear in the status bar
alongside with the X,Y coordinates and the mapscale. See Figure 9.6.

Figure 9.6 Showing MIKE 21 j,k coordinates in status bar

z Zoom to MIKE 21 j,k

2D Overland Flow

This tool will prompt the user for a j,k coordinate set and subsequently the
map view will zoom to the specified location with a zoom level such that
approximately 10x10 2D cells are visible.

9.3.3 Flow parameters at nodes and basins

Once a manhole or basin has been coupled, the node attribute ‘Coupling to
2D Overland’ will be selected. See Figure 9.7. On this tab the user can set
various parameters for how the exchange flow between the pipe flow
model and the overland flow model is calculated.

Figure 9.7 2D Overland flow tab in the nodes dialog

The exchange flow may be calculated using 3 different methods:

z Orifice equation: The flow between MIKE URBAN (MOUSE) and

MIKE 21 is governed by a standard orifice equation.


Input required - details

z Weir equation: The flow is described through a weir equation.

z Exponential function: The flow is governed by a simple exponential
Depending on the calculation method used, additional information is

Max flow

This parameters gives an upper limit to the discharge that can flow
through the link. If the discharge calculated from the flow equation
exceeds this value, then the discharge is reduced to this value.

Inlet area

The inlet area is only used when applying the orifice equation for describ-
ing the flow exchange between the MOUSE element and the 2D model.
The greater the cross sectional area the greater the conveyance capacity of
the coupling. This parameter corresponds physically to the area of the
manhole cover. When coupling to a basin, this value is neglected.

Qdh factor

A parameter indicating the water level at which the calculated discharge

should be surpressed. May be used for stabilizing set-ups where the insta-
bility is caused by a small difference in the water level in the two coupled
models. Only applicable at inlet couplings. The suppression is calculated
as the water level difference divided by the Qdh factor to the power of 4.

Orifice coefficient

The orifice coefficient is a non-dimensional factor that may be used to

scale the orifice flow.

Crest width

The crest width is used when the flow exchange is described through a
weir equation. The weir crest should typically be the circumference of the
manhole cover.

Scaling factor

This factor is only applicable if the simple exponential expression is used

to describe the flow exchange. The scaling factor has a linear effect on the
discharge. Thus, an increase in this value will generate a larger flow for a

2D Overland Flow

certain water level difference between the MOUSE and the MIKE 21


Only applicable if the simple exponential expression is used to describe

the flow exchange. An increase in the exponent factor has a strong impact
on the discharge. An increase in this value will generate a larger flow for a
specific water level difference between the MOUSE and the MIKE 21

9.3.4 Outlets
An outlet coupled to the 2D overland flow model does not require other
parameters than the definition of the coupling area itself. The average
water levels in the 2D cells to which the coupling is made will then be
applied as a water level boundary. The same algorithm will apply as when
a water level boundary is specified in an outlet in the pipe flow model.
This will result in an outflow through the outlet (positive or negative)
which will correspondingly apply as a point inflow (positive or negative)
distributed to the 2D cells in the coupling area.

9.3.5 Pumps and weirs

A pump or a weir can be coupled to the 2D model if the To-node is not
defined. When coupled to the 2D model, the weir/pump discharge will be
added to the 2D model as a point inflow distributed to the 2D cells in the
coupling area. The pump/weir discharge will always be independent of the
water level in the 2D model and the flow direction in weir/pump couplings
will always be from pipe flow model to 2D model.

9.4 Running the combined 1D and 2D simulations

9.4.1 Setting the Simulation Type and Requesting 2D results
To run the combined pipe flow and overland flow simulation three issues
needs to be addressed in the simulation dialog as shown in Fig. 8. Firstly,
the simulation type needs to be "Network + 2D overland". Secondly, the
time step in the 2D model and the request for output from the 2D model
have to be defined in the tab "2D overland parameters" as shown in Fig. 9.


Running the combined 1D and 2D simulations

Figure 9.8 2D Overland flow options in the computation dialog

2D Overland Flow

Figure 9.9 Selection of time step and request for output in 2D model

In the tab ‘2D overland parameters’ the 2D time step is specified. The
request for output is specified as a single 2D output file with maximum
flood depth and in the table below, a number of output files with the flood
depth at multiple time steps through the simulation. For the latter the fol-
lowing has to be specified for each requested result file:


Running the combined 1D and 2D simulations

Table 9.1 Specifying the content for the result files

Item name Explanation

Type The choice between the following
output files both containing multiple
time steps:

Flood maps: A 2D output file in .dfs2

raster format.

Time series: A time series output file

in .dfs0 format.
Model area This is only enabled for flood map
output files. The user can choose be-

Model area: The output file will then

cover the full 2D model area.

Selected area: The output file will

then cover only a sub-region of the
full 2D model area. The sub-region is
a rectangle defined by the following
two set of X,Y coordinates:
X0, Y0 Type = Flood Maps: Only enabled if
X1, Y1 the model area is chosen as selected
area. The lower left and upper right
corners of the sub-region from which
2D output will be generated is
defined by the two coordinate sets
(X0, Y0) and (X1, Y1)

Type = Time series: Results are saved

from the location (X0, Y0). (X1, Y1)
is not used and thus disabled.

2D Overland Flow

Table 9.1 Specifying the content for the result files

Item name Explanation

Period Two choices are available:
Simulation period: Output will be saved
for the entire simulation period
Used defined; User wants output to be
saved for a period shorter than the simu-
lation period. The period is specified in
the following two items
Start Only enabled if the Period is selected as
End User Defined. Start and End is the date
and time for desired period for saving
NoSteps An integer value specifying the number
of time steps at which results are saved
FileName Name of the result file to be saved. The
file name cannot be changed by the user.
Title User specified title which is saved as
header information in the result file
Depth, Level & Option for saving water depth, level
Velocity (water surface elevation) and velocity

9.4.2 Starting Simulation

After pushing the button Start Simulation in the dialog shown in
Figure 9.9 MIKE URBAN data will be exported as for a regular MOUSE
simulation. Following that export, the MIKE FLOOD simulation progress
window shown in Figure 9.10 will appear.


Visualising simulation results

Figure 9.10 Simulation progress window for MIKE FLOOD

9.5 Visualising simulation results

The result files generated by the 2D overland flow simulations are time
series saved in .dfs0 files and raster data saved in .dfs2 files with water
depth or velocities. 2D results in time series files are shown as any other
time series file. This section explains how to visualize results in .dfs2 files.

The .dfs2 raster files may contain a single time step or multiple time steps.
The former is the case for files containing the maximum flood extend.
Such should be added as a raster layer to the map view using the Insert
Layer button in the Layer Management toolbar. Dfs2 files with multiple
time steps are visualized as explained in the following.

In the main menu bar, choose Model Result > Load Results > Overland
Results in order to select the 2D overland result file. This will add infor-
mation about the file content to the MIKE URBAN session, but as .dfs2
files are potentially very large the data from the individual time steps are
not loaded to memory. Thus, nothing will be added to the TOC or the map
view when a .dfs2 files is selected. There are three ways to subsequently
visualize the content of a .dfs2 file:

1 As a raster layer in the map view. To do so, select Model Results > Add
Results Layer. Subsequently, select the desired.dfs2 file and data type
which then will be added to the TOC and map view. The map view will
show data from the time step selected with the Animation toolbar. See
Figure 9.11.
2 As a time series plot extracted at a particular location. To do so, in the
Simulation toolbar click on the Time Series button and then select the

2D Overland Flow

desired .dfs2 file and data type. Subsequently, move the cursor to the
location in the map view from where a time series should be extracted
from the .dfs2 file. See Figure 9.11.
3 As a water surface elevation line in a longitudinal profile view. To do
so, firstly a longitudinal profile view should be opened. In here right-
click and choose Properties. In the Properties dialog the Raster tab
allows for adding raster data to the profile view. See Figure 9.12.

Figure 9.11 2D flood results shown as raster data and time series

Figure 9.12 2D flood results shown as water surface profile in longitudinal profile


Understanding the files generated

9.6 Understanding the files generated

When starting a combined 1D and 2D simulation a number of input files
will be generated for MIKE FLOOD. In most cases these files do not to be
altered. However, in some cases the files generated may be edited further
with MIKE Zero e.g. if a MIKE 11 component should be added or some of
the MIKE 21 parameters need further adjustment. The following provides
an explanation of the files being generated.

Table 9.2 Files generated

Filename Filetype Explanation

<Simulation ID> MIKE FLOOD This file is an input file for the MIKE
input file FLOOD simulation and it can be
<ScenarioID> edited further with the MIKE
FLOOD editor in MIKE ZERO. In
.couple short, the file contains reference to
the MIKE 21 input file and the MIKE
URBAN .mex file as well as how
these two models are coupled.
<Simulation ID> MIKE 21 input This file is an input file for the MIKE
file 21 component of the MIKE FLOOD
<ScenarioID> simulation and it can be edited further
with the MIKE 21 editor in MIKE
.m21 ZERO. In short, the file contains the
parameters for MIKE 21 as specified
in the MIKE URBAN dialog for 2D
Overland Flow.

2D Overland Flow

Table 9.2 Files generated

Filename Filetype Explanation

<Simulation ID> Raster file in dfs2 This file contains the DEM data for
format the 2D model area selected. Data in
<ScenarioID> the file is extracted from the original
DEM specified in MIKE URBAN at
Coarse the requested model resolution.

<Simulation ID> Raster file in dfs2 This file contains the DEM data for
format the 2D model area selected. This file
<ScenarioID> is only generated if the Multi Cell 2D
model has been chosen. Data in the
Fine file is extracted from the original
DEM specified in MIKE URBAN at
.dfs2 the requested model resolution
divided by the fine/coarse ratio.


RTC in Urban Drainage and Sewer Systems


The MOUSE Control module features advanced Real-Time Control
(RTC) simulation capabilities for urban drainage and sewer systems. It
permits description of various controllable devices and makes the defini-
tion of complex operational logic for interdependent regulators fully trans-
parent and time efficient. The following controllable devices can be

z Pump
z Weir
z Orifice with gate
z Orifice with weir
z Valve
The devices may be specified as settings or PID-controlled, with control
function selection based on a global system analysis. Each regulator or
pump operates under the control logic encapsulated into a set of simple
logical rules and control functions. The system allows a schematised defi-
nition of any form and size of decision tree, featuring logical operators
AND, OR, NOT and NOR, in any combination.

The process of selecting an appropriate control function under the current

operational situations relies on the evaluation of system state conditions
including measurable and derived hydraulic and WQ variables (e.g. water
level, flow, pollutant concentration, level difference), device status (e.g.
gate blade position, pump ON/OFF) and the current control function.

The control functions range from the simplest constants for the opera-
tional variables (e.g. constant weir crest setting or constant flow set-point)
to dynamic controlled variables, set in a continuous functional relation
with any of the measurable variables in the system (e.g. CSO discharge
set-point as a function of flow concentration or a pump START/STOP lev-
els as functions of water level at strategic location in the system).

10.1 RTC in Urban Drainage and Sewer Systems

Real time control (RTC) is an active control and operation of flow regula-
tors based on real-time information about the system state.

RTC is feasible where it proves that flexible redistribution of water in

space and time contributes to the fulfilment of the specified operational
objectives, based on economically and technically sound solutions.

MOUSE Control module

Accordingly, application of RTC to urban drainage and sewer systems

may be relevant:

z where the system has substantial transport, storage or treatment capac-

ity which is not effectively used under passive system operation;
z where typical rainfall patterns over the catchment area exhibit high
degrees of spatial variability resulting in some parts of the system
becoming overloaded whilst others are under utilised;
z where the urban wastewater system includes treatment processes
whose performance is amenable to active, short term control;
z where the assimilative capacity of the receiving waters is variable over
Usually, RTC is implemented as an integral part of a rehabilita-
tion/upgrade scheme also involving significant civil upgrading works to
increase the transport, treatment or assimilative capacity of the urban
wastewater system. In such circumstances, the role of RTC is to optimise
the operation of both the new and the existing facilities, thereby maximis-
ing the benefit in performance terms. Where the overall objective is to
achieve compliance with specified performance targets, RTC serves to
minimise the scale and extent of the necessary works.

10.2 Architecture of RTC Systems

An RTC system includes monitors/sensors, which generate measurement
values characterising states of the system. To be useful for RTC, the meas-
urements must be available with the relatively insignificant time lag
(delay). The sensors must be accurate and reliable.

The active control is performed by regulators - controllable movable

devices (weirs, gates and valves) and pumps. Regulators may take various
forms and sizes, and the regulation may be continuous within the func-
tional range, step-wise, or discontinuous (e.g. ON/OFF, OPEN/CLOSED).
The regulators may be powered mechanically, hydraulically or pneumati-

Controllers on the basis of a pre-programmed operational strategy deter-

mine the regulator movements (the control actions). The operational strat-
egy may consist of two parts: the control action(s) and, if more control
actions are specified, the control logic (conditions), responsible for the
selection of an appropriate control action. A control action establishes a
relation between a control variable and a controlled variable. A control-


Architecture of RTC Systems

led variable can be a regulator setting (e.g. gate position, pump

START/STOP level) or some of the flow variables (e.g. water level, flow).

In the latter case, the control decisions are derived by evaluating (compar-
ing) the current value of the controlled flow variable and the pre-defined
set-point value. The control algorithm is based on the numerical solution
of the “continuous control problem” equation and is usually termed as
PID (Proportional-Integral-Differential) control. The actuation signal for
the regulator is generated by a PID controller, which usually appears as
part of the operational strategy programmed in a Programmable Logical
Controller (PLC).

Selection of a controlled variable is, however, subject to limits set by the

variable’s “controllability”. Therefore, a controlled variable is usually
selected among the flow variables (flow, water level), preferably in the
vicinity of the regulator. As a controlled variable becomes more distant
from the regulator, it becomes more difficult to control, due to time lags,
diffusion and uncontrollable interference. Control of relatively distant
controlled variables is difficult and often cannot give satisfactory results.

When a regulator setting is used as a controlled variable, the control algo-

rithm is reduced to an explicit functional relation between the control var-
iable and the regulator setting, which controls the system response
indirectly. This is much simpler than PID control, but in turn, the control
results are in many cases inherently inexact and only a rough flow control
can be achieved. This type of control is most suitable for regulators of the
ON/OFF (or OPEN/CLOSE) type, while the application to continuously
controllable regulators should be carefully considered.

If the operational strategy is based on conditions local to the regulated

device (for example the ON/OFF-control of a pump based on the water
level in a wet well) it is called local control. A PLC receives signals
(measurements) from local sensors and sends the control decisions (actua-
tion signals) to the regulators. The usual situation for a sewer system is to
have a number of local controllers associated with pumps.

If the operational logic is based on global conditions, it is then called glo-

bal control. In such a situation, a global controller is required. A global
controller is a computer program that makes the overall system state anal-
ysis in real time and provides additional input to the local controllers,
which overrides or supplements the local logic with e.g. actuator signals,
or by modified set-point values.

Additional component needed is then a data transmission system (UHF

radio, leased or dialled telephone lines, GSM, etc.) to transfer data

MOUSE Control module

between sensors, controllers and the global controller. In connection with

the global controller function, an RTC system is usually equipped with the
data management and storage facilities (data bases) and the user inter-
face. This is usually termed as SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition) system.

The global control can be extended also to include forecast data in addi-
tion to real-time data, which is then called predictive RTC. The most
comprehensive way to obtain forecast data is to include a model in the
control system. Predictive control brings additional benefits in relatively
inert systems, i.e. where the response time of an operational variable is
long compared to the change of relevant disturbance (external input or
control action).

10.3 MOUSE Control vs. Real Life

MOUSE RTC simulates reactive local and global RTC systems in urban
drainage and sewer networks. The software implementation is inherently a
conceptualisation of real life, of which the user must be fully aware. Some
conceptualisations applied in MOUSE RTC are listed below.

z The program does not distinguish explicitly between local and global
RTC. Per default, all elements of a modelled RTC system are assumed
available for global control.
z Sensors are specified as operational devices with definition of sensor
type and position in the MOUSE network. Sensors with multiple func-
tionality must be specified individually.
z When devices (weirs, gates and pumps) are specified as controllable in
the MOUSE interface, a number of additional physical parameters
about the behaviour of the structure is required to describe e.g. the
allowed change rates for the state of the structure.
z The actual controllers are not specified explicitly as physical devices,
but their function (i.e. operational logic as a combination of operational
conditions and control actions) is associated with the respective
z MOUSE RTC uses sampling and actuation (control loop) frequency
identical to the simulation time step.
z Sensor readings are simulated as perfectly accurate and with 100%
z Low-level logic of the pump START/STOP operation is built into the
program and is controlled by the START and STOP levels.



z The PID control algorithm is built into the program and is controlled
by the PID constants and by factors for weighting the terms of the
numerical solution of the control equation.

10.4 Sensors
A sensor is a physical device positioned somewhere in the system, which
provides information of the actual value of a monitored variable. A sensor
can only monitor one variable – if more variables are measured at the
same locality a corresponding number of sensors has to be described.

Figure 10.1 The sensor dialog

Sensor ID
Each sensor needs a unique ID, which can be used to access the sensor
information from other dialogs.

The type of the sensor defines which variable the sensor measures.

Location Type and Location

Depending on the sensor type, there could be one or more location types.
Accordingly, the actual location can be specified be selecting from the
comprehensive list.

MOUSE Control module

For the "Concentration" sensor type, a measured WQ component must be

10.5 Logical Conditions

A logical condition stands as a frame which demarcates the boundaries of
a certain operational situation in the controlled system. This frame con-
sists of an arbitrary number of independent logical tests on the various
operational variables, where the relation of the actual value (or state) of
the variable (provided by a sensor) is tested against the specified threshold
(limit) value (or state). The individual tests are evaluated as “TRUE” or
“FALSE”, with the outcome depending on the actual variable value (or
state), the threshold and the specified operator.

A logical condition is evaluated as "TRUE", only if all of its constitutive

tests are evaluated as "TRUE". If only one of the tests is "FALSE", the
logical condition is rejected.

Figure 10.2 Conditions Editor

Condition ID
Each Logical Condition needs a unique ID, which can be used to access
the logical condition information from other dialogs.

For each of the tests included in a logical condition the following should
be specified.


Control Actions

Type and ID
The type and identification of the variable which should be evaluated.
Depending on the type, it might be necessary with two IDs –e.g. for the
evaluation of difference between two sensor values.

For the type "Diff of 2 Sensor Values" the sensors specified under ID1 and
ID2 must be of the same type and sensors measuring either level, dis-
charge or concentration.

For the type "Sum of 2 Sensor Values" the sensors specified under ID1
and ID2 must both be sensors measuring discharge.

For the type "Change In Sensor Value" the sensor specified under ID1
must be a sensor measuring level. The threshold will correspond to a
speed of change (dH/dt).

For the type "Accumulated Value" the sensor specified under ID1 must be
a sensor measuring mass flux.

Operator and Limit

This part of a test defines the condition which must be fulfilled for the test
to be evaluated as "TRUE". In cases with the tested continuous variables,
it consists of an algebraic operator (< or >) and a limit value. In cases of
logical evaluation (e.g. pump ON/OFF), the test is defined simply by set-
ting the desired device state as "TRUE" or "FALSE"

10.6 Control Actions

A control action is a functional relation between input from one or two
sensors and the set-point or the setting for the controlled device.

MOUSE Control module

Figure 10.3 Control Actions Editor

Action ID
Each control action needs a unique ID, which can be used to access the
actions from other dialogs.

For each of the actions the following should be specified.

Device Type and Action Type

These two fields hold the information about the applicability of the action
(device type) and which type of control it describes. The devices which
can be controlled are pumps weirs and gates, and each of these types can
be controlled directly or by a PID control.

If a direct control is used, the action specifies information of START- and

STOP levels for pumps, or of the wanted position for gates or weirs. If a
PID-control is applied, the action specifies a set-point (flow or level) any-
where in the system.

Setpoint Sensor
For actions of PID-type, it must be specified where in the system the set-
point is located. For this purpose a Sensor ID must be specified.


PID parameter sets

Input Type and Input Sensor

The type and identification of the parameter which should be evaluated.
Depending on the type it might be necessary with two sensor IDs –e.g. if
the flow is regulated as a function of the difference between two level sen-
sor values. If the "Constant" type is selected, a constant value is specified,
instead of the sensor(s) and the action.

Input and Output Values

The functional relation between the actual input value (sensor reading or a
combination of two sensors) and the set-point value (or setting). The tabu-
lated values are linearly interpolated.

10.7 PID parameter sets

MOUSE RTC includes the possibilities for PID-control of weirs, gates,
pumps and valves. Independently on the choice of the controlled variable,
the PID algorithm adjusts the settings of the regulator (or outputs in case
of pumps), according to the current error between the specified set-point
and the actual value of the controlled variable. The following settings/out-
puts can be used as means of flow control:

z Weirs: weir crest level setting

z Gates: level of the bottom lip of the gate setting
z Pumps: pump discharge
z Valves: opening of the valve
Note: When using a weir as a PID regulator, the weir crest level will not
be used. On the other hand, the START and STOP levels for pumps will be
used to start a PID-controlled pump.

The following types of controlled variables/set-points are available:

z H, water level in a node.

z Q, flow in a pipe.

MOUSE Control module

Figure 10.4 PID Parameter Sets

Each set of PID parameter sets is identified with a unique ID which can be
used to access the information from other dialogs.

Proportionality Factor, Integration Time and Derivation Time

These are the 3 main parameters for the PID control.

Alpha-1, Alpha-2 and Alpha-3

Weighting factors for time level n, n-1 and n-2.

10.7.1 Calibration of the PID constants

Tuning of the PID constants (Ti, Td and Kd) is not a straightforward task.
Understanding of the theoretical background and the numerical solution of
the control equation would be beneficial in this process. The following
may be used as an elementary guideline.

Typical values of the PID constants and weighting factors

Ti: 300 sec.

Td: 0.8 sec.

K:Pumps and gates:

-setpoint downstream:1.0

-setpoint upstream:-1.0


-setpoint downstream:-1.0


PID parameter sets

-setpoint upstream:1.0


Gates and weirs:0.7



NOTE: The sign on the K-factor is very important - if it is wrong it will

cause the control function not to work at all since the device will typically
move to one of the extreme positions and stay there till the end of the sim-

Figure 10.5, Figure 10.6 and Figure 10.7 show examples of how the actual
variable (flow or water level) can fluctuate around the set-point as conse-
quence of various choices of the PID constants. Each figure has three dif-
ferent graphs depending on whether the constant is too high, too low or

Figure 10.5 Fluctuations around the set point depending on the size of the pro-
portionality factor, K

MOUSE Control module

Figure 10.6 Fluctuations around the set point depending on the size of the deri-
vation time, TD.

Figure 10.7 Fluctuations around the set point depending on the size of the inte-
gration time, Ti

10.8 Controllable devices

In this dialog the operational control logic for controllable devices is spec-
ified. The control is specified as a set of rules, linking the logical condi-
tions and the control actions. The rules are evaluated sequentially
following the rules list sequence.


Controllable devices

Figure 10.8 Dialog for controllable devices

Device Type and Device ID

Device Type and ID identifies the device which should be controlled. The
device types available are 'Pump', 'Weir', 'Orifice with gate’, ‘Orifice with
weir’ and 'Valve' (see Figure 10.9). The three devices 'Pump, 'Weir' and
'Valve' require that you have defined the devices first in the relevant dia-
logs for pumps, weirs or valves.

For 'Orifice with gate' and 'Orifice with weir' you need to define an orifice
first. Then the 'Controllable devices' dialog is used for adding either a
movable gate or a movable weir to the orifice.

For 'Orifice with weir' you only need to make the selection in this dialog.
You should not add the weir in the 'Weir' dialog (please refer later section
on the difference between an ‘ordinary’ weir and a weir in a orifice).

Figure 10.9 The different device types

MOUSE Control module

When the 'Device type' has been selected the specific parameters for the
configuration of the device can be entered. For this purpose the dialog has
three separate sections. The section to the left covers pumps while the sec-
tion to the right covers valves.The center section covers three different
device types: 'Weir', 'Orifice with gate' and 'Orifice with weir'. See
Figure 10.10.

Figure 10.10 Input for the various device types differs

If e.g. the device type is 'Weir' then you have access to the 'Weir ID' field
for selecting the weir to be controlled.

For the device types 'Orifice with gate' and 'Orifice with weir' you will
have access to the 'Orifice ID' field where you can select the orifice for
which you want to add either a gate or a weir as defined by the device type

The input for each for these types is described in later sections.

Control Type and PID-ID

Once the device type is specified the control type needs to be specified.
The control type of the controlled devices can be either direct setting, PID-
control of set-point or no control. If PID-control is used a set of PID-
parameters should be selected by the PID-ID.


Controllable devices

10.8.1 Pumps

Figure 10.11 Dialog with control data specific for pumps

Max Start Level

The maximum START level for the pump. If exceeded, the pump is
unconditionally switched ON.

Min Stop Level

The minimum STOP level for the pump. If a lower level occurs, the pump
is unconditionally switched OFF.

Min time Pump ON

The minimum time the pump has to be ON before it can stop.

Min time Pump OFF

The minimum time the pump has to be OFF before it can start again.

Acceleration Curve (for PID control only)

For PID-controls, the acceleration of the pump can be specified as depend-
ent on the actual flow. The acceleration curve is specified in tabular data
and referred to by the ID of the data set.

MOUSE Control module

10.8.2 Weirs

Figure 10.12 Dialog with control data specific for weirs

Max Level
The maximum elevation of the movable weir crest.

Min Level
The minimum elevation of the movable weir crest.

The fixed weir crest level is not used for a RTC weir.

Max Speed Up
The maximum velocity for movement of the weir in upward direction.

Max Speed Down

The maximum velocity for movement of the weir in downward direction.

10.8.3 Orifices with weirs and gates

If the device type is either ‘Orifice with gate’ or ‘Orifice with weir’ the
mid-section of the dialog becomes active.


Controllable devices

Figure 10.13 Dialog with control data specific for orifices

Max Level
The maximum elevation of the movable gate/weir.

Min Level
The minimum elevation of the movable gate/weir.

Max Speed Up
The maximum velocity for movement of the gate/weir in upward direc-

Max Speed Down

The maximum velocity for movement of the gate/weir in downward direc-

10.8.4 Difference between weir and orifice with weir

It is possible to define weirs in two different ways. Either through the
'Weir' dialog alone which we will refer to as an 'ordinary weir'. The second
way is to use the combination of an orifice and the controllable device
type 'Orifice with weir'.

MOUSE Control module

Figure 10.14 Difference between a ordinary weir and an orifice with a weir.

The main difference is that the 'Orifice with weir' can close the orifice
completely while the ordinary weir is always open upwards. It has no ceil-
ing and in principle the flow can always pass over the weir if the water
level is higher than the weir crest level.

For the 'Orifice with weir' once the weir is fully closing the orifice then no
flow will pass the weir even if the water level is above the crest level.


Controllable devices

10.8.5 Valves

Figure 10.15 Dialog with control data specific for valves

Max Opening
The maximum opening of the valve in percentage.

Min Opening
The minimum opening of the valve in percentage.

Max Speed
The maximum velocity for movement of the valve in percentages/sec.

10.8.6 Control rules

Any number of rules can be specified to control the device. The statements
are evaluated sequentially starting from the top. This means that appropri-
ate sequence of rules is essential for the achievement of the desired control
logic. Evaluation of a logical condition belonging to a rule as "TRUE",
leads to the selection of the specified control action. If a logical conditions
is "FALSE", the evaluation proceeds to the next rule on the list.

MOUSE Control module

If no logical condition is specified, the rule is unconditionally evaluated as

"TRUE". This implies that the last rule in the sequence must not include
any logical conditions in order to ensure a selection of a "default" control
action if all specified conditions are found "FALSE".

The blocking time ensures that a certain rule is applied for a minimum
period. This means that the system is locked to certain rule in a period
equal to the blocking period after it was activated.

When specifying the rules a few constraints should be notified:

All control actions used to control a specific device must be of the same
function type – corresponding to the specified Device Type and Control

For PID-control, all control actions must refer to the same set-point sensor
– change of the set-point sensor during simulation is not allowed

For time dependent control (Input sensor of type “Time since start of sim-
ulation”) only ONE rule can be specified. The menu allows more func-
tions to be inserted, but only the first one will be used during the

When starting a simulation, the system checks if these conditions are ful-
filled and in the case of any violation, the simulation will not start.

10.9 MOUSE Control Computations

A MOUSE Control computation is started from the usual simulation dia-
log and will be performed if the checkbox “RTC” is marked, see
Figure 10.16.


User Written Control

Figure 10.16 The control simulation is activated on the network parameters tab

10.10 User Written Control

MOUSE supports User Written Control (UWC) for advanced RTC control
of the system. This gives the user the possibility of controlling almost all
aspects of MOUSE each time step and thereby implementing advanced
control strategies in the system. UWC is only recommended for the
advanced computer user since it involves programming experience. The
currently supported language is Delphi the procedures and functions can
however be called from any programming language including Visual
Basic, C++ and others that support generating DLLs.

The user can execute code at 3 different steps in the code. The Initializa-
tion step is for executing code opening, preparing or reading files needed

MOUSE Control module

in the simulation. The Time step is the step in which the control strategies
are run. The End step is the step in which files opened in the Initialization
step can be closed. The three steps are defined under the mouse604.exe
Simulation | Options dialog, where a filename and a procedure name are
specified for each step under UWC. The compiled DLL with the UWC
must be located in the same folder as the mouse_hd.dll file.

There are currently over 140 different procedures and functions exported
from MOUSE ranging from setting PID constants runtime to retrieving
the flow in a specific grid point in a link. Using the methods require the
user to include the MOUSEDLL.pas file into the DLL Delphi project. An
example of the use of this is listed below.

library Test;




MOUSEDLL; // <- Important

{$R *.res}


OutFile : TextFile;

procedure InitStep;


AssignFile(OutFile, 'C:\MOUSEOutput.txt');




User Written Control

procedure TimeStep;


NodeLevelString : String;

MOUSETimeString : String;


NodeLevelString := Floattostr(GetNodeLevel('Node_11'));

MOUSETimeString := FormatDateTime('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss',


Writeln(OutFile, NodeLevelString+' '+MOUSETimeString);


procedure EndStep;









MOUSE Control module

Figure 10.17 Options dialog of the simulation launcher

The example above simply writes the water level in a node and the corre-
sponding time to a file, but the possibilities are endless.

The next example is the RTCExample provided in the installation where

the actual control is handled from UWC. The RTC control in the UND file
is not changed for this, which means the UWC RTC overrides the RTC in
the UND. This provides a way of overriding standard RTC in e.g. emer-
gency situations in the network. Alternatively the UWC RTC can be used
alone. In this case the Control Functions and Logical Conditions are not
needed for the Controlled Devices, since the actual control is handled
externally. In addition to this, the control type number for the 3 PID con-
trolled devices is changed to 5. This change is done using a text editor.

library RTCExample;





{$R *.res}

procedure TimeStep;


User Written Control

var LevelA, Level02, Level12, Level22,

SetPoint1, Measured1, SetPoint2, Measured2, SetPoint3, Measured3,

StartLevel, StopLevel, GatePosition, WeirPosition : Double;


LevelA := GetSensorValue('Level_A');

Level02 := GetSensorValue('Level_02');

Level12 := GetSensorValue('Level_12');

Level22 := GetSensorValue('Level_22');


SetPoint1 := -0.6*LevelA+67;

SetPumpPIDSetpoint('Pump_2_3', SetPoint1);

Measured1 := Level02;

SetPumpPIDMeasurement('Pump_2_3', Measured1);


SetPoint2 := -0.6*LevelA+67;

SetWeirPIDSetpoint('Weir_12_3', SetPoint2);

Measured2 := Level12;

SetWeirPIDMeasurement('Weir_12_3', Measured2);


SetPoint3 := -0.6*LevelA+67;

SetGatePIDSetpoint('Orifice_22_3', SetPoint3);

MOUSE Control module

Measured3 := Level22;

SetGatePIDMeasurement('Orifice_22_3', Measured3);


StartLevel := LevelA+0.2;

StopLevel := LevelA;

SetPumpStartLevel('Pump_2a_3', StartLevel);

SetPumpStopLevel('Pump_2a_3', StopLevel);


WeirPosition := LevelA;

SetWeirPosition('Weir_12a_3', WeirPosition);


GatePosition := LevelA;

SetGatePosition('Orifice_22a_3', GatePosition);







User Written Control

A documentation of the different procedures and functions can be found in

the MOUSEDLL.pas file. DHI does not provide support in the Delphi
Programming language. We are however open to suggestions on improv-
ing and adding functionality to this

MOUSE Control module


The Long Term Statistics (LTS) allows that a MOUSE network model
with intermittent hydrological inputs can be set up for a time-efficient
long-term simulation, covering a long, continuous historical period and
the computation of relevant statistics for the operational variables of inter-
est. LTS features an easy way to convert a usual MOUSE simulation cov-
ering a long historical period into a discontinuous series of relevant events
feasible for the simulation, and to define various event-based and annual
statistics for the selected parameters.

Based on the specified criteria, the system automatically selects the peri-
ods for dynamic pipe flow simulations during wet weather. This reduces
the simulation time significantly, while preserving the accuracy in the sim-
ulation of relevant dynamic effects in the system - CSOs, surcharges, etc.
For example, by running successive LTS simulations with the existing
drainage system configuration and the planned upgrade, impacts of the
planned investments (e.g. new sewers, retention tanks, control schemes)
on the system performance can be reliably tested and evaluated based on
the computed operational statistics. This allows the user to develop the
optimal rehabilitation / upgrade strategy, e.g. for satisfying the require-
ments of environmental regulations.

Statistics on maximum water levels, discharges from weirs, etc., generated

by simulating long continuous periods subject to impact of. recorded his-
torical rainfalls, is a specific form of results from numerical simulation
models particularly useful for the evaluation of the simulated system func-
tionality. Statistics can be used to compare the effects of various mitiga-
tion measures in the planned rehabilitation process, the performance of
various control strategies, the cost-benefit efficiency of the planned
investments, as well as to determine whether the functionality of the sewer
system is compliant with legislative requirements.

z Functionality of urban drainage systems is often subject to require-

ments like:
z Flooding on terrain must not happen more than once every T years.
z Flooding of basements must not happen more than once every T years.
z Discharge from CSO weirs to receiving waters must not happen more
than n times per year.
z Total volume from CSOs must not exceed a certain threshold amount
per year.
z Etc.

Long term statistics

LTS is able to answer these and similar questions and thereby appears as
an essential simulation tool for a reliable assessment of system perform-

Statistics on some operational parameters are only reliable if the simulated

number of more or less independent events is sufficiently large, i.e. if the
simulated historical period is sufficiently long. This, in turn, may imply
very long simulation times (if 'normal' computing hardware is applied)
and thereby spoil the feasibility of the analysis.

However, use of dynamic simulation for the hydraulic and pollution trans-
port analysis of drainage networks is only beneficial in periods of high-
flow dynamics. Otherwise, simpler and much faster simulation tools can
be used with a similar level of accuracy. Since high-flow dynamics in
urban drainage networks are normally associated with rainfall events, the
dynamically simulated periods can be reduced to the wet periods, i.e. to
only a few percent of the certain historical period.

The fundamental principle behind the LTS concept is therefore the ability
to reduce the simulation time without losing significant information. LTS
is able, based on the user-specified criteria, to eliminate the irrelevant peri-
ods from the simulated series, and to limit the dynamic simulations to a
series of disconnected events, instead of the entire simulation period

11.1 Data input

11.1.1 Job list
For the purpose of isolating the intervals relevant for dynamic simulation,
LTS generates a job list on the basis of system information, the knowledge
of time series for dry weather flow (i.e. wastewater), rainfall and other
loads and the set of specified 'Job-List Criteria'. The simulation jobs from
the list, limited by the simulation start time end the simulation stop time,
may optionally be subject to further evaluation by a set of 'Runtime Crite-
ria' during the simulation. Runtime Criteria are founded on the evaluation
of the operational variables within the network itself which can potentially
extend the simulations beyond the time intervals defined in the job list.
Since the 'runtime criteria' are evaluated during the simulation, it is not
possible to determine the exact duration of the dynamic simulation in


Data input

Upon its creation, the job list can be edited, so that the actual start time
and date and the estimated stop time for the individual jobs may be modi-
fied according to specific requirements

11.1.2 Job list criteria

Job list criteria are used to select the intervals which (at least) should be
calculated with the hydrodynamic model during a computation with LTS.

The job list criteria represent actually various thresholds for the system
loading, which are used to evaluate if the state of the system is within or
outside the "dynamic" conditions. There are separate START criteria,
which determine the start dates and times for the dynamic simulations, and
a single STOP criterion, which is used for the estimation of the ending
dates and times for dynamic simulations.

The START criteria are evaluated against the loading time series - dry
weather flow, rainfall events, etc., for the system as a whole, for a part of
the system, or for an individual sub-catchment. A number of START crite-
ria can be defined, and if at least one of them is fulfilled, a certain "event"
will be included into the job list.

The STOP criterion includes a threshold for the total load for the entire
system, and an additional time condition which extends the simulation for
the specified time after the loading has fallen below the threshold. The
objective of the STOP criterion is to delimit the dynamic simulation, but
without a potential loss of important information due to the time offset
between the loads and effects in the sewer network.

Figure 11.1 Job list criteria dialog

Long term statistics

Table 11.1

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulation ture
StartCrite- Identifier Yes MUID
StartCriter- Controls the type of criterion to be Yes ConditionNo
iaType specified - in this version only
“Total Inflow” can be selected
StartCrite- For the criteria of type ‘Total Yes LocationNo
riaLoca- Inflow’, it must be specified for
tionType which part of the system the
inflow must be evaluated. ‘Loca-
tion type’ can be either ‘General’
(the whole system) or ‘Individ-
ual’ (a single node).
StartCrite- For the types ‘List’ and ‘Individ- Yes, except LocationID
riaLocation ual’, additional information must Loca-
be specified in the ‘Location’ tionNo=1
field. For the ‘List’, a node selec- (General)
tion file (*NSE) must be specified.
For the ‘Individual’ a single node
name must be types or selected
from the node list.
StartCriter- Defines the threshold that must be Yes StartValue
iaThreshold exceeded in order to evaluate the
job start criterion as true.
StartCrite- Criteria of type ‘Total Inflow’ can Yes StartTime
rionDura- optionally be extended by specify-
tion ing the duration of a continous
period in which the threshold must
be exceeded in order to evaluate
the criterion as true. The default
duration is zero.


Data input

Table 11.1

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulation ture
StopCriteri- Defines the lower threshold that Yes StopValue
onThresh- must be achieved in order to eval-
old uate the job stop criterion as true
StopCriteri- Specifies the duration of a conti- Yes StopTime
onDuration nous period in which the stopping
threshold must be fulfilled in
order to evaluate the stop criterion
as true. The default duration is

11.1.3 Initial conditions for simulated events

Correct initial conditions for hydrodynamic simulations in LTS are essen-
tial for achievement of realistic simulation results. Therefore, LTS pro-
vides a system to define appropriate initial conditions for each simulated
event. The initial conditions can either be specified as an empty pipe sys-
tem for each job in the job list (MOUSE default), or a set of 'hot start' files
can be specified to be used for individual events, depending on the actual
inflow at the start time for the event.

If the first option is selected (default), the system is initialized with an

empty system at the beginning of each event in the job list,. This approach
is valid only for storm drainage systems where there is no water in the net-
work during dry periods. Use of this option in any other situation is not

If the option with hot start files is selected, the system is initialized
according to the specified hotstart information - hot start filename and hot
start date - for each event in the job list. The hot start file for an actual
event is selected according to the closest fit of the actual total loads
defined as 'runoff' and 'other', but excluding loads defined as dry weather
flow (DWF), at the start time of the event. Note that the runoff input
defined through the computation editor is also considered as 'runoff' load
and as such included into the definition of initial conditions.

If the actual inflow is outside all specified intervals, the job will start with
an empty system

Long term statistics

Any hot start file must cover at least 24 hours. The hot start date is user-
specified, but the hot start time is automatically set equal to the event start

The hot start files for the LTS job list are selected according to the speci-
fied range of inflows. This implies that all inflows other than DWF are
constant over the entire length of the hot start file. In order to reproduce a
cyclic pattern of diurnal DWF variation, care must be taken to eliminate
the filling phase in the beginning of the hot start file. This is achieved by
running the initial simulation over two or more days, and specifying a cor-
responding date as a hot start date.

A drawback of this principle is that weekly and seasonal variation of

wastewater loads cannot be taken into account.

Figure 11.2 Initial conditions dialog


Data input

Table 11.2 The input on the initial conditions dialog

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulation ture
Empty sys- Radio buttons for the selection of Yes
tem / Use the initial conditions mode

Total Defines a lower threshold for Yes, if Hot- InitFrom

inflow intervals for total inflow (exclud- start
interval - ing DWF) which is used at the
From start of each job in the job list to
evaluate what hotstart parameters
to use.
Total Defines an upper threshold for Yes, if Hot- InitTo
inflow intervals for total inflow (exclud- start
interval - ing DWF) which is used at the
To start of each job in the job list to
evaluate what the hotstart parame-
ters to use
Hotstart file Specifies a hotstart file to be used Yes, if Hot- HotStartFile-
for the system initialization in start Name
association with the specified
range of total inflows (excluding
DWF) detected at the beginning of
certain job.
Date Specifies the date in the hotstart Yes, If Hot- InitDate
file to be used in the search for the start
hotstart conditions associated with
the specified range of total inflows
(excluding DWF) detected at the
beginning of certain job.

11.1.4 Generating job list

On the basis of user-specified Job List criteria, the simulation input files,
the simulation period (specified in the Start Computation dialog) and
optionally, the initiation hot start files, a job list is automatically created.

Long term statistics

The simulation periods for individual events represent the minimum simu-
lation time, which may be extended in run-time according to the fulfilment
of run-time criteria.

The job list is written into an ASCII file (*.MJL, written in the 'PFS' for-
mat), which contains all relevant information about input files for the sim-
ulation, definition of the time periods to be simulated (for the individual
jobs), and optionally information about the hot start files and hotstart
date/time. An example of a job list file is presented in Figure 11.3

Figure 11.3 Example of a job list file

11.1.5 Edit job list

Optionally, the job list file can be edited before starting the LTS calcula-
tion. There is no dedicated dialog available for editing the job list..
Instead, Windows Notepad is used. Alternatively, any ASCII editor can be
used. When editing the job list before starting the computation it is also
possible to change the minimum and maximum default time step for each
job. Per default, each job has assigned the same minimum and maximum
time step, according to the global definition. This ca be changed by editing
the values for Dt_MaxSec and Dt_MinSec (see below).


Simulation_start = '1937-06-08 01:19:00'

Simulation_end = '1937-06-08 04:33:00'

Dt_MaxSec = 60


Data input

Dt_MinSec = 10


11.1.6 Runtime stop criteria

Run-time Stop Criteria are evaluated during computations in order to
determine the earliest time at which the simulation can be stopped without
losing important information, i.e. in the closing phase of the simulated
event. The evaluation of run-time stop criteria for the currently simulated
event starts immediately after the preliminary event end (determined
according to the job list) has been reached. The simulation continues as
long as the runtime stop conditions are not fulfilled.

A number of independent Stop Criteria can be specified. They are evalu-

ated through an Evaluation matrix.

Figure 11.4 The runtime stop criteria dialog

Long term statistics

Run-Time Stop Criteria Evaluation Matrix

Figure 11.5 The run time stop criteria maxtrix dialog

At every time step during computation (but only after the end time in the
job list), each criterion is subject to logical evaluation as an element of an
evaluation matrix. The evaluation matrix consists of an arbitrary number
of lines, each containing up to five individual criteria. Each line of the
evaluation matrix represents a combination of criteria which have to be
fulfilled simultaneously (i.e. criteria are linked with the logical operator
AND) if the combination is to be evaluated as TRUE and the simulation

If one line has been evaluated as FALSE, the evaluation algorithm jumps
to the next line. This means that the successive lines are connected by the
logical operator OR. The process continues until one line has been evalu-
ated as TRUE (the simulation stops).

If none of the lines has been evaluated as TRUE, the simulation continues
for one time step. Then, a new evaluation cycle is initiated and the entire
evaluation repeats.

If no evaluation matrix is specified, periods specified in the job list will be

simulated exactly, i.e. no runtime criteria will be evaluated.


LTS computations

Table 11.3

Edit field Description Used or Field name

required by in data struc-
simulation ture
ID Each criterion is identified with a Yes MUID
unique indentifier, which is used
as a reference in the evaluation
Type Controls the type of criterion to be Yes ConditionNo
specified - either total outflow,
difference in inflow and outflow,
total volume stored in the system,
or filling degree in the system.
Location For the ‘List’, a node selection file Yes LocationNo
(*.NSE) must be specified. For the
‘Individual’, a single node name
must be types or selected fro the
node list.
Threshold The residual value of the variable Yes StopValue
defined by the ‘Type’ that must be
achieved in order to evaluate the
criterion as true
Duration A period in which the parameter Yes StopTime
value must be below the threshold
in order to evaluate the criterion as

The specified runtime criteria are saved in the MOUSE LTS (*.MTF) file.

11.2 LTS computations

Running an LTS computation (based on a job list) is usually beneficial if

the total simulation period is long and the model is heavy. This has a

Long term statistics

potential of speeding up the simulation significantly, without the loss of

vital information.

A LTS discontinuous computation is started from the usual Computa-

tion|Run MOUSE dialog and will be performed if the simulation mode is
set to 'LTS'.

Figure 11.6

Switching the simulation mode to 'LTS' opens a new part of the dialog,
including fields for selecting, generating and editing a job list file.

Prior to the computation, a job list must be generated. Several different job
lists can be generated and the appropriate one selected from the list.


Result files

While generating a job list, MOUSE scans the boundary inputs, and evalu-
ates the job list start criteria in order to identify the events to be simulated.
Each event is preliminarily delimited by the evaluation of the stop crite-

Simultaneously, total loads (excluding DWF) at the simulation start for

each event are determined, and the appropriate initialization file is

When using a job list in a LTS simulation, the specified simulation period
may include the entire job list or only a small fraction - ultimately only a
single event. This feature opens the possibility to use the same job list
through different phases of the project - initially using only individual
events for test simulations (or in the calibration process), and later extend-
ing the simulation to the entire job list. The advantage of using the job list
instead of an "ordinary" continuous mode simulation is access to useful
statistics available only with MOUSE LTS.

11.3 Result files

A MOUSE LTS simulation generates the same types of result files as a
normal MOUSE simulation ('standard' and 'user-specified'). Due to usu-
ally very long simulation periods, attention must be paid to keeping the
size of the result files within reasonable limits. The standard MOUSE
result file (*.PRF), where most of the computed time series are saved,
becomes practically too large in long-term simulations, if the saving fre-
quency is high. On the other hand, too coarse time resolution in a result
file might make the saved results useless. Consequently, for simulations
covering long periods, a user-specified result file will usually be of major

11.3.1 User-Specified result files

The user-specified result file contains only selected time series of particu-
lar interest. This makes it especially practical for keeping the long-term
results sufficiently resolved, and the standard result file may often be com-
pletely abandoned. Detailed information on the specification of the con-
tents of user-specified result files is provided in the Chapter entitled
‘MOUSE Simulations’.

The specification of the contents of the user-specified result file for

hydraulic variables (i.e. *.PRF file) applies also for the results of pollution
transport model (AD), i.e. defines the user-specified *.TRF file. This prac-
tically means that at the specified locations, all computed water quality
variables will be saved. Selective saving of AD variables can be further

Long term statistics

controlled through the DHIAPP.INI file, located in MIKE URBAN/Bin

directory (section MouseTRAP, see below).








If the parameter value is changed to 0 (zero), then the item will not be
written in the result file.

11.3.2 Statistics result file

When running any simulation over a longer period, focus of interest is
usually turned to the operational statistics rather than to the raw time
series. Therefore, MOUSE LTS provides an option to save an additional
result file (*.ERF) containing various statistics (event-based and annual)
over the individual computed time series and the system performance as
the whole.

The statistics are computed according to the specification

The technical background for statistical computations and the process of

specifying which statistical results to save are further described below

11.4 Specification of statistical result file

MOUSE LTS provides the possibility to generate a series of useful statisti-
cal results - events, annual and system statistics - related to the simulated
period. Such statistical results are stored in an optional statistical result file
(*.ERF). Contents of the statistical result file must be specified prior to a
MOUSE LTS simulation. Configuration of the statistics is enabled
through the series of Statistic specification dialogs.


Specification of statistical result file

It is possible to combine the MOUSE LTS simulations with MOUSE

TRAP pollution transport (AD) module. In this way it is possible to esti-
mate loads of pollutants annually or on an event based level.

Global Statistics Parameters - Event definitions

The computation of statistics can be controlled by specifying the mini-

mum time intervals between the two occurrences (dT) in order to consider
these as independent. In this sense, statistics on peak values and statistics
on accumulated values (discharge, duration) can be distinguished.

The main parameters which control the event definition for various types
of statistics are specified in the editor 'Statistics Specification - Global'
(see Figure….).

Also, this editor allows for toggling between the annual and monthly sta-
tistics and for requesting the statistics on system emissions (flows and pol-
lutants out of the system).

Figure 11.7 Global Statistics Specification

The peak values statistic operates with instantaneous peak values sepa-
rated by at least dT. If,for instance, in peak value statistics a continuous
series of water levels includes 2 peaks within an interval shorter than that
specified for Max(H) events, only the larger of the two values will be
counted in the peaks statistics. Accumulated discharge and duration statis-
tics is associated with discontinuous variables like pump or weir dis-
charges (i.e. volumes). The statistics are performed on the events
delimited with zero flows. Thus, two successive weir or pump flows are
considered as independent only if they are separated by an inactive inter-

Long term statistics

val (i.e. with zero flow) of at least the specified length dT. On the contrary,
if the two flow occurrences are close to each other, the statistical parame-
ters will be computed from the sum of the two.

For the continuous flow variables (e.g. pipe flow), which in principle
never drop to zero within the simulation period, it means practically that
the accumulated discharge and duration statistics are calculated for the
entire length of the simulated event.

Both for peak statistics and for accumulated flow statistics, two events are
always considered as independent if the computation has been stopped in
between by the specified stop criteria. Thus, specification of a very long
dT - longer than any individual event to be simulated, would result in the
number of peak values and the number of accumulated discharges and
duration corresponding exactly to the number of simulated events.

The instantaneous extremes or accumulated values for individual events

are ranked according to the size. The annual/monthly statistics remain in
chronological order.

Result Type in nodes

The statistics for the results in model nodes is specified in editor 'LTS Sta-
tistics Specification - Nodes'


Specification of statistical result file

Figure 11.8 LTS Statistics Specification - Nodes

The following types of statistics can be computed:Max levels:

Max levels:

Saves ranked peak water levels in nodes - instantaneous values.

Total discharge:

Saves ranked total event-accumulated discharges for weirs, pumps and


Total discharge annual/monthly:

Saves total accumulated yearly/monthly discharge for weirs, pumps and

outlets in chronological order.

Duration discharge:

Saves ranked total accumulated event discharge duration for weirs, pumps
and outlets.

Maximum Concentration:

Saves ranked peak concentrations in nodes (instantaneous values) for all

simulated pollutants.

Long term statistics

Event Loads:

Saves ranked total event-accumulated mass flux for weirs, pumps and out-
lets for all simulated pollutants.

Annual Loads:

Saves total accumulated yearly/monthly mass flux for weirs, pumps and
outlets for all simulated pollutants, in chronological order.

Result Type in links

The statistics for the results in model links is specified in editor 'LTS Sta-
tistics Specification - Links'

Figure 11.9 LTS Statistics Specification - Links

Max levels:

Saves ranked peak water levels in links - instantaneous values.

Max flow:

Saves ranked peak flows in links - instantaneous values.

Max velocity:

Saves ranked peak flow velocity in links - instantaneous values.


Specification of statistical result file

Total discharge annual/monthly:

Saves total accumulated yearly/monthly discharge for links in chronologi-

cal order.

For all result types it must be specified for which location(s) the desired
results are to be saved. Location type can be either 'General' (the whole
system), 'List' (a number of nodes/links specified on NSE/LSE/MUS-file),
or 'Individual' (one node/link name). If 'List' or 'Individual' is selected, the
supplementary information of selection file name or node name should be

Additionally, some pre-defined groups can be specified for nodes by

selecting type 'All Weirs', 'All Pumps', or 'All Outlets'.

Save Type
For links, it must be specified where in the link data should be saved.
There are four saving possibilities:

Upstream grid point,

Downstream grid point,

Both upstream and downstream grid points,

All grid points.

Max number of events to save

For some statistics parameters, the number of events during a long
MOUSE LTS computation can be very high and the statistics result file
size can grow rapidly. Therefore, the statistical computation can be limited
to a specified number of highest events, i.e. only the limited number of
most significant events is included into the calculation. This is possible if
the purpose of statistical calculation is to focus on extreme events only. In
such a case, all insignificant events may be eliminated from the statistics
as "irrelevant".

The maximum number of events must be specified within the rand 1-5000.

Long term statistics

11.5 LTS Statistics Presentation

LTS Statistics results cannot be presented in MIKE URBAN. This func-
tionality will be added in near future.

In the meantime, presentation facilities in MIKE View result viewing pro-

gramme should be used.


Design principles


The MOUSE Pipe Design Module is a tool, which makes it fast and easy
to design pipe diameters for new systems as well as for pipes in existing
systems. The basis for the design can be a rough input of a new system
with geometric information about where the pipes should be and initial
values for diameter and roughness (material) or it can be an existing
MOUSE model for a complex system where some pipes should be re-

In both cases the design module will be an excellent help to speed up the
process by designing the exact pipe sizes which is needed to fulfil the
design criteria and to finally verify that the design system is correctly

However it should be stressed that pipe design is an iterative process, and

it is therefor recommended to use the feature on models of moderate size
in order to be able to make the necessary number of iterations.

12.1 Design principles

The design is based on an iterative process, where pipe diameters are

changed in order to fulfil the specified design criteria. During each itera-
tion the diameter is kept constant, but the Manning number is changed
(increased) during simulation if the criteria is not fulfilled.

In the present version the pipes are always designed from the principle of
increasing the diameter until the maximum level upstream in the system is
below the design criteria. Thus the module cannot be used to design pipes
from downstream criteria.

After end of the simulation the maximum Manning number is used to cal-
culate the new diameter which will then be used in next iteration.

This means that after a number of iteration - depending on how good the
initial choice of diameters was - the module will stabilise results on the
diameters needed to fulfil the design criteria.

Each pipe (group) is designed independently of the others, which means

that the process can be long if there are many pipes, since changing of one
diameter can often influence the design of both upstream and downstream

Automatic pipe design with MOUSE

Figure 12.1 Design principle

12.2 Design Input

In the present version input data for the Pipe Design Module are specified
in the Additional Parameters File (ADP). In order to activate the design
module the simulation is started in the usual way after specification of the
ADP file name on the Start Simulation Dialog.

The ADP file can either be written directly in a text editor, e.g. Notepad,
or a wizard like tool can be utilized for writing the ADP-file for the design
module (see further in 12.2.7). The format of the DESIGN section in the
ADP file is as follows:

Table 12.1 The Design section of the ADP file

Keyword No Parameter Description

UNIT_TYPE 1 UNITTYPE Specifies the unit type.
1 - SI, 2 - US
DESIGNRE- 1 “RESULTFILE“ File containing the history of the
SULTFILE individual diameters. If present
at simulation start a continuance
of the previous iterations


Design Input

Table 12.1 The Design section of the ADP file

Keyword No Parameter Description

DESIGNCON- 1- DC1-DC6 Parameters for internal use. Not
STANTS 6 mandatory.
MANNIN- 1 DESIGNID DesignID is used to identify the
GITEM actual design group, but has no
influence on the simulations.
2 DESIGNTYPE 1 - Fixed invert levels for pipes
2 - Fixed top levels for pipes
3 DESIGNCRITE- 1- Critical levels (specified on
RIATYPE node dialog)
2 - Filling degree (value speci-
fied as parameter 10 FILLING-
4 DESIGN- 1- Group. All pipes are resized
GRPOUPTYPE in parallel based on criteria in
one node (value specified as
parameter 6 UPSTREAM-
2- Individual pipes. Each pipe is
designed based on criteria in the
immediate upstream node.
5 ELEMENTS LSE-file specifying the group of
links to be designed
6 UPSTREAM- Upstream node where design
NODE criteria is evaluated. Only used
7 MIN Minimum value of Manning
number. Note that extreme low
values can cause numerial prob-
lems during simulation. It is rec-
ommended to use values
relatively close to the original
value and run a few more itera-
tions instead.
8 MAX Maximum value of Manning
number. Note - see above

Automatic pipe design with MOUSE

Table 12.1 The Design section of the ADP file

Keyword No Parameter Description

9 LOWERLIMIT Limit for evaluating the design
criteria. Specified relative to
water level of the design crite-
10 FILLINGDE- Filling degree. Only used for
Diameter Subtar- 1 DIAMETER List of commercial diameters.
get The diameters are not manda-
[Commercial_Pi tory and should be given in
pes] ascending order. For
UNIT_TYPE = 1 the unit is mm
and for UNIT_TYPE = 2 the
unit is inches.

12.2.1 Example of an ADP-file



MANNINGITEM = ‘Manning’,1,1,2,’SelectedPipes.lse’,’’, 50, 200, -

0.05, 1.0


Diameter = 50

Diameter = 100

Diameter = 200

EndSect // Commercial_Pipes

EndSect // DESIGN

12.2.2 Design Type

There are two design types available for designing pipes – fixed invert
levels of pipes and fixed top levels of pipes.


Design Input

When fixed invert levels are selected the network geometry is updated
only with pipe diameters hence all invert levels are kept as in the original

When fixed top levels are selected the top of each pipe is fixed, which
means that all invert levels need to be updated according to the new diam-
eters. All adjacent pipes are unchanged, hence when a nodes invert level is
changed any attached pipe which was previously connected at the invert
level of the manhole is now connected above invert of the manhole - at the
original invert level of the manhole. A node invert level is never changed
to a higher level than for the original setup.

Note: In the present version fixed top levels can only be used for pipes
connected to manholes in both ends. If either upstream of downstream
node is specified as a basin, the pipe will be designed according to the
principle of fixed invert levels, regardless of design type. This is necessary
in order to accommodate for the complexity of changed basin geometry,
weir levels, pump start-/stop levels etc. which will often be present in
basin structures.

12.2.3 Design Criteria

The design tool accommodates two types of design criteria – critical levels
and filling degree. When the Critical Levels are applied, the pipes will be
designed according to the critical level specified in the MOUSE nodes

The Filling Degree is in this case interpreted as the maximum water level
in upstream node compared to the upstream pipe levels. E.g. if the filling
degree is set to 0.8 the design criteria will be set as a water level corre-
sponding to the pipe being filled 80% at the design node.

If more than one pipe is connected to the design node the lowest value for
all connected pipes is applied in order to ensure that the criteria is fulfilled
for all pipes.

12.2.4 Design Group Type

The pipes can be designed either as a group or on individual basis.

If the pipes are designed as a group their sizes will decrease or increase
with the same factor in order to obtain the design criteria for one specified
upstream node. This means that the pipe sizes will change with same per-
centage for all pipes.

Automatic pipe design with MOUSE

When the design acts on individual pipes, each pipe will initially be auto-
matically assigned to a design node corresponding to their immediate
upstream node. Here the upstream node is defined as the node connected
to the highest end of the pipe from geometric point of view.

If more than one pipe is connected to the same upstream node they will
automatically be grouped together and thereby maintain their relative

12.2.5 Lower Limit

During the designing simulation there will be long periods where the
water levels are below the design level. In order to avoid that these periods
influence too much on the new pipe diameters a lower limit for designing
is specified. Hence when the water level is below this limit the design
module will not try to resize the current pipe size until the level rises
above the limit again.

The limit is defined relative to water level of the design criteria. Thus a
negative value indicate a lower limit below the design level and vice versa
for a positive value.

12.2.6 Commercial Diameters

Through the iterations the pipe design will suggest diameters without tak-
ing into account that only some diameters are actually manufactured.
Specifying the available pipe diameters can be used to let the module
select the most appropriate standard pipe after end of simulation.

The standard pipe diameters should be given in increasing order and in

millimetres (or inches for US-units).

The commercial diameters are an optional input.

12.2.7 Creating the ADP file for the design simulation

The ADP file can either be written directly in a text editor, e.g. Notepad,
or a wizardlike tool can be utilized for writting the ADP-file for the design
module. This tool can be activated under Tools|User Tools as seen in
Figure 12.2.

Figure 12.2 The tool for creating the ADP-file is now located under User Tools


Design simulation and output

When the tool is launched you are guided step-by-step setting up the

Figure 12.3 Start page of the wizard

12.3 Design simulation and output

Input data for the Pipe Design Module is specified in the Additional
Parameters File (ADP). When the design module is in function the simula-
tion is started the usual way (with specification of the ADP file name on
the Start Simulation Dialog), but an additional dialog for viewing and edit-
ing the design data will be available in parallel to the MOUSE Simulation

In the simulation launcher two new item types can be selected from the
dialog <Charts>+<Modify>: Designs and Profiles.

Automatic pipe design with MOUSE

Figure 12.4 For changing the charts displayed during simulation go to


z “Designs” are time series plots for the nodes where design criteria has
been specified. The default selection will include actual level, critical
level and calculated factor of the manning number which is changed
during the simulation
z “Profiles” are longitudinal profiles. All profiles which are saved as
LPF files can be selected

Figure 12.5 After choosing Charts|Modify above dialog displays


Design simulation and output

During the simulation it will hence be possible to see the results while
simulated, see Figure 12.6.

Figure 12.6 The results are displayed during the simulation. The critical levels
used for the design are clearly marked on the profiles.

The additional dialog for pipe design is dominated by a grid with input
parameters and results from the design, and can be used to adjust parame-
ters for the design between the iterations.

The following information is available in the grid:

Table 12.2 Information found in the grid

ID ID of the pipe
UpStrNodeID ID of the node where design criteria are evalu-
Active “True“ if the pipes should actually be designed -
can be used to exclude one or more pipe itera-

Automatic pipe design with MOUSE

Table 12.2 Information found in the grid

Init Factor Initial factor of Manning number for next itera-

tion - values smaller than 1.0 will allow the pipe
to decrease in size if necessary, however too
small values can cause numerical problems. Val-
ues bigger than 1.0 are usually not relevant since
it will cause the pipe to increase in size even if
it's not necessary. Default is 0.98.
Original Original diameter in mm or inches.
Calculated Calculated diameter in mm or inches - result
from last iteration.
%Change Percentage change of diameter in last iteration
Commercial Smallest available commercial diameter which
correspond to the calculated diameter
New Diameter in mm or inches which will be used as
initial value for next iteration. Default is that
results from the previous iteration will be used

Below the columns Original, Calculated and Commercial it is possible to

press "->New", which will simply copy the column of diameter to the col-
umn "New", thus cause them to be used as initial values for next iteration.

Figure 12.7 The pipe design dialog

Number of reruns can be used to make a number of iterations automati-

cally - default value is 1.

If changes are made in the grid these must be saved in order to be used for
the next iteration. Saving can be done by pressing "Apply changes for next


Design simulation and output

iteration", but if data has been changed and a new iteration started, a mes-
sage will occur asking if the changes should be used or lost.

Finally there is the possibility to "Update UND file with new diameters"
which will actually change the parameters in the model, or to "Delete
design file" which will delete results of all the performed iterations and
cause the design to start from scratch.

Automatic pipe design with MOUSE


Key features and application domain


13.1 Key features and application domain

MOUSE provides several modules for the simulation of and water quality
for both urban catchments surfaces and sewer systems. Since pollutants
are carried by sediment, sediment transport process and water quality in
sewer systems are closely interconnected. This is important for under-
standing phenomena like the first flush effect, which can only be simu-
lated with a description of the temporal and spatial distribution of
sediment deposits on the catchment surface and in the sewer system.
MOUSE can model these complex mechanisms using Surface Runoff
Quality (SRQ), Pipe Sediment Transport (ST), Pipe Advection-Dispersion
(AD), and Biological Processes (BP). Output from this, such as pollutant
graphs from combined sewer overflows, can then be applied directly to
DHI's receiving waters models MIKE 11 and MIKE 21. Using MIKE 11
or MIKE 21 in conjunction with MOUSE allows assessment of water
quality for the water bodies receiving these sewer overflows, such as riv-
ers, streams, lakes and coastal waters.

13.1.1 Surface Runoff Quality (SRQ)

The primary role of the Surface Runoff Quality (SRQ) is to provide a
physically-based description of the relevant processes associated with sed-
iments and pollutants due to surface runoff, and then provide surface run-
off sediment and pollutant data for the other pipe sewer network sediment
transport and water quality modules. The following processes can be
accounted for:

z Build-up and wash-off of sediment particles on the catchment.

z Surface transport of pollutants attached to the sediment particles.
z Build-up and wash-out of dissolved pollutants in potholes and stilling

13.1.2 Pipe Sediment Transport (ST)

Sediment deposits can greatly reduce the hydraulic capacity of sewer
pipes by restricting their flow area and increasing the bed friction resist-
ance. Pipe Sediment Transport (ST) can be used to account for these prob-
lems, by simulating pipe sewer network sediment transport-including
deposition and erosion from non-uniform (graded) sediments. Contribu-
tions from rainstorm wash-off and dry-weather wastewater flow can be
included. The ST process runs in conjunction with the dynamic flow rout-
ing, thereby simulating dynamic deposition of sediment and providing

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

feedback due to the change in pipe area and resistance caused by sediment
deposition. The following issues can be addressed:

z Prediction of sediment deposit locations and associated pollutants and

metals in the sewer system.
z Prediction of reduction in hydraulic capacity due to observed and sim-
ulated sediment deposits.
z Analysis of the sewer system due to modified regulation strategies.

13.1.3 Pipe Advection-Dispersion (AD)

Pipe Advection-Dispersion (AD) simulates the transport of dissolved sub-
stances and suspended fine sediments in pipe flow. Conservative materials
as well as those that are subject to a linear decay can be simulated. The
computed pipe flow discharges, water levels, and cross-sectional flow
areas are used in the AD computation. The solution of the advection-dis-
persion equation is obtained using an implicit, finite-difference scheme
which has negligible numerical dispersion. Concentration profiles with
very steep fronts can be accurately modeled. The computed results can be
displayed as longitudinal concentration profiles and pollutant graphs,
which could be used at the inflow to a sewage treatment plant or an over-
flow structure. The AD can be linked to the MOUSE Long Term Statistics
modelling capacities to provide long-term simulations of pollutant trans-

The Pipe-Advection module also includes the possibility of simulating

water age and blend in percentages between two sources.

13.1.4 Biological Processes (BP)

Biological Processes (BP) works in conjunction with the Advection-Dis-
persion Module, thereby providing many options for describing the reac-
tion processes of multi-compound systems, including degradation of
organic matter, bacterial fate, exchange of oxygen with the atmosphere
and oxygen demand from eroded sewer sediments. This allows realistic
analysis of complex phenomena related to water quality in sewer systems.
BP includes diurnal variation of foul flow discharges and user-specified
concentrations of foul flow components. The sediment types included in
the interaction with BP are foul flow organic sediments, and fine and
course mineral in-pipe sediments originating from catchment runoff, pot-
holes, and stilling basins. BP can account for:

z Decay of BOD/COD in bio-film and water phase;

z Hydrolysis of suspended matter;
z Growth of suspended biomass;


Key features and application domain

z Oxygen consumption from decay of BOD/COD, bio-film, and erosion

of sediment;
z Re-aeration;
z Bacterial fate;
z Interaction with sediments for nutrients and metals.

13.1.5 Interaction between water quality modules

The various water quality processes can be used independently or in con-
junction, which depends on the level of required sophistication. However,
using BP requires a simultaneous run of AD. Interaction between water
quality modules shows the individual modules and their connections.

SRQ can be used by itself to study water quality and sediment transport
processes on catchments. The result can be used as input to a river model
(MIKE11) or to other water quality modules which deal with processes in
the pipe model.

If only dissolved pollutants are of concern, it is sufficient to use the AD-

module, possibly with BP in conjunction.

Finally, if the sediment transport is the only modelling purpose the ST

module can be used separately.

Problem types and processes shows which water quality modules should
be used for a list of problem types. Figure 13.1 gives an overview of the
required modules for different pollutant and sediment types.

Figure 13.1 Interaction between water quality modules

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Table 13.1 Problem types and processes

Type of problem Processes to be used

Single event pollution spill at weirs and pollution loads
to treatment plants
z Dissolved pollutants z AD, AD/BP
z Sediment attached pol- z AD/ST,
lutants AD/BP/ST
z Sediments z ST
Sedimentation in sewers
z Uniform sediments
z Graded sediments
Pollution of receiving waters from surface catchments
& pollution input to pipe system
z Sediments
z Sediments attached pol- SRQ
z Dissolved pollutants

13.2 Surface Runoff Quality (SRQ)

Surface Runoff Quality is used to generate input for the sediment trans-
port, advection-dispersion or water quality computation in the underlying
pipe model. The Surface Runoff Quality module consists of three models:

z a model for the description of the accumulation (build-up) and wash-

off of particles on the catchment surface;
z a model for the description of the surface transport of pollutants
attached to the sediments;
z a model for the description of the build-up and wash-out of dissolved
pollutants in gully pots.
The Build-up/Wash-off model consists of two sub-models: a model for the
description of the accumulation of particles on the catchment and a model
for the description of the detachment of particles by rainfall and subse-
quent routing of the wash-off by the overland flow.

The model works with two sediment fractions, a fine and a coarse, each
fraction characterised by its mean diameter. The fine fraction typically has


Surface Runoff Quality (SRQ)

a particle size less than 0.1 mm and is limited in supply. On the contrary,
the coarse fraction is typically unlimited in supply. Thus, for the coarse
fraction, transport capacity is always satisfied and, therefore, the build-up
description is only applicable to the fine sediment fraction to determine
the mass available for transport.

The surface sediment transport model is based on the hydrological models

available in MOUSE, i.e. the Surface Runoff Model A and the Surface
Runoff Model B. In model sediment is routed according to the hydrologi-
cal description in the surface runoff model. Output from the model con-
sists of time series of sediment transport or concentration mass and
accumulated mass for each sediment fraction. In addition, a time series of
mass of the fine sediment fraction on the surface is available. The Sedi-
ment and Pollutants model is an optional model, which describes the
attachment of pollutants to the sediment. Output from the model consists
of time series of mass or concentration and ac-cumulated mass of pollut-
ants attached to the two sediment fractions.

13.2.1 Surface Sediment Data Dialogs

The data for the surface sediment transport calculation is entered and
edited through dedicated editors accessible under the 'MOUSE|Water
Quality'-menu. The data for the surface sediment model consists of data
for the Build-up/Wash-off model, data for the Sediment and Pollutant
model and data for the Gully Pot model.

MOUSE| Water Quality| SRQ Main Parameters

The sediment parameters used in the build-up/wash-off computations are
specified under 'MOUSE|Water Quality| SRQ Main Parameters.

The parameters for the build-up/wash-off model can be specified in the

dialog displayed in the SRQ Main Parameters dialog Figure 13.2.The
'Build Up Method' defines build up method for the fine sediment on the
surface. A linear build-up function, or an exponential function, can be

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Figure 13.2 The SRQ Main Parameters dialog

Most of the parameters are self-explanatory. ADWP stands for "Anteced-

ent Dry Weather Period", and is responsible for the determination of initial
amount of surface sediments.

Notice that if the load generated from the washoff simulation subse-
quently is supposed to be used as input in a pipe model, then it is impera-
tive that the "Save as concentration" is left un-checked.

MOUSE| Water Quality| SRQ Attached Pollutants

Information related to the pollutants attached to the sediments on the
catchment surface is edited under 'MOUSE|Water Quality| SRQ Attached

The parameters of relevance include pollutant-sediment ratio and the dis-

tribution of the pollutant among the fine and coarse sediment fractions.


Surface Runoff Quality (SRQ)

Figure 13.3 The SRQ Attached Pollutants dialog

MOUSE| Water Quality| SRQ Gully Pot Data

The data supplied to the Gully pot model facilitate description of the
build-up of dissolved pollutants in the gully pots during dry weather and
the wash-out of dissolved pollutants from the gully pots during storm

Data for description of the build-up of pollutants for each component each
must be specified. During dry weather flow, the concentration of dissolved
pollutants will build-up according to a user-specified linear build-up func-
tion, with a maximum threshold value. During storms, all sediment is
routed straight through the gully pots and a simple mixing model is used
to mix the incoming water with the gully pot liquor.

The data for the gully pots are specified and edited under 'MOUSE|Water
Quality| SRQ Gully Pot Data - see Figure 13.4.

The parameters of relevance include initial concentration, build-up rate

and maximum concentration for each of the pollutants

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Figure 13.4 The SRQ Gully Pot Data dialog

13.3 Advection-Dispersion (AD)

The Advection-Dispersion model can be used for calculation of the trans-
port of dissolved or suspended substances, age of water, blend in percent
between two sources, and for modelling of water temperature variation
within the sewer network. The model is based on the one-dimensional
transport equations for dissolved material. The equations reflect two trans-
port mechanisms: the advective (or convective) transport with the mean
flow velocity and the dispersive transport due to concentration gradients
in the water. The transport equations are solved by use of an implicit finite
difference scheme, which is fully time and space centred, in order to mini-
mize the numerical dispersion. The main assumptions of the model are:

z The considered substance is completely mixed over the cross-sections.

This implies that a source/sink term is considered to mix instantane-
ously over the cross-section;
z The substance is conservative or subject to a first order reaction (linear
z Fick's diffusion law can be applied, i.e. the dispersive transport is pro-
portional to the concentration gradient.
Special considerations have been given to the transport at manholes and
other structures. More information on the technical background of the
model is given in the ”MOUSE Pollution Transport Reference” manual.

The Advection-Dispersion model requires two types of data: time series of

concentrations at the model boundaries and data for full definition of the


Advection-Dispersion (AD)

components to be modeled, e.g. initial concentrations, dispersion coeffi-

cients and decay rates.

13.3.1 Advection-Dispersion Data Dialogs

MOUSE| Water Quality| AD Components

Each of the components (substances) to be included in the Advection-Dis-
persion computations must be specified in the is Data dialog, shown in the
AD Components dialog, shown in Figure 13.5. The naming of component
is absolutely flexible, and no "reserved" or "standard" component names
are prescribed.

Figure 13.5 The AD Components dialog

The specified pollution components can be declared as 'Dissolved', 'Sus-

pended', 'Total', 'Bacteria', 'Temperature' ‘Water Age’, ‘Water Blend’ and
'Other'. This categorization is needed for correct handling of units: mass
per volume (dissolved, suspended, total, other), counts per volume (bacte-
ria), water age in hours, water blend in %, and degrees (temperature).
When working with water-quality model, this categorization is further
supplemented with other parameters, in order to apply the components in
the WQ model properly. Practically, each of the specified components can
be connected to a 'standard' component in the WQ module. By these
means the WQ module 'knows' how to treat each component.

For each component, specification of an initial condition and decay coeffi-

cient can be specified. The decay coefficient cannot be given for water age

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

and water blend type. If the specification of the initial concentration for a
certain component has been omitted, a zero concentration is automatically
applied. Water blend concentration must always be given as a number
between 0 and 100 percent, and the sum of the two blend components
must add up to 100 percent.

Local initial conditions for dissolved or suspended pollutants, water blend,

water age and temperature can be specified under 'MOUSE|Water Qual-
ity|Conditions Local'., This editor can that be also be accessed directly
from the 'AD Components' editor, by pressing the ''Edit'' button.

Figure 13.6 The AD Initial Conditions Local dialog

The initial conditions are specified for individual nodes. The initial condi-
tions in the connected conduits is calculated by linear interpolation of the
concentrations specified in the upstream and downstream nodes.

By defining decay constants, non-conservative components can be speci-

fied. For such non-conservative component the concentration is assumed
to decay according to the first order expression:

------- = KC (13.1)


K = the decay coefficient (h-1)

C = the concentration

The decay constant is defined as an uniform decay over the entire model.


Advection-Dispersion (AD)

The AD model can be run with the components specifications only. In this
case all model specific parameters (decay constant, dispersion coefficient,
initial concentration) as well as boundary conditions are set to zero.

Please not that the sum of the two blend components must always add up
to 100.

MOUSE | Water Quality | AD Dispersion

The dispersion coefficient is specified as a function of the flow velocity.
The function is given as:

D = au (13.2)


D = the dispersion coefficient (m2/s),

a = the dispersion factor,

u = the flow velocity (m/s),

b = a dimensionless exponent.

If the exponent is set equal to zero, then the dispersion coefficient is con-
stant and independent of the flow velocity. The unit for the dispersion fac-
tor will then be m2/s. If the exponent is 1, i.e. the dispersion coefficient is
a linear function of the flow velocity, then the unit of the dispersion factor
will be meter, and the dispersion factor will in this case be equal to what is
generally termed the dispersivity. It is possible to specify values of the
minimum and the maximum dispersion coefficients, in order to limit the
range of the dispersion coefficient calculated during the simulation.

Figure 13.7 The AD Dispersion dialog

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

The dispersion coefficient can be given either globally or locally. The glo-
bal description will be used at all locations except for those pipes where
local conditions have been specified in the menu. In the example above
the global statement indicates that a constant dispersion coefficient of 2.00
m2/s is applicable, and independent of the flow velocity (the exponent is

For two conduits (see the example below), the dispersion coefficients
specified locally, 'overrule' the global specification and prescribe a con-
stant dispersion coefficient of 4 m2/s.

Figure 13.8 The AD Dispersion Local dialog

Advection-Dispersion and Open Boundary Conditions

The main purpose of specifying an open boundary condition is to enable
exchange of mass between the MOUSE network and the surroundings
(recipient) during the computations. If only inflow takes place at a bound-
ary, then it is not necessary to specify a boundary as an open boundary.
Open boundaries are normally located at outlets.

The presence of the open boundaries in the model is declared in the

'MOUSE|Boundary Conditions|External water levels’ (see description of
boundary conditions).

A special consideration must be given to the open boundaries in the

Advection-Dispersion model. At an open boundary a boundary time


Biological Processes (BP)

series, containing either transport or concentration in the receiving waters

must be specified.

If the flow is directed out of the model, the concentrations or transport at

the boundary are computed from the concentrations or transport within the
model area. In this case the concentration or transport outside the model
area is assumed not to influence the conditions in the model area.

If a flow reversal takes place so that flow is directed from the receiving
waters into the model area, the specified time series of boundary concen-
trations or transport are used and assumed to be unaffected by the previous
outflow from the model area. A parameter K-mix is used to ensure a
smooth transition between the calculated concentration or transport at the
boundary before the flow reversal and the specified time series of bound-
ary concentrations. The description of K-mix is given in the "MOUSE
Pollution Transport Reference" manual.

13.4 Biological Processes (BP)

This part of MOUSE deals with the transport and transformation of a
number of chemical compounds and biological constituents found in
sewer systems. These constituents are first of all organic material meas-
ured as biological or chemical oxygen demand (BOD and COD respec-
tively), which can affect the oxygen content of the water. Other
compounds are the nutrients (ammonia and phosphate), the heavy metals
and various other organic or inorganic pollutants including bacteria from
human and animal wastes.

The determinants that can be analyzed using BP are:

z BOD/COD (organic matter) and oxygen

z Ammonia and phosphate
z Heavy metals
z Bacteria : Total and Faecal Coliform and Streptococci
z Pollutants attached to sediments
The BP-module is coupled to the AD-module. This means that while the
AD-module simulates the transport process, the BP-module deals with the
simultaneous transforming processes of the com-pounds in the sewer. The
AD-module is running in parallel to the BP-module when the WQ-module
is activated.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

The BP module has been constructed to be as flexible as possible. This has

resulted in a structure where the determinants mentioned above can be
studied individually or rather in the groups indicated above.

13.4.1 Biologoical Processes Dialog (MOUSE|Water Quality|WQ Process Model)

The determinants included in BP are distributed in 6 groups as shown in
the menu.

Group 1 includes the aspects of the classical BOD/DO problem, e.g. the
degradation of organic material and subsequent consumption of oxygen.
The oxygen demand can be specified as BOD or as COD. The processes
included in the simulation of these parameters are the degradation of
organic material and the resulting oxygen consumption and the reaeration
of oxygen.

Group 2 includes nutrients relevant for sewer systems, e.g. the reduced
form of nitrogen - ammonia/ammonium and phosphate. The nutrients are
modeled as conservative substances.

Group 3 is the heavy metals. The model does not a priori determines
which metals to be included. This is defined by the user. The Heavy met-
als are modeled similarly to the nutrients, e.g. as conservative substances.

Group 4 is bacteria arising from human and animal wastes. Three groups
of bacteria can be modeled : faecal coliform, total coliform and strepto-
cocci. The coliform bacteria are assumed to be subject to a decay (death)
that depends on the temperature.

Group 5 and 6 are facilities for specifying the parameters needed when
pollutants are modeled as sediment attached. This can be any pollutant
(BOD, heavy metals etc).

The processes are described theoretically in the "MOUSE Biological

Processes Reference" manual. Here, a general explanation of the proc-
esses and inventory of the required input parameters are given in connec-
tion to the discussion about relevant data forms.

The determinants included in this group is the BOD/COD and dissolved

oxygen. The BOD is modeled as two fractions: the dissolved and readily
degradable BOD and the suspended BOD that is degraded slower and of
which a part is the heterotrophic bacteria responsible for the degradation
of a part of the dissolved BOD. The dissolved BOD can also in some cases
besides the degradation by the bacteria, be degraded in a biofilm at the
inside of the sewer pipe and at the water surface.


Biological Processes (BP)

Figure 13.9 The processes included in the modelling of BOD/COD - dissolved

oxygen problems in sewer pipes modeled with MOUSE

The general parameters for the BOD/COD - DO processes are inserted

through the data dialog shown dialog in the WQ Process model dialog.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Figure 13.10The WQ Process model dialog

The reaeration is a relevant process in cases of non-full flow in the pipes.

An empirical expression based on measurements in sewer pipes is pro-
vided to simulate the reaeration process. The reaeration rate is modeled as
a function of the flow velocity, the mean hydraulic water depth and the
pipe slope. The reaeration rate is also dependent on the temperature
expresses by an Arrhenius temperature coefficient. The reaeration con-
stant is calculated at 20°C and adjusted to the actual temperature by means
of the temperature coefficient.

The constants in this expression can be changed by the user (totally three
constants). Besides these constants a temperature coefficient can be speci-

The Group 4 of determinants is the bacteria that can be faecal and total
coliform bacteria and streptococci. Most pathogenic microorganisms are
usually unable to multiply or survive for extensive periods in the aquatic


Sediment Transport (ST)

environment. Sedimentation, starvation, pH changes, temperature plus

competition with and predation by other naturally occurring microorgan-
isms are factors involved in the decay of pathogenic bacteria in the marine

Eschericia coli (E. coli) is one of the dominant species in faeces from
human and warm-blooded animals. The organism itself is normally con-
sidered non-pathogenic, but is very often used as indicator organism for
faecal pollution and hence a potential of real pathogenic organisms (e.g.
other bacteria and vira). Infections obtained from bathing waters are most
often caused by vira, protozoas, Shigella and Campylobacter.

Enteric bacteria die-off can be modeled very well by a first order decay
reaction. However, the die-off constant or decay rate is highly variable due
to interaction by environmental factors on bacterial die-off. The main fac-
tors are suspected to be: light, temperature and salinity variations. In sew-
ers, the only relevant factor among these to include is the temperature.
Other less important factors are, e.g. predation,sedimentation and the
amount of available nutrients.

For each bacteria group, a first order decay rate at 20ºC has to be specified
together with a temperature coefficient.

C1  C2 ----------- u
 gdm
K2 = ----------------------------------------- (13.3)

13.5 Sediment Transport (ST)

MOUSE supports the computation of non-cohesive sediment transport by
means of four different sediment transport formulae. Each of the sediment
transport formulae can be used in any of the sediment transport models
available in MOUSE ST. The sediment transport models are of different
levels of complexity. The most simple model calculates only the hydraulic
resistance from sediment deposits in the pipes and the most complex
model is a full morphological model for graded sediment. The sediment
transport models and the sediment transport formulae are briefly described
below. For more detailed technical outlines of the sediment transport mod-
els and the sediment transport formula, refer to the “MOUSE Pollution
Transport Reference” manual.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

13.5.1 The Sediment Transport Models in MOUSE ST

The sediment transport models in MOUSE ST can be divided into two

z explicit models,
z morphological models.
The main difference between the two model types is that in the explicit
models the bed levels are fixed during the simulation. In the morphologi-
cal models the bed levels / sediment deposits are updated dynamically
during the simulation.

The Explicit Sediment Transport Models

In the explicit sediment transport models the bed level is fixed throughout
the simulation and the only feed-back from the sediment transport compu-
tations to the hydrodynamics is established via the Manning number. The
sediment transport capacity is calculated in time and space as an explicit
function of the corresponding hydrodynamic flow parameters, i.e. the
model calculates a potential sediment transport and no sediment is moved
around in the system. The explicit models are in general used to:

z investigate the hydraulic capacity in pipes with sediment deposits;

z calculation of the sediment transport at locations where the bed levels
changes are insignificant during a simulation.
In order to select an explicit sediment transport model, leave the checkbox
"Apply Morphological Modeling” on the dialog 'MOUSE | Water Quality |
ST Main Parameters' unchecked.

The Morphological Models

The morphological models in MOUSE TRAP ST are:

z morphological model for uniform sediment,

z morphological model for non-uniform sediment.
In the morphological models the sediment transport continuity equation is
solved, based on the corresponding values of the hydrodynamic parame-
ters (i.e. discharge, water levels, etc). The feedback to the hydrodynamic
module is established through dynamically changed flow area and flow
resistance number.

The morphological model for uniform sediment uses one grain diameter at
each point in the sewer system to calculate the sediment transport. In the
morphological model for non-uniform sediment it is possible to calculate
the sediment transport from a range of grain diameters. For the transport


Sediment Transport (ST)

of fine organic particles some of the non-uniform sediment fractions can

be chosen to be transported by use of the Advection-Dispersion transport
formulation instead of the non-cohesive sediment transport formula, as the
transport of particles transported in suspension is better described by used
of the advection-dispersion equation. The fractions transported by the
advection-dispersion module are still included in the morphological calcu-
lation, but the description of erosion/deposition is changed.

Note, the morphological models require sediment or bed level boundary

conditions at all inflow boundaries. In order to chose the morphological
sediment transport model type, check the checkbox "Apply Morphologi-
cal Modeling" on the dialog 'MOUSE | Water Quality | ST Main Parame-

13.5.2 The Transport Formulae - Short Description

The following four non-cohesive sediment transport formulae are imple-
mented in MOUSE TRAP ST:

z Engelund - Hansen;
z Ackers - White;
z Engelund - Fredsøe - Deigaard;
z van Rijn.
Short descriptions of the sediment transport formulae are given below. No
general guidelines can be given for the preference of one formulation over
another, as the applicability of each depends on a number of factors.

All these formulae demonstrate that the sediment transport is a highly

non-linear function of the flow velocity: depending on the formulation, the
sediment transport is proportional to the velocity raised to the power from
3 to 5. Hence, the user should be very careful in the description of the
hydrodynamics in the model setup.

The Ackers-White formulae

The formulae determine directly the total sediment transport. The formu-
lae are semi-empirical, based partly on dimensional analysis and partly on
physical arguments.

The Engelund-Hansen formula

The formula determines the total sediment transport directly. It has been
derived from consideration of the work done by the flow on the sediment
being transported. Originally, the formula was derived for a dune covered
bed, but it was found applicable to the upper regimes (plane bed and anti-
dunes) as well.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

The Engelund-Fredsøe-Deigaard formulae

The formulae calculate the total transport as the sum of the bed load trans-
port and the suspended transport. The sediment transport is calculated
from the skin friction, i.e. the shear stress acting on the surface of the bed.
In this formulae it is possible to describe the development of sand dunes in
pipes and hence include the resulting friction into the computations. The
total bed resistance is then calculated as the sum of a contribution from the
skin friction acting on the dune and an expansion loss behind the dune.

The van Rijn formulae

In the van Rijn sediment transport formulae the sediment transport is
divided into bed load and suspended load. The bed load is calculated from
the saltation height, the particle velocity and the bed load concentration.
The bed load computations follow the approach of Bagnold (1973), which
assumes that the motion of the bed load particles is dominated by the grav-
ity forces. When the bed shear velocity exceeds the fall velocity sediment
is transported in suspension.

The suspended load is calculated as the depth integration of the local con-
centration and flow velocity. The method uses the reference concentration
computed from the bed load transport. The formula has been verified for
particles in the range 200 - 2000 mm. The verification based on 600 data
sets, showed that 77% of the predicted bed load rates were within 0.5 and
2 times the observed values, van Rijn (1984a). The verification for the
suspended load, using 800 data sets showed that 76% of the predicted val-
ues were within 0.5 and 2 times the observed values, van Rijn (1984b).

13.5.3 The Flow Resistance in Sewer Systems with Sediment Deposits

The hydraulic resistance in the sewer originates from the pipe wall and
from the sediment deposits on the bottom of the sewer. The resistance
from the sediment deposits consists of two contributions, one part origi-
nates from the grain friction and the other part originates from the expan-
sion loss behind the bed forms. The dimensions of the bed forms are
determined by the sediment transport and the flow, the resistance from the
bed forms can be described through sediment transport formulae.

The average shear stress in a pipe with sediment deposits is calculated

from the Einstein side-wall elimination procedure. The calculation is
based on the pipe roughness and the bed shear stress calculated from the
sediment deposits.

13.5.4 Sediment Transport Data Dialogs

The data dialogs under the Menu option "MOUSE|Water Quality" contain
input parameters to the sediment transport model - MOUSE ST. The data


Sediment Transport (ST)

are e.g. sediment grain diameter, relative density of the sediment, critical
bed shear stress, type of sediment transport model, etc.

MOUSE | Water Quality | ST Main Parameters

Figure 13.11 ST Main Parameters dialog

Selection of the sediment transport formulae and type of model takes

place in the Data Dialog "MOUSE| Water Quality| ST Main Parameters".

In a case when it has been chosen to calculate the bed shear stress during
the simulation, the updated values will be used in the hydraulic computa-
tions. This implies that the Manning number specified for the bed may
vary during the simulation. A detailed description of how the shear stress
is calculated is given in the “MOUSE Pollution Transport Reference”
manual. If it has been chosen to update the bed level then a morphological
model is run during the simulation. Hence, boundary conditions in terms
of time series of sediment transport, bed levels and/or available fraction
percentages, must be specified at every point where inflow occurs in the
sewer network. If it has been chosen not to update the bed level, then an
explicit sediment transport model is run during the simulation and bound-
ary conditions for sediment transport are not required. The results of an
explicit sediment transport calculation represent the potential sediment

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Additional parameters to the sediment transport modeling are also speci-

fied in this dialog. Default values are supplied automatically for all param-
eters, but as these parameters are very important for the calculation of the
sediment transport, this menu must be edited before a sediment transport
calculation can be carried out.

The various model parameters represent the following:

z Relative Density of the sediment, (density of the mineral sediment, rel-

ative to water)
z Porosity, (sediment porosity)
z Theta critical, (the critical Shields' parameter)
z Relative Density of fine sediment (AD), (density of the fine sediment
containing organic material, relative to water)
The default values of computation parameters are typical values, but the
actual values of viscosity, density and porosity should be substituted as
appropriate. The parameter Theta critical should not be altered unless the
user is familiar with the consequences. For a more detailed description of
these parameters refer to the related equations in the “MOUSE Pollution
Transport Reference” manual.

The initial depth of the sediment deposits, the bed shear stress caused by
the sediment deposits and variation of the critical bed shear stress as a
function of the initial sediment depth.

The depth of the initial sediment deposits should be specified relative to

the bottom level of the pipe.

The bed shear stress from the sediment deposits can be specified in three

z the bed shear stress is calculated from the local mean grain diameter
according to:

M = ----------------------
( 2,5d )

where d is the mean grain diameter,

z the bed shear stress is the Manning's M taken from the dialog.


Sediment Transport (ST)

If “Computed” is selected then the software computes an equivalent

roughness from the sediment grain size.

The variation of the critical bed shear stress can be given as a function of
the initial sediment depth as long as only erosion occurs. If deposition
occurs, the critical bed shear stress is set equal to the Shields critical bed
shear stress. This value of the critical bed shear stress will be used as long
as the depth of the sediment deposit is larger than the maximum depth to
which the initial sediment deposit has been eroded.

This can be summarized in the following expression:

If the actual sediment depth > maximum eroded sediment depth then

τ c = τ c, Shields (13.5)


y sediment  EXP
τ C = τ bot + ( τ top – τ bot ) ×  ------------------------- (13.6)
 y initialdepth


τbot = the critical bed shear stress at the bottom of the pipe,

τbot = the critical bed shear stress at top of the initial sediment deposit,

ysediment = the actual depth of the sediment deposit,

yinitial depth = the initial depth of the sediment deposit.

MOUSE| Water Quality | ST Sediment Fractions

The grain diameter may be specified for nodes in the network. In the links
connecting two nodes with different specified grain diameters, the grain
sizes are linearly interpolated.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Figure 13.12 ST Sediment Fractions dialog

This dialog allows for the specification of the input data required for the
simulation of graded sediment transport and sediment sorting.

The bed material is represented by two layers, an active layer overlying an

inactive, passive layer. Each layer is divided into an equal number of frac-
tions. A mean grain size for each fraction and the percentage distribution
for both layers must be specified. The sum of the initial percentages for all
the layers must equal 100 %. The model assumes that the initial division
between active and passive layer is 50-50 %. If the fall velocity is speci-
fied to zero, then it will be calculated by the program. The equations used
for the fall velocity calculation are given in the “MOUSE Pollution Trans-
port Reference” manual.

The 'Transport Mode' combo-box allows for the choice whether the sedi-
ment fraction is transported with ordinary non-cohesive sediment trans-
port formulations, or the fraction is transported by the Advection-
Dispersion formulations. The transport of fine organic sediment fractions
is better described by use of an Advection-Dispersion transport formula-
tion instead of the non-cohesive sediment transport formulae. If it has
been selected to transport the fraction with the Advection-Dispersion
model then the critical shear stress for deposition τcd, the critical shear
stress for erosion τce and the erodibility coefficient must be specified. The
morphological changes resulting from the sediments transported by the
Advection-Dispersion formulations are still included in the calculation of
the bed level, but the changes in bed levels are now calculated from
source/sink terms. For further information, refer to the “MOUSE Pollution
Transport Reference” manual.


Sediment Transport (ST)

MOUSE | Water Quality | ST Initial Sediment Depth Local

The initial sediment depth can be specified either locally or globally, glo-
bally it is done on “MOUSE| Water Quality| Main Parameters”.

Figure 13.13 ST Initial Sediment Depth Local

MOUSE| Water Quality| ST Sediment Removal Basins

Sediments can be removed from nodes (tanks, basins) according to the

W s  –n
E = 1 –  1 + ----------------------
- (13.7)
 nx ( Q ⁄ A )


E = efficiency

Ws = setting velocity

n = removal coefficient

Q = flow into basin

A = surface area of the basin

The calculated efficiency multiplied with the inflowing sediment transport

gives the amount of the sediment retained in the structure. There is no
updating of the bed level in the structure.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Figure 13.14 ST Removal Basins dialog

MOUSE | Water Quality| ST Sediment Removal Weirs

There are three methods available for removal of sediments in weirs.

z Constant efficiency factor.

z User-specified relation between efficiency and discharge towards the
z Efficiency as a function of fall velocity and velocity of the approaching
Depending on which type of weirs is selected (central weir or vortex sepa-
rator), different default values of constants which are used in a reversed
normal distribution curve will be given.


Sediment Transport (ST)

Figure 13.15 ST Removal Weirs dialog

13.5.5 Boundary Conditions for the Sediment Transport Model

Boundary conditions for the ST module can be specified via sediment
transport results from a surface calculation (.SMR-file) and/or via the
boundary connection system. It is possible to connect sediment loads or
concentrations to nodes in this system either as time series, constant val-
ues or cyclic patterns. Boundary conditions must be specified at all inflow
points in the sediment transport model. Hence, if a water level at an outlet
results in inflow to the model, a boundary condition must be specified at
this location for the morphological model. An appropriate boundary con-
dition at such a location will often be to specify the sediment transport
equal to zero.

Computation with Sediment Transport model

A ST simulation is started from the MOUSE Pipe Flow Computation Dia-

log. Both the explicit and the morphological sediment transport model run
in parallel with the hydrodynamic model.

The main limitations to the time step in the sediment transport calculation
are the boundary conditions. Both the hydrodynamic and the morphologi-
cal boundary conditions should be well resolved. Finally the calculated
changes in the bed level should be sufficiently small in order not to gener-
ate instabilities in the hydrodynamic calculations.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Notice that additional functionality for the ST module may be available

through input data in the DHIAPP.ini or additional parameter file (*.adp).

13.6 Storm Water Quality

The MOUSE Stormwater Quality modelling features provide possibilities
in conjunction with MOUSE AD for modelling transport of pollutants
from surface water and through the pipe network. The module adds func-
tionality to MOUSE focusing on wash off and transport of suspended sed-
iments, heavy metals and dissolved pollutants from surface water and
infiltration. Additionally, the module allows modeling of "Treatment
nodes". These are typically stormwater ponds, small wetlands, infiltration
and retention basins.

Although the module is aimed at stormwater applications it can easily be

applied for combined sewer systems. For combined systems dry weather
concentrations can be described. This enables modelling of spatially and
time varying distribution of pollutants concentrations in domestic sewage.

13.6.1 Assigning concentrations of pollutants to runoff and infiltrations

It is possible to assign variable concentrations to the runoff and infiltration
for each pollutant component specified in the MU CS Pollution Transport

The functionality is aimed at modelling the pollutant loads from runoff

and infiltration water and is implemented in all the runoff models of the
MOUSE engine.

The concentrations of a given pollutant can be given for each specific

catchment. For one catchment it is possible to give a concentration on the
slow runoff component (SRC) and the fast runoff component (FRC) or
override these settings stating a concentration for the total runoff (TOT).
Instead of fixed concentrations it is possible to state a name of a tabular
data set. The tabular data set should then hold a table with concentrations
versus normalised flow, i.e. the runoff divided by the total catchment area.


Storm Water Quality

Figure 13.16 Assigning surface runoff pollutants

The concentrations given as input data described above come from a con-
sideration of pollutant loads and land use types for the various catchments.
These can be difficult to assess. The requirements for a GIS analysis,
using MIKE URBAN, are thematic maps of different land-use types such
as buildings, traffic area, industrial area and areas with dense traffic.The
catchment processing tool, MOUSE|Catchment Tools|Catchment Process-
ing, can be used to assign concentrations based on these thematic maps.

Figure 13.17 Using the catchment processing tool for assigning concentrations

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Concentrations for different pollutants are assigned to the various land-use

types and are combined with the sub-catchments. Typical pollutant con-
centrations are provided in Table 13.2.

Table 13.2 Concentration for various pollutants

Pollutant Normal Low conc. High conc. Baseflow Unit

conc. conc.
TSS 100 30 400 5 mg/l
Cd 0.5 0.15 1.5 0.005 µg/l
Cu 30 15 100 5 µg/l
Zn 130 50 400 10 µg/l
Tot-N 1.8 0.6 3.5 0.2 mg/l
PO4 100 25 300 0.01 µg/l
BOD 0.075*TSS 0.075*TSS 0.075*TSS 0.075*TSS mg/l

Table 13.3 The edit fields for the surface runoff pollutants dialog

Edit field Description

Catchment ID The ID of the catchment. It is recommeended
to add pollutants only to catchments with a
surface runoff areas
Pollutant compo- The ID name of the pollutant component in
nent the AD model
Method Method = Cst concentration (method 1),
Table concentration (method 2), EMC
formula (method 3)
For all methods values in the fields for
total concentrations (TOT) overrides set-
tings specified for SRC and FRC.
SRC concentration Constant concentration value for the slow run-
off component. Only used in RDI models.
FRC concentration Constant concentration value for the fast run-
off component. This is also the component
used in the model A, B, C and UHM.
TOT concentration Constant concentration value for the total run-
off component. Can be used in all models.
SRC dataset ID Only applied with method 2. ID identifier for
the tabular dataset applied to the slow runoff


Storm Water Quality

Table 13.3 The edit fields for the surface runoff pollutants dialog

Edit field Description

FRC dataset ID Only applied with method 2. ID identifier for
the tabular data set applied to the fast runoff
TOT dataset ID Only applied with method 2. ID identifier for
the tabular data set applied to the total runoff
K Only applied with method 3. K factor used in
the formula.
Event threshold Threshold that defines when a runoff event
starts and stops. Events with flows less than
the treshold are seen as dry weather when cal-
culating the antcendent dry weather period
ADWP initial The initial ADWP used before the first runoff
event is detected in the data.
ADWP minimum If the duration between two events is smaller
than the ADWP minimum then the two events
are perceived as only one event.
Exponent Only applied with method 3. Exponent used in
the formula.

Cst. concentration (method 1)

The specified constant values of concentrations are assigned to the runoff
and infiltration water.

Table concentration (method 2)

The concentration is based on a lookup in a set of tabular data given in the
MOUSE menu system for tabular data, MOUSE|Curves & Relations. The
runoff discharge divided with the total catchment area is the value from
which the concentration is determined, i.e. c(t) = f( Q(t)/Atot ). Values are
interpolated linearly between datasets. The tabular data editor in MOUSE
is missing the Conc. vs. Q/A datatype. Data should be entered as a Qh-
relation. The h-column should be filled by flow/total catchment area and
concentration provided in the Q-column.

EMC formula (method 3)

The event mean concentration (EMC) is computed based on the following

EMC = SMC ⋅ K ⋅ ADWP exponent

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

As site mean concentration (SMC) is taken the specified constant concen-

tration value (FRC Concentration). The K-factor and the "exponent" is
given as input data and the antecedent dry weather period (ADWP) is
determined from the runoff from the given catchment. The method only
applies for the FRC runoff component.

13.6.2 Local treatment nodes

Through specification of local treatment node it is possible to apply a
removal efficiency to nodes in the model. This enables modelling of
stormwater ponds, small wetlands, infiltration and retention basins.

Based on the layout of the basin or pond, the hydraulic load and the type
of pollutant the removal efficiency is computed and the corresponding
amount of pollutant is removed during the simulation with the MIKE
URBAN Collection System Pollutant Transport module.

Figure 13.18 Local treatment nodes


Storm Water Quality

Table 13.4 The edit fields for local treatment nodes

Edit field Description

Node ID The node ID that acts as a local treatment node.
Typically basins, but not required.
Hydraulic effi- The hydraulic efficiency is determined on
ciency basis of the shape and layout of the pond.
The following figures and table shows a
number of examples that can help to deter-
mine the hydraulic coefficient. When
decided on the basin type that resembles the
one that needs modelling the hydraulic effi-
ciency can be interpreted from the table
below. The values have been obtained from
numerical simulations with the 2D model
MIKE 21, which is recommended if high
accuracy is of importance.

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Table 13.4 The edit fields for local treatment nodes

Edit field Description

Basin volume Basin volume used for the computation. If a neg-
ative value, e.g. -1 is stated, then the volume is
computed from the geometry given.
Average time win- In connection with the computation of the
dow removal efficiency the average inflow to the
basin is used. The average is computed as a mov-
ing average with a time window equal to the
average time window. As default this is set to
43200 minutes (one month).
Method The volume load is defined as the average
flow divided with the basin volume. If Aver-
age Method is 1 then the volume load is
computed as the initial AvgFlow parameter
divided by BasinVol, i.e. no moving average
is computed. If AvgMethod is 2 then it is the
moving average that is divided by BasinVol
Average start up Until the average window is filled up with real
flow model data the average start up is used as an ini-
tial value.
xxx component ID identifier of the attaining pollutant component
xxx cleaning rela- The final removal efficiency is computed based
tion on a polynomium. The nine coefficients for this
are given in the local treatment coefficients.
xxx average con- The computed removal efficiency is adjusted
centration based on the level of the incoming average con-
centration to the node. The average concentration
is computed the same way as the average flow
and is using the same average time and average

Figure 13.19 Various ponds and basins

The treatment node relations are used from the treatment relationships, see
Figure 13.20.


Storm Water Quality

Figure 13.20 Local treatment relationship

Table 13.5 Proportions of the basins or ponds

Type Length [m] Width [m] Depth [m]

G1 300 60 1
G2 132 132 0.5, 1 and 2
G3 200 114 1
G4 188 96 0.5, 1 and 2
G5 132 132 1
G6 144 124 1
G7 236 76 1

Table 13.6 Edit fields for local treatment relationships

Edit field
Relationship ID for the relation
A1-3, B1-3, C1-3 Coefficients used in the polynomium
Low concentration Typical low concentration of incoming pollutants
to the treatment node
High concentra- Typical high concentration of incoming pollut-
tion ants to the treatment node
Normal concentra- Typical normal concentration of incoming pollut-
tion ants to the treatment node

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

Table 13.6 Edit fields for local treatment relationships

Edit field
Factor low conc Correction factor for changing the computed
removal efficiency over the time period of aver-
age time is equal to the low concentration
Facor normal conc Correction factor for changing the computed
removal efficiency over the time period of aver-
age time is equal to the normal concentration
Factor hi conc Correction factor for changing the computed
removal efficiency over the time period of aver-
age time is equal to the high concentration

For average concentrations which are somewhere in between the sets of

data given for low, normal and high, the correction factor is linearly inter-
polated. Typical correction factors are given in below table.

Table 13.7 Typical correction factors

Pollutant TSS BOD Ntot PO4 Cu Cd Zn

Low conc 0.7 1.0 2.2 1.1 0.6 0.5 0.6
Normal conc 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
High conc 1.1 0.9 0.4 0.6 1.6 1.4 1.7

The polynomium for calculating the removal efficiency in % is stated as

R = ( A1 h 2 + B1 h + C1 ) ⋅ q 2 + ( A2 h 2 + B2 h + C2 ) ⋅ q 2 + ( A3 h 2 + B3 h + C3 ) ⋅ q 2
h : hydraulic efficiency (%)
q : volume load 1e −3 (m 3 / h) / m 3

Table 13.8 Hydraulic efficiency corresponding to basin G1-G7

Type Hydraulic efficiency

G1 0.93
G2 0.3
G3 0.96


Storm Water Quality

Table 13.8 Hydraulic efficiency corresponding to basin G1-G7

Type Hydraulic efficiency

G4 0.58
G5 0.52
G6 0.39
G7 0.69
G2, 2 m depth 0.17
G2, 0.5 m depth 0.37
G4, 2 m depth 0.34
G4, 0.5 m depth 0.7

Figure 13.21 The coefficients for a number of pollutants have been determined
through MIKE 21 simulations

In order to avoid unrealistic results a number of bounds have been set:

z Removal efficiency must be between 1 and 95%

z Volume load must be between 2.5 e-3 and 30 e-3 ([m3/ h]/m3)
z Hydraulic efficiency must be between 30% and 90%

Modelling Water Quality with MOUSE

To sum up the methodology, for each treatment node and for each pollut-

1 The hydraulic efficiency is determined based on the size and shape of

the basin.
2 The volume load is determined as average flow divide with the basin
3 The removal efficiency is calculated based on the volume load, hydrau-
lic efficiency and the pollutant relation given by the nine coefficients.
4 The average pollutant concentration is determined.
5 The removal efficiency is computed and adjusted with the correction
6 The removed load for the current time step is computed and subtracted
in the MU CS Pollution Transport module.


User Guide

Terms and Concept


14.1 Terms and Concept

SWMM allows for the hydrodynamic simulation of flows and water levels
in urban storm drainage and wastewater collection networks, thus provid-
ing an accurate information about the network functionality under a vari-
ety of boundary conditions. The hydrodynamic simulations can be
extended with pollution and water-quality simulations. The model can
also be enhanced by the variety of real-time control functions. The simula-
tions can be carried out for single events.

This Chapter provides a comprehensive guideline for the preparation of

the basic SWMM hydrodynamic simulation models. Modelling of net-
work hydrodynamics in SWMM requires understanding of the informa-
tion requirements. On the other hand, detailed knowledge of the
computational theory is not essential.

The modelling process consists of the following distinct steps:

z Definition of the network data

z Specification of the boundary conditions
z Adjustment of the computation parameters and running the simulations
z Result analysis.
Furthermore, an important part of successful modelling is related to the
model calibration and verification, which must ensure that the computed
results fit reasonably well with the flow observations. These are important
engineering activities in the modelling process.

A SWMM network within MIKE URBAN can be defined in one of the

following ways. Please note that MIKE URBAN supports the EPA
SWMM5 format (if you have a SWMM44 model you can locate conver-
sion tools on the US EPA website).

z Import of external data (e.g. GIS) into MIKE URBAN CS SWMM net-
z Copying network data from MIKE URBAN CS Asset network into
z Copying network data from MIKE URBAN CS MOUSE network into

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 311

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

z Graphical data digitalisation and manual data typing within MIKE


The last option is frequently used in a combination with one of the previ-
ous options as means for achieving a full consistency of the SWMM

The following paragraphs provide a comprehensive information on the

SWMM network data model and the associated editors.

A SWMM model consists of the following elements:

z Nodes
z Conduits
z Orifices
z Pumps
z Weirs
z Outlets

14.2 Nodes
Nodes are hydraulic elements such as Junctions, Outfalls, Storage Units
and Flow Dividers used in modelling a CS SWMM storm and sewer col-
lection system.

Junctions are defined as conveyance system nodes where links join

together. Physically they can represent the confluence of natural surface
channels, manholes in a sewer system, or pipe connection fittings. Exter-
nal inflows can enter the system at junctions. Excess water at a junction
can become partially pressurized during surcharge events and can either
be lost from the system or be allowed to pond atop the junction and subse-
quently drain back through it.

Outfalls are defined as terminal nodes of the conveyance system and used
to define final downstream boundaries under Dynamic Wave flow routing.
For other types of flow routing they behave as a junction. Only one link
can be incident on an outfall node.

Storage Units are defined as conveyance system nodes that provide stor-
age volume. Physically they could represent something as small as a



catchbasin or as large as a lake. They are allowed to have any shape as

described by a function or table of surface area versus height.

Flow Dividers are defined as conveyance system nodes used to split the
total flow between exactly to two outflow conduits in a prescribed manner.
Flow dividers are only active under Uniform or Kinematic Wave routing
and are treated as simple junctions under Dynamic Wave routing.

The CS SWMM Nodes editor organizes the related input data for the
hydraulic elements into the following groups:

Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location infor-


z Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties - Model related data

z Junction - Geometry information
z Storage Unit - Geometry information
z Outfall - Outfall information
z Flow Divider - Flow Divider information

Figure 14.1 The CS SWMM Nodes Editor

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 313

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Identification and Connectivity

Table 14.1 The Nodes Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Asset ID Id in the asset network No AssetName
Junction ID Id of the node Yes MUID
Tag Optional label used to identify No Tag
or catagorize the junction
X Coordi- X coordinate Yes
Y Coordi- Y coordinate Yes
Data source Reference to an external data No DataSource
source from which the record
has been imported from
Status Status according to user speci- No Element_S
fied list
Network Network type describes the No NetTypeNo
type type of network i.e Stormwa-
ter, Combined or separate. The
list of network types can be
extended by user. Network
type can be specified for each
hydraulic element.
Links No
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Table 14.2 The Nodes Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Junction Definition of node as either Yes TypeNo
Type Junction, Storage Unit, Out-
fall or Flow Divider




Figure 14.2 The CS SWMM Nodes - Junction Editor

Table 14.3 The Nodes Junction

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Ponded Area Area occupied by ponded No Apond
water atop the junction after
flooding occurs. If the Allow
Ponding analysis option is
turned on, a non-zero value of
this parameter will allow pon-
ded water to be stored and sub-
sequently returned to the
conveyance system when
capacity exists. Default is,
allow ponding is not turned
Invert Level Invert elevation of the node Yes Einv
Max Depth Maximum depth of node (i.e. Yes Dmax
from invert to ground surface)

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 315

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.3 The Nodes Junction

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Inital Depth Initial depth of water at the No D0
node at the start of the simula-
Surch. Additional depth of water No Dsur
Depth beyond the maximum depth
that is allowed before the junc-
tion floods. This parameter
can be used to model Bolted /
Sealed manholes

Storage Unit

The geometry of a Storage Unit can be defined by a Functional geometry

or a Tabular geometry description. As an example a Storage Unit whose
cross-sectional area remains constant with depth (e.g. a cylinder or cube)
can be described by using a FUNCTIONAL geometry type whose coeffi-
cient equals the cross-sectional area and whose exponent is 0.

Figure 14.3 The CS SWMM Nodes - Storage Unit Editor



Table 14.4 The Nodes Storage Unit

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Geometry Definition of the type of Yes GeomTypeNo
Type geometry description of the
Storage Unit (Functional or
Coefficient Coefficient for the Func- Yes, if Func- GeomCoeff
tional relationship between tional is chosen
storage depth and surface area
Exponent Exponent for the Functional Yes, if Func- GeomExponent
relationship between storage tional is chosen
depth and surface area
Constant Constant value for the Func- Yes, if Func- GeomConst
tional relationship between tional is chosen
storage depth and surface area
Evaporation Fraction of potential evapora- No Fevap
tion realized
Geometry ID of the Tabular geometri- Yes if Tabular is GeomID
ID cal description. The geometry chosen
is specified relative to the
invert level. This ensures reus-
ability of the geometry for dif-
ferent Storage Units with
different inverts
Infiltration Option to apply optional Yes StorageInfiltra-
Green-Ampt infiltration tionNo
parameters so that the storage
unit can serve as an infiltration
Suction Average value of soil capil- Yes, if Infiltra- StorageSuction-
Head lary suction along wtting front tion is chosen Head
Conductiv- Soil saturated hydraulic con- Yes, if Infiltra- StorageConduc-
ity ductivity tion is chosen tivity
Initial Defi- Fraction of soil volume that is Yes, if Infiltra- StorageInitial-
cit initially dry tion is chosen Deficit


Definition of an outfall in an urban drainage network is optional for uni-

form flow (UF) and Kinematic Wave (KW) routing. However when

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 317

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

applying Dynamic Wave routing at least one outfall in the urban drainage
system must be defined. It is possible to select between five types of out-

z FREE outfall bases the outfall stage on the smaller of the critical and
normal depths of flow in the connecting conduit.
z NORMAL outfall uses just the normal depth of flow.
z FIXED outfall uses a constant water elevation at all times.
z TIDAL outfall has outfall stage varying in a repeating fashion over a
tidal period.
z TIMESERIES outfall allows the outfall stage varying in any specified
manner over time.

Figure 14.4 The CS SWMM Nodes - Outfall Editor

Table 14.5 The Nodes Outfall

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Outfall Type If Node Type is selected to Yes FlapGa-
Outfall then type of Tide Gate teTypeNo
must be selected
Tidal Curve Outfall stage as a function of Yes if Tide Gate TideGateID
hour of day over a complete is of type
tidal cycle. Curve is specified TIDAL
in Tabular Data



Table 14.5 The Nodes Outfall

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Outfall Time Outfall stage variation over Yes if Tide Gate TideGateTSID
Series time. Time series specified in is of type
Fixed Stage Fixed position of Tide Gate Yes if Tide Gate FixedStage
is of type
Tide Gate If TideGate (FlapGate) present No FlapGateNo
then backwater is prevented.

Flow Divider

Three different types of dividers can be specified for each divider node

z OVERFLOW divider, all flow above the non-diverted conduits full

flow depth is diverted
z CUTOFF divider, all flow above the cutoff level is diverted.
z TABULAR divider, a curve is supplied that specifies the amount of
diverted flow to total flow.
z WEIR divider the diverted flow is linearly proportional to the total
flow in excess of some minimum flow

Figure 14.5 The CS SWMM Nodes - Flow DIvider Editor

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 319

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.6 The Flow Divider

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Type Type of Divider is selected to Yes, if Junction DividerTypeNo
Divider either Overflow, Cutoff, Tab- Type is a Flow
ular, or Weir Divider
Divided To The ID of the link that receives Yes LinkID
the diverted flow
Cut Off Cutoff flow value used for a Yes, if Type CutoffFlow
Flow Cutoff divider Divider is Cut-
Divided ID of diversion flow series for Yes, if Type DivertedFlowID
Flow Series a Tabular divider Divider is Tab-
Min Flow Minimum flow at which diver- Yes, if Type DivertedMin-
sion continues for a Weir Divider is Weir Flow
Max Depth Maximum depth above invert Yes, if Type Diverted-
at which proportional diver- Divider is Weir MaxDepth
sion continues for a Weir
Div Coeff Coefficient which determines Yes, if Type DivertionCoeff
what fraction between the min Divider is Weir
and max flow the diverted
flow will be given the fraction
that current water depth is of
the max. depth for a Weir

14.3 Conduits
Conduits are pipes or channels that move water from one node (Junctions,
Storage Units, Flow Dividers and Outfalls) to another node in the drainage
system. Their cross-sectional shapes can be selected from a variety of
standard open and closed geometries. Irregular natural cross-section
shapes are also supported.

The Conduits editor organizes the related input data into the following



z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties - Model related data
z Conduit Geometry - Geometry information
z Hydraulic Losses - Model Headlosses

Figure 14.6 The CS SWMM Conduits Editor

Identification and Connectivity

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 321

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.7 The Conduits Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Asset ID Id in the asset network No AssetName
Link ID Id of the Link Yes MUID
Tag Optional label used to identify No Tag
or catagorize the junction
Inlet Node Upstream Node Yes
Outlet Node Downstream Node Yes
Data source Reference to an external data No DataSource
source from which the record
has been imported from
Status Status accoording to user spec- No Element_S
ified list
Network Network type describes the No NetTypeNo
type type of network i.e Stormwa-
ter, Combined or separate. The
list of network types can be
extended by user. Network
type can be specified for each
hydraulic element.
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Table 14.8 The Conduits Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Conduit Geometry
Conduit Shape Cross section Yes ShapeTypeNo
Length Length of conduit Yes Length
Geom. Depth Depth or Diame- Yes all shapes Depth
ter of conduit except IRREGU-
LAR shape



Table 14.8 The Conduits Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Sediment Depth Sediment depth in Yes, if CIRCU- SedimentDepth
conduit LAR shape
Bottom Width Width of bottom Yes, if MODBAS- BottomWidth
Top Width Width of top Yes, if TopWidth
LAR, and
Bottom Radius Radius of bottom Yes, if BottomRadius
Transect ID ID of Transect ID Yes, if IRREGU- TransectID
which is defined in LAR
Inlet Invert Offset heigth of InletInvert
upstream end of
conduit above the
invert elevation of
its upstream node
Outlet Invert Offset heigth of OutletInvert
downstream end of
conduit above the
invert elevation of
its downstream
Left Side Slope Left side slope of Yes, if TRAPE- LeftSideSlope
trapez ZOIDAL shape
Right Side Slope Right side slope of Yes if TRAPE- RightSideSlope
trapez ZOIDAL shape

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 323

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.8 The Conduits Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Exponent Exponent in power Yes, if POWER Exponent
function for
describing the
Triangle Height Height of triangu- Yes, if TriangleHeight
lar shape RECT_TRIANGU
LAR shape
Barrels A conduit can Yes Barrels
have a multiple
number of barrels
meaning that it
consists of a multi-
ple number of par-
allel pipes of equal
size, slope and
roughness. Default
value is 1.
Hydraulic Losses
Roughness Manning, n-value Yes Roughness
for the conduit
Entry Loss Coeff Entry Loss coeffi- No EntryLossCoeff
cient (using
entrance velocity)
Average Loss Average loss coef- No AvgLossCoeff
Coeff ficient (using aver-
age velocity in
Exit Loss Coeff Exit loss coeffi- No ExitLossCoeff
cient (using exit
Initial Flow Flow in conduit at No InitialFlow
start of simulation
Flap Gate Flapgate prevents No FlapGateNo
backwater flow.
Default is No (not
Max Flow Maximum flow Yes MaxFlow
Culvert Code Culvert type code Yes



Minor losses are only computed for the DW, Dynamic wave routing
option. The minor losses are computed as K*v2/2g.

14.4 Orifices
Orifices are openings in the wall of a manhole junction or storage unit
used to model outlet and diversion structures in drainage systems. Orifices
belong to the group of Link components connecting two nodes. An orifice
can have either a circular or rectangular shape, be located either at the bot-
tom or along the side of the upstream node, and have a flap gate to prevent

Orifices attached to storage units are active under all types of flow routing.
Those attached to other types of nodes are active only under Dynamic
Wave flow routing, otherwise the flow through them is zero.

The flow through an orifice is computed based on the area of its opening,
its discharge coefficient, and the head difference across the orifice. The
area of an orifice's opening can be controlled dynamically through user-
defined control rules.

The Orifices editor organizes the related input data into the following

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties - Model related data
z Orifices Geometry - Geometry information
z Hydraulic Properties - Model Headlosses

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 325

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Figure 14.7 The CS SWMM Orifices Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 14.9 The Orifices Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Asset ID Id in the asset network No AssetName
Orifice ID Id of the Orifice Yes MUID
Tag Optional label used to identify No Tag
or catagorize the junction
Location Node location of orifice Yes
To Discharge to Node Yes
Data source Reference to an external data No DataSource
source from which the record
has been imported from
Status Status accoording to user spec- No Element_S
ified list



Table 14.9 The Orifices Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Network Network type describes the No NetTypeNo
type type of network i.e Stormwa-
ter, Combined or separate. The
list of network types can be
extended by user. Network
type can be specified for each
hydraulic element.
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Table 14.10 The Orifices Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Orifices Geometry
Orifice Type Type of orifice, Yes TypeNo
Orifice Shape The geometry of Yes ShapeTypeNo
the orifice open-
Height Height/Diameter Yes Height
of shape
Width Width of Yes, if Orifice Width
RECT_CLOSED shape is
Crest Height Offset height of Yes (if Orifice CrestHeight
orifice’s bottom Type is BOTTOM
from invert of then Crest Height
upstream node is set zero in
SWMM engine)
Hydraulic Properties

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 327

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.10 The Orifices Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Discharge Coeff Discharge coeffi- Yes DischargeCoeff
Flap gate Flapgate prevents No FlapGateNo
reverse flow
through the ori-
fice, default is No

14.5 Pumps
Pumps are drainage system links used to lift water to higher elevations.
The relation between a pump's flow rate and conditions at its end nodes is
described by a pump curve. MIKE URBAN CS SWMM represents a
pump as a link connecting two nodes, where the pump itself is placed at
the upstream node.

The Pumps editor organizes the related input data into the following

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Pump Properties - Model related data

Figure 14.8 The CS SWMM Pumps Editor



Identification and Connectivity

Table 14.11 The Pumps Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Asset ID Id in the asset network No AssetName
Pump ID Id of the Pump Yes MUID
Tag Optional label used to identify No Tag
or catagorize the junction
Location Location of Pump Yes
To Receiving Node Yes
Data source Reference to an external data No DataSource
source from which the record
has been imported from
Status Status accoording to user spec- No Element_S
ified list
Network Network type describes the No NetTypeNo
type type of network i.e Stormwa-
ter, Combined or separate. The
list of network types can be
extended by user. Network
type can be specified for each
hydraulic element.
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Pump Properties

Table 14.12 The Pumps Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Pump Curve ID Reference to a Yes PumpCurveID
Pump curve
defined as one of
the four possible
pump curve types
in Tabular Data
Initial Status The initial status is No InitialStatusNo

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 329

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

For each individual pump a pump curve must be defined. Pump curves are
defined in Tabular Data (Curves). Following four different types of pump
curves are supported:

z Type1 - an off-line pump with a wet well where flow increases incre-
mentally with wet well volume
z Type2 - an in-line pump where flow increases incrementally with node
z Type3 - an in-line pump where flow varies continuously with head dif-
ference between the inlet and outlet nodes
z Type4 - a variable speed in-line pump where flow varies continuously
with node depth
The on/off status of pumps can be controlled dynamically through user-
defined Control Rules.

14.6 Weirs
Weirs, like orifices, are used to model outlet and diversion structures in a
drainage system. Weirs are typically located in a chamber of a manhole,
along the side of a channel, or along the top of a storage unit. MIKE
URBAN CS SWMM represents a weir as a link connecting two nodes,
where the weir itself is placed at the upstream node. A flap gate can be
included to prevent backflow.

The Weir editor organizes the related input data into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties - Model related data
z Weir Geometry - Geometry information
z Hydraulic Properties



Figure 14.9 The CS SWMM Weir Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 14.13 The Weir Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Asset ID Id in the asset network No AssetName
Weir ID Id of the Weir Yes MUID
Tag Optional label used to identify No Tag
or catagorize the junction
Location Node location of Weir Yes
To Receiving Node Yes
Data source Reference to an external data No DataSource
source from which the record
has been imported from
Status Status accoording to user spec- No Element_S
ified list

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 331

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.13 The Weir Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Network Network type describes the No NetTypeNo
type type of network i.e Stormwa-
ter, Combined or separate. The
list of network types can be
extended by user. Network
type can be specified for each
hydraulic element.
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Table 14.14 The Weir Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Weir Geometry
Weir Type Type of weir can Yes TypeNo
chosen from a pre-
fined list of four
types of weirs
Height Height of weir Yes Height
Crest Height Offset of weir Yes CrestHeight
crest above invert
elevation of node
Length Length of weir Yes Length
Side Slope Side slope of weir SideSlope
of type V-NOTCH
Hydraulic Properties
Discharge Coeff Weir discharge Yes DischargeCoeff
Flap gate Flap gate to pre- No FlapGateNo
vent backflow



Table 14.14 The Weir Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
No End Contrac- Number of end Yes, if weir type is NoEndContrac-
tion contractions for transverse or trap- tions
Transverse and ezoidal
Trapezoidal weir
End Coeff Discharge coeffi- Yes, if weir type is Cd2
cient for triangu- trapezoidal
lar ends of
trapezoidal weir

Four varieties of weirs (Weir Type) are available, each with a slightly dif-
ferent formula for computing flow as a function of area, discharge coeffi-
cient and head difference across the weir:

z Transverse (rectangular shape)

z Sideflow (rectangular shape)
z V-notch (triangular shape)
z Trapezoidal (trapezoidal shape)
Weirs attached to storage units are active under all types of flow routing.
Those attached to other types of nodes are active only under Dynamic
Wave flow routing, otherwise the flow through them is zero.

The height of the weir crest above the inlet node invert can be controlled
dynamically through user-defined Control Rules. This feature can be used
to model RTC controlled Weirs and inflatable dams.

14.7 Outlets

Outlets are flow control devices which are typically used to control out-
flows from storage units. They are used to model special flow-head rela-
tions that cannot be characterized by either orifices or weirs. MIKE
URBAN CS SWMM represents an Outlet as a link connecting two nodes,
where the outlet itself is placed at the upstream node.

Outlets attached to storage units are active under all types of flow routing.
Those attached to other types of nodes are active only under Dynamic
Wave flow routing, otherwise the flow through them is zero.

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 333

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

The Outlet editor organizes the related input data into the following

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties - Model related data
z Outlet Geometry - Geometry information
z Hydraulic Properties

Figure 14.10 The CS SWMM Outlets Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 14.15 The Outlets Identification and Connectivity

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Asset ID Id in the asset network No AssetName
Outlet ID Id of the Outlet Yes MUID
Tag Optional label used to identify No Tag
or catagorize the junction
Location Node location of Outlet Yes
To Recieving Node Yes



Table 14.15 The Outlets Identification and Connectivity

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Data source Reference to an external data No DataSource
source from which the record
has been imported from
Status Status accoording to user spec- No Element_S
ified list
Network Network type describes the No NetTypeNo
type type of network i.e Stormwa-
ter, Combined or separate. The
list of network types can be
extended by user. Network
type can be specified for each
hydraulic element.
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Table 14.16 The Outlets Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Outlet Geometry
Outlet Outlet Type, Yes TypeNo
Height Minimum water depth at Yes Height
upstream node of outflow to
Hydraulic Properties
Coeffi- Coefficient of power function Yes, if Outlet Type Qcoeff
cient that relates outflow to head is Functional
across the outlet fir a Func-
tional outlet
Q-curve ID of rating curve with out- Yes if Outlet Type QcurveID
ID flow rate as a function of head is Tabular
across the outlet for a tabular

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 335

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.16 The Outlets Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Exponent Exponent of power function Yes, if Outlet Type Qexpon
that relates outflow to head is Functional
across the outlet fir a Func-
tional outlet

Flap Flap gate Yes FlapGateNo


An outlet can have a flap gate which restricts flow to only one direction
and prevents backwater flow.

The flow through an outlet is determined by a user-supplied function or

table of flow versus head difference across the outlet (Q-curve ID). This
flow can be controlled dynamically through user-defined Control Rules.

14.8 Transects

Transects refer to the geometric data that describe how bottom elevation
varies with horizontal distance over the cross section of a natural channel
or irregular-shaped conduit. The figure below displays an example of a
transect for a natural channel.

Figure 14.11 Definition of the Transect cross-sectional data



Each transect are given an unique ID. When a IRREGULAR shape is cho-
sen as the shape type for a conduit then a reference to one of the user
defined Transects must be made for representing the crossectional shape.

The SWMM engine converts these data into tables of area, top width, and
hydraulic radius versus channel depth. In addition, as shown in the figure
above, each Transect can have a left and right overbank section whose
Manning's roughness can be different from that of the main channel. This
feature can provide more realistic estimates of channel conveyance under
high flow conditions.

The Transects editor organizes the related input data into the following

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties - Model related data
zTransect Geometry - Geometry information
zManning, n - Roughness for Channel and Overbanks

Figure 14.12 The SWMM Transects Editor Dialog

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 337

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

The above Transect can be viewed graphically by clicking on the Graph


Figure 14.13 Graphically display of the transect

Identification and Connectivity

Table 14.17 The Transect Identification and Connectivity

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Transect ID ID of the transect Yes MUID
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Table 14.18 The Transect Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Transect geometry
Left bank station Left overbank sta- Yes Xleft
Right bank station Right overbank Yes Xright
Horizontal Horizontal Yes Wfactor
shrink/expand fac- shrink/expand fac-
tor tor


Tabular Data (Curves)

Table 14.18 The Transect Geometrical and Hydraulic Properties

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Elevation offset Elevation offset Yes Eoffset
Meander Ratio Meander ratio Yes LFactor
Manning, n
Left overbank n Manning for left Yes Nright
Right overbank, n Manning for right Yes Nleft
Channel, n Manning for chan- Yes Nchannel

Cross-sectional data, (Station, Elevation)

Table 14.19 The Transect Cross-sectional data

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Station Station, distance Yes Station
of the crosssec-
tion station from
some fixed refer-
Elevation Elevation of the Yes Elevation
channel bottom at
a cross-section sta-
tion relative to
some fixed relative

14.9 Tabular Data (Curves)

Tabular Data (Curves) are used to describe a functional relationship

between two quantities. Following types of curves are available:

z Storage - defines the geometry of a Storage Unit node by describing

the variation of surface area as a function of water depth
z Diversion - defines how the diverted outflow from a Flow Divider
node is related to the total inflow.

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 339

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

z Tidal - defines how the stage at an Outfall node variates by the hour of
the day.
z Rating - relates flow through an Outlet link to the head difference
across the outlet
z Pump - relates flow through a Pump link to the depth or volume at the
upstream node or to the head delivered by the pump. Following four
types of Pump relations are available

Type 1 - an off-line pump with a wet well where flow increases incre-
mentally with the available wet well volume.

Type 2 - an in-line pump where flow increases incrementally with inlet

node depth.


Tabular Data (Curves)

Type 3 - an in-line pump where flow varies continuously with head dif-
ference between the inlet and outlet nodes.

Type 4 - a variable speed in-line pump where flow varies continuously

with inlet node depth.

The Tabular Data (Curves) editor organizes the related input data into the
following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location


MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 341

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Figure 14.14 The SWMM Tabular Data (Curves) dialog

Identification and Connectivity

Table 14.20 The Tabular Data (Curves) Identification and Connectivity

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Curve ID ID of the Curve Yes MUID
Type Type of Curve Yes TypeNo
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

Tabular data in Grid

Table 14.21 The Tabular data values

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
‘Value1’ Value1, depended Yes Value1
on Type of curve
(Depth, Inflow,
Hour, Volume,
‘Value2’ Value2, depended Yes Value2
on Type of curve
(Area, Outflow,
Stage, Flow)



14.10 Controls
Controls is used to determine pumps and regulators will be controlled
based on simulation time or conditions at specific nodes and links.

The Controls editor organizes the related input data into the following

z SWMM control rules - Indentification and Connectivity

z The control rules are specified in a upper grid

Figure 14.15 The SWMM Controls Editor Dialog

SWMM control rules

Table 14.22 The SWMM control rules Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Rule ID ID of the specific rule Yes MUID
Priority Priority of the rule Yes Priority
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node

MIKE URBAN CS - SWMM User Guide 343

Hydraulic Network Modelling with SWMM

Table 14.23 The upper grid Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
TypeNo Condition or Action Yes TypeNo
OperatorNo IF, AND, OR, THEN, ELSE Yes OperatorNo
CObjectNo Node, Link, Pump, Orifice, Yes CObjectNo
Weir or Simulation
CId ID of the object Yes CId
CAttribu- Depth, Head, Inflow, Flow, Yes CAttributeNo
teNo Setting, Time, Date, Clock-
CRela- =, <, >, <>, <=,>= Yes CRelationNo
AObjectNo Node, Link, Pump, Orifice, Yes AObjectNo
Weir or Simulation
AId ID of the object Yes AId
AAttribu- Node, Link, Pump, Orifice, Yes AAttributeNo
teNo Weir or Simulation
RValue Value Yes RValue

Please note there can only be either a Condition or an Action in one line.


Terms and Concepts


15.1 Terms and Concepts

Various hydrological processes that produce runoff from urban areas can
be modelled by SWMM. These include:

z time-varying rainfall
z evaporation of standing surface water
z snow accumulation and melting
z rainfall interception in depression storage
z infiltration of rainfall into upper soil layers
z percolation of infiltrated water into groundwater layers
z interflow between groundwater and the conveyance system
z nonlinear reservoir routing of overland flow
Spatial variability in all of these processes is achieved by dividing a study
area into a smaller collection of homogeneous areas. In the literature dif-
ferent terms are used for describing the delineation of large study areas
into smaller sub-areas each containing its own fraction of pervious and
impervious areas.

Following terminology for the delineation of areas is widely used in North


z Basin



Throughout this documentation the term Catchments will be used as term

for the smallest hydrological unit of land.

Overland flow can be routed between catchments or to load points of a

drainage conveyance system.

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

15.2 Catchments
Catchments are hydrological units of land whose topography cause sur-
face runoff to drain to a single point. The user is responsible for the delin-
eation of a watershed/sewershed into a compatible number of catchments,
and for identifying the outlet point of each catchment. Outlet points can be
either nodes of the conveyance system or other catchments.

Catchments can be divided into pervious and impervious sub-areas. Sur-

face runoff can infiltrate into the upper soil zone of the pervious sub-area,
but not through the impervious sub-area. Impervious areas are themselves
divided into two sub-areas - one that contains depression storage and
another that does not. A portion of the runoff flow from one sub-area in a
catchment can be routed to the other sub-area, or both sub-areas can drain
to the catchment outlet.

The CS SWMM Catchments Editor organizes the related input data for the
catchment into the following groups. The catchment data in the Catchment
Editor is shared by CS models:

z General information
z Physical Properties
z Location

Figure 15.1 The SWMM Catchments Editor



Description of the input fields for catchments

Table 15.1 The Catchment table

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Catchment Id in the catchment Yes MUID
Status Status according to user speci- No Element_S
fied list
Type Type which describes the type No NetTypeNo
of catchment. The list of
catchment types is user sepci-


Table 15.2 The Catchment Location Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
System User defined list No SystemID
Sub-system User defined list No SubSystemID
X-coordi- X - coordinate of center of No X
nate catchment
Y-coordinate Y - coordinate of center of No Y

Physical Properties

Table 15.3 The Catchment Physical Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Total area Total area of polygon Yes Area_C
Drainage User defined catchment area - No Area
area overwrites Total area

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.3 The Catchment Physical Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Max. level Catchment max. level, can be No MaxLevel
calculated from DEM by GIS
Min. level Catchment min. level, can be No MinLevel
calculated from DEM by GIS

General Information

Table 15.4 The Catchment General Information Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Description Descriptive user field No Description

15.3 Surface Routing

The concept of the surface runoff used by CS SWMM is illustrated in the
figure below. Each catchment surface is treated as a nonlinear reservoir.
Inflow comes from precipitation and upstream catchments. There are sev-
eral outflows, including infiltration, evaporation, and surface runoff.

The capacity of this "reservoir" is the maximum depression storage, which

is the maximum surface storage provided by ponding, surface wetting, and

Surface runoff per unit area, Q, occurs only when the depth of water in the
"reservoir" exceeds the maximum depression storage, dp, in which case
the outflow is given by Manning's equation (Kinematic Wave).


Surface Routing

Figure 15.2 Nonlinear Reservoir Concept

Depth of water over the catchment is continuously updated with time by

solving numerically a water balance equation over the catchment.

The CS SWMM Routing Editor organizes the related input data for the
catchment concerning the surface runoff into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Hydrology and Hydraulic Properties

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.5 The Routing Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Catchment ID of the Catchment Yes CatchID
Load Point ID of Node that receives the Yes, If OutletNodeID
ID surface runoff RouteToNo is
Outlet ID of Catchment that receives Yes, If Rout- OutletCatch-
Catchment the surface runoff ToNo is mentID
Tag Optional label used to identify No Tag
or categorize the junction
Description User's descriptive information No Description
related to the node
Raingage ID ID of Rain Gauge containing Yes RaingageID
the precipitation used for this

Hydrology and Hydraulic Properties

Table 15.6 The Routing Hydrology and Hydraulic Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Width Width of catchment Yes Width
Ground Ground slope of catchment in Yes Slope
Slope percentage
Impervious- Impervious part of the catch- Yes Impervious
ness ment area in percentage
Imperv. Manning Number for the Yes NImperv
Manning Impervious part of the area
Pervious Manning Number for the Per- Yes NPerv
Manning vious part of the area
Imperv. d. Size of Impervious Depression Yes DImperv
Storage Storage



Table 15.6 The Routing Hydrology and Hydraulic Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Perv. d. Stor- Size of Pervious Depression Yes DPerv
age Storage
%DCIA w/o Percent of the impervious Yes ImpervPctZero
d. storage area with no depression
Subarea Where does the surface rout- Yes RouteToNo
routing ing go to
Curb length Total length of Curbs in the No CurbLength
catchment. Only used when
pollutant buildup is normal-
ized to curb length

15.4 Infiltration
Infiltration is the process of rainfall penetrating the ground surface into the
soil over the pervious areas of catchments. CS SWMM supports three
choices for modelling infiltration:

Horton's Equation

This method is based on empirical observations showing that infiltration

decreases exponentially from an initial maximum rate to some minimum
rate over the course of a long rainfall event. Input parameters required by
this method include the maximum and minimum infiltration rates, a decay
coefficient that describes how fast the rate decreases over time, and a
regeneration constant that describes the restoration of infiltration rate dur-
ing dry periods.

Green-Ampt Method

This method for modelling infiltration assumes that a sharp wetting front
exists in the soil column, separating soil with some initial moisture content
below from saturated soil above. The input parameters required are the
initial moisture deficit of the soil, the soil's hydraulic conductivity, and the
suction head at the wetting front.

Curve Number Method

This approach is adopted from the NRCS (SCS) Curve Number method
for estimating runoff. It assumes that the total infiltration capacity of a soil

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

can be found from the soil's tabulated Curve Number. During a rain event
this capacity is depleted as a function of cumulative rainfall and remaining
capacity. The input parameters for this method are the curve number, the
soil's hydraulic conductivity (used to estimate a minimum separation time
for distinct rain events), and a regeneration constant that describes the res-
toration of infiltration capacity during dry periods.

Only one of the above infiltration methods can be used in one simulation -
the option for which method is used is set in Run SWMM5, tabsheet

The CS SWMM Infiltration Editor organizes the related input data for
these three infiltration approaches into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Infiltration Properties
– Horton
– Green-Ampt
– Curve Number

Figure 15.3 The SWMM Infiltration Editor



Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.7 The Infiltration Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Catchment ID of the Catchment Yes CatchID

Infiltration Properties

Table 15.8 The Infiltration Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Max infiltra- Max Infiltration Rate Yes MaxRate
tion rate
Min infiltra- Min Infiltration Rate Yes MinRate
tion rate
Max infiltra- Max Infiltration Volume Yes MaxInFil
tion vol.
Decay rate Decay Rate Yes DecayRate
DWF regen- DWF regeneration factor Yes HRegen
Soil capil- Soil Capillary Suction Yes Suction
lary suction
Initial soil Inital saturated soil moisture Yes InitDef
Conductiv- Soil saturated hydraulic con- Yes Conduct
ity ductivity
Curve Number
Curve Curve No Yes RunoffCN
DWF regn- DWF regeneration factor Yes CRegen

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

15.5 RDII
Rainfall Dependent Inflow/Infiltration (RDII) - These are stormwater
flows that enter sanitary or combined sewers due to "inflow" from direct
connections of downspouts, sump pumps, foundation drains, etc. as well
as "infiltration" of subsurface water through cracked pipes, leaky joints,
poor manhole connections, etc.

RDII can be computed for a given rainfall record based on set of triangular
unit hydrographs (UH) that determine a short-term, intermediate-term,
and long-term inflow response for each interval of rainfall. Each unit
hydrograph is defined by three parameters:

z R: the fraction of rainfall volume that enters the sewer system

z T: the time from the onset of rainfall to the peak of the UH in hour
z K: the ratio of time to recession of the UH to the time to peak

Figure 15.4 RTK - concept

A CS SWMM RDII Hydrograph can contain up to 12 sets of unit

hydrographs (one for each month of the year), and each set can consist of
up to 3 individual hydrographs (for short-term, intermediate-term, and
long-term responses, respectively).

The CS SWMM RDII Hydrographs Editor organizes the related input data
for the RDII Unit Hydrograph approach into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Tabular Data



Figure 15.5 The SWMM RDII Hydrographs Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.9 The Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Hydrograph ID of the RDII Hydrograph Yes MUID
ID (UH Group)
Raingage ID ID of the Raingage Yes RaingageID
Description User descriptive text No Description

Tabular Data

Table 15.10 The Tabular Data Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
MonthNo Individual Months or all Yes MonthNo
R1 The fraction of rainfall vol- Yes R1
ume that enters the sewer

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.10 The Tabular Data Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
T1 The time from the onset of Yes T1
rainfall to the peak of the
UH in hour
K1 The ratio of time to reces- Yes K1
sion of the UH to the time
to peak
R2 The fraction of rainfall vol- Yes R2
ume that enters the sewer
T2 The time from the onset of Yes T2
rainfall to the peak of the
UH in hour
K2 The ratio of time to reces- Yes K2
sion of the UH to the time
to peak
R3 The fraction of rainfall vol- Yes R3
ume that enters the sewer
T3 The time from the onset of Yes T3
rainfall to the peak of the
UH in hour
K3 The ratio of time to reces- Yes K3
sion of the UH to the time
to peak
IA_Max1 Short term maximum depth Yes IA_Max1
IA_Rec1 Short term recovery rate Yes IA_Rec1
IA_Init1 Short term initial depth Yes IA_Init1
IA_Max2 Medium term maximum Yes IA_Max2
IA_Rec2 Medium term recovery rate Yes IA_Rec2
IA_Init2 Medium term initial depth Yes IA_Init2
IA_Max3 Long term maximum depth Yes IA_Max3
IA_Rec3 Long term recovery rate Yes IA_Rec3
IA_Init3 Long term initial depth Yes IA_Init3



After defining the RDII Hydrographs it is necessary to connect them to a

node of the conveyance system and the area of the surrounding sewershed
that contributes RDII flow. This done by the CS SWMM RDII Editor
which organizes the related data into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Contributing RDII area

Figure 15.6 The SWMM RDII Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.11 The Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Load To ID of Node which recieves Yes NodeID
Hydrograph ID of Hydrograph defined in Yes HydrographID
ID the CS RDII Hydrographs Edi-
Description User descriptive text No Description

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Contributing RDII Area

Table 15.12 The Contributing RDII Area Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Sewershed Area that contributes with Yes SewerArea
area RDII inflow

15.6 Aquifers
Aquifers are sub-surface groundwater areas used to model the vertical
movement of water infiltrating from the catchments which lie above them.
They also permit the infiltration of groundwater into the conveyance sys-
tem, or exfiltration of surface water from the conveyance system, depend-
ing on the hydraulic gradient that exists. The same aquifer object can be
shared by several catchments.

Aquifers are represented using two zones - an unsaturated zone and a satu-
rated zone. Their behaviour is characterized using such parameters as soil
porosity, hydraulic conductivity, evapotranspiration depth, bottom eleva-
tion, and loss rate to deep groundwater. In addition, the initial water table
elevation and initial moisture content of the unsaturated zone must be sup-

Aquifers are connected to catchments and to nodes of the conveyance sys-

tem through the CS SWMM Groundwater Editor.

The CS SWMM Aquifer Editor organizes the related input data for the
Aquifer into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Aquifer Properties



Figure 15.7 The SWMM Aquifer Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.13 The Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Aquifer ID ID of the Aquifer Yes MUID

Aquifer Properties

Table 15.14 The Aquifer Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Porosity Soil porosity (fraction) Yes Por
Wilting Soil wilting point (fraction) Yes WP
Field Capac- Soil field capacity (fraction) Yes FC
Conductiv- Saturated hydraulic conductiv- Yes K
ity, K ity
Slope of Slope of hydraulic conductiv- Yes Kslope
Conductiv- ity versus moisture content
ity curve

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.14 The Aquifer Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Slope of soil Slope of soil tension versus Yes Yslope
tension moisture content curve
Fraction of Fraction of total evaporation Yes UEF
total evap. available for evapotranspira-
Max Depth Maximum depth into lower Yes LED
saturated zone over which eva-
potranspiration can occur
Rate of per- Rate of percolation from satu- Yes GWR
colation rated zone to deep groundwa-
ter when water table is at
ground surface
Aquifer Ele- Elevation of the bottom of the Yes BE
vation aquifer
Water table Water table elevation at the Yes WTE
elevation start of simulation
UMC Unsaturated zone moisture Yes UMC
content at the start of simula-

15.7 Groundwater
A sketch of the two-zone groundwater model that is used in EPA SWMM
is shown in Figure 15.8. The upper zone is unsaturated at a varying mois-
ture content of q. The lower zone is saturated and therefore its moisture
content is fixed at the soil porosity h. The fluxes shown in the figure,
expressed as volume per unit area per unit time, consist of the following:

z fI infiltration from the surface

z fEU evapotranspiration from the upper zone which is a fixed fraction of
the un-used surface evaporation
z fU percolation from the upper to lower zone which depends on the
upper zone moisture content q and depth dU
z fEL evapotranspiration from the lower zone, which is a function of the
depth of the upper zone dU
z fL percolation from the lower zone to deep groundwater which
depends on the lower zone depth dL



z fG lateral groundwater interflow to the conveyance network which

depends on the lower zone depth dL as well as depths in the receiving
channel or node.

Figure 15.8 Goundwater Modelling Concept

After computing the water fluxes that exist at a given point in time, a mass
balance is written for the change in water volume stored in each zone so
that a new water table depth and unsaturated zone moisture content can be
computed for the next time step.

The CS SWMM Groundwater Editor organizes the related input data for
the Groundwater into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Groundwater Properties

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Figure 15.9 The SWMM Groundwater Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.15 The Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Groundwa- ID of the Groundwater Yes MUID
ter ID
Catchment ID of the Catchment Yes SubCatchID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description
Aquifer ID ID of the Aquifer Yes AquiferID
Node ID ID of Node Yes NodeID



Groundwater Properties

Table 15.16 The Groundwater Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Catchment Surface elevation of Catch- Yes SurfElev
Surface Ele- ment
GW flow Groundwater flow coefficient Yes A1
GW flow Groundwater flow exponent Yes B1
Surface Surface water flow coefficient Yes A2
water flow
Surface Surface water flow exponent Yes B2
water flow
GW interac- Surface water - Groundwater Yes A3
tion coeffi- interaction coefficient
Fixed Depth Fixed depth of surface water at Yes TW
receiving node

15.8 Snowpack
The snow melt routine is part of the runoff modelling process. It updates
the state of the snow packs associated with each catchment by accounting
for snow accumulation, snow redistribution by areal depletion and
removal operations, and snow melt via heat budget accounting. Any snow
melt coming off the pack is treated as an additional rainfall input into the
runoff process.

At each runoff time step the following computations are made:

1. Air temperature and melt coefficients are updated according to the cal-
endar date.

2. Any precipitation that falls as snow is added to the snow pack.

3. Any excess snow depth on the plowable area of the pack is redistributed
according to the removal parameters established for the pack.

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

4. Areal coverages of snow on the impervious and pervious areas of the

pack are reduced according to the Areal Depletion Curves defined for the
study area.

5. The amount of snow in the pack that melts to liquid water is found

za heat budget equation for periods with rainfall, where melt rate
increases with increasing air temperature, wind speed, and rain-
fall intensity
za degree-day equation for periods with no rainfall, where melt rate
equals the product of a melt coefficient and the difference
between the air temperature and the pack's base melt tempera-
6. If no melting occurs, the pack temperature is adjusted up or down based
on the product of the difference between current and past air temperatures
and an adjusted melt coefficient. If melting occurs, the temperature of the
pack is increased by the equivalent heat content of the melted snow, up to
the base melt temperature. Any remaining melt liquid beyond this is avail-
able to runoff from the pack.

7. The available snow melt is then reduced by the amount of free water
holding capacity remaining in the pack. The remaining melt is treated the
same as a direct rainfall input onto the catchment.

The CS SWMM Snowpack Editor and the CS SWMM Climatology Editor

(described in next chapter) contains the above information required for
characterizing the modelling of the snowfall and snow melt processes. The
CS SWMM Snowpack Editor organizes the data into following groups

z Identification and Connectivity

z SnowPack Properties



Figure 15.10 The SWMM Snowpack Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.17 The Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Snow- ID of the Snowpack Yes MUID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Snowpack Properties

Table 15.18 The Snowpack Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Cmin Minimum melt coefficient Yes Cmin1
Cmax Maximum melt coefficient Yes Cmax1
Tbase Snow melt base temperature Yes Tbase1
FWF Ratio of free water holding the Yes Fwf1
capacity of snow depth
SD0 Initial snow depth Yes Sd01

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.18 The Snowpack Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
FW0 Initial free water in snow pack Yes Fw01
SNN0 Fraction of impervious area Yes Snn0
with depression storage that
can be plowed
Cmin Minimum melt coefficient Yes Cmin1
Cmax Maximum melt coefficient Yes Cmax1
Tbase Snow melt base temperature Yes Tbase1
FWF Ratio of free water holding the Yes Fwf1
capacity of snow depth
SD0 Initial snow depth Yes Sd01
FW0 Initial free water in snow pack Yes Fw01
SD100 Snow depth above which there Yes SD1002
is 100% cover
Cmin Minimum melt coefficient Yes Cmin1
Cmax Maximum melt coefficient Yes Cmax1
Tbase Snow melt base temperature Yes Tbase1
FWF Ratio of free water holding the Yes Fwf1
capacity of snow depth
SD0 Initial snow depth Yes Sd01
FW0 Initial free water in snow pack Yes Fw01
SD100 Snow depth above which there Yes SD1003
is 100% cover
SDplow Depth of snow on plowable Yes SDplow
area at which redistribution
through plowing occurs
Fout Fraction of excess snow on Yes Fout
plowable area transferred out
of watershed
Fimperv Fraction of excess snow on Yes Fimperv
plowable area transferred to
impervious area by plowing
Fperv Fraction of excess snow on Yes Fperv
plowable area transferred to
pervious area by plowing



Table 15.18 The Snowpack Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Fimelt Fraction of excess snow on Yes Fimelt
plowable area converted into
imeediate melt
Fsubcatch Fraction of excess snow on Yes Fsubcatch
plowable area transferred to
pervious area in another catch-
Subcatch ID of catchment recieving the Yes SubcatchID
Fsubcatch fraction of trans-
ferred snow

15.9 Climatology
Climate-related variables used for computing runoff and snow melt are
grouped in the Climatology object:



zWind Speed
zSnow Melt
zAreal Depletion
Temperature data are used when simulating snowfall and snow melt
processes during runoff calculations. If these processes are not being sim-
ulated then no temperature data are needed.

Temperature data can be supplied from one of the following sources:

za user-supplied time series of point values (values at intermediate

times are found by interpolation)
za NCDC 3200 or 3210 climatological file containing daily mini-
mum and maximum values (SWMM fits a sinusoidal curve
through these values depending on the day of the year).
For user-supplied time series, temperatures are in degrees F for US units
and degrees C for metric units. Note that the NCDC climatological file can
also be used to supply evaporation and wind speed as well.

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Evaporation can occur for standing water on catchment surfaces, for sub-
surface water in groundwater aquifers, and from water held in storage
units. Evaporation rates can be stated as:

za single constant value

za set of monthly average values
za user-supplied time series of daily values
zdaily values read from a NCDC climatological file
If a NCDC file is used then a set of monthly pan coefficients should also
be supplied to convert the pan evaporation data to free-water-surface val-

Wind speed is an optional climatological variable that is only used for

snow melt calculations. There can be use either a set of monthly average
speeds or wind speed data contained in the same NCDC climatological
file used for daily min/max temperatures.

Snow melt parameters are climatological variables that apply across the
entire model area when simulating snowfall and snow melt. They include:

zthe temperature at which precipitation falls as snow

zheat exchange properties of the snow surface
zstudy area elevation, latitude, and longitude correction
For additional information of the Snow fall and Snow melt processes
please consult the chapter Snowpack.

Areal Depletion refers to the tendency of snow to melt non-uniformly

over the surface of a catchment. As the melting process proceeds, the area
covered by snow is reduced. This behaviour can be described by an Areal
Depletion Curve. It plots the fraction of total area that remains snow cov-
ered against the ratio of the actual snow depth to the depth at which there
is 100% snow cover. A typical ADC for a natural area is shown below.



Two such curves can be supplied, one for impervious areas and another for
pervious areas.

The CS SWMM Climatology Editor organizes these data into following

tabsheets and groups:

z Temperature Tabsheet
z Evaporation Tabsheet
z Wind Speed Tabsheet
z Snow melt Tabsheet
z Areal Depletion Tabsheet

Temperature data

Figure 15.11 The SWMM Climatology | Temperature Editor

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.19 The Climatology | Temperature Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Radio Button Types No TypeNo
No data TypeNo=1, No temperature Yes if TypeNo =
data 1
Time series TypeNo=2, Temperature data Yes if TypeNo = TimeSeriesID
ID read from Time Series 2
Climatologi- TypeNo=3, Temperature data Yes if TypeNo = Filename
cal file read from NCDC file 3
Start date TypeNo=3, Start date for read- Yes if TypeNo = Start
ing from NCDC data file 3

Evaporation Data

Figure 15.12 The SWMM Climatology | Evaporation Editor



Table 15.20 The Climatology | Evaporation Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Radio button types. Yes TypeNo
Climatologi- Evaporation data are read from Yes, if TypeNo Filename
cal file the NCDC data file which is =4
(NCDC) specified on the Temperature
selection at Tabsheet
Constant Evaporation is set to constant Yes if TypeNo = ConstVale
Value value 1
Jan Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value1
January entered by user 2
Feb Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value2
February entered by user 2
Mar Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value3
March entered by user 2
Apr Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value4
April entered by user 2
May Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value5
May entered by user 2
June Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value6
June entered by user 2
July Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value7
July entered by user 2
Aug Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value8
August entered by user 2
Sept Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value9
September entered by user 2
Oct Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value10
October entered by user 2
Nov Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value11
November entered by user 2
Dec Monthly evaporation data for Yes if TypeNo = Value12
December entered by user 2
Time series Evaporation data read from Yes if TypeNo = TimeSeriesID
ID Time Series 3
Jan Evaporation data for January Yes if TypeNo = Pan1
read from NCDC file 4

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.20 The Climatology | Evaporation Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Feb Evaporation data for February Yes if TypeNo = Pan2
read from NCDC file 4
Mar Evaporation data for March Yes if TypeNo = Pan3
read from NCDC file 4
Apr Evaporation data for April Yes if TypeNo = Pan4
read from NCDC file 4
May Evaporation data for May read Yes if TypeNo = Pan5
from NCDC file 4
June Evaporation data for June read Yes if TypeNo = Pan6
from NCDC file 4
July Evaporation data for July read Yes if TypeNo = Pan7
from NCDC file 4
Aug Evaporation data for August Yes if TypeNo = Pan8
read from NCDC file 4
Sept Evaporation data for Septem- Yes if TypeNo = Pan9
ber read from NCDC file 4
Oct Evaporation data for October Yes if TypeNo = Pan10
read from NCDC file 4
Nov Evaporation data for Novem- Yes if TypeNo = Pan11
ber read from NCDC file 4
Dec Evaporation data for Decem- Yes if TypeNo = Pan12
ber read from NCDC file 4
Computed Evaporation calculated based Yes if TypeNo = Defined at tem-
from tem- on temperature in the tempera- 5 perature tab in
peratures in ture file climatology dia-
the climate log
Monthly Monthly infiltration recovery All SoilRecov-
Soil Recov- rate eryPatternID
ery Pattern

Evaporate Evaporation occur only dur- All DryOnlyNo

only during ing dry periods
dry periods

Windspeed data



Figure 15.13 The SWMM Climatology | Wind Speed Editor

Table 15.21 The Climatology | WindSpeed Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Radio button types. Yes Wind-
No Wind- No Windspeed data should be No, if Wind-
Speed data used SpeedTypeNo =
1 (NONE)
Climatologi- WindSpeed data are read from Yes, if Wind- FileName
cal file the NCDC data file which is SpeedTypeNo =
(NCDC) specified on the Temperature 3 (FILE)
selection at Tabsheet
Jan Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value1
January entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Feb Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value2
February entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Mar Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value3
March entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Apr Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value4
April entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
May Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value5
May entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.21 The Climatology | WindSpeed Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
June Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value6
June entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
July Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value7
July entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Aug Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value8
August entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Sept Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value9
September entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Oct Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value10
October entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Nov Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value11
November entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2
Dec Monthly evaporation data for Yes, if Wind- Value12
December entered by user SpeedTypeNo 2

Snowmelt data

Figure 15.14 The SWMM Climatology | Snow Melt Editor



Table 15.22 The Climatology | Snowmelt Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Dividing Temperature below which pre- Yes SnowTemp
temperature cipitation falls as snow
snow and
rain (degrees
ATI Weight This parameter reflects to what Yes Atiwt
degree heat transfer within a
snow pack during non-melt
periods is affected by prior air
temperatures. Smaller values
reflect a thicker surface layer
of snow which result in
reduced rates of heat transfer.
Values must be between 0 and
1.The default value is 0.5.
Negative This is the ratio of the heat Yes Rnm
melt ratio transfer coefficient of a snow
pack during non-melt condi-
tions to the coefficient during
melt conditions. It must be a
number between 0 and 1. The
default value is 0.6.
Elevation Enter the average elevation Yes Elev
above MSL above mean sea level for the
(feet) study area, in feet or meters.
This value is used to provide a
more accurate estimate of
atmospheric pressure. The
default is 0.0, which results in
a pressure of 29.9 inches Hg.
The effect of wind on snow
melt rates during rainfall peri-
ods is greater at higher pres-
sures, which occur at lower

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.22 The Climatology | Snowmelt Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Latitude Enter the latitude, in degrees Yes Lat
(degrees North, of the study area. This
North) number is used when comput-
ing the hours of sunrise and
sunset, which in turn are used
to extend min/max daily tem-
peratures into continuous val-
ues. The default is 50 degrees
Longitude This is a correction, in minutes Yes Dtlong
correction of time, between true solar
(minutes) time and the time on clocks. It
depends on a location's longi-
tude (q) and the standard
meridian of its time zone (SM)
through the expression 4 (q-
SM). This correction is used to
adjust the hours of sunrise and
sunset when extending daily
min/max temperatures into
continuous values. The default
value is 0

Areal depletion data

Figure 15.15 The SWMM Climatology | Areal Depletion Editor



Table 15.23 The Climatology | Areal depletion Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
0.0 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv0
covered by snow at interval
0.1 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv1
covered by snow at interval
0.2 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv2
covered by snow at interval
0.3 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv3
covered by snow at interval
0.4 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv4
covered by snow at interval
0.5 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv5
covered by snow at interval
0.6 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv6
covered by snow at interval
0.7 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv7
covered by snow at interval
0.8 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv8
covered by snow at interval
0.9 Fraction of impervious area Yes AdcImPerv9
covered by snow at interval
0.0 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv0
ered by snow at interval [0.0-
0.1 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv1
ered by snow at interval ]0.1-

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.23 The Climatology | Areal depletion Tabsheet

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
0.2 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv2
ered by snow at interval ]0.2-
0.3 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv3
ered by snow at interval ]0.3-
0.4 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv4
ered by snow at interval ]0.4-
0.5 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv5
ered by snow at interval ]0.5-
0.6 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv6
ered by snow at interval ]0.6-
0.7 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv7
ered by snow at interval ]0.7-
0.8 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv8
ered by snow at interval ]0.8-
0.9 Fraction of pervious area cov- Yes AdcPerv9
ered by snow at interval ]0.9-

15.10 Coverage
The CS SWMM Coverage Editor organizes the related input data for the
coverage into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Landuse Coverage


LID Controls

Figure 15.16 The SWMM Coverage Editor Dialog

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.24 The Coverage Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
CoverageID ID of Coverage Yes MUID
Catchments ID of Catchment Yes SubCatchID
LanduseID ID of Landuse Yes LandUseID

Landuse coverage

Table 15.25 The Landuse Coverage Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Percentage Percentage of the catchment Yes Percentage
area covered by this type of

15.11 LID Controls

LID Controls are low impact development practices designed to capture
surface runoff and provide some combination of detention, infiltration,
and evapotranspiration to it.

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

They are considered as properties of a given subcatchment, similar to how

Aquifers and Snow Packs are treated. SWMM can explicitly model five
different generic types of LID controls:

Bio-retention Cells

Bio-retention Cells are depressions that contain vegetation grown in an

engineered soil mixture placed above a gravel drainage bed. They provide
storage, infiltration and evaporation of both direct rainfall and runoff cap-
tured from surrounding areas. Rain gardens, street planters, and green
roofs are all variations of bio-retention cells.

Infiltration Trenches

Infiltration Trenches are narrow ditches filled with gravel that intercept
runoff from upslope impervious areas. They provide storage volume and
additional time for captured runoff to infiltrate the native soil below.

Continuos Porous Pavement

Continuous Porous Pavement systems are excavated areas filled with

gravel and paved over with a porous concrete or asphalt mix. Normally all
rainfall will immediately pass through the pavement into the gravel stor-
age layer below it where it can infiltrate at natural rates into the site's
native soil. Block Paver systems consist of impervious paver blocks
placed on a sand or pea gravel bed with a gravel storage layer below. Rain-
fall is captured in the open spaces between the blocks and conveyed to the
storage zone and native soil below.

Rain Barrels

Rain Barrels (or Cisterns) are containers that collect roof runoff during
storm events and can either release or re-use the rainwater during dry peri-

Vegetative Swales

Vegetative Swales are channels or depressed areas with sloping sides cov-
ered with grass and other vegetation. They slow down the conveyance of
collected runoff and allow it more time to infiltrate the native soil beneath

Bio-retention cells, infiltration trenches, and porous pavement systems

can all contain optional underdrain systems in their gravel storage beds to
convey captured runoff off of the site rather than letting it all infiltrate.
They can also have an impermeable floor or liner that prevents any infil-


LID Controls

tration into the native soil from occurring. Infiltration trenches and porous
pavement systems can also be subjected to a decrease in hydraulic con-
ductivity over time due to clogging.

Although some LID practices can also provide significant pollutant reduc-
tion benefits, at this time SWMM only models their hydrologic perform-

The CS SWMM LID Controls Editor organizes the data input for the dif-
ferent types of LID practices. The input data is organized into following
group and tabs:

z Identification
z Tabs: Surface, Soil, Pavement, Storage and Drain

Figure 15.17 The CS SWMM LID Controls Editor - Surface

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Figure 15.18 The CS SWMM LID Controls Editor - Soil

Figure 15.19 The CS SWMM LID Controls Editor - Pavement


LID Controls

Figure 15.20 The CS SWMM LID Controls Editor - Storage

Figure 15.21 The CS SWMM LID Controls Editor - Drain

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM


Table 15.26 The LID Controls Identification Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
LID Control ID of Low Impact Design, Yes MUID
LID Type Type of LID Yes LIDTypeNo
1: Bio Retention Cell
2: Porous Pavement
3: Infiltration Trench
4: Rain Barrel
5: Vegetatvie Swale

LID control data specification

Table 15.27 The LID data specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Storage When confining walls or Yes If StorHt
Depth berms are present this is the LIDTypeNo =
maximum depth to which (1,2,3,5)
water can pond above the
surface of the unit before
overflow occurs (in inches
or mm). For LIDs that
experience overland flow it
is the height of any surface
depression storage. For
swales, it is the height of its
trapezoidal cross section.
Vegetative The fraction of the storage Yes If VegFrac
Cover Frac- area above the surface that LIDTypeNo =
tion is filled with vegetation (1,2,3,5)

Surface Manning's n for overland Yes If Rough

Roughness flow over the surface of LIDTypeNo =
porous pavement or a vege- (1,2,3,5)
tative swale (see this table
for suggested values). Use 0
for other types of LIDs.


LID Controls

Table 15.27 The LID data specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Surface Slope of porous pavement Yes If Slope
Slope surface or vegetative swale LIDTypeNo =
(percent). Use 0 for other (1,2,3,5)
types of LIDs
Swale Side Slope (run over rise) of the Yes If Xslope
Slope side walls of a vegetative LIDTypeNo =
swale's cross section. This (1,2,3,5)
value is ignored for other
types of LIDs
Thickness The thickness of the soil Yes If SThick
LIDTypeNo = 1
layer (inches or mm). Typi-
cal values range from 18 to
36 inches (450 to 900 mm)
for rain gardens, street
planters and other types of
land-based bio-retention
units, but only 3 to 6 inches
(75 to 150 mm) for green
Porosity The volume of pore space Yes If Por
relative to total volume of LIDTypeNo = 1
soil (as a fraction).
Field Capac- Volume of pore water rela- Yes If FC
ity tive to total volume after the LIDTypeNo =1
soil has been allowed to
drain fully (as a fraction).
Below this level, vertical
drainage of water through
the soil layer does not
Wilting Volume of pore water rela- Yes If WP
Point tive to total volume for a LIDTypeNo =1
well dried soil where only
bound water remains (as a
fraction). The moisture con-
tent of the soil cannot fall
below this limit.

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.27 The LID data specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Conductiv- Hydraulic conductivity for Yes If Ksat
ity the fully saturated soil LIDTypeNo = 1
(in/hr or mm/hr)
Conductiv- Slope of the curve of Yes If Kcoeff
ity Slope log(conductivity) versus LIDTypeNo = 1
soil moisture content
(dimensionless). Typical
values range from 5 for
sands to 15 for silty clay
Suction The average value of soil Yes If Suct
Head capillary suction along the LIDTypeNo = 1
wetting front (inches or
mm). This is the same
parameter as used in the
Green-Ampt infiltration
Thickness The thickness of the pave- Yes If PThick
ment layer (inches or mm). LIDTypeNo =2
Typical values are 4 to 6
inches (100 to 150 mm)
Void Ratio The volume of void space Yes If PVratio
relative to the volume of LIDTypeNo = 2
solids in the pavement for
continuous systems or for
the fill material used in
modular systems. Typical
values for pavements are
0.12 to 0.21. Note that
porosity = void ratio / (1 +
void ratio).
Impervious Ratio of impervious paver Yes If FracImp
Surface material to total area for LIDTypeNo = 2
modular systems; 0 for con-
tinuous porous pavement


LID Controls

Table 15.27 The LID data specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Permeability Permeability of the concrete Yes If Perm
or asphalt used in continu- LIDTypeNo = 2
ous systems or hydraulic
conductivity of the fill
material (gravel or sand)
used in modular systems
(in/hr or mm/hr). The per-
meability of new porous
concrete or asphalt is very
high (e.g., hundreds of
in/hr) but can drop off over
time due to clogging by fine
particulates in the runoff
Clogging Number of pavement layer Yes If PVclog
Factor void volumes of runoff LIDTypeNo =2
treated it takes to com-
pletely clog the pavement.
Use a value of 0 to ignore
clogging. Clogging pro-
gressively reduces the pave-
ment's permeability in
direct proportion to the
cumulative volume of run-
off treated.
Height This is the height of a rain Yes If Height
barrel or thickness of a LIDTypeNo =
gravel layer (inches or (1,2,3,4)
mm). Crushed stone and
gravel layers are typically 6
to 18 inches (150 to 450
mm) thick while single
family home rain barrels
range in height from 24 to
36 inches (600 to 900 mm).

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.27 The LID data specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Void Ratio The volume of void space Yes If SVratio
relative to the volume of LIDTypeNo =
solids in the layer. Typical (1,2,3)
values range from 0.5 to
0.75 for gravel beds. Note
that porosity = void ratio /
(1 + void ratio).
Conductiv- The maximum rate at which Yes If Filt
ity water can flow out the bot- LIDTypeNo =
tom of the layer after it is (1,2,3)
first constructed (in/hr or
Clogging Total volume of treated run- Yes If SVclog
Factor off it takes to completely LIDTypeNo =
clog the bottom of the layer (1,2,3)
divided by the void volume
of the layer
Apply Yes DrainNo
Coefficient Coefficient C and exponent Yes If Coeff
n that determines the rate of LIDTypeNo =
flow through the underdrain (1,2,3)
as a function of height of
stored water above the drain
Exponent Coefficient C and exponent Yes If Expon
n that determines the rate of LIDTypeNo =
flow through the underdrain (1,2,3,4)
as a function of height of
stored water above the drain


LID Deployment

Table 15.27 The LID data specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Offset Height of any underdrain Yes If Offset
Height piping above the bottom of LIDTypeNo =
a storage layer or rain barrel (1,2,3,4)
(inches or mm).
Delay The number of dry weather Yes If Delay
hours that must elapse LIDTypeNo =4
before the drain line in a
rain barrel is opened (the
line is assumed to be closed
once rainfall begins).

15.12 LID Deployment

In the CS SWMM LID Deployment Editor the LID controls are deployed
to individual catchments. The type of LID control and number are defined
as well as the properties for each LID control. The input data is organized
into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z LID Properties

Figure 15.22 The CS SWMM LID Deployment Editor

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Identification and Connectivity

Table 15.28 The LID Deployment Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Catchment Id of Cathment Yes CatchID
LID Control ID of LID control to be Yes LidID
ID deployed

LID Deployment specification

Table 15.29 The LID deployment specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Number of Number of replicate LID Yes Number
units units deployed within the
Area of unit The surface area devoted Yes Area
to each replicate LID unit
(sq. ft or sq. m).
Overland The width of the outflow Yes Width
flow width face of each identical
LID unit (in ft or m). This
parameter only applies to
LID processes such as
Porous Pavement and
Vegetative Swales that
use overland flow to con-
vey surface runoff off of
the unit. (The other LID
processes, such as Bio-
Retention Cells and Infil-
tration Trenches simply
spill any excess captured
runoff over their berms.)


LID Deployment

Table 15.29 The LID deployment specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Initial satu- For Bio-Retention Cells Yes InitSat
ration this is the degree to
which the unit's soil is
initially filled with water
(0 % saturation corre-
sponds to the wilting
point moisture content,
100 % saturation has the
moisture content equal to
the porosity). The storage
zone beneath the soil
zone of the cell is
assumed to be completely
dry. For other types of
LIDs it corresponds to
the degree to which their
storage zone is initially
filled with water
Impervious The percent of the imper- Yes FromImp
Area vious portion of the sub-
catchment's non-LID area
whose runoff is treated
by the LID practice.
(E.g., if rain barrels are
used to capture roof run-
off and roofs represent
60% of the impervious
area, then the impervious
area treated is 60%). If
the LID unit treats only
direct rainfall, such as
with a green roof, then
this value should be 0. If
the LID takes up the
entire subcatchment then
this field is ignored.

Hydrological Modelling with SWMM

Table 15.29 The LID deployment specification

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Send flow to Select this option if the Yes ToPervNo
outflow from the LID is
returned onto the sub-
catchment's pervious area
rather than going to the
subcatchment's outlet. An
example of where this
might apply is a rain bar-
rel whose contents are
used to irrigate a lawn
area. This field is ignored
if the LID takes up the
entire subcatchment.
Result File Report file option Yes RptFileNo
Filename The name of an optional Yes RptFileName
file where detailed time
series results for the LID
will be written


Time Series representing rainfall, evaporation, water stages etc. are impor-
tant values to model simulations. The time series normally originate from
field measurements. The term ‘Boundary Condition’ is used to described
the loading of these different timeseries to the model.

Visualization of boundary conditions

The boundary conditions can be visualized on the map. Figure 16.1 shows
how where you can toggle the visualization on/off in the TOC. Boundary
conditions are per default unchecked (one exception: catchment connec-
tions) and not displayed in the horizontal view but they can be activated at
any time during the project.

To be displayed, boundary conditions must be applied and contain at least

one ‘Boundary Item’.

Changes in the ‘Boundary Conditions’ dialogs are not immediately dis-

played in the horizontal view. In order to display the changes, make sure
to save your edits and to regenerate the relevant layers. This is done by
right-clicking on the layer that needs to be updated and then choosing the
‘Regenerate’ option.

Figure 16.1 SWMM Boundaries

The boundaries that can be seen on the map are explained in below.

Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM

z SWMM5 Inflow shows the nodes with an inflow load

z SWMM5 Dry Weather Flow shows nodes where dry weather flow
has been assigned
z SWMM5 Outfall shows outfalls where a water level has been
assigned. The boundary condition will only be displayed if the Outfall
type is set to one of the following type: Fixed (3), Tidal (4) or
Timeseries (5).
z SWMM5 Catchment Connection shows the link between the center
of the catchment and the node it is connected to
z SWMM5 Raingauge to Catchment displays the link between the
raingauge and the center of the catchment when a raingauge is speci-
fied in the Routing dialog
z SWMM5 Catchment to Catchment displays the link between the
centers of two connected catchments
z SWMM5 Rainfall shows the catchments where a raingauge has been
assigned (this one is similar to the SWMM5 Raingauge to Catchment
but will show all catchments where a raingauge has been assigned to)
An example on how this may look is shown in Figure 16.2.

Figure 16.2 Example of the visualization of boundary conditions


Time Series

16.1 Time Series

Time Series can be user specified or originate from external measured data
of i.e. rainfall, evaporation, inflows to nodes of the drainage system, and
water stage at outfall boundary nodes.

The SWMM engine supports two time series formats. Time series values
can either be in date / time / value format or in time / value format,
where each entry is separated by one or more spaces or tab characters.

For the date / time / value format which is the only format supported in
MIKE URBAN interface, dates are entered as month/day/year (e.g.,
7/21/2004) and times as 24-hour military time (e.g., 8:30 pm is 20:30).

For the time / value format, times are entered as hours since simulation
start. If the time / value format has been used outside MIKE URBAN
interface, then it is converted during import to the date / time /value format
given the start of simulation date as initial start date.

Following types of time series can be defined:

z Temperature data
z Evaporation data
z Rainfall data
z Water stage at outfall nodes
z External inflow hydrographs at drainage system nodes
z External inflow pollutographs at drainage system nodes.

The CS SWMM Time Series editor organizes the related input data for the
different timeseries into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location


Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM

Figure 16.3 The SWMM Time Series Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 16.1 The Time Series Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Time Series ID of Time Series Yes MUID
Type Type of Time Series (Rainfall, Yes TypeNo
Temperature, Inflow
Hydrograph, Evaporation,
Outfall Stage and Polluto-
Time Series Use either external time series Yes TimeSeri-
options file or enter time series values esTypeNo
External- External time series id Yes if TimeSeri- ExternalTime-
Time- esTypeNo = 1 SeriesID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description


Time Patterns

16.2 Time Patterns

Time Patterns are used to described cyclic behaviour of any timeseries.
Following four different types of patterns can be supplied

z Monthly
z Daily
z Hourly
z Weekend

The CS SWMM Time Patterns editor organizes the related input data for
the different time patterns into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Pattern types - definition of each pattern.

Figure 16.4 The SWMM Pattern Editor

Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM

Identification and Connectivity

Table 16.2 The Time Patterns Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Pattern ID ID of Pattern Yes MUID
Type Type of pattern (Monthly, Yes TypeNo
Daily, Hourly, Weekend)
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Time Pattern Data

Table 16.3 The Time Pattern data

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Jan Pattern value for January Yes, if Monthly Mdr1
Feb Pattern value for February Yes, if Monthly Mdr2
Mar Pattern value for March Yes, if Monthly Mdr3
Apr Pattern value for April Yes, if Monthly Mdr4
May Pattern value for May Yes, if Monthly Mdr5
Jun Pattern value for June Yes, if Monthly Mdr6
Jul Pattern value for July Yes, if Monthly Mdr7
Aug Pattern value for August Yes, if Monthly Mdr8
Sep Pattern value for September Yes, if Monthly Mdr9
Oct Pattern value for October Yes, if Monthly Mdr10
Nov Pattern value for November Yes, if Monthly Mdr11
Dec Pattern value for December Yes, if Monthly Mdr12
Mon Pattern value for Monday Yes, if Daily Day1
Tue Pattern value for Tuesday Yes, if Daily Day2
Wed Pattern value for Wednesday Yes, if Daily Day3
Thu Pattern value for Thursday Yes, if Daily Day4
Fri Pattern value for Friday Yes, if Daily Day5
Sat Pattern value for Saturday Yes, if Daily Day6


Time Patterns

Table 16.3 The Time Pattern data

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Sun Pattern value for Sunday Yes, if Daily Day7
12 Pattern value for 12AM week Yes, if Hourly AM12
01 Pattern value for 01AM week Yes, if Hourly AM1
02 Pattern value for 02AM week Yes, if Hourly AM2
03 Pattern value for 03AM week Yes, if Hourly AM3
04 Pattern value for 04AM week Yes, if Hourly AM4
05 Pattern value for 05AM week Yes, if Hourly AM5
06 Pattern value for 06AM week Yes, if Hourly AM6
07 Pattern value for 07AM week Yes, if Hourly AM7
08 Pattern value for 08AM week Yes, if Hourly AM8
09 Pattern value for 09AM week Yes, if Hourly AM9
10 Pattern value for 10AM week Yes, if Hourly AM10
11 Pattern value for 11AM week Yes, if Hourly AM11
12 Pattern value for 12PM week Yes, if Hourly PM12
01 Pattern value for 01PM week Yes, if Hourly PM1
02 Pattern value for 02PM week Yes, if Hourly PM2
03 Pattern value for 03PM week Yes, if Hourly PM3
04 Pattern value for 04PM week Yes, if Hourly PM4
05 Pattern value for 05PM week Yes, if Hourly PM5
06 Pattern value for 06PM week Yes, if Hourly PM6
07 Pattern value for 07PM week Yes, if Hourly PM7
08 Pattern value for 08PM week Yes, if Hourly PM8
09 Pattern value for 09PM week Yes, if Hourly PM9
10 Pattern value for 10PM week Yes, if Hourly PM10
11 Pattern value for 11PM week Yes, if Hourly PM11
12 Pattern value for 12AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW12
01 Pattern value for 01AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW1
02 Pattern value for 02AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW2
03 Pattern value for 03AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW3
04 Pattern value for 04AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW4

Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM

Table 16.3 The Time Pattern data

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
05 Pattern value for 05AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW5
06 Pattern value for 06AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW6
07 Pattern value for 07AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW7
08 Pattern value for 08AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW8
09 Pattern value for 09AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW9
10 Pattern value for 10AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW10
11 Pattern value for 11AM week- Yes, if Weekend AMW11
12 Pattern value for 12PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW12
01 Pattern value for 01PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW1
02 Pattern value for 02PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW2
03 Pattern value for 03PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW3
04 Pattern value for 04PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW4
05 Pattern value for 05PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW5
06 Pattern value for 06PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW6
07 Pattern value for 07PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW7
08 Pattern value for 08PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW8
09 Pattern value for 09PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW9
10 Pattern value for 10PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW10
11 Pattern value for 11PM week- Yes, if Weekend PMW11



16.3 Raingauges
Rain Gauges supply precipitation data for one or more catchments in a
study area. The rainfall data can be either a user-defined time series (spec-
ified in Time Series as Type Rainfall) or come from an external file.

Several different popular rainfall file formats currently in use are sup-
ported, as well as a standard user-defined format. These are:

z DSI-3240 and related formats which record hourly rainfall at U.S.

National Weather Service (NWS) and Federal Aviation Agency sta-
tions, available online from the National Climatic Data Center
(NCDC) at
z DSI-3260 and related formats which record fifteen minute rainfall at
NWS stations, also available online from NCDC.
z HLY03 and HLY21 formats for hourly rainfall at Canadian stations,
available online from Environment Canada at www.climate.weatherof-
z FIF21 format for fifteen minute rainfall at Canadian stations, also
available online from Environment Canada.
z a standard user-prepared format where each line of the file contains the
station ID, year, month, day, hour, minute, and non-zero precipitation
reading, all separated by one or more spaces. An excerpt from the user-
prepared format might look as follows:

STA01 2004 6 12 00 00 0.12

STA01 2004 6 12 01 00 0.04

STA01 2004 6 22 16 00 0.07

When a rain gauge is designated as receiving its rainfall data from a file,
the user must supply the name of the file and the name of the recording
station referenced in the file.

For the standard user-prepared format, the rainfall type (e.g., intensity or
volume), recording time interval, and depth units must also be supplied as
rain gauge properties. For the other file types these properties are defined
by their respective file format and are automatically recognized by

Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM

The CS SWMM Raingauges editor organizes the related input data for the
rainfall data into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Raingauge properties

Figure 16.5 The SWMM Raingauge Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 16.4 The Raingauge Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Raingauge ID of Raingauge Yes MUID
X coordinate X coordinate of raingauge Yes
Y coordinate Y coordinate of raingauge Yes
Description User’s descriptive information No Description


Dry Weather Flow

Table 16.5 The Raingauge Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Radio button, TypeNo = File Yes TypeNo
or TimeSeries
File Name of rainfall data file Yes if TypeNo = FileNameSeries
Station no NStation number Yes if TypeNo = StationNumber
Unit type Unit type (in or mm) Yes if TypeNo = UnitNo
Timeseries ID of Time Series Yes if TypeNo = TimeSeriesID
ID TimeSeries
Format Format of the rainfall data Yes if TypeNo = FormNo
Time inter- Time interval in timeseries Yes if TypeNo = TimeInterval
val TimeSeries
Snow catch Snow catch defience correc- Yes Scf
defience tion factor
factor, SCF

16.4 Dry Weather Flow

Dry Weather Inflows are continuous inflows that typically reflect the con-
tribution from sanitary sewage in sewer systems or base flows in pipes and
stream channels. They are represented by an average inflow rate that can
be periodically adjusted on a monthly, daily, and hourly basis by applying
Time Patterns multipliers to this average value.

The CS SWMM Dry Weather Flow editor organizes the related input data
for each dry weather inflow into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Flow data - flow data and specification of pattern

Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM

z Pollutant attached to flow - upper grid in dialog

Figure 16.6 The SWMM Dry Weather Flow Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 16.6 The Dry Weather Flow Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
DWF ID ID Dry Weather Flow Yes MUID
Load To ID of Node ID for DWF load Yes NodeID
Pollutant Pollutant attached to dry Yes PollutNo
attached weather flow
Description User’s descriptive information No Description


Dry Weather Flow

Table 16.7 The Dry Weather Flow Data Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Average Average flow value of DWF Yes FlowValue
Monthly ID of Pattern of Monthly type No PatternMonthID
Daily ID of Pattern of Daily type No PatternWeekID

Week hourly ID of Pattern of Hourly type No PatternWeek-

Weekend ID of Pattern of Weekend type No PatternWeek-
hourly endHourlyID

Table 16.8 The Pollutant Data in upper grid attached to dry weather flow

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
PollutantID ID of Pollutant Yes, if pollutant PollutantID
BValue Base value of pollutant Yes, if pollutant BValue
Monthly ID of Pattern of Monthly type Yes, if pollutant PatternMonthID
Daily ID of Pattern of Daily type Yes, if pollutant PatternWeekID
Week hourly ID of Pattern of Hourly type Yes, if pollutant PatternWeek-
attached HourlyID
Weekend ID of Pattern of Weekend type Yes, if pollutant PatternWeek-
hourly attached endHourlyID

Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM

16.5 Inflow
Direct Inflows are user-defined time series of inflows added directly into a
node. They can be used to perform flow and water quality routing in the
absence of any runoff computations (as in a study area where no catch-
ments are defined). A pollutant component can only be defined as inflow
to the system if it is attached to a flow component.

The CS SWMM Inflow editor organizes the related input data for each
inflow into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Pollutant attached to flow - upper grid in dialog

Figure 16.7 The SWMM Inflow Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 16.9 The Inflow Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Inflow to ID of node where inflow Yes NodeID
should be loaded to
Time series ID of flow time series Yes FlowSeriesID



Table 16.9 The Inflow Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Pollutant Pollutant attached to flow Yes PollutNo
Base Flow Base flow Yes BaseFlowValue
Scale Factor Scaling factor multiplied to to Yes ScaleFlowFac-
the time series value tor
Pattern ID Baseline pattern multiplied to Yes BaselinePatter-
the baseline value nID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Table 16.10 The Dry Weather Flow Data Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
PollutantID ID of pollutant Yes, if pollutant PollutantID
attached to flow
Pollut- ID of pollutograph Yes, if pollutant PollutSeriesID
SeriesID attached to flow
FormatNo Format (MASS, CONCEN) Yes, if pollutant FormatNo
attached to flow
ConvFactor Conversion factor Yes, if pollutant ConvFactor
attached to flow

Time Series and Boundary Conditions in SWMM


The General Simulation Settings


The project and simulations options for SWMM are defined in the ‘Simu-
lation | Run SWMM5’.

The CS-SWMM Run SWMM5 editor is split into following four tab-

z General
z Runoff
z Network
z Summary

17.1 The General Simulation Settings

The General page is organized into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Simulation Period
z Start Simulation
z Units Selection (main unit group saved to file for engine simulation)

Figure 17.1 The SWMM Simulation General Editor dialog

Project Options and Simulations in SWMM

Identification and Connectivity

Table 17.1 The Simulation, General Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ActiveJob
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Simulation Period

Table 17.2 The Simulation, General Simulation Period Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Start Analy- Start analysis date / time Yes StartDate +
sis on StartTime
End Analy- End analysis date / time Yes EndDate + End-
sis on Time
Sweeping Start sweeping date Yes SweepStartDate
Sweeping End sweeping date Yes SweepEndDate
Start Report- Start reporting date / time Yes ReportStart-
ing Date + Report-
Reporting Saving time step to report Yes ReportStep
time step


The Runoff Simulation Settings

Start Simulation

Table 17.3 The Simulation, General Start Simulation Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Single Run Initiate simulation
Rain- Include Rainfall / Runoff Yes IncludeRainfall-
fall/Runoff RunoffNo
Snow Melt Include Snow Melt Yes IncludeSnow-
Groundwa- Include Groundwater Yes InlcudeGround-
ter waterNo
Flow Rout- Include Flow Routing Yes IncludeFlow-
ing RoutingNo
Water Qual- Include Water Quality Yes IncludeWater-
ity QualityNo

Units selection

Table 17.4 The Simulation, General Units selection Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Units Selec- Selection of main Unit for sav- Yes UnitNo
tion ing to SWMM5 engine

17.2 The Runoff Simulation Settings

The Runoff page is organized into following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity

z Infiltration Method
z Runoff time steps
z Runoff interface files

Project Options and Simulations in SWMM

Figure 17.2 The SWMM Simulation Runoff Editor Dialog

Identification and Connectivity

Table 17.5 The Simulation Runoff Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ActiveJob
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog


The Runoff Simulation Settings

Infiltration Method

Table 17.6 The Simulation, Runoff Infiltration Method Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Horton Horton Infiltration method No Infiltration-
Green ampt Green ampt Infiltration No Infiltration-
method TypeNo
Curve SCS Hydrology - or curve No Infiltration-
Number number method TypeNo

Runoff Time Steps

Table 17.7 The Simulation, Runoff Time Steps Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Wet Weather Time step length used to com- Yes WetStep
pute runoff from catchments
Dry Weather Time step length used for run- Yes DryStep
off computations (consisting
essentially of pollutant
buildup) during periods when
there is no rainfall and no pon-
ded water at junctions.
Antecedent The number of days with no Yes DryDays
dry days rainfall prior to start of the

Project Options and Simulations in SWMM

Runoff Interface Files

Table 17.8 The Simulation, Runoff Interface Files Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Rainfall data Include Rainfall data file No RainfallFileNo
Use/Save Optional to read information Yes if Rainfall- RainfallFileUs-
from allready created Rainfall FileNo is true eSaveNo
file or create a Rainfall file
Rainfall- Rainfall file name No Rainfall-
Name FileName
Save Run- Save to runoff file (RunoffUs- No RunoffFileNo
off data eSaveNo = Save)
Runoff- Runoff file name Yes if Runoff- Runoff-
FileName FileNo is true FileName
Save RDII Save to RDII file (RDIIFi- No RDIIFileNo
leUseSaveNo = Save)
RDII- Save to RDII file name Yes if RDII RDIIFileName
FileName FileNo is true

17.3 The Network Simulation Settings

The Network page is organized into following groups:

zIdentification and Connectivity

zRouting simulation
zDynamic wave options
zRouting interface files


The Network Simulation Settings

Figure 17.3 The SWMM Simulation Network Editor Dialog

Identification and Connectivity

Table 17.9 The Simulation, Network Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ActiveJob
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog

Routing Simulation

Table 17.10 The Simulation, Network Routing Simulation Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Model Type Steady State, Kinematic Yes FlowRoutingNo
Waveor Dynamic Wave
Time Step Routing timestep for simula- Yes RoutingStep

Project Options and Simulations in SWMM

Dynamic Wave Options

Table 17.11 The Simulation, Netwrok Dynamic Wave Options Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Inertial Indicates how initial terms in Yes InitialDamp-
Terms the St. Venants momentum ingNo
equation will be handled
Safety Fac- This is a safety factor, between Yes VariableStep
tor 10 and 200%, which is applied
to variable time step computed
from the Courant criterion. If
Safety Factor is set to 0.0 then
the variable timestep option is
not used
Allow Pond- Allows flow to pond at the sur- Yes AllowPond-
ing face during node surcharge for ingNo
reentering the network when
hydraulic capacity is regained.
The size of the surface area for
ponding is a input parameter
supplied for the individual
Time Step This is a time step, in seconds, Yes Lengthening-
used to artificially lengthen Step
conduits so that they meet the
Courant stability criterion
under full-flow conditions
(i.e., the travel time of a wave
will not be smaller than the
specified conduit lengthening
time step). As this value is
decreased, fewer conduits will
require lengthening. A value
of 0 means that no conduits
will be lengthened.
Minimum When this option is non-zero Yes MinimumPipeS-
Slope then the computed slope of a lope
conduit can not be below this
Surface Minimum area of a junction. If Yes MinSurfArea
Area 0 is entered a default value of
4ft (12.566 square ft) is used


The Network Simulation Settings

Table 17.11 The Simulation, Netwrok Dynamic Wave Options Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Compatibil- Indicates which version of Yes Compatibilit-
ity SWMM’s dynamic wave solu- yNo
tion methods should be used,
SWMM5, SWMM 4 or
Surface area This is a minimum surface Yes MinSurfArea
area used at nodes when com-
puting changes in water depth.
If 0 is entered, then the default
value of 12.566 ft2 (i.e., the
area of a 4-ft diameter man-
hole) is used

Routing Interface Files

Table 17.12 The Simulation Network Routing Interface Files Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
HotStart Start date and time for Hot- No HotStartFileNo
data Start
Use/Save Optional to read information No HotStartFileUs-
from allready created HotStart eSaveNo
file or create a HotStart file
HotStart- HotStart file name No HotStart-
FileName FileName
Inflow Include inflow No InflowFileNo
Inflow- Inflow filename Yes if Inflow- InflowFileName
FileName FileNo = True
Outflow Save outflow No OutFlowFileNo
OutFlow- Save outflow to filename Yes if Outflow- OutFlow-
FileName FileNo = True FileName
Use RDII Include RDII file No RDIIFileNo
RDII- RDII filename Yes if RDII- RDIIFileName
FileName FileNameNo =

Project Options and Simulations in SWMM

Table 17.12 The Simulation Network Routing Interface Files Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Use Runoff Include Runoff file No RunoffFileNo
Runoff- Runoff filename No Runoff-
FileName FileName

17.4 The Summary Simulation Settings

The Summary page is organized into following groups:

zIdentification and Connectivity

zSummary Specification
zSubcatchment Summary
zNodes Summary
zLinks Summary

Figure 17.4 The SWMM Simulation Summary Editor Dialog


The Summary Simulation Settings

Identification and Connectivity

Table 17.13 The Simulation, Summary Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Simulation ID of simulation - user speci- Yes MUID
ID fied. ID will be reflected in the
name of project and result files
Scenario ID ID of selected Scenario - Acti- Yes ActiveJob
vating scenario is done in the
Scenario Manager dialog

Summary Specifications

Table 17.14 The Simulation, Summary Specifications Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Input data Specifies whether or not sum- No InputNo
mary of the input data should
be provided in the output
report. The default is No.
Flow Statis- Specifies whether or not sum- No FlowStatsNo
tics mary flowstatistics should be
repoted or not. The default is
Continuity Specifies whether or not sum- No ContinuityNo
Check mary of continuity checks
should be reported or not. The
default is Yes.
Control Specifies whether or not sum- No ControlsNo
action mary of control actions taken
during simulation should be
listed or not. The default is No.

Project Options and Simulations in SWMM

Subcatchment Summary

Table 17.15 The Simulation, Summary Subcatchment Summary Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
All, None or All. None, List of catchments Yes CatchmentsNo
List of
Catchments- Filename Yes, if Catch- Catchments-
FileName mentsNo = List FileName
of Catchments

Node Summary

Table 17.16 The Simulation, Summary Node Summary Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
All, None or All. None, List of nodes Yes NodesNo
List of nodes
Nodes- Filename Yes, if NodesNo NodesFileName
FileName = List of Nodes

Link Summary

Table 17.17 The Simulation, Summary Link Summary Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
All, None or All. None, List of Links Yes LinksNo
List of Links
Links- Filename Yes, if LinksNo LinksFileName
FileName = List of Links


Terms and Concepts


18.1 Terms and Concepts

MIKE URBAN CS SWMM models both the quantity and quality of run-
off generated within each catchment, and the flow rate, flow depth, and
quality of water in each pipe and channel during a simulation period com-
prised of multiple time steps.

Water quality routing within conduit links assumes that the conduit
behaves as a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Although a plug
flow reactor assumption might be more realistic, the differences will be
small if the travel time through the conduit is on the same order as the
routing time step. The concentration of a constituent exiting the conduit at
the end of a time step is found by integrating the conservation of mass
equation, using average values for quantities that might change over the
time step such as flow rate and conduit volume.

Water quality modelling within storage unit nodes follows the same
approach used for conduits. For other types of nodes that have no volume,
the quality of water exiting the node is simply the mixture concentration
of all water entering the node.

The production and fate of pollutant loads associated with this runoff is
also modelled. The following processes can be modelled for any number
of user-defined water quality constituents:

zdry-weather pollutant buildup over different land uses

zpollutant washoff from each land use during storm events
zdirect contribution of rainfall deposition
zreduction in dry-weather buildup due to street cleaning
zreduction in washoff load due to BMPs
zentry of dry weather sanitary flows and user-specified external
inflows at any point in the conveyance system
zrouting of water quality constituents through the pipe/channel net-
zreduction in constituent concentration through treatment at junction
nodes or in storage units.

Water Quality Modelling with SWMM

18.2 Land Uses

Land Uses are categories of activities or land surface characteristics that
are assigned to catchment areas. Examples of land use activities are resi-
dential, commercial, industrial, and undeveloped. Land surface character-
istics might include roof tops, lawns, paved roads, undisturbed soils, etc.
Land uses are used solely to allow spatial variation in pollutant buildup
and washoff rates.

There is a complete freedom in defining land uses and assigning them to

catchment areas. One approach is to assign a mix of land uses to each
catchment, in which case all land uses in the catchment will have the same
pervious/impervious characteristics. If this is not appropriate then it is
possible to create catchments that have just a single land use classification
along with a set of pervious/impervious characteristics that reflects the

The following processes can be associated with each land use category:

z Pollutant Buildup
z Pollutant Washoff
z Street Cleaning
The CS SWMM Land Use editor organizes the related input data for the
land uses into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Land Use Properties - Land Use related data

Figure 18.1 The SWMM Land Uses Editor



Identification and Connectivity

Table 18.1 The Land Use Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Landuse ID ID of Land Use Yes MUID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Land Use Properties

Table 18.2 The Land Use Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Sweep Inter- Days between sweeping Yes SweepInterval
Availability Fraction of pollutant buildup Yes Availability
available for removal by street
LastSweep Days since last sweeping at Yes LastSweep
start of the simulation

18.3 Buildup
Pollutant Buildup that accumulates over a category of Land Use is
described by either a mass per unit of catchment area or per unit of curb
length. The amount of buildup as a function of days of dry weather can be
computed using one of the following functions:

Power Function

Pollutant buildup (B) accumulates proportional to time (t) raised to some

power, until a maximum limit is achieved,

B = Min ( C 1, C 2 t ) (18.1)

where C1 = maximum buildup possible (mass per unit of area or curb

length), C2 = buildup rate constant, and C3 = time exponent.

Water Quality Modelling with SWMM

Exponential Function

Buildup follows an exponential growth curve that approaches a maximum

limit asymptotically,

– C 2t
B = C1 ( 1 – e ) (18.2)

where C1 = maximum buildup possible (mass per unit of area or curb

length) and C2 = buildup rate constant (1/days).

Saturation Function

Buildup begins at a linear rate which proceeds to decline constantly over

time until a saturation value is reached,

C1 t
B = -------------
- (18.3)
C2 + t

where C1 = maximum buildup possible (mass per unit area or curb length)
and C2 = half-saturation constant (days to reach half of the maximum

The CS SWMM Buildup Editor organizes the related input data for the
pollutant buildup into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Buildup Properties - Buildup related data

Figure 18.2 The SWMM Buildup Editor



Identification and Connectivity

Table 18.3 The Buildup Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
BuildUp ID ID of Buildup Yes MUID
Pollutant ID ID of Pollutant Yes PollutantID
Landuse ID ID of Landuse Yes LanduseID

Buildup Properties

Table 18.4 The Buildup Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Function Function Type (Power, Expo- Yes FuncTypeNo
nential and Saturated)
C1 Coefficient Yes C1
C2 Coefficient Yes, if Function C2
is Power or
C3 Coefficient Yes, if Function C3
is Power or Sat-
Normalizer Normalizer to Area or to Curb Yes NormalizerNo
Scaling Fac- A scaling factor used to adjust Yes, if Function C2_Scalingfacto
tor buildup rates listed in the time is external time r
series series
Time Series Time series containing buildup Yes, if Function ExternalTime-
ID rates is external time SeriesID

18.4 Washoff
Pollutant Washoff from a given land use category during wet weather peri-
ods can be described in one of the following ways:

Exponential Washoff

Water Quality Modelling with SWMM

The washoff load (W) in units of mass per hour is proportional to the
product of runoff raised to some power and to the amount of buildup
remaining, i.e.,

W = C1 q B (18.4)

where C1 = washoff coefficient, C2 = washoff exponent, q = runoff rate

per unit area (inches/hour or mm/hour), and B = pollutant buildup in mass
(lbs or kg) per unit area or curb length. Washoff mass units are the same as
used to express the pollutant's concentration (milligrams, micrograms, or

Rating Curve Washoff

The rate of washoff W in mass per second is proportional to the runoff rate
raised to some power, i.e.,

W = C1 Q (18.5)

where C1 = washoff coefficient, C2 = washoff exponent, and Q = runoff

rate in user-specified flow units.

Event Mean Concentration

This is a special case of Rating Curve Washoff where the exponent is 1.0
and the coefficient C1 represents the concentration of any and all runoff in
mass per liter (the conversion between user-specified flow units used for
runoff and liters is handled internally by SWMM).

Note that in each case buildup is continuously deplenished as washoff pro-

ceeds, and washoff ceases when there is no more buildup available.

Washoff loads for a given pollutant and land use category can be reduced
by a fixed percentage by specifying a BMP Removal Efficiency which
reflects the effectiveness of any BMP controls associated with the land

The CS SWMM Buildup Editor organizes the related input data for the
pollutant washoff into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Washoff Properties - Washoff related data



Figure 18.3 The SWMM Washoff Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 18.5 The Washoff Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Washoff ID ID of Washoff Yes MUID
Pollutant ID ID of Pollutant Yes PollutantID
LandUse ID ID of Landuse Yes LanduseID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Washoff Properties

Table 18.6 The Washoff Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Function Function Type (Exponential, Yes FuncTypeNo
RC and EMC)
Washoff Coefficient Yes C1
Coeff 1
Washoff Coefficient Yes, if Function C2
Coeff 2 is Exponential
or RC

Water Quality Modelling with SWMM

Table 18.6 The Washoff Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Sweep effi- Street sweeping removal effi- Yes SweepEffi-
ciency ciency in percentage ciency
BMP effi- Removal efficiency of BMP in Yes BMPEfficiency
ciency percentage

18.5 Loading
Input loadings of pollutants from external and dry weather inflows are
supplied through time series data associated with particular nodes of the
collection system.The definition of the boundary connection of external
timeseries to a node is done in the CS SWMM Loading Editor.

The CS SWMM Loading Editor organizes the related data for setting up
the boundary connection of the pollutant inflow timeseries to the model
into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Loading Properties - Initial Buildup data

Figure 18.4 The SWMM Loading Editor dialog



Identification and Connectivity

Table 18.7 The Loading Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Loading ID ID of Loadpoint (Node) Yes MUID
Catchment ID of Catchment Yes CatchID
Pollutant ID ID of Pollutant Yes PollutantID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Loading Properties

Table 18.8 The Loading Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Initial Initial buildup of pollutant Yes InitBuildUp

18.6 Pollutant
The generation, inflow and fate of any number of user-specified pollutants
can be modelled. Concentrations in rainfall, in groundwater, in
inflow/infiltration is modelled.

There can be used following different units for the individual user defined
pollutant units (milligrams/liter, micrograms/liter, or counts/liter)

Co-pollutants can also be modelled. For example, pollutant X can have a

co-pollutant Y, meaning that the runoff concentration of X will have some
fixed fraction of the runoff concentration of Y added to it.

The pollutant buildup and washoff on catchment areas are determined by

the Land Uses assigned to those areas.

The CS SWMM Pollutant Editor organizes the related input data for the
pollutants into the following groups:

Water Quality Modelling with SWMM

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Pollutant Properties - Pollutant related data

Figure 18.5 The SWMM Pollutant Editor

Identification and Connectivity

Table 18.9 The Pollutant Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Pollutant ID ID of Pollutant Yes MUID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Pollutant Properties

Table 18.10 The Pollutant Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Unit Selec- Unit selection of pollutant Yes TypeNo
Concentra- Concentration of pollutant in Yes Crain
tion in rain rain


Local Treatments

Table 18.10 The Pollutant Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Concentra- Concentration of pollutant in Yes Cgw
tion in GW groundwater
Concentra- Concentration of pollutant in Yes Cii
tion I/I I/I
First order First order decay coefficient Yes Kdecay
decay coeff
Co-pollutant ID of the co-pollutant Yes CoPollut
Co-pollut- Fraction of co-pollutant Yes CoFract
ant fraction
Buildup dur- Buildup during snowfall. Yes Yes SnowFlag
ing snowfall if buildup only occurs during
snowfall, no otherwise
Concentra- Concentration of pollutant in Yes Cdwf
tion dwf DWF

18.7 Local Treatments

Removal of pollutants contained in the flow into a node can be modelled
by assigning a set of treatment functions to the node. Treatment functions
can be any well-formed mathematical expression involving:

z pollutant concentrations at the node's inlet (use the pollutant name to

represent a concentration)
z removals of other pollutants (use R_ prepended to the pollutant name
to represent removal)
z process variables which include:
zFLOW for flow rate into node (user's flow units)
zDEPTH for water depth above node invert (ft or m)
zAREA for node surface area (ft2 or m2)
zDT for routing time step (sec)
zHRT for hydraulic residence time (hours)
The result of the treatment function can be either a concentration (denoted
by the letter C) or a fractional removal (denoted by R).

Water Quality Modelling with SWMM

For example, a first-order decay expression for BOD exiting from a stor-
age node might be:

– 0,05 ⋅ HRT
C = BOD • e (18.6)

while having the removal of some trace pollutant be proportional to the

removal of total suspended solids (TSS) would be written as:

R = 0,75 • R_TSS (18.7)

The CS SWMM Treatment Editor organizes the related input data for the
local treatment into the following groups:

z Identification and Connectivity - General identification and location

z Local Treatment Properties - Treatment function

Figure 18.6 The SWMM Treatment Editor dialog


Local Treatments

Identification and Connectivity

Table 18.11 The Pollutant Identification and Connectivity Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Node ID ID of Node where local treat- Yes MUID
ment is performed
Pollutant ID ID of pollutant Yes PollutantID
Description User’s descriptive information No Description

Treatment Properties

Table 18.12 The Treatment Properties Group

Edit field Description Used or required Field name in

by simulations datastructure
Function Function expressing the treat- Yes Function
ment result in terms of pollut-
ant concentrations, pollutant
removals, and other standard

Water Quality Modelling with SWMM


Basin geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Biological Processes . . . . . . . . . 272

Capacity Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Control action . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Controllable devices . . . . . . . . . 224
Cross sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Flooding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Flow Dividers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Hydrological models . . . . . . . . . . 69

Inlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Job list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

Kinematic Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Linear Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Long Term Statistics . . . . . . . . . 239

Nodes and Structures . . . . . . . . . 23

Orifice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Outfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

PID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Pipe Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Pipes and Canals . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

QH Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

RDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Sediment transport . . . . . . . . . . 271
Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Storage Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

Time series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Time-Area Curve . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Time-Area Method . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Unit Hydrograph Method . . . . . . . 86

Weirs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


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