NRCS Curve Number

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Hydrology Training Series

Number Computations
Module 104 - Runoff Curve

Study Guide

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Module Description

Upon completion of this module, the participant will be able to:

1. List and describe the elements needed to calculate a runoff curve number.
2. Calculate a runoff curve number from given field data.
3. Calculate a runoff curve number for complex areas.

The participant should be able to perform at ASK Level 3 (Perform with Supervision) after
completing this module

Module 103 - Runoff Concepts

Equipment Needed
A dot grid training aid is needed to complete this module.

Who May Take the Module

This module is intended for all NRCS personnel who calculate runoff curve numbers for
a drainage area.
Elements needed to calculate a runoff curve number and actual calculations of runoff curve
numbers using given field data are presented in this module.

The NRCS method of estimating volume runoff is based on procedures developed over the last
three decades. Because most NRCS work is with ungauged watersheds, this method is usable
with easily attainable watershed parameters and rainfall data. In this module, you will learn to
compute a runoff curve number, which can then be used in runoff calculations.

A more detailed discussion on the estimation of a hydrologic soil cover complex from watershed
parameters, hydrologic soil groupings, land use and treatment classes is found in Chapters 7, 8,
and 9, respectively of Section 4, National Engineering Handbook.

Elements Needed to Compute Runoff Curve Numbers

NRCS has developed a method of combining the effects of soils, watershed characteristics, and
land use into a single parameter. This parameter is the runoff curve number (CN) and
represents the hydrologic soil cover complex of the watershed. A single runoff curve number
can be developed for a watershed with a single land use and one soil type, and for a watershed
with a combination of soils and land uses.

Runoff curve numbers are limited to:

1. Single events
2. Maximum 24-hour duration rain events.
3. Areas with unfrozen ground conditions.
4. Representation of average watershed conditions when flooding or conditions when
annual flood event occurs.
5. Direct runoff volume.

The elements needed to compute a runoff curve number for a watershed are soil type and cover
description, which is combination of cover type, land treatment, and hydrologic condition. Soil
type and cover description are easily obtained. The information needed and the sources of this
information will be discussed in detail in the first section of this module. The second section will
discuss how to compute an average runoff curve number for a watershed, a drainage area, or a

Soil Type

The Soil Conservation Service has a wealth of soils information, including soils, maps
throughout the United States. Part of this information relates to soil names and their relative
intake or infiltration rate. Each soil symbol on the map has a related soil name. Associated with
that name is the infiltration rate, soil texture, depth, hydrologic soil group, etc. Basic soils
information is listed on the soil interpretation sheets.
Soil properties

Soil properties influence the peak rate of runoff from rainfall and must be considered. The single
most important soil property is the minimum rate of infiltration obtained for a bare soil after
prolonged wetting. Soils have been grouped according to the infiltration rate (surface conditions)
and transmission rate (profile conditions). The four hydrologic soil groups as defined by NRCS
are described in Module 103 Runoff Concepts.
The final infiltration capacity has been determined for a wide range of bench mark soils or key
soils using infiltrometers. Infiltrometers are devices used to measure the intake rate of soil. The
remainder of the soils has been classified by soil scientists using correlation techniques.

Chapter 2, EFM, and Appendix A, TR-55 (Study Guide Appendix A) list more than 9000 soils
that have been mapped and assigned soil series names and hydrologic soil groups. Some
states have developed individual state listings and have issued these as a technical note.

Some soils can change hydrologic groupings depending on the water table. This is covered by
footnote in Appendix A For example; Adrian AID is hydrologic soil group "A" when drained and
"D" when undrained.

In some locations, urban activities may change the hydrologic soil group because of
compaction, loss of the A horizon, and reshaping or grading of the landscape. There is a
discussion on page A-1 ofTR-55 explaining how a disturbed soil profile in an urban area may be

The local soil scientist can provide assistance in selecting the correct hydrologic soil groups if
the soil is not listed or if local conditions might alter information in Appendix A

Precise measurement of soil-group areas by plan metering soil areas or weighing map cuttings
is seldom necessary for hydrologic purposes. Normally, the percentage of the watershed
occupied by a soil type can be determined using the dot counter techniques.

From a sample soils map for an indicated watershed, determine the percentage of the
watershed in each hydrologic soil group.

1. Outline the watershed on a soils map.

2. Classify the soils into group A, B, C, or D on the soils map or transfer this information to
a topographic map of the watershed.
3. . Place a grid or dot counter over the watershed soils map, count the number of grid
intersections falling on each soil group, and tabulate. A planimeter can be used to
measure the area of each soil group and land use.
4. Determine the percentage for each hydrologic soil group within the watershed. Simplified
versions for determining the extent of soil groups are often used in practice. Often the
soil types may fall predominantly into one or two hydrologic soil groups. As a general
rule, two groups can be combined if one is less than three percent of the watershed. A
serious under-estimation of runoff can result if a watershed with 90% of its soils in the
"A" group and 10% in "D" is classified as all "A," since most of its storm runoff could
come from the "D" soils.
5. . If there is some question about how to prepare a hydrologic soil grouping map or
estimate the percent of each soil group within the watershed, talk to a local soil scientist.
Cover Description

Vegetation affects peak rates of runoff in several ways:

1. The foliage and its litter maintain the soil's infiltration potential by preventing the sealing
of the soil surface from the impact of the raindrops.
2. Some of the raindrops are retained on the surface of the foliage, increasing their chance
of being evaporated back to the atmosphere.
3. Some of the intercepted moisture takes so long to drain from the plant to the soil that it is
withheld from the initial period of runoff.

Conservation practices, in general, reduce sheet erosion and thereby maintain an open
structure of the soil surface. This reduces the volume of runoff but the effect diminishes rapidly
with increase in storm magnitude.

Contouring and terracing reduce sheet erosion and increase the amount of rainfall withheld from
runoff by the small reservoirs they form. Leaving residue on the soil surface and no-till or
minimum tillage practices also help reduce the volume of runoff.

Rural cover types

The typical rural cover types, as shown in Chapter 2, EFM and Table 9.1, NEH-4, include:

1. Fallow - Agricultural land kept as bare as possible to conserve moisture for use the
following year.
2. Row Crop - Any field crop planted in rows far enough apart so as to expose most of the
soil surface to the impact of rainfall.
3. Small Grain - Wheat, oats, barley, flax, etc., planted in rows close enough that the soil
surface is not exposed except during or shortly after planting.
4. Close-seeded legumes or rotation meadow - Alfalfa, sweet clover, timothy, etc., or
combinations, which are either planted in close rows or broadcast.
5. Grassland - Is evaluated using the three hydrologic conditions of native pasture or
range, which are based on cover effect, not forage production.
a. Poor-heavily grazed. Either has no mulch or has plant cover on less than 1/2 of
the area.
b. Fair-not heavily grazed. Has plant cover on 1/2 to 3/4 of the area.
c. Good-lightly grazed. Has plant cover on more than 3/4 of the area.
6. Meadow -A field on which grass is grown continuously, protected from grazing, and
generally mowed for hay.
7. Woods - Small isolated groves of trees being raised for farm or ranch use.
a. Poor-heavily grazed or regularly burned litter, small trees, and brush are
b. Fair-grazed, but not burned. There may be some litter, but these woods are not
c. Good-protected from grazing. Litter and shrubs cover the soil.
8. Forests - Areas covered by national or commercial forests. The U.S. Forest Service has
a procedure for determining hydrologic conditions on forest lands. Many times they will
develop their information in Forest Hydrologic Condition Classes. Chapter 9, NEH-4
contains further information on the Forest Service procedure.
9. Water Surfaces - Lakes, ponds, marshes, etc.
10. Impervious Surfaces - Roads, roofs, parking lots, etc. outside typical urban cover
Urban cover types
The typical urban cover types, as shown in Table 2-2a, TR-55, (Appendix A) include:

1. Residential houses - on various lot sizes. This includes the impervious areas of the
roof, streets, driveways, etc. within the subdivision with the typical percent impervious
2. Commercial and business - small business shops, etc. along a street with the typical
percent impervious shown.
3. Industrial- manufacturing areas with the typical percent impervious shown.
4. Streets and roads - paved areas, both including and excluding right of way. Unpaved
areas include right of way.
5. Open areas - urban areas where vegetation has been established. Could include lawns,
parks, golf courses, cemeteries, etc.
6. Newly graded areas - urban areas where the ground has been shaped or disturbed
and where no vegetation has been established.
7. Connected Impervious areas - urban areas where the impervious area is directly
connected to the storm water drainage system.
8. Unconnected Impervious area - urban areas where the impervious area is not directly
connected to the storm water drainage system. For example, outflow from the
downspout is allowed to spread over the lawn before entering the storm water drainage

Land treatment
Agricultural land management includes mechanical practices, such as contouring, terracing, and
rotation. These types of management practices also reflect or influence the hydrologic condition
of the particular land use.

1. Rotations - are planned sequences of crops; hydrologically, rotations range from "poor"
to "good" in proportion to the amount of dense vegetation in the rotation.
a. Poor rotations are generally one cropland use, such as continuous corn, wheat,
or combinations of row crops, small grain, and fallow.
b. Good rotations generally contain alfalfa or other close-seeded legumes or
grasses to improve tilth and increase infiltration.

2. Straight Row-fields are those farmed in straight rows either up and down hill or across
the slope. Where land slopes are less than about 2 percent, farming across the slope in
straight rows is equivalent to contouring.

3. Contouring - contoured fields have been farmed on the contour and their hydrologic
effect is to increase the surface storage by providing furrows.

4. Terracing - refers to graded or open-end terraces with outlets and their hydrologic effect
is to increase storage and opportunity for infiltration.

Land use and treatment classes can be readily obtained by observation, recent photos, or by
consultation with work unit personnel.

Locations of the classes within the same hydrologic watershed unit used for the soil groups are
usually ignored. The classes are tabulated using percentages or acreages. The accuracy of the
areal extent of the data should be compatible with that of the soil group data.

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Hydrologic Soil Cover Complex

The combination of hydrologic soil group and cover type information results in a hydrologic soil
cover complex. Each hydrologic soil cover complex has been assigned a runoff curve number.
The CN indicates the runoff potential of a hydrologic soil cover complex. The higher the CN, the
higher the runoff potential.

Runoff curve numbers represent the median condition of the hydrologic soil cover complex
when the largest annual flood occurs. This is the assumed hydrologic soil cover complex
condition when the design flood of a conservation measure occurs.

Runoff curve numbers are to be used with single flood event models and not with continuous
hydrologic models.

Runoff curve numbers should not be used to estimate the impact of frozen ground or frozen
ground with snow cover on the design peak flow estimate.

Individual states may have developed supplemental curve numbers for hydrologic soil-covers
complexes not identified in either Chapter 2, EFM or Chapter 2, TR-55. These documents
should be used where applicable.
Runoff curve number computations
The runoff curve numbers for a wide range of hydrologic soil cover complexes are shown in Chapter 2,
EFM and Chapter 2, TR-55. Each document lists the runoff curve numbers for specific cover descriptions.

Rural Cover Description

The runoff curve number for a wide range of rural hydrologic soil cover complexes are
shown in Chapter 2, EFM and Chapter 2, TR-55.

Urban Cover Description

The runoff curve numbers for a wide range of urban hydrologic soil cover complexes are shown in
Chapter 2, TR-55. While urban CN's are also given in Chapter 2, EFM, some restrictions apply to their
use. Therefore, use TR-55 when working with urban areas. The runoff curve numbers for the urban
hydrologic soil cover complex are for the specific percent impervious shown in Chapter 2, TR-55. The
values shown represent the average percent impervious for that cover description.

If your percent impervious for a listed cover description is different, then develop a new CN for that
hydrologic soil cover complex as follows:

(% area impervious) (98) + (1- % impervious) (CN open space in good condition for that soil)

For example, one-acre lots on a C hydrologic soil group have total impervious area percentage of 15. The
estimated CN would be:

(0.15) (98) + (1- 0.15) (74) = 77.6 = 78

The impervious runoff curve number from Table 2-2a is 98 and open space in good condition on a C
hydrologic soil group from Table 2-2a is 74.
CN Computations for Complex Areas
The runoff curve number for a complex hydrologic soil-cover complex is developed by
weighing areas of CNs within the total drainage area as:

(CN) x (acres) = (CNX%=

(CN) x (acres) = or (CNX %) =
(CN) x (acres) = (CNX %) =

Total Product

Weighted CN = Total Area = to the nearest whole value

For example, using acres and Chapter 2, EFM:

Hydrologic soil cover Acres CN Product

Row Crop-Soil B 220 75 16,500
(contoured, good)

Row Crop-Soil D 150 89 13,350

(straight row, good)

Pasture-Soil D 30 80 2,400

400 32,250

Weighted CN= 32,250 divided by 400 =80.6 = 81 to nearest whole value

For example, using % and Chapter 2, TR-55:

Hydrologic soil Acres % CN Product

Cover complex

House-Soil C 220 0.550 80 44

(1/2 acre lots)
Commercial—Soil D 150 0.375 95 37
Open Areas- Soil D 30 0.075 80 6
(Good) === ==== ===
.400 1.000 87

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In summary, we have learned that a runoff curve number for a watershed with a mixture of
cover descriptions and soil types can be easily determined. Each soil cover complex has a
unique runoff curve number.

The hydrologic soil group information is in either Appendix A, TR-55 or Chap. 2, EFM. Urban
cover description CN's are shown in Table 2-2a, TR-55 and rural CN's are shown in Chapter 2,

The CN's are to be used with single event design storms or events and represent the median
condition when the largest yearly event occurs. They do not account for the impact of frozen
ground on runoff rates and should not be used in continuous models.

You have proven that you can calculate the runoff curve number for a complex watershed by
two methods. You have also seen that the two methods produce identical results. The methods
are simple and easy to use.

Retain this Study Guide as a reference until you are satisfied that you have successfully
mastered all the methods covered. It will provide an easy review at any time if you should
encounter a problem.

If you have had problems understanding the module or if you would like to take additional,
related modules, contact your supervisor.

When you are satisfied that you have completed this module, remove the Certification of
Completion sheet (last page of the Study Guide), fill it out, and give it to your supervisor to
submit, through channels, to your State or NTC Training Officer.

Activity 1

From the sample soils map and legend sheet on the following pages, determine the percentage of the
indicated watershed in each hydrologic soil group. Refer to Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable
charts and tables. For this Activity, do not assume the hydrologic soil group has changed because of the
urban land complex.

Symbol name symbol name

1 Aledo gravelly clay loam. 1 to 8 percent slopes 45 Mabank fine sandy loam, 0 to I percent .slopes
2 Aledo-Bolar complex. 5 to 20 percent slopes 46 Maloterre Aledo and Bracken soils 3 to 20 percent slopes
3 Aledo-Bolar-Urban land complex, 3 to 20 percent slopes 47 Medlin clay, 5 to 15 percent Slopes
4 Aledo-Urban land complex. 1 to 8 percent slopes 48 Mingo clay loam, I to3 percent slopes
5 Altoga Silty clay loam. 5 to 12 percent slopes 49 Mongo-Urban land complex. I '03 percent slopes
6 Aquilla loamy fine sand. 1 to 5 percent slopes 50 Navo clay loam. I '0 3 percent slope.
7 Arents, frequently flooded Are n. loam " 51 Neva-Urban land complex. 1 '03 percent Slope.
8 52 Nimrod fine sand. I '0 5 percent slope.
9 Bastsil fine sandy loam
10 Bastsil¡ Urban land complex. 0 to 5 percent slopes 53 Ovan clay. occasionally flooded
11 fine sandy loam. 1 to 5 percent slopes 54 Ovon clay. frequently flooded
12 Birome-Aubrey-Rayex complex. 5 to 1 5 percent lopes 55 Ovan-Urban land complex, occasionally flooded
13 Birome-Aubrey-Urban land complex, 5 to 15 percent 56 Pits, quarries.
14 clay loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes 57 Ponder clay loam. I to 3 percent slope.
15 Clay loam. 3 to 5 percent slopes 58 Ponde,-Urban land complex, 0 to 3 percent slope
16 Bolar-Urban land complex, 1 to 5 percent slopes 59 Pulex fine sandy loams. frequently flooded
17 Brackett clay loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes 60 Pule Urban land complex. occasionally flooded
18 Branyon clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes 61 Purves clay. 0 to3 percent slopes
19 Burleson clay. 0 to 1 percent slopes 62 Purve Urban land complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes
Chan silty clay. 1 to 3 percent slopes 63 Rader fine sandy loam
21 Cross tell fine sandy loam. 1 to 3 percent slopes 64 Rader Urban land complex
22 Cross tell fine sandy loam. 3 to 6 percent slopes 65 Sanger clay. 1 to3 percent Slope.
23 Crosstell Urban land complex. 1 to 6 percent slopes 66 Sanger clay 3 to5 percent slope.
24 Ferris clay. 5 to 12 percent Slopes. eroded 67 Sanger-U.ban land complex, I to5 percent slopes
25 Ferrls Heujen complex. 2 to 5 percent slopes 68 San Slba clay, 0 to 2 percent. slopes
26 Frio silty clay. occasionally flooded 69 Selden loam fine sand. I to 3 percent slopes
27 Frio silty clay. frequently flooded 70 S,lawa lone sandy loam, 3 to8 percent slope
28 Frio-Urban land complex, occasionally flooded 71 Silstid loam lone sand, I to 5 percent Slope.
29 Gasll fine sandy loam. 1 to 3 percent slopes 72 SilStid-Urban Iand complex, I .to 5 percent. slopes
30 Gasll fine sandy loam. 3 to 8 percent slopes 73 Slidell clay, 0 to 1 percent slopes
31 Gasll sandy clay loam, graded. 1 to 5 percent slopes 74 Slodetl clay, 1 to 3 percent slope
32 Gasll-Urban land complex. 1 to 8 percent Slopes 75 Speck Clay loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes
33 Heiden clay. 1 to 3 percent slopes 76 percent fine sandy loom. 8 to 15 percent slope.
34 Houston Black clay. 1 to 3 percent slopes 77 Sunev clay loam, 1 to3 percent slope.
35 Houston Slack-Urban land complex(. 1 to 4 percent Slopes 78 Sunev clay loam. 3 to 8 percent slopes
36 Justin loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes 79 Sunev-Urban land complex. 2 to 8 percent slopes
37 Kensal fine sandy loam, 1 to 5 percent slopes 80 Trinity clay. frequently flooded
38 Leson clay. 1 to 3 percent Slopes 81 Urban land
39 Lindale clay loam. 1 to 3 percent slopes 82 Weatherford fine sandy loam. 3 to 8 percent slopes
40 Lindale--Urban land complex. 1 to 3 percent slopes 83 Whitesboro loam. frequently flooded
41 Lon Silty clay. 1 to 3 percent slopes 84 Wilson Clay loam. 0 to 2 percent slopes
42 LOUis Urban land complex(. 1 to 5 percent slopes 85 Wilson4Urban land complex. 0 to 2 percent slopes
43 Luckenbach clay loam. 1 to 3 percent slopes 86 Windthorst fine sandy loam. 1 to 3 percent slope
44 Luckenbach Urban land complex(. 1 to 3 percent slopes 87 Windthorst fine sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes
88 Windthorst fine sandy loam. 2 10 8 percent Slopes

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Map Soil Hydrologic Acres/
Symbol Name Soil Group Intersections

1 Aledo gr. clay loam, 1 - 8% slopes C

2 Aledo-Bolar complex, 5 - 20% slopes C

3 Aledo-Bolar-Urban land complex,3 - 20% slopes C

4 Aledo-Urban land complex,1 - 8% slopes C

14 Bolar clay loam, 1 - 3% slopes C

15 Bolar clay loam, 3 - 5% slopes C

16 Bolar-Urban land complex,1 - 5% slopes C

17 Bracket clay loam, 3 - 8% slopes C

61 Purves clay, 0 - 3% slopes D

62 Purves-Urban land complex,0 - 3% slopes D

65 Sanger clay, 1 - 3% slopes D
66 Sanger clay, 3 - 5% slopes D
67 Sanger-Urban land complex,1 - 5% slopes D

74 Slidell clay, 1 - 3% slopes D

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Activity 2
From the sample aerial photograph determine the percentage of the indicated watershed in each cover
description. Refer to Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Land Use Acres %

Improved Pasture - poor condition 112
Improved Pasture - good condition 73
Rangeland - poor condition 541
Rangeland - good condition 334
Cultivated cropland - with cons. treatment 96
Cultivated cropland - wlo cons.treatment 53
Urban land 605
=1,814 =100.0%

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Activity 3
Determine the runoff curve numbers for the hydrologic soil cover complexes listed below. Refer to
Appendix A (2-2b) of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Hydrologic Soil Cover Description CN

B Row crops - straight row
& crop residue, in good

B Small grain- contoured, in

poor condition

B Meadow - in good condition

C Woods - in fair condition

Determine the runoff curve numbers for the hydrologic soil cover complexes listed below. Refer to
Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Activity 4
Determine the runoff curve number for the hydrologic soil cover complexes listed below. Refer to
Appendix A (2-2a) in your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables

Hydrologic Soil Cover Description CN

A -
Residential 1 ac
B Commercial

C New graded area

B Residential-1ac.
18% impervious

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Activity 5

Determine the weighted average runoff curve number for the watershed described below. Refer to
Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Soil Cover % Hydrologic

Name Description Acres Area Soils Group CN Product
Dover Row Crops-SR & CR 500 50 B
in good condition
Crofton Small grain-contoured, 300 B
in poor condition

Greenville Meadow-in good condition 150 B

Odessa Woods-in fair condition 50 D

===== ===== ====

1,000 1.00 72.3

Use 72

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Activity 6
Determine the weighted average runoff curve number for the watershed described below. Refer to
Appendix A of your Study Guide and the hydrologic soil groups given in Activity 5 for applicable charts
and tables

Soil Name Cover Description Acres

Dover Row Crops-straight row and crop 300
residue, in good condition

Newberg Meadow-in good condition 200

Crofton 1 ac Residential 200

Odessa Industrial 100
Dover 1/2 ac. Residential 100
27% impervious

Greenville New graded 100

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Determine the weighted average runoff curve number for the watershed described below. Refer to
Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Soil Cover % Hydrologic

Name Description Acres Area Soils Group CN Product

Row Crops-SR & CR

Dover 300 B
in good condition
Meadow-in good condition 200 B
Crofton 1 ac Residential 200 B

Odessa Industrial 100 D

1/2 ac. Residential

Dover 27% impervious 100 B
(0.27) (98) + (1-0.27) (61)
Greenville New graded 100 B
===== ==== ===
1000 1.00

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Activity 1 - Solution
From the sample soils map and legend sheet on the following pages, determine the percentage of the
indicated watershed in each hydrologic soil group. Refer to Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable
chart and tables. For this activity, do not assume the hydrologic soil group has changed because of the
urban land complex.

Map Soil Hydrologic Acres/

Symbol Name Soil Group Intersections

1 Aledo gr. clay loam, 1 - 8% slopes C

2 Aledo-Bolar complex, 5 - 20% slopes C

3 Aledo-Bolar-Urban land complex,3 - 20% slopes C

4 Aledo-Urban land complex,1 - 8% slopes C 1006 ac 55%

14 Bolar clay loam, 1 - 3% slopes C

15 Bolar clay loam, 3 - 5% slopes C

16 Bolar-Urban land complex,1 - 5% slopes C

17 Bracket clay loam, 3 - 8% slopes C

61 Purves clay, 0 - 3% slopes D

62 Purves-Urban land complex,0 - 3% slopes D

65 Sanger clay, 1 - 3% slopes 808 ac 45%

66 Sanger clay, 3 - 5% slopes D

67 Sanger-Urban land complex,1 - 5% slopes D

74 Slidell clay, 1 - 3% slopes D 1814ac 100%

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Activity 2 - Solution
From the sample aerial photograph on the preceding page, determine the percentage of the indicated
watershed in each cover description. Refer to Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and

Land Use Acres %

Improved Pasture - poor condition 112 6.2
Improved Pasture - good condition 73 4.0
Rangeland - poor condition 541 29.8
Rangeland - good condition 334 18.4
Cultivated cropland - with cons. treatment. 96 5.3
Cultivated cropland - wlo cons.treatment 53 2.6
Urban land 605 33.4
=1,814 =100.0%
Activity 3 - Solution
Determine the runoff curve numbers for the hydrologic soil cover complexes listed below. Refer to
Appendix A (2-2b) of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

HydrologicSoil Group Cover Description CN

B Row crops - straight row 75

& crop residue, in good

B Small grain- contoured, in 74

poor condition

B Meadow - in good condition 58

C Woods - in fair condition 73

Activity 4 – Solution
Determine the runoff curve number for the hydrologic soil cover complexes listed below. Refer to
Appendix A (2-2a) in your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

HydrologicSoil Group Cover Description CN

A -
Residential 1 ac 51
B Commercial 92
C New graded area 91

B Residential-1ac. (O.18) (98) +

18% impervious (1- 0.18) (61)

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Activity 5 - Alternate Solution 1
Determine the weighted average runoff curve number for the watershed described below. Refer to
Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Soil Cover Hydrologic

Acres CN Product
Name Description Soils Group
Row Crops-SR & CR
Dover 500 B 75 37,500
in good condition

Small grain-contoured,
Crofton 300 B 74 22,200
in poor condition

Greenville Meadow-in good condition 150 B 58 8,700

Odessa Woodsn fair condition 50 D 79 3,950

===== =====
1,000 72,350
Weighted CN= 72.350 =72.3 use 72

Activity 5 - Alternate Solution 2

Determine the weighted average runoff curve number for the watershed described below. Refer to
Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Soil Cover % Hydrologic

Acres CN Product
Name Description Area Soils Group

Row Crops-SR & CR

Dover 500 0.50 B 75 37.5
in good condition

Small grain-contoured,
Crofton 300 0.30 B 74 22.2
in poor condition

Greenville Meadow-in good condition 150 0.15 B 58 8.7

Odessa Woods-in fair condition 50 0.05 D 79 3.9

===== ===== ====
1,000 1.00 72.3
Use 72

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Activity 6 - Alternate Solution 1
Determine the weighted average runoff curve number for the watershed described below. Refer to
Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Soil Cover Hydrologic

Acres CN Product
Name Description Soils Group

Row Crops-straight
Dover row and crop residue, 300 B 75 22,500
in good condition

Newberg Meadow-in good condition 200 B 58 11,600

Crofton 1 ac Residential 200 B 68 13,600

Odessa Industrial 100 D 93 9,300

1/2 ac. Residential

Dover 27% impervious 100 B 71 7,100
(0.27)(98)+(1 -0.27)(61)

Greenville New graded 100 B 86 8.600

1,000 72,700

weighted CN = 72.700 = 72.7 use 73


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Activity 6 - Alternate Solution 2
Determine the weighted average runoff curve number for the watershed described below. Refer to

Appendix A of your Study Guide for applicable charts and tables.

Soil Cover % Hydrologic

Acres CN Product
Name Description Area Soils Group

Row Crops-SR & CR

Dover 300 0.30 B 75 22.5
in good condition
Meadow-in good condition 200 0.20 B 58 11.6
Crofton 1 ac Residential 200 0.20 B 68 13.6

Odessa Industrial 100 0.10 D 93 9.3

1/2 ac. Residential
27% impervious
Dover 100 0.10 B 71 7.1
(0.27) (98) + (1-0.27)
Greenville New graded 100 0.10 B 86 8.6
===== ==== ===
1000 1.00 72.7

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