Structure of Atom Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 2
Structure of Atom Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 2
Structure of Atom Class 11 Notes Chemistry Chapter 2
The electrical discharge through the gases could be observed only at very low pressures and at very high
The pressure of different gases could be adjusted by evacuation. When sufficiently high voltage is applied
across the electrodes, current starts flowing through a stream of particles moving in the tube from the negative
electrode (cathode) to the positive electrode (anode). These were called cathode rays or cathode ray particles.
• Properties of Cathode Rays
(i) Cathode rays travel in straight line.
(ii) Cathode rays start from cathode and move towards the anode.
(iii) These rays themselves are not visible but their behaviour can be observed with the help of certain kind of
materials (fluorescent or phosphorescent) which glow when hit by them.
(iv) Cathode rays consist of negatively charged particles. When electric field is applied on the cathode rays with
the help of a pair of metal plates, these are found to be deflected towards the positive plate indicating the
presence of negative charge.
(v) The characteristics of cathode rays do not depend upon the material of electrodes and the nature of gas
present in the cathode ray’tube.
• Determination of Charge/Mass (elm) Ratio for Electrons
J. J. Thomson for the first time experimentally determined charge/mass ratio called elm ratio for the electrons.
For this, he subjected the beam of electrons released in the discharge tube as cathode rays to influence the
electric and magnetic fields. These were acting perpendicular to one another as well as to the path followed by
According to Thomson, the amount of deviation of the particles from their path in presence of electrical and
magnetic field depends upon following factors:
(i) Greater the magnitude of the charge on the particle, greater is the interaction with the electric or magnetic
field and thus greater is the deflection.
(ii) The mass of the particle — lighter the particle, greater the deflection.
(iii) The deflection of electrons from their original path increases with the increase in the voltage across the
electrodes or strength of the magnetic field.
By carrying out accurate measurements on the amount of deflections observed by the electrons on the electric
field strength or magnetic field strength, Thomson was able to determine the value of
e/me = 1.758820 x 1011 C kg-1 where me = Mass of the electron in kg
e = magnitude of charge on the electron in coulomb (C).
• Charge on the Electron
R.A. Millikan devised a method known as oil drop experiment to determine the charge on the electrons.
(i) J. J. Thomson proposed that an atom may be regarded as a sphere of approximate radius 1CT8 cm carrying
positive charge due to protons and in which negatively charged electrons are embedded.
(ii) In this model, the atom is visualized as a pudding or cake of positive charge with electrons embedded into it.
(iii) The mass of atom is considered to be evenly spread over the atom according to this model.
Drawback of Thomson Model of Atom
This model was able to explain the overall neutrality of the atom, it could not satisfactorily, explain the results of
scattering experiments carried out by Rutherford in 1911.
• Rutherford’s a-particle Scattering Experiment
Rutherford in 1911, performed some scattering experiments in which he bombarded thin foils of metals like
gold, silver, platinum or copper with a beam of fast moving a-particles. The thin gold foil had a circular
fluorescent zinc sulphide screen around it. Whenever a-particles struck the screen, a tiny flash of light was
produced at that point.
From these experiments, he made the following observations:
(i) Most of the a-particles passed through the foil without undergoing any deflection,
(ii) A few a-particles underwent deflection through small angles.
(iii) Very few mere deflected back i.e., through an angle of nearly 180°.
From these observations, Rutherford drew the following conclusions:
(i) Since most of the a-particles passed through the foil without undergoing any deflection, there must be
sufficient empty space within the atom.
(ii) A small fraction of a-particles was deflected by small angles. The positive charge has to be concentrated in
a very small volume that repelled and deflected a few positively charged a-particles. This very small portion of
the atom was called nucleus.
(iii) The volume of nucleus is very small as compared to total volume of atom.
• Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of an Atom
(i) The positive charge and most of the mass of the atom was densely concentrated in an extremely small
region. This very small portion of the atom was called nucleus by Rutherford.
(ii) The nucleus is surrounded by electrons that move around the nucleus with a very high speed in circular
paths called orbits.
(iii) Electrons and nucleus are held together by electrostatic forces of attraction.
• Atomic Number
The number of protons present in the nucleus is equal to the atomic number (z). For example, the number of
protons in the hydrogen nucleus is 1, in sodium atom it is 11, therefore, their atomic numbers are 1 and 11. In
order to keep the electrical neutrality, the number of electrons in an atom is equal to the number of protons
(atomic number, z). For example, number of electrons in hydrogen atom and sodium atom are 1 and 11
Atomic Number (z) = Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
= Number of electrons in a neutral atom.
• Mass Number
Number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus are collectively known as nucleons. The total number
of nucleons is termed as mass number (A) of the atom.
Mass Number (A) = Number of protons (p) + Number of neutrons (n).
• Isotopes
Atoms with identical atomic number but different atomic mass number are known as Isotopes.
Isotopes of Hydrogen:
Characteristics of Isotopes
(i) Since the isotopes of an element have the same atomic number, but different mass number, the nuclei of
isotopes contain the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons.
(ii) Since, the isotopes differ in their atomic masses, all the properties of the isotopes depending upon the mass
are different.
(iii) Since, the chemical properties are mainly determined by the number of protons in the nucleus, and the
number of electrons in the atom, the different isotopes of an element exhibit similar chemical properties. For
example, all the isotopes of carbon on burning give carbon dioxide.
• Isobars
Frequency: Frequency of a wave is defined as the number of waves passing through a point in one second. It
is represented by v (nu) and is expressed in Hertz (Hz).
1 Hz = 1 cycle/sec.
Velocity: Velocity of a wave is defined as the linear distance travelled by the wave in one second.
It is represented by c and is expressed in cm/sec or m/sec.
Amplitude: Amplitude of a wave is the height of the crest or the depth of the through. It is represented by V and
is expressed in the units of length.
Wave Number: It is defined as the number of waves present in 1 metre length. Evidently it will be equal to the
reciprocal of the wavelength. It is represented by bar v (read as nu bar).
Electromagnetic Spectrum: When electromagnetic radiations are arranged in order of their increasing
wavelengths or decreasing frequencies, the complete spectrum obtained is called electromagnetic spectrum.
where h is a proportionality constant, called Planck’s constant. Its value is equal to 6.626 x 10 -34 Jsec.
• Photoelectric Effect
Hertz, in 1887, discovered that when a beam of light of certain frequency strikes the surface of some metals,
electrons are emitted or ejected from the metal surface. The phenomenon is called photoelectric effect.
Observations in Photoelectric Effect
(i) Only photons of light of certain minimum frequency called threshold frequency (v 0) can cause the
photoelectric effect. The value of v0 is different for different metals.
(ii) The kinetic energy of the electrons which are emitted is directly proportional to the frequency of the striking
photons and is quite independent of their intensity.
(iii) The number of electrons that are ejected per second from the metal surface depends upon the intensity of
the striking photons or radiations and not upon their frequency.
Explanation of Photoelectric Effect
Einstein in (1905) was able to give an explanation of the different points of the photoelectric effect using
Planck’s quantum theory as under:
(i) Photoelectrons are ejected only when the incident light has a certain minimum frequency (threshold
frequency v0)
(ii) If the frequency of the incident light (v) is more than the threshold frequency (v 0), the excess energy (hv –
hv0) is imparted to the electron as kinetic energy.
K.E. of the ejected electron
This relation is valid for hydrogen atom only. For other species,
• Shapes of p-orbitals
p-orbitals are present in the p-subshell for which l = 1 and m 1 can have three possible orientations – 1, 0, + 1.
Thus, there are three orbitals in the p-subshell which are designated as p x, py and pz orbitals depending upon
the axis along which they are directed. The general shape of a p-orbital is dumb-bell consisting of two portions
known as lobes. Moreover, there is a plane passing through the nucleus along which finding of the electron
density is almost nil. This is known as nodal plane as shown in the fig.
From the dumb-bell pictures, it is quite obvious that unlike s-orbital, a p-orbital is directional in nature and
hence it influences the shapes of the molecules in the formation of which it participates.
• Shapes of d-orbitals
d-orbitals are present in d-subshell for which l = 2 and m[ = -2, -1, 0, +1 and +2. This means that there are five
orientations leading to five different orbitals.
• Aufbau Principle
The principle states: In the ground state of the atoms, the orbitals are filled in order of their increasing energies.
In other words, electrons first occupy the lowest energy orbital available to them and enter into higher energy
orbitals only after the lower energy orbitals are filled.
The order in which the energies of the orbitals increase and hence the order in which the orbitals are filled is as
Is, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, id, 5p, 6s, if, 3d, 6p, 7s, 5f 6d, 7p
The order may be remembered by using the method given in fig. 2.11.
• Pauli Exclusion Principle
According to this principle, no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
Pauli exclusion principle can also be stated as: Only two electrons may exist in the same orbital and these
electrons must have opposite spins.
• Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
It states that: pairing of electrons in the orbitals belonging to the same subshell (p, d or f) does not take place
until each orbital belonging to that subshell has got one electron each i.e., it is singly occupied.
• Electronic Configuration of Atoms
The distribution of electrons into orbitals of an atom is called its electronic configuration. The electronic
configuration of different atoms can be represented in two ways.
For example:
• Causes of Stability of Completely Filled and Half Filled Subshells
The completely filled and half filled subshells are stable due to the following reasons:
1. Symmetrical distribution of electrons: The completely filled or half filled subshells have symmetrical
distribution of electrons in them and are therefore more stable.
2. The stabilizing effect arises whenever two or more electrons with same spin are present in the degenrate
orbitals of a subshell. These electrons tend to exchange their positions
and the energy released due to their exchange is called exchange energy. The number of exchanges that can
takes place is maximum when the subshell is either half filled or completely filled.
-As a result the exchange energy is maximum and so is the stability.