B.inggris Kelompok 3 (Simple Past Tense)
B.inggris Kelompok 3 (Simple Past Tense)
B.inggris Kelompok 3 (Simple Past Tense)
Group 3
Simple past
Simple past tense
Group 3 :
1. Keysia Fauziah Hafis
2. Khaira Annaya Putri Rivaldi Arsyad
3. Muhammad Fathir Farih Wijaya
4. Muhammad Hilmi Robbani
5. Resda Aulia Zahra
What is
Definition of simple
past tense
• Simple past tense is a sentences that is
used to tell an event that happened in the
past and finished or ended in the past too.
• Simple past tense indicates that an activity
or situation began and ended at a particular
time in past
Simple past tense function
The function of the simple past tense is
to explain events or actions that have
occurred or describe events that have
ended in the past
(Fungsi simple past tense untuk menjelaskan
kejadian atau Tindakan yang telah terjadi
ataupun menggambarkan kejadian yang telah
berakhir dimasa lalu.)
Simple past tense verbal formula :
Simple •(
+ ) subject + verb 2 + object + adverb
example : Maria enjoyed her birthday party yesterday
past • ( - ) subject + did + Not + infinitive/ verb 1 + object + adverb
2. The interrogative sentence is formed by adding the word did or to be (was, were) in
front of the subject, while the negative is by adding the word did not or to be (was,
were) + not in front of the subject or after the subject.
Example of sentences:
- Kevin didn’t play soccer with his friends
(kevin tidak bermain sepak bola dengan teman-temannya.)
- Did Kevin play soccer with his friends?
(apakah Kevin bermain sepak bola dengan teman-temannya?)
- They were not here yesterday.
(mereka tidak berada di sini kemari.)
Regular and irregular verb
Regular and irreguler verb Regular verbs or known as
regular verbs, have the addition of the suffix -ed, -d, or -ied
at the end of the word.
2. If the verb (verb) ends with a vowel e, then the suffix used
is –d
1. I moved to Alaska when I was 4 years old.
2. I used your motorcycle yesterday cause mine is
broken. .
3. If the verb (verb) ends with a consonant and y, then the
suffix used is -ied to replace the position of 'y’
- Marisa studied really hard for the English Test last
- Danisha buried her dead cat in the bakyard.
Changes that occur in irregular verbs
include changes in writing and changes in
There are 3 kinds of changes in irregular
1. Verbs that do not change form or sound
He shut the door and the window before sleeping.
2. Verbs that have the same sound and form in the past tense and past participle but differ from the
initial form.
Bring Brought Brought
Think Thought Thought
3. Verbs that have different forms and sounds in the first, second and third forms.
Begin Began Begun
Blow Blow Blow