User Manual
User Manual
User Manual
multifunction electric power meter 96 square outline dimension 96 96 90 mm cut-out size 91.00 91.00mm
summary 91.00mm
M ultifunction electric power meter can complete electricity measuring, energy metering, 90
data display, acquisition and transmission with functions of programmable measurement,
display, digital communication, energy pulse output and transmission output and so on. They
are widely used in substation automation system, distribution automation, intelligent building
and enterprise for energy measuring, management and assessment, and can display on
spot and remote Rs485 digital communication interface which used MODBUS-RTU protocol.
Measuring precision is 0.5 magnitude.
Outline Name Measurement Display standard function
42square Three-phase U I P Rs485
multifunction LCD communication
Q EP+ EP- EQ+ 96
electric EQ- SP F PF
pagination energy pulse
96square power meter or part of them display
1 22
wiring diagram physical wiring prevail 2.1 auxiliary power supply
Multifunction electric power meter has common (AC/DC)power supply input interface if no special statement
42 square outline dimension 120 20 90 mm cut-out size 107.00 107.00mm
provide standard AC/DC85 270V power supply interface Guarantee that the power is applied in the series
107.00mm of products to prevent damage.
note when using AC power supply, it is recommended to install 1A fuse on the side of firewire.
Poor power quality, it is recommended to install surge suppressor to prevent lightening ,and install rapid
2.2 input signal
The product adopts numerical method of separate collection for each measurement channel to ensure
consistent symmetry when using. Its connections with a variety of ways are for diffe rent load forms.
12 2.2.1 voltage input input voltage should be below rated input voltage 100V or 400V otherwise it is
considered to d use PT and need to install fuse of 1A on the side of voltage input.
outline dimension 120 120 90 cut-out size 107 107 optional 111 2.2.2 Current input: standard rated input current of 5A, should use the external CT when above 5A. If you
use CT with other meters, wiring should be connected in series mode, be sure to disconnect CT of primary
50 49 48 47 58 59 60 2 1 50 49 48 47 58 59 60 2 1 circuit or short secondary circuit before removing the current input connection. It is recommended to use
Pulse output COMM supply Pulse output COMM supply terminal row, do not connect CT directly for easy disassembly .
2.2.3 Ensure that input voltage and current are in the same sequence, in-line and out-line are in the same
2.2.4 The configuration of the meter input network is decided by the CT number of system, in the situation
Leakage Current input Voltage input Leakage Current input Voltage input
detection detection
Ia Ia* Ib Ib* Ic Ic* Ua Ub Uc Un
Ia Ia* Ib Ib* Ic Ic* Ua Ub Uc Un of 2 CT, select two components mode of 3-phase 3-line; in the situation of 3 CT, select three components mode
58 59 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 12 13 14 58 59 5 4 7 6 9 8 11 12 13 14
of 3-phase 4-line.meter wiring and input net in program set should correspond to wiring mode of measured
overload, or it can lead to measuring voltage or power incorrectly. Voltage measurement and display is line
A A voltage in 3-phase 3 line; but voltage measurement and display is phase voltage in 3-phase 4-line.
programming and usage
3-phase 4-line current input through Ct voltage input directly 3-phase 4-line current input through Ct voltage input through PT 3.1 definition of press key
enter key confirming for password and numerical value modifying
50 49 48 47 58 59 60 2 1 50 49 48 47 58 59 60 2 1 menu key used for chosing menu interface, exiting function and returning last level menu
COMM supply Pulse output supply
right key used for shifting function when measuring display plus number when modifying
Pulse output COMM
data from0 to 9999 in circle
left key used fo r shiftingfunctio n when measuring display minus number when modifying
data from0 to 9999 in circle
Ia,Ib,Ic(current)), Ps( total active power), Qs(total reactive power). Pf( total power factor);Ss(total apparent
power); FR( frequency), EP (active energy), and EQ(reactive energy). All measurement parameters are
saved in internal power message table which can acquire through digital communication interface device .
For different types of meters, its display content and type may be inconsistent, please refer to the specific
3-phase 3-line current input through Ct voltage input directly 3-phase 3-line current input through Ct voltage input through PT details. The numerical method of all power parameters use following formula of digitized discrete method.
21 2
Formula Notes Formula Notes MODBUS-RTU communication address information table
Voltage Single-phase apparent power
effective value Periodic average value P<0 P>0 Address Address Data Data Length
Q>0 Q>0 instruction
Current Power factor HEX Dec content format word
effective value
through Keys to complete page switching. 0x3E8 1000 set password Int 1 1-9999
Meter com.
Page Content Instruction 0x3E9 1001 address Int 1 1-247
Respectively display voltage Ua, Ub and 0x3EA 1002 Voltage ratio Int 1 PT=1-5000
Uc three-phase four-line and Uab, Ubc
and Uca three-phase three-line 0x3EB 1003 Current ratio Int 1 CT=1-5000
As left picture, Com baud
Ua=326.70V, 0x3EC 1004 rate
Int 1 0-1200 1-2400 2-4800 3-9600
Ub=326.71V, Com data
Page 1 c
Uc=326.70V , 0x3ED 1005 format
Int 1 data f orma t 0-N.8.1 1-O.8.1 2-E.8.1
EP=6.020kWh 0-three-phase four-line;
0x3EE 1006 Wiring mode Int 1
TE The meter displays line voltage when 1-three-phase three-line
Three-phase three-line wiring
0x3EF 1007 Voltage range Int 1 0-100V 1-220V 2-380V
It displays phase voltage when
Three-phase four-line wiring.
0x3F0 1008 Current range Int 1 0-5A 1-1A
3 20
MODBUS-RTU communication address information table Page Content Instruction
Address Address Data Data Length
HEX Dec content content word Display three-phase
0x00~0x09 0~9 retain +Q current Ia Ib Ic,with
unit of A.
S e c o n d a r y p o w e r g r i d d a t a ( int/long i n t e g r a l d a t a ) b
As left picture,
Page 2
0x61 97 Eq+ long 2 Inductive reactive energy, unit is varh c Ia=18.770A,
0x63 99 Eq- long 2 Ib=18.771A,
Capacitive reactive energy, unit is varh TE Ic=18.770A.
0x65 101 Umax Int 1 Voltage maximum demand 0.1V EP=-0.668kWh
0x66 102 Imax Int 1 Current maximum demand 0.001A
phase active power.
0xB4~0xC5 180~197 H-Uc Int 1 C phase voltage 2-15 times harmonic content
As left picture
198~209 retain
Page 5 c Pa=8164W
0xD2~0xE3 210~227 H-Ia Int 1 A phase current 2-15 times harmonic content TE Pc=8200W
228~239 retain Ep=-0.668KWh
0xF0~0x101 240~257 H-Ib Int 1 B phase current 2-15 times harmonic content
19 4
Page Content Instruction MODBUS-RTU communication address information table
Address Address Data Data Length
Display A, B, C three- HEX Dec content content word
+P phase reactive power. 0x00~0x09 0~9 retain
S e c o n d a r y p o w e r g r i d d a t a ( int/long i n t e g r a l d a t a )
Page 6 As left picture,
Qa=1.4149kvar 0x46 70 Ua Int 1 Three-phase phase-vlotage data,unit 0.1V
NOTE it is valid only in three-phase
TE Qb=1.4159kvar 0x47 71 Ub Int 1 four-line connection mode, and invalid in
Qc=1.4166kvar three-phase three-line connection mode.
EQ=5.44Mvarh 0x48 72 Uc Int 1
0x49 73 Uab Int 1
0x4A 74 Ubc Int 1 Three-phase phase-vlotage data,
+Q PF Display A, B, C three- with unit of 0.1V
0x4B 75 Uca Int 1
phase power factor.
0x4C 76 Ia Int 1
Page 7 As left picture,
c 0x4D 77 Ib Int 1 Three-phase current data,
PFa=0.449 with unit of 0.001A
TE PFb=0.5 0x4E 78 Ic Int 1
PFc=0.499 Split phase and total active power
0x4F 79 Pa Int 1
EQ=-5Mvarh with unit of W
0x50 80 Pb Int 1 NOTE active power data marked
with + , means load electric energy,
0x51 81 Pc Int 1 and - means load power generation.
Display three-phase
Generally, when the wiring is improper,
voltage total harmonic 0x52 82 P Int 1 the active power is - .
content(A,B and C 0x53 83 Qa Int 1 Split phase and total reactive power
Page 8 THD
c respectively) 0x54 84 Qb Int 1
with unit of var
NOTE reactive power data marked
TE 0x55 85 Qc Int 1
with + means inductive load and
0x56 86 Q Int 1 - means capacitive load.
0x57 87 Sa Int 1
0x58 88 Sb Int 1 Split phase and total apparent power
Display three-phase
a with unit of VA
0x59 89 Sc Int 1
+P current total harmonic
b 0x5A 90 S Int 1
content(A,B and C
page 9 THD
c 0x5B 91 cosQ Int 1 Power factor 0~1.000 fixed format 1.000
TE 0x5C 92 F Int 1 Frequency with unit of 0.01Hz
EQ=-0.668KWh 0x5D 93 Ep+ long 2 Positive active energy, unit is wh
5 18
MODBUS-RTU communication address information table Content Instruction
Address Address Data Data Length
instruction Display three-phase
HEX Dec content format word
P r i m a r y p o w e r g r i d d a t a ( f lo at ) degree.
page 10
Left picture displays
0x0A 10 Ua Float 2 Three-phase phase-vlotage data,unit 0.1V
NOTE it is valid only in three-phase voltage unbalance
0x0C 12 Ub Float 2 four-line connection way, and invalid in
0x0E 14 Uc Foat 2
three-phaase three-line connection way. degree 0.15%.
0x10 16 Uab Float 2
Three-phase phase-vlotage data, Display three-phase
0x12 18 Ubc Float 2
with unit of 0.1V +Q
0x1C 28 Pa Float 2 Split phase and total active power degree 0.02%.
with unit of k
NOTE active power data marked EQ=-5Mvarh
0x1E 30 Pb Float 2
with + , means load electric energy,
0x20 32 Pc Float 2 and - means load power generation. Display leakage current
Generally, when the wiring is improper, +Q
0x24 36 Qa Float 2 Split phase and total reactive power Left picture displays
with unit of kvar Page 12 leakage current 0.014A.
0x26 38 Qb Float 2
NOTE reactive power data marked EQ=6.02Mvarh
0x28 40 Qc Float 2
with + means inductive load and
Only 96*96 outline has
0x2A 42 Q Float 2 - means capacitive load.
the function.
0x2C 44 S Float 2 Total apparent power KVA
17 6
4.2 energy pulse
Page Instruction
Display max active M ultifunction electric power meter can supply bi-directional active and
+Q Bi-directional reactive electric energy metering, 2-channel electric energypulse
power , reactive power output and the digital interface of RS485 to complete display & remote
demand(acquisition data transmission Of the electric energy data. Realize the active electric energy and
reactive electric energy remote transmission through the electric energy pulse of
Page 14 every 5 minutes the optically coupled relay of the open collector as well as adopt the remote
As left picture, computer terminal and the pulse sum for the collection instrument of PLC, DI switch
TE Pmax=3174W collection module to realize the electric energy cumulative metering. Adopt the
Qmax=2508var pulse output mode to inspect the precision of the electric energy national
Ep=-1.362kWh Metro logical regulation: the comparative method for pulse error of the standard
Using 4 keys to programming operation left-right key Backspace (2) Pulse Constant: 5000 imp/kWh (all measuring range), The meaning is: when the
key menu entering / confirming key to complete all above functional operation.
meter cumulates 1KWh, the number of the output pulse is 5000. It must be
emphasized that 1kWh is the secondary measured data of electric energy. Under
If present normal display is voltage interface, press this key to enter the condition of PT and CT, the 5000 pulse data corresponding to primary
programming mode. Press the key to return to last level menu in programming mode. measured electric energy is 1kWh voltage transformation ratio Pt current
if present display is the 1st layer menu, press the key to enter to parameter saving interface, transformation ratio CT.
repress it to cancel saving, and return to normal display interface.
(3) Application example: the pulse counting device is used for PLC terminal.
left right shifting key to complete menu item shifting or number increasing or
Suppose during the period with the length of t, the number of collected pulse is
decreasing. N; the input of meter is: 10kV/100V 400A/5A, thus the electric energy accumulation
selecting/confirming key if present normal display is voltage interface press this key, Of meter during the time period is: N/5000 100 80 degrees electric energy.
can shift phase voltage/line voltage under programming mode press the key to enter next
level menu control cursor move to next character or next layer selecting item.
Under the situation of programming mode returning to measuring mode the meter will
indicates SAVE-YES select means no saving and exit select save and
7 16
4.1 message format command 3.5 leakage current detecting instruction(only 120*120 outline has the function)
1 read data register value function code 0x03/0x04
3.5.1 display interface as following
Data code
Frame Address Function check code
structure code Initial register Register number
address +P
Example of 0xF0
0x01 0x10 0x00 0x07 0x00 0x02
Message 0x09
Instruction in order to ensure normal communication carry on a host inquiry register
number is limit to above example, initial register address 0x00 0x07 means starting
address of voltage ratio setting register number 0x00 0x02 means total 2 Words data of
voltage and current ration setting writting number 0x00 0x64 0x00 0x0A means voltage But if load or leakage current in wire that is zero sequence current In<Ia+Ib+Ic
ratio was set for 100, current ratio 10. Please refer to appendix 1 for the detailed information
of MODBUS-RTU communication address . leakage current detecting current transformer can detects leage current through
away leakage current magnitude Id=(Ia+Ib+Ic)-In.
15 8
3.6 menu structure as following user can set parameter according to actual situation. Data frame structure: the message format.
Verify Password When input password is correct, can Address code : beginning part of the frame, a byte (8-bit binar y code), with a decimal
Password data 0 9999 system from 0 to 255, but in our system 1 to 247 is used only with , other address remained.
Put enter pragram default password:0001
These bits indicate the terminal equipment address designated by the user, the equipment
CODE will receive the host data which has been connected with it. Address of each terminal unit
Change password
Password data(0 9999
can change the password after must be unique, and the terminal only which is addressed will respond to the inquiry to this
Set It verify successfully address. When the terminal sends back a response, the subordinate address data which is
in response will tell the main machine which terminal is communicating
with it..
N.3.4 and N.3.3 Select input network of measuring signal Data Code includes the required data for the terminal to carry out the specific functions or
NET the collected data when the terminal responds to the inquiry. The contents of these data may
be the value, reference address or set value. For example: the function code tells the terminal
Voltage ratio Set voltage signal ratio=1st scale/ to read a register, data field need to indicate that start from which register and read how much
1 5000 data, while the loop back content of slave data code includes data length and corresponding
PT.U 2nd scale, eg.10KV/100V=100 data.
System setting
Set Calibration Code The error check field occupies two bytes, which includes a 16-bit binary value.
Current ratio Set current signal ratio=1st scale/ CRC value will be calculated by the transmission equipment and then added to the data frame,
1 5000
CT.I 2nd scale,eg.200A/5A=40 besides, the receiving equipment will recalculate CRC value when receiving the data and then
compare the value with the received value in CRC field; if the two values are not equal, it shows
If chose"YES" exit programmable menu that there is error.
Clear energy
YES/no press enter key, energy clear press back key, The process of forming a CRC:
energy do not clear chose"no" do not clear. (1) Preset a 16-bit register as OFFFFH (full 1) and call it as CRC register.
(2) Make the nonequivalence operation between the 8-bit of the first byte in the data frame
Display with the low byte in CRC register, and store the results into CRC register.
0000 Can set LCD sleep time at will (3) Move CRC register rightward for one bit, and fill in the highest bit with 0, while the lowest bit
shall be moved out and detected.
(4) If the lowest-order bit is 0: repeat the third step (the next displacement); if the lowest-order
Display page Auto: turn page automatically every 2S
Display setting bit is 1: make the nonequivalence operation between CRC register and a
turning Auto/HAnd Hand turn page by hand preset fixed value (0A001H).
DIS.P (5) Repeat the third step and the fourth step until there are eight times of displacement, thus it
handles a complete eight-bit.
Adjust bright degree of digital tube (6) Repeat the second step and handle the next eight-bit in the fifth step until all the treatments
Bright degree
0 6 "0" is the darkest "6" is the brightest. for bytes are completed.
(This item is meaningless.) (7) The CRC value is the final value of CRC register.
Address function code tells the selected slave equipment to operate what function. Supported
1 247 The meter address scope1 247 function by the meter in th following table,and their meaning and function.
Code meanings meaning
Com parameter Com check bit N.8.1: no check bit o.8.1od d check
CONN dAtA E.8.1 even check 0x03/0x04 Read data register value
Com speed rate 0x10 write settng
i register command
1200 9600 Baud rate 1200 2400 4800 9600
9 14
digital communication 3 7 programmable menu structure user can set parameters according to actual situation
Multifunction electric power meter provides asynchronous half-duplex mode of RS485 communication press 3 times
input setting password
note: Do not need to press
interface , using Rs485 MOD-BUS-RTU protocol, all data are available on Communication transmission enter key, setting password 0001
line. In a 485 bus can connect simultaneously up to 32 intelligent energy meter, each intelligent energy press Menu key directly to
return to last layer
meter can set its communication address (Address NO.). Communication terminal numbers of different password
modify password
series meters may be different, Communication connection should be used with unshielded twisted-pair Note modify password 1000(number scope
of copper network which diameter is not less than 0.5mm2. When Wiring ,you should use communication 1-9999).Do not need to press enter key, press
Menu key directly to return to last layer.
line away from the strong electrical cables or other strong electric field environment, recommend to use
Note 58 485-A current ratio scope
:0 -5000
59 485-B
60 485-ground
MODBUS protocol is that a method to connect communications uses the method of principal LCD sleep mode can set sleep time at will
and subordinate response on one communication line. First, signal of main computer address
to a terminal unit with the unique address(subordinate computer), then the terminal unit sends
Display page turning scope:manual/automatic
a response signal is transformed to the main computer in the opposite direction, that is: signal
on one independent communication line is transformed all communication data low along two
opposite directions (semi-duplex working mode).
LED bright degree This item is meaningless
MODBUS protocol only allows the communication between the main (PC, PLC, etc.) and
the terminal unit, do not allow to exchange data between independent terminal unit, so that
Communication address scope:1-247
all terminal units do not occupy communication line when they are initialized, but only
limited to response to reach inquir y signal of its own compute.r
Communication speed rate 1200/2400/4800/9600
Host inquiry: Inquiry message frame includes equipment address code, function code, data
information code and check code. The address code indicates the slave equipment needed
to select; function code tells the selected slave equipment to operate what function, for Communication check bit n.8.1/o.8.1/e.8 .1
example, function code 03 or 04 requires slave equipment to read register and return their
contents; data information code includes additional information of function executed by slave
equipment. e.g. in the reading command, the additional inform ation of data segments includes
which register is the first to read and the numbers of the register to be read; the check code is
used to test the correctness of a frame information and provide s a way to check whether the
Note exit menu setting
message contents are correct. It adopts CRC16 calibration rules. when appear SAVG YES
press key to save and
Slave response: If the slave equipment responses normally, the address code, function code, exit press key, exit
data code and CRC16 calibration code appear in response message. The data information ineffectively.
code includes the data collected by slave equipment such as regis ter value or state. If there Number displacement
is any error, we promise no response from slave. Number up
Number down
Transport mode refers to a series of independent data structu re and limited regulation used Return key
for transporting data in a data frame, the following defines the compatible transmission mode
with MODBUS protocol- RTU mode. Every byte bit: one start bit, eight data bits, (even -odd
check bit), one stop bit (if even-odd check bit exists) or two stop bits (if no parity check bit).
13 10
E.g1 voltage ratio modifying e.g 10KV/100V E.g 2 current ratio modifying e.g 250A/5A
Press 3 times
Press 3 times
K bit flashing
he unit
The unit flashing
Press 2 times
Press 2 times
Kbit Hundred
bit flashing Press 2 times
Press 5 times
Press 2 times
Press 2 times
Nominal value 5A
Save Nominal value 100V
exit page saving
Press 3 times to Save Ct changing value as following
Press 3 times
confirming confirming
to exit page saving
Password Input Set Phase-line network Voltage ratio Save Password Input Set Phase-line network Current ratio Save
11 12