MSCRWEE 1st Sem Assignments Jan 2022
MSCRWEE 1st Sem Assignments Jan 2022
MSCRWEE 1st Sem Assignments Jan 2022
MSCRWEE Programme
M.Sc (Renewable Energy and Environment)
First Semester
MRW-001 Energy Conversion
MRW-002 Heat Transfer
MED-003 Energy and Environment
MST-001 Foundation in Mathematics and Statistics
Before attempting the assignment, please read the following instructions carefully:
1) On top of the first page of your answer sheet, please write the details exactly in the following format:
ENROLLMENT NO :……………………………………………
NAME :……………………………………………
ADDRESS :……………………………………………
PROGRAMME CODE: ………………………..
COURSE CODE: ……………………………….
COURSE TITLE: ………………………………
STUDY CENTRE: ………………………..……. DATE: ……………….………………...
2) Use only foolscap size writing paper (but not of very thin variety) for writing your answers.
3) Leave 4 cm margin on the left, top and bottom of your answer sheet.
4) Your answers should be precise.
5) This assignments submitted should be hand written in your own hand writing.
We strongly suggest that you should retain a copy of your answer sheets.
6) You cannot fill the Exam Form without submission of the assignments. So solve it and
submit it at the earliest. If you wish to appear in the TEE, June 2022, you should submit
your TMAs by May 15, 2022. Similarly, if you wish to appear in the TEE, December 2022, you
should submit your TMAs by September 30, 2022.
Q.1 (a) Describe different types of wastes. How can waste be used? What is municipal solid
waste? Describe different categories of MSW.
(b) What is the solid waste scenario in Indian cities? What is integrated solid waste
Q.2 (a) How do you classify waste? What functions are identified in waste management?
What is an incinerator?
(b) How are particulate matters removed from flue gas of an incinerator? Distinguish
between pyrolysis and starved air incineration.
Q.3 (a) Discuss different treatments given to hazardous waste before final disposal. Why are
such treatments necessary? Give names of such disposal methods which do not
require pretreatments.
(b) What is incineration? What are different incineration technologies? What are the
advantages of rotary kiln?
Q4. (a) Why does a fire occur? Describe fire classes and portable extinguishers used against
(b) What is the role of first aid in responding to emergency? Describe contents of a first
aid kit. What are different elements of emergency planning?
Q5. (a) “Safety alone is not the objective of Safety Engineering. Health of worker should also
be included in the objective.” Justify the statement.
(b) What is occupational safety? Describe reasons for risks to the safety and health of a
worker in work place.
Q6. (a) Enumerate the health problems arising out of industrialization. Discuss the measures
for health protection of workers.
(b) Describe the types of Accidents and discuss the preventive measures.
Q7. (a) Describe principles on which gas detection in industrial environment is made.
(b) What is acid rain? Which pollutants cause acid rains?
Q8. (a) Describe a typical landfill cross-section and bring out the significance of each layer.
(b) What is incineration? What are different incineration technologies? What are the
advantages of rotary kiln?
Q9. (a) What are safety inspections? Discuss the objectives and roles of inspectors.
(b) What is a disaster? Distinguish between a man-made and natural disaster. Describe
briefly the after effects of such disasters as earthquake, floods and cyclone.
Q10 What is safety training and why is it necessary? Discuss the role of trainer of safety
engineering. Describe four steps of training – preparation, presentation, application and
evaluation for safety engineering.
Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. This assignment is based on all
Blocks of Computer Aided Process Planning.
Q.1 Describe the mechanism of heat transfer through conduction. Also discuss the Fourier’s law
of heat conduction.
Q.2 (a) The heat flow rate through a wood board with a 5cm thickness is 500 W/m2. Temperature
difference along the direction of flow of heat between the faces of the wood board is 550
C. Calculate the thermal conductivity of wood.
(b) Air at 300 C flows over a hot plate (50 c x 75 cm) maintained at 2000 C with the help of
an electric heater. The convection co-efficient is 20 W/m2. Calculate the heat transfer.
(5 + 5 = 10)
Q.3 Derive the expressions for i) rate of heat transfer through a thin cylinder ii) temperature
distribution along the radial direction of cylinder.
Q.8 12 (twelve) number of fins each having thermal conductivity k=75 W/mK and 0.75 mm
thickness protrude 25 mm from a cylindrical surface of 50 mm diameter and 1 m length
placed in an atmosphere of 400 C. If the cylindrical surface is maintained at 150 0 C and the
heat transfer coefficient is h=23 W/m2. K, calculate a) rate of heat transfer b) percentage
increase in heat transfer due to fins
Q.9 Define Reynolds number and give the difference between free and forced convection. Also
explain viscosity and its unit in SI system.
Q.10 Derive the expression for critical thickness of insulation for a cylinder or a tube.
Note : All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. This assignment is based on all
Blocks of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.
MST-001: Foundation in Mathematics and
Statistics Course Code: MST-001
Assignment Code: MST-001/TMA/2022
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: All questions are compulsory. Answer in your own words.
1. State whether the following statements are True or False. Give reason in support of youranswer:
(a) Between any two different rational numbers there is another rational number.
(b) x 1001
x 2001 x 3001 dx 0
(c) 210 is 51st term of the sequence 10, 15, 20, 25, …
a x bc
(d) b x ca 0
c x ab
(e) The range of the data shown in the following frequency distribution is 350.
Classes 200- 250- 300- 350- 400- 450- 500-
250 300 350 400 450 500 550
0 7 3 8 4 0 0
2. (a) A carpenter was hired to build 192 window frames. The first day he made five frames and each day
thereafter he made two more frames than he made the day before. How many days he will take to finish
his job? (4)
1 1 1 1
(b) Set having values , , , 1 , 1 , , is countable. (3)
4 9 16 25 36 49
(c) How many words each of three vowels and two consonants can be formed from the letters of the
words INVOLUTE? (3)
3. (a) Express 700.1400.2100.2800.3500.42000 in terms of factorial.
(b) How many different signals are possible with 5 blue, 4 red, 3 white and 2 green flags byusing all at a
time in a queue?
(c) If in a hall there are 10 randomly selected students then how many numbers of ways arethere such
that all of them have different birthday. Assume that all of them have their birth day in non-leap years.
4. Discuss the continuity and differentiability of the following function at x = 2/3. (5+5)
2 2
x , x
f (x) 3 3
0, x 2/3
5. Evaluate the following integrals: (5+5)
(i) 10x9 40x4 3 x10 8x5 3x 5 dx
(ii) (x 5)(x2 4) dx
6. Find values of x, y and z given that
5x y z 36
x y z 16
10x 2y 2z 72
You are bound to use the matrix techniques to solve the given equations.
7. (a) Write flow charts of Cramer rule and matrix method. (10)
(b) Write whether the following data are discrete or continuous. Give reason in support of your answer.
i) Number of children in a family in a colony of 100 families.
ii) Number of pages in each of the 50 books having some mistake.
iii) Height of students of IGNOU who enrolled in 2021.
iv) Waiting time of metro when a person reaches metro station.
v) Monthly income of the family. (5×2=10)
8. (a) Write any 10 principles of data visualisation.
(b) What is the relation of unit on y-axis with unit on x-axis in histogram. (10+10)