Dr. Zaki Turk - Plant Morphology and Anatomy - B111
Dr. Zaki Turk - Plant Morphology and Anatomy - B111
Dr. Zaki Turk - Plant Morphology and Anatomy - B111
Course specifications
Menoufia University Faculty of Science
Programme on which the course is given B.Sc. Botany, Botany & Chemistry
Major or minor element of programmes Major
Department offering the programme Botany
Department offering the course Botany
Basic Information
Title: Plant anatomy and Morphology Code: B111
Credit Hours: 3 h Lecture: 2h Practical: 2h
Part I: Plant Morphology
The branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and
plants is Morphology
vegetative structures of vascular plants include the study of the
shoot system, ( stems and leaves), as well as the root system. The
reproductive organs are more varied, and are usually specific to a
particular group of plants, such as flowers and seeds.
produced may be affected by the stage in the plants life when they
begin to develop, as well as by the environment to which the
structures are exposed.
In seed plants, the embryo will develop one or more seed leaves
By the end of embryogenesis, the baby plant will have all the parts
necessary to begin in its life enclosed in solidified integuments
(seed coat) which is called in general the seed.
Seeds with testa protect and nourish the embryo or baby plant.
Seeds usually nourish and give a seedling fast because of the larger
food reserves in the seed. Different plants have evolved many ways
to disperse their population through their seeds.
Seed dispersal is often attributed mainly to fruits, however many
seeds aid in their own dispersal
Many seeds are edible (used in nutrition). Seeds also provide most
used oils. Many important nonfood oils are extracted from seeds,
many beverages, spices, and some important food additives.
Seeds are the source of some medicines such that of castor oil, tea
tree oil.
Some seed coats are so hard that water and oxygen cannot get
through until the coat breaks down. Other seeds need to be exposed
to proper temperatures.
enzymes and food supplies become hydrated. Hydrated enzymes
become active and the seed increase its metabolic activities to
produce energy for the growth process. In addition, the water
causes turgor pressure to increase in the cells and they are able to
The first part of the seedling to emerge from the seed coat is the
In such soaked seeds it is an easy to remove the testa. On one
curve, the radicle fits into an inner pocket. The radicle is in a
somewhat unprotected position because of being so near the
micropyle, which is an area of weakness, and this pocket gives it
extra protection.
When the root is well established in the ground, the plumule grows
up. Its tip is bent like a hook, so that the delicate leaves of this first
bud are not subjected to friction اإلحتكاك. Once the tip has broken
through the surface of the soil it becomes erect by the straightening
of the stem.
The first leaves borne on the stem are simply stipules. These are
succeeded by compound leaves made up of two leaflets and a
rudimentary tendril. At the base of each compound leaf is a pair of
stipules. The later leaves have three pairs of leaflets and the
rudimentary tendril is still present.
The elongation of the stem of the plumule, the primary bud of the
plant, like the corresponding elongation of the axis of a resting-
bud, separates the nodes widely. The leaves, which were originally
crowded together, are now separated one from another by long
internodes, and the only crowding is that of the young leaves,
continually being formed from the growing point.
Endospermic seed structure (Monocots): Poaceae (cereal grain,
caryopsis) – Zea mays and other cereals
Monocot species like corn and other cereal species have caryopses
(cereal grains) as propagation units. Caryopses are single-seeded
fruits in which the testa (seed coat) is fused with the thin pericarp
(fruit coat).
Cereal grains have highly developed embryos and the triploid
endosperm consists of the starchy endosperm (dead storage
tissue) and the aleurone layer (living cells).
Organs of the cereal embryo are the coleoptile (shoot sheath), the
scutellum, the radicle and the coleorrhiza (root sheath).
After germination, the scutellum functions in absorbing the
nutrients from the starchy endosperm and delivering them to the
growing seedling.
The coleoptile protects the shoot meristem and plumule when
growing through the soil.
The coleorhiza has a similar function for the radicle prior to
germination. The coleorhiza is the first structure that grows
through the pericarp, the radicle (the completion of germination)
then ruptures it.
Germination and seedling establishment of cereal grains is
hypogenous. After the primary root emerges, the coleoptile is
pushed upward by elongation of the mesocotyl.
The coleoptile elongates and reaches the soil surface. Here it
ceases to elongate and the first leaves of the plumule emerge
through an opening at its tip.
Root System
living parenchyma cells derived from the apical meristem by
divisions contributing cells a way from the apex. This part of the
apical meristem often appears as a distinct meristem called
calyptrogen. As new cells are produced, cells on the periphery of
the root cap are sloughed off ...تنسلخ. Root tips growing in the soil
are coated with more or less large amounts of mucilage.
The outer cells in the root cap secrete mucilage. The secretion
process is a function of dictyosomes, which produce large vesicles
containing the secretory product.
Above the root cap is the zone of division and above that is the
zone of elongation. The zone of division contains growing and
dividing primary meristematic cells. After each cell division, one
daughter cell retains the properties of the meristem cell, while the
other daughter cell (in the zone of elongation) elongates sometimes
up to as much as 150 times. As a result, the root tip is literally
pushed through the soil.
geotropism, the growth mechanism of plants that also causes the
shoot to grow upward. In some plants (such as ivy), the "root"
actually clings to walls and structures.
Types of roots
The roots, or parts of roots, of many plant species have become
specialized to serve adaptive purposes besides the two primary
functions described above, these roots are modified for storage of
food or water
Storage taproot
(a) Conical root is broad at the base and gradually tapers towards
apex e.g. Daucus carota (Carrot).
(c) Fusiform. The root is swollen in middle and tapers towards the
base and apex e.g. Raphanus sativus (radish).
Adventitious roots
Aerial roots: roots entirely above the ground, such as in ivy
(Hedera) or in epiphytic orchids. They function as prop roots,
as in maize or anchor roots or as the trunk in strangler fig.
among mangroves. They grow down from lateral branches,
branching in the soil.
Tuberous roots: is a modified lateral root, enlarged to
function as a storage organ. It is thus different in origin but
similar in function and appearance to a tuber. Examples of
plants with notable root tubers include the sweet potato, and
Dahlia. It is a structure used to perennialize the plant for
survival from one year to the next.
Shoot system
The shoot system refers to new fresh plant growth and does
include stems but to other structures like leaves or flowers.
The shoot originates in the embryo at the end opposite the root and
develops a complex shoot apex, different from that of the root.
Terminal buds are present at the tips of the main stem and
branches and contain the apical meristem tissues.
Roots Shoots
Apical covered by a cup- exposed, no cellular cap
meristem shaped root cap
Apical absent produce primordia
appendages (leaves and buds)
Orientation of occurs in all planes oriented; two locations:
cell division inner ( corpus) and an
outer ( tunica)
Zones separate areas of no such recognizable
division, elongation, zones present
and differentiation
Transport of fluids between the roots and the shoots in the
xylem and phloem.
Storage of nutrients.
The production of new living tissue. The normal life span of
plant cells is one to three years. Stems have cells called
meristems that annually generate new living tissue.
Plant Habit: refers to the overall shape of a plant. It has a number
of components such as stem length and development, branching
pattern, and texture.
Herb: A plant in which all structures above the surface of the soil,
vegetative or reproductive, die back at the end of the annual
growing season, and never become woody. but may have
underground perennating structures; may be annual, biennial, or
Stem may be: Erect having an essentially upright vertical habit or
Metamorphosis of stems
I: Underground stems
They are modified plant structures that derive from stem tissue but
exist under the soil surface. Plants use under ground stems to
multiply their numbers by asexual reproduction and to survive
from one year to the next, usually over a period of dormancy.
Plants produce these modified stems so they can survive a cold or
dry period, which normally is a period of inactive growth, and
when the cold or dry period is over the plants begin new growth
from the underground stems. Being underground protects the stems
from the elements during the dormancy period, such as freezing
and thawing in winter or extreme heat and drought in summer or
fire. They can also protect plants from heavy grazing pressure from
animals, the plant might be eaten to the ground but new growth can
occur from below ground that can not be reached by the
herbivores. A number of weedy species use underground stems to
spread and colonize large areas since the stems do not have to be
supported or strong, less energy and resources are needed to
produce these stems, often these weeds have more mass under
ground than above ground. Underground stem functions mainly in
reproduction but also in storage
A corm consists of one or more internodes with at least one
growing point, with protective leaves modified into skins or tunics.
The thin tunic leaves are dry papery, dead petiole sheaths, formed
from the leaves produced the year before which acts as a covering
that protects the corm from insects and water loss.
Corms grow two different types of roots; from the bottom of the
corm normal fibrous roots are formed as the shoots grow, they are
produced from the basal area at the bottom of the corm, the other
type of roots are produced were the corm grows new corms. The
second type of roots is thicker layered roots that are able to pull the
corm deeper into the soil. These roots which are called contractile
roots are produced in response to a fluctuating soil temperature
and light levels e.g. Colocasia.
In general, rhizomes have short internodes; they send out roots
from the bottom of the nodes and new upward-growing shoots
from the top of the nodes.
The plant uses the rhizome to store starches, proteins, and other
nutrients. These nutrients become useful for the plant when new
shoots must be formed or when the plant dies back for the winter.
This is a process known as vegetative reproduction and is used by
farmers and gardeners to propagate certain plants.
The tuber has all the parts of a normal stem, including nodes and
internodes, the nodes are the eyes and each has a leaf scar. The
nodes or eyes are arranged around the tuber in a spiral fashion
beginning on the end opposite the attachment point to the stolon.
Internally a tuber is filled with starch stored in enlarged
parenchyma like cells; also internally the tuber has the typical cell
structures of any stem, including pith, vascular zones and a cortex.
III: Climbing are stems that cling or wrap around other plants or
the spines are lignified and become stiff. The whole plant becomes
spiny and without leaves. Thorn is a reduced stem with a sharp
point and rounded shape. e.g. Alhagi, Zilla.
In many plants, scales are not formed over the bud, which is then
called a naked bud. Such naked buds are found in shrubs and in
herbaceous plants. In many of the latter, buds are even more
reduced, often consisting of undifferentiated masses of cells in the
axils of leaves.
A terminal bud occurs on the end of a stem and lateral buds are
found on the side. A head of cabbage is an exceptionally large
terminal bud.
Since buds are formed in the axils of leaves (axillary buds), their
distribution on the stem is the same as that of leaves. There are
alternate, opposite, and whorled buds, as well as the terminal bud
at the tip of the stem.
Types of buds
For location
o Terminal, when located at the tip of a stem (apical is equivalent
but rather reserved for the one at the top of the plant),
o Axillary, when located in the axil of a leaf (lateral is equivalent
but some adventitious buds may be lateral too),
o Adventitious, when occurring elsewhere, for example on trunk or
on roots (some adventitious buds may be former axillary ones
reduced and hidden under the bark, other adventitious buds are
completely new formed ones),
For morphology
For function
o Vegetative, if only containing vegetative pieces (embryonic shoot
with leaves), Reproductive, if containing embryonic flower(s) (a
flower bud) and Mixed, if containing both embryonic leaves and
Leaves are also the sites in most plants where transpiration and
guttation take place. Leaves can store food and water, and are
modified in some plants for other purposes.
(i) Leaf base (Hypopodium): Leaf base is the lower most part
of the leaf meant for attachment. It acts as a leaf cushion. In
most of the plants it is indistinct. Sometimes leaf base shows
different variations as follows:
(a) Pulvinate leaf base: In members of leguminosae the leaf is
swollen. Such swollen leaf bases are called pulvinate leaf
bases as seen in mango leaves.
(b) Sheathing leaf base: In grasses and many monocots, the
leaf base is broad and surrounds the stem as an envelope, such
a leaf base is called sheathing leaf base, e.g., Maize, Wheat and
Palms. In grasses (Maize, Wheat etc.) the sheathing leaf
base protects the intercalary meristem.
(c) Modified leaf base: The leaf bases in few plants perform
accessory functions and show modifications. In (Onion), the
leaf bases store food materials and become fleshy. They are
arranged concentrically to form a tunicated bulb.
In Platanus and Robenia, the leaf bases protect the axillary
buds and grow around them to form cup like structures.
The petiole attaches to the stem at a point called the "leaf axil". A
petiole may be absent, or the blade may not be laminar
Arrangement on the stem
Two basic forms of leaves described considering the way the blade
is divided.
A simple leaf has an undivided blade. However, the leaf shape
may be formed of lobes, but the gaps between lobes do not reach to
the main vein.
Even-pinnate (paripinnate): Leaflets are attached along an
extension of the petiole called a rachis; there is an even number of
leaflets, e.g. Cassia.
Polygonum Rumex etc. Hairy stipules: These are hair like
stipules which are dry in nature, e.g.,Corchorus
Tendrillar stipules: are thin and modified into wire like structure.
Tendrillar stipules help in climbing of plants. These are usually
present in tendril climbing plants e.g., Smilax.
of food and water. Leaf veins connect the blade to the petiole, and
lead from the petiole to the stem. The venation pattern of a leaf is
classified as reticulated, parallel, or dichotomous.
In parallel venation, the veins are all smaller in size and parallel
or nearly parallel to one another, although a series of smaller veins
connects the large veins. Parallel venation occurs in the leaves of
nearly all monocotyledonous Angiosperms, whose embryos have
one cotyledon, as in grasses.
Leaf Blade Shape:
Acicular: have a long and very narrow leaf shape, with sides that
are almost parallel to each other and are usually more than ten
times longer than broad. Acicular leaves are often borne on short
lateral branches called fascicles; Linear leaves: have a long and
very narrow leaf shape, with sides that are almost parallel with one
another and are usually more than four times longer than broad.
Orbicular leaves: have a more or less circular leaf shape in which
the width and length of the lamina are equal, or nearly so.
Ovate leaves: are egg-shaped, with the widest part of the leaf
below the middle toward the base.
Obovate leaves: are egg-shaped, with the widest part of the leaf
above the middle toward the apex.
Cordate leaves: are shaped like a heart, with the lobes of the heart
at the base of the leaf and the pointed portion at the apex.
Obcordate leaves: are also heart-shaped, but the lobes are at the
apex, and the basal lamina tapers into the petiole.
Hastate leaves: are also shaped like an arrowhead, but the basal
lobes diverge or extend away from the midrib, giving an outline
that resembles a halberd.
Spatulate leaves: have a spoon-shaped or spatula-shaped leaf
where the lamina is widest near the rounded apex.
Lyrate: When the leaf blade is like a lyre القيثارة, i.e., contains a big
terminal lobe and many smaller lateral lobes, e.g., Raphanus
Leaf apices
Acute: sharp, ending into a pointed apex with margins that form an
acute angle between 45 and 90 degrees. e.g., Mangifera indica.
Acuminate: a sharp-pointed apex with straight or convex margins
that form an angle less than 45 degrees.
Leaf margins
The margin of a leaf is another name for the structure of the leaf's
edge. There are many different variations, and they can be:
Crenate: the margins of a leaf (or leaflet or other organ ) have
relatively large rounded, blunt projections, but not so large as to be
considered lobes.
Spinose: Has spines along leaf margins. Often these spines occur
on the margin where the leaf veins terminate at serrations at the
leaf margin.
Terminology in plant morphology
Hilum and funiculus: Funicular scar on seed coat that marks the
point at which the seed was attached via the funiculus to the ovary
The Micropyle is a canal or hole in the coverings (seed coat) of
the nucellus through which the pollen tube usually passes during
fertilization. Later, when the seed matures and starts to germinate,
the micropyle serves as a minute pore through which water enters.
The micropylar seed end has been demonstrated to be the major
entry point for water during seed imbibitions and germination.
During germination the testa ruptures at the micropylar end and the
radicle protrudes through the micropylar endosperm.
leaves. These generally are the first parts visible when the seed
Part II: plant anatomy
The plant cell
Each cell is capable of not only make up living things but also it is
living things. The cell is the unit of construction of plant, just as
atoms are the units of molecules.
chromosomes were present in the nucleus, and that these divided
during nuclear divisions.
The most important characteristic of a cell is that it can reproduce
by dividing. Cell division is the process by which cells duplicate
and replace themselves. Nuclear divisions were of two kinds:
1- Mitosis division; those that gave rise to the somatic cells of the
plant, in which, the chromosomes duplicated and the daughter cells
had the same number of chromosomes as the original cells.
2- Meiosis division; those that gave rise to the reproductive cells of
the plant, in which, the daughter cells had only half the original
number of chromosomes.
The cell was known to consist of a cell wall and its inner contents,
the protoplast.
The protoplast comprised a more or less spherical body, the
nucleus, containing chromosomes, which were the bearers of the
hereditary units or genes, embedded in the granular matrix, the
cytoplasm. Various other inclusions were also observed with the
microscope, cell organelles.
The various components of the plant cell that are known at the
present time will now be discussed.
As summarized below the main components of the plant cell are
the cell wall, cytoplasm, and nucleus. The cytoplasm includes the
different cell organelles. In the following, we will discuss briefly
each of the cell components.
The cell wall is not a living system, but in absence of the protoplast
that formed it, is merely a non- living shell. The wall is formed
during the growth of the cell. Plant cell walls are of considerable
importance to man. Cell walls themselves constitute timbers and
also used directly as fibers, cotton, etc.; materials extracted from
them serve as glue, food and food additives.
The cell plate gives rise to the middle lamella, which, is composed
of pectic substances. The pectic substances react with calcium and
magnesium ions already present in the cell, to form the middle
lamella which become a rigid substance (cementing material). The
middle lamella holds together the primary walls of adjacent cells.
Secondary walls
Secondary walls are usually formed after a cell has completed its
elongation; therefore do not normally extend to any considerable
Where a secondary wall is formed it is deposited on the inner side
of the existing wall, next to the cell lumen. It consists mainly of
cellulose and other polysaccharides.
Various other substances, notably lignin may be deposited in the
Among the organic substances, cutin, subrin, and waxes are found
most commonly in the protective surface tissues of the plant which
imparts rigidity to the cell wall
The secondary wall often consists of three layers, so that a cell wall
may consist altogether of five layers
Pits are relatively thinner portions of the cell wall that
adjacent cells can communicate or exchange fluid through. Pits are
characteristic of cell walls with secondary layers.
Pits are composed of three parts: the pit chamber, the pit aperture,
and the pit membrane. The pit chamber is the hollow area where
the secondary layers of the cell wall are absent. The pit aperture is
the opening at either end of the pit chamber. The pit membrane is
the primary cell wall and middle lamella, or the membrane
between adjacent cell walls, at the middle of the pit chamber.
The primary cell wall at the pit membrane may also have
depressions similar to the pit depressions of the secondary layers.
These depressions are primary pit-fields, or primary pits.
Types of pits
Simple pits: A pit pair in which the diameter of the pit chamber
and the diameter of the pit aperture are equal.
Compound pits: A pit pair in which one cell wall has a large pit
and the adjacent cell wall has numerous, small pits.
The architecture of the cell wall
Cellulose forms the framework interpenetrated by the matrix
represented by the non-cellulosic carbohydrates.
The cellulose framework is a system of fibrils composed of
cellulose molecules.
The fibrils are of different classes of magnitude. The largest are
visible with a light microscope and are called macrofibrils.
With an electron microscope these fibrils are resolvable into
microfibrils. Subunits of the microfibrils are referred to as
Cellulose has crystalline properties as a result of orderly
arrangement of cellulose molecules. Less regularly arranged
glucose chains occur between and around the micelles and
constitute the paracrystalline regions of the microfibril.
In apposition, the building units are placed one on top of another
and this is usually centripetal, i.e. it occurs from outside towards
the center of the cell and so the lumen of the cell becomes narrow
In intussusception, the units of new material are inserted into the
existing structure. Intussusception is probably the rule when lignin
or cutin is incorporated into the wall.
Intercellular spaces
A large volume of the plant body is occupied by an intercellular
space system, which is most characteristic of mature tissues.
The most common intercellular spaces develop by separation of
contiguous primary walls through the middle lamella. Two types of
intercellular space develop in plant tissues.
1- Schizogenous in which spaces result from separation of cell
walls from each other along more or less extended areas of their
In such cases, the intercellular substance dissolves partly and an
intercellular space develops and becomes quite big in size.
Schizogenous cavities form an intercommunicating system of long
intercellular canals, which facilitate diffusion of gases and liquids
from one part of the plant body to the other. The resin ducts in the
Coniferales, and the secretory ducts in the Compositae are the
typical examples.
The cytoplasm
The cytoplasm, physically, is a viscous substance, forming a
colloidal system, which is more or less transparent in visible light.
Chemically the structure of cytoplasm is very complex; the major
component is water (forms 85-90% in active cells and about 10-
12% in cells of dormant seeds) with soluble and non-soluble
components (hyaloplasm).
more or less the same chemical structure namely lipoprotein
referred to as a unit membrane. Each of these membranous
systems functions according to their location.
The nucleus
The nucleus is present in all different types of cells except the
sieve tube cell of higher plants and the red blood cells. It is
considered the most important component of the cell. It contains
the hereditary material, which control the activity of the cell.
Eukaryotes possess a definite nucleus.
Prokaryotes such as bacteria and others do not have easily
recognizable nuclei, but they contain certain nuclear material. The
eukaryotic nucleus consists of nuclear membrane, chromatin
material, nucleolus and nuclear sap.
Endoplasmic reticulum
It is a membranous system, which branches inside the cytoplasm to
form a network-like structure. The endoplasmic reticulum is
present in all adult plant. Under the electron microscope, it appears
as double unit membranes, which, chemically made of lipoprotein.
It forms channels that branch and penetrate throughout the
cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum serves as a channel for
transportation to various parts of the cell of different nutrients,
protein including enzymes.
Two types of endoplasmic reticulum are found:
1) Granular due to the presence of small dense granules, which are
the ribosomes. The granular ER, is related to protein synthesis due
to the presence of the ribosomes,
2) A granular endoplasmic reticulum, similar to the rough E. R.,
but lacks the ribosomes. The smooth ER is normally related to
steroid, lipid and glycogen metabolism. The manufactured protein
can penetrate into cavities of the endoplasmic reticulum.
They are only present in plant cells. They appear under the light
microscope as a small, rounded, oval or disc-shaped bodies
embedded in the cytoplasm. The plastids are considered as part of
the membranous system. The principal types of plastids are
chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts.
Chromoplasts are usually yellow, orange, or red because of the
carotenoid pigments. They occur in petals, in some ripe fruits, and
some roots (e.g. carrot roots). Leucoplasts are non-pigmented
plastids, usually located in tissues not exposed to light; they store
the plant products such as starch (amyloplasts), proteins
(proteinoplasts), and fats (elaioplasts). Leucoplasts of tissues
which become exposed to light may develop into chloroplasts (e.g.
in potato tuber).
Chloroplasts are green because of pigment chlorophyll, which
predominates in them. The chloroplastids are bounded by an
envelope consisting of two unit membranes. Internally the plastids
contain a membrane system embedded in a proteinaceous matrix
or stroma.
The membrane system is in the form of flattened sacs called
thylakoids. The thylakoid system consists of grana and frets
(stroma thylakoids). The grana are interconnected by the frets that
transverse the stroma. In addition to the light harvesting system,
the chloroplasts contain the enzymes responsible for the fixation of
carbon dioxide into sugar. Each granum is composed of a series of
disc-like thylakoids stalked one upon the other like a pile of coins.
The Golgi apparatus
The Golgi apparatus appears, under EM, as membranes in the form
a) System of flattened sacs (Cisternae)
b) Vesicles and
c) Large vacuoles surrounded by membranes.
In many cells of higher plants and in some animal cells, the Golgi
apparatus appear to consist of many separate units called
Golgi apparatus performs a number of important functions such as
Secretion of large molecules in plant cells e.g. the growing region
in root tips secretes pectic material which take part in cell plate
formation and collection and accumulation of certain substances
such as lipids, proteins and enzymes.
They are found lying free in the cytoplasm of nearly all plant and
animal cells. They appear, under the light microscope, as rods or
spherical granules freely distributed in the cytoplasm. The
mitochondria are surrounded by a double envelope consisting of an
outer and an inner membrane.
The outer membrane is smooth and stretched around, while the
inner one is greatly folded. These folds are known as
mitochondrial cristae. The cristae produce a large surface to
volume ratio, which facilitates the function of the mitochondrion.
The interior of the mitochondria is filled with a certain liquid
known as the matrix.
The matrix includes variety of soluble substances such as sugars,
organic acids, mineral salts, vitamins as well as many respiratory
enzymes. The membranes of mitochondria are made of proteins
and lipids.
The main function of mitochondria is considered as the site where
the respiratory reactions take place. The mitochondria contains the
cytochromes (electron transfer agents), the dehydrogenises
enzymes (oxidoreductases) associated with them, respiratory
pigments and some enzymes involved in the krebs cycle.
Ribosomes appear under the EM as small granules. They are
found either attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or free in the
cytoplasm. The ribosomes are being formed within the nucleolus.
They are chemically composed of RNA known as ribosomal RNA,
and protein.
Lysosomes are vacuoles surrounded by a unit membrane formed
by the Golgi apparatus. There are primary and secondary
The primary is formed on the rough ER (endoplasmic reticulum).
The secondary lysosomes are formed on the smooth ER.
Lysosomes are containing high concentration of number of
digestive enzymes.
These enzymes are capable of hydrolyzing different classes of
The lysosomes control the release of these digestive enzymes to
the cell. In case of abnormal situation, lysosomal enzymes may
escape into the cytoplasm and either kill the cell (autolysis), or
bring about dramatic metabolic changes
Tissues and tissue systems
The morphologic units of multicellular organisms, the cells, are of
many different kinds and acquire diversity in structure and
function. Similar cells are associated in various ways with each
other forming coherent masses or tissues. Besides being similar in
form and function, the cells of a tissue have a common origin.
Meristematic tissues
3- Large nuclei compared with cell size.
5- No intercellular spaces.
On the other hand, as regard their position in plant body meristems
are classified into apical, intercalary and lateral.
+ Apical meristems: are those which lie at the apices of the axis
and of the appendages and are commonly called growing points
e.g. tips of roots, stems and often leaves of vascular plants. The
activity of apical meristems brings increase in the length of these
organs, building the primary body of the plant.
Structural development and differentiation of plant tissues
medullary rays and photosynthetic elements are all formed. This
meristematic tissue is sometimes termed the periblem.
Unlike the growing point of the shoot, that of the root lacks lateral
appendages and segregation into nodal and internodal regions.
The thin-walled meristematic cells of the growing point are
protected by a special organ composed of permanent tissue, and
called the root cap, in which the outer cell walls become
mucilaginous and this makes the forward passage of the root
easier. The root cap has an independent origin, from initial cells
called calyptrogen in monocotyledons, while in dicotyledons the
formation of the root cap results from the periclinal division of the
dermatogen itself.
Tissue systems
Permanent tissues
Epidermal or Boundary Tissue
The epidermis of the stem, leaves and floral parts originates from
the surface layer of the shoot apical meristem. That of the root
originates from a layer of cells in the root apical meristem that is
covered by the root cap.
In the epidermis of the leaf, and often also of the stem, stomata
may be present; in some species cork cells containing silica are
also differentiated.
The epidermal cells in many leaves and petals have wavy lateral
walls, which increase the firmness of the union of the cells.
substance is for the most part impervious to water and may have a
protective function.
This process of water loss maintains a steady flow of water and
minerals from the roots to the leaves. To minimize the water loss,
many plants regulate the duration and time of day when stomata
are open. A stoma consists of a pore surrounded by two guard
The epidermal cells adjoining the guard cells often differ in size or
arrangement from the rest of the epidermal cells; such cells called
subsidiary cells. The stoma, together with the subsidiary cells, is
sometimes termed the stomata complex.
The guard cells differ from other cells of the epidermis in the more
richly cytoplasm, the prominent nucleus and existence of
chloroplasts and starch grains.
The guard cells of dicotyledons and monocotyledons except
Gramineae (Poaceae) and Cyperaceae are commonly crescent-
shaped (kidney-shaped), with rounded ends, as seen from the
surface, and have ledges حوافof wall material on the upper or both
upper and lower sides. The cells are covered with cuticle that
extends over the surfaces facing the stomatal pore and the
substomatal chamber.
Guard cells may occur at the same level as the adjacent epidermal
cells. These are usually present in mesophytes, while raised types
of stomata, which protrude above epidermal cells levels, are
confined to some water plants (hydrophytes) and sunken stomata
(below the surface of epidermis) are confined to desert plants
Types of stomata according to subsidiary cells
Trichomes or hairs
hair. The glandular hair formed of living cells and those of the
head have dense protoplasmic contents and large nuclei. The cells
of hairs may be dead in other types.
5- Trichomes may provide a defense against insects.
cortex and pith of stems, cortex of roots, and ground tissue of
petioles, and mesophyll of leaves; or individual or groups of cells
in the complex tissue systems, xylem, and phloem.
The variation in activities of parenchyma cells are usually
reflected in variations in the balance of protoplasmic components.
They may contain chloroplasts and carry out photosynthesis. They
thus differ from parenchymatous cells chiefly in their thick-walled
nature, and in being usually somewhat elongated in a plane
parallel to the long axis of the organ in which they occur.
a) Angular collenchyma, in which the wall thickening is
deposited predominantly at the corners, or angles of the cells, e.g.
Celery petiole, stems of Datura and Dahlia.
A) Fibers vary considerably in length; they are typically many
times longer than broad. Most fibers are elongated elements with
pointed tips, a narrow lumen, and thick secondary walls.
Fibers are sometimes classified into two groups: xylem fibers, and
extraxylary fibers, the latter including all those fibers which
occur in tissues other than the xylem, i.e. phloem, cortical and
perivascular fibers.
B) Sclereids are widely distributed in seed coats and fruits. They
are dead cells with strongly thickened walls which are often
lignified and accordingly the lumen is narrow.
5- Trichosclereids (internal hairs), branched, thin walled
sclereids with lobes projecting like hairs into cellular spaces, in
leaves and stems of hydrophytes.
a) Radial arrangement is characteristic for roots in which xylem
and phloem are not on the same radius, but phloem alternate
with the xylem ridges.
b) Vascular bundles: the primary vascular system of seed plants
consists of strands variable in size and degree of distinctness.
Discrete individual strands are commonly referred as vascular
bundles. This type of arrangement is characteristic for stems.
The phloem and xylem show variations in their relative position in
vascular bundles as shown below:
and the internal (adaxial) phloem. This is represented in certain
ferns and in some dicotyledons (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae,
Convolvulaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae).
The primary tissues differentiate during the formation of the
primary plant body, and the meristem directly concerned with the
formation of the primary vascular tissue is the procambium.
In stems, leaves and floral parts, the primary xylem and the
associated primary phloem commonly occur in strands, the
vascular bundles. Panels of parenchyma, the interfascicular
regions, occur between the vascular bundles in stems; these panels
are often called medullary rays and are considered part of the
ground tissue.
Developmentally, the primary xylem usually consists of an ealier
part, the protoxylem and a later part, the metaxylem. Although the
two parts have some distinguishing characteristics, they integrate
so that the delimitation of the two can be made only
(tracheids and vessel members), xylem fibers (wood fibers) and
xylem parenchyma (wood parenchyma).
1) Tracheids
It is the fundamental cell type in xylem. The tracheid is “an
elongate cell with tapering ends which when mature is non-
living, i.e. without protoplast”.
The walls of tracheids are hard and usually lignified. They are
angular in cross section. The lignified secondary walls are usually
pitted and the pits are of the bordered type.
The tracheid is well adapted to its functions, which are primarily
water conduction and secondarily support. It is a long, empty,
firm-walled tube, extending parallel with the long axis of the
organ. It is in communication with contiguous tracheids as well as
other types of cells, living, and non-living by means of pits.
In gymnosperms, xylem is formed mainly of tracheids, and it is
considered as a primitive element than the vessel elements. In
addition, it is formed in monocots between the metaxylem vessels.
Tracheids differ from vessels in that they are not perforated.
2) Vessels
Vessels or tracheae constitute the fundamental conducting
elements of the xylem of the angiosperms. Vessels formed of a
series of vessel members whose end walls are dissolved or
The length of xylem vessels differ greatly depending on the kind of
plant, the location in the organ and apparently with the rate of
growth of the organ. Vessels are formed from series of xylem
mother cells, procambial cells, in formation of primary xylem, and
from cambial derivatives in formation of secondary xylem. From
meristematic stage, the vessel elements enlarge rapidly, increase
greatly in diameter. At the last stages of development, the cells
fuse together end to end. This fusion involves the loss of the end
walls or perforation of these walls so that the lumina of the series
of cells are freely open into one another and with the walls forms a
long tube.
The wall area bearing the perforation is called the perforation
plate. The perforation may be simple with one pore or multiple
with more than one. Simple perforation plates are thought to have
been derived from the multiple types, by loss of the bars of
thickening. Typically, the protoplasts die after the perforation is
Wood fibers may retain تحتفظ بــliving protoplasts for as long as
twenty years, although they are usually defined as non-living
elements. There may be transitional types between fibers and
Two types of xylem fibers are recognized: the fiber tracheids and
the libriform fibers.
The libriform fibers are longer and have thicker walls than the
fiber-tracheids. The pits in libriform fibers are simple and have no
borders. Fibers of both categories may be septate.
These fibers are widely distributed in dicotyledons and usually
retain their protoplasts in mature sapwood, being concerned with
storage of reserve materials.
4) Xylem parenchyma
Parenchyma cells are a common constitute of the xylem of most
plants. They may be thin-walled or thick-walled. If a secondary
wall is present, the pit pairs between the parenchyma cells and the
tracheary elements may be bordered, half-bordered, or simple.
Xylem parenchyma cells have a variety of contents, e.g. stored
food materials such as starch and oils especially at the end of a
growth season; tannins, crystals and various other substances.
Parenchyma cells are present in two forms:
a) Axial or vertical series of more or less elongated cells placed end
to end and are known as wood or xylem parenchyma.
b) Radial transverse series and are known as xylem ray
c- Sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and one or
more kinds of phloem fibers, sclereids and secretory cells as in
I) Sieve elements
Parallel with the classification of the tracheary elements into
primitive tracheids and more advanced vessel members, the
conducting elements of the phloem segregated into the less
specialized sieve cells and the more specialized sieve tube
elements. Sieve cells and sieve tube elements are morphologically
equivalent and are alike in fundamental structure and function.
1) Sieve cells
The sieve cells are elongate, living cells with thin peripheral layer
of cytoplasm, having no nucleus when the cell is mature. Sieve
cells taper at their ends or have steeply inclined end walls.
Sieve cells have no sieve plates and the conduction of food takes
place through small openings found on their lateral walls.
Sieve cells have no companion cells. The sieves cells originate
from a normal meristematic cell filled with cytoplasm and have a
nucleus. The meristematic cell enlarges and a big vacuole is
formed. The nucleus is then lost and the sieve areas are developed.
2) Sieve tube elements or members
They are composed of two constituents; these are sieve tubes and
companion cells.
a) Sieve tubes
Sieve tubes are longitudinal series or files of thin walled cells
connected with each other through the cross walls which are
perforated to form sieve plates.
They resemble the sieve cells in that, they elongate, are living cells
with a thin layer of peripheral cytoplasm and no nucleus is present
when the cells mature. They also perform the function of
conduction in absence of the nucleus.
The sieve tubes originate from the mother cells of sieve elements,
which are either short cylindrical, elongate, or tapering. They
elongate and the cytoplasm becomes highly vacuolated, the wall
thickens; the cytoplasm strands become prominent and increase in
size. Callus develops around the connecting strands.
As the sieve tube elements reaches maturity in size, the walls
become thinner, and the nucleus disintegrates, the connecting
strands increase in diameter, peripheral cytoplasm becomes
extremely thin. At this stage, the function of conduction apparently
The vacuole of sieve tube contains a strand of slime, which often
appears to be accumulated at the sieve plate in the form of slime
plugs, which is regarded as an indication that the cell has been
injured. Slime in normal cases consists of a relatively viscous
substances dispersed in the vacuolar sap and consists mainly of
1- Simple sieve plates with one sieve area, the pores tend to be
very large and the plate occupies all or nearly all the transverse end
2- Compound sieve plates with several sieve areas, the pores tend
to be smaller than that of simple type and the plate occupies only
part of the oblique end.
b) Companion cells
The sieve tube members of angiosperms are commonly associated
with specialized parenchyma cells called companion cells. These
cells arise from the same meristematic cells as the associated sieve
tube members. In the formation of the companion cells, the
meristematic mother cell divides longitudinally one or more times.
One of the resulting cells, usually the larger, differentiates into
sieve-tube member while the other becomes a companion cell.
The number of companion cells varies from one to several in
different species and may also be variable in the same plant. They
also vary in size; some are as long as the sieve tube member, others
are shorter than the sieve tube member. The companion cells of a
given sieve tube element may occur on various sides of this
element or they may form continuous longitudinal series on one
side of it.
In contrast to the sieve element, the companion cell retains its
nucleus at maturity.
The sieve tube and its companion cell appear to be closely
associated not only ontogenetically and morphologically but also
physiologically. When the sieve tube protoplasts are disorganized
at the end of its activity, the associated companion cells also die.
Companion cells are lacking in the earlier parts of primary phloem
(protophloem), while are present in metaphloem.
Solitary long companion cells are common in primary phloem in
herbaceous plants, while short and numerous companion cells
appear to be characteristic of secondary phloem of woody plants.
Companion cells occur in highly specialized phloem (monocot)
where they are abundant together with sieve tubes making up the
entire tissue.
In transverse section, companion cells are seen as small triangular,
rounded, or rectangular cells beside the sieve tube elements.
Companion cells are responsible for the transfer of sugars and
other solutes from and to sieve elements and contiguous cells.
II) Phloem parenchyma
III) Phloem fibers and sclereids
Structure of the primary body in stems
1- Dicotyledonous stem
In conifers and dicotyledons, the vascular system of the internodes
commonly appears as a hollow cylinder delimiting an outer and an
inner region of ground tissue, the cortex and the pith,
The vascular bundles are separated from each other by more or less
wide panels of ground parenchyma (interfascicular
parenchyma), that interconnects the pith and the cortex. This
tissue called interfascicular because it occurs between the bundles
or fascicles.
A panel of interfascicular parenchyma is often called the
medullary (pith) ray.
In the following we will discuss the internal structure of the
primary body in stems.
*The cortex
chloroplasts. Intercellular spaces are prominent but sometimes are
largely restricted to the median part of the cortex.
* Starch sheath
*Vascular cylinder
The vascular cylinder is composed of the primary conducting
tissues (primary phloem and primary xylem) including in between
the cambium.
►The procambium: The strands of meristematic tissue, which
developed from the promeristem by several longitudinal
divisions, are known as procambium. This tissue is formed of
elongate cylinder cells with dense cytoplasm and is responsible for
formation of primary phloem and primary xylem.
The protoxylem usually contains only tracheary elements
embedded in parenchyma that is concerned to be part of the
protoxylem. When the tracheary elements are destroyed they may
become completely obliterated by the surrounding parenchyma
2- Monocotyledonous stem
1- The stele is broken up into bundles, which are commonly
distributed throughout the fundamental tissue.
2- The endodermis is lacking and the limits of cortex, pericycle
and pith are often indistinguishable. However, in some herbaceous
monocotyledons, as in most grasses (e.g. Triticum) there is present
a central region in which no bundles occur; this region may
represent the pith.
3- In monocotyledonous stems, the epidermis is often followed
internally by a cylinder of a hypodermal strengthening tissue of
sclerenchyma interrupted by parenchyma.
4- The vascular bundles which are numerous and scattered through
the whole of the ground tissue are enclosed in a sheath of
sclerenchyma. This sheath of mechanical tissue is thickest on the
inner and outer sides of the bundle.
Protoxylem lacunae
Structure of primary body in roots
The first root of a seed plant develops from the apical meristem at
the root end of the embryo. This root is called taproot, or primary
covers the apical meristem of the root, is also a part of the primary
In some herbaceous perennials the epidermis remains for a long
time or permanently, as a protective tissue. Its walls increase in
thickness, and the cell lumen sometimes become filled with deeply
coloured substances.
* Cortex
The cortex of the root is relatively wider than that of the stem. It is
derived from the periblem. Cortex is a major component of the
ground tissue of root. It is represented by several layers of loosely
arranged parenchyma cells. Intercellular spaces are prominent.
The cortical cells are thin walled, rounded with well-developed
intercellular spaces, free from chlorophyll serving the storage
function. Aerenchymatic root cortex is common in hydrophytes
and plants of moist habitats.
The cortex is mainly meant for storage of water. The cells also
allow a free movement of water into the xylem vessels.
* Endodermis
* Pericycle
The layer next to the endodermis is commonly known as
pericycle. The pericycle of relatively young roots consists of thin-
walled parenchyma. It makes the outer boundary of the primary
vascular cylinder of the dicotyledonous roots. It may be uniseriate
or multiseriate.
The lateral roots in dicots arise in this tissue. The phellogen and
part of vascular cambium originate in the pericycle.
of the vascular cylinder, the metaxylem farther inward. The
protoxylem consists of annular and spiral vessels whereas
metaxylem of reticulate and pitted vessels.
* Pith
Monocoteledonous root
1. Peliferous layer is the outermost single layer made from
compactly arranged parenchymatous cells without intercellular
cells are characterized by the presence of casparian stripes. It is
deposition of suberin and lignin, and their radial and tangential
The phloem is also exarch (protophloem towards the periphery and
metaphloem towards the center).
Secondary growth is absent in monocot roots due to lack of
vascular and cork cambium. Conjunctive tissue is
parenchymatous tissues which separates xylem and phloem
Comparison between the structures of stem and root:
Stem Root
1. Cuticle Present, thick / thin Usually absent
2. Trichomes When present, is multi- Root hairs are unicellular
cellular or unicellular
3. Stomata Present Absent
4. Hypodermis collenchymatous sclerenchymatous.
5. Cortex heterogeneous, with Homogenous with cells
collenchyma, and of parenchyma.
6. Endodermis Usually absent Generally present
7. Pericycle absent One layered
8.Vascular Many, conjoint, 2-12, radial, exarch, form
bundles collateral or bicollateral, a broken ring.
regularly arranged
forming a broken ring
or scattered in ground
tissue, endarch.
9. Pith Well marked and large Relatively small or
or not differentiated absent.
10. Branching Exogenous, originating Endogenous, arising form
from cortex pericycle.
The leaf
The epidermis
The mesophyll
In certain plants, including many xeromorphic species palisade
parenchyma is present on both sides of the leaf with the result that
only a small strip of spongy parenchyma is present in the central
portion of the lamina.
A leaf in which the palisade parenchyma occurs on one side of the
leaf and the spongy parenchyma on the other is termed
dorsiventral or bifacial. When the palisade parenchyma is present
on both sides of the leaf, the leaf is said to be isolateral or
The cells of spongy parenchyma are variously shaped. They may
resemble the palisade cells, or have equal diameters, or be
elongated in a direction parallel to the leaf surface.
However, a characteristic of all spongy parenchyma cells is the
presence of lobes by which the neighboring cells are connected.
In certain plants, such as Zea and many other grasses
(monocotyledons), the mesophyll cells are more or less uniform in
shape. In certain species of dicotyledons (e.g. Eucalyptus and
Atriplex), it is not possible to distinguish between the two types of
parenchyma, and the mesophyll is entirely composed of palisade
The palisade tissue has become specialized in such a way that the
efficiency of photosynthesis has been increased.
In mesophyll that can be clearly divided into palisade and spongy
parenchyma the large majority of the chloroplasts are found in the
palisade cells.
The specialization of the palisade tissue that result in more
efficient photosynthesis is brought about not only by the increased
number of chloroplasts in the cells but also by the dimensions of its
free surface area resulting from the well-developed system of
intercellular spaces which facilitates rapid gas exchange.
approach one another and fuse at the leaf tip or both at the leaf tip
and base. These parallel veins are interconnected by very thin
commissural bundles, which are scattered throughout the lamina.
The large veins in dicotyledonous leaves may consist of both
primary and secondary tissues, while the smaller veins consist of
primary tissues only. The large and medium-sized veins contain
vessels and sieve tubes.
In the smallest veins, the tracheary elements are tracheids with
annular and spiral wall thickenings.
The structure of vascular bundle corresponds to that in the stem.
The collateral bundles of the leaf occupy such a position that the
xylem is directed towards the upper, and the phloem towards the
lower surface of the leaf.
A sheath of parenchyma surrounds the large vascular bundles of
the midrib as well as the lateral vascular bundles, which, is in close
connection with the mesophyll cells. The cells of these sheaths are
usually elongated and have thin cell walls.
Strands of supporting tissue, usually collenchyma in
dicotyledonous leaf, are frequently present on one or both faces of
the bundle, especially on the phloem side.
Monocotyledonous leaves develop relatively large amounts of
sclerenchyma in association with the vascular bundles or in
separate strands.
In grasses, strands of fibers occur on one or both sides of vascular
bundles, and are connected to the bundle sheaths as well as to the
I: What are the differences between each of the following?
1- Epigeal and hypogeal germination
2- Viability and dormancy
3- Fibrous roots and prop roots