Bsbmkg433 Task 2
Bsbmkg433 Task 2
Bsbmkg433 Task 2
Marketing objectives
List two marketing objectives Increase our brand images and awareness
that you have identified by
Introduce our business missions and commitments.
reviewing business
documents. Provide our customers with good value products while complying to
the sustainable business practices.
Research industry trends Young people are turning their attention to designed fashion
brands or any other local brands that are so-called Indie
Brands. They no longer prefer low-priced products from fast
Identify the industry within fashion brands. They prefer the feeling of belonging to a
which the company operates specific community by their fashion styles.
Discuss current trends in the Some people especially those young ones are more
industry within which the concerned about sustainable consumption and care about
company operates. the environmental impacts by humanity.
List your information sources
Identify a competitor for the The brand was established in 2012. They are also branded as a
product or service you are social responsible business that aim to provide livelihood for local
planning marketing for and inhabitants.
provide a name and location
Their unique designs are welcomed by a community of fan,
or website link.
celebrating minimalism and understate luxury.
Their marketing strategy is to target a niche market of fashion fans
Describe one marketing who are well-aware of their consumption behaviours and like unique
strategy of the competitor. designed clothes.
This brand has succeeded in target their niches market by unique
Target audience
Describe the audience you Audience: women who are interested in social and environmental
would like to reach with your businesses.
marketing activities.
Young women fashion fans who are concerned about consumption
Identify at least two segments behaviours, usually those studying in colleges and universities.
in your target market
Women who are trying to reduce carbon footprint.
Marketing mix
Recommend marketing
Increase sales
How will you measure More potential customers
whether the activity was
successful? Provide an We should introduce a membership program to gain more loyal
example of a metric that can customers and boost sales by loyal customers. This program will help
be used. us build a closer knitted relationship with our customers, also market
researches indicates that loyal customers are likely to spend more
than usual ones.
Expected outcomes:
Increase sales
Provide a summary of the Good ideas for target and potential customers with the characteristics
feedback you received from of the business.
your manager.
Need more diversified marketing activities.
Content marketing on our Facebook Choose suitable contents to post July 31st to August 31st $1,500 Outsourced customer staff
and Instagram about sustainable on our Facebook and Instagram members.
business practices.
Observe the customers’ reactions Marketing and PR
and replies to any messages from manager.
people who are interested in our
Work with some clubs and forums in Find suitable clubs and forums.
colleges and universities to
Work with them to run our
introduce our brand and offer their PR and sales staff
advertisements. Aug 1st to Aug 31st $4,500
young students with discount members.
voucher Give the club members with
discount vouchers.
Implement a marketing activity Launch and introduce our membership program to all of our current
and potential customers.
This email is attached with the marketing activity action plans. We are glad that after careful discussion,
we have come up with conclusions about three major marketing activities including launching our
membership programs, branding activities through social networks and marketing activities in forums
and clubs of local universities and colleges.
This email is to inform you about the timelines, budget and responsible staff members of each activity
and what should be done for each.
Please contact me if any enquiries.
Thank for your consideration.
Kind regards.
Thank you for choosing us for your outfits. We are very glad to offer you some special deals when
becoming our official members by clicking on Sign up.
Becoming our members, you will be updated information about our new products and receive any
special discounts on each purchase.
Hopefully, we are having good time with us
Best regards.
Measuring outcomes
List the metrics you are using Sales growth and revenues overtime
to measure the outcome of the
Coverage level of our brand
Brand awareness among target customers
Record outcomes
What was the outcome of the Higher customer awareness
Positive feedback of membership program and customer
Email to relevant personnel ☐
Marketing Activities Outcomes Report ☐