Laterally Coupled DBR Laser Emitting at

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7, JULY 2002 1037

Laterally Coupled DBR Laser Emitting at 1.55 m

Fabricated by Focused Ion Beam Lithography
L. Bach, S. Rennon, J. P. Reithmaier, Member, IEEE, A. Forchel, J. L. Gentner, and L. Goldstein

Abstract—By using focused ion beam lithography high per- evaluating 145 devices, a single-mode yield of 98% with a SMSR
formance 1.55- m emitting distributed Bragg reflector lasers of 35 dB could be achieved without any mirror coatings.
were realized suitable for high-speed optical telecommunication.
Threshold currents of 8 mA and continuous-wave efficiencies
of 0.37 W/A for 600- m-long devices were achieved. Stable II. DESIGN AND FABRICATION
single-mode emission with sidemode suppression ratios of 40 dB
were observed for the entire operation range. By relative intensity As basic material, we used a four quantum-well (QW)
noise measurements an intrinsic 3-dB modulation frequency of InGaAsP–InP laser structure which was grown by gas-source
10 GHz was estimated for a single-mode output power of 23 mW. molecular beam epitaxy. The active region consists of four
Index Terms—Distributed Bragg reflector lasers, ion beam 6-nm-thick compressively strained InGaAsP QWs which are
lithography, monolithic integration, optical communication, WDM separated by 10-nm-thick barriers. The laser structure contains
source. two etch stop layers which define specific etch depths for two
different process steps. These two layers are 140 and 60 nm
I. INTRODUCTION above the active region. The first layer defines the ridge wave-
guide (RWG) depth and the second one the grating depth. The

F OR FUTURE low-cost high-speed optical transmission

systems in local area networks based on dense wave-
length-division-multiplexing (DWDM) techniques, a simplified
RWG definition is realized by a selective dry-/wet-chemical
etch process which allows a well defined RWG fabrication with
vertical sidewalls and a smooth surface.
process for the fabrication of high performance single-mode After the completion of the RWG the grating is defined by
emitting lasers are necessary which allow a high single-mode FIB implantation of Ga -ions lateral to the RWG. The implan-
fabrication yield and which is suitable for monolithical inte- tation creates a bandgap shift at the implanted regions after a
gration. It has been demonstrated that most of these demands, rapid thermal annealing (RTA) step. This causes a periodic mod-
especially high single-mode yield and good wavelength control, ulation of the bandgap at the implanted parts of the grating.
can be achieved by laterally complex coupled (CC) distributed In addition to the bandgap shift the implantation generates a
feedback (DFB) lasers [1]–[3]. The significant simplification change of the crystal quality of the InP layer between the two
of the DFB fabrication process was obtained by using laterally etch stop layers in the implanted regions. This change results in
defined complex coupled gratings. By adapting this technique a strongly increased etch rate for the implanted regions when
for distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser fabrication [4], using a 10% HF solution [5]. This characteristic allows the fab-
the device performance can be significantly improved. The rication of an additionally self-aligned index grating. The use
DBR laser fabrication is completely separated from the epitaxy of this grating fabrication enables the creation of complex cou-
step (no overgrowth necessary), thus simplifying the process pled (CC) grating structures without any epitaxial overgrowth
compared to conventional ridge waveguide processing. Consid- step. In contrast to DFB lasers, the grating is only defined in the
ering the high single-mode yield and high mode stability, this DBR section while the gain section remains unimplanted. The
technique is very suitable for the fabrication of monolithically sample was planarized by bisbenzocyclobutene (BCB) which
integrated multiwavelength sources for DWDM applications. serves as an insulator and the p-contact layers were evaporated.
In this letter, we present device properties of high performance Fig. 1 shows a schematic figure of the presented DBR laser de-
laterally coupled (LC) DBR lasers fabricated by focused ion sign. The width of the RWG is 2 m to ensure a good overlap
beam (FIB) lithography such as low threshold current, high of the evanescent lightwave with the lateral grating in the DBR
sidemode suppression ratio (SMSR), high slope efficiency, and section. The dimensions of the two sections can be varied by
high frequency modulation (FM) response characteristics. By cleaving the laser. DBR and gain section, are electrically sepa-
rated and only the gain section is pumped.

Manuscript received September 24, 2001; revised March 26, 2002. This work
was supported in part by the European IST Project “Big Band” (IST-2001- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
34813) and by the State of Bavaria.
L. Bach, S. Rennon, J. P. Reithmaier, and A. Forchel are with the Technische The high potential of this DBR design for different ap-
Physik, Universität Würzburg, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany. plications is reflected on the light output characteristic
J. L. Gentner and L. Goldstein are with the Alcatel Corporate Research of the LC-DBR laser which is presented in Fig. 2. This
Center, OPTO , Groupement d’Intérêt Économique, F-91460 Marcoussis,
figure shows the light output and SMSR characteristic of a
Publisher Item Identifier S 1041-1135(02)05290-4. 300- 300- m-long LC-DBR laser with a grating period
1041-1135/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE

Fig. 1. Schematic figure of the DBR laser design.

Fig. 2. CW characteristic at room temperature of a 300- 300 + 0 m-long

of 246 nm. In addition to a low threshold current of 8 mA, LC-DBR-laser with a grating period of 3 = 246 nm. The dots show the SMSR
this laser shows a high slope efficiency of 0.374 W/A and a of the laser for different drive currents. The inset shows the emission spectrum
of the laser at 70-mA drive current with a SMSR of 48 dB.
maximum output power of 23 mW. Further, the laser shows
a SMSR of more than 35 dB just above threshold while
increasing up to 50 dB for higher injected drive currents. The
low threshold current in comparison to DFB lasers fabricated
by the same technique [2] is mainly caused by reduced losses
in the unpatterned gain section and by a better overlap of
the Bragg mode with the gain spectrum. From subthreshold
current spectral measurements taking into account the laser
geometry, refraction index, dispersion, and material gain the
coupling coefficients of the grating were determined by using
a laser parameter extraction program (LAPAREX) [6]. For
similar processed CC-DFB laser an index coupling coefficient
of cm and a gain coefficient cm could
be evaluated leading to a total complex coupling coefficient of
cm . Since separated gain and grating sections
can not be analyzed by the LAPAREX program, special device
simulations were performed by Montrosset et al. to extract
coupling coefficients from LC-DBR lasers. The analysis show Fig. 3. Threshold currents of DBR lasers with different section lengths as a
a dominated index coupling with a value of cm in function of the grating period. (L = active, L = grating section length,
agreement with the DFB-laser analysis, but neglecting gain
coupling. This meant that in the DBR design, the unpumped
grating section acts more like a transparent weakly coupled matrix theory for a 300- m grating section (i.e., 1200 grating
index grating. steps) with cleaved facets like presented. An indication for the
The high slope efficiency of 0.374 W/A, which is much participation of the second facet are the pronounced FP modes
higher than observed for DFB lasers made from the same which were not observed at former DBR lasers with much
wafer, is a consequence of the separation of gain and implanted longer grating sections [4].
grating section. The higher conversion of the injected power The emission wavelength is fixed by the grating period of
into effective usable light output leads to a weaker temperature 246–1570 nm. This wavelength is equivalent to the Bragg con-
dependence on the injected drive current. The low rise of the dition and their position is at the center of the gain function for
internal temperature and the high slope efficiency enables this grating period.
the operation of the laser without any heatsink at high output As demonstrated in [4], the use of the DBR design instead of
powers. The inset of Fig. 2 shows the emission spectrum of the the DFB design leads to a significant reduction of the threshold
presented laser at 70-mA drive current. A SMSR of 48 dB of current for all grating periods. By an appropriate choice of the
the emission mode compared to the Fabry–Pérot (FP) modes different section lengths of the DBR laser a further reduction
is indicated. From the mode spacing of the several FP modes of the threshold current could be achieved. In Fig. 3, the influ-
an effective resonator length of 600 m can be calculated. ence of the device geometry on the threshold current for dif-
This means that the whole grating section contributes to the ferent grating periods is shown. By reducing the length of both
frequency selection. In addition, the cleaved facet at the end sections, a systematic reduction of the threshold current inde-
of the grating section works still as mirror. We obtained a pendently on the grating period can be observed. For a grating
of the grating section by using the transfer period of 246 nm a reduction from 28 to 8 mA and for a grating

lasers including devices with emission wavelengths far away

from optimum conditions.

We have designed and fabricated laterally coupled DBR-
lasers with low threshold currents and high single-mode output
powers by using FIB technology. SMSRs up to 48 dB were
achieved with a grating length of 300 m. From RIN measure-
ments, a 3-dB bandwidth of 10 GHz was evaluated. Due to
the weak coupling principle of the grating a high single-mode
yield was obtained with 98% single-mode devices with a SMSR
35 dB, which makes this new type of devices very suitable
for large scale monolithic integration of single-mode emitting
Fig. 4. Resonance frequency f as function of the square root of the output lasers.
power P extracted from RIN measurements. The solid line represents a linear
fit of the data points with the indicated slope coefficient.
The authors would like to thank A. Wolf for technical as-
period of 255 nm from 56 to 24 mA could be measured. The sistance during device processing, and I. Montrosset and M.
dependence of the threshold current on the grating period has Gioannini from Politecnico di Torino for the their support in the
its reason in the strong detuning of the emission wavelength to- determination of the coupling coefficients of the DBR lasers.
ward longer wavelengths relative to the maximum of the gain
function. The plotted data are evaluated from devices without REFERENCES
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