2015 Optics Letters
2015 Optics Letters
2015 Optics Letters
Received 29 September 2015; revised 13 November 2015; accepted 13 November 2015; posted 16 November 2015 (Doc. ID 251004);
published 3 December 2015
We report on the fabrication of a thermally resistant ultra- high as 800°C, providing great potential applications of lasers
short distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) fiber laser based operating at high temperature [5]. However, maybe enslaved to
on the photo inscription of two wavelength-matched type the rigorous demanding of fiber photosensitivity [6] and the
IIa gratings in a thin-core Er-doped fiber. With continuous insufficient grating strength, the type IIa grating can only be
UV exposure, each Bragg reflector initially grows as a type I applied as the low reflector, which is in conjunction with a type
grating, followed by decay in strength, and then re-grows I chirped FBG for realizing the large range wavelength tunable
as a type IIa grating with enhanced thermal resistance. laser through temperature [7]. In this Letter, we demonstrate a
The DBR laser, with an entire length of 13 mm, can stably thermally resistant DBR fiber laser based on a pair of type IIa
operate at 600°C with single longitude mode, which pro- gratings directly formed in Er-doped fiber with high reflectivity.
vides potential applications in high temperature environ-
The abnormal spectral evolution characteristic of the type IIa
ments. © 2015 Optical Society of America
grating in Er-doped fiber is discussed. The entire laser length,
OCIS codes: (060.3738) Fiber Bragg gratings, photosensitivity; including the two type IIa gratings, is only 13 mm. The laser
(060.3510) Lasers, fiber; (120.6780) Temperature. can stably operate at 600°C. This Letter provides an efficient
way for the fabrication of compact DBR lasers with high ther-
mal resistance.
A 193 nm ArF excimer laser is used for the fabrication of type
II gratings. The repetition rate of the laser output is maintained
A distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) fiber laser is a key compo- at 200 Hz. Focused by a cylindrical lens, a 120 mJ∕cm2 UV
nent in fiber sensing technology due to its compact size, multi- energy density per pulse is incident upon the fiber. The grating
plexing capability, and high sensing resolution, as well as high length is 3 mm, determined by the laser beam aperture. A stan-
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, an ordinary DBR laser dard phase mask with the pitch of 1067.17 nm and the effective
sensor can hardly survive at high temperature because of the length of 25 mm is applied in front of the fiber to create a peri-
thermal decay of the Bragg reflectors. Efforts have been made odic modulation to the fiber core. The diffraction efficiencies of
on fabrication of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) reflectors with high the phase mask are ∼39% at 1st and <2% at zeroth orders,
thermal resistance. For instance, Lai et al. have fabricated type respectively. Higher-order diffractions can also contribute to the
II damage gratings in Er/Yb co-doped phosphosilicate fibers by spatial index modulation pattern, as will be illustrated in the
use of a femtosecond laser and formed a DBR laser with a following text, but their fractions are not provided by the manu-
length of 31 mm which can operate at 600°C [1]. Shen et al. facture. The fiber is put close to the phase mask. A broadband
have spliced two type I gratings formed in Bi-Ge co-doped fi- source with a wavelength range of 1500–1600 nm and average
bers to a piece of active fiber to compose a DBR laser with power density of −15 dBm∕nm, and a Yokogawa 6370°C op-
resistance at 400°C [2]. Guan et al. have fabricated DBR lasers tical spectrum analyzer (OSA) with resolution of 0.02 nm are
by directly inscribing highly saturated Bragg gratings in a Er/Yb used to monitor the grating transmission spectrum. The active
co-doped fiber, which can stably operate at 500°C [3]. To fiber used here is photosensitive Er-doped fiber (M-5, Fibercore,
further improve the thermal resistance, regenerated gratings Ltd.) which has a core diameter of 3 μm and cladding diameter
have been fabricated for the formation of a DBR laser that can of 125 μm. The peak absorption at 980 nm is about 5 dB∕m.
survive at 750°C [4]. However, a long active fiber (200 mm) is The numerical aperture (NA) is as high as 0.24, as a result of the
needed to provide sufficient gain for laser output due to the low high germanium dopant concentration in the core. The cutoff
grating strength. wavelength is 915 nm. This fiber is selected to form type IIa
Type IIa Bragg gratings, which are created by introducing gratings due to its thin core with heavily germanium doping
negative index changes into the fiber core via postal exposing to [6,8]. Both ends of the fiber are fixed by fiber holders, and
type I gratings, can withstand environmental temperature as an axial tension of 0.2 N is applied during UV exposure.
Fig. 1. Spectral evolution during the inscription of type IIa grating Fig. 3. Index modulations and average index changes of the gratings
in photosensitive Er-doped fiber. versus 193 nm UV fluence.
5708 Vol. 40, No. 24 / December 15 2015 / Optics Letters Letter