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Intrinsic motivation in doing academic tasks were important
psychological aspects for improvement of students’ learning. However,
intrinsic motivation in reading research articles was observably low
among Cambodian undergraduate students. Therefore, developing or
sustaining their intrinsic motivation was a needed treatment to enhance
students’ learning. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) posited that
intrinsic motivation could be increased when students are satisfied with
Basic Psychological Needs (BPNs) which may be cultivated through
learning environments that make them feel competent, autonomous,
and relative to the others while doing an academic task. This study
intended to examine whether BPN supportive learning environment is
salient to increase intrinsic motivation in reading a research article. 27
participants who were undergraduate students and enrolled in a course
of community psychology were purposively selected to fill in a self-
administrative questionnaires of Intrinsic Motivation Inventory before
and after attending the reading activity. As a result, level of intrinsic
motivation in reading was increased in 10 units (64.74 to 74.44) after
the activity finished. It was concluded that BPN supportive learning
environment was important to increase or at least sustain intrinsic
motivation among these particular students. The implication of this
study result in the classroom practices was discussed under the SDT
1. Participants
27 RUPP’s college students who were year four students and enrolled
in a course of Community Psychology in the first semester of academic year
2021-2022 were invited as participants in this study. Among those, the
number of female participants (23) were predominant male participants
(04). Purposive sampling method was applied to select participants who
would be assigned to engage in reading a research article as a small part of
the course activities. The invited participants attended a session facilitated in
a way that the class behaviors (competence, autonomy, and relatedness)
were supported.
2. Procedures
The reading activity was placed to the class, and the relatedness,
competence and autonomy supportive facilitation would be treated. Learning
procedures were designed in a way that relatedness, autonomy, and
competence concepts were integrated in classroom practices to cognitively,
emotionally, and behaviorally support the reading activity of the participants
(Appendix 1). Immediately after the session was finished, the same
questionnaire of intrinsic motivation in reading and satisfaction of BPN
would be administered by the students themselves. Since reading a research
article is considered as a difficult task, 90 minutes was given to conduct each
session. The levels of intrinsic interest in reading would be compared to
investigate their differences in each test-taking phase.
3. Measures
4. Data Analysis
The collected data was cleaned and checked its normality. Then, the
mean scores of students’ intrinsic motivation in reading in the pre-testing
phase were compared to identify the usefulness of intervention to increase or
sustain the student's intrinsic motivation in the reading activity. Level of
satisfaction of BPN (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) was checked to
reveal whether there is a change in between the pre-reading to post-reading
phase. The increase in the mean scores of intrinsic motivation after attending
the activity compared to those observed before the intervention showed
significantly important intervention which BPNs were supported at while-
reading phase.
C. Results
E. Concluding Remarks
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