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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

Development of Aircraft Electric Starter-

Generator System Based-On Active
Rectification Technology
Serhiy Bozhko, Member, IEEE, Tao Yang, Member, IEEE, Jean-Marc Le Peuvedic,. Puvan
Arumugam, Marco Degano, Antonino La Rocca, Zeyuan Xu, Mohamed Rashed, Weeramundage
Fernando, Christopher Ian Hill, Carol Eastwick, Stephen Pickering, Chris Gerada, Patrick Wheeler,
Member, IEEE

 which include power distribution, power generation,

Abstract— More-electric aircraft (MEA) has become a engine gearbox etc. The nacelle cooling and engine
dominant trend for modern aircraft. On-board MEA, many power extraction systems can all be made smaller
functions, which are conventionally driven by pneumatic and and lighter, which translates into fuel savings.
hydraulic power, are replaced with electrical subsystems.  A higher overall efficiency will minimize the fuel
Starting aircraft engines with an electrical motor instead of using
consumption caused by on-board systems and
pneumatic power from the auxiliary power unit (APU) is one of
the major characteristics of future aircraft. This paper presents reduce the overall fuel consumption of an aircraft, if
the development of a novel electric starter-generator system for the efficiency increase is achieved with low weight
aircraft applications. The paper describes the main achievements penalty.
of the project within the key areas including electric machines,  A higher efficiency benefits all the MEA
power electronic converters, thermal management and overall technologies when compared to their conventional
system control design. The developed prototype has been tested counterparts. It also eases requirements imposed on
successfully and the test results are presented in this paper. the engine, engine gearbox and nacelle cooling.
These potential benefits will lead to an increased reliance on
Index Terms— Active front-end, electric machine, more-
electric aircraft, starter generator, thermal management
electrical power for a range of primary functions including
actuation [2], de-icing, cabin air-conditioning, and engine
start. A large and global investment in MEA technologies will
I. INTRODUCTION find practical and real applications only if low mass and high
efficiency are achieved simultaneously. Improving the
Due to the global efforts towards environmentally responsible efficiency and reducing the mass of the electrical generation
air transportation, many aircraft systems technologies are and distribution subsystems are two essential directions
currently undergoing significant changes. The state-of-the art moving towards MEA.
technologies in the field are expected to be more fuel efficient,
safer, simpler in servicing and of easier maintenance. The way The current starter/generators (S/G) typically employ a three-
towards this goal has been identified as a move towards stage wound-field synchronous generator [2]. This machine
“More-Electric Aircraft” (MEA) by replacement of hydraulic has been extensively adopted in fixed wing and rotor craft
and pneumatic sources of power with electrical counterparts applications and has proven to be highly reliable, and
[1, 2]. The trend towards MEA relies on the facts that the inherently safe, with voltage control achieved by varying the
electric power driven subsystems can achieve a higher excitation current. Within aircraft the exciter is employed as a
efficiency compared to conventional pneumatic or hydraulic starter and exciter stator windings are designed for higher
solutions. A high efficiency electrical solution will have the currents than required for power generation. Therefore the
following advantages: design cannot be regarded as optimal. The three-stage S/G has
 A higher efficiency at the peak power allows a lower several constraints and disadvantages:
rated power installation in the upstream systems,  These three-stage S/Gs cannot run over 20krpm due
to its wound rotors embedded with rotating diodes.
Running at high-speed may results in mechanical
This work as supported in part by the EU PF7 Funding via the CleanSky
JTI – system for green operations ITD through the AEGART project (No.
failure of the S/G. Indeed, most three-phase
296090). alternators rotate at 12krpm (15krpm max)
Serhiy Bozhko, Tao Yang, Puvan Arumugam, Marco Degano, Antonino  The current S/G utilises a very different control
La Rocca, Zeyuan Xu, Mohamed Rashed, Weeramundage Fernado, scheme for the starting mode and the generation
Christopher Hill, Carol Eastwick, Stephen Pickering, Chris Gerada and
Patrick Wheeler are with the University of Nottingham (corresponding mode. This constrains the system design and leads to
authors Serhiy.Bozhko@nottingham.ac.uk ; Tao.Yang@nottingham.ac.uk) increased system complexity (addition of bleeders,
Jean-Marc Le Peuvedic is with Dassault Aviation (email: Jean-Marc.Le- etc…)

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

 The state of the art 24 krpm 115V or 230V variable- been reviewed and the main results achieved have also been
frequency alternating-current (VFAC) S/G has a presented in this paper.
relatively high power density, but can only deliver a
small fraction of the generation power in starting II. BASIC CONCEPT
mode (most are found on APUs and the biggest ones This section gives a brief introduction of the concept of a
are on B787 main engines) starter/generator system. The starter/generator system is
Advances in power electronics result in the possibility to essentially a system which allows bi-direction power flow
consider other machine types for the S/G operations which between two voltage sources.
have the potential of a substantial improvement in power
density (kW/kg), overall system performance, functionality,
reliability, diagnostics, and availability for the overall system
compared to the previous or existing solutions.
The AEGART project [3] (stands for Aircraft Electrical
Starter-Generation System with Active Rectification
Technology) targeted the development of such a novel system.
Figure 1 Example circuit
The AEGART project aim was to develop an efficient and
lower-mass S/G system for next-generation business Jet Consider a simple RL-electric circuit connected to two voltage
applications. The AEGART project aimed to deliver 20% sources VA and VB on each side, as shown in Figure 1. If we
lower mass and 10% better efficiency than comparable assume that voltage source VA is fixed. Varying the magnitude
conventional starter/generators with better or improved safety. and the phase of the source VB, the current in the circuit can be
This project was part of “Eco-Design for Systems” ITD within controlled in both the magnitude and the phase with respect to
CleanSky JTI and has become a cornerstone of the MEA. VA. It means that the power flow through the circuit (active P
Some of the key features of the AEGART system have been and reactive Q) can be controlled in either direction. If the role
described in TABLE I. of VA is given to the electric machine, and the role of VB – to
TABLE I Key features of AEGART system the power electronic converter that acts as a voltage source,
then one can control the machine as a motor (directing the
Key features Description active power flow to machine) or as a generator (power is
extracting from the machine) as illustrated by Figure 2.
Operation speed range 0 - 32,000rpm
Continuous electrical 45kW with 270Vdc voltage
power delivered source: R L
Maximum power can be can go up to 150kW with EM
delivered by the permanent increased DC-link voltage
magnet machine
Cooling of the machine Stator cooling
Cooling of the power Power converter is located at controls
converter the power electronics bay and
thus liquid cooling is not Figure 2 Electric Machine – Power Converter system
available. Forced air cooling The developed AEGART S/G system implements the
is used in the AEGART described idea. The speed-torque characteristic requirement of
the S/G is shown in Figure 3. The machine runs as a motor
Consideration of many design aspects was required for this during the engine starting period. During this period, the
complex multi-disciplinary task including definition of the power is flowing from the converter to the electric machine.
best system topology, electrical machine and power electronic When the engine is self-sustained, it starts to drive the electric
converter design, thermal management and cooling machine as a generator and the power starts to flow from the
arrangements, development of control techniques, health electric machine to the converter. The dc-link voltage of the
monitoring and fault management systems. This paper reports power converter is set at 270VDC. An approximate torque
the final achievements of the AEGART project. One of the speed characteristics requirement of the starter generator is
challenges encountered in the design of a starter/generator for shown in Figure 3. As can be seen, the machine runs as a
aero-engines is the need to satisfy the two fundamental motor during engine start to ωstart. The engine ignites at the
functions, namely to provide mechanical power to the engines speed ωstart and starts to drive the machine to the speed ω min,
during start-up (as a starter) and to generate electrical power where the machine will start to run as a generator. The speed
during normal engine operation (as a generator). The range for the electric machine running as a generator is from
developed solution utilizes recent advances in modern power ωmin (20,000rpm) to ωmax (32,000rpm). When running as a
electronics allowing the use of novel machine types together generator, the electric machine can supply a maximum
with the introduction of controlled power electronic converters constant power of 45 kW.
into the main path of energy flow. This paper summarized the
AEGART project including machine design, power converter
design and S/G testing. Different aspects of the project have

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

ωbase In the design process, fault tolerance is considered by adopting
a redundancy solution in the event of a failure. This allows a
distributed winding to be adopted, consequently minimizing
rotor losses in both permanent magnet and the rotor back iron.
Different slot-pole combinations were investigated in view of
0 the overall losses and performance and the compromise in the
ωstart ωmin ωmax ω (rad/s)
design of the machine for operating as an engine starter and as
generator. Implications of different magnet’s retention
Figure 3 Torque-Speed characteristics of the aircraft starter- material and magnetic materials were studied.
Different electrical machine topologies, namely induction A. Slot/pole combinations
machines, switched reluctance machine [4, 5] and topological The slot (Q) /pole (p) combinations considered during design
variants of permanent magnet based machines [6, 7] were are shown in Table I. Both single (Nlay = 1) and double layer
considered together with their respective driving converters (Nlay = 2) winding topologies are considered in the selection
during the trade-off study period with the process shown in procedure. The number of rotor poles is limited to 4, 6 and 8
Figure 4. as any higher number of poles will lead to high electrical
Initially, the identified machine types have been subject to a frequencies and higher power converter losses. In order to
basic design analysis to establish the optimal aspect ratio, limit the temperature increase in the rotor as a consequence of
cross section, to guarantee a mechanical integrity, to define a the eddy currents induced by magnetomotive force (MMF)
number of turns to suit the required DC-side voltage, etc. harmonics at high speed, the winding topology for each
Based on these criteria, the possibility of achieving a peak slot/pole combination was considered such that the winding
torque has been assessed. If failed, then the next harmonics are minimized for an acceptable trade-off with the
approximation cycle was initiated with modified initial fundamental winding factor.
selections. If the peak torque can be achieved, then the next
stage of design was undertaken: this includes calculation of TABLE II Considered slot/pole combinations
machine losses and calculation of machine lumped Q Nlay 2p Q 2p Q 2p Q
parameters. In parallel, each machine type requires an 0.5 2 4 6 6 9 8 12
appropriate converter topology and thermal arrangement. 1 1 4 12 6 18 8 24
These were included into the trade-off process as well, as 1 2 4 12 6 18 8 24
Figure 4 shows. A machine lumped parameter model, together 1.5 2 4 18 6 27 8 36
with the converter topology candidate, allows for calculation 2 1 4 24 6 36 8 48
of converter losses and design of basic heatsink. Machine 2 2 4 24 6 36 8 48
losses, together with possible machine cooling arrangements,
allows for assessment of machine temperature – if this appears Normally, the highest efficiency can be achieved by machines
to be higher than allowed, then another cycle of basic design is with higher pole numbers. However, a high pole number will
required. If passed, then the total system mass and system result in a higher fundamental frequency of the machine and
efficiency can be evaluated, as well as system reliability and thus require a higher switching frequency of the power
safety. converter. With these considerations, the 6-pole machine
designs were considered for the final machine design. Out of
the 6-pole machine variants, the best machine candidate was
selected as 6-poles 36-slots as it has the lowest eddy-current
Table III represents the winding factors associated with
different slot-per-pole-per-phase (q) and winding layer
number combinations considered in the comparison designs,
where the parameter ᴦc represents the coil pitch.
TABLE III Winding factors associated with different slot-per-pole-
per-phase and winding layer number combinations
Winding factors of prominent harmonics
q Nlay ᴦc 1 2 4 5 7 11
0.5 2 1 0.866 0.866 0.866 0.866 0.866 *
1 1 3 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 2 2 0.866 0 0 0.866 0.866 0.866
Figure 4 Illustration of AEGART trade-off process
1.5 2 4 0.945 0.061 0.140 0.140 0.061 *
As the trade-off study result, for the detailed development of 2 1 5 0.966 0 0 0.259 0.259 0.966
the AEGART system, the topology “permanent-magnet 2 2 5 0.933 0 0 0.067 0.067 0.933
machine with surface-mounted magnets (SPM) with three- * represent cases where non-zero intermediate values exist between the 7th
level IGBT converter” was selected. and the 11th harmonic orders.

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

When comparing the different slot/pole combinations, in each the electrical machine is estimated using Finite Element
design, the stator tooth maximum flux density at no-load was Software MAGNET. The maximum Eddy losses were
considered to have 75% of the saturation flux density of the achieved at 32,000rpm at rated power 45kW. The stress plot
core material. The total weight of each machine was of the rotor with the CF sleeve at 32,000rpm with the worst
maintained the same for the comparative study. This included temperature is shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that the
the stator, rotor and the copper associated with the winding, maximum stress under the worst case scenario (highest
including the end windings. Each machine was thus designed operational speed 32,000rpm), is around 715 MPa which is
for a constant weight and fixed outer diameter so as to fulfil within safe margin of the given CF sleeve’s allowable stress.
the torque-speed criteria presented in Figure 3. The final
TABLE IV. Mechanical parameters of Carbon Fiber and Inconel
selection of the winding configurations is made to be slot-per- sleeves at the maximum speed 32krpm
pole-per-phase q=2, winding layer number to be 1 and coli
Parameter Carbon Fiber Inconel Alloy
pitch ᴦc to be 5 due to its lower harmonics.
Sleeve thickness (mm) 4 4
B. Implication of Magnet retention Sleeve undersize (mm) 0.134 0.308
To retain the surface magnet, two different sleeve materials Sleeve prestress (MPa) 510 676
were investigated during the design period: Carbon Fiber (CF) Eddy losses at 32,000rpm (W) 12.1 383.7
and Inconel 718. The sleeve thickness calculation was
performed based on a 110% over-speed safety margin (i.e.
designed at 32,000rpm *110% =35,200rpm) . The relation
between the sleeve thickness and the rotor radius with
different magnet thickness is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 6 Stress plot of machine rotor with the Carbon Fiber sleeve at
32 krpm and under a worst case temperature gradient of 200 0C
sleeve, 1700C magnets and 1200C rotor core
C. Magnetic material selection
From Figure 3, it is possible to identify that the designed
machine will be working under flux weakening conditions
with a wide speed range (speed from ω base = 12,000rpm up to
32,000rpm). Under the flux weakening conditions, the
machine magnet will be handling demagnetizing current
injected from the machine terminals. In order to prevent a
design of a machine with a high demagnetization risk, the
maximum demagnetization field condition is incorporated in
the design process The magnets are arranged in a Halbach
structure using Samarium cobalt magnet (Sm2Co17) material.
Magnet demagnetization at different operating points is
Figure 5 Variation of sleeve thickness requirement with rotor outer considered and the designs are modified when it was subject
diameter: above, Carbon fibre sleeves; below, Inconel sleeves
to strong demagnetization field.
It can be seen that the required sleeve thickness is highly
influenced by the rotor radius. This is due to the fact that the
centrifugal force proportionally increases with the rotor radius.
The magnet thickness, however, has a less significant
influence over the sleeve thickness requirement. It was
identified that the carbon fibre sleeve was required to be
thicker than that of the Inconel sleeve, especially when the
rotor radius is beyond 60mm.
The pre-stress of the 4 mm sleeve of CF and Inconel at (a) (b)
maximum speed (32krpm) is shown in Table III. Both sleeves
provide reasonable pre-stress with corresponding sleeves. The Figure 7. AEGART machine: manufactured stator and rotor. (a)
CF has been the final choice since it has negligible eddy cross-section view of the manufactured 36 slot stator; (b)
manufactured rotor with CF sleeves
current losses compared to Inconel sleeve. The eddy losses of

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

D. Magnet Demagnetization Direct oil cooling of the machine stator was identified as the
optimal solution. The core principle utilised for machine
Operating conditions in both motoring and generating modes
cooling was to use ducts through the stator core along the
demand high currents which may result in high
stator outer diameter and the slots existing between stator
demagnetization fields. In order to prevent a design of a
teeth. This arrangement guaranteed an even distribution of the
machine with a high demagnetization risk, a maximum
coolant. An electrically non-conductive sleeve separated the
demagnetization field condition is incorporated in the design
airgap and rotor from the stator. This solution keeps windage
process. Based on the cooling available, worst-case rotor
losses manageable (windage loss is the viscous friction loss
temperature for the aero-engine starter-generator is considered
generated between a fluid and the rotating elements). The
at 300oC. The magnets are arranged in Halbach structure using
electromagnetic losses (including copper loss, eddy current
Samarium cobalt magnet (Sm2Co17) material. Magnet
losses in magnets and iron losses) were derived using co-
demagnetization at different operating points is considered and
simulation of FE machine model and power converter in
the designs are modified when it was subject to strong
Matlab/Simulink. The windage loss was estimated both
demagnetization field.
numerically (CFD) and analytically whilst bearing losses
where only analytically predicted as detailed in [10]. Further
enhancing cooling techniques, such as radial jets at the drive
end and a flow deflector at the non-drive end were also
implemented to improve system efficiency and hence reduce
machine weight.

(a) (b)
Figure 8 Demagnetization prediction plot at maximum speed
Figure 8a shows the demagnetization prediction plot
obtained in FE at 32 krpm under worst case temperature. The
constant value of 1 shown in the plot represents the magnet
under risk of demagnetization whilst 0 is no demagnetization
risk. From the results, it can be clearly seen that there are
slight demagnetization effects during generating mode. This is
due to the magnet arrangement of the Halbach structure. To
avoid the demagnetization on the edges, the magnets are
modified as shown in Figure 8b. From Figure 8b, it can be
clearly seen that the magnets are not subject to

E. Thermal management
The thermal design of the developed starter/generator has been
detailed in [8] and will be only briefly discussed in this paper.
During the design process, the following aspects were
accounted for in design of an optimised cooling system: Figure 9 Main components of the designed starter/generator
 Effectiveness: Intensive cooling can improve the overall
machine efficiency by reducing the temperature F. Mechanical design
dependent losses such as copper losses. The detailed mechanical design of the machine is presented in
 Reliability: High temperatures accelerate the aging of our previous publications [8]. The final rotor, stator and
some components, reducing their lifetime; hence machine housing are shown in Figure 9. The rotor shaft is
operating at low temperatures can increase the overall made of high strength stainless still with a diameter of 40mm
reliability of the machine. As an example, a temperature and a length of 250mm. The shaft is connected to a gear box
rise of 10°C can reduce the winding insulation life by through a spline at the drive end. At the non-drive end, a
around 50% [9]. resolver is connected for speed measurement and control
 Reduction of size and weight: In aerospace applications, applications. The shaft is supported by bearings at each end
size and weight are particularly significant factors to be mounted in the two flanges of the machine. The stator, made
taken into account, having a direct impact on the fuel of iron laminates and copper windings, was directly inserted
consumption and hence CO2 emissions. into the machine casing. The rotor consisted of a shaft and
magnets, and was inserted into the stator central chamber,

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

supported at both ends by bearing sets fitted within the

machine casing.


From the machine preliminary design, the boundaries for the
converter were defined as 400A peak output current, 1.2kV
DC-link peak and an electrical frequency equal to 1.6 kHz,
given the three pole pairs of the machine. During the design
process, both conventional two-level converters and three-
level neutral point clamped (NPC) converters [11, 12] were
A two-level converter was considered for its known simplicity Figure 10 Losses comparison for two-level and three-level
and intrinsic reliability due to the minimal number of devices. converters when the S/G operates at different conditions (running as a
starter @8krpm; running as a generator @ 19.2krpm and 32krpm)
A three-level converter was also considered because it brings
advantages of lower EMI emissions [13], better power quality From Figure 10, it can be seen that the total power losses in a
and ablility to handle higher fundamental compared with two- converter consist of the switching and conduction losses of the
level converters. This is a useful feature when considering the IGBTs (sw IGBT, cond IGBT) and the diodes (sw diode, cond
high speed application of this drive. In addition, the voltage diode). Through simulations using Matlab/PLECS toolbox,
across the switches is only half the dc bus voltage. This these four types of power losses can be conveniently derived.
feature effectively doubles the power rating of the converter The three-level converter has much less power losses under
for a given power semiconductor device. When used as an different operating conditions, as it is seen from Figure 10. The
inverter, the first group of voltage harmonics on the AC side is power loss distribution under different operating conditions is
centred around twice the switching frequency. This feature also different between two-level and three-level converters.
enables further reduction in size and cost of passive During the motoring mode (ω=8,000rpm), for the two-level
components while at the same time improving the quality of converter, the conduction and switching losses of the IGBTs
the output waveform. contribute most of the power losses. For the three-level
converters, however, most of the power losses are from IGBT
The final decision, however, came from the power loss
conduction losses. This is due to the fact that the three-level
comparison for these two topologies. Since more power losses
converter has lower voltages across its IGBTs during the
would mean increase of cooling system capacity and thus
switching-on process. During generation mode, the power
more weight and volume of the whole power converter
losses within three-level converters are predominantly
system. In order to estimate the power losses of power
contributed from the diode conduction losses. This is due to
converters, simulation studies were performed using Matlab
the fact that the current will flow mostly through the diodes
PLECS toolbox with the thermal characteristics of actual
during generation mode. Considering the fact that the three-
semiconductor devices imported and implemented in the
level NPC converter has less power losses and higher power
simulation modules. The total losses of the converter were
quality, this converter topology was selected for detailed
simulated and calculated for different operational conditions.
design and manufacturing.
The power converter losses of two-level and three-level
The thermal management system for the converter was
converters are compared using Infineon modules (two-level
designed based on the estimated power losses under the worst-
with modules FF450R12IE4 modules, three-level with
case scenario, namely when the unsuccessful start is followed
F3L400R07ME4 modules). The two-level converter is
by another starting attempt after 3 minutes interval. A forced
implemented using 450A/1.2kV modules, and the modules for
air-cooled solution was employed and the heatsink for the
three-level converter are rated at 400A/650V (the voltage
power modules was designed to guarantee an acceptable
requirement for power modules of three-level converter is half
temperature at the end of the worst-case scenario. The
of that required for the two-level converter due to the fact that
prototype for the designed power converter is shown in Figure
there are two power modules in series at each half leg of the
16 in section VII.
three-level topology). Figure 10 shows the comparison of
losses for these two converters, operating at different speed
conditions with full power (speeds at ωstart, ωmin and ωmax). The V. CONTROL DESIGN
switching frequency is set at 16kHz. The detailed design process for the starter/generator system
has been reported in previous publication [14-17]. A cascaded
control scheme was used for the starter/generator system
control as shown in Figure 11.

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

Idc_max idc R= 1/kdroop
vd2  vq2
Coordinate θ
270 Vdc(V)
abc→dq0 +
VC max ref
V=270 Vdc
Id D-axis
current -
controller controller Vdref Vabcref
ωm Coordinate
Iq max transform
Speed dq0→abc
S Iqref Q-axis Vqref -Idc_max
Im a x

Idcref DC current G controller (a) (b)
controller TSR
-Im a x
limiter Idc Cdc
Vdc Figure 12 Representation of droop control for S/G systems during
{ the generation mode. a) in diagram, b)An equivalent circuit
DC Bus

In the motoring mode (during the engine starting cycle), the

electric machine is running as a motor under closed-loop
Figure 11. Control diagram for developed starter/generator system
speed control and driving the engine up to the speed at which
The internal loop is for current control. The external loop the engine can be ignited. When the engine speed reaches the
includes flux weakening control, speed control (when running self-sustained speed, the controller will give a “ready-to-
as a starter) and dc-link current control (when running as a generate” signal and as the speed reaches the lowest
generator). The vector control scheme was used to for the generation value, the system reconfigures to run as a generator
machine current loop control. This control technique has been with generation droop control scheme as discussed above.
widely used for electric machine control [18]. Within the
vector control scheme, the stator current vector is represented
in a rotating reference frame (dq frame) with its d axis aligned VI. THERMAL MODELLING AND DESIGN
with the rotor flux. By doing this, the d-axis and q-axis
A. Thermal modelling
components of the PMSM stator currents can be controlled
independently. The machine torque, or active power, is The thermal modelling of the machine was carried out using
controlled by the q axis current. Flux-weakening control can both analytical (lumped parameter thermal network) and
thus be achieved by injecting negative currents into the d axis. numerical (computational fluid-dynamics) approaches. Using
As can be seen in Figure 11, the flux weakening controller FEM electromagnetics simulation (MAGNET), the power
takes the error between the maximum AC voltage which can losses at the worst condition have been calculated and is
be provided by the converter, Vc,max (i.e. 𝑉𝑑𝑐 /√3) and Vc shown in TABLE V.
(magnitude of the voltage vector at converter AC terminals TABLE V machine main power losses
and it is calculated from the output of the current loop Part Loss(W)
controller) and generates the flux weakening current reference o
𝑟𝑒𝑓 Copper loss (at 180 C) 1,065
𝐼𝑑 . Since the AC voltages at the converter are modulated Stator Core 60
containing switching harmonics, we take the voltage Magnets 50
𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑓
references 𝑉𝑑 and 𝑉𝑞 instead. The speed controller is Rotor core 9
activated when the electric machine is running as a starter.
When the electric machine is running as a generator, the dc- The analytical models were particularly used in the
link current idc is controlled according to the following droop preliminary design stage to investigate the thermal behaviour
characteristic (specified by the customer as shown in Figure 12 of initial electric machine and the performance of the existing
(a)): cooling strategies. The commercial package employed for the
idc  k droop(270  Vdc ) (1) analytical design, to produce the machine thermal network, is
available on the market. In this particular project, we used
From the measured dc-link voltage, Vdc, the idc reference is MotorCAD.
derived according to (1) and the DC current is controlled to
this value by a PI controller. With the droop control, the S/G However, the lumped parameter method is not fully capable of
system during the generation mode can essentially be viewed predicting all aspects of the fluid flow and the convective heat
as an ideal dc source with a resistor connected in series as transfer phenomena. For this reason, some critical areas of the
shown in Figure 12. machine, such as the end regions, the axial ducts and the
airgap were investigated using CFD. Some numerical data
such as the convective heat transfer coefficients were then
exported to MotorCAD in order to improve the accuracy of
the thermal network.

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

solution was identified considering the fact that liquid cooling

techniques generally lead to more compact designs than air
cooled machines as the aircraft engine lubrication oil is
available [19]. An oil cooling solution was therefore selected
for the electric machine within the starter/generator system.
Since the S/G electric machine is a high-speed application, a
direct oil cooling (wet-rotor solution) method was not the
optimal solution due the high windage loss (the viscous
friction loss generated between a fluid and the rotating
elements). Windage loss is directly proportional to the fluid
viscosity and to the cube of the rotational speed (ω3).
Therefore significant viscous heat will be generated in the air-
gap due the high-speed rotating machine. For a high-speed
Figure 13. Cross-section of 3D Machine domain
machine like S/G within AEGART, liquid must be avoided in
the air-gap at all times.
A full 360° domain of the machine was modelled to perform
Based on the above considerations, a wet stator solution was
steady-state conjugate heat transfer analysis. Due to the
implemented for the developed starter/generator electric
complexity of the real design several simplifications were
machine. This design guarantees intensive direct cooling of
made. These mainly consisted of the removal of small features
the stator. A stator sleeve was used to prevent liquid from
such as screws, bolts and threads. Components such as coils,
entering the air gap. The concept is shown in Figure 14. Once
laminations and bearing chambers were modelled as bulk
the coolant enters the stator chamber, through several radial
solids but overall thermal properties were assigned to these
openings impinging over the end-windings, it flows through
zones. Figure 13 shows a cross-section of the domain created.
the stator core in two rows of axial ducts created through the
Some areas, such as end regions and the air-gap, were stator laminations, one along the stator inner diameter and the
separately investigated in order to have a better understanding other along the stator outer diameter, as shown in Figure 15
of the fluid flow and to identify the optimal mesh densities to (concept only).
be used in the full model. Although the k-epsilon turbulence
model is the most common model used in Computational
Fluid Dynamics to simulate mean flow characteristics for
turbulent flow conditions, the Realizable k-epsilon, which is a
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) based model, was
the turbulence model used in the AEGART project. The
Realizable k-epsilon model is a sub-model of the k-epsilon
model and it is normally more appropriate for cases involving
rotation, higher shear stresses, and higher pressure/velocity
gradients [10]. This is because the Realizable k-epsilon can
generally provide better performance than the classic Standard
k-epsilon for cases involving rotation and high shear stresses. Figure 14. Schematic Wet Stator of the starter/generator electric
The rotation is modelled using the Multiple Reference Frame machine [8]
(MRF) technique. This technique is the most common
technique used when simulating rotating domains; indeed this
allow implementing the rotation without actually having a
rotating mesh. This characteristic makes the MRF more
suitable for steady-state cases and is less computationally
demanding than the Sliding Mesh technique. Enhanced wall
treatment was used to resolve complex near wall phenomena
which may occur; this implies an accurate sizing of the first
layer of inflation in order to get the required y+ ~ 1. The y+,
also defined as dimensionless wall distance, is a parameter Figure 15. Layout of axial ducts within the electric machine [8]
which determine the level of accuracy achievable in capturing
near wall phenomena (interaction fluid/solid). The y+ value VII. MANUFACTURING AND TESTING
used in Finite Element Analysis is a non-dimensional distance After detailed design, the starter/generator system was
from the wall (boundaries) to the first mesh node; this is manufactured and tested. The 6-pole, 36-slot machine design
𝑦 𝑢𝜏
defined as 𝑦 + = , where y, uτ and ν are the wall distance, (B12) is prototyped to demonstrate its ability to produce the
the shear velocity and the kinematic viscosity of the fluid required torque-speed curve shown in Fig.1 and validate the
respectively [17]. design. Silicon steel is used for the stator. The stator windings
include 2 turns per coil and 69 sub-strands for each turn. The
B. Thermal design
rotor back-iron and the shaft consist of single body using
During the preliminary design process, a liquid cooling semi-magnetic stainless steel PH 17-4. The Samarium cobalt

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

PMs (Sm2Co17) are arranged in Halbach array structure which used at these temperatures are provided by our industrial
is retained by directly wound CF sleeves. The prototyped partner. Under these two conditions, the engine friction T and
stator, rotor and complete assembly of the starter-generator speed ω profile is shown in Figure 18.
machine are shown in Figure 16. It is worth highlighting here Shaft, T is idc
that the mass density of the machine is 33kW/L & 16kW/kg. T*
machine GSS
controller of S/G Vdc
ω T
The final system scheme for S/G functional test is also shown ω, iabc

in Figure 16. During our test campaign, the S/G was coupled 'S/G controller in generation mode
control (switch to ‘S’ state in Figure 9)
mechanically with a dynamometer machine which can be
operated in four quadrants in the torque-speed plane.
Figure 17. Dynamometer control when S/G is in the motoring mode


VC Cdc
Dynamometer S/G GSS
DC source
Engine emulation

Starting: load torque T= f(ω) ω mabc

Generation: Speed source Vdc

Electrical Drive Control (details in Figure 9)

Figure 16. Testing bench for the S/G system, left to right:
dynamometer, Starter/generator, power electronics and GSS DC
Figure 18 Engine friction torque corresponding to the engine speed
The dynamometer allows operation in two modes: the torque during the starting process. Solid line: cold-start condition,
control mode and the speed control mode. These two modes dashed line: hot-start condition.
are used for testing the motoring and generation functions During the motoring mode test, it is required that the S/G
respectively. All these tests were conducted using facilities should be able to accelerate aircraft engines up to 10,000rpm
within the University of Nottingham and implemented at smoothly. The motoring test result under a cold-start torque
ambient temperature. The machine is pre-heated up to 50oC profile is shown in Figure 19 (a1- d1). From the speed profile
before test (this is due to the fact that 50oC is the minimum in Figure 19(a1), it can be seen that the S/G is able to
temperature at which the temperature management system smoothly accelerate the aircraft engine during a cold
functions properly) environment (-40oC) to a requested speed 10,000rpm in 40
A. Motoring mode test of S/G seconds. Since the speed is lower than ωbase, there is no need
for flux weakening operation, i.e. the current id = 0A. The
During the S/G motoring mode test, the dynamometer behaves electromagnetic torque Te is proportionate to the q-axis current
as a mechanical load to the S/G and represents the engine iq and thus the current iq reflects the cold-start torque profile as
friction torque during engine start-up. When running as a shown in Figure 19(b1). The temperatures of machine
mechanical load, the dynamometer is working in a torque windings and the power converter are shown in Figure 19 (c1)
control mode and the torque is controlled by its own and Figure 19 (d1). It can be seen that the maximum
controller. Since the engine friction torque is dependent on the temperature is 60oC for the power converter devices and is
engine shaft speed and the ambient temperature, different T-ω 72oC for electric machine stator windings. Both temperatures
curves at different temperatures are expected. As can be seen are below the maximum allowed values. The temperature of
from Figure 17, the reference torque T * of dynamometer is power converter devices and electric machine windings are
dependent on the shaft rotational speed ω with the T-ω profiles closely related to the active power (providing torque during
pre-programmed in its controller before testing. motoring) current iq. It can be seen that both machine and
For aircraft applications, it is required that the S/G should be power converters reached their highest temperature
able to start up the engine successfully in any potential simultaneously after iq decreased from the maximum point
ambient temperature conditions. Two extreme cases were (Figure 19 b1-c1).
tested during the S/G system functional test campaign, i.e.
ambient temperature T= 55oC (engine hot start-up condition)
and T= -40oC (engine cold start-up condition). The T-ω curves

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

(a1) (a2)

Speed (rpm)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

(b1) (b2)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

PE Temp(C)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
(d1) 56
EM Temp(C)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Figure 19 Machine speed, id. and iq response starter/generator system for cold-start (a1- d1) and hot-start (a2- d2)
conditions. a) speed response; b) id & iq; (a) Temperature of power converter, (b) Temperature response of electric
machine stator windings
The hot-start testing results are shown in Figure 19 (a2 – d2). reference value by its own controller. As illustrated in Figure
It can be seen that the machine successfully drove the engine 20, the dynamometer essentially behaves as a mechanical
up to 10,000rpm in 40 seconds time very smoothly. The speed source during this mode and drives the S/G to any
current iq of machine stator reflected the hot-start engine requested speed up to 32,000rpm (the maximum generation
torque profile. Since the speed has not reached the flux- speed). The S/G transforms the mechanical power to electrical
weakening range, the flux-control current id also kept at zero. power and supplies electrical power to the loads (i.e. GSS as it
The maximum temperature of the power converter during hot- is able to operate in four quadrant and thus can be used as a
engine start mode is about 40oC and the maximum load).
temperature of the electric machine is 57oC. During the cold- Shaft, ω is idc

start test, the maximum temperature is 60 oC for the power ω*

Dynamometer machine GSS
converter and 72 oC for the machine. Since both tests are with controller of S/G Vdc
initial temperature conditions, the power converter and ω ω, iabc Vdc
electrical machine during hot-start test are with much lower
S/G controller in generation mode control
temperature rise. This is mainly due to the fact that under (switch to ‘G’ state in Figure 9)
cold-start conditions, the engine friction torque is larger and
more challenging thus requires more current iq to produce Figure 20 Dynamometer control when S/G is in the generation mode
electromagnetic torque and crank the engine.
As mentioned in Section V, during the generation mode test, a
B. Generation mode test of S/G
V-I droop characteristic is applied (in this test, the droop gain
When the S/G system goes into generation mode, the S/G will is set at Kdroop=8.0). The load current idc is controlled to follow
be running as a generator driven by the engine. Under this the droop characteristic dependent on the dc-link voltage vdc.
condition, the dynamometer is used as the prime mover to Within this test, the dc-link voltage vdc is controlled by the
drive the S/G. The dynamometer shaft speed is controlled to a GSS. With different vdc set by the GSS, the S/G system will

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

supply a corresponding current idc according the droop

characteristic. The derived vdc-idc curve from generation mode
test campaign is shown in Figure 21. It can be seen that the Temperature
current idc supplied by the S/G system is well controlled and
follows the pre-defined droop characteristic. In addition, when
the vdc is lower than 270V, the current idc is positive and the Phase Differential Signals from
power is flowing from the generator to the GSS (the load). currents V V probe thermocouples
Dynamometer machine
When vdc is higher than 270V, the idc is negative and the power (part of test rig)

flows from the GSS to the generator (power regeneration). A

200 C electric machine
Clamp current
probes N n Torque

100 Station
Current Idc (A)

Power flows from the

generator to the load

Figure 23. Short-circuit test set up for the AEGART project


The short-circuit test is following the steps below

Power flows 1) Set the Oil Cooling station temperature to 50oC.
from loads to
the generator
2) Connect the winding-located thermocouples to the
-100 temperature logger
245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280
Voltage Vdc (V) 3) Connect the phase terminals to a single bus-bar for
Figure 21 Droop characteristic test of S/G during generation mode terminal short-circuits tests.
4) Connect the current measurement units and voltage
probe to an oscilloscope.
5) Start up the dynamometer machine and set the speed to
400rpm. Wait for thermal stabilization of the machine.
6) Measure the machine current, voltage and torque and
capture the current waveforms.
7) Repeat steps 6-7 for speeds 800rpm, 1200rpm,
1600rpm, 2000rpm, 2500rpm, 3000rpm, 3500rpm and
4000rpm. Record the winding temperature at each step.
Make sure the winding temperature does not exceed
8) Increase the speed to 5000rpm. Observe that the
machine current increases much less compared to the
previous steps. Take measurements as in step 6.
9) Repeat step 8 for speed 8,000rpm.
10) Continue increasing speed by steps of 4,000rpm (until
reached 12,000rpm) and take measurements as in step 6
after thermal stabilization of the machine.
Figure 22 Transient response of step change of vdc 11) Turn off the test bench.
In order to evaluate the performance of the final design some
The transient response on dc-link voltage vdc step change temperature measurements were taken; some in the middle of
(from 252V to 265V) is shown in Figure 22. The idc is the coils inside the stator slots in order to identify the highest
changing according to the droop characteristic, from 140.5A winding temperature and two in the inlet and outlet oil lines
to 39.2A. It can also be noticed that the transient of the idc is respectively. An oil flow rate of 13.4 litres/min was used.
much slower than that of the vdc. With a step change of vdc, it Thermal and flow measurements allowed the calculation of
is expected that idc should be a step change or with very fast the oil temperature rise (ΔT) and the heat removed by the oil,
transient due to the droop control. However, this may lead to a over 95% in all operating points considered. Machine losses,
current surge in the electrical machines due to its fast current oil inlet temperature and oil flow rate were used as boundary
control loop (500Hz). To avoid this issue, a low-pass vdc filter conditions for the thermal models developed. A comparison
is added in the control loop (in DSP code). The machine between the maximum winding temperatures rise recorded
thermal performance (and the machine thermal model) was experimentally and those obtained by modelling are shown in
investigated by carrying out Short Circuit Tests (SC Tests) up Figure 24.
to 12,000 rpm. The SC test set-up is shown Figure 23.

2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006


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2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TTE.2018.2863031, IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification - 2018- 01- 0006

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2332-7782 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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