Social Media Calendar For Fitness Pros PDF
Social Media Calendar For Fitness Pros PDF
Social Media Calendar For Fitness Pros PDF
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Fact
A discussion on how wellness Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the Bread does not make you Fat. Choose a question from the list 60 mins at the gym: I wish I had
is bringing positivity in our Services list time. 60 mins watching Netflix:
lives. Guide audience with Time flies, watch another one
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Share your strength as a Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Know your Milks. Sharing the all A question and answer session for Heavy weights will not make you
motivation to others. Share a Services types Milk including, almond, soy, the people giving them a freedom look like a man/a manly look or
picture of you meditating early cashew, cocnut, dairy and oat with to ask away anything regarding give you manly muscles.
morning or exercising at the teh amount of calories, protein the 'change' it brings in our lives.
gym. and sugar it contains.
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. Internatinal Youth's Day 22. Video Content 23. Video Content 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infopgrapghic Add a healthy Recipe from the list Focusing on youth and engaging Discussion on how you keep Guiding people on postures: Many Choose a question from the list
from the list them into wellness. Motivating yourself motivated on your worst people exercising at home
them towards Yoga of deep days to keep up with your routine. perform incorrect postures; teach
breathing to calm your soul. them the right posture for few
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. World Humanitarian Day 30. Quote
Kidney Beans and Choose an Infopgrapghic from the Let's make this world a better Choose a quote from the list
ChickPeas: Mentioning their list A picture of a tempting sweet. Old place to live. #Planttree for your
Carbs, calories, protein, iron Mindset: I cant eat this. This is own healthy environment.
cheat food, I have eaten one, I
may as well binge. I need to skip
a meal now. New Mindset: I can
eat this. This is sometimes totally
fine. I am going to eat one and
enjoy it.I can still reach my goals.
September 2020
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
A tip to keep up with the routine - Prompt your followers to set Share a dish made of Zucchini. An Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
An instructor's secret to keep realistic goals. Eg: Getting started easy snacking item with low ask your followers to picture
going everyday. with 20 mins of workout for a calorie. themselves while performing that
week or two and increasing your exercise.
time later.
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Change the focus of your workout: Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the When you stop strength training, Choose a question from the list Excuse: I don't have enough time
Emphasize Flexibility Services listf muscle turns to fat. to workout. Solution: Don’t ask
yourself how much time you’re
going to waste by working out a
few times a week. Ask yourself
how much of your life you’re going
to waste being unfit and
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Do you feel like getting dressed Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Fats are Important for your Health. Ask away anything. Answering You need to spend hours in the
up? Put your workout clothes on. Services Especially unsaturated fats from your audiences' question/queries gym.
Its the best way to get motivated. seeds, nuts, fish and plant
sources - they help boost
metabolism, lower inflammation,
improve mood and brain function
amongst many things.
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. International Day of Peace 30. Quote
Sharing the protein rich Choose an infographic from a list I am too busy with work and It's a day of Peace. Let's get your Choose a quote from the list
vegetables. Eg: Mushrooms, soy, business. V/S I achieve twice as inner peace. Meditate or talk
peas.. much in half the time. Thanks to about relaxation exercises; why
my energy and performance. My relaxation is an important skill
health always comes first.
October 2020
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Prompt followers to Plan a post- Join up with your friends and try a Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
workout meal which will motivate new workout because changing ask your followers to picture
to crush their sweat session. the fitness routine is always a themselves while performing that
good idea. exercise.
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Let's talk about nutritions: The Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the Lifting weights will automatically Choose a question from the list Excuse: i don't have access to
importance of well balanced diet Services list bulk you up. the gym. Solution: Do body
weight exercises at home or
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Surround yourself with positive Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Your healthy snacking: Peanut Ask away anything. Answering Bigger muscles translate to
people. Because if you see them Services butter cookies for munchies. your audiences' question/queries greater strength.
living healthfully, their actions Recipe: Mapel syrup, oat flour
could become habits for you, too. and peanut butter.
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. World Food Day 22. Video Content 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infographic from the Add a healthy Recipe from the list Let's promise ourselves to Eat Talk about performing or even Excuse: I am already thin. Choose a question from the list
list healthy and Reduce wastage of better, perform to your audience Solution: Being thin and being fit
food. Set a goal for yourself, eg. I in live: visualisation exercise (for are two different things. Doing
will only buy food that I know I will a fitness goal) some resistance training and
consume. cardio will improve your life
quality and expectancy for a
considerable amount. Not to
mention thin-fat.
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. World Mental Health Day 30. Quote
Share a picture of a meal plate Choose an infographic from a list Better be burning calories. I hate A note to self' - Keep telling your Choose a quote from the list
with additions and substraction in my body. V/S I am stronger every mind by taking deep breaths that
food to show the 'Surplus' and day; I love improving myself. its okay to not have everything
'Deficit' Weight loss and calorie burn will figured out.
come as a bonus
December 2020
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Prompt your followers to reach Whenever possible, use stairs. Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
out to their families to make an ask your followers to picture
effort to develop a physically themselves while performing that
active family activity (instead of exercise.
eg. watching TV).
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Healhty habit and skin health - Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the Doing more cardio means you'll Choose a question from the list Excuse: My back hurts. Solution:
how healhty lifestyle promotes Services list lose more weight. Gentle Yoga may be particularly
better and healthier skin helpful in keeping chronic back
pain in check.
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Prompt followers to share their Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Share a image of an orange and Ask away anything. Answering Workouts should be at least an
Fitness stories to encourage Services an orange juice. Show the your audiences' question/queries hour long.
fellow followers. difference. Orange: 100g, 12g
carbs, 2.8g fiber. Orange Juice:
100g, 13g carbs, almost zero fiber
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. New Fitness Add-up 30. Quote
What are the things you always Choose an infographic from a list Old mindset: It takes too much Try something new - Black Light Choose a quote from the list
try to keep in mind when time to prepare my meals. New Yoga is just like meditating in the
preparing a meal for yourself? Mindset: I am worth the 5 extra dark corner with upbeat music.
Share it with your followers. minutes it takes to prepare my
meals for a day.
November 2020
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Encourage followers to adopt Stretch after you work out, even if Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
fitness role models to stay it’s just for five minutes. As it is a ask your followers to picture
inpsired and motivated. (DON'T vitally important thing to fit into themselves while performing that
worry about leading them to your your workout routine exercise.
rivals. It's the other way around -
people will respect and follow you
even more.
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Talk about Meditation or mental Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the Extreme calorie cutting is a good Choose a question from the list Excuse: I started doing it but no
exercise - it prepares your mind Services list way to lose weight results. Solution: Depending on
and your body for exercise. your current level of fitness, it
may take up to a month to see
any results.Consistancy is the
most important thing.
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Encourage your audience on Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Egg white v/s Whole Egg. Ask away anything. Answering To get large, you must lift large.
recording and sharing their Services Egg Whites: your audiences' question/queries Nutrition, technique and health
progress. Share your own as an • 17 calories are priorities.
example and inspiration. • 0g fat
• 3.6g protein
🍳The whole egg:
• 65 calories
• 5g fat
• 6.3g protein
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. World Vegan Day (1st Nov) 22. Video Content 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infographic from the Add a healthy Recipe from the list Is a Vegan Diet Expensive? Yes, Talking about balanced meals Excuse: I am a parent. Solution: Choose a question from the list
list if you buy lots of Vegan and and meal timing. If you have kids, you need to
alternatives. No, if you focus on make sure your workouts are
whole foods. (Kidney beans, even more of a priority. Not only
banana, carrot) do you need to take care of
yourself by having a few minutes
to yourself everyday, you also
owe it to them to keep yourself
healthy into old age.
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. World Diabetes Day 30. Quote
Prompt your followers to share a Choose an infographic from a list Old mindset: Healthy foods cost Let's elaborate being 'FIT' on the Choose a quote from the list
picture of their healthy meal with too much, I have to eat fast food. day of Diabetes. A guide to
its ingredients. New mindset: I have stopped Diabetic fitness. F (frequency -
making excuses and made my regular 3 or 4 times a week) I
diet a priority. There are many (intensity - 60-80-% of maximal
expenses that I can cut from. heart rate) T (time - aerobic
activity for 20-30 mins with 5-10
mins of warm-up)
January 2021
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Controlled cheating - having a Ask followers to do some activity Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
regular planned "cheat meal" is that calms them every day ask your followers to picture
much better than spontaneous (reading, walking, listening to themselves while performing that
binge-sessions. music, meditating ect) exercise.
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Converse about Pilates which is Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the Lifting doesn't help with weight Choose a question from the list Excuse: I am too Old. Solution:
associated with mental and Services list loss. It's never too late to get started.
physical benefits.
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Pump up the jams: make music Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Buffalo Chicken Quinoa Bowls Ask away anything. Answering The more you sweat, the more fat
your power booster Services WEIGHT LOSS _ your audiences' question/queries you will burn.
•water added to quinoa to cook
•extra vegetables for volume
•celery,carrots +peppers= some
lowest calorie vegetables
•vinegar sauce low calorie adds
lots of flavour WEIGHT GAIN➕
•2x more the quinoa
•2x more chicken
•butter added to chicken to cook
•oil added to quinoa to cook
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. Fitness Add-up 22. Video Content 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infographic from the Add a healthy Recipe from the list Let's do a Zumba day - little A session on Weight Training. Excuse: I am too fat. Solution: Choose a question from the list
list variation is always good, keep it No matter how overweight or
fresh. obese you are, you will benefit
from physical activity. Even if you
don't lose any weight.
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. Fitness add up 30. Quote
Turkey Sausage Breakfast Skillet Choose an infographic from a list Old: The instant comfort that I get Cycling - A spin bike can give a Choose a quote from the list
⠀ from food soothes me. New: great workout session and
WEIGHT LOSS Emotional eating is something entertaining too.
346 CALORIES that I can control . Food does not
• 3:1 egg white yolk ratio help solve my problems.
= higher protein to fat ratio
• Lower carb breakfast
• Use more yolks
• Extra carbs with the potatoes
• Use butter & full fat milk to
scramble eggs
• More oil to cook meat &
Feburary 2021
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Motivate your followers to practice Motivate followers to walk to their Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
'Mindfulness' by blocking out other commute ask your followers to picture
stressors that come in your way. themselves while performing that
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Talk about your relationship with Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the If I work out every day I could eat Choose a question from the list Excuse: I need to be motivated to
food and fitness. Services list whatever I want exercise. Solution: Give yourself
a reward for meeting your fitness
goals – a reward that you really
want. If you love massages, book
a massage at the end of every
month you complete your target
number of workouts.
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Add fresh ingredients to your Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Know your nut butters: Ask away anything. Answering All "workout drinks" are good - you
water like lemons, mint, Services Sunflower seed flower 105 cals -8 your audiences' question/queries have to know how to choose a
cucumbers, ginger, or fruit. Not g fat-2g carbs-3.5g protein, good one.
only will it boost the nutrients, but Peanut Butter: 100 cals- 7.5g fat -
it will boost the taste too 3.5g carbs - 4g protein, Cashew
Butter: 94 cals - 8g fat -4g carbs -
2.8g protein, Almond Butter: 95
cals - 8g fat - 3.5g carbs - 3.5g
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. World Pulses Day (10th Feb) 22. Post Content 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infographic from the Add a healthy Recipe from the list Did you know? Pulses are Very Fitness apps you use on your Excuse: I’ve tried before and I Choose a question from the list
list high in Protein and Fibre, 100% phone. can’t stick with a program.
Vegan, Gluten-Free, Low Solution: Keep a log and post it
Allergenic, Non-GMO in a public space – your
refrigerator, or even on
Facebook. Your friends and
family can offer words of
encouragement. A log also helps
you see if you’re starting to slack
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. Fitness add up 30. Quote
Compare the Pair of Yogurt: Choose an infographic from a list Old minset: I am not focused on Frisbee is a quick and easy way to Choose a quote from the list
Coconut yogurt: 457 calories - my health right now. I am more get moving with a friend. Count
protein: 3g - Fat: 47.4g - sugar:3.4 focused on my future. New how many times you can throw
g Full Fat Natural Yogurt: 156 mindset: My future is determined the frisbee back and forth without
calories - protein: 9.8g - Fat: 7g - by my health. I can't do anything if dropping it, and make it more of a
Sugar: 9.2g I am sick, low energy or bed- workout by asking them to make
ridden. you run for it.
March 2021
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Are you hoping to lose weight? Go to bed just 5 minutes earlier Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
Boost your energy? Sleep better? every night. You won’t even ask your followers to picture
Manage a chronic condition? notice the difference but in just a themselves while performing that
Write down your goals and steps couple weeks, you’ll be sleeping exercise.
to achieve them. one hour more than you used to.
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Explain the importance of a good Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the The more protein the better. Choose a question from the list Excuse: I don’t like to sweat. Or I
breakfast. Services list don’t want to take another shower
and reapply makeup. Solution:
Work out first thing in the morning,
before you shower and get ready
for your day.
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Get a weekend motivation by Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Try sweet potatoes instead of a Ask away anything. Answering If you gain weight, that
going outdoors and strteching Services bread for breakfast. - slice of your audiences' question/queries automatically means you're
your legs by going Hiking. sweet potato -1 egg and 1/2 tiny getting fat.
#TiptoMotivation avocado --- 200 calories
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Share an experience with your Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from Lower heart rate helps burn fat Choose a question from the list Excuse: I have a fear of being
followers of a difficult time in your Services the list better. judged. Solution: One simple
life and how you managed to get solution is to work out at home by
over it. Did fitness and healhty following a trainer online.
lifestyle help? (promote your workout routine if
you have one)
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Give yourself a compliment or a Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Weight Loss: 2/3 cups oats, 1 Ask away anything. Answering Soreness is a sign of good
gratitude everyday. Services 1/3 cups of almond milk, Stevia, 1 your audiences' question/queries workout
apple and 100g strawberries =
370 Calories. Weight Gain: 1 1/3
cups oats, 1 1/3 cups almond
milk, 2 tbsp maple syrup, 1
banana+2tbsp peanut butter =
800 Calories
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. Post Content 22. World Health Day 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infographic from the Add a healthy Recipe from the list Pre-World Health Day Post: Encourage everyone towards Excuse: Feeling overwhelmed Choose a question from the list
list Create a poll asking your healthy eating - your food is your with where to begin. Solution:
followers what would they like to medicine. The best way is to start simple.
change in themselves this World For example, decide that you
Health Day. Poll: Add one want to do a single pull-up by the
Healthy Meal in my Diet v/s Add end of the year.
Waking/Yoga/Exercising in my
everyday Life.
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. Fitness add up 30. Quote
Nuts required by your Body. Choose an infographic from a list Old mindset: Nervous to try new Swing dancing, tap dancing, Choose a quote from the list
Cashews for Bone Health, methods of nutritions or feel that ballet or salsa – These different
Almonds for Skin Health, you don't know how to meal-prep. styles of dance will raise your
Pistachios for Heart Health, New Mindset: excited to learn heart rate and challenge your
Brazil Nuts for Thyroid Control new methods and meal prepping coordination.
May 2021
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Mention your favorite cheat meal - Set a goal of drinking 3 full bottles Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
a great way of keeping followers of water a day ask your followers to picture
on track. themselves while performing that
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Talk about your fitness attire - Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from If you are heavy, you are fat. Choose a question from the list Excuse: Frequent travel, it's hard
what do you wear and why (and Services the list to stay in shape. Solution: Most
promote them if you have a hotels have gyms. You can
affiliate contract) always go for a walk or a jog.
Resitance bands are very easy to
take withyou wherever you travel.
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
A testimonial from your follower Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or 2 bowls: 1st bowl of summer rich Ask away anything. Answering You cannot build muscle on
about his/her success story Services fruits will add up to 100 Calories your audiences' question/queries vegan diet
2nd Bowl of icecream and hot
cross bun adding yp to 700
calories to your diet.
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. Post Content 22. International Tea Day 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infographic from the Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share the pictures of you working Let's share how green tea helps Excuse: I feel selfish taking time Choose a question from the list
list out hard - a great way of keeping with fitness with a fact - it is high for myself. Solution: Let go of
followers engaged. in antioxidants, it promotes your guilt. First, the few hours you
cardiovascular health and is the invest in your workouts will help
best natural fat burner. you show up as a better,
healthier, more energetic parent
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. Fitness add up 30. Quote
Share a picture of same food to Choose an infographic from a list Old Mindset: I’m not in good Hula hooping was a bit of fun as a Choose a quote from the list
show the 'Maintaining' of fitness good enough shape to work out. kid, but as an adult it can be a
and on the other hand New Mindset: I don't care in serious workout.
'Weightloss' meal with same what shape I am right now as
ingredients with a addition and long as I work to be in a little
subtraction in quantity. better shape tomorrow
June 2021
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Hold a Live session with some Instead of your usual coffee date Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
other influencer, ask about his/her or happy hour drinks to catch up ask your followers to picture
story and motivation with friends, suggest a barre class themselves while performing that
or going for a walk. exercise.
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Talk about how personal training Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the You have to eat fruit to be healthy Choose a question from the list Excuse: I dont know how to do
and the fitness industry has Services list anything. Solution: Dont worry,
changed over say the past 10-20 start with activities that use no
years skills like climbing stairs or
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Debunking Myths
Ask followers to instead of staying Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Did you Know? Bell Pepper 240 Ask away anything. Answering In order to meditate I have to stop
so focused on what they can’t Services mg Vitamic C and Orange 70 mg your audiences' question/queries thinking. The point is to focus on
have, to focus on all the good vitamin C something.
that is attainable?
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. Motivation Reminder 22. World Bicycle Day 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an Infographic from the Add a healthy Recipe from the list Do it now - sometimes later Make a plan with your workout Excuse: The weather's not right. Choose a question from the list
list becomes never buddies and celebrate this Bicycle Solution: Why not start doing
day by riding a bicycle. something staying indoors like
aerobics, indoor swimming,
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. Fitness add up 30. Quote
Protein Balls : Protein - 6.1g, Choose an infographic from a list Old Mindset: I feel REMINDER: Remember to Choose a quote from the list
Calories - 281, Eggs: Protein - threatened/intimidated by the stretch, share tips on how to
6.3 g, Calories - 78 success of others
New Mindset: When I see others
succeed, it makes me think that I
can too.
July 2021
Fitness and Wellness
1. Motivation 2. Realistic Goal 3. Diet 4. Favorite Fitness Exercise 5. Quote 6. Ask a Question
Make a playlist that will get you Drink a glass of water every Add a healthy Recipe from the list Share a exercise from the list and Choose a quote from the list Choose a question from the list
inspired and set the tone for your single morning before you have a ask your followers to picture
workout and day. cup of coffee or a bite of food. themselves while performing that
7. Video Content 8. Promotional 9. Fitness Infographics 10. Debunking Myths 11. Ask a Question 12. Life Hacks
Talk about stress mangament Promote your own Products or Choose an Infopgrapghic from the Meditation is something I need to Choose a question from the list Excuse: My habits are deeply
techniques and how Services list master to make it worth doing. rooted and there is no way out.
mediatating/mindfullness/relaxatio Solution: There are ways to
n practice soothes you down. break bad habits and ways to
develop the good habits.
13. Motivation 14. Quote 15. Promotional 16. Diet 17. Live Q/A Session 18. Fact
Prompt followers to share their 'to- Choose a quote from the list Promote your own Products or Things that can lead to fat gain - Ask away anything. Answering Quoting a fact of fitness: 100
do lists.' It's easy to forget things Services Constantly snacking all day - your audiences' question/queries grams of cholocate equates to 1,5
we need to do. Making lists not Drinking too many empty calories hourse of intensive exercise.
only ensures we get it all done, - Not moving around enough -
but it also makes us feel Lack of nutritious food -
accomplished! Constantly eating processed foods
- Making fast food a habit
19. Fitness Infographics 20. Healthy Diet 21. Post Content 22. World Youth Skills Day 23. Life Hacks 24. Ask a Question
Choose an infographic from a list Add a healthy Recipe from the list The fat loss pyramid: 1. Diet (Eat What did you learn or taught your Excuse: I dont know exactly what Choose a question from the list
clean most of the time) 2. Rest children on this day? to eat. Solution: That's the fun
(Get quality rest to recover and part of it. Find variety of easy
lose fat) 3. Strength training healthy recipes on the channel.
(Keeps metabolism going) 4.
Interval training (10-15 mins) 5.
Lower intensity cardio.
Diet 26. Fitness Infographics 27. Old Mindset v/s New Mindset 29. Diet add up 30. Quote
What's your favorite way to make Choose an infographic from a list Old Mindset: I've never been a Balanced Diet: 40% Fruits and Choose a quote from the list
egg? Share different ways to "sporty" person. New Mindset: Vegetables, 25% protein, 25%
make them: soft boiled egg, Being fit and healthy is a way of Fribre rich carbohydrates 10%
omelet, baked Eggs, scrambled life not how you were born. Fats
eggs ect