Maintenance Plan
Maintenance Plan
Maintenance Plan
Much like your body requires a balanced diet and exercise to maintain its health, your mental health also
needs attention. Maintaining your mental health involves practicing self-care, using coping strategies, and
knowing when to seek professional help. Use this worksheet to review your mental health needs and the
strategies you can use to maintain wellness.
3 When I am reminded of old family interactions -> triggering critical self-judgements and painful
Warning Signs
Warning signs are symptoms—such as thoughts, feelings, and behaviors—that indicate your mental health
might be at risk. Examples include sleep issues, social isolation, and stress. List 4 of your warning signs.
Tip: Knowing your warning signs allows you to begin managing symptoms before they become too severe.
1 Isolation
1 Getting out in nature, connecting with others (small acts/realistic ex. 10min walk)
Coping Strategies
Coping strategies are skills that help you manage problems or symptoms when they arise. Examples
include relaxation, communication, and anger management skills. List 3 coping strategies you can use.
Tip: Practice your coping strategies regularly so you are prepared to use them in an emergency.
1 Calm ne rvous s yste m/Be ing Pres ent (giving space to e mo tions,
Allowing myse lf to fee l what I a m fee ling/ no ticin g without jud ge ment/
breath ing)