Fema 355 C

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Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings


B.1 Description of Buildings and Basic Loading Conditions

As part of the SAC steel project, three consulting firms were commissioned to perform code designs for 3-, 9-, and 20-story model buildings, following the local code requirements for the following three cities: Los Angeles (UBC 1994), Seattle (UBC 1994), and Boston (BOCA 1993). All prevailing code requirements for gravity, wind, and seismic design needed to be considered. The buildings were to be designed as standard office buildings situated on stiff soil (soil type S2 as per UBC 94 and BOCA 93 definitions). The floor plans and elevations for the buildings were preset, as shown in Figure B-1. The shaded area indicates the penthouse location. Gravity frame columns are located only below the penthouse in the 20-story buildings, resulting in two bays of 40 feet bounding a 20-foot bay in the gravity frames. The column bases in the 3-story buildings are considered as fixed. The 9story buildings have a single-level basement, and the 20-story buildings have a 2-level basement. The buildings were required to conform to a drift limit of h/400, where h is the story height. The loading information provided was the following: Steel framing: as designed Floors and Roof: 3 inch metal decking with 2.5 inches of normal weight concrete fill and fireproofing Roofing: 7 psf average Ceilings/Flooring: 3 psf average, including fireproofing Mech./Electrical: 7 psf average for all floors, additionally 40 psf over penthouse area for equipment Partitions: Exterior Wall: as per code requirements (10 psf for seismic load, 20 psf for gravity design) 25 psf of wall surface average, including any penthouses. Assume 2 feet from perimeter column lines to edge of building envelope. Include 42 inch parapet at main roof level, none at penthouse roof. typical code values for office occupancy (50 psf everywhere) as per code requirements, assuming congested area (exposure B as per UBC 94 definition) as per code requirements.

Live Load: Wind Load: Seismic Load:

Based on this basic information, the consulting firms were asked to carry out three types of structural designs: 1. Pre-Northridge Designs: These designs were based on design practices prevalent before the Northridge earthquake, i.e., without consideration of the FEMA 267 (1995) document. These designs had the standard beam-to-column welded connection details.


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

2. Post-Northridge Designs: These designs were to additionally conform to the provisions of FEMA 267 (1995). The designers decided on the use of cover-plated beam flanges in order to move the location of the plastic hinge in the beam away from the face of the column. 3. Special Designs: Two types of special designs were carried out for the 9-story postNorthridge structures in all three geographic locations. The first special design involved the use of reduced beam sections, while the other design involved the use of a higher strength steel (A913) for the columns. Thus, the basic definitions for the buildings were kept constant between the different regions, but no other constraints concerning the design of the buildings (e.g., number of moment-resisting connections, choice of member sections, etc.) were imposed. The buildings so designed can be considered as being representative of typical steel moment frame structures in the three geographic locations, designed according to either pre- or post-Northridge design practice. All three design offices selected perimeter moment-resisting frames as the structural system. In all cases the design of the moment frames in the two orthogonal directions was either identical or very similar, thus, only half of the structure is considered in the analysis. The ordinary difference between the NS and East-West (EW) direction comes from the difference in gravity load effects on account of the orientation of the gravity beams and sub-beams. Both the beams and sub-beams are oriented in the NS direction. However, as the gravity loading on the girders of the perimeter WSMFs is small and has almost negligible effect on the seismic response, the decision to analyze the structure only in the NS direction is justified. The loading used for the analysis of the frames is based on the details given before, which result in the following floor load distribution (steel weight is assumed as 13 psf for all designs): Floor dead load for weight calculations: 96 psf Floor dead load for mass calculations: Roof dead load excluding penthouse: Penthouse dead load: 86 psf 83 psf 116 psf

Reduced live load per floor and for roof: 20 psf Cladding and parapet loads are based on the surface area of the structures. Based on these loading definitions, the seismic mass for the structures is as follows (the values are for the entire structure): 3-story Structures: Roof: Floor 3 and Floor 2: 9-story Structures: Roof: Floor 9 to Floor 3: 73.10 kips-sec2/ft 67.86 kips-sec2/ft 70.90 kips-sec2/ft 65.53 kips-sec2/ft


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Floor 2: 20-story Structures: Roof: Floor 20 to Floor 3: Floor 2:

69.04 kips-sec2/ft 40.06 kips-sec2/ft 37.76 kips-sec2/ft 38.63 kips-sec2/ft

The design details (member sections, doubler plates, design basis, etc.) for the different structures are summarized in the following sections. B.2 Los Angeles (LA) Structures

The lateral load design of all LA structures was controlled by seismic load considerations. The location of the moment-resisting frames is shown by the bold lines in Figure B-2. All the columns in the perimeter moment frames bend about the strong axis. The strong axis of the gravity frame columns is oriented in the NS direction. In the 9-story building, one of the exterior bays has only one moment-resisting connection to avoid bi-axial bending in the corner column. In the 20-story buildings, all the exterior connections are moment-resisting connections, and box columns are used at the corners to resist bi-axial bending. The design yield strength of the beams and girders is 36 ksi and of the columns is 50 ksi. Most of the girder sizes are controlled by drift rather than strength considerations. The sections used in the NS frames of the pre-Northridge and post-Northridge designs are summarized in Table B-1. Panel zone doubler plates have been used to conform to the minimum panel zone shear strength code requirement. The thickness for the doubler plates are shown in Table B-1. The first number represents the thickness of the doubler plate for the exterior columns, while the second number represents the thickness of the doubler plates for the interior columns of the WSMF. The doubler plates have the same nominal yield strength as the columns. In the post-Northridge designs, cover plates are welded to the top and bottom of the girder flanges. The dimensions of the cover plates used are given in Table B-2. W1 denotes the width of the top cover plate next to the column face, and T1 denotes the thickness of the top cover plate. The top cover plate extends for a length of 18 inches from the face of the column and ends with a width of 3 inches with uniform tapering from the face of the column to the end of the cover plate. The bottom cover plate is rectangular in shape with a width of W2 and a thickness of T2. The cover plates have the same nominal yield strength as the girders. Addition of cover plates to girder flanges increases the stiffness of the girders. The increase is, however, not large enough to induce a major change in the global properties of the structure (see Table 5.1) and hence the member sections in the pre- and post-Northridge designs are very similar. Some small differences observed in the member properties in some parts of the building, can be explained as follows:


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

1. The designer specified A36 steel for beams and girders in the pre-Northridge design, while using Dual Grade A36 Gr. 50 steel for the post-Northridge design. As the dual grade steel has a higher nominal yield strength (50 ksi as against 36 ksi for A36), the gravity beams, and to some extent, the WSMF girder sizes could be reduced. (The expected yield strength of the both the steel types is, however, very close, and a common value of 49.2 ksi is used in the analysis in this work.) 2. The increase in girder moment at the face of the column may be responsible for the use of slightly heavier column sections in some locations, to maintain the strong-column-weakgirder concept. Based on the member properties of the pre- and post-Northridge structures, the global response of same height structures is expected to be similar. Differences are expected at the local level, i.e., in the distribution of demands between the beam, panel zone, and the column. B.3 Seattle (SE) Structures

The design of the Seattle 3- and 9-story structures was governed by seismic loads, however, the design of the 20-story structure was controlled by wind loads (based on a wind speed of 80 mph). The wind design base shear for the 20-story structure is almost identical to the seismic design base shear for the LA 20-story structure, resulting in the stiffness of the two structures being similar (see Table 5.1). A572 Gr. 50 (nominal yield strength of 50 ksi, expected yield strength 57.6 ksi) steel has been used for all column, beam and girder sections in all Seattle designs. The position of the moment-resisting frames is shown by the bold lines in Figure B-3. The strong axis of the gravity frame columns is oriented in the NS direction. The layout of the moment-resisting frame is observed to be slightly different from the layout of the MR frames for the LA buildings. The member sections for the pre-Northridge design, post-Northridge design, and the design employing reduced beam sections (RBS) are given in Table B-3. The dimensions of the cover plates used for the post-Northridge designs are given in Table B-4, where L denotes the length of the cover plate, W the width, and T the thickness. The bottom cover plate has a rectangular cross section. The top cover plate has a width equal to W1 at the face of the column, maintains this width for 2-1/2 inches from the column face, and then tapers uniformly to a width of 3-1/2 inches at the end of the cover plate. The choice of the girder sections in the post-Northridge designs was influenced by detailing considerations; the length of the cover plate is taken as half the depth of the girder, and the thickness equal to the girder flange thickness (or 1/8th inch thicker for the top cover plate). This criterion resulted in the selection of girders which are typically shallower with wider, thicker flanges. In order to offset the additional demand generated at the column due to movement of the plastic hinge away from the face of the column, the column sizes were increased in the postNorthridge designs. The increased demands also resulted in the use of thicker doubler plates for the panel zones. The global stiffness of the pre- and post-Northridge designs is almost identical, again indicating that the change in design criteria is likely to affect only the local distribution of demands at the connections.


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

The requirement of limiting the weld stress at the beam-to-column complete penetration weld to 40 ksi, resulted in the use of cover plates even in the reduced beam section design. The cover plate dimensions for the design employing the reduced beam section details are given in Table B-5. For all post-Northridge and RBS designs, the cover plates are of the same yield strength as the girders. The doubler plates have the same yield strength as the columns. The cover plate geometry is similar to the geometry used in the post-Northridge designs, with the exception of the end of the cover plate being 3 inches wide instead of 3-1/2 inches wide. The geometry of the reduced beam section is given in Table B-6. The designers used a curved cutout pattern for the reduced beam section utilizing the maximum allowable flange reduction of 50%. The RBS starts at a distance of L minus 0.5L(RBS) from the face of the column and extends for a length of L(RBS). The minimum width of W(RBS) is at the midsection of the RBS. The RBS design has member sizes that are similar to those of the pre-Northridge design, in most areas. The only major difference observed is in the use of lighter sections for the exterior columns in the RBS design, due to a reduction in the maximum force demand transferred from the beam onto the column. Again, the global characteristics of the different designs are similar, and differences in response are expected primarily at the local level. B.4 Boston (BO) Structures

The location of the moment-resisting connections in the Boston 3- and 20-story structures is identical to the location of the MR connections in the Seattle 3- and 20-story structures (see Figure B-3). The placement of the MR connections in the 9-story structure is identical to the placement in the LA 9-story structure (see Figure B-2). The strong axis of the gravity frame columns is oriented in the NS direction. The design of the 3-story structure is controlled by seismic loads, while the designs for the 9- and 20-story structures are wind controlled designs. The member sections for the pre- and post-Northridge designs are given in Table B-7. A572 Gr. 50 steel has been used for both beams and columns in the Boston designs. The dimensions for the cover plates used in the Boston post-Northridge designs are given in Table B-8. T stands for the thickness of the plates, and L for the length of the plates. The top cover plates have a width equal to W1 at the face of the column, maintain this width for 2 inches from the column face, and then taper uniformly to a width of W2. The bottom cover plate has a rectangular cross section with a width of W. There are striking differences between the pre- and post-Northridge designs for Boston. Boston lies in seismic Zone 2A, thus the pre-Northridge designs are not required to comply with specific panel zone strength requirements or the strong column criterion, which are binding in seismic Zones 3 and 4. The post-Northridge designs, however, have to comply with both a minimum panel zone shear strength requirement as well as the strong column concept, in accordance with FEMA 267 (1995), thereby resulting in the use of significantly heavier column sections and extensive use of doubler plates.


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking


Redesigned LA 9-Story Structures

Three redesigns of the LA pre-Northridge 9-story structure were carried out using the computer program BERT (Building Engineering Reasoning Tool) developed by Fuyama et al. (1993). The program performs code compliant designs with an emphasis on reducing weight but paying attention to constructability. Beams and girders were designed using A36 steel, while A 572 Gr. 50 steel was used for the design of columns. The floor plans for the three redesigns (designated as R1-, R2-, and R3-LA9), showing the changes in bay width and/or the number of moment-resisting connections per floor with respect to the original LA 9-story design, are shown in Figure B-4. The member sections for the redesigns are given in Table B-9. Only the NS moment-resisting frame sections are shown. For the original configuration redesign (R1-LA9), a significant reduction in column sizes is observed at the cost of a small increase in girder sizes. This reduction in the column sizes is primarily on account of the strong column criterion being satisfied on the basis of the strong column-weak panel zone concept rather than the strong column-weak girder concept. The R2 redesign has lighter girder sections on account of the reduced span of the beams. The R3 redesign has heavier girders but lighter columns as compared to the original LA pre-Northridge structure. The three redesigns conform to the code drift requirements, and satisfy the minimum panel zone shear strength requirement as well as the strong column criterion (in many cases through weak panel zones).


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Table B-1 Beam and Column Sections, and Doubler Plate Thickness for Los Angeles Model Buildings
NS Moment Resiting Frame 3-story Building
Story/Floor 1/2 2/3 3/Roof Exterior W14X257 W14X257 W14X257 COLUMNS Interior W14X311 W14X311 W14X311 DOUBLER GIRDER PLATES (in) 0,0 W33X118 0,0 W30X116 0,0 W24X68 Below penthouse W14X82 W14X82 W14X82 COLUMNS Others W14X68 W14X68 W14X68 BEAMS W18X35 W18X35 W16X26

NS Gravity Frames

9-story Building
Story/Floor -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof Exterior W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X233 W14X233 COLUMNS Interior W14X500 W14X500 W14X500, W14X455 W14X455 W14X455, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X257 W14X257 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 GIRDER W36X160 W36X160 W36X160 W36X135 W36X135 W36X135 W36X135 W30X99 W27X84 W24X68 Below penthouse W14X211 W14X211 W14X211, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X120 W14X120 W14X120, W14X90 W14X90 W14X90, W14X61 W14X61 COLUMNS Others W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X145 W14X145 W14X145, W14X109 W14X109 W14X109, W14X82 W14X82 W14X82, W14X48 W14X48 BEAMS W21X44 W18X35 W18X35 W18X35 W18X35 W18X35 W18X35 W18X35 W18X35 W16X26

Notes: 1. Column line A has exterior column sections oriented about strong axis, Column line F has exterior column sections oriented about weak axis Column lines B,C,D, and E have interior column sections 20-story Building
Story/Floor -2/-1 -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/Roof COLUMNS Exterior Interior 15X15X2.00 W24X335 15X15X2.00 W24X335 15X15X2.00 W24X335 15X15X2.00, 15X15X1.25 W24X335, W24X335 15X15X1.25 W24X335 15X15X1.25 W24X335 15X15X1.25, 15X15X1.00 W24X335, W24X229 15X15X1.00 W24X229 15X15X1.00 W24X229 15X15X1.00, 15X15X1.00 W24X229, W24X229 15X15X1.00 W24X229 15X15X1.00 W24X229 15X15X1.00, 15X15X1.00 W24X229, W24X192 15X15X1.00 W24X192 15X15X1.00 W24X192 15X15X1.00, 15X15X0.75 W24X192, W24X131 15X15X0.75 W24X131 15X15X0.75 W24X131 15X15X0.75, 15X15X0.75 W24X131, W24X117 15X15X0.75 W24X117 15X15X0.75, 15X15X0.50 W24X117, W24X84 15X15X0.50 W24X84 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,0 0,0 GIRDER W14X22 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W27X84 W27X84 W24X62 W21X50 COLUMNS W14X550 W14X550 W14X550 W14X550, W14X455 W14X455 W14X455 W14X455, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X311 W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X176 W14X176 W14X176 W14X176, W14X108 W14X108 W14X108 W14X108, W14X43 40 feet span W21X50 W24X68 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X50 W21X44 BEAMS 20 feet span W14X22 W16X26 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W12X16

Notes: 1. The basement floor (-1 level) has simple connections General Notes 1. There are a total of 6 column lines below the penthouse for the 3- and 9-story buildings, and 4 for the 20-story building 2. For doubler plate thickess, the first number signifies the value for the exterior columns, the second for the interior columns 3. Splices are located 6 feet above the floor centerline in stories where 2 column sections are given (below splice, above splice)


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Table B-1 Beam and Column Sections, and Doubler Plate Thickness for Los Angeles Model Buildings (continued)
NS Moment Resiting Frame 3-story Building
Story/Floor 1/2 2/3 3/Roof Exterior W14X257 W14X257 W14X257 COLUMNS Interior W14X311 W14X311 W14X311 DOUBLER GIRDER PLATES (in) 0,0 W30X116 0,0 W30X116 0,0 W24X62 Below penthouse W14X82 W14X82 W14X82 COLUMNS Others W14X68 W14X68 W14X68 BEAMS W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

NS Gravity Frames

9-story Building
Story/Floor -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof Exterior W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X233 W14X233 COLUMNS Interior W14X500 W14X500 W14X500, W14X455 W14X455 W14X455, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X257 W14X257 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1/2 0,0 0,1/2 0,0 GIRDER W36X150 W36X150 W36X150 W33X141 W33X141 W33X141 W33X130 W27X102 W27X94 W24X62 Below penthouse W14X211 W14X211 W14X211, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X120 W14X120 W14X120, W14X90 W14X90 W14X90, W14X61 W14X61 COLUMNS Others W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X145 W14X145 W14X145, W14X109 W14X109 W14X109, W14X82 W14X82 W14X82, W14X48 W14X48 BEAMS W18X35 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

Notes: 1. Column line A has exterior column sections oriented about strong axis, Column line F has exterior column sections oriented about weak axis Column lines B,C,D, and E have interior column sections 20-story Building
Story/Floor -2/-1 -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/Roof COLUMNS Exterior Interior 15X15X2.00 W24X335 15X15X2.00 W24X335 15X15X2.00 W24X335 15X15X2.00, 15X15X1.25 W24X335, W24X335 15X15X1.25 W24X335 15X15X1.25 W24X335 15X15X1.25, 15X15X1.00 W24X335, W24X279 15X15X1.00 W24X279 15X15X1.00 W24X279 15X15X1.00, 15X15X1.00 W24X279, W24X279 15X15X1.00 W24X279 15X15X1.00 W24X279 15X15X1.00, 15X15X1.00 W24X279, W24X229 15X15X1.00 W24X229 15X15X1.00 W24X229 15X15X1.00, 15X15X0.75 W24X229, W24X162 15X15X0.75 W24X162 15X15X0.75 W24X162 15X15X0.75, 15X15X0.75 W24X162, W24X117 15X15X0.75 W24X117 15X15X0.75, 15X15X0.50 W24X117, W24X94 15X15X0.50 W24X94 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,5/8 0,1/2 0,0 GIRDER W14X22 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X108 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W30X99 W27X84 W27X84 W24X62 W21X50 COLUMNS W14X550 W14X550 W14X550 W14X550, W14X455 W14X455 W14X455 W14X455, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X311 W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X176 W14X176 W14X176 W14X176, W14X108 W14X108 W14X108 W14X108, W14X43 40 feet span W18X40 W24X55 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X40 W18X35 BEAMS 20 feet span W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W14X22 W12X14

Notes: 1. The basement floor (-1 level) has simple connections

Table B-2 Cover Plate Details for LA Post-Northridge Model Buildings

Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate W21X44 5" x 1/2" 8" x 1/2" W24X55 5" x 3/4" 9" x 3/8" W24X62 5" x 3/4" 9" x 1/2" W30X116 9" x 3/4" 12" x 3/4" W24X84 7" x 3/4" 11" x 5/8" W33X130 9" x 1" 13" x 3/4" W24X94 7" x 3/4" 12" x 5/8" W33X141 9" x 1" 13" x 3/4" W27X94 8" x 3/4" 11" x 5/8" W36X150 10" x 1" 14" x 3/4"

W1x T1 W2 x T2

W1x T1 W2 x T2

W27X102 W30X108 8-1/2" x 3/4" 9" x 3/4" 12" x 5/8" 12" x 5/8"


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Table B-3 Beam and Column Sections, and Doubler Plate Thickness for Seattle Model Buildings
NS Moment Resiting Frame 3-story Building
Story/Floor 1/2 2/3 3/Roof Exterior W14X159 W14X159 W14X159 COLUMNS Interior W14X176 W14X176 W14X176 DOUBLER GIRDER PLATES (in) 0,1/4 W24X76 0,9/16 W24X84 0,0 W18X40 Below penthouse W10X77 W10X77, W10X60 W10X60 COLUMNS Others Same as below penthouse BEAMS W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

NS Gravity Frames

9-story Building
Story/Floor -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof Exterior W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X207 W24X207 W24X207, W24X162 W24X162 W24X162, W24X131 W24X131 COLUMNS Interior DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,0 0,1/4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 GIRDER W30X108 W30X108 W30X116 W30X108 W27X94 W27X94 W24X76 W24X76 W24X62 W24X62 Below penthouse W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X132 W14X132 W14X132, W14X109 W14X109 W14X109, W14X90 W14X90 W14X90, W14X61 W14X61 COLUMNS Others BEAMS W16X31 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

Same as Exterior Columns

Same as below penthouse

Notes: 1. Column lines A though E have column sections oriented about strong axis, Column line F has column sections oriented about weak axis

20-story Building
Story/Floor -2/-1 -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/Roof Exterior W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X192 W24X192 W24X192, W24X192 W24X192 W24X192, W24X192 W24X192 W24X192, W24X192 W24X192 W24X192, W24X162 W24X162 W24X162, W24X162 W24X162 W24X162, W24X131 W24X131 W24X131, W24X131 W24X131 COLUMNS Interior DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/2 0,1/2 0,1/2 0,1/4 0,1/4 Same as Exterior Columns 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 GIRDER W12X14 W30X132 W30X132 W30X132 W30X132 W30X132 W30X132 W30X132 W30X132 W30X116 W30X116 W27X114 W27X114 W27X94 W27X94 W27X94 W27X94 W24X62 W24X62 W21X57 W21X57 W21X57 COLUMNS W14X426 W14X426 W14X426, W14X398 W14X398 W14X398, W14X342 W14X342 W14X342, W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X233 W14X233 W14X233, W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X120 W14X120 W14X120, W14X90 W14X90 W14X90, W14X61 W14X61 40 feet span W21X44 W21X50 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W18X35 BEAMS 20 feet span W12X14 W12X16 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14

Notes: 1. The basement floor (-1 level) has simple connections General Notes 1. For doubler plate thickess, the first number signifies the value for the exterior columns, the second for the interior columns 2. Splices are located 6 feet above the floor centerline in stories where 2 column sections are given (below splice, above splice)


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Table B-3 Beam and Column Sections, and Doubler Plate Thickness for Seattle Model Buildings (continued)
NS Moment Resiting Frame 3-story Building
Story/Floor 1/2 2/3 3/Roof Exterior W14X342 W14X342, W14X159 W14X159 COLUMNS Interior W14X398 W14X398, W14X159 W14X159 DOUBLER GIRDER PLATES (in) 0,3/8 W33X141 0,5/8 W21X62 0,7/8 W21X62 Below penthouse W10X77 W10X77, W10X60 W10X60 COLUMNS Others Same as below penthouse BEAMS W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

NS Gravity Frames

9-story Building
Story/Floor -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof Exterior W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X207 W24X207 W24X207, W24X162 W24X162 W24X162, W24X131 W24X131 COLUMNS Interior DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,7/16 0,7/16 0,7/16 0,3/8 0,3/8 Same as Exterior Columns 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,7/16 GIRDER W27X114 W27X114 W27X114 W27X94 W27X94 W27X94 W24X76 W21X62 W21X62 W21X62 Below penthouse W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X132 W14X132 W14X132, W14X109 W14X109 W14X109, W14X90 W14X90 W14X90, W14X61 W14X61 COLUMNS Others BEAMS W16X31 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

Same as below penthouse

Notes: 1. Column lines A though E have column sections oriented about strong axis, Column line F has column sections oriented about weak axis

20-story Building
Story/Floor -2/-1 -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/Roof Exterior W24X306 W24X306 W24X306, W24X306 W24X306 W24X306, W24X306 W24X306 W24X306, W24X279 W24X279 W24X279, W24X279 W24X279 W24X279, W24X279 W24X279 W24X279, W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X192 W24X192 W24X192, W24X162 W24X162 W24X162, W24X131 W24X131 W24X131, W24X131 W24X131 COLUMNS Interior DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 Same as Exterior Columns 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,1/2 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,3/8 0,7/16 GIRDER W12X14 W27X129 W27X129 W27X129 W27X129 W27X129 W27X129 W27X129 W27X129 W27X129 W24X103 W24X103 W24X103 W24X103 W24X84 W24X84 W24X84 W21X62 W21X62 W21X62 W21X62 W21X62 COLUMNS W14X426 W14X426 W14X426, W14X398 W14X398 W14X398, W14X342 W14X342 W14X342, W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X233 W14X233 W14X233, W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X120 W14X120 W14X120, W14X90 W14X90 W14X90, W14X61 W14X61 40 feet span W21X44 W21X50 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W21X44 W18X35 BEAMS 20 feet span W12X14 W12X16 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14 W12X14

Notes: 1. The basement floor (-1 level) has simple connections


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Table B-3 Beam and Column Sections, and Doubler Plate Thickness for Seattle Model Buildings (continued)
NS Moment Resiting Frame 9-story Building
Story/Floor -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof Exterior W24X176 W24X176 W24X176, W24X176 W24X176 W24X176, W24X176 W24X176 W24X176, W24X131 W24X131 W24X131, W24X94 W24X94 COLUMNS Interior W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X229 W24X229 W24X229, W24X207 W24X207 W24X207, W24X162 W24X162 W24X162, W24X131 W24X131 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,1/4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,1/4 0,0 0,0 0,0 GIRDER W30X108 W30X116 W30X116 W30X108 W27X94 W27X94 W24X84 W24X76 W24X55 W21X44 Below penthouse W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X132 W14X132 W14X132, W14X109 W14X109 W14X109, W14X90 W14X90 W14X90, W14X61 W14X61 COLUMNS Others BEAMS W16X31 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

NS Gravity Frames

Same as below penthouse

Notes: 1. Column lines A though E have exterior column sections oriented about strong axis, Column line F has exterior column sections oriented about weak axis Column lines B,C, and D have interior column sections

Table B-4 Cover Plate Details for Seattle Post-Northridge Model Buildings
Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate W21X62 11 x 8-1/4 x 3/4 11 x 10-1/4 x 5/8 W27X94 14 x 10 x 7/8 14 x 12 x 3/4 W24X76 12 x 9 x 3/4 12 x 11 x 5/8 W27X129 14 x 10 x 1-1/4 14 x 12 x 1-1/8 W24X84 12 x 9 x 7/8 12 x 11 x 3/4 W33X141 17 x 11-1/2 x 1-1/8 17 x 13-1/2 x 1 W24X103 12 x 9 x 1-1/8 12 x 11 x 1

L x W1x T1 L x W2 x T2

L x W1x T1 L x W2 x T2

Table B-5 Cover Plate Details for Seattle Post-Northridge RBS Model Building
Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate W21X44 10 x 6-1/2 x 3/8 10 x 8-1/2 x 1/4 W27X94 13 x 10 x 3/8 13 x 12 x 5/16 W24X55 11 x 7 x 3/8 11 x 9 x 5/16 W30X108 14 x 10-1/2 x 7/16 14 x 12-1/2 x 3/8 W24X76 11 x 9 x 5/16 11 x 11 x 1/4 W30X116 14 x 10-1/2 x 7/16 14 x 12-1/2 x 3/8 W24X84 11 x 9 x 3/8 11 x 11 x 5/16

L x W1x T1 L x W2 x T2

L x W1x T1 L x W2 x T2

Table B-6 Reduced Beam Section Details for Seattle Post-Northridge RBS Model Building
Girder Section L x L(RBS) x W(RBS) Girder Section L x L(RBS) x W(RBS) W21X44 18-1/2 x 15-1/2 x 3-1/4 W27X94 24 x 20-1/4 x 5 W24X55 21 x 18 x 3-1/2 W30X108 26-1/2 x 22-1/2 x 5-1/4 W24X76 21 x 18 x 4-/2 W30X116 26-1/2 x 22-1/2 x 5-1/4 W24X84 21 x 18 x 5


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Table B-7 Beam and Column Sections, and Doubler Plate Thickness for Boston Model Buildings
NS Moment Resiting Frame 3-story Building
Story/Floor 1/2 2/3 3/Roof Exterior W14X74 W14X74 W14X74 COLUMNS Interior W14X99 W14X99 W14X99 DOUBLER GIRDER PLATES (in) 0,0 W18X35 0,0 W21X57 0,0 W21X62 COLUMNS Below penthouse Others 4-W12X65 & 2-W12X72 W12X58 4-W12X65 & 2-W12X72 W12X58 4-W12X65 & 2-W12X72 W12X58 BEAMS W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

NS Gravity Frames

9-story Building
Story/Floor -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof Exterior W14X211 W14X211 W14X211, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X132 W14X132 W14X132, W14X99 W14X99 W14X99, W14X61 W14X61 COLUMNS Interior W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X233 W14X233 W14X233, W14X211 W14X211 W14X211, W14X176 W14X176 W14X176, W14X120 W14X120 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 GIRDER W24X68 W36X135 W33X118 W30X116 W30X116 W30X108 W30X99 W27X94 W24X76 W18X40 COLUMNS Below penthouse Others 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X159 W14X145 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X159 W14X145 see note 3 W14X145, W12X120 4-W14X120 & 2-W14X132 W12X120 see note 4 W12X120, W14X90 4-W14X99 & 2-W12X106 W14X90 see note 5 W14X90, W12X65 6-W12X79 W12X65 see note 6 W12X65, W8X48 4-W12X53 & 2-W12X58 W8X48 BEAMS W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

Notes: 1. Column line A has exterior column sections oriented about strong axis, Column line F has exterior column sections oriented about weak axis; W14X61 changes to W14X68 Column lines B,C,D, and E have interior column sections 2 For the bay with only 1 MR connection the girder sections are (from Floor 1 to Roof) the following: W24X68, W27X94, W27X84, W27X84, W24X76, W24X76, W24X68, W24X62, W24X55, and W18X40 3. 4-W14X145 change at splice to 4-W14X120, 2-W14X159 change at splice to 2-W14X132 4. 4-W14X120 change at splice to 4-W14X99, 2-W14X132 change at splice to 2-W12X106 5. 4-W14X99 change at splice to 4-W12X79, 2-W12X106 change at splice to 2-W12X79 6. 4-W12X79 change at splice to 4-12X53, 2-W12X79 change at splice to 2-W12X58
20-story Building
Story/Floor -2/-1 -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/Roof Exterior W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X233 W14X233 W14X233, W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X132 W14X132 W14X132, W14X109 W14X109 W14X109, W14X82 W14X82 W14X82, W14X61 W14X61 COLUMNS Next to Exterior W36X194 W36X194 W36X194, W36X194 W36X194 W36X194, W36X182 W36X182 W36X182, W36X170 W36X170 W36X170, W36X160 W36X160 W36X160, W36X150 W36X150 W36X150, W36X135 W36X135 W36X135, W30X116 W30X116 W30X116, W30X99 W30X99 W30X99, W27X84 W27X84 W27X84, W24X68 W24X68 Interior W36X260 W36X260 W36X260, W36X260 W36X260 W36X260, W33X221 W33X221 W33X221, W33X201 W33X201 W33X201, W33X201 W33X201 W33X201, W30X173 W30X173 W30X173, W30X173 W30X173 W30X173, W27X161 W27X161 W27X161, W27X146 W27X146 W27X146, W24X131 W24X131 W24X131, W24X68 W24X68 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 GIRDER W12X14 W27X94 W36X182 W36X160 W36X160 W36X150 W36X150 W36X150 W36X135 W36X135 W33X130 W33X130 W33X130 W33X118 W33X118 W30X116 W30X108 W30X99 W27X94 W27X84 W24X68 W18X35 COLUMNS 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 (splice in story) 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 4-W14X311 to 4-W14X257 & 2-W14X211 to 2-W14X176 4-W14X257 & 2-W14X176 4-W14X257 to 4-W14X233 & 2-W14X176 to 2-W14X159 4-W14X233 & 2-W14X159 4-W14X233 to 4-W14X211 & 2-W14X159 to 2-W14X145 4-W14X211 & 2-W14X145 4-W14X211 to 4-W14X176 & 2-W14X145 to 2-W14X120 4-W14X176 & 2-W14X120 4-W14X176 to 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X120 to 2-W14X109 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X109 4-W14X145 to 4-W14X120 & 2-W14X109 to 2-W14X90 4-W14X120 & 2-W14X90 4-W14X120 to 4-W12X96 & 2-W14X90 to 2-W12X72 4-W12X96 & 2-W12X72 4-W12X96 to 4-W12X72 & 2-W12X72 to 2-W10X60 4-W12X72 & 2-W10X60 4-W12X72 to 4-W10X49 & 2-W10X60 to 2-W8X48 4-W10X49 & 2-W8X48 BEAMS 40 feet span 20 feet span W18X40 W12X16 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W14X22

Notes: 1. The basement floor (-1 level) has simple connections

General Notes 1. There are a total of 6 column lines below the penthouse for the 3- and 9-story buildings 2. For doubler plate thickess, the first number signifies the value for the exterior columns, the second for the interior columns 3. Splices are located 6 feet above the floor centerline in stories where 2 column sections are given (below splice, above splice) 4. 4-W14X99, 2-W12X106 signfies four columns of W14X99 and 2 columns of W12X106 below the penthouse


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Table B-7 Beam and Column Sections, and Doubler Plate Thickness for Boston Model Buildings (continued)
NS Moment Resiting Frame 3-story Building
Story/Floor 1/2 2/3 3/Roof Exterior W14X82 W14X82 W14X82 COLUMNS Interior W14X145 W14X145 W14X145 DOUBLER GIRDER PLATES (in) 3/8, 2 x 1/2 W21X62 3/8, 2 x 1/2 W21X62 3/8,3/8 W14X48 COLUMNS Below penthouse Others 4-W12X65 & 2-W12X72 W12X58 4-W12X65 & 2-W12X72 W12X58 4-W12X65 & 2-W12X72 W12X58 BEAMS W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

NS Gravity Frames

9-story Building
Story/Floor -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof Exterior W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X211 W14X211 W14X211, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X109 W14X109 COLUMNS Interior W14X500 W14X500 W14X500, W14X455 W14X455 W14X455, W14X398 W14X398 W14X398, W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X193 W14X193 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0 3/8,0 3/8,3/8 0,0 3/8,0 3/8,0 1/2,7/16 7/16,3/8 3/8,9/16 3/8,3/8 GIRDER W12X53 W33X141 W33X141 W21X101 W21X101 W21X101 W21X101 W18X97 W16X67 W12X53 COLUMNS Below penthouse Others 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X159 W14X145 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X159 W14X145 see note 3 W14X145, W12X120 4-W14X120 & 2-W14X132 W12X120 see note 4 W12X120, W14X90 4-W14X99 & 2-W12X106 W14X90 see note 5 W14X90, W12X65 6-W12X79 W12X65 see note 6 W12X65, W8X48 4-W12X53 & 2-W12X58 W8X48 BEAMS W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W16X26 W14X22

Notes: 1. Column line A has exterior column sections oriented about strong axis, Column line F has exterior column sections oriented about weak axis Column lines B,C,D, and E have interior column sections 2 For the bay with only 1 MR connection the girder sections are (from Floor 1 to Roof) the following: W12X53, W16X67, W16X67, W16X67, W16X67, W14X61, W12X58, W12X58, W12X53, W12X53 3. 4-W14X145 change at splice to 4-W14X120, 2-W14X159 change at splice to 2-W14X132 4. 4-W14X120 change at splice to 4-W14X99, 2-W14X132 change at splice to 2-W12X106 5. 4-W14X99 change at splice to 4-W12X79, 2-W12X106 change at splice to 2-W12X79 6. 4-W12X79 change at splice to 4-12X53, 2-W12X79 change at splice to 2-W12X58
20-story Building
Story/Floor -2/-1 -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/Roof Exterior W14X455 W14X455 W14X455, W14X455 W14X455 W14X455, W14X370 W14X370 W14X370, W14X342 W14X342 W14X342, W14X342 W14X342 W14X342, W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X159 W14X159 W14X159, W14X109 W14X109 COLUMNS Next to Exterior W36X393 W36X393 W36X393, W36X393 W36X393 W36X393, W36X328 W36X328 W36X328, W36X300 W36X300 W36X300, W36X300 W36X300 W36X300, W36X260 W36X260 W36X260, W36X260 W36X260 W36X260, W36X260 W36X260 W36X260, W36X182 W36X182 W36X182, W36X150 W36X150 W36X150, W24X117 W24X117 Interior W36X485 W36X485 W36X485, W36X485 W36X485 W36X485, W36X393 W36X393 W36X393, W36X359 W36X359 W36X359, W36X359 W36X359 W36X359, W36X300 W36X300 W36X300, W36X300 W36X300 W36X300, W36X280 W36X280 W36X280, W36X210 W36X210 W36X210, W36X150 W36X150 W36X150, W24X131 W24X131 DOUBLER PLATES (in) 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,3/8,0 0,3/8,0 0,7/16,3/8 0,7/16,3/8 0,5/8,3/8 0,1/2,3/8 0,1/2,3/8 0,1/2,3/8 0,11/16,1/2 0,11/16,1/2 3/8,11/16,1/2 0,1/2,3/8 0,1/2,7/16 0,3/8,3/8 3/8,9/16,7/16 3/8,9/16,7/16 9/16,11/16,11/16 3/8,1/2,1/2 9/16,7/16, 2 x 3/8 3/8,3/8,3/8 GIRDER W12X14 W16X67 W33X141 W33X141 W33X141 W33X141 W33X141 W24X131 W24X131 W24X131 W24X131 W24X131 W24X131 W24X117 W24X117 W24X104 W24X104 W24X104 W21X101 W18X86 W18X76 W12X53 COLUMNS 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 (splice in story) 4-W14X311 & 2-W14X211 4-W14X311 to 4-W14X257 & 2-W14X211 to 2-W14X176 4-W14X257 & 2-W14X176 4-W14X257 to 4-W14X233 & 2-W14X176 to 2-W14X159 4-W14X233 & 2-W14X159 4-W14X233 to 4-W14X211 & 2-W14X159 to 2-W14X145 4-W14X211 & 2-W14X145 4-W14X211 to 4-W14X176 & 2-W14X145 to 2-W14X120 4-W14X176 & 2-W14X120 4-W14X176 to 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X120 to 2-W14X109 4-W14X145 & 2-W14X109 4-W14X145 to 4-W14X120 & 2-W14X109 to 2-W14X90 4-W14X120 & 2-W14X90 4-W14X120 to 4-W12X96 & 2-W14X90 to 2-W12X72 4-W12X96 & 2-W12X72 4-W12X96 to 4-W12X72 & 2-W12X72 to 2-W10X60 4-W12X72 & 2-W10X60 4-W12X72 to 4-W10X49 & 2-W10X60 to 2-W8X48 4-W10X49 & 2-W8X48 BEAMS 40 feet span 20 feet span W18X40 W12X16 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W12X19 W18X40 W14X22

Notes: 1. The basement floor (-1 level) has simple connections General Notes 1. There are a total of 6 column lines below the penthouse for the 3- and 9-story buildings 2. For doubler plate thickess, the first number signifies the value for the exterior columns, the second for the interior columns 3. Splices are located 6 feet above the floor centerline in stories where 2 column sections are given (below splice, above splice)
4. 4-W14X99, 2-W12X106 signfies four columns of W14X99 and 2 columns of W12X106 below the penthouse


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Table B-8 Cover Plate Details for Boston Post-Northridge Model Buildings
Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate T x W1 x W2 x L TxWxL W21X62 3/4 x 7-3/4 x 2-1/2 x 15 5/8 x 9-1/2 x 15 W14X48 5/8 x 6-7/8 x 6-7/8 x 13 1/2 x 9 x 13

9-story Building
Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate T x W1 x W2 x L TxWxL W33X141 1 x 11-1/2 x 5-1/2 x 20 1 x 13-1/2 x 20 W16X67 11/16 x 10 x 4 x 11 9/16 x 11-1/2 x 11 W21X101 13/16 x 12 x 6 x 14 11/16 x 14 x 14 W12X58 11/16 x 9-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 9 9/16 x 11-1/2 x 9 W18X97 7/8 x 11 x 5 x 12 3/4 x 13 x 12 W12X53 11/16 x 9-1/2 x 3-1/3 x 9 9/16 x 11-1/2 x 9

T x W1 x W2 x L TxWxL

20-story Building
Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate Girder Section Top Plate Bottom Plate T x W1 x W2 x L TxWxL W33X141 1-3/16 x 11-1/2 x 5-1/2 x 20 1-3/16 x 13-1/2 x 20 W24X104 7/8 x 12-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 15 3/4 x 14-1/2 x 15 W18X76 3/4 x 11 x 5 x 12 5/8 x 12-1/2 x 12 W24X131 1-1/16 x 12-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 15 15/16 x 15 x 15 W21X101 7/8 x 12 x 6 x 14 3/4 x 14 x 14 W16X67 3/4 x 10 x 4 x 11 5/8 x 12 x 11 W24X117 1 x 12-1/2 x 6-1/2 x 15 13/16 x 15 x 15 W18X86 7/8 x 11 x 5 x 12 3/4 x 13 x 12 W12X53 3/4 x 9-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 9 9/16 x 11-1/2 x 9

T x W1 x W2 x L TxWxL

T x W1 x W2 x L TxWxL

Table B-9 Beam and Column Sections for Redesigned LA 9-Story Pre-Northridge Buildings
R1-LA9, original configuration, 9 MR connections/frame/floor
Story/Floor Exterior -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X211 W14X211 W14X211, W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X145 W14X145 W14X145, W14X90 W14X90 COLUMNS Interior W14X311 W14X311 W14X311, W14X233 W14X233 W14X233, W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, WW14X145 W14X145 W14X145, W14X90 W14X90 GIRDER W36X210 W36X210 W36X210 W36X150 W36X150 W36X135 W36X135 W33X118 W33X118 W24X68

R2-LA9, 15 feet bay width, 18 MR connections/frame/floor

Story/Floor Exterior -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof W14X233 W14X233 W14X233, W14X145 W14X145 W14X145, W14X132 W14X132 W14X132, W14X109 W14X109 W14X109, W14X74 W14X74 Same as Exterior Columns COLUMNS Interior GIRDER W33X118 W33X118 W30X99 W27X94 W27X102 W24X84 W27X84 W24X62 W24X62 W18X35

R3-LA9, original configuration, 6 MR connections/frame/floor

Story/Floor Exterior -1/1 1/2 2/3 3/4 4/5 5/6 6/7 7/8 8/9 9/Roof W14X342 W14X342 W14X342, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X233 W14X233 W14X233, W14X193 W14X193 W14X193, W14X159 W14X159 COLUMNS Interior W14X426 W14X426 W14X426, W14X283 W14X283 W14X283, W14X257 W14X257 W14X257, W14X211 W14X211 W14X211, W14X159 W14X159 GIRDER W36X256 W36X256 W36X210 W36X210 W36X182 W36X182 W33X141 W33X130 W30X116 W24X94

General Notes 1. No doubler plates were required; Designs are fully code (UBC 1994) compliant 2. Splices are located 6 feet above the floor centerline in stories where 2 column sections are given (below splice, above splice)


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

6 bays @ 30

5 bays @ 30

4 bays @ 30

5 bays @ 30

6 bays @ 20 5 bays @ 20

3 @ 13

12 18

8 @ 13

Figure B-1 Floor Plans and Elevations for Model Buildings


24 18

19 @ 13




Figure B-2 Floor Plans Showing Layout of Moment-resisting Frames for LA Model Buildings


FEMA-355C Appendix B The SAC Model Buildings

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking






Figure B-3 Floor Plans Showing Layout of Moment-resisting Frames for Seattle Model Buildings

Notes: R1-LA9: 30 feet bay width



R2-LA9: 15 feet bay width, gravity frame design unchanged from R1-LA9 R3-LA9: 30 feet bay width

Figure B-4 Floor Plans Showing Layout of Moment-resisting Frames for Redesigned LA 9-Story Buildings


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms


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Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

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Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

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FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

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Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

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FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

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Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

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FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Liew, J.Y.R., White, D.W., and Chen, W.F., 1993a, "Second-Order Refined Plastic-Hinge Analysis for Frame Design. Part I," J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 11. Liew, J.Y.R., White, D.W., and Chen, W.F., 1993b, "Second-Order Refined Plastic-Hinge Analysis for Frame Design. Part II," J. of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 11. Liew, J.Y.R., and Chen, W.F., 1995, Analysis and Design of Steel Frames Considering Panel Joint Deformations, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 10. Liu, J., and Astaneh-Asl, A., 2000, Cyclic tests on Simple Connections Including Effects of The Slab, Report SAC/BD-00/03, SAC Joint Venture. Lopez O.A. and Torres R., 1997, The Critical Angle of Seismic Incidence and the Maximum Structural Response, EESD,, 26, 881-894. LRFD, 1994, "Manual of Steel Construction, Load & Resistance Factor Design, Volume I Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings," American Institute of Steel Construction, Chicago, IL. Lu, L.W., Wang, S.J., and Lee, S.J., 1988, "Cyclic Behavior of Steel and Composite Joints With Panel Zone Deformation," Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. IV, Tokyo-Kyoto, Japan. Luco, N., and Cornell, C.A., 1997, Numerical Example of the Proposed SAC Procedure for Assessing the Annual Exceedance Probabilities of Specified Drift Demands and of Drift Capacity, Internal SAC Report. Luco, N., and Cornell, C.A., 1998a, Effects of Random Connection Fractures on the Demands and Reliability For a 3-Story Pre-Northridge SMRF Structure, Proc. of the Sixth US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Seattle, Washington. Luco, N., and Cornell, C.A., 1998b, Seismic Drift Demands for Two SMRF Structures with Brittle Connections, First International Congress of Structural Engineers, San Francisco, California. Luco, N. and Cornell, C.A., 2000), Effects of Connection Fractures on SMRF Seismic Drift Demands, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 1. MacRae, G.A., 1994, P- Effects on Single-Degree-of-Freedom Structures in Earthquakes, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 10, No. 3. MacRae, G.A., 1999, Parametric Study on the Effect of Ground Motion Intensity and Dynamic Characteristics on Seismic Demands in Steel Moment-Resisting Frames, SAC Background Document, Report No. SAC/BD-99/01. MacRae, G.A., Fields, D., and Mattheis, J., 2000, Ground Motion Characteristic Effects on Multistory Steel Frame Response, Proceedings, 12WCEE, Auckland, New Zealand. MacRae, G.A., and Mattheis, J.E., 2000), Inelastic Behavior of a Three-Dimensional Steel Moment Resisting Building to Near-Fault Ground Motions, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 1. Maison, B., and Kasai, K., 1997, Analysis of Northridge Damaged Thirteen-Story WSMF Building, Earthquake Spectra, Volume 13, No. 3. Maison, B., and Bonowitz, D., 1999, Opinion Paper: How Safe Are Pre-Northridge WSMFs? A Case Study of the SAC Los Angeles 9-Story Building, accepted for publication in Earthquake Spectra, EERI.


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Maison, B.F., and Kasai, K., 1999, Seismic Performance of 3 And 9 Story Partially Restrained Moment Frame Buildings, SAC/BD-99/16, SAC Joint Venture. Maison, B., Rex, C.O., Lindsey, S.D., and Kasai, K., 2000, Performance of PR Moment Frame Buildings in UBC Seismic Zones 3 and 4, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 1. Marusic, D. and Fajfar, P., 1999, Influence of Asymmetry on Seismic Response of MomentResisting Steel Frames, in Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures, D.Dubina and M.Ivanyi, editors, Elsevier, pp. 401-408. McCabe, S.L., and Hall, W.J., 1989, Assessment of Seismic Structural Damage, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 9. McGuire, W., 1988, "Introduction to Special Issue on Steel Beam-Column Building Connections," Special Issue on Steel Beam-to-Column Building Connections, Journal for Construction. Steel Research, Vol. 10. Meek, J.L., and Lin, W.J., 1990, "Geometric and Material Nonlinear Analysis of Thin-Walled Beam-Columns," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 116, No. 6. Menun C. and Der Kiureghian, A., 1998, A Replacement for the 30%, 40% and SRSS Rules for Multi-Component Seismic Excitation, Earthquake Spectra, 14(1), p153-164. Miranda, E., 1991, "Seismic Evaluation and Upgrading of Existing Buildings," Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. Miranda, E., 1993, "Evaluation of Site-Dependent Inelastic Seismic Design Spectra," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 5. Miranda, E., 1993a, "Site-dependent Strength-Reduction Factors," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 12. Miranda, E., and Bertero, V.V., 1994, "Evaluation of Strength Reduction Factors for EarthquakeResistant Design," Earthquake Spectra, EERI, Vol. 10, No. 2. Miranda, E., 1997, Estimation of Maximum Interstory Drift Demands in Displacement-Based Design, Seismic Design Methodologies for the Next Generation of Codes, Edited by P. Fajfar and H. Krawinkler, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. Mittal, A.K., and Jain, A.K., 1995, "Effective Strength Eccentricity Concept For Inelastic Analysis of Asymmetric Structures," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 24, No. 1. Moehle, J.P., 1992, "Displacement Based Design of RC Structures," Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, Madrid, Spain. Murray, T.M., and Watson, D.P., 1996, "Strength of Moment End-Plate Connections with Multiple Rows at the Beam Tension Flange, Connections in Steel Structures III: Behaviour, Strength and Design, R. Bjorhovde et al., eds., Elsevier Applied Science, London. Nader, M.N., and Astaneh-Asl, A., 1991, "Dynamic Behavior of Flexible, Semi-Rigid and Rigid Steel Frames," Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 18, pp. 179-192. Naeim, F., Skliros, S., Reinhorn, A.M., and Sivaselvan, M.V., 1999, Effect of Hysteretic Deterioration Characteristics on Seismic Response of Moment Resisting Steel Structures, SAC/BD-99/18, SAC Joint Venture. Nakamura T. and Nakamura Y., 1993, Stiffness design of 3-D Shear Buildings for Specified Seismic Drifts, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, V119(n1), p.50(19)


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Nakashima, M., 1991, "Statistical Evaluation of Strength of Steel Beam Columns," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 11. Nakashima, M., 1994, "Variation of Ductility Capacity of Steel Beam-Columns," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 7. Nakashima, M., and Sawaizumi, S., 2000, Column-to-Beam Strength Ratio Required for Ensuring Beam-Collapse Mechanisms in Earthquake Response of Steel Moment Frames, Proceedings, 12WCEE, Auckland, New Zealand, paper #1109/6/A. Nassar, A.A., and Krawinkler, H., 1991, "Seismic Demands for SDOF and MDOF Systems," John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center Report No. 95, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University. Osteraas, J.D. and Krawinkler, H., 1990, "Strength and Ductility Considerations in Seismic Design," John A. Blume Earthquiake Engineering Research Center Report No. 90, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University. Park, R., and Paulay, T.,1975, Reinforced Concrete Structures, John Wiley & Sons. Park, Y. J., Ang, A.H.-S., and Wen, Y.K., 1984, Seismic Damage Analysis and DamageLimiting Design of R.C. Buildings, Structural Engineering Research Series No. 516, Civil Engineering Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Popov, E.P., and Pinkney, R.B., 1969, "Cyclic Yield Reversals on Steel Building Connections," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 95, No. 3. Popov, E.P., and Stephen, R.M., 1970, "Cyclic Loading of Full-Scale Steel Connections," Report No. UCB/EERC-70/3, Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC), University of California at Berkeley. Popov, E.P., and Stephen, R.M., 1976, Tensile Capacity Of Partial Penetration Welds, Report No. UCB/EERC-76/3, Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC), University of California at Berkeley. Popov, E.P., Blondet, M., and Stepanov, L., 1996, Application of Dog-Bones for Improvement of Seismic Behavior of Steel Connections, Report No. UCB/EERC-96/05, Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC), University of California at Berkeley. Powell G.H. and Campbell S., 1994, DRAIN-3DX Base Program Description and User Guide Version 1.10, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Report No. UCB/SEMM-94/07&08. Qi, X., and Moehle, J.P., 1991, Displacement Design Approach for Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Earthquakes, Report No. UCB/EERC-91/02, Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC), University of California at Berkeley. Rahnama, M., and Krawinkler, H., 1993, Effects of Soft Soils and Hysteresis Models on Seismic Design Spectra, John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center, Report No. 108, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University. Rahnama, M., and Krawinkler, H., 1994a, Amplification of Seismic Demands in Linear and Nonlinear Soft Soils, Proceedings of the 5th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. II, Chicago, IL. Rahnama, M., and Krawinkler, H., 1994b, "Effects of P-Delta and Strength Deterioration on SDOF Strength Demands," Proceedings of the 10th European Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, Austria.


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Ren, W.X., and Zeng, Q.Y., 1997, Interactive Buckling Behavior and Ultimate Load of ISection Steel Columns, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 9 Rentschler, G.P., Chen, W.F., and Driscoll, G.C., 1980, "Tests of Beam-to-Column Web Moment Connections," Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. 5. Roeder, C.W., Schneider, S.P., and Carpenter, J.E., 1993, "Seismic Behavior of MomentResisting Steel Frames: Analytical Study," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 6. Roeder, C.W., and Foutch, D., 1996, Experimental Results for Seismic Resistant Steel Moment Frame Connections, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 6 Roeder, C.W., 2000, State of the Art Report on Connection performance, Report No. SAC-2005, SAC Joint Venture. Ryan, K., and Hall, J.F., 1998, Aspects of Building Response to Near-Source Ground Motions, Structural Engineering World Wide 1998, Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, England, Paper T162-5. SAC 95-04, Parts 1 and 2, 1995, Technical Report: Analytical and Field Investigations of Buildings Affected by The Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994, part of FEMA phase I SAC project, Report No. 95-04 SAC 95-06, 1995, Technical Report: Surveys and Assessment of Damage to Buildings Affected by the Northridge earthquake of July 17, 1994, part of FEMA phase I SAC project, Report No. 95-06 SAC 96-01, Parts 1 and 2, 1996, Technical Report: Experimental Investigations of BeamColumn Subassemblages, part of FEMA phase I SAC project, Report No. 96-01 SAC 96-02,, 1996, Connection Test Summaries, SAC Technical Report 96-02. Sadek, A.W., and Tso, W.K., 1988, "Strength Eccentricity Concept for Inelastic Analysis of Asymmetric Structures," Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo, Japan. Saiidi, M., and Sozen, M.A., 1981, "Simple Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of R/C Structures, Journal of the Structural Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. 5. Schneider, S.P., and Amidi, A., 1998, Seismic behavior of steel frames with deformable panel zones, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 1. SEAOC Vision 2000, 1995, A Framework for Performance Based Design, Volumes I, II, & III, Structural Engineers Association of California, SEAOC, Seneviratna, G.D.P.K., and Krawinkler, H., 1997, Evaluation of Inelastic MDOF Effects for Seismic Design, John A. Blume Earthquake Engineering Center Report No. 120, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University. Shome, N., et al., 1997, Earthquake Records and Nonlinear MDOF Responses, Report No. RMS-29, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Stanford University. Shome, N., and Cornell, C. A., 1998, Normalization and Scaling Accelerograms for Nonlinear Structural Analysis, 6th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Sivaselvan, M.V., Skliros, K., Reinhorn, A.M, 1998, Multi-Linear and Smooth Hysteretic Model for Inelastic Analysis Of Deteriorating Structures, International Symposium on Impact and Friction of Solids, Structures and Machines, June 27-30, 1998, Ottawa, Ontario.


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Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Sivakumaran, K.S., and Chen, S., 1994, "Seismic Behavior of Type PR Steel Frames," Proceedings of the Structures Congress 1994, ASCE. Sohal, I.S., and Syed, N.A., 1992, "Inelastic Amplification Factor for Design of Steel BeamColumns," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 7. Somerville, P., Smith, N., Punyamurthula, S., and Sun, J., 1997, Development of Ground Motion Time Histories for Phase 2 of the FEMA/SAC Steel Project, SAC Background Document, Report No. SAC/BD-97/04. Somerville, P.G., 1998, Development of an Improved Ground Motion Representation for Near Fault Ground Motions, SMIP98 Seminar on Utilization of Strong-Motion Data, Oakland, CA. Song, J., and Ellingwood, B., 1998, Seismic Reliability Evaluation of Steel Frames with Damaged Welded Connections, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University. SSPC, 1994, "Statistical Analysis of Tensile Data for Wide Flange Structural Shapes," Steel Shape Producers Council. SSRC, 1998, Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures, Structural Stability Research Council, 5th Ed., J. Wiley & Sons, New York. Tagawa, Y., Kato, B., and Aoki, H., 1989, Behavior of Composite Beams in Steel Frame Under Hysteretic Loading, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 8. Tsai, K.C., and Popov, E.P., 1988, Steel beam-Column Joints in Seismic Moment Resisting Frames, Report No. UCB/EERC-88/19, Earthquake Engineering Research Center (EERC), University of California at Berkeley. Tsai, K.C., and Popov, E.P., 1990, "Cyclic Behavior of End-Plate Moment Connections," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 116, No. 11. Tsai, K.C., and Popov, E.P., 1990a, "Seismic Panel Zone Design Effect on Seismic Story Drift in Steel Frames," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 116, No. 12. Tso, W.K., and Zhu, T.J., 1992, "Design of Torsionally Unbalanced Structural Systems Based on Code Provisions. I: Ductility Demand," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 21. Uang, C.M., 1991, "Establishing R, or, Rw, and Cd Factors for Building Seismic Provisions," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 1. UBC, 1994, Structural Engineering Design Provisions, Uniform Building Code, Vol. 2, International Conference of Building Officials. UBC, 1997, "Structural Engineering Design Provisions," Uniform Building Code, Vol. 2, International Conference of Building Officials. Vidic, T., Fajfar, P., and Fischinger, M., 1994, "Consistent Inelastic Design Spectra: Strength and Displacement," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 23. Wen, Y.K., 1995, Building reliability and code calibration, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 11, No. 2. Wen, Y. K., and Han, S.W., 1997, Method of Reliability-Based Seismic Design. I: Equivalent Nonlinear Systems, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 123, No. 3.


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Wen, Y.K., and Foutch, D.A., 1997, Proposed Statistical and Reliability Framework for Comparing and Evaluating Predictive Models for Evaluation and Design, And Critical Issues In Developing Such Framework, SAC Background Document, Report No. SAC/BD-97/03. Yura, J. A., 1971, "The Effective Length of Columns in Unbraced Frames," Engineering Journal, AISC, April 1971. Zhu, T.J., and Tso, W.K., 1992, "Design of Torsionally Unbalanced Structural Systems Based on Code Provisions. II: Strength Distribution," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 21. Ziemian, R.D., McGuire, W., and Deierlein, G.G., 1992a, "Inelastic Limit States Design. Part I: Planar Frame Studies," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 9. Ziemian, R.D., McGuire, W., and Deierlein, G.G., 1992b, "Inelastic Limit States Design. Part II: Three-dimensional frame study," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 118, No. 9. FEMA Reports. FEMA reports are listed by report number. FEMA-178, 1992, NEHRP Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings, developed by the Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-267, 1995, Interim Guidelines, Inspection, Evaluation, Repair, Upgrade and Design of Welded Moment Resisting Steel Structures, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. Superseded by FEMA 350 to 353. FEMA-267A, 1996, Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 1, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. Superseded by FEMA 350 to 353. FEMA-267B, 1999, Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. Superseded by FEMA 350 to 353. FEMA-273, 1997, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-274, 1997, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-302, 1997, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures, Part 1 Provisions, prepared by the Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-303, 1997, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures, Part 2 Commentary, prepared by the Building Seismic Safety Council for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-310, 1998, Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Buildings A Prestandard, prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.


FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-350, 2000, Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-351, 2000, Recommended Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for Existing Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-352, 2000, Recommended Postearthquake Evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-353, 2000, Recommended Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel Moment-Frame Construction for Seismic Applications, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-354, 2000, A Policy Guide to Steel Moment-Frame Construction, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-355A, 2000, State of the Art Report on Base Metals and Fracture, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-355B, 2000, State of the Art Report on Welding and Inspection, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-355C, 2000, State of the Art Report on Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-355D, 2000, State of the Art Report on Connection Performance, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-355E, 2000, State of the Art Report on Past Performance of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings in Earthquakes, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. FEMA-355F, 2000, State of the Art Report on Performance Prediction and Evaluation of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC Joint Venture Reports. SAC Joint Venture reports are listed by report number, except for SAC 2000a through 2000k; those entries that do not include a FEMA report number are published by the SAC Joint Venture. SAC 94-01, 1994, Proceedings of the Invitational Workshop on Steel Seismic Issues, Los Angeles, September 1994, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 94-01, 1994b, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Steel Moment Frames, Sacramento, December, 1994, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 95-01, 1995, Steel Moment Frame Connection Advisory No. 3, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC.


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

SAC 95-02, 1995, Interim Guidelines: Evaluation, Repair, Modification and Design of Welded Steel Moment Frame Structures, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-267, Washington, DC. SAC 95-03, 1995, Characterization of Ground Motions During the Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 95-04, 1995, Analytical and Field Investigations of Buildings Affected by the Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 95-05, 1995, Parametric Analytic Investigations of Ground Motion and Structural Response, Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 95-06, 1995, Technical Report: Surveys and Assessment of Damage to Buildings Affected by the Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 95-07, 1995, Technical Report: Case Studies of Steel Moment-Frame Building Performance in the Northridge Earthquake of January 17, 1994, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 95-08, 1995, Experimental Investigations of Materials, Weldments and Nondestructive Examination Techniques, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 95-09, 1995, Background Reports: Metallurgy, Fracture Mechanics, Welding, Moment Connections and Frame Systems Behavior, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-288, Washington, DC. SAC 96-01, 1996, Experimental Investigations of Beam-Column Subassemblages, Part 1 and 2, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 96-02, 1996, Connection Test Summaries, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-289, Washington, DC. SAC 96-03, 1997, Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 1 Supplement to FEMA-267 Interim Guidelines, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-267A, Washington, DC. SAC 98-PG, Update on the Seismic Safety of Steel Buildings A Guide for Policy Makers, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, DC. SAC 99-01, 1999, Interim Guidelines Advisory No. 2 Supplement to FEMA-267 Interim Guidelines, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture, for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-267B, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000a, Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-350, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000b, Recommended Seismic Evaluation and Upgrade Criteria for Existing Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-351, Washington, DC.


FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

SAC, 2000c, Recommended Postearthquake Evaluation and Repair Criteria for Welded Steel Moment-Frame Buildings, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-352, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000d, Recommended Specifications and Quality Assurance Guidelines for Steel MomentFrame Construction for Seismic Applications, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-353, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000e, A Policy Guide to Steel Moment-Frame Construction, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-354, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000f, State of the Art Report on Base Metals and Fracture, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-355A, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000g, State of the Art Report on Welding and Inspection, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-355B, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000h, State of the Art Report on Systems Performance, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-355C, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000i, State of the Art Report on Connection Performance, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-355D, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000j, State of the Art Report on Past Performance of Steel Moment-Frame Buildings in Earthquakes, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA-355E, Washington, DC. SAC, 2000k, State of the Art Report on Performance Prediction and Evaluation, prepared by the SAC Joint Venture for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Report No. FEMA355F, Washington, DC. SAC/BD-96/01, Selected Results from the SAC Phase 1 Beam-Column Connection Pre-Test Analyses, submissions from B. Maison, K. Kasai, and R. Dexter; and A. Ingraffea and G. Deierlein. SAC/BD-96/02, Summary Report on SAC Phase 1 - Task 7 Experimental Studies, by C. Roeder (a revised version of this document is published in Report No. SAC 96-01; the original is no longer available). SAC/BD-96/03, Selected Documents from the U.S.-Japan Workshop on Steel Fracture Issues. SAC/BD-96/04, Survey of Computer Programs for the Nonlinear Analysis of Steel Moment Frame Structures. SAC/BD-97/01, Through-Thickness Properties of Structural Steels, by J. Barsom and S. Korvink. SAC/BD-97/02, Protocol for Fabrication, Inspection, Testing, and Documentation of BeamColumn Connection Tests and Other Experimental Specimens, by P. Clark, K. Frank, H. Krawinkler, and R. Shaw. SAC/BD-97/03, Proposed Statistical and Reliability Framework for Comparing and Evaluating Predictive Models for Evaluation and Design, by Y.-K. Wen.


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

SAC/BD-97/04, Development of Ground Motion Time Histories for Phase 2 of the FEMA/SAC Steel Project, by. P. Somerville, N. Smith, S. Punyamurthula, and J. Sun. SAC/BD-97/05, Finite Element Fracture Mechanics Investigation of Welded Beam-Column Connections, by W.-M. Chi, G. Deierlein, and A. Ingraffea. SAC/BD-98/01, Strength and Ductility of FR Welded-Bolted Connections, by S. El-Tawil, T. Mikesell, E. Vidarsson, and S. K. Kunnath. SAC/BD-98/02, Effects of Strain Hardening and Strain Aging on the K-Region of Structural Shapes, by J. Barsom and S. Korvink SAC/BD-98/03, Implementation Issues for Improved Seismic Design Criteria: Report on the Social, Economic, Policy and Political Issues Workshop by L. T. Tobin. SAC/BD-99/01, Parametric Study on the Effect of Ground Motion Intensity and Dynamic Characteristics on Seismic Demands in Steel Moment Resisting Frames by G. A. MacRae. SAC/BD-99/01A, Appendix to: Parametric Study on the Effect of Ground Motion Intensity and Dynamic Characteristics on Seismic Demands in Steel Moment Resisting Frames by G. A. MacRae. SAC/BD-99/02, Through-Thickness Strength and Ductility of Column Flange in Moment Connections, by R. Dexter and M. Melendrez. SAC/BD-99/03, The Effects of Connection Fractures on Steel Moment Resisting Frame Seismic Demands and Safety, by C. A. Cornell and N. Luco. SAC/BD-99/04, Effects of Strength/Toughness Mismatch on Structural and Fracture Behaviors in Weldments, by P. Dong, T. Kilinski, J. Zhang, and F.W. Brust. SAC/BD-99/05, Assessment of the Reliability of Available NDE Methods for Welded Joint and the Development of Improved UT Procedures, by G. Gruber and G. Light. SAC/BD-99/06, Prediction of Seismic Demands for SMRFs with Ductile Connections and Elements, by A. Gupta and H. Krawinkler. SAC/BD-99/07, Characterization of the Material Properties of Rolled Sections, by T. K. Jaquess and K. Frank. SAC/BD-99/08, Study of the Material Properties of the Web-Flange Intersection of Rolled Shapes, by K. R. Miller and K. Frank. SAC/BD-99/09, Investigation of Damage to WSMF Earthquakes other than Northridge, by M. Phipps. SAC/BD-99/10, Clarifying the Extent of Northridge Induced Weld Fracturing and Examining the Related Issue of UT Reliability, by T. Paret. SAC/BD-99/11, The Impact of Earthquakes on Welded Steel Moment Frame Buildings: Experience in Past Earthquakes, by P. Weinburg and J. Goltz. SAC/BD-99/12, Assessment of the Benefits of Implementing the New Seismic Design Criteria and Inspection Procedures, by H. A. Seligson and R. Eguchi. SAC/BD-99/13, Earthquake Loss Estimation for WSMF Buildings, by C. A. Kircher. SAC/BD-99/14, Simplified Loss Estimation for Pre-Northridge WSMF Buildings, by B. F. Maison and D. Bonowitz. SAC/BD-99/15, Integrative Analytical Investigations on the Fracture Behavior of Welded Moment Resisting Connections, by G. G. Deierlein and W.-M. Chi. R-17

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

SAC/BD-99/16, Seismic Performance of 3- and 9- Story Partially Restrained Moment Frame Buildings, by B. F. Maison and K. Kasai. SAC/BD-99/17, Effects of Partially-Restrained Connection Stiffness and Strength on Frame Seismic Performance, by K. Kasai, B. F. Maison, and A. Mayangarum. SAC/BD-99/18, Effects of Hysteretic Deterioration Characteristics on Seismic Response of Moment Resisting Steel Structures, by F. Naeim, K. Skliros, A. M. Reinhorn, and M. V. Sivaselvan. SAC/BD-99/19, Cyclic Instability of Steel Moment Connections with Reduced Beam Section, by C.-M. Uang and C.-C. Fan. SAC/BD-99/20, Local and Lateral-Torsion Buckling of Wide Flange Beams, by L. Kwasniewski, B. Stojadinovic, and S. C. Goel. SAC/BD-99/21, Elastic Models for Predicting Building Performance, by X. Duan and J. C. Anderson. SAC/BD-99/22, Reliability-Based Seismic Performance Evaluation of Steel Frame Buildings Using Nonlinear Static Analysis Methods, by G. C. Hart and M. J. Skokan. SAC/BD-99/23, Failure Analysis of Welded Beam to Column Connections, by J. M. Barsom and J. V. Pellegrino. SAC/BD-99/24, Weld Acceptance Criteria for Seismically-Loaded Welded Connections, by W. Mohr. SAC/BD-00/01, Parametric Tests on Unreinforced Connections, Volume I Final Report, by K.-H. Lee, B. Stojadinovic, S. C. Goel, A. G. Margarian, J. Choi, A. Wongkaew, B. P. Reyher, and D.-Y, Lee. SAC/BD-00/01A, Parametric Tests on Unreinforced Connections, Volume II Appendices, by K.-H. Lee, B. Stojadinovic, S. C. Goel, A. G. Margarian, J. Choi, A. Wongkaew, B. P. Reyher, and D.-Y, Lee. SAC/BD-00/02, Parametric Tests on the Free Flange Connections, by J. Choi, B. Stojadinovic, and S. C. Goel. SAC/BD-00/03, Cyclic Tests on Simple Connections Including Effects of the Slab, by J. Liu and A. Astaneh-Asl. SAC/BD-00/04, Tests on Bolted Connections, Part I: Technical Report, by J. Swanson, R. Leon, and J. Smallridge. SAC/BD-00/04A, Tests on Bolted Connections, Part II: Appendices, by J. Swanson, R. Leon, and J. Smallridge. SAC/BD-00/05, Bolted Flange Plate Connections, by S. P. Schneider and I. Teeraparbwong. SAC/BD-00/06, Round Robin Testing of Ultrasonic Testing Technicians, by R. E. Shaw, Jr. SAC/BD-00/07, Dynamic Tension Tests of Simulated Welded Beam Flange Connections, by J. M. Ricles, C. Mao, E. J. Kaufmann, L.-W. Lu, and J. W. Fisher. SAC/BD-00/08, Design of Steel Moment Frame Model Buildings in Los Angeles, Seattle and Boston, by P. Clark. SAC/BD-00/09, Benchmarking of Analysis Programs for SMRF System Performance Studies, by A. Gupta and H. Krawinkler.


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

SAC/BD-00/10, Loading Histories for Seismic Performance Testing of SMRF Components and Assemblies, by H. Krawinkler, A. Gupta, R. Medina, and N. Luco. SAC/BD-00/11, Development of Improved Post-Earthquake Inspection Procedures for Steel Moment Frame Buildings, by P. Clark. SAC/BD-00/12, Evaluation of the Effect of Welding Procedure on the Mechanical Properties of FCAW-S and SMAW Weld Metal Used in the Construction of Seismic Moment Frames, by M. Q. Johnson. SAC/BD-00/13, Preliminary Evaluation of Heat Affected Zone Toughness in Structural Shapes Used in the Construction of Seismic Moment Frames, by M. Q. Johnson and J. E. Ramirez. SAC/BD-00/14, Evaluation of Mechanical Properties in Full-Scale Connections and Recommended Minimum Weld Toughness for Moment Resisting Frames, by M. Q. Johnson, W. Mohr, and J. Barsom. SAC/BD-00/15, Simplified Design Models for Predicting the Seismic Performance of Steel Moment Frame Connections, by C. Roeder, R. G. Coons, and M. Hoit. SAC/BD-00/16, SAC Phase 2 Test Plan, by C. Roeder. SAC/ BD-00/17, Behavior and Design of Radius-Cut, Reduced Beam Section Connections, by M. Engelhardt, G. Fry, S. Jones, M. Venti, and S. Holliday. SAC/BD-00/18, Test of a Free Flange Connection with a Composite Floor Slab, by M. Venti and M. Engelhardt. SAC/BD-00/19, Cyclic Testing of a Free Flange Moment Connection, by C. Gilton, B. Chi, and C. M. Uang. SAC/BD-00/20, Improvement of Welded Connections Using Fracture Tough Overlays, by James Anderson, J. Duan, P. Maranian, and Y. Xiao. SAC/BD-00/21, Cyclic Testing of Bolted Moment End-Plate Connections, by T. Murray, E. Sumner, and T. Mays. SAC/BD-00/22, Cyclic Response of RBS Moment Connections: Loading Sequence and Lateral Bracing Effects, by Q. S. Yu, C. Gilton, and C. M. Uang. SAC/BD-00/23, Cyclic Response of RBS Moment Connections: Weak Axis Configuration and Deep Column Effects, by C. Gilton, B. Chi, and C. M. Uang. SAC/BD-00/24, Development and Evaluation of Improved Details for Ductile Welded Unreinforced Flange Connections, by J. M. Ricles, C. Mao, L.-W. Lu, and J. Fisher. SAC/BD-00/25, Performance Prediction and Evaluation of Steel Special Moment Frames for Seismic Loads, by K. Lee and D. A. Foutch. SAC/BD-00/26, Performance Prediction and Evaluation of Low Ductility Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Loads, by S. Yun and D. A. Foutch. SAC/BD-00/27, Steel Moment Resisting Connections Reinforced with Cover and Flange Plates, by T. Kim, A. S. Whittaker, V. V. Bertero, A. S. J. Gilani, and S. M. Takhirov. SAC/BD-00/28, Failure of a Column K-Area Fracture, by J. M. Barsom and J. V. Pellegrino. SAC/BD-00/29, Inspection Technology Workshop, by R. E. Shaw, Jr. SAC/BD-00/30, Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of the Northridge Earthquake on Construction Costs of Steel Moment Frame Buildings, by Davis Langdon Adamson.


FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Acronyms. 2-D, two-dimensional 3-D, three-dimensional A, acceleration response, amps A2LA, American Association for Laboratory Accreditation ACAG, air carbon arc gouging ACIL, American Council of Independent Laboratories AE, acoustic emission (testing) AISC, American Institute for Steel Construction AISI, American Iron and Steel Institute AL, aluminum ANSI, American National Standards Institute API, American Petroleum Institute ARCO, Atlantic-Richfield Company As, arsenic ASD, allowable stress design ASME, American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASNT, American Society for Nondestructive Testing ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials ATC, Applied Technology Council AWS, American Welding Society B, boron BB, Bolted Bracket (connection) BD, background document BF, bias factor BFO, bottom flange only (fracture) BFP, Bolted Flange Plates (connection) BM, base metal BO, Boston, Massachusetts BOCA, Building Officials and Code Administrators BOF, basic oxygen furnace BSEP, Bolted Stiffened End Plate (connection) BSSC, Building Seismic Safety Council BUEP, Bolted Unstiffened End Plate (connection) C, carbon CA, California CAC-A, air carbon arc cutting CAWI, Certified Associate Welding Inspector CGHAZ, coarse-grained HAZ CJP, complete joint penetration (weld) CMU, concrete masonry unit, concrete block COD, crack opening displacement COV, modified coefficient of variation, or dispersion CP, Collapse Prevention (performance level) Connection Performance (team) Cr, chromium CSM, Capacity Spectrum Method CTOD, crack tip opening dimension or displacement CTS, controlled thermal severity (test) Cu, copper CUREe, California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering CVN, Charpy V-notch CWI, Certified Welding Inspector D, displacement response, dead load DMRSF, ductile, moment-resisting, space frame DNV, Det Norske Veritas DRAIN-2DX, analysis program DRAIN-3DX, analysis program DRI, direct reduced iron DST, Double Split Tee (connection) DTI, Direct Tension Indicator EAF, electric-arc furnace EBT, eccentric bottom tapping EE, electrode extension EERC, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, UC Berkeley EGW, electrogas welding ELF, equivalent lateral force EMS, electromagnetic stirring ENR, Engineering News Record ESW, electroslag welding


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

EWI, Edison Welding Institute FATT, fracture appearance transition temperature fb, fusion boundary FCAW-G, flux-cored arc welding gasshielded FCAW-S or FCAW-SS, flux-cored arc welding self-shielded FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency FF, Free Flange (connection) FGHAZ, fine-grained HAZ FL, fusion line FR, fully restrained (connection) GBOP, gapped bead on plate (test) gl, gage length GMAW, gas metal arc welding GTAW, gas tungsten arc welding HAC, hydrogen-assisted cracking HAZ, heat-affected zone HBI, hot briquetted iron HSLA, high strength, low alloy IBC, International Building Code ICBO, International Conference of Building Officials ICC, International Code Council ICCGHAZ, intercritically reheated CGHAZ ICHAZ, intercritical HAZ ID, identification IDA, Incremental Dynamic Analysis IMF, Intermediate Moment Frame IO, Immediate Occupancy (performance level) IOA, Incremental Dynamic Analysis ISO, International Standardization Organization IWURF, Improved Welded Unreinforced Flange (connection) L, longitudinal, live load LA, Los Angeles, California LACOTAP, Los Angeles County Technical Advisory Panel LAX, Los Angeles International Airport LB, lower bound (building) LBZ, local brittlezone LDP, Linear Dynamic Procedure R-21

LEC, Lincoln Electric Company LMF, ladle metallurgy furnace LRFD, load and resistance-factor design LS, Life Safety (performance level) LSP, Linear Static Procedure LTH, linear time history (analysis) LU, Lehigh University M, moment MAP, modal analysis procedure MAR, microalloyed rutile (consumables) MCE, Maximum Considered Earthquake MDOF, multidegree of freedom MMI, Modified Mercalli Intensity Mn, manganese Mo, molybdenum MRF, steel moment frame MRS, modal response spectrum MRSF, steel moment frame MT, magnetic particle testing N, nitrogen Nb, niobium NBC, National Building Code NDE, nondestructive examination NDP, Nonlinear Dynamic Procedure NDT, nondestructive testing NEHRP, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program NES, National Evaluation Services NF, near-fault, near-field Ni, nickel NLP, nonlinear procedure NLTH, nonlinear time history (analysis) NS, north-south (direction) NSP, Nonlinear Static Procedure NTH, nonlinear time history (analysis) NVLAP, National Volunteer Laboratory Accreditation Program O, oxygen OHF, open hearth furnace OMF, Ordinary Moment Frame OTM, overturning moment P, axial load P, axial load, phosphorus Pb, lead PGA, peak ground acceleration PGV, peak ground velocity

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

PIDR, pseudo interstory drift ratio PJP, partial joint penetration (weld) PPE, Performance, Prediction, and Evaluation (team) PQR, Performance Qualification Record PR, partially restrained (connection) PR-CC, partially restrained, composite connection PT, liquid dye penetrant testing PWHT, postweld heat treatment PZ, panel zone QA, quality assurance QC, quality control QCP, Quality Control Plan, Quality Certification Program QST, Quenching and Self-Tempering (process) RB, Rockwell B scale (of hardness) RBS, Reduced Beam Section (connection) RCSC, Research Council for Structural Connections RT, radiographic testing S, sulphur, shearwave (probe) SAC, the SAC Joint Venture; a partnership of SEAOC, ATC, and CUREe SAV, sum of absolute values SAW, submerged arc welding SBC, Standard Building Code SBCCI, Southern Building Code Congress International SCCGHAZ, subcritically reheated CGHAZ SCHAZ, subcritical HAZ SCWB, strong column, weak beam SCWI, Senior Certified Welding Inspector SDC, Seismic Design Category SDOF, single degree of freedom SE, Seattle, Washington SEAOC, Structural Engineers Association of California SFRS, seismic-force-resisting system Si, silicon SMAW, shielded metal arc welding SMF, Special Moment Frame SMRF, special moment-resisting frame (in 1991 UBC) SMRF, Steel Moment Frame R-22

SMRSF, special moment-resisting space frame (in 1988 UBC) SN, strike-normal, fault-normal Sn, tin SP, Side Plate (connection) SP, strike-parallel, fault-parallel SP, Systems Performance (team) SPC, Seismic Performance Category SRSS, square root of the sum of the squares SSPC, Steel Shape Producers Council SSRC, Structural Stability Research Council SUG, Seismic Use Group SW, Slotted Web (connection) SwRI, Southwest Research Institute T, transverse TBF, top and bottom flange (fracture) Ti, titanium TIGW, tungsten inert gas welding TMCP, Thermo-Mechanical Processing TN, Tennessee TT, through-thickness TWI, The Welding Institute UB, upper bound (building) UBC, Uniform Building Code UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles UM, University of Michigan URM, unreinforced masonry US, United States of America USC, University of Southern California USGS, US Geological Survey UT, ultrasonic testing UTA, University of Texas at Austin UTAM, Texas A & M University V, vanadium VI, visual inspection w/o, without WBH, Welded Bottom Haunch (connection) WCPF, Welded Cover Plate Flange (connection) WCSB, weak column, strong beam WF, wide flange WFP, Welded Flange Plate (connection) WFS, wire feed speed WPQR, Welding Performance Qualification Record

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C References, FEMA Reports, SAC Reports, and Acronyms

WPS, Welding Procedure Specification WSMF, welded steel moment frame WT, Welded Top Haunch (connection) WTBH, Welded Top and Bottom Haunch (connection) WUF-B, Welded Unreinforced Flanges Bolted Web (connection) WUF-W, Welded Unreinforced Flanges Welded Web (connection)


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

SAC Phase II Project Participants

FEMA Project Officer Michael Mahoney Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C St. SW, Room 404 Washington, DC 20472 FEMA Technical Advisor Robert D. Hanson Federal Emergency Management Agency DFO Room 353 P.O. Box 6020 Pasadena, CA 91102-6020

Joint Venture Management Committee (JVMC) William T. Holmes, Chair Rutherford and Chekene 427 Thirteenth Street Oakland, CA 94612 Edwin T. Huston Smith & Huston, Inc. 8618 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 Robert Reitherman California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering 1301 South 46th St. Richmond, CA 94804 Christopher Rojahn Applied Technology Council 555 Twin Dolphin Dr., Suite 550 Redwood City, CA 94065 Arthur E. Ross Cole/Yee/Shubert & Associates 2500 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95833 Robin Shepherd Earthquake Damage Analysis Corporation 40585 Lakeview Drive, Suite 1B P.O. Box 1967 Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Project Management Committee (PMC) Stephen A. Mahin, Project Manager Pacific Earthquake Engr. Research Center University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 Ronald O. Hamburger, Project Director for Project Development EQE International 1111 Broadway, 10th Floor Oakland, CA 94607-5500 James O. Malley, Project Director for Topical Investigations Degenkolb Engineers 225 Bush St., Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94104-1737 William T. Holmes, JVMC Rutherford and Chekene 427 Thirteenth Street Oakland, CA 94612 Christopher Rojahn, JVMC Applied Technology Council 555 Twin Dolphin Dr., Suite 550 Redwood City, CA 94065 Robin Shepherd, JVMC Earthquake Damage Analysis Corporation 40585 Lakeview Drive, Suite 1B P.O. Box 1967 Big Bear Lake, CA 92315


FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Peter W. Clark, Technical Assistant to PMC SAC Steel Project Technical Office 1301 South 46th St. Richmond, CA 94804 Project Administration Allen Paul Goldstein, Project Administrator Allen Paul Goldstein and Associates 1621B 13th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Lori Campbell, Assistant to the Project Administrator 4804 Polo Court Fair Oaks, CA 95628-5266

Project Oversight Committee (POC) William J. Hall, Chair 3105 Valley Brook Dr. Champaign, IL 61821 Shirin Ader International Conference of Building Officials 5360 Workman Mill Rd. Whittier, CA 90601-2298 John M. Barsom Barsom Consulting, Ltd. 1316 Murray Ave, Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Roger Ferch Herrick Corporation 7021 Koll Center Parkway P.O Box 9125 Pleasanton, CA 94566-9125 Theodore V. Galambos University of Minnesota 122 CE Building, 500 Pillsbury Dr. SE Minnneapolis, MN 55455 John L. Gross National Institute of Stds. & Technology Building and Fire Research Lab, Building 226, Room B158 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 James R. Harris J.R. Harris and Co. 1580 Lincoln St., Suite 550 Denver, CO 80203-1509 Richard Holguin 520 Kathryn Ct. Nipomo, CA 93444 Nestor Iwankiw American Institute of Steel Construction One East Wacker Dr., Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601-2001 Roy Johnston Brandow & Johnston Associates 1600 West 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Leonard Joseph Thornton-Tomassetti Engineers 641 6th Ave., 7th Floor New York, NY 10011 Duane K. Miller The Lincoln Electric Company 22801 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44117-1194 John Theiss EQE/Theiss Engineers 1848 Lackland Hills Parkway St. Louis, MO 63146-3572 S-2

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

John H. Wiggins J.H. Wiggins Company 1650 South Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 311 Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Team Leaders for Topical Investigations Douglas A. Foutch University of Illinois MC-250, 205 N. Mathews Ave. 3129 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab Urbana, IL 61801 Karl H. Frank University of Texas at Austin 10100 Bornet Rd. Ferguson Lab, P.R.C. #177 Austin, TX 78758 Matthew Johnson Edison Welding Institute 1250 Arthur E. Adams Drive Columbus, OH 43221 Helmut Krawinkler Department of Civil Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Charles W. Roeder University of Washington 233-B More Hall FX-10 Dept. of Building and Safety Seattle, WA 98195-2700 L. Thomas Tobin Tobin and Associates 134 California Ave. Mill Valley, CA 94941

Lead Guideline Writers John D. Hooper Skilling Ward Magnusson Barkshire, Inc. 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200 Seattle, WA 98101-2699 Lawrence D. Reaveley University of Utah Civil Engineering Dept. 3220 Merrill Engineering Building Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Thomas A. Sabol Englekirk & Sabol Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 77-D Los Angeles, CA 90007 C. Mark Saunders Rutherford & Chekene 303 Second St., Suite 800 North San Francisco, CA 94107 Robert E. Shaw Steel Structures Technology Center, Inc. 42400 W Nine Mile Road Novi, MI 48375-4132 Raymond H. R. Tide Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 330 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2095 C. Allin Cornell, Associate Guideline Writer Stanford University Terman Engineering Center Stanford, CA 94305-4020


FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) for Materials and Fracture John M. Barsom, POC Barsom Consulting, Ltd. 1316 Murray Ave, Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Serge Bouchard* TradeARBED 825 Third Avenue, 35th Floor New York, NY 10022 Michael F. Engestrom* Nucor-Yamato Steel P.O. Box 678 Frederick, MD 21705-0678 Karl H. Frank, Team Leader University of Texas at Austin 10100 Bornet Rd. Ferguson Lab, P.R.C. #177 Austin, TX 78758 Nestor Iwankiw* American Institute of Steel Construction One East Wacker Dr., Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601-2001 TAP for Welding and Inspection John M. Barsom Barsom Consulting, Ltd. 1316 Murray Ave, Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15217 John W. Fisher Lehigh University 117 ATLSS Drive Bethlehem, PA 18015-4729 J. Ernesto Indacochea University of Illinois at Chicago Civil and Materials Engineering (mc 246) 842 West Taylor Street Chicago, IL 60607 Matthew Johnson, Team Leader Edison Welding Institute 1250 Arthur E. Adams Drive Columbus, OH 43221 David Long PDM Strocal, Inc. 2324 Navy Drive Stockton, CA 95206 Duane K. Miller, POC The Lincoln Electric Company 22801 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44117-1194 Dean C. Krouse* 705 Pine Top Drive Bethelem, PA 18017 Frederick V. Lawrence University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 205 N. Mathews Ave. Room 2129 Newmark Lab Urbana, IL 61801 Robert F. Preece Preece, Goudie & Associates 100 Bush St., Suite 410 San Francisco, CA 94104 Raymond H. R. Tide, Guideline Writer Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. 330 Pfingsten Road Northbrook, IL 60062-2095


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Robert Pyle* AISC Marketing 10101 South State Street Sandy, Utah 84070 Douglas Rees-Evans* Steel Dynamics, Inc. Structural Mill Division 2601 County Road 700 East Columbia City, IN 46725

Richard I. Seals P.O. Box 11327 Berkeley, CA 94712-2327 Robert E. Shaw, Guideline Writer Steel Structures Technology Center, Inc. 42400 W Nine Mile Road Novi, MI 48375-4132

TAP for Connection Performance Charlie Carter* American Institute of Steel Construction One East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601-2001 Robert H. Dodds University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 205 N. Mathews Ave. 2129 Newmark Lab Urbana, IL 61801 Roger Ferch, POC Herrick Corporation 7021 Koll Center Parkway P.O Box 9125 Pleasanton, CA 94566-9125 John D. Hooper, Guideline Writer Skilling Ward Magnusson Barkshire, Inc. 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200 Seattle, WA 98101-2699 Egor Popov University of California at Berkeley Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Davis Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 Steve Powell* SME Steel Contractors 5955 W. Wells Park Rd. West Jordan, UT 84088 Charles W. Roeder, Team Leader University of Washington 233-B More Hall FX-10 Dept. of Building and Safety Seattle, WA 98195-2700 Stanley T. Rolfe University of Kansas Civil Engineering Department 2006 Learned Hall Lawrence, KS 66045-2225 Rick Wilkinson* Gayle Manufacturing Company 1455 East Kentucky Woodland, CA 95695


FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

TAP for System Performance Jacques Cattan* American Institute of Steel Construction One East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601-2001 Gary C. Hart Hart Consultant Group The Water Garden, Ste. 670E 2425 Olympic Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404-4030 Y. Henry Huang* Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works 900 S. Fremont Avenue, 8th Floor Alhambra, CA 91803 Helmut Krawinkler, Team Leader Department of Civil Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Dennis Randall* SME Steel Contractors 5955 West Wells Park Road West Jordan, UT 84088 Andrei M. Reinhorn State University of New York at Buffalo Civil Engineering Department 231 Ketter Hall Buffalo, NY 14260 Arthur E. Ross, JVMC Cole/Yee/Shubert & Associates 2500 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95833 C. Mark Saunders, Guideline Writer Rutherford & Chekene 303 Second St., Suite 800 North San Francisco, CA 94107 W. Lee Shoemaker* Metal Building Manufacturers Association 1300 Summer Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 John Theiss, POC EQE/Theiss Engineers 1848 Lackland Hills Parkway St. Louis, MO 63146-3572

TAP for Performance Prediction and Evaluation Vitelmo V. Bertero University of California at Berkeley Pacific Earthquake Engr. Research Center 1301 S. 46th St. Richmond, CA 94804 Bruce R. Ellingwood Johns Hopkins University Department of Civil Engineering 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 Douglas A. Foutch, Team Leader University of Illinois MC-250, 205 N. Mathews Ave. 3129 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab Urbana, IL 61801 Theodore V. Galambos, POC University of Minnesota 122 CE Building, 500 Pillsbury Dr. SE Minnneapolis, MN 55455 Lawrence G. Griffis Walter P. Moore & Associates 3131 Eastside, Second Floor Houston, TX 77098


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Edwin T. Huston, JVMC Smith & Huston, Inc. 8618 Roosevelt Way NE Seattle, WA 98115 Harry Martin* American Iron and Steel Institute 11899 Edgewood Road, Suite G Auburn, CA 95603

Thomas A. Sabol, Guideline Writer Englekirk & Sabol Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 77-D Los Angeles, CA 90007 Tom Schlafly* American Institute of Steel Construction One East Wacker Drive, Suite 3100 Chicago, IL 60601-2001 Technical Advisors

NormAbrahamson Pacific Gas & Electric P.O. Box 770000, MC N4C San Francisco, CA 94177 C.B. Crouse URS Dames and Moore 2025 First Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98121

Robert Kennedy RPK Structural Mechanics Consultants 18971 Villa Terr Yorba Linda, CA 92886

Social Economic and Policy Panel Martha Cox-Nitikman Building and Owners and Managers Association, Los Angeles 700 South Flower, Suite 2325 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Karl Deppe 27502 Fawnskin Dr. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Eugene Lecomte Institute for Business and Home Safety 6 Sheffield Drive Billerica, MA 01821 James Madison Attorney at Law, Mediator and Arbitrator 750 Menlo Avenue, Suite 250 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Alan Merson Morley Builders 2901 28th Street, Suite 100 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Joanne Nigg University of Delaware Disaster Research Center Newark, DE 19716 William Petak University of Southern California Lewis Hall, Room 201 650 Childs Way Los Angeles, CA 90089 Francine Rabinovitz Hamilton, Rabinovitz and Alschuler 1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 777 Los Angeles, CA 90025


FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Dennis Randall SME Steel Contractors 5955 West Wells Park Road West Jordan, UT 84088 David Ratterman Stites and Harbison 400 West Market St., Suite 1800 Louisville, KY 40202-3352 L. Thomas Tobin, Panel Coordinator 134 California Ave. Mill Valley, CA 94941

Stephen Toth TIAA-CREF 730 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017-3206 John H. Wiggins, POC J.H. Wiggins Company 1650 South Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 311 Redondo Beach, CA 90277

Performance of Steel Buildings in Past Earthquakes Subcontractors David Bonowitz 887 Bush, No. 610 San Francisco, CA 94108 Peter Clark SAC Steel Project Technical Office 1301 South 46th St. Richmond, CA 94804 Michael Durkin Michael Durkin & Associates 22955 Leanora Dr. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 James Goltz California Institute of Technology Office of Earthquake Programs Mail Code 252-21 Pasadena, CA 91125 Bruce Maison 7309 Lynn Ave Elcerrito, CA 94530 Access Current Knowledge Subcontractors David Bonowitz 887 Bush , No. 610 San Francisco, CA 94108 Stephen Liu Colorado School of Mines Mathematics and Computer Science Department Golden, CO 80401 Peter Maranian Brandow & Johnston Associates 1660 West Third Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 Terrence Paret Wiss Janney Elstner Associates, Inc. 2200 Powell St. Suite 925 Emeryville, CA 94602 Maryann Phipps Degenkolb Engineers 225 Bush Street, Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94104 Allan Porush Dames & Moore 911 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 700 Los Angeles, CA 90017


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Materials and Fracture Subcontractors Robert Dexter University of Minnesota 122 Civil Engineering Building 500 Pillsbury Drive SE Minneapolis, MN 55455-0116 Karl H. Frank University of Texas at Austin 10100 Bornet Rd. Ferguson Lab, P.R.C. #177 Austin, TX 78758

Welding and Inspection Subcontractors Pingsha Dong / Tom Kilinski Center for Welded Structures Research Battelle Memorial Institute 501 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201-2693 Matthew Johnson Edison Welding Institute 1250 Arthur E. Adams Drive Columbus, OH 43221 Glenn M. Light / George Gruber Southwest Research Institute 6220 Culebra Road, P. O. Drawer 28510 San Antonio, TX 78228-0510 William C. Mohr Edison Welding Institute 1250 Arthur E. Adams Drive Columbus, OH 43221

Connection Performance Subcontractors Gregory Deierlein Stanford University Terman Engineering Center Department of Civil and Enviromental Engr. Stanford, CA 94305-4020 Charles W. Roeder University of Washington 233-B More Hall FX-10 Seattle, WA 98195-2700 Sherif El-Tawil / Sashi Kunnath University of Central Florida Civil and Environmental Engr. Department Orlando, FL. 32816-2450 Anthony Ingraffea Cornell University School of Civil Engineering 363 Hollister Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 System Performance Subcontractors Paul Somerville Woodward-Clyde Federal Services 566 El Dorado St., Suite 100 Pasadena, CA 91101-2560 Farzad Naeim John A. Martin & Associates 1212 S. Flower Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90015 Andrei M. Reinhorn State University of New York at Buffalo Civil Engineering Department 231 Ketter Hall Buffalo, NY 14260 C. Allin Cornell Stanford University Terman Engineering Center Stanford, CA 94305-4020


FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Helmut Krawinkler Dept. of Civil Engineering Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 Gregory MacRae University of Washington Civil Engineering Department Seattle, WA 98195-2700

Kazuhiko Kasai Tokyo Institute of Technology Structural Engineering Research Center Nagatsuta, Midori-Ku Yokohama 226-8503, JAPAN Bruce F. Maison 7309 Lynn Avenue El Cerrito, CA 94530

Performance Prediction and Evaluation Subcontractors James Anderson University of Southern California Civil Engineering Department Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531 Douglas A. Foutch University of Illinois MC-250, 205 N. Mathews Ave. 3129 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab Urbana, IL 61801 Gary C. Hart Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California Los Angeles, CA 90095 Y.K. Wen University of Illinois 3129 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab 205 N. Mathews Ave. Urbana, IL 61801

Testing Subcontractors Subhash Goel / Bozidar Stojadinovic University of Michigan Civil Engineering Department Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Roberto Leon Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil & Environmental Engr. 790 Atlantic Ave. Atlanta, GA 30332-0355 Vitelmo V. Bertero / Andrew Whittaker UC Berkeley Pacific Earthquake Engr. Research Center 1301 S. 46th St. Richmond, CA 94804 Thomas Murray Virginia Tech, Dept. of Civil Engineering 200 Patton Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061 James M. Ricles / Le-Wu Lu Lehigh University c/o ATLSS Center 117 ATLSS Drive, H Building Bethlehem, PA 18015-4729 John M. Barsom Barsom Consulting, Ltd. 1316 Murray Ave, Suite 300 Pittsburgh, PA 15217


Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Hassan Astaneh University of California at Berkeley Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engr. 781 Davis Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 Michael Engelhardt University of Texas at Austin Ferguson Laboratory 10100 Burnet Road, Building 177 Austin, TX 78712-1076 Gary T. Fry Texas A&M University Department of Civil Engineering Constructed Facilities Division, CE/TTI Building, Room 710D College Station, TX 77843-3136 Chia-Ming Uang University of California at San Diego Dept. of AMES, Division of Structural Engr. 409 University Center La Jolla, California 92093-0085

Stephen Schneider University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign 3106 Newmark Civil Engr. Lab, MC-250 205 N. Mathews Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 Matthew Johnson Edison Welding Institute 1250 Arthur E. Adams Drive Columbus, OH 43221 James Anderson University of Southern California Civil Engineering Department Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531 Bozidar Stojadinovic Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engr. University of California Berkeley, CA 94720

Inspection Procedure Consultants Thomas Albert Digiray Corporation 2235 Omega Road, No. 3 San Ramon, CA 94583 Randal Fong Automated Inspection Systems, Inc. 4861 Sunrise Drive, Suite 101 Martinez, CA 94553 Andre Lamarre R.D Tech, Inc. 1200 St. Jean Baptiste, Suite 120 Quebec City, Quebec, Canada G2ZE 5E8 Glenn Light Southwest Research Institute 6220 Culebra Road San Antonio, TX 78228 Andrey Mishin AS & E High Energy Systems 330 Keller Street, Building 101 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Robert Shaw Steel Structures Technology Center, Inc. 42400 W. Nine Mile Road Novi, MI 48375-4132 Carlos Ventura Dept of Civil Engineering University of British Columbia 2324 Main Hall Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4


FEMA-355C SAC Phase II Project Participants

Systems Performance of Steel Moment Frames Subject to Earthquake Ground Shaking

Guideline Trial Applications Subcontractors John Hopper Skilling Ward Magnusson Barkshire, Inc. 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 320 Seattle WA 98101-2699 Leonard Joseph Thornton-Tomassetti Engineers 641 6th Avenue, 7th Floor New York, NY 10011 Lawrence Novak Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill 224 S. Michigan Ave, Suite 1000 Chicago, IL 60604 Maryann Phipps Degenkolb Engineers 225 Bush Street, Suite 1000 San Francisco, CA 94104

Economic and Social Impact Study Subcontractors Ronald Eguchi EQE Engineering and Design 300 Commerce Dr., Ste. 200 Irvine, CA 92602 Martin Gordon / Peter Morris Adamson Associates 170 Columbus Avenue San Francisco, CA 94133 Richard Henige Lemessurier Consultants Inc. 675 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139-3309 Charles Kircher Charles Kircher & Associates 1121 San Antonio Road, Suite D-202 Palo Alto, CA 94303 Lizandro Mercado Brandow & Johnston Associates 1600 West 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Greg Schindler KPFF Consulting Engineers 1201 3rd Ave. Seattle, WA 98101-3000

Report Production and Administrative Services A. Gerald Brady, Technical Editor Patricia A. Mork, Administrative Asst. Peter N. Mork, Computer Specialist Bernadette A. Mosby, Operations Admin. Michelle S. Schwartzbach, Pub. Specialist Applied Technology Council 555 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 550 Redwood City, CA 94065 Carol Cameron, Publications Coordinator Ericka Holmon, Admin. Assistant California Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering 1301 S. 46th Street Richmond, CA 94804

*indicates industrial or organizational contact representative


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