Unit 6 Boiler
Unit 6 Boiler
Unit 6 Boiler
A steam generator or a boiler is defined as a closed vessel in which water is converted
into steam by burning of fuel in presence of air at desired temperature, pressure and at
desired mass flow rate.
According to American society of Mechanical Engineers (A.S.M.E.), a steam generator
or a boiler is defined as "a combination of apparatus for producing, finishing or recovering
heat together with the apparatus for transferring the heat so made available to the fluid
being heated and vaporized.
Boiler or a steam generator is example of heat exchanger. (Heat exchangers are
defined as a mechanical device for exchanging heat between hot fluid and cold fluid with
maximum rate, with minimum investment and with minimum running cost).
Principle: In case of boiler, any type of fuel burn in presence of air and form flue gases
which are at very high temperature (hot fluid). The feed water at atmospheric pressure and
temperature enters the system from other side (cold fluid). Because of exchange of heat
between hot and cold fluid, the cold fluid (water) temperature raises and it form steam. The
flue gases (hot fluid) temperature decreases and at lower temperature hot fluid is thrown into
the atmosphere via stack/chimney.
The function of boiler is to facilitate the generation of steam by providing the
necessary heat transfer surfaces, space for storage of water and steam, furnace for burning
the fuel and necessary equipments for control of safe operation The large variety of
available boilers have cylindrical drum or shell and tubes except for the once through boilers
in which drum is not used.
Function of a boiler
The steam generated is employed for the following purposes
Used in steam turbines to develop electrical energy
Used to run steam engines
In the textile industries, sugar mills or in chemical industries as a cogeneration plant
Heating the buildings in cold weather
Producing hot water for hot water supply
IBR and non-IBR boilers
Boilers generating steam at working pressure below 10 bar and having water storage
capacity less than 22.75 litres are called non-lBR boilers (Indian Boiler Regulations).
Boilers outside these limits are covered by the IBR and have to observe certain
specified conditions before being operated.
Classification of Boilers
The different ways to classify the boilers are as follows
1. According to location of boiler shell axis
Inclined boilers.
When the axis of the boiler shell is horizontal the boiler is called horizontal boiler. If the
axis is vertical, the boiler is called vertical boiler and if the axis of the boiler is inclined it is
known as inclined boiler.
Horizontal boiler: Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler etc.
Vertical boiler: Cochran boiler, vertical boiler etc.
2. According to the flow medium inside the tubes
Fire tube
Water tube boilers.
The boiler in which hot flue gases are inside the tubes and water is surrounding the
tubes is called fire tube boiler. When water is inside the tubes and the hot gases are outside,
the boiler is called water tube boiler.
Fire tube boilers: Lancashire, locomotive. Cochran and Cornish boiler
Water tube boiler: Simple vertical boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
3. According to Boiler Pressure
According to pressure of the steam raised the boilers are classified as follows
Low pressure (3.5 - 10 bar)
Medium pressure (10-25 bar)
High pressure boilers(> 25 bar)
Low pressure: Cochran and Cornish boiler
Medium pressure: Lancashire and Locomotive boiler
High pressure: Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
4. According to the draft used
Natural draft
Artificial draft boilers
Boilers need supply of air for combustion of fuel. If the circulation of air is provided with
the help of a chimney, the boiler is known as natural draft boiler. When either a forced draft
fan or an induced draft fan or both are used to provide the flow of air the boiler is called
artificial draft boiler.
Natural draft boiler: Simple vertical boiler, Lancashire boiler.
Artificial draft boiler: Babcock and Wilcox boiler, Locomotive boiler.
5. According to Method of water circulation
Natural circulation
Forced circulation
If the circulation of water takes place due to difference in density caused by
temperature of water, the boiler is called natural circulation boiler. When the circulation is
done with the help of a pump the boiler is known as forced circulation boiler.
Natural circulation: Babcock & Wilcox boiler, Lancashire boiler
Forced circulation: Velox boiler, Lamont boiler, Loffler boiler
6. According to Furnace position
Internally fired
Externally fired boilers
When the furnace of the boiler is inside its drum or shell, the boiler is called internally
fired boiler. If the furnace is outside the drum the boiler is called externally fire boiler.
Internally fired boiler: Simple vertical boiler Lancashire boiler, Cochran boiler
Externally fired boiler: Babcock and Wilcox boiler
7. According to type of fuel used
Nuclear energy fuel boilers
The boiler in which heat energy is obtained by the combustion of solid fuel like coal or
lignite is known as solid fuel boiler. A boiler using liquid or gaseous fuel for burning is known as
liquid or gaseous fuel boiler. Boilers in which electrical or nuclear energy is used for
generation of heat are respectively called as electrical energy headed boilers and nuclear
energy heated boiler.
8. According to number of Tubes
Multi-tube boiler
A boiler having only one fire tube or water tube is called a single, tube boiler. The
boiler having two or more, fire or water tubes is called multi tube boiler.
Single tube boiler: Cornish boiler, Vertical boiler.
Multi-tube boiler: Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler.
9. According to Boiler Mobility
Marine boilers
When the boiler is fixed at one location and cannot be transported easily it is known
as stationary boiler. If the boiler can be moved from one location to another it is known as
stationary boiler. If the boiler can be moved from one location to another it is known as a
portable boiler. The boilers which can work on the surface of water are called marine boilers.
Stationary: Lancashire, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, vertical boiler
Portable: Locomotove boiler.
Marine: Marine boilers
Factors affecting the selection of a boiler
One has to send the technical details to the manufacturer to purchase a boiler.
The technical details that are used to give information about a particular boiler include
the following things
Size of drum (Diameter and length)
Rate of steam generation(kg/hr)
Heating surface (Square meters)
Working pressure (bar)
No. of tubes / drum
Type of boiler
Manufacturer of boiler
Initial cost
Quality of steam
Repair and inspection facility
Detailed specifications of each boiler can be obtained from manufacturer's
Comparison between water-tube and fire tube boilers
Figure depicts a Cochran boiler. It is a modified form of simple vertical boiler. It has a
hemispherical crown to given maximum space for steam and very high strength to withstand
high steam pressure.
Generated flue gas from the furnace pass through large number of smaller diameter
tubes located horizontally in the boiler drum. The large heat transfer area is available for
exchange of heat between water and flue gases. The water is converted into steam from the
steam space it is supplied to the plant where the steam is required. Low temperature flue
gases enter the environment via chimney. All the necessary mountings as per IBR is attached
with above boiler.
The advantages of this boiler are its low chimney height, portability, high beaming rate
and burning of clay kind of solid as well as liquid fuel. But it has poor efficiency for smaller
unit, high head space, difficult to inspect and uneconomical in operation.
Locomotive boiler
Classification of boiler
Horizontal drum axis, natural circulation, artificial draft, multi-tubular, medium pressure,
mobile, solid fuel fired, fired tube boiler with furnace located in tubes.
Construction and working
Air pre-heaters
Air pre-heaters is installed between the economizer and the chimany and it abstracts
heat from the five gases and transfers to air a portion of the heat that otherwise could pass
up the chimany to waste.
Super heaters
Steam consumption is reduced with the use of superheated super heater heats the
steam produced also production in condensation losses takes place.
Feed pumps
It is used to pump the water from storage to boiler.
It is also used to pump the water with for to the boiler.
Conditions of steam
Steam may occur in any of the following conditions
Saturated steam which may be either dry or wet
Super heated steam
Supersaturated steam
Saturated steam
Saturated steam is any steam which cannot, have heat abstracted from it or be
compressed at constant temp, without partially condensing. Saturated steam is a vapour at
the temp, corresponding to the boiling point of the liquid at the imposed pressure.
Dry saturated steam and wet steam
If saturated steam does not contain any water, it is known as dry saturated steam. It
contains just sufficient heat energy to maintain ail of the water in a gaseous state, if saturated
steam contains liquid particles, it is known as wet steam. It does not contain sufficient heat
energy to maintain all water in gaseous states.
(a) Dryness fraction of steam (x)
The proportion of water particles in the steam varies in case of wet steam. Therefore it
is necessary to define the quality of the wet steam.
The dryness fraction of steam (x) is the ratio of mass of actual dry-saturated steam to
the known quantities of total mass of wet steam.
Dryness fraction (x) = Mass of dry saturated steam in given steam
Total mass of given wet steam
ms mw
mw ms ms
mw ms mw ms
mw ms
1 x
Wetness fraction 1 x
Degree of superheat
The temperature difference between the superheat steam temperature (tsup) and the
saturated steam (tsat) at given pressure is known as degree of superheat.
Degree of superheat = (tsup - tsat)
Specific volume of steam
The specific volume is the volume occupied by the unit mass of a substance. It is
expressed in m3/kg. The volume of water and steam increases with the increase in
Specific volume of saturated water (a)
It is defined as the volume occupied by 1 kg of water at the saturation temperature at
a given pressure.
Specific volume of dry saturated steam (g)
The volume occupied by 1 kg of dry saturated steam at a given pressure known as
specific volume of dry saturated steam.
Specific volume of wet steam
Consider 1 kg of wet steam with dryness fraction x. This steam contains
x kg j of dry steam and
(1 - x) kg of water molecules in suspension
Specific volume of = Volume of dry steam at given pressure
wet steam + Volume of water molecules in suspension
v = xvg + (1-x)vf
Generally, (1 - x)vf is very low and is often neglected
v sup
v sup vg
If given volume of steam, v is less than the specific volume of steam vg at given
pressure, then given steam is wet.
If v is equal to vg at given pressure, the given steam is dry and saturated.
If v is greater than vg at given pressure, the given steam is superheated steam.
Internal energy of steam
The enthalpy or the total heat energy of dry saturated steam at a given pressure will be
equal to the sum of the sensible heat, latent heat and external work of evaporation. But the
heat energy of external work of evaporation is not present in the steam as it has been spent
in doing external work. The actual energy possesses in the steam comprises if only the sensible
heal and latent heat. This actual energy stored in the steam is called internal energy. It is
obtained by subtracting the external work of evaporation form the enthalpy and is denoted
by .
Internal energy of dry steam:
ug = hg pvg kJ/kg
Internal energy of wet steam:
u = hf xhfg pxvg kJ/kg
Internal energy of superheated steam:
usup = hsup pvsup kJ/kg
Internal latent heat
It is algebric difference between the enthalpy of evaporation at given pressure and work
of evaporation.
Internal latent heat = hfg pv
Where, hfg = enthalpy of evaporation at given pressure, kJ/kg
P = pressure of steam, Pg
V = specific volume of steam
(dry, wet or superheated m3/kg)