Shock Sub BR
Shock Sub BR
Shock Sub BR
During drilling and milling operations, the drill bit imparts various dynamic impact tool to its normal position. A similar compression and extension of the springs is
loads to the drillstring. These loads, which are cyclical in nature, can lead to produced in response to the axial movement of a hammer bit. These two combined
premature failure of the drillstring and rig equipment, low ROP, and hole problems— actions isolate the axial loads present during the drilling operation and maintain a
all translating to a higher cost of drilling per foot. near constant WOB when the tool is run within its operational load limits.
The Shock Sub* tool impact and vibration reduction sub is a drillstring component The Belleville spring stack has been engineered for optimal WOB range and
that is designed to absorb and dampen the variable axial dynamic loads produced performance. The spring rate can be adjusted in the workshop to meet application-
by the drill bit during “normal” drilling operations, by interrupting the harmonic specific requirements. The Shock Sub tool works equally well with low or high
cycle created by the bit. The tool uses a bidirectional spring action that allows it to WOB. Seals isolate internal components from the drilling fluid.
automatically adjust for a wide range of values for weight on bit (WOB). As axial
loads are produced, energy is absorbed through the use of the Belleville spring The tool does not need to be activated to operate. During the drilling or milling
assembly, while force dampening is accomplished by mechanical friction. operation, it is constantly working, regardless of the hole depth, bit weight, mud
weight, or torque.
Innovative technologies for modern drilling
Advances in drilling technology have necessitated the redesign of shock tools to
account for new parameters.
■ Increased hole deviation means that the weight required to activate
the previous generation of shock tools is simply not available at the bit. Applications
■ Drilling motors and MWD tools require drillstring components with ■ Drilling competent sediments in straight holes with roller
a larger ID. cone or hammer bits
■ As well profiles and BHAs have grown more complex, downhole tools need ■ Some directional applications: hard formations, horizontal
to be more reliable in order to minimize increasingly expensive NPT. sections, directionally drilled crossings
■ Milling operations: sections, windows, casing
With enhanced reliability, better fatigue and corrosion resistance, large ID,
significant reduction of vibrations, and the ability to operate with low WOB,
■ Under-reaming and hole opening
the Shock Sub tool meets these challenges. ■ Coiled tubing drilling operations
The springs in the Shock Sub tool—normally used to keep the tool extended—
are compressed and absorb the shock load produced by the bit cones as they
progress through one of the “peaks”. Additionally, the load is dissipated by the
mechanical friction resulting from the movement of the spring stack. When
the bit cones move into a “valley”, the Shock Sub tool’s springs will extend the
Operating parameters The Shock Sub tool size must be matched to the drill collar OD and it should be run
Maximum shock absorption is achieved by placing the Shock Sub tool as close to within generally accepted oilfield WOB and rotary parameters. It can be placed
the bit or drilling motor as possible. The use of the Shock Sub tool is most beneficial between two points of stabilization, preferably separated from each stabilizer by at
when drilling in hard rock, broken formations, and intermittent hard and soft streaks. least a pony collar. Shock Sub tools are built to standard ID specifications, and under
At shallow depths, rough running in these formations transmits vibrations to the average operating conditions they can provide up to 300 hours of service. The
surface. At greater depths these vibrations may not be transmitted to the surface tool is not recommended to be run in the neutral zone, in tension, or in hole sizes
because of stretch in the drillpipe, but the damaging effects to the bit, drill collars, greater than 1.65–1.85 times the OD of the tool unless approved by Schlumberger.
and lower end of the drillpipe may still exist. Normal oilfield recommended makeup and breakout procedures are applicable.
Range of operation for 4.75–5.0-in tool size Range of operation for 6.5-in tool size
80 120
70 100
Weight 50 Weight
on tool, on tool, 60
×1,000 lbf 40 Recommended range of operation ×1,000 lbf Recommended range of operation
10 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000
Bit pressure drop (psi)
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
Bit pressure drop (psi)
Range of operation for 8-in tool size Range of operation for 9.5-in tool size
140 140
120 120
100 100
Weight 80 Weight 80
on tool, Recommended range of operation on tool, Recommended range of operation
×1,000 lbf 60 ×1,000 lbf 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500
Bit pressure drop, psi Bit pressure drop, psi
Range of operation for 12-in tool size Range of operation for 14-in tool size
140 140
120 120
100 100
Weight 80 Weight 80
on tool, Recommended range of operation on tool, Recommended range of operation
×1,000 lbf 60 ×1,000 lbf 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000
Bit pressure drop, psi Bit pressure drop, psi
Shock Sub tool
With enhanced reliability, better fatigue and corrosion resistance, large ID, significant reduction
of vibrations, and the ability to operate with low WOB, the Shock Sub tool meets the challenges
of modern drilling.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
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