Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle
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According to one of the three statements in the Cell Theory, new cells come only from pre-existing cells
by cell division. This is based from the scientific works of Rudolf Virchow. This means that every cell in an
organism does not come out of nothing. Rather, a cell originates from another cell. This module covers
how cells reproduce. Specifically, this module discusses how prokaryotic cells reproduce by binary fission
and how cell division occurs in eukaryotic cells. This also includes a brief discussion of the
disorders/diseases resulting from malfunctions or errors in cell division.
TRUE OR FALSE. Analyze each statement carefully. Write True if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write
False. Write your answers in your respective notebooks. Check your answers after reading this module.
I. Cell Cycle
The Cell Cycle is a series of events involving growth, synthesis, and regulations in a cell that results
in cell division. Cell division refers to the reproduction of cells or a process where a parent cell
produces new, daughter cells. In the succeeding sections of this module, the reproduction of cells
in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is discussed. Generally, the reproduction of cells in
prokaryotes is relatively simpler compared to that occurring in eukaryotes.
Through binary fission, prokaryotic cells has an exponential growth. Reproduction of cells in
prokaryotes is affected by several conditions such as the medium where they are growing,
temperature, and nutrients available.
In the G1 phase or Gap 1 phase, the organelles within the cell are performing their normal
functions, and the cell grows in size. After G1 phase is the S phase or synthesis phase. The name
comes after the event occurring in this phase, which is DNA synthesis. In the S phase, the DNA of
the cell initially organized as a chromatid (chromosome) replicates to form a pair of sister
chromatids. For example, if at G1 phase, there are 46 chromatids (46 chromosomes), after the S
phase, there will now be 92 chromatids (46 chromosomes). During the G2 phase or Gap 2 phase,
the cell continues to prepare itself for mitosis and cell division. At this phase, the cell produces
proteins that help in sorting the chromosomes. The cell also double checks the chromosomes for
errors to make repairs if necessary and prevent malfunctions during the cell division.
Mitosis is a process in which the nucleus of a cell divides into two. The 92 sister chromatids (46
chromosomes) are separated and sorted so that when new daughter cells are formed, each will
receive 46 chromatids (46 chromosomes).
are mainly responsible for regulating the cell cycle, have to be activated by binding with the
Referring to Figure 3, during the G1 phase of the interphase, G1 cyclin levels increase. This
indicates that the cell has sufficient nutrients and growth factors to proceed with the cell cycle.
The G1 cyclin then binds to the cyclin-dependent kinase to form the cyclin/cyclin-dependent
kinase complex, and both becomes activated. Upon activation, the cyclin-dependent kinase
phosphorylates other proteins needed by the cell to proceed to the next stage of the cell cycle,
which is the S phase. When the cell is already in the S phase, the G1 cylin degrades. Then, in the
G2 phase, levels of mitotic cyclins increase. It binds to the cyclin-dependent kinase to form the
mitotic cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase complex, which phosphorylates the proteins needed by
the cell to enter the mitosis stage. Once the cell completes the mitosis stage, the mitotic cyclin
Other checkpoint and regulatory proteins also participates in the cell cycle. Proteins in the G1
phase, called G1-checkpoint proteins, checks if the DNA is in good condition or is damaged. If the
DNA is damaged, these proteins prevent it from entering the S phase to prevent replication of
damaged DNA. A damaged DNA creates malfunctions in the cell division. Malfunctions in the cell
division can cause harm such as a disease in an organism. Proteins in the G2 phase, called G2-
checkpoint proteins, checks newly synthesized DNAs from the S phase. In case that damages are
found at this point, modifications are performed before it enters the mitosis stage. Proteins in the
mitosis stage also regulates the cell cycle as it proceeds ensuring that the process occurs smoothly
and without malfunctions.
The importance of mitosis, especially for eukaryotes, is that it is necessary for the growth and
development of an organism. Mitosis is necessary to form the more complex structures in an
organism such as tissues and organs. Moreover, mitosis is the process involved when an organism
needs new and genetically identical cells to replace those that are already old, lost, and/or
Shown in Figure 5 is how the chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cells look like prior to
mitosis. In the S phase of the interphase, which occurs before mitosis, chromatin replicates. A pair
of sister chromatids are formed. When mitosis starts, chromatins condense and become more
compact.The centromere is a region in the chromosome where sister chromatids are linked
together. It is also in the centromere where a protein complex, called kinetochore, assembles.
Kinetochores are attachment sites for spindle fibers, which are key structures in moving and
segregating chromosomes during cell division like mitosis.
5.2.1 Prophase
During interphase, the chromosomes in the cell nucleus are not condensed, see Figure 6,
step 1. When cells proceed to the prophase stage of mitosis (Figure 6, step 2), these
chromosomes condense to form a more organized and more compact structure, as
illustrated in Figure 6. It is important to note that each chromosome in this stage contains
sister chromatids, which is a product of the DNA replication during interphase. It is also
during prophase that the nucleolus within the cell nucleus disappers and its nuclear
envelope breaks down into vesicles. Such events cause the release of most of contents of
the cell nucleus into the cytoplasm. Two centrosomes, each having a pair of centrioles and
microtubules, also start to form and become visible.
Figure 6. Stages of Mitosis: (1) Interphase, (2) Prophase, and (3) Prometaphase Prometaphase
After prophase, before the cell proceeds to metaphase, it first goes through the
prometaphase. At this point, the nuclear envelope of the nucleus now appear as
vesicles, and the centrioles and spindle fibers of the centrosome are now
completely formed. See Figure 6, step 3. During prometaphase, the centrosomes
move to the opposite poles. The spindle fibers then interact and attach to the with
the kinetochore proteins found in the centromere of every chromosome present.
These events in the prometaphase are important in the proper segregation of
chromosomes in the next stages of mitosis.
5.2.2 Metaphase
A key event during the metaphase is the alignment of the sister chromatids in the
metaphase plate, which is at the center of the cell. See Figure 7, step 4.
5.2.3 Anaphase
During anaphase (Figure 7, step 5), the connection between sister chromatids is broken.
Due to this, they are separated and they move away from each other. Each settle in the
poles to which they are attached. As this occurs, the opposite poles also move away from
each other due to the spindle fibers pushing against each other.
5.2.4 Telophase
After settling in their respective poles, the chromosomes decondense and the nuclear
envelope re-forms. At this point, two new nuclei are formed. See Figure 7, step 6.
Figure 7. Stages of Mitosis: (4) Metaphase, (5) Anaphase, and (6) Telophase
5.3 Cytokinesis
Quickly following the mitosis is the cytokinesis. As mentioned, cytokinesis is the division of the
cytoplasm. Such process occurs to separate the two nuclei formed during mitosis. Cytokinesis
occurring in animal cells has a difference on the cytokinesis occurring in plant cells. See Figure 8.
During cytokinesis in animal cells, a cleavage furrow becomes visible and separates the cell. In
plant cells, a cell plate is rather observed. The cell plate then forms a cell wall to separate the two
daughter cells. After cytokinesis, two new daughter cells are formed from one parent cell. This is
applicable in both animal cells and plant cells. Each daughter cell formed is genetically identical to
the parent cell. Each daughter cell is also a diploid cell, which contains two homologous sets of
chromosomes. In humans, almost all types of cells perform cell division through mitosis, except
for gametes (egg cell and sperm cell) which undergo meiosis. Diploid human cells contain 46
6.1 Meiosis I
The key event in Meiosis I is the separation of homologous chromosomes from each other.
6.1.1 Prophase I
During Prophase I, the DNA inside the nucleus coils tightly and become visible
chromosomes when viewed under a microscope. Then, the replicated homologous
chromosomes associate with each other to form a bivalent through the process known as
synapsis. Right after synapsis, crossing over occurs. Crossing over refers to the exchange
of genetic information between the homologous chromosomes in a point of contact
known as chiasmata. In species that undergo sexual reproduction, crossing over increases
the chance of genetic variation. It is also during prophase I that the centrosomes also start
to form. Prometaphase I
During prometaphase I , the nuclear envelope disintegrates and turns into vesicles
and the centrosomes move to the opposite poles of the cell. The centrioles and
the microtubules of the centrosomes become completely visible. The
microtubules then bind to the chromosomes (pair of sister chromatids) via the
kinetochore proteins. A pair of sister chromatids is attached to one pole. Such
feature of prometaphase I is necessary for proper sorting of chromosomes.
6.1.2 Metaphase I
During Metaphase I, the bivalents randomly align in the metaphase plate following a
double row arrangement.
6.1.3 Anaphase I
In anaphase I, the connection between bivalents breaks and the kinetochore
microtubules pull the homologous chromosomes away from each other and move to
the opposite poles. At this point, sister chromatids of each chromosome are not
separated yet.
6.1.4 Telophase I
During telophase I, the chromosomes settles in their respective poles and then
decondenses. Then, the nuclear envelop forms again producing two nuclei. After
telophase I, cytokinesis follows wherein the two nuclei are separated to form two diploid
cells, each having a pair of sister chromatids.
6.2 Meiosis II
The key event in Meiosis I is the separation of sister chromatids from each other. After cytokinesis
of Meiosis I, prophase II of meiosis II follows. No DNA replication occurs between meiosis I and
meiosis II.
6.2.1 Prophase II
During Prophase II, the sister chromatids in the nucleus of the haploid cells produced in
meiosis I condense. The nuclear envelope also breaks down into vesicles. The centrosome
with the centrioles and microtubules start to appear. Prometaphase II
In prometaphase II, the nuclear envelop completely becomes vesicles and the
centrosomes move to the opposite poles. The microtubules in each pole attach to
the kinetochore of each sister chromatid.
6.2.2 Metaphase II
In Metaphase II, the sister chromatids randomly align in the metaphase plate.
6.2.3 Anaphase II
During Anaphase II, the microtubules separate the sister chromatids by pulling them away
from each other, toward the opposite poles.
6.2.4 Telophase II
During telophase II, the nucleus re-forms and the chromosomes start to decondense
again. Cytokinesis follows wherein from the two haploid cells produced during meiosis I,
4 new haploid cells are produced in meiosis II.
It is important to note that each haploid cell produced in meiosis is not genetically
identical to the parent cell. Each haploid cell contains half the number of chromosomes
found in the parent cell. Each haploid cell produced in meiosis is genetically unique.
VII. Cancer
In multicellular organisms like humans, cancer is a disease mainly caused by uncontrolled cell
division. Cancer is an acquired disease and comes in different types depending on which type of
cell went through uncontrolled cell division. This is mostly caused by agents known as
carcinogens, which includes chemicals and UV light that can trigger mutations or changes in the
DNA therefore affecting gene expression that affects cell division.
Shown in Figure 11 is an illustration of how a cancer progresses. Cancer begins with one cell that
experienced mutations or genetic changes, which promoted abnormal cell division. A cancer is
initially diagnosed via the presence of a tumor or the mass or lump of cells as a result of abnormal
cell division. Tumors can either be benign or malignant. Bening tumors are settled in only one
part and do not spread in other parts of the body. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, are those
that can metastasize or invade other body parts aside from the part where the abnormal cell
division started.
• Proceed to your Cardinal Edge/Blackboard accounts and open Written Work 2 (WW2).
• This written work contains questions related to the topics discussed in the CO2 module – Cell Cycle
• Read and analyze each question carefully and choose/identify the best answer.
• You have 2 attempts for this written work. For each attempt, you are given to 2 hours to answer.
• The attempt with the highest score will be the one recorded.
Performance Task 2 – DNA Damage and Human Diseases associated with Mitosis
and Cytokinesis Failure
1. Research 3 different diseases in humans caused by damages or mutations in the DNA and abnormalities
in the stages of mitosis and cytokinesis. For each disease, be able to provide the following:
• Definition
• Underlying Causes
• Diagnosis
• Treatments / Medications (if any)
2. Collect your ideas and organize them into a 5-10 minute presentation following the guidelines below:
3. This Performance Task is a group output. Please check the groupings in your respective blackboard
accounts. The file should be submitted in mp4 or MOV format. A submission link is provided under
Performance Tasks folder in Blackboard. You can send an actual copy of the pre-recorded presentation
or provide a link (OneDrive or Google Drive) to where I can access it. File Name Format should be CO2 –
PT – Section – Group No.
Brooker, R. J., Widmaier, E. P., Graham, L. E., Stiling, P. D. (2021). Principles of Biology, Third Edition,
Cengage Learning.
Biology: The Dynamic Science, 4th ed by Russell, Hertz, & McMillan (2017)
World of the Cell, 8th Ed by Becker, Hardin, Kleinsmith, & Bertoni (2012)
1. True 6. True
2. True 7. True
3. True 8. False
4. False 9. False
5. False 10. True