Sci12BModule2 1 1 2
Sci12BModule2 1 1 2
Sci12BModule2 1 1 2
Cell Cycle
Module 2
2.1. Characterize the phases of the cell cycle and their control points.
2.2. Describe the stages of mitosis/meiosis.
Your cells are too microscopic that it cannot be seen by our naked eye. Therefore, we find it
hard to appreciate how many cells we lose whenever we do our everyday routine. Worry not, as these
lost cells would be replaced eventually. As an example, every day we lose some of our skin cells, but
due to a certain biological process, it gets replaced in due time. How does a single cell give rise to a
multicellular organism? What processes occur during the three stages of interphase?
From the cell theory, pre-existing cells divide to form new cells. This remarkable process
enables an organism to grow, repair damaged parts, and reproduce. Cells serve as the essential link
between generations. Even the simplest cell contains a large amount of precisely coded genetic
information in the form of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). When a cell divides, the information
contained in the DNA must be faithfully replicated and the copies is then transmitted to each daughter
cell through a precisely choreographed series of steps.
You have learned that living organisms follow a hierarchy of organization. How does a single
cell give rise to a multicellular organism? In order to attain a functional organism, cells need to be
reproduced at a fast rate and our body does produce millions of cells per second. This is manifested
during cell division. Why do cells divide? In order to be considered as a functional whole, the
organism’s cells must be able to undergo growth, development, repair, and reproduction. Cell division
follows one of the postulates of the cell theory which is, “Cells come from pre-existing cells.” How do
chromosomes behave during the meiotic and mitotic phase? Eukaryotes practice cell division, while
prokaryotes do binary fission as a way of cell reproduction. How does the process of binary fission in
prokaryotes differ from cell division in eukaryotes? What causes uncontrolled cell growth and why
does it often cause cancer?
Cell Cycle is an ordered series of events involving cell growth and cell division that produces
two new daughter cells. The cell has two major phases: interphase and mitotic phase (cell division).
Just before a eukaryotic cell divides, several thread-like structures gradually become visible
inside the nucleus. They are easily seen because they stain intensely with particular stains. They are
known as chromosomes because chromo means “colored” and somes means “bodies”.
The isolation and microscopic observation of chromosomes form the basis of cytogenetics and
is the primary method by which clinicians detects chromosomal abnormalities in human. A karyotype
is the number and appearance of chromosomes, which includes their length, banding pattern and
centromere position. There are matching pairs of chromosomes known as homologous pairs. Each
pair is given a number. In the original zygote, one of each pair came from the mother and the other
one from the father. The pair of chromosomes can be distinguished because each pair has a distinctive
banding pattern when stained.
Two chromosomes are displayed on one side. These are the sex chromosomes (Chromosome
#23), which determine the sex of the organism. Females have two X chromosomes while males have
one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The Y chromosome has one portion missing and is,
therefore, smaller than the X chromosome.
When animals other than humans are examined, we find that cells usually contain two sets of
chromosomes. Such cells are described as diploid which is represented as 2n where n is equivalent to
the number of chromosomes in one set of chromosomes. For humans, 2n is equivalent to 46.
Not all cells are diploid. We’ll learn that gametes or sex cells such as sperm and egg contain
only one set of chromosomes and they are known to be haploid cells. A haploid cell is represented
as n. In humans, a 2n body cell has 46 chromosomes and a gamete has 23.
In each species, chromosomes can be identified by their number, size, centromere position,
and banding pattern. In human cells, there are 46 chromosomes in each cell as with that of the
roundworm, they only have 4 chromosomes in each cell.
Structure of Chromosomes
In addition to the above-mentioned basic phases, G0 (resting phase) is the state in which the
cell leaves the cell cycle. It may be temporary or permanent. An example is a neuron that has lost its
ability to divide as it has achieved the highest possible differentiation rate.
There are two types of cell division in higher living organisms such as vertebrates.
Takes place in somatic or body cells Takes place in germinal or sex cells
Only one cell division (PMAT) Two cell divisions (PMAT I and II)
Produces two daughter cells that are genetically Produces four cells that are genetically
identical different
Diploid cells as products Haploid cells as products
Synapses are absent on the chromatids of homologous chromosomes
Relevant mechanism for tissue repair and Necessary for the production of gametes
replacement of dead or damaged cells
Prophase. If the requirements for M checkpoint are met, cell division will start with prophase.
Here, the nuclear envelope starts to disintegrate (prometaphase), and the chromatin condenses
into chromosomes. Aside from this, mitotic spindles/spindle fibers start to develop which is vital
for chromosomal migration. During prometaphase, sister chromatids of each duplicated
chromosome becomes attached at their kinetochores to spindle microtubules extending from
opposite poles of the cell.
Anaphase. During the anaphase, the centromere splits and two chromatids of each chromosome
migrate toward opposite poles. The chromatids move to opposite poles, using the spindle
microtubules as tracks. The rest of the spindle fibers, not connected to chromatids, lengthen and
elongate the cell. Both poles will contain a complete set of chromosomes at the end of anaphase.
Telophase. During the final stage of mitosis, chromosomes arrive at poles, and there is a return to
interphase-like conditions. The chromosomes decondense by partially uncoiling. A new nuclear
envelope forms around each set of chromosomes, made at least in part from small vesicles and
other components derived from the old nuclear envelope. The spindle microtubules disappear,
and the nucleoli reorganize.
Cytokinesis is the actual division of the cytoplasm that marks the production of two identical
daughter cells.
Stages of Mitosis
Meiosis I
Prophase I. During this stage, the nucleolus and nuclear envelope start to disintegrate.
Chromosomes are already distinct, with sister chromatids fused together by a
centromere. Synapsis also occurs which is the pairing of homologous chromosomes that
came from paternal and maternal genetic material. Tetrad is the term for the four sister
chromatids from the pair of chromosomes that are visible during prophase. Crossing
Metaphase I. During metaphase I, the tetrads line up at the equatorial plane of the cell
along with an increase in the number of the spindle fibers. The spindle fibers facilitate
the movement as it attaches into the kinetochore.
Telophase I. In this stage, the daughter cells completely divide with an equal amount of
chromosomes along with the reappearance of the nuclei. The chromosomes grow less
Interkinesis. This stage pertains to the short pause before entry into meiosis II. This is
not similar to interphase since there is no DNA replication during this stage.
Meiosis II
1. DNA Replication
2. Chromosome Segregation
3. Cytokinesis
Cell Cycle Checkpoint is an essential regulatory requirement before the cell cycle continues. Each
checkpoint plays a crucial/critical role to ensure normal cell physiology.
Some of the key molecules involved in regulating the cell cycle are protein kinases. These are
enzymes that activate or inactivate other proteins by phosphorylating (adding phosphate groups to)
them. The protein kinases involved in controlling the cell cycle are cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks).
The activity of various Cdks increases and then decreases as the cell moves through the cell cycle. Cdks
are active only when bind tightly to regulatory proteins called cyclins. The cyclins are so named
because their levels fluctuate predictably during the cell cycle. When a specific Cdk associates with a
specific cyclin, it forms a cyclin-Cdk complex. Cyclin-Cdk complexes phosphorylate enzymes and other
proteins. Some of these proteins become activated when they are phosphorylated, and others
become inactivated.
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Hoefnagels, M. (2016). General Biology (Books 1 & 2). United States of America. McGrawHill Education.
Ramos, A.C.M. (2017). Exploring Life through Sciences: General Biology 1. Quezon Ave., Quezon City.
Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
Dela Pena, et. al., (2016). General Biology. Pasay City, Philippines. JFS Publishing Services.