Genki Japanese Textbook Volume 2 Notes (Chapters 13-23)

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Genki Japanese Textbook Volume 2 Notes (Chapters 13-23)

Genki chapter 13 grammar notes:

1. verb potential forms:

to say that u have the ability to/ can do something

ru verbs: (ru => rareru)

見る => 見られる

u verbs: (u => eru)

行く => 行ける
話す => 話せる
待つ => 待てる

くる => こられる
する => できる

note: for ru verbs, sometimes people say (ru => reru) as it is shorter.

potential verbs conjugate the same way as ru verbs

私は日本語が 話せます。
(i can speak japanese)

私は 泳げない んです
(i cannot swim)

potential verbs also have te form:

見られる => 見られて

for verbs with を particle: can use を or が particle for potential form.
漢字を読む => 漢字 を/が 読める
for できる, almost always change を to が.

2. listing reasons

use し to list one or more reasons.

general form:

(reason 1) し、(reason 2) し、... (situation)。


(situation)。(reason 1)し、 (reason 2)し ... 。

(i really like my japanese class, because japanese language is interesting, and our
teacher is good)

(yamashita sensei is a good teacher. Because he is good at teaching, and he is

you can use one し clause, to imply that it is not the only reason.

(life in this city is an easygoing one. Things are inexpensive, for one thing.)

し follows the short forms.

3. it looks like...

add そうです to i and na adjectives to say it seems like.../it looks like...

i adj: (い => そうです)

おいしい => おいしそうです
na adj: (add そうです)
元気 => 元気そうです

いい => よさそうです

(this apple looks delicious)

(it looks like the weather will be fine tomorrow)

can also use そうです with negative forms of adjectives, ない => なさそうです

(this book does not look difficult.)

(it does not look like tomoko is good at tennis)

we can use adj + そう to qualify a noun. そう is a na adj, so we say そうな + noun.

(she is wearing a warm-looking sweater)

note: そうです is guesswork used only when u lack conclusive evidence, and its
based on visual impressions, so u cannot say きれいそうです, because if it looks
pretty, u have enough visual evidence to conclude that it is pretty.

4. trying something.

use (verb) ~てみる to say that u are "trying something". you are not sure of the
outcome, but try it and see how it goes. "give it a try"

てみる conjugates as a ru verb

(i dont know the kanji, therefore i tried asking my japanese friend.)

友達があの店のケーキはおいしいと言っていましたから、 今度食べてみます。
(my friends say that the cake at that shop is good, so i will try it out someday. (and
see if it is really the case that its good) )

5. なら

noun A なら X. means that the predicate X applies only to A and not more
generally valid.
To show contrast and limitation.

Q: ブラジルに行ったことがありますか?
(have u been to brazil?)

A: チリ なら 行ったことがありますが、ブラジルは行ったことがありません。

(ive been to chile but never to brazil)

Q: 日本語分かりますか?
(do u understand japanese)

A: ひらがな なら わかります。
(if it is written in hiragana, yes)

The first example shows a contrast between chile and brazil, showing that u been
to chile but not brazil. For the second example, hiragana is brought up and
contrasted with the language as a whole.

6. period and frequency

use (period) に (frequency) to show how many times u do something in eg. a


私は 一週末に三回 髪を洗います。
(i wash my hair 3 times a week)

私は 一か月に一回 家族に電話をかけます。
(i call my family once a month)

Genki chapter 14 grammar notes:

1. desire to have

X が 欲しい = i want X

usually 欲しい uses が particle, but in negative sentences can also use は。

いい漢字の辞書 が 欲しいです。
(i want a good kanji dictionary)

お金はあまり 欲しくないです
(i dont have much desire for money)

limited to first person (private predicate) like たい, as we cannot explicitly know
what the other person is thinking.

so likewise, we can quote their speech using と言っています。

or say that u are making a guess with でしょう。(X は Y が 欲しい でしょう。)

or based on ur observations, using がる。(欲しがる, usually in this form: 欲しがって

いる) (particle used is now を instead of が)

トムさん は 友達 を 欲しがっています。
( (i understand that) tom wants a friend))

2. possibility
use かもしれません to say probably, it is similar to でしょう。it follows the short form

明日は雨が降る かもしれません。
(it may rain tomorrow)

3. giving and receiving

imagine a line: from left to right:


going from left to right: use あげる。(I give to you, you give to others, I give to
others, others give to others)

going from right to left: use くれる (others give you, others give me, you give me)

general form:
(giver) は/が (recipent) に (item) を あげる/くれる

私 は その女の人 に 花 を あげます。
(i will give the woman flowers)

その女の人 は 男の人 に 時計 を あげました。

(the woman gave the man a watch)

両親 が 私 に 新しい車 を くれる かもしれません。

(my parents may give me a new car)

for transactions described by くれる, we can use もらう to make the recipient the

general form:
(recipient) は/が (giver) に/から (item) を もらう。

私は姉に古い辞書を もらいました。
(i recieved an old dictionary from my sister)

side note: the reason why u can only use もらう to replace くれる and not あげる is
because of the line mentioned above, we can only make the recipient the subject if
they are closer to us than the giver.

4. advice/recommendation たらどうですか

use (verb short past tense) + らどうですか to give advice/recommendation (may be

shortened to たらどう/たら in casual speech)

もっと勉強し たらどうですか。
(why dont you study harder?)

薬を飲ん だらどうですか。
(how about taking some medicine?)

it may sometimes imply a critical tone, like asking why havent they done this
already, so safer to not use unless the person is asking for consultation/advice.

5. as many as, as few as/only

to describe amount of nouns, its (noun) が/を + (counter)

猫が三匹。(3 cats)

so if u want to say: as many as 3 cats, add a も after the counter.

猫が三匹 も (as many as 3 cats)

if u want to say only/as few as, add しか after the counter.

猫が三匹 しか (as few as/only 3 cats)
Genki chapter 15 grammar notes:

1. volitional form of verbs:

its a more casual version of ましょう。

ru verbs: (る => よう)

食べる => 食べよう

u verbs: (う => おう)

行く => 行こう
話す => 話そう

irregular verbs:
くる => こよう
する => しよう

(lets get married)

add か to say "shall...?"/suggestion.

(shall i lend u a hand?)

volitional form + と思っています to talk about our determinations/intentions. eg.

"decided to/ going to"

毎日三時間日本語を 勉強しようと思っています。
(im going to study japanese for 3 hours every day)
volitional + と思います shows that u made the decision on the spot, whereas
volitional + と思っています shows that u alr made the decision and is thinking
about it for a while now.

漢字の辞書を 買おうと思います。
(i will buy a kanji dictionary) (decision is made on the spot)
漢字の辞書を 買おうと思っています。
(i am going to buy a kanji dictionary) (decision was already made)

2. ておく

verb ~ておく describes an action done in preparation for something, can be

shortened to とく in speech.

明日試験があるので、今晩 勉強しておきます。
(since theres a test tomorrow, i will study tonight (in preparation for it))

3. sentences can describe nouns

you can basically add a sentence with a noun and it will be describing the noun, its
like one big noun phrase.

これは 去年の誕生日に彼女がくれた本 です。
(this is a book that my girlfriend gave me on my birthday last year.)

Genki chapter 16 grammar notes:

1. do favours

we use ~てあげる、 ~てくれる、 ~てもらう to express who gives favours.

recall the line:

てあげる follows the same way as あげる, left to right. likewise for てくれる, right to

てあげる does not change the original meaning of the sentences, but it puts focus
that the actions are done as a favour.

私は妹にお金を貸し てあげました
(i (generously) lent my sister money) (shows what u did as a favour)


(i lent my sister money) (objective statement)

likewise てくれる when someone does something for us (as a kind gesture/favour),
you are the one benefitting from the favour given by others.

友達が宿題を 手伝ってくれます。
(my friend (kindly) helped me with my homework)

use てもらう likewise.

私は友達に宿題を 手伝ってもらいました。
(i got a friend of mine to help me with my homework)

2. request

use ていただけませんか / てくれませんか / てくれない to make a request, from most

polite to the least polite (casual).

ちょっと 手伝っていただけませんか。
(would you lend me a hand?)
(would u wait a moment?)

(would u pick that thing up? (and pass it to me))

3. hope something nice happens

use (verb present tense short form) + といいですね/といいね to say you hope
something nice happens (to somebody else).

(i hope you find a good part time job)

to say what u hope for, for your own good, use: といいんですが / といいんだけど

(i am hoping that the exam is easy)

4. When A, B.

use (sentence A (short form))時、(sentence B) to say: when A, B.

use present tense for A if:

at the time where B takes place, A is still current or in the future (havent taken
place yet). It does not matter if B is in the past or present, only matters if A
happens after B.

(i had the visa issued when i was going to tibet)

the visa was first issued, then u went to tibet. (the whole event is past tense,
however, sentence A is in present tense as it occurs after B.)
(i take out the contact lenses when i go to sleep)

first u take out the contact lens, then u go to sleep, thats why sentence A is in
present tense as it comes after B.

A also gets present tense when state of A holds when B occurs.

(when im lonely, i call my friends)

A is in the present tense here as you feeling lonely is still true at the moment when
u are calling ur friends.

use past tense for A if:

A is in the already in the past when B takes place.

(when i go to china, i will buy oolong tea)

here, u go to china first then buy oolong tea, thats why A is past tense.

5. apologise

use (verb) て、すみませんでした (polite)/ ごめん(casual) to describe the things u

have done that u wanna apologise for.

(im sorry for using foul language)

when u wanna apologise for something u failed to do, use ~なくて, the short
negative te form of a verb. (verb short negative form, then the ない becomes なく
(i am sorry for not bringing the homework)

mini side note: adj to nouns

u can turn an i adj to a noun by changing the い to さ

優しい => 優しさ
(kind => kindness)

some na adj also can be changed to noun, by changing the な to さ

(eg 便利さ (convenience))

Genki chapter 17 grammar notes

1. i have heard that...

(short form sentence) + そうです = i have heard that...

somebody says:
(our japanese language class is fun)

You can say:

(i have heard that their japanese language class is fun)

*side note: the previous chapters usage of そうです to say it seems like... only
applies to adjs, and the way they conjugate is different:
for そうです = it seems like..., you remove the i and na at the end and add そうです。
while そうです= i have heard that..., it uses short forms.

(info source X) によると、 (short form sentence Y) そうです

= According to X, i have heard that Y.

天気予報 によると、 台風が来る そうです。
(according to the weather forecast, a typhoon is approaching)

2. って

use って to replace そうです to quote what u heard in a casual way.

also can use って instead of と to quote stuff (casual). eg と言っていました => って


3. たら conditional

(short past tense form A) たら、 B 。

= If A, then B.

the た comes from the past tense form of A.

(if i go to japan, i will buy a kimono)

(if the weather is good, i will go for a walk)

*restriction: it follows a set sequence where A must always come before B.

eg, cannot say: "if u have a test next week, u should study today" using たら, even
tho it makes sense in english.

> if A is very likely to be true, then you can treat たら as a sequence: when A, then

a) context: you are very likely to get home by tonight:
(tonight, when i get home, i will call you.)
b) context: you are uncertain if u can return home by tonight.
(tonight, if i get home, i will call you.)

a) and b) have the same sentence but diff meaning in context.

> たら can also be used for purely hypothetical scenarios that may never even
happen in real life.

(if i were a cat, i would be asleep all day long)

4. なくてもいいです

to say u dont need to do something use なくてもいいです。

(ない => なくて => なくてもいいです)

(you dont need to take off ur shoes)

5. is like

(noun A) + みたいです = it resembles/is like A.

(that person is like a gorilla)

(verb short form) + みたいです = it looks like ...

(it looks like it has rained)

6. before and after

前に: before
(verb A short form present tense)前に、 (verb B)
= before A, B.

前に is like 之前 in chinese.

(Before I go back home, I will go to tokyo one more time)

てから: after
(verb A te form) から、 (verb B)
= A, and then B.

(i studied, and then i wrote letters to my friends)

Genki chapter 18 grammar notes:

1. transitive and intransitive verbs

There are two types of verbs, transitive (need a direct subject/object) and
intransitive (only needs an object)

つける (to turn on) (transitive verb):
(takeshi turned the light on)

つく (something goes on) (intransitive verb):

(the light went on)

note that intransitive does not need a subject, only needs object.
when used with ている, for transitive verbs, they describe actions in progress (verb
-ing form in english), but for intransitive verbs, they describe change in state.

ロバーとさんは窓を 開けています。
(robert is opening the windows)

ドアが 開いています。
(the door is open)

2. てしまう

te form of verb + しまう。

has 2 meanings:

1. done something completely/finish doing something:

本を 読んでしまいました。
(i read the book completely)

2. means "regrettably"/ comes with the sense of regret, something regrettable

happens. (like an "oh shit..." feeling)

電車の中にかばんを 忘れてしまいました。
(i inadvertently left my bag on the train)
((oh shit... i left my bag on the train))

infer the which of the two meanings is used based on context.

in speech, てしまう and でしまう is shortened to ちゃう and じゃう respectively.

3. Whenever A happens, B happens too

sentence A (short form present tense) + と + sentence B

= whenever A happens, B happens too.

道が込んでいる と 時間がかかる。
(whenever the streets are crowded, it takes longer to get there)

sometimes theres cause and effect relationship.

メアリーさんが国に帰る と 寂しくなります。
(if mary goes back home, we will be lonely)

sentence B must follow the event described sentence A, basically there must be a
link between the sentences.

4. at the same time

verb A (masu stem) + ながら + verb B

= verb A and B, at the same time. (by the same person)

私はいつも 音楽を聞き ながら 日本語を勉強します。
(i always listen to music while studying japanese)

5. i wish i had done...

use verb + ばよかったです to say u wish u had done (verb).

to conjugate: remove the final u and add -eba (works for all verbs)

食べる => 食べれら
行く => 行けば
する => すれば

example sentence:
傘を 持ってくればよかった。
(i wish i brought an umbrella)
Genki chapter 19 grammar notes:

1. honorific verbs

they are used to describe the actions of ppl you respect.


(いる/行く/来る => いらっしゃる)

先生は今日学校に いらっしゃいません。 (The professor will not go to/come to/be at

school) (context based)

(食べる/飲む => 召し上がる)

何を 召し上がりますか?
(what will you eat/drink?)

for verbs without special honorific forms, we can:

1. change verb + ている to verb + ていらっしゃいます

先生を電話で 話していらっしゃいます。
(the professor is talking on the phone)

2. use お + (verb masu stem) + になる

先生はもう お 帰り になりました。
(the professor has already gone home)

2. giving respectful advice

to give respectful advice/command:

お + (verb masu stem) +ください

切符を お取りください
(please take a ticket)

with most ~する verbs, use ご instead.

(verb: 注意する)

(please watch out.)

3. thank you for .... (action)

(verb て) + くれてありがとう
= thank you for doing (verb).

(thanks for helping me out)

the honorific form is (verb て) + くださって ありがとう ございました。

推薦状を書いてくださって ありがとう ございました。
(thank you for writing me a recommendation letter)

4. im glad that ...

(verb て) よかったです。
= u are glad that (verb).

日本語を 勉強してよかったです。
(i am glad that i have studied japanese)

5. supposed to
(sentence short form) + はずです。
= it is supposed to be the case.

今日は日曜日から、銀行はしまっている はずです。
(Because today is a sunday, banks are supposed to be closed.)

はずです = supposed to be. it is a very likely guess that you make.

example of はずです past tense:

先週電話をもらう はずでした が、電話がありませんでした。
(i was supposed to receive a phone call last week, but i did not)

はずです conjugates with adj and nouns in this manner:

i adj: 面白い => 面白い はずです

na adj: 元気 => 元気な はずです
nouns: 日本人 => 日本人の はずです

Genki chapter 20 grammar notes

1. extra modest expressions

used to lower ur status and elavate the listeners status.

私は来年も日本に おります。 (います => おります)
(i will be in japan next year too)

お手洗いは二階 でごいざいます。 (です => でございます)

(The bathroom is on the second floor)

2. humble expressions

To lower your own status and raise the subject in your sentence's status
general form:
お + (verb masu stem) + する。

for ~する verbs, usually ご instead of お

私は昨日先生に お会いしました。
(i met my professor yesterday)

for もらう, => いただきます

私は先生にこの本を いただきました。
(i received this book from my professor)

for あげる, => さしあげる

私は先生に花を さしあげます。
(i will give my professor flowers)

use the verb うかがう to be humble in both visiting and asking questions.

私は先生のお宅に うかがいました。
(i visited my professors house)

私は先生にテストついて うかがいました。
(i asked my professor about the exam)

note that the extra modest form raises the listeners status, whereas humble form
raises the subjects status (for example the sensei u are referring to in ur sentence)

3. without doing X

verb + ないで = without doing X

(last night, i studied without any sleep)

4. questions within larger sentences

you can include questions within larger sentences.

山下先生は 昨日何を食べたか 覚えていません。
(professor yamashita does not remember what he ate yesterday)

5. the name of objects.

(name) という (object) = the object called "name".

ポチという犬。 (the dog called "pochi")

6. easy/hard to do

(verb masu stem) + やすい/にくい = (verb) is easy/hard to do.

この電子辞書は使い やすいです。
(this electronic dictionary is easy to use)

骨が多いので、魚は食べ にくいです。
(because there are many bones, fish are hard to eat)

この町はとても 住みやすいです。
(this town is very easy to live in)

note that it refers to the psychological state of whether it is easy/hard to do

この雑誌は 買いにくい。
(this magazine is hard to buy. (because im embarrassed by its contents))

この雑誌を 買うのは難しい。
(this magazine is hard to buy. (because it is rare and hard to find in circulation)

Genki chapter 21 grammar notes:

1. Passive sentences

general form:
X は Y に (verb passive form)
= X had (verb) done to him by Y.

verb conjugation:

ru verb: (ru => rareru)

食べる => 食べられる

u verbs: (u => areru)

行く => 行かれる

くる => こられる
する => される

passive form of verbs conjugate as ru verbs.

in most passive sentences, the "victim" X is unfavourably affected by the person Y.

たけしさん は メアリーさん に よく 笑われます。
(takeshi is often laughed at by mary)

sometimes the sentence may be neutral.

私 は その人に デートに 誘われました。
(i was asked out by that person for a date)

2. てある

its kind of like an intransitive form of ている。

also implies that something has been brought about on purpose by somebody.

窓 が 閉めてあります。
(the window is closed (by somebody, and is still closed till now))


窓 が 閉まっています。
(the window is closed (just a statement that it is closed))

3. 間に

general form:
A (ている) 間に B.
(in the middle of/while A, B)

お風呂に入っている 間に 電話がありました。
(there was a phone call while i was taking my bath)

A can be a noun:

留守の 間に 友達が来ました。
(while i was absent, my friends came)

for the above, B lasts for a short duration. if B extends throughout the time A
occurs, use 間

ルームメートがメールを書いている 間、 私は本を読んで待ちました。
(while my roommate was writing a mail, i waited, reading a book)
4. to make.

(adj) + する = to make something (adj)

similar to なる and its conjugations too.

i adj:
冷たい => 冷たくする。
(to make something cold/colder)

na adj:
簡単な => 簡単にする。
(to make something simple/simpler)

部屋を きれいにしました。
(i made the room clean)

5. i want him to do...

(私は) person に (verb) て欲しい。

= i want person to do (verb)

私 は ルームメート に 宿題を手伝って欲しいです。
(i want my roomate to help me with my homework)

u can say i dont want him to do X by negating the 欲しい to 欲しくない or by making
the verb negative + 欲しい。

Genki chapter 22 grammar notes:

1. causative form

causative form of verb:

ru verb: (ru => saseru)
食べる => 食べさせる

u verb: (u => aseru)

行く => 行かせる

くる => こさせる
する => させる

general form:
X は Y に (causative verb)
= X made/let Y do (verb).

"made/let" depends on context.

お父さんは子供に野菜を 食べさせました。
(the father made/let the child eat vegetables)

causative form conjugates like ru verb.

if got ~てあげる、てくれる、てもらう, usually is let.

(casuative verb) てください just means pls let me do (verb)

2. command

(verb masu stem) + なさい = a command to do (verb).

may sound like u are "talking down" to somebody.

うちに毎日 電話しなさい。
(call home everyday)

文句を言うのを やめなさい。
(stop complaining)
3. ば conditional

A ば B = If A, then B.


all positive verbs: (u => eba)

食べる => 食べれば
行く => 行けば

negative verbs: (nai => nakereba)

行かない = 行かなければ

ば is usually used when B is a "good result"/favourable outcome.

この薬を飲め ば 大丈夫です。
(if u drink this medicine, u will be okay)

however u cannot say "if u dont drink this medicine u will die" using ば cuz the
outcome is unfavourable.

4. despite

(short form A) のに B
= despite the fact that A, B.

both A and B must be facts

この会社はお金がある のに、給料は安いです。
(Although the company is rich, the workers salaries are low)

when A ends in na adj or noun, add a な at the end of A to become なのに.

5. is like / do something like...

(noun A) のような (noun B) = A is similar to/like B (in appearance/quality)

私は 鎌倉のような町 が好きです。
(i like towns like kamakura)

(noun A) のように (verb/adj) =

does (verb) like A / has characteristic (adj) like A.

メアリーさんは 魚のように泳げます。
(mary can swim like a fish)

私は 孫悟空のように強いです。
(i am strong like son goku)

Genki chapter 23 grammar notes:

1. causative passive sentences

general form:
X は Y に (causative passive verb)
= X was forced/ordered by Y to do (verb)

ゆみは お母さんに 勉強させられました。
(yumi was ordered by her mother to study.)

conjugation rules:

ru verbs: (ru => sase rareru)

食べる => 食べさせられる

u verbs that end in す: (su => sase rareru)

話す => 話させられる

all the other u verbs: (u => asare ru)

行く => 行かされる
くる => こさせられる
する => させられる

2. even if...

A ても、B = even if A, B

A is in te-form.

(even if it rains, i will go on a picnic)

3. decide to do

(verb short form present tense) + ことにする = decide to do (verb)

(we have decided to buy a car)

sometimes volitional form is used eg. 行くことにしましょう。also means lets do

(verb), but has implication that u gave some deliberation.

(verb) + ことにしている
= do (verb) as a regular practice.

絶対にお酒を 飲まないことにしています。
(i have made this firm decision not to drink alcohol and have strictly followed it)

4. until

A まで、B = until A, continue B.

晴れる まで、喫茶店で待ちます。
(until the sky is clear, i will wait in the coffee shop)

5. the way of...

方 is like 方式 in chinese.

(verb masu stem) + 方 = the way of doing (verb)

考え方 (the way people think)

nouns that come before the verb the を particle changes to の.

漢字を読む => 漢字の読方 (the way of reading kanji)

for ~する verbs, becomes ~のし方.

日本語を勉強する => 日本語の勉強のし方。
(the way of studying japanese)

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