Interesting and Fun Ways To Track Your Language Learning
Interesting and Fun Ways To Track Your Language Learning
Interesting and Fun Ways To Track Your Language Learning
Not only does it help you see what resources and methods are working, but it also
keeps you motivated and accountable for your learning. Tracking how much you’ve
done is not a race with yourself or with others – it can merely serve as a good
encourager when you are feeling down about seemingly slow progress. You can look
back and feel all warm and fuzzy about how much you’ve really done!
I was feeling upset about how little time I felt I spent on learning Spanish. But after I
started tracking my time on app, I realized I spent around 3 hours a week on it, just from
1. Tracking what you’ve done in language learning. This can be how much time you
spent on an app or working through a textbook, or it could just be logging the
types of resources you interacted with and which skills you worked on in a week.
2. Tracking your development in a language. You can keep logs of your progress
and use these to measure how much you are progressing in a language.
I started tracking my language activities at the start of this year and it has been
eye-opening to see what kind of resources and skills I gravitate towards when given free
rein. For example, I absolutely love listening to podcasts. I find most of my learning time
threads of their daily, weekly or monthly language activities. It’s a fun way to see what
everyone is up to, which resources people are using, and to feel part of a community.
By making your goals public, you might also feel a sense of motivation and drive to
keep going.
I keep a thread of my quarterly language goals and update it every 3 months with my
thoughts, updates to my plans, and general goals for each quarter. I have pinned it to
All you need to do is press the start button to start counting minutes, and then fill in the
activity or language you worked on when you’re done. You can also log past hours on
the app. I created “projects” with my languages, and then I label the specific time logged
with the activity I was working on. My Toggl has entries like “italki – Hungarian”, “Busuu
Toggl. Personally I like seeing the ring chart at the end of a week or month to see which
people share their Notion setups. This post is not sponsored by Notion, but I’d like to
If you like logging things digitally, you can give Notion a try and use it to record either
what you’ve done in a language, or which languages you study when. You can even
create journal entries on Notion to track your actual progress. I created a space called
Language hub on my Notion dashboard for all things language-learning. It was a little
difficult to keep up because I realised I’m much more a fan of pen and paper. If you’re
someone who enjoys having everything in one digital space, you could create a similar
Last year I simply recorded the name of the language I learnt every day so I could
check back at the end of the month to see how many languages I spent time on. I didn’t
write down what I did or how long I spent on it, but you can choose to do so if you like.
keeping a small weekly calendar. I track which lessons I have in each language, what
I’ve done, and how I felt. Any milestones, like having my first conversation, finishing a
At the front of the journal is a calendar where I can have a color-coded monthly view.
For the weekly view, I just log my language activities. Right at the back of the journal I
do a monthly review of what worked and what didn’t work in terms of resources, time
I used to write a journal entry each week, but realised that writing WHAT I did each
week and reflecting on that is better than writing IN a language – because I get enough
back on, a daily journal in another language, you name it. At the end of the day, it’s up
to you to decide if this is what you’d like to spend some time on, and how it might help
The biggest benefit I get to tracking my process and progress is being able to look back
and analyze what works and what doesn’t. I like to be agile in adjusting my methods
working (like trying to write something in Tagalog every week) I don’t feel held down by
solid goals and I have the flexibility to change it up for something better.
I hope this post gives you some ideas for how you might log your progress. Enjoy each