Aircraft Handling
Aircraft Handling
Aircraft Handling
Aircraft Maintenance
Aircraft need effective maintenance. RAF maintenance organisation covers, aircraft, survival equipment, weapons, flight simulators and synthetic trainers, communication and control systems, motor transport, and servicing equipment for all of these. We will concentrate on aircraft maintenance.
Generate aircraft needed to counter surprise attack Support intensive flying over sustained period in NBC environment Support NATO and National commitments Satisfy contingency plans Provide aircraft and equipment needed for peacetime roles (e.g. training and humanitarian aid
Aircraft Maintenance Maintenance Objectives Minimise costs (manpower and resources) Minimise faults that would have major safety, operational or cost implications Continuously improve reliability and maintainability
Aim is to reduce the probability of failures, maintain aircraft reliability, and ensure that time and use do not affect aircraft performance.
4 types of maintenance
Preventive Maintenance Scheduled Maintenance Carried out at regular intervals to Keep aircraft in sound overall condition Minimise random faults Minimise requirement for routine day-today attention Analogous to yearly service on a car
Preventive Maintenance On-condition Maintenance Aircraft components are continuously monitored ( this has become more feasible with more computer-based systems) Maintenance action is triggered by measured parameters approaching limits, or by results from regular NDT or SOAP testing
This is scheduled or condition-based maintenance which does not fit in with the normal maintenance cycle
Corrective Maintenance
This is carried out as and when a fault occurs It is thus not possible to plan for
Contingency Maintenance
Uses a planned programme to reduce the level of preventive maintenance to increase aircraft availability in war operations or transition to war.
Modifications are only made when authorised, and are strictly controlled to minimise cost and maintain aircraft safety They may be required to remedy design faults, or to improve aircraft performance or safety
Form 705
F705 is the Flight Servicing/Fuel Certificate, which certifies the flight servicing and fuel states, and contains the Captains After-Flight Declaration, which reports any faults arising, and certifies that the ejector seat has been made safe. It returns responsibility for the aircraft to the ground engineers, who then record details of flight servicing for sign-off by the Flight Services Cordinator, and signature by the Captain for the next flight.
parking area cleared of FOD When indicated by the Captain, the wheels are chocked, and ground power/ servicing equipment connected. Fire extinguishers are manned during engine shut-down, aircraft steps are positioned, and the crew assisted with unstrapping. The team then fit safety devices (e.g ejector seat safety pins), and any covers, blanks or plugs required (e.g. pitot head cover/static hole plug) Above actions reversed for aircraft departures
In an unobstructed parking area, the marshaller will stand at the spot where the aircraft is to be parked and attract the pilots attention by waving his arms in a circular motion. The pilot then taxis the aircraft up to the marshaller, who stands with arms outstretched. Two extra personnel may be needed, positioned ahead of each wing tip, if obstructions are present, to signal that there is sufficient clearance, especially for large aircraft.
Cut Engines
Aircraft navigation lights and taxi lights will be on Detailed marshalling directions may be necessary in congested areas Marshallers will carry illuminated wands or torches for identification At all times the pilot is responsible for the aircraft, and is not required to comply with any marshalling instruction considered unsafe.
Chocks must be used and all safety devices, covers, blanks and plugs necessary fitted whenever an aircraft is stationary with engines shut down. Danger zones around aircraft must be avoided by all personnel. These are engine intakes and exhausts, propellers, and helicopter rotors. Beware of blade sailing when near helicopters in windy conditions.
Aircraft brakes absorb a lot of energy when slowing the aircraft on landing. This emerges as heat, which normally dissipates into the air. However, after a long taxi or abnormal landing brakes can overheat and catch fire. Stand forward or to rear of the wheel, and operate the fire extinguisher at the limit of its range, aiming downward at the ground about 0.3m away from the wheels. Avoid standing in line with the wheel axle, to avoid debris from any brake explosion.
Aircraft must not be taxied into or out of hangars they must be towed or manhandled. When an aircraft is moved, a qualified handling party is useda) an experienced supervisor b) Person in cockpit to operate brakes c) One at each wingtip to ensure obstacle clearance d) Towing vehicle driver, or enough people Push only on strong areas of the aircraft.
Park into wind, with aircraft clearly separated (no overlapping parts). Double chock wheels fore and aft. Release brakes. Check electrics, ignition and fuel cocks OFF Apply control locks (if required) Fit pitot and static vent covers For long term parking, lock canopies and doors, fit canopy covers, wheel covers, and engine covers, and set out drip trays.
Normally aircraft are refuelled after flight, which minimises condensation inside the tanks, and makes the aircraft ready to fly. Refuelling may be from cans by hand, from bowsers, from ground hydrants, or in-flight from a tanker. Mobile bowsers are most common, and are essentially a tanker with an engine-driven pump and delivery hose. To prevent sparking from static electricity, the aircraft and bowser are earthed, and the aircraft is bonded to the delivery hose, which in turn is bonded to the bowser.
Ensure correct grades of fuel and oil used Leave air space in oil tanks for expansion Never refuel in a hangar or with the engine running Always ensure fuel is filtered on way into tanks Refuelling crew must not carry lighters or matches, and must wear rubber soled shoes Avoid fuel spillage, but have any spillage washed away by fire crew
No work on electrical equipment or R/T transmission whilst refuelling (or within 15m.) No refuelling within 40m of aircraft with engines running. Refuelling vehicles to be positioned to be easily moved in event of fire. Place fire extinguishers ready for use. Stand only on marked walkways on aircraft. Replace filler caps correctly. Enter details of refuelling/defuelling in MOD Form 705.
Pressure refuelling gives high rates of flow of fuel into the aircraft tanks, significantly reducing refuelling time , both on the ground and in air-to-air refuelling. A self sealing fuel connection is used, with each tank having a high level shut-off valve. Over pressure protection is provided for the fuel lines. Bonding is required, as indicated above
Large aircraft have an Air Loadmaster, whose job is to ensure that the load does not exceed weight limits and is loaded to ensure that the aircraft C of G is within limits. Overloading Increases stalling speed and landing and takeoff runs. Reduces rate of climb, range and endurance. May make flight impossible in case of engine failure on multi-engined aircraft. Lowers aircraft ceiling.
One man must be in charge of the aircraft, the Captain.The Captain is normally the pilot, who must Ensure crew are familiar with the aircraft and its systems and their roles. The crew understand the aim of the flight. The crew are fit. The relevant orders have been read and understood. All flying clothing and personal safety equipment is in good order. Thorough flight planning has been carried out.
Flight planning requires knowledge of current and forecast weather, ATC clearances, diversion airfields, restricted airspace, and navigation planning. This is often self-briefing by the pilot and navigator using information displayed in the operations room. A mass briefing of all aircrew may be held at the start of a days flying, with inputs from meteorological, ATC and other specialists.
Captain is in command during flight. Correct use of seat belts, crash and ditching positions Operation of escape hatches, and dinghy positions Use of oxygen masks Fitting and operating parachutes/correct exits No smoking or naked lights rule Operation of intercom from passenger to pilot
Full throttle is always used for take-off, checking engine instruments to ensure that engines are giving full power whilst working within limits. Use of reheat requires no special technique.
Nose-wheel aircraft the pilot lines up, straightening the nosewheel, and applies full throttle. He checks engine instruments, and commences the take-off run. Initially, he keeps straight using wheel brakes or nosewheel steering, then the rudder as it becomes effective. The nose is raised slightly as the elevators become effective, and as flying speed is reached, the aircraft is flown off the runway by a smooth backward movement of the control column.
Engine-assisted approach is usual Jet engines respond more slowly to the throttle, so engine rpm should not be reduced below the Aircrew Manual level Flaps give a steeper descent path - lower stalling speed - better view over the nose Full flap is used for approach and landing Commonly, the approach is at constant airspeed, with throttle used to correct deviations from the glide path
Aerobatics - Safety
Aerobatics are used in RAF pilot training to give confidence in handling the aircraft in all attitudes and under high accelerations. The following checks must always be carried out before any aerobatic exercise, remembered by the mnemonic HASELL -
Aerobatics - HASELL
Height must be sufficient to avoid descent below prescribed minimum Airframe check flaps and undercarriage UP, airbrakes retracted Security no loose articles/seat harness locked and tight Engine all indications normal and enough fuel for exercise Location avoiding Active airfields, Built-up areas and Controlled airspace Look-Out keep clear of all other aircraft and cloud
Formation Flying
A formation is an ordered arrangement of aircraft, proceeding together under the control of an appointed leader (No. 1) Two Types Close formation, for takeoffs, cloud penetration and landing, and for display and show purposes, and Tactical formation for tactical fighter operations. Only Close formations are considered here.
Formation Flying
No 1 must fly in a position from which he can communicate with all his pilots, and must be replaceable by a deputy leader. All pilots must know the object of the exercise, plan of formation changes, emergency procedures, and action to be taken in the event of deterioration of weather and airfield state. The section ( 2 or more aircraft) is the basic unit.
Emergency Procedures
Aircrew must know what action to take in emergency. Internationally, 2 degrees of emergency are defined Distress the aircraft is threatened by serious or imminent danger and needs immediate assistance. Urgency the aircraft has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of an aircraft, or persons on board or in sight
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Transmissions consist of the Emergency Call and the Emergency Message. The Emergency Call is -
Emergency Procedures
The Emergency Message Should include Position and Time Heading and Airspeed Altitude Type of aircraft Nature of Emergency Intentions of Captain Endurance remaining
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Procedure and Fixer Services If in contact with ATC, emergency call and message should be on frequency in use. If not use 243.0 Mhz with 121.5 MHz as back-up, or 500KHz HF. SSR can also be used, sending code 7700 (unless in contact with ATC). For total radio failure set code 7600.
Emergency Procedures
Final Transmission when ditching, crash landing or abandoning, the aircraft call sign should be left transmitting if possible. UHF Emergency Fixer Service The UK has a network of stations which can receive 243MHz signals, and feed a bearing for the aircraft back to ATCC. This is accurate above 5000ft. (8500ft in Scotland). Transmissions from ATCC are relayed through the forward relay system, extending the range of ATCC comms. If Emergency ceases, calls MUST be cancelled.
Emergency Procedures
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking detects transmissions on 406, 243, and 121.5 MHz. Any transmission on these frequencies will alert rescue services. Inadvertent transmissions must be reported to avoid wasted effort.
Emergency Procedures
Emergencies involving other aircraft Other aircraft or personnel should be kept in sight, and IFF/SIF set to emergency. At sea, guide a surface vessel to the position if possible. If a distress message is not known to have been sent, or further help is needed, aircraft captain should send a message on the frequency in use. Any special instructions should then be complied with, or the distressed personnel/aircraft kept in sight as long as possible. If a message is heard, attempt to obtain a fix, listen out, acknowledge message, go to position given if possible.
Emergency Procedures
Communications failure If 2-way comms are lost, transponder is set to mode 3A, Code 7600. In VMC, continue flight to the nearest airfield. In IMC, if safe navigation possible, continue with flight plan. If not, reset transponder to code 7700, and fly one of the following patterns to alert a ground station -
Emergency Procedures
If transmitter only has failed, fly an equilateral triangle to the right whilst listening out for instructions. ATCC will attempt to contact on emergency frequency. If both transmitter and receiver have failed, fly an equilateral triangle to the left. In this case ATCC will send a shepherd aircraft. Triangles should be flown out of cloud, be flown for endurance and have anti-collision lights on.
Emergency Procedures
If necessary, when speech cannot be transmitted, a speechless code can be used to communicate with ATC. This uses the carrier wave transmitted when the transmit button is pressed to send signals observable on the ATC direction finding equipment.
Emergency Procedures
When ATCC identifies an aircraft in distress, the emergency is handled by the Emergency Controller in the ATCC Distress and Diversion Cell, communicating on 243 MHz or 121.5 MHz. In the event of crash landing or abandonment, the Emergency Controller will advise the Rescue Coordination Centre, who will coordinate the appropriate emergency services. The two RCCs are in Maritime Headquarters at Plymouth and Edinburgh.