DLL Creative Writing
DLL Creative Writing
DLL Creative Writing
Level/Section DUTERTE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Date AUG 29- SEPT 02, 2022 Quarter
A. Content The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on language.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and
Standards specific experiences.
(03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (FRIDAY)
(03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM)
C. Learning Competencies/ Identify the various elements, Identify the various elements, Remedial Session
Objectives techniques, and literary devices in techniques, and literary devices in
specific forms of poetry specific forms of poetry
HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6
Various Elements, Techniques, and Various Elements, Techniques, and
II. CONTENT Literary Devices in Specific Forms of Literary Devices in Specific Forms of
Poetry Poetry
A. References
1. Teacher Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Creative - Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
Writing, First Edition, Fastbooks Creative Writing, First Edition,
Educational Supply, Inc., Zone Fastbooks Educational Supply,
51, Sampaloc, Manila. Inc., Zone 51, Sampaloc,
a. Presenting the new (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of Attendance - Checking of Attendance
- Observance of IATF Protocol - Observance of IATF Protocol
Reminder Reminder
IWAS (Maintain Social
Distancing) IWAS (Maintain Social
HUGAS (Disinfect when Distancing)
needed) HUGAS (Disinfect
MASK (Always use when needed)
facemask properly) MASK (Always use
- Reminder of Classroom facemask properly)
- Reminder of Classroom
Listen Carefully
Observe attentively
Verify when in doubt Listen Carefully
Execute for deeper Observe attentively
learning Verify when in doubt
Execute for deeper
j. Additional Activities for
application or remediation
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
Formative Assessment
f. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
A. Content The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on language.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and
Standards specific experiences.
Write a short poem Write a short poem applying Write a short poem Write a short poem
applying the various the various elements and applying the various applying the various
elements and literary literary devices exploring elements and literary elements and literary
devices exploring innovative techniques devices exploring devices exploring
innovative techniques HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf- innovative techniques innovative techniques
HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-10 10 HUMSS_CW/ HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-
MP11/12cf-10 10
Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using
Various Elements, Various Elements, Various Elements, Various Elements,
II. CONTENT Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary
Devices in Specific Forms Devices in Specific Forms Devices in Specific Devices in Specific
of Poetry of Poetry Forms of Poetry Forms of Poetry
C. References
1. Teacher Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
D. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
- SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., - Solmerano, E. T., et.
Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
et. al., Creative al., Creative Writing,
Creative Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Writing, First First Edition,
Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Edition, Fastbooks Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc., Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply, Educational Supply,
Zone 51, Sampaloc, Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51, Inc., Zone 51,
Manila. Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila. Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF
Protocol Reminder
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
Social (Maintain (Maintain (Maintain
Distancing) Social Social Social
HUGAS Distancing) Distancing) Distancing)
(Disinfect (Disinfect (Disinfect
when when when
(Always use needed) needed) needed)
properly) (Always use (Always use (Always use
- Reminder of facemask facemask facemask
Classroom properly) properly) properly)
- Reminder of - Reminder of - Reminder of
Listen Classroom Classroom Classroom
Carefully Guidelines Guidelines Guidelines
Observe Listen Listen Listen
attentively Carefully Carefully Carefully
Verify when
Observe Observe Observe
in doubt
Execute for attentively attentively attentively
deeper Verify when Verify when Verify when
learning in doubt in doubt in doubt
Execute for Execute for Execute for
Review of the Previous deeper deeper deeper
learning learning learning
- The learners will
have a review on Review of the Previous Review of the Previous Review of the Previous
the past lesson. Lesson Lesson Lesson
- The learners will - The learners will - The learners will
have a review on the have a review on have a review on
past lesson. the elements, the past lesson.
literary devices, and
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should have: the learners should the learners should
a. identified the types of a. identified the types of have: have:
poetry; poetry; a. identified the types of a. identified the types of
b. applied the poetry b. applied the poetry poetry; poetry;
elements, devices, and elements, devices, and b. applied the poetry b. applied the poetry
techniques by creating a techniques by creating a elements, devices, and elements, devices, and
poem; and poem; and techniques by creating a techniques by creating a
d. crafted different types of d. crafted different types of poem; and poem; and
poetry. poetry. d. crafted different types of d. crafted different types of
poetry. poetry.
c. Presenting instance/s (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
of the Lesson Poem Compiler Poem Compiler
(ACTIVITY) - The teacher will - The teacher will
present to the present to the
learners a poem learners a poem
compiler for the compiler for the
following types of following types of
poetry: poetry:
A. Haiku A. Spoken Word
B. Tanaga Poetry
C. Shape Poem B. Lyric Poetry
D. Acrostic - The poem compiler
E. Epitaph is used as a guide
- The poem compiler for the learners to
is used as a guide track their activities.
for the learners to
track their activities.
j. Additional Activities
for application or
h. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
i. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for
l. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
m. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Content The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on language.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and
Standards specific experiences.
DATE SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 SEPTEMBER 15, 2022
(03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM)
C. Learning Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various
Competencies/ elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and
Objectives literary devices in specific literary devices in specific literary devices in specific literary devices in specific
forms of poetry forms of poetry forms of poetry forms of poetry
HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6
Write a short poem Write a short poem applying Write a short poem Write a short poem
applying the various the various elements and applying the various applying the various
elements and literary literary devices exploring elements and literary elements and literary
devices exploring innovative techniques devices exploring devices exploring
innovative techniques HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf- innovative techniques innovative techniques
HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-10 10 HUMSS_CW/ HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-
MP11/12cf-10 10
Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using
Various Elements, Various Elements, Various Elements, Various Elements,
II. CONTENT Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary
Devices in Specific Forms Devices in Specific Forms Devices in Specific Devices in Specific
of Poetry of Poetry Forms of Poetry Forms of Poetry
E. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
F. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
- SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., - Solmerano, E. T., et.
Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
et. al., Creative al., Creative Writing,
Creative Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Writing, First First Edition,
Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Edition, Fastbooks Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc., Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply, Educational Supply,
Zone 51, Sampaloc, Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51, Inc., Zone 51,
Manila. Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila. Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF
Protocol Reminder
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
Social (Maintain (Maintain (Maintain
Distancing) Social Social Social
HUGAS Distancing) Distancing) Distancing)
(Disinfect (Disinfect (Disinfect
when when when
(Always use needed) needed) needed)
properly) (Always use (Always use (Always use
- Reminder of facemask facemask facemask
Classroom properly)
Guidelines - Reminder of properly) properly)
Listen Classroom - Reminder of - Reminder of
Carefully Guidelines Classroom Classroom
Observe Listen Guidelines Guidelines
Carefully Listen Listen
Verify when
in doubt Observe Carefully Carefully
Execute for attentively Observe Observe
deeper Verify when attentively attentively
learning in doubt Verify when Verify when
Execute for in doubt in doubt
Review of the Previous
deeper Execute for Execute for
- The learners will learning deeper deeper
have a review on learning learning
Review of the Previous
the past lesson.
Lesson Review of the Previous Review of the Previous
- The learners will Lesson Lesson
have a review on the - The learners will - The learners will
past lesson. have a review on have a review on
the elements, the past lesson.
literary devices, and
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should have: the learners should the learners should
a. identified the types of a. identified the types of have: have:
poetry; poetry; a. identified the types of a. identified the types of
b. applied the poetry b. applied the poetry poetry; poetry;
elements, devices, and elements, devices, and b. applied the poetry b. applied the poetry
techniques by creating a techniques by creating a elements, devices, and elements, devices, and
poem; and poem; and techniques by creating a techniques by creating a
d. crafted different types of d. crafted different types of poem; and poem; and
poetry. poetry. d. crafted different types of d. crafted different types of
poetry. poetry.
c. Presenting instance/s (5 minutes)
of the Lesson Poem Peer Editing and
(ACTIVITY) Revising
- The teacher will
present to the of an
edited poem.
- The learners will
observe how they
will evaluate their
peer’s work.
i. EVALUATING 30 minutes)
LEARNING The teacher will conduct a
unit test.
- The unit test is
composed of
lessons from the
Introduction to
Creative Writing and
Poetry Writing
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Content The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on language.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of speech, and
Standards specific experiences.
DATE SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 SEPTEMBER 23, 2022 SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 SEPTEMBER 25, 2022
(03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM)
C. Learning Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various
Competencies/ elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and
Objectives literary devices in specific literary devices in specific literary devices in specific literary devices in specific
forms of poetry forms of poetry forms of poetry forms of poetry
HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6 HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6
Write a short poem Write a short poem applying Write a short poem Write a short poem
applying the various the various elements and applying the various applying the various
elements and literary literary devices exploring elements and literary elements and literary
devices exploring innovative techniques devices exploring devices exploring
innovative techniques HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf- innovative techniques innovative techniques
HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-10 10 HUMSS_CW/ HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-
MP11/12cf-10 10
Spoken Word Poetry Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using Writing Poetry using
Speech Presentation Various Elements, Various Elements, Various Elements,
II. CONTENT Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary Techniques, and Literary
Devices in Specific Forms Devices in Specific Devices in Specific
of Poetry Forms of Poetry Forms of Poetry
G. References
4. Teacher Guide
5. Learner’s Materials
6. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
H. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
- SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., - Solmerano, E. T., et.
Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
et. al., Creative al., Creative Writing,
Creative Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Writing, First First Edition,
Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Edition, Fastbooks Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc., Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply, Educational Supply,
Zone 51, Sampaloc, Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51, Inc., Zone 51,
Manila. Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila. Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF
Protocol Reminder
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
Social (Maintain (Maintain (Maintain
Distancing) Social Social Social
HUGAS Distancing) Distancing) Distancing)
(Disinfect (Disinfect (Disinfect
when when when
(Always use needed) needed) needed)
properly) (Always use (Always use (Always use
- Reminder of facemask facemask facemask
Classroom properly) properly) properly)
Guidelines - Reminder of - Reminder of - Reminder of
Listen Classroom Classroom Classroom
Carefully Guidelines Guidelines Guidelines
Listen Listen Listen
Verify when Carefully Carefully Carefully
in doubt Observe Observe Observe
Execute for attentively attentively attentively
deeper Verify when Verify when Verify when
learning in doubt in doubt in doubt
Execute for Execute for Execute for
Review of the Previous
Lesson deeper deeper deeper
- The learners will learning learning learning
have a review on
the past lesson. Review of the Previous Review of the Previous Review of the Previous
Lesson Lesson Lesson
- The learners will - The learners will - The learners will
have a review on the have a review on have a review on
past lesson. the past lesson. the past lesson.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should have: the learners should the learners should
a. identified the types of a. identified the types of have: have:
poetry; poetry; a. identified the types of a. identified the types of
b. applied the poetry b. applied the poetry poetry; poetry;
elements, devices, and elements, devices, and b. applied the poetry b. applied the poetry
techniques by creating a techniques by creating a elements, devices, and elements, devices, and
poem; and poem; and techniques by creating a techniques by creating a
d. presented a spoken word d. presented a spoken word poem; and poem; and
poetry. poetry. d. presented a spoken d. presented a spoken
word poetry. word poetry.
c. Presenting instance/s
of the Lesson
d. Discussion of new
concepts and
practicing new skills
e. Discussion of New (10 minutes) (10 minutes)
Concepts and Intellectual Discussion Intellectual Discussion
Practice of New Skills The teacher will present The teacher will present
#2 tips in presenting a spoken tips in presenting a spoken
word poetry: word poetry:
- The learners will - The learners will
watch a video watch a video
presentation on presentation on tips
tips on presenting on presenting a
a spoken word spoken word poetry
f. Developing Mastery (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
(Formative Spoken Word Poetry Spoken Word Poetry Spoken Word Poetry Spoken Word Poetry
Assessment) - With articulation in - With articulation in - With articulation in - With articulation in
Contemporary Art Contemporary Art Contemporary Art Contemporary Art
subject subject subject subject
- The learners will - The learners will The learners will present their - The learners will
present their present their written spoken word poetry. present their
written spoken written spoken written spoken
word poetry. word poetry. word poetry.
g. Finding practical (5 minutes) (15 minutes) (5 minutes) (15 minutes)
Application of Spoken Word Poetry Spoken Word Poetry Spoken Word Poetry Spoken Word Poetry
Concepts and Skills - The learners must be - The learners must be - The learners must - The learners must be
in daily living able to present their able to present their be able to present able to present their
(APPLICATION) feelings and opinions feelings and opinions their feelings and feelings and opinions
on specific topics on specific topics opinions on on specific topics
through a monologue through a monologue specific topics through a monologue
through a
h. Making (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
generalizations or The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a
abstraction about the KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart.
lesson - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know
(ABSTRACTION) - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder
- What I learned - What I learned - What I learned - What I learned
j. Additional Activities
for application or
h. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
l. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
m. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
D. Content The learners have an understanding of fiction as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and techniques.
E. Performance The learners shall be able to produce at least one striking scene for a short story.
DATE SEPTEMBER 26, 2022 SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 SEPTEMBER 28, 2022 SEPTEMBER 29, 2022
(03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM)
F. Learning Identify the various elements, Bagabag Deped Day Identify the various elements, Identify the various elements,
Competencies/ techniques, and literary techniques, and literary techniques, and literary
Objectives devices in various modes of devices in various modes of devices in various modes of
fiction fiction fiction
IV. CONTENT Fiction Story Writing Fiction Story Writing Fiction Story Writing
I. References
7. Teacher Guide
8. Learner’s Materials
9. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
J. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
et. al., Creative
Creative Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Writing, First
Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Edition, Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc., Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply,
Zone 51, Sampaloc, Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51,
Manila. Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila.
k. Presenting the new (8 minutes) - (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF
Protocol Reminder
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
(Maintain IWAS IWAS
Social (Maintain (Maintain
Distancing) Social Social
HUGAS Distancing) Distancing)
(Disinfect HUGAS HUGAS
(Disinfect (Disinfect
when when
(Always use needed) needed)
facemask MASK MASK
properly) (Always use (Always use
- Reminder of facemask facemask
Classroom properly) properly)
- Reminder of - Reminder of
Classroom Classroom
Observe Guidelines Guidelines
attentively Listen Listen
Verify when Carefully Carefully
in doubt Observe Observe
Execute for attentively attentively
deeper Verify when Verify when
learning in doubt in doubt
Presentation of the New Execute for Execute for
Lesson deeper deeper
- The teacher will
learning learning
present series of
pictures of children
Review of the Previous Review of the Previous
Lesson Lesson
- The learners will
- The learners will - The learners will
guess the title of
have a review on have a review on
those stories
the past lesson. the past lesson.
l. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should the learners should
a. identified the elements, have: have:
techniques, and literary a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements,
devices in fiction writing; techniques, and literary techniques, and literary
b. discussed the elements, devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing;
techniques, and literary b. discussed the elements, b. discussed the elements,
devices in fiction writing; techniques, and literary techniques, and literary
and devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing;
d. composed a short fiction and and
story. d. composed a short fiction d. composed a short fiction
story. story.
m. Presenting instance/s (10 minutes)
of the Lesson Short Story Recall
(ACTIVITY) The ant and the
The teacher will conduct
recalling activity of short
stories presented when
they were kids.
- The teacher will let
the learners finish a
story using popcorn
style of reciting.
n. Discussion of new (10 minutes)
concepts and Intellectual Discussion
practicing new skills The teacher will conduct
#1 intellectual discussion of
(ANALYSIS) the following elements of
fiction story.
Categories of Prose Fiction
- Novel
- Novella
- Short Story
Elements of Fiction Story
- Character
- Setting
- Plot
- Point of View
- Tone
- Theme
o. Discussion of New (10 minutes)
Concepts and Intellectual Discussion
Practice of New Skills The teacher will present a
#2 short fiction story sample.
- The learners will
analyze the short and
its parts and they will
imitate the elements
used in the short
p. Developing Mastery (15 minutes) - (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
(Formative Shredding Fiction Story Developing Short Developing Short
Assessment) - Using their Activity Fiction Story Fiction Story
guide, the learners The learners will create their (Continuation)
will shell the own version of the short The learners will create their
necessary story. own version of the short
elements of a - The learners must story.
fiction story. follow the elements - The learners must
discussed follow the
q. Finding practical - (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
Application of Expression of one’s Expression of one’s
Concepts and Skills experience through experience through
in daily living fiction writing fiction writing
The learners will create - The learners will
their own version of the create their own
short story based on version of the short
their personal story based on their
experiences. personal experiences.
r. Making generalizations (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
or abstraction about The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a
the lesson KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart.
(ABSTRACTION) - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know
- What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder
- What I learned - What I learned - What I learned
t. Additional Activities
for application or
o. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
s. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
t. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Content The learners have an understanding of fiction as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and techniques.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce at least one striking scene for a short story.
II. CONTENT Fiction Story Writing Fiction Story Writing Fiction Story Writing Fiction Story Writing
A. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., - Solmerano, E. T., et. Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
et. al., Creative al., Creative Writing,
Creative Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Writing, First First Edition,
Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Edition, Fastbooks Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc., Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply, Educational Supply,
Zone 51, Sampaloc, Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51, Inc., Zone 51,
Manila. Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila. Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
(Maintain (Maintain IWAS IWAS
Social Social (Maintain (Maintain
Distancing) Distancing) Social Social
HUGAS HUGAS Distancing) Distancing)
(Disinfect (Disinfect HUGAS HUGAS
when when
(Disinfect (Disinfect
needed) needed)
when when
(Always use (Always use needed) needed)
facemask facemask MASK MASK
properly) properly) (Always use (Always use
- Reminder of - Reminder of facemask facemask
Classroom Classroom properly) properly)
Guidelines Guidelines
- Reminder of - Reminder of
Listen Listen
Classroom Classroom
Carefully Carefully
Observe Observe Guidelines Guidelines
attentively attentively Listen Listen
Verify when Verify when Carefully Carefully
in doubt in doubt Observe Observe
Execute for Execute for attentively attentively
deeper deeper Verify when Verify when
learning learning in doubt in doubt
Presentation of the New Presentation of the New Execute for Execute for
Lesson Lesson deeper deeper
- The teacher will - The teacher will
learning learning
present series of present series of
pictures of children pictures of children
Review of the Previous Review of the Previous
stories. stories.
Lesson Lesson
- The learners will - The learners will
- The learners will - The learners will
guess the title of guess the title of
have a review on have a review on
those stories those stories
the past lesson. the past lesson.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should have: the learners should the learners should
a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements, have: have:
techniques, and literary techniques, and literary a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements,
devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing; techniques, and literary techniques, and literary
b. discussed the elements, b. discussed the elements, devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing;
techniques, and literary techniques, and literary b. discussed the elements, b. discussed the elements,
devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing; and techniques, and literary techniques, and literary
and d. composed a short fiction devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing;
d. composed a short fiction story. and and
story. d. composed a short fiction d. composed a short fiction
story. story.
c. Presenting instance/s (10 minutes)
of the Lesson Short Story Recall
(ACTIVITY) The ant and the
The teacher will conduct
recalling activity of short
stories presented when
they were kids.
- The teacher will let
the learners finish a
story using popcorn
style of reciting.
d. Discussion of new (10 minutes) -
concepts and Intellectual Discussion
practicing new skills The teacher will conduct
#1 intellectual discussion of
(ANALYSIS) the following elements of
fiction story.
Categories of Prose Fiction
- Novel
- Novella
- Short Story
Elements of Fiction Story
- Character
- Setting
- Plot
- Point of View
- Tone
- Theme
e. Discussion of New (10 minutes) -
Concepts and Intellectual Discussion
Practice of New Skills The teacher will present a
#2 short fiction story sample.
The learners will analyze the
short and its parts and they
will imitate the elements used
in the short story
f. Developing Mastery (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
(Formative Shredding Fiction Story Developing Short Developing Short Developing Short
Assessment) Fiction Story Fiction Story Fiction Story
Using their Activity The learners will create their (Continuation) (Continuation)
guide, the learners own version of the short story. The learners will create their The learners will create their
will shell the - The learners must own version of the short own version of the short
necessary elements follow the elements story. story.
of a fiction story. discussed - The learners must The learners must follow
follow the elements the elements discussed
g. Finding practical (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
Application of Expression of one’s Expression of one’s Expression of one’s
Concepts and Skills experience through experience through experience through
in daily living fiction writing fiction writing fiction writing
(APPLICATION) - The learners will The learners will create - The learners will
create their own their own version of the create their own
version of the short short story based on version of the short
story based on their their personal story based on their
personal experiences. experiences. personal experiences.
h. Making (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
generalizations or The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a
abstraction about the KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart.
lesson - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know
(ABSTRACTION) - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder
- What I learned - What I learned - What I learned - What I learned
j. Additional Activities
for application or
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
DATE OCTOBER 10, 2022 OCTOBER 11, 2022 OCTOBER 12, 2022 OCTOBER 13, 2022
(04:00- 05:00 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM) (03:45- 04:40 PM)
C. Learning Identify the various elements, Identify the various elements, Identify the various Identify the various
Competencies/ techniques, and literary devices techniques, and literary elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and
Objectives in various modes of fiction devices in various modes of literary devices in various literary devices in various
HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-11 fiction modes of fiction modes of fiction
Write journal entries and other
short compositions exploring key Write journal entries and Write journal entries and Write journal entries and
elements of fiction other short compositions other short compositions other short compositions
HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-13 exploring key elements of exploring key elements of exploring key elements of
fiction fiction fiction
II. CONTENT 2nd Fiction Story Writing 2nd Fiction Story Writing 2nd Fiction Story Writing 2nd Fiction Story Writing
C. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
D. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., et. - Solmerano, E. T., Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
al., Creative Writing, et. al., Creative Creative Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Writing, First
First Edition, Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Edition, Fastbooks
Fastbooks Educational Educational Supply, Inc., Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply,
Supply, Inc., Zone 51, Zone 51, Sampaloc, Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51,
Sampaloc, Manila. Manila. Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of - Observance of
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
IATF Protocol IATF Protocol
IWAS (Maintain IWAS
Social (Maintain Reminder Reminder
Distancing) Social IWAS IWAS
HUGAS Distancing) (Maintain (Maintain
(Disinfect when HUGAS Social Social
needed) (Disinfect Distancing) Distancing)
MASK (Always when
use facemask needed)
(Disinfect (Disinfect
properly) MASK
- Reminder of (Always use when when
Classroom Guidelines facemask needed) needed)
Listen Carefully properly) MASK MASK
Observe - Reminder of (Always use (Always use
attentively Classroom facemask facemask
Verify when in Guidelines
properly) properly)
doubt Listen
- Reminder of - Reminder of
Execute for Carefully
Observe Classroom Classroom
deeper learning
Presentation of the New attentively Guidelines Guidelines
Lesson Verify when Listen Listen
- The teacher will in doubt Carefully Carefully
present a video of Execute for Observe Observe
story presentation for deeper attentively attentively
kids. learning
Verify when Verify when
Presentation of the New in doubt in doubt
Lesson Execute for Execute for
- The teacher will deeper deeper
present series of
learning learning
pictures of children
Review of the Previous Review of the Previous
- The learners will
Lesson Lesson
guess the title of
- The learners will - The learners will
those stories
have a review on have a review on
the past lesson. the past lesson.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should have: the learners should the learners should
a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements, have: have:
techniques, and literary techniques, and literary a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements,
devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing; techniques, and literary techniques, and literary
b. developed a fiction story for b. developed a fiction story devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing;
children based on the for children based on the b. developed a fiction story b. developed a fiction story
elements provided from the elements provided from the for children based on the for children based on the
rubrics; and rubrics; and elements provided from elements provided from
d. composed a 2nd short d. composed a 2nd short the rubrics; and the rubrics; and
fiction story. fiction story. d. composed a 2nd short d. composed a 2nd short
fiction story. fiction story.
c. Presenting instance/s (10 minutes)
of the Lesson Children Story Modelling
(ACTIVITY) - The teacher will show
a sample of a children
- Then, the learners will
create their own
version of localized
children story.
d. Discussion of new (10 minutes) -
concepts and Intellectual Discussion
practicing new skills The teacher will conduct
#1 intellectual discussion of the
(ANALYSIS) following elements of fiction
Writing a Children Fiction
- Elements
- Tips and Guidelines
e. Discussion of New -
Concepts and
Practice of New Skills
f. Developing Mastery (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
(Formative Children Fiction Story Developing Children Developing Children Developing Children
Assessment) Group Activity Fiction Story Fiction Story Fiction Story
- The teacher will The learners will start The learners will start The learners will start
group them into 5. composing their children composing their children composing their children
- Each group will their story. story. story.
members the - The - The literary - The reproduction
following roles: researchers/writer editors will edit editors will
- Chief Editor will compose their and revise their reproduce
- 1 Literary Editor story based on story by adding theiroutputs into 6
- 1 Language Editor elements. literary devices. copies, one for
- 1 IT Editor - The visual artist - The language editor each group.
- 2 Visual Artist will start drawing will edit and revise - The chief editor
- Researchers/ or creating their story by together with
Writers/ illustrations about correcting the his/her groupmates
Reproduction Editors their story scenes. spelling errors, will present their
grammatical errors, outputs by
word choice and conducting a story
punctuations. reading activity
- The IT editor will
encode and lay-
out their stories in
MS Powerpoint
software and MS
Word software
g. Finding practical (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
Application of Working with a team in Working with a team in Working with a team in
Concepts and Skills accomplishing a accomplishing a accomplishing a
in daily living children fiction story. children fiction story. children fiction story.
(APPLICATION) - The learners will The learners will create - The learners will
create their localized their localized children create their localized
children story. The story. The learners will children story. The
learners will play play their part as stated learners will play
their part as stated in in their designations. their part as stated
their designations. in their designations.
h. Making (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
generalizations or The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a
abstraction about the KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart.
lesson - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know
(ABSTRACTION) - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder
- What I learned - What I learned - What I learned - What I learned
j. Additional Activities
for application or
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding of fiction as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce at least one striking scene for a short story.
DATE OCTOBER 17, 2022 OCTOBER 18, 2022 OCTOBER 19, 2022 OCTOBER 20, 2022
(04:00- 05:00 PM) (04:00- 05:00 PM) (04:00- 05:00 PM) (04:00- 05:00 PM)
C. Learning Identify the various elements, Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various
Competencies/ techniques, and literary elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and
Objectives devices in various modes of literary devices in various literary devices in various literary devices in various
fiction modes of fiction modes of fiction modes of fiction
Write journal entries and other Write journal entries and Write journal entries and Write journal entries and
short compositions exploring other short compositions other short compositions other short compositions
key elements of fiction exploring key elements of exploring key elements of exploring key elements of
HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-13 fiction fiction fiction
II. CONTENT 2nd Fiction Story Writing 2nd Fiction Story Writing 2nd Fiction Story Writing 2nd Fiction Story Writing
E. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning Resources
(LR) portal
F. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS
- SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T.,
- Solmerano, E. T., et. Solmerano, E. T., et. al., Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
et. al., Creative
al., Creative Writing, Creative Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Writing, First
First Edition, Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Edition, Fastbooks
Fastbooks Educational Educational Supply, Inc., Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply,
Supply, Inc., Zone 51, Zone 51, Sampaloc, Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51,
Sampaloc, Manila. Manila. Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of - Observance of
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder
IATF Protocol IATF Protocol
IWAS (Maintain IWAS
Social (Maintain Reminder Reminder
Distancing) Social IWAS IWAS
HUGAS Distancing) (Maintain (Maintain
(Disinfect when HUGAS Social Social
needed) (Disinfect Distancing) Distancing)
MASK (Always when
use facemask needed)
(Disinfect (Disinfect
properly) MASK
- Reminder of (Always use when when
Classroom Guidelines facemask needed) needed)
Listen Carefully properly) MASK MASK
Observe - Reminder of (Always use (Always use
attentively Classroom facemask facemask
Verify when in Guidelines
properly) properly)
doubt Listen
- Reminder of - Reminder of
Execute for Carefully
Observe Classroom Classroom
deeper learning
Presentation of the New attentively Guidelines Guidelines
Lesson Verify when Listen Listen
- The teacher will in doubt Carefully Carefully
present a video of Execute for Observe Observe
story presentation for deeper attentively attentively
kids. learning
Verify when Verify when
Presentation of the New
Lesson in doubt in doubt
- The teacher will Execute for Execute for
present series of deeper deeper
pictures of children learning learning
- The learners will Review of the Previous Review of the Previous
guess the title of Lesson Lesson
those stories - The learners will - The learners will
have a review on have a review on
the past lesson. the past lesson.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should have: the learners should the learners should
a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements, have: have:
techniques, and literary techniques, and literary a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements,
devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing; techniques, and literary techniques, and literary
b. developed a fiction story for b. developed a fiction story devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing;
children based on the for children based on the b. developed a fiction story b. developed a fiction story
elements provided from the elements provided from the for children based on the for children based on the
rubrics; and rubrics; and elements provided from elements provided from
d. composed a 2nd short d. composed a 2nd short the rubrics; and the rubrics; and
fiction story. fiction story. d. composed a 2nd short d. composed a 2nd short
fiction story. fiction story.
c. Presenting instance/s -
of the Lesson
d. Discussion of new - -
concepts and
practicing new skills
e. Discussion of New -
Concepts and
Practice of New Skills
f. Developing Mastery (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
(Formative Developing Children Developing Children Developing Children Developing Children
Assessment) Fiction Story Fiction Story Fiction Story Fiction Story
The learners will start The learners will start The learners will start The learners will start
composing their children finalizing their output for finalizing their output for finalizing their output for
story. their own literary portfolios their own literary portfolios their own literary portfolios
- The reproduction - The learmers will - The learners will - The learmers will
editors will finalize their finalize their finalize their
reproduce outputs by having outputs by having outputs by having
theiroutputs into 6 their own copies their own copies for their own copies
their group mates.
copies, one for each for their group for their group
group. mates. mates.
The chief editor
The learners will
The learners will
together with his/her incorporate the value of
incorporate the value of The learners will
groupmates will respect in their stories.
respect in their stories. The learners must include
incorporate the value of
present their outputs The learners must respect in their stories.
by conducting a story respect on parents,
include respect on animals, nature, or people The learners must
reading activity
parents, animals, nature, around us. include respect on
The learners will or people around us. parents, animals,
incorporate the value of nature, or people around
respect in their stories. us.
- The learners must
include respect on
parents, animals,
nature, or people
around us.
g. Finding practical (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes) (15 minutes)
Application of Working with a team in Working with a team in Working with a team in Working with a team in
Concepts and Skills accomplishing a children accomplishing a accomplishing a accomplishing a
in daily living fiction story. children fiction story. children fiction story. children fiction story.
(APPLICATION) The learners will create their - The learners will - The learners will
The learners will create
localized children story. The create their their localized children create their
learners will play their part as localized children story. The learners will localized children
stated in their designations. story. The learners play their part as stated story. The learners
will play their part will play their part
in their designations.
as stated in their as stated in their
designations. designations.
h. Making (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
generalizations or The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a The learner will answer a
abstraction about the KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart. KWL Chart.
lesson - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know - What I Know
(ABSTRACTION) - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder - What I Wonder
- What I learned - What I learned - What I learned - What I learned
j. Additional Activities
for application or
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding of fiction as a genre and are able to analyze its elements and
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce at least one striking scene for a short story.
DATE OCTOBER 24, 2022 OCTOBER 25, 2022 OCTOBER 26, 2022 OCTOBER 27, OCTOBER 28,
(04:00- 05:00 PM) (04:00- 05:00 PM) (04:00- 05:00 PM) (THURSDAY) (FRIDAY)
(04:00- 05:00 (04:00- 05:00
C. Learning Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various First Periodical First Periodical
Competencies/ elements, techniques, elements, techniques, elements, techniques, Examination Examination
Objectives and literary devices in and literary devices in and literary devices in
various modes of fiction various modes of fiction various modes of fiction
Write journal entries and Write journal entries and Write journal entries and
other short compositions other short compositions other short compositions
exploring key elements of exploring key elements of exploring key elements of
fiction fiction fiction
II. CONTENT 2nd Fiction Story Writing Quiz Completion of Outputs
D. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
E. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS -
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., - Solmerano, E. T., - SDO-made LAS
et. al., Creative et. al., Creative Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
Writing, First Writing, First Creative Writing, First
Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Educational Educational Educational Supply, Inc.,
Supply, Inc., Zone Supply, Inc., Zone Zone 51, Sampaloc,
51, Sampaloc, 51, Sampaloc, Manila.
Manila. Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) -
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of - Observance of
- Observance of
IATF Protocol IATF Protocol
Reminder Reminder IATF Protocol
IWAS IWAS Reminder
(Maintain (Maintain IWAS
Social Social (Maintain
Distancing) Distancing) Social
HUGAS HUGAS Distancing)
(Disinfect (Disinfect
when when
needed) needed) (Disinfect
(Always (Always needed)
use use MASK
facemask facemask (Always
properly) properly) use
- Reminder of - Reminder of
Classroom Classroom
Guidelines Guidelines properly)
Listen Listen - Reminder of
Carefully Carefully Classroom
Observe Observe Guidelines
attentively attentively Listen
Verify Verify Carefully
when in when in
doubt doubt Observe
Execute Execute attentively
for deeper for deeper Verify
learning learning when in
Presentation of the New Presentation of the New doubt
Lesson Lesson Execute
- The teacher will - The teacher will
for deeper
present a video of present series of
story presentation pictures of learning
for kids. children stories.
- The learners will Review of the Previous
guess the title of Lesson
those stories - The learners will
have a review on
the past lesson.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
Lesson learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson,
the learners should have: the learners should have: the learners should have:
a. identified the elements, a. identified the elements, a. completed their
techniques, and literary techniques, and literary performance task and
devices in fiction writing; devices in fiction writing; written outputs for the 1st
b. developed a fiction b. developed a fiction quarter
story for children based story for children based
on the elements provided on the elements provided
from the rubrics; and from the rubrics; and
d. composed a 2nd short d. composed a 2nd short
fiction story. fiction story.
c. Presenting instance/s -
of the Lesson
d. Discussion of new - -
concepts and
practicing new skills
e. Discussion of New -
Concepts and
Practice of New
Skills #2
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
f. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding of drama as a drama and are able to analyze its elements and
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce at least one scene for a one-act play that can be staged
DATE OCTOBER 31, 2022 NOVEMBER 1, 2022 NOVEMBER 2, 2022 NOVEMBER 3, 2022
(01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM)
C. Learning Special Holiday All Soul’s Day Checking and Verification of Identify the various
Competencies/ Answer Sheets elements, techniques,
Objectives and literary devices in
Elements, Techniques,
II. CONTENT and Literary Devices in
D. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resources (LR)
E. Other Learning - - - SDO-made LAS
Resources Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
Creative Writing, First
Edition, Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc.,
Zone 51, Sampaloc,
a. Presenting the new - - - (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer
- Checking of
- Observance of
IATF Protocol
- Reminder of
when in
for deeper
Presentation of the New
The teacher will present a
video of story
presentation for kids.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes)
purpose of the Lesson Presentation of the
learning objectives
f. Developing Mastery -
g. Finding practical - -
Application of
Concepts and Skills in
daily living
h. Making (5 minutes)
generalizations or The learner will answer a
abstraction about the KWL Chart.
lesson - What I Know
(ABSTRACTION) - What I Wonder
- What I learned
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
Formative Assessment
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
f. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding of drama as a drama and are able to analyze its elements and
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce at least one scene for a one-act play that can be staged
DATE NOVEMBER 7, 2022 NOVEMBER 8, 2022 NOVEMBER 9, 2022 NOVEMBER 10, 2022
(01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM)
C. Learning Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various Identify the various
Competencies/ elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques, and elements, techniques,
Objectives literary devices in drama. literary devices in drama. literary devices in drama. and literary devices in
HUMSS_CW/MPIj-llc-15 HUMSS_CW/MPIj-llc-15 HUMSS_CW/MPIj-llc-15 drama.
Understand intertextuality as Understand intertextuality as Understand intertextuality as
a technique of drama a technique of drama a technique of drama
Drama Playwright and Drama Playwright and Drama Playwright and Elements, Techniques,
II. CONTENT Short Story Making: Short Story Making: Short Story Making: and Literary Devices in
Intertextuality Intertextuality Intertextuality Drama
D. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resources (LR)
E. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
- SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., et. - Solmerano, E. T., et. - SDO-made LAS
Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
al., Creative Writing, al., Creative Writing, Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
Creative Writing, First
First Edition, First Edition, Creative Writing, First
Edition, Fastbooks
Fastbooks Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply, Educational Supply, Educational Supply, Inc.,
Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51, Inc., Zone 51, Zone 51, Sampaloc, Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila. Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder IATF Protocol
(Maintain (Maintain (Maintain IWAS
Social Social Social (Maintain
Distancing) Distancing) Distancing) Social
(Disinfect (Disinfect (Disinfect HUGAS
when when when (Disinfect
needed) needed) needed) when
(Always use (Always use (Always use MASK
facemask facemask facemask (Always
properly) properly) properly) use
- Reminder of - Reminder of - Reminder of facemask
Classroom Classroom Classroom properly)
Guidelines Guidelines Guidelines - Reminder of
Listen Listen Listen Classroom
Carefully Carefully Carefully Guidelines
Observe Observe Observe Listen
attentively attentively attentively Carefully
Verify when Verify when Verify when Observe
in doubt in doubt in doubt attentively
Execute for Execute for Execute for Verify
deeper deeper deeper when in
learning learning learning doubt
Presentation of the New Presentation of the New Presentation of the New Execute
Lesson Lesson Lesson for deeper
- The teacher will - The teacher will - The teacher will learning
present a video present a video of present a video of Presentation of the New
showing story presentation story presentation Lesson
intertextuality for kids. for kids. The teacher will present a
video of story
presentation for kids.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Lesson Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson,
learners should have: learners should have: learners should have: the learners should have:
a. identified intertextuality a. identified intertextuality a. identified intertextuality a. identified intertextuality
on a play script; on a play script; on a play script; on a play script;
b. discussed the crafted b. discussed the crafted b. discussed the crafted b. discussed the crafted
play script to the class; and play script to the class; and play script to the class; and play script to the class;
c. composed scenes for c. composed scenes for c. composed scenes for and
drama using the elements drama using the elements drama using the elements c. composed scenes for
of drama through short film- of drama through short film- of drama through short film- drama using the elements
making. making. making. of drama through short
c. Presenting instance/s (5 minutes)
of the Lesson Watch Out
- The teacher will
present a video
entitled Encounter
- The learners then
get a show of
opinions about
employing the short-
film making
d. Discussion of new (15 minutes) - -
concepts and Intellectual Discussion
practicing new skills #1
(ANALYSIS) The learners will conduct
discussion of the following
Short –film Making
- Pre-production
- Production
- Post- production
e. Discussion of New (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (10 minutes)
Concepts and Practice Intellectual Discussion Intellectual Discussion Intellectual Discussion
of New Skills #2
The learners will conduct The learners will conduct The learners will conduct
discussion of the following discussion of the following discussion of the
topics: topics: following topics:
Short –film Making Short –film Making Short –film Making
- Production - Production - Post- production
f. Developing Mastery (20 minutes) (40 minutes) (40 minutes) (35 minutes)
(Formative Playwright and Short Film Playwright and Short Film Playwright and Short Film Playwright and Short
Assessment) Making Making Making Film Making
j. Additional Activities for
application or
h. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
Formative Assessment
l. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
m. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
A. Content Standards The learners have an understanding of drama as a drama and are able to analyze its elements and
B. Performance The learners shall be able to produce at least one scene for a one-act play that can be staged
DATE NOVEMBER 14, 2022 NOVEMBER 15, 2022 NOVEMBER 16, 2022 NOVEMBER 7, 2022
(01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM) (01:00- 02:00 PM)
C. Learning Identify the various Conceptualize a Understand intertextuality Identify the various
Competencies/ elements, techniques, and character/setting/plot for a as a technique of drama elements, techniques,
Objectives literary devices in drama. one-act play HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-16 and literary devices in
HUMSS_CW/MPIj-llc-15 HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-17 drama.
Drama Playwright and Drama Playwright and Drama Playwright and Elements, Techniques,
Short Film Making: Short Story Making: Short Story Making: and Literary Devices in
Presentation of Film Conceptualizing a one-act Intertextuality Drama
D. References
1. Teacher Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material from
Learning Resources (LR)
E. Other Learning - SDO-made LAS - SDO-made LAS
- SDO-made LAS
Resources - Solmerano, E. T., et. - Solmerano, E. T., et. - SDO-made LAS
Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
al., Creative Writing, al., Creative Writing, Solmerano, E. T., et. al.,
Creative Writing, First
First Edition, First Edition, Creative Writing, First
Edition, Fastbooks
Fastbooks Fastbooks Edition, Fastbooks
Educational Supply, Inc.,
Educational Supply, Educational Supply, Educational Supply, Inc.,
Zone 51, Sampaloc,
Inc., Zone 51, Inc., Zone 51, Zone 51, Sampaloc, Manila.
Sampaloc, Manila. Sampaloc, Manila.
a. Presenting the new (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes) (8 minutes)
lesson or Reviewing Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities Preliminary Activities
previous lesson - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer - Prayer
- Checking of - Checking of - Checking of - Checking of
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
- Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of IATF - Observance of
Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder Protocol Reminder IATF Protocol
(Maintain (Maintain (Maintain IWAS
Social Social Social (Maintain
Distancing) Distancing) Distancing) Social
(Disinfect (Disinfect (Disinfect HUGAS
when when when (Disinfect
needed) needed) needed) when
(Always use (Always use (Always use MASK
facemask facemask facemask (Always
properly) properly) properly) use
- Reminder of - Reminder of - Reminder of facemask
Classroom Classroom Classroom properly)
Guidelines Guidelines Guidelines - Reminder of
Listen Listen Listen Classroom
Carefully Carefully Carefully Guidelines
Observe Observe Observe Listen
attentively attentively attentively Carefully
Verify when Verify when Verify when Observe
in doubt in doubt in doubt attentively
Execute for Execute for Execute for Verify
deeper deeper deeper when in
learning learning learning doubt
Review of the New Lesson Presentation of the New Presentation of the New Execute
- The teacher will Lesson Lesson for deeper
review the elements - The teacher will - The teacher will learning
of a drama. present a video present a video of Presentation of the New
about a one-act play story presentation Lesson
for kids. The teacher will present a
video of story
presentation for kids.
b. Establishing the (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes) (2 minutes)
purpose of the Lesson Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson, the At the end of the lesson,
learners should have: learners should have: learners should have: the learners should have:
a. identified intertextuality a. identified a one-act play; a. identified intertextuality a. identified intertextuality
on a play script; b. discussed the parts of a on a play script; on a play script;
b. discussed the crafted one-act play; and b. discussed the crafted b. discussed the crafted
play script to the class; and c. composed scenes for a play script to the class; and play script to the class;
c. composed scenes for one-act play. c. composed scenes for and
drama using the elements drama using the elements c. composed scenes for
of drama through short film- of drama through short film- drama using the elements
making. making. of drama through short
c. Presenting instance/s - (10 minutes)
of the Lesson One-act play video
The learners will watch a
one-act play short film.
- Identify the scenes
in the short film.
j. Additional Activities for
application or
a. No. of Learners who
earned 80% on the
Formative Assessment
e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
f. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?