Chen 2007
Chen 2007
Chen 2007
This study describes the preparation of poly(3-caprolactone) (PCL)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites by ultrasonically
mixing the PCL and as-fabricated MWCNT in a tetrahydrofuran solution. The TEM images show that the MWCNT is well separated and uniformly
distributed in the PCL matrix. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and polarized
optical microscopy (POM) were used to investigate the isothermal crystallization kinetics, crystalline structure and thermal behavior of PCL and
PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites. DSC isothermal results revealed that the activation energy of PCL extensively decreases with increasing MWCNT
contents, suggesting that the loading of MWCNT into PCL matrix probably induced heterogeneous nucleation during crystallization processes.
From TGA data, the addition of small amount of MWCNT into PCL matrix can improve the thermal stability of PCL matrix. TGA isothermal deg-
radation data illustrate that the activation energy Ed of the composites is smaller than that of PCL. This phenomenon can be attributed to the
incorporation of more MWCNT loading into PCL caused a decrease in the degradation rate and an increase in the residual weight for PCL/MWCNT
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Poly(3-caprolactone); Multi-walled carbon nanotube; Isothermal crystallization kinetics; Isothermal degradation
0141-3910/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1010 E.-C. Chen, T.-M. Wu / Polymer Degradation and Stability 92 (2007) 1009e1015
Waals forces among CNTs, the MWCNTs were first added in For thermal stability, the specimens were heated from 30 to
tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution under ultrasonic treatment for 600 C at a rate of 10 C/min. For isothermal degradation,
24 h to obtain the well distributed MWCNT in solution. The each sample was heated from 30 to 100 C for 3 min to remove
PCL/MWCNT composites were then prepared by mechanically the residual water and then was used a heating rate of 10 C/min
mixing the MWCNT and PCL in THF solution with magnetic to reach the predetermined degradation temperatures (Tds) at
stirring for 24 h. Effect of MWCNT on the isothermal crystalli- 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, and 380 C for 40 min.
zation kinetics and thermal degradation of PCL and PCL/
MWCNT nanocomposites were performed by the differen- 2.3. Structural analysis
tial scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analyzer
(TGA) and polarized optical microscopy (POM) analysis. X-ray patterns were recorded using a 3 kW Rigaku
The parameters of the isothermal crystallization kinetics D/MAX 2000 diffractometer equipped with the Cu Ka radia-
and thermal degradation of PCL and PCL/MWCNT nano- tion in the reflection mode. For XRD analysis, specimens of
composites were also studied. the PCL and PCL/MWNT composites were sandwiched and
pressed between two thin Teflon sheets in the Mettler Toledo
2. Experimental FP-82 hot stage. Optical microscopy was performed using
a Zeiss optical microscope equipped with crossed polarizers
2.1. Specimens and a Mettler FP-82 hot stage. The crystallization process
was examined using the following temperature sequence.
Poly(3-caprolactone) (PCL) with Mn ¼ 42,500 were pur- The polymer was heated to melt at Tmax ¼ 90 C for
chased from Aldrich. The as-prepared multi-walled carbon 15 min on the hot stage to eliminate previous thermal history
nanotubes (MWCNTs) were synthesized by ethylene chemical and then rapidly transferred onto another hot stage controlled
vapor deposition process and their diameters are in the range at the proposed Tcs. The spherulitic morphology was moni-
of 20e40 nm. In order to distribute the as-prepared MWCNT tored between crossed polarizers and recorded at an
in polymer matrix well, the as-prepared MWCNT was added appropriate time interval by a digit camera mounted on the
in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution under ultrasonic treatment microscope. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) ob-
for 24 h. The PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites were then fabri- servations were made with a JEOL JEM-1200 using an
cated by mechanically mixing the MWCNT and PCL in THF acceleration voltage of 120 keV. The specimen fixed on the
solution with magnetic stirring for 24 h. carbon-coated copper grid with a thickness of about 100 nm
Samples of pure PCL and 0.25, 0.5 and 1 wt% PCL/MWCNT was obtained by an ultra-microtome equipped with a diamond
nanocomposites were sandwiched between two cover glasses knife. Due to the high electron density difference between
and heated on a Mettler Toledo FP82HT hot stage at 90 C. MWCNT and polymer matrix, staining of the samples was
The specimens were pressed into thin films with thickness in not necessary.
the range of 0.03 mm, kept for 20 min to eliminate any thermal
history and then rapidly quenched into the proposed crystalliza-
tion temperatures (Tcs) for 2 h.
ln ½ ln ð1 Xt Þ ¼ nln t þ ln k ð2Þ
Fig. 2 shows the plots of ln[ln(1Xt)] versus ln t for 1 wt%
PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites at various Tcs. The n and k
values were directly obtained from the slope and intercept of
the best fitting line, respectively. Several crystallization param-
eters, such as t1/2, n, and k, for PCL are listed in Table 1. The plots
of ln[ln(1Xt)] versus ln t for PCL, 0.25 wt% PCL/MWCNT
and 0.5 wt% PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites show similar ten-
dency, and their crystallization parameters are also recorded in
Fig. 2. Avrami plots of ln[ln(1Xt)] versus ln t for 1 wt% PCL/MWCNT Table 1. In general, t1/2 can be used to characterize the crystalli-
zation rate. The longer the t1/2, the slower the crystallization rate.
The values of t1/2 of the PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites are
much smaller than that of PCL. These results suggest that overall
3. Results and discussion isothermal crystallization rates of the PCL/MWCNT nanocom-
posites at the same Tc were much faster than that of PCL, indi-
Fig. 1 shows the TEM image of 1 wt% PCL/MWCNT nano- cating that the addition of small amount MWCNT can behave
composites; the tube like morphology represents the MWCNT as effective nucleating agents and significantly speed up the
in the PCL matrix (bright). From this image, it can be clearly crystallization rate of PCL. In all conditions, the k values de-
seen that the as-prepared MWCNT is well separated and ran- creased as Tc increases. In addition, it is necessary to compare
domly distributed in PCL matrix. This result indicates that the Avrami exponent n of PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites
MWCNT was successfully separated in PCL/MWCNT nano- with that of the pure PCL. The n values for the pure PCL samples
composite via solution mixing method under ultrasonic treat- corresponding to the primary crystallization stage are in the
ment. As expected from the high aspect ratio of MWCNT, range of 2.6e2.9, which reveal that the PCL polymer chains
experimental introduction of MWCNT into PCL matrix might are apt to take the three-dimensional crystallization growth
enhance the crystallization and thermal properties of PCL. with heterogeneous athermal nucleation. Nevertheless, the
Therefore the crystallization kinetics of PCL and PCL/ mechanism of nucleation and the growth of PCL crystallite
MWCNT nanocomposites can be analyzed using the well are slightly influenced by the addition of MWCNT into PCL,
known Avrami equation [13,14], described as follows: leading to a slight decrease of n values in the PCL/MWCNT
nanocomposites. The n values of PCL/MWCNT nanocom-
1 Xt ¼ exp ½ kðtÞn ð1Þ posites are in the range of 2.4e2.6, which are explained by
Table 1
Values of t1/2, n, and k at various Tcs for PCL and PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites
Tc ( C)
42 44 46 48 50
PCL t1/2 (min) 6.5 10.1 18.0 46.7 125.2
n 2.62 2.72 2.76 2.86 2.58
k 6.2E 03 1.3E 03 2.3E 04 1.2E 05 4.6E 06
0.25 wt% PCL/MWCNT t1/2 (min) 0.8 2.5 4.7 10.1 22.7
n 2.57 2.52 2.63 2.55 2.51
k 1.2E þ 00 7.0E 02 1.2E 02 2.0E 03 3.1E 04
0.5 wt% PCL/MWCNT t1/2 (min) 0.8 1.5 2.7 6.1 13.3
n 2.51 2.50 2.54 2.52 2.44
k 1.5E þ 00 2.9E 01 5.9E 02 7.3E 03 2.1E 03
1.0 wt% PCL/MWCNT t1/2 (min) 0.7 1.4 2.5 5.3 10.2
n 2.45 2.44 2.49 2.42 2.39
k 1.8E þ 00 3.3E 01 7.3E 02 1.3E 02 4.7E 03
1012 E.-C. Chen, T.-M. Wu / Polymer Degradation and Stability 92 (2007) 1009e1015
Fig. 4. POM micrographs of (a) PCL and (b) 0.25 wt% PCL/MWCNT, (c) 0.5 wt% PCL/MWCNT, and (d) 1 wt% PCL/MWCNT composites isothermally
crystallized at 44 C.
E.-C. Chen, T.-M. Wu / Polymer Degradation and Stability 92 (2007) 1009e1015 1013
Fig. 7. Weight loss profiles under isothermal time of PCL and 1 wt% PCL/
Fig. 8. The plot of logarithm of weight loss profiles versus isothermal time of
MWCNT composites at (a) 320 C, (b) 330 C, (c) 340 C, (d) 350 C, (e)
PCL and 1 wt% PCL/MWCNT composites at (a) 320 C, (b) 330 C, (c)
360 C, and (f) 380 C isothermal temperatures.
340 C, (d) 350 C, (e) 360 C, and (f) 380 C isothermal temperatures.
where W is the remaining weight, kd is the degradation rate decomposition. The degradation rate constant approximately
constant and n is the order of the degradation. If the degradation described by Arrhenius equation can be rewritten as follows:
follows first order decomposition, then Eq. (4) may be trans-
formed into ln kd ¼ ln A ð6Þ
ln W0 ln W ¼ kd $t ð5Þ where A is the pre-exponential factor, Ed is the activation
energy. Fig. 9 shows the Arrhenius plots of the ln kd versus
where the W0 is initial weight. Plots of ln W against t for PCL 1/T of PCL and PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites. The values
and 1 wt% PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites are shown in of Ed calculated using curve fitting of the experimental data
Fig. 8. It can be found that a straight line is obtained for the iso- are 222.8, 222.3, 218.4 and 213.9 kJ/mol for PCL, 0.25, 0.5
thermal degradation at 320 C. This result indicates that the and 1 wt% PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites, respectively. The
degradation at this temperature can be assumed as the first order Ed value of 0.25 wt% PCL/MWCNT composites is close to
decomposition with a steady-state rate constant. As the degra- that of PCL. This result shows that the 0.25 wt% MWCNT
dation temperatures continuously increase to 360 C, the plots loading into PCL matrix does not extensively change the deg-
of ln W versus t show similar tendency. However, all the TGA radation behavior of PCL. By adding more MWCNT content
curves for the isothermal degradation at 380 C have a concave into PCL, the Ed value continuously decreased. This can be at-
shape with the degradation rate becoming smaller and smaller, tributed to the incorporation of more MWCNT loading to PCL
suggesting that either the rate constant is not a constant, or the induced a decrease in the degradation rate and an increase in
order of reaction is not one, or both. the residual weight for PCL/MWCNT nanocomposites. Never-
Using Freeman and Carroll’s model, the kinetic parameters theless the Ed values of PCL and PCL/MWCNT composites
of the degradation were calculated assuming a first order did not significantly change, suggesting that the addition of
E.-C. Chen, T.-M. Wu / Polymer Degradation and Stability 92 (2007) 1009e1015 1015