Study On The Crystallization Properties of Polypropylene/Montmorillonite Composites
Study On The Crystallization Properties of Polypropylene/Montmorillonite Composites
Study On The Crystallization Properties of Polypropylene/Montmorillonite Composites
Jia Demin
College of Material Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology,
Guangzhou, China
Xu Weibing
College of Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China
composites appeared earlier than that of PP. This Figure 3 shows the relative degree of crystallinity, Xt, as a
illuminated that the addition of montmorillonite leaded function of crystallization time at various crystallization
to advance crystallization of PP. It is obvious that mont- temperatures. As we know, the Avrami theory has been
morillonite acted as nuclear agent during the crystallizing widely and successfully used for the interpretation of iso-
process of PP. On the other hand, the width of the crystal- thermal crystallization processes[20]. The Avrami equation is:
lization peaks of PP=MMT composites was narrower than
1 Xt ¼ exp ðktn Þ ð3Þ
that of PP. The fact that the montmorillonite increased the
crystallization rate of PP visibly showed that the crystalli- where n is the exponent of Avrami which describe the type
zation of PP=MMT composites mainly began with a het- of nucleation and growth dimension; the parameter k is a
erogenous nucleation during crystallization process. This growth rate constant involving both nucleation and growth
result was consistent with Qi Zongneng’s study[19]. rate which is related to the crystallization temperature. Then
make Eq. (3) logarithmic operation:
3.3. Effect of the Montmorillonite on the Isothermal
Crystallization Kinetics of PP lnðlnð1 Xt ÞÞ ¼ lnk þ nlnt ð4Þ
At the definite crystallization temperature, the relative According to Eq. (4), it is clear that ln( ln(1 Xt)) is in
degree of crystallization Xt was calculated by the following linear relation with lnt, n, and lnk were known by the linear
equation: slope and intercept, respectively.
R Figure 4 shows the plot of ln( ln(1 Xt)) versus lnt for
Xt 0 ðdHc=dtÞdt
Xt ¼ ¼ R1 ð2Þ PP and PP=MMT composite at various crystallization tem-
X1 0 ðdHc=dtÞdt peratures. The values of n and k are shown in Table 2.
where Xt is the relative degree of crystallization, t is the According to the Avrami equation, the half crystallization
crystallization time, X1 is the relative degree of crystalliza- time was calculated:
tion at the end of crystallization, t0 and t1 are the crystal-
lization time at the start and the end of crystallization, t1=2 ¼ ½ðln2Þ=k1=n ð5Þ
respectively, dHc=dt is the rate of heat flow. With a time
integral of isothermal crystallizing DSC cures, the relation
of Xt with the crystallization time can be gained. The values of t1=2 were shown in Table 2.
FIG. 4. Plots of ln( ln(1 Xt)) versus lnt for crystallization of Pure PP and PP=MMT (3 wt%).
According to Fig. 4, it is well known that the linear of PP after adding montmorillonite, but the nucleation
relation of ln( ln(1 Xt)) versus lnt was perfect during of montmorillonite was weakened and the crystallization
the crystallization processes, it was feasible to describe rate dropped with the crystallization temperature increa-
the isothermal crystallization kinetics of PP and PP=MMT sing. The value of t1=2 increased with increasing crystal-
MMT composites by the Avrami equation. According to lization temperatures for the PP=MMT composites. At a
the received data, the values of n varied from 1.5 to 2.5. given crystallization temperature, the value of t1=2 of the
The value of n of PP was 2.41 when the crystallization tem- PP=MMT composites was less than that of PP. It showed
perature was 129C, but when crystallization temperature that the montmorillonite acted as nucleating agent,
varied from 126 to 128C, the values of nof PP which increased the crystallization rate of PP.
hardly change were 1.8 approximately. On the one hand,
the value of n of PP=MMT composites was 1.69 when 3.4. Effect of the Montmorillonite on the Melting Point
the crystallization temperature was 126C and was very and the Crystallinity of PP
close to that of PP at the crystallization temperature from
Figure 5 showed the melting DSC curves of PP and
126 to 128C. On the other hand, when the crystallization
PP=MMT composites. The melting point (Tm), at various
temperature varied from 127 to 129C, the values of n of
crystallization temperature was measured according to
PP=MMT composites were close to that of PP at 129C.
the high peak of melting DSC curve and shown in
It showed that the addition of montmorillonite and the
Table 3. As seen from Table 3, the crystallization tem-
increasing of crystallization temperature had the similar
perature hardly affected the melting point of neat PP
effect on the value of n of the polymer. With the crystalliza-
and its melting points were approximately 162.7C at
tion temperature increasing, the values of k of PP did not
the various crystallization temperature. But the melting
vary evidently but the values of k of the PP=MMT compo-
point of the PP=MMT composites was related with the
sites decreased. This fact indicated that the crystallization
crystallization temperature. The melting point of the
temperature remarkably affected the crystallization process
PP=MMT composites crystallized at 126C was higher
than that at 127C. In addition, the melting point of
the PP=MMT composites crystallized at 127C, which
TABLE 2 was close to that at 128C. This indicated that the crys-
The crystallization parameters of pure PP and PP=MMT tallization temperature influenced on the melting point of
composites calculated from avrami equation the PP=MMT composites at definite crystallization tem-
Tc k 10 2 t1=2 perature rang. The melting point of PP=MMT compo-
Sample (C) n (min n) (min) sites was higher than that of neat PP at the same
crystallization temperature, the reason was that mont-
PP 126 1.86 6.79 3.49
morillonite could attract polymer molecular chains.
127 1.69 9.77 3.19
The degree of crystallization was calculated from the
128 1.99 6.71 3.23
heating DSC curves, the equation is shown as:[21]
129 2.41 1.17 5.44
PP=MMT 126 1.69 65 1.04 DH
Xc ¼ 100% ð6Þ
127 2.10 35 1.39 ð1 uÞDH0
128 2.33 21 1.66 where Xc is the degree of crystallization; DH is the enthalpy
129 2.13 7 2.92 at a certain crystallization process; DH0 is the enthalpy
when PP entirely crystallize, its value is 187.7 J=g[22]. u is those of of PP. The addition of MMT leaded to the accel-
the weight percentage of montmorillonite. The values of eration of the crystallization rate of PP. So MMT was a
Xc of the neat PP and the PP=MMT composite were shown nucleation agent for PP, and the crystallization of PP=
in Table 3. According to Table 3, the values of Xc of the MMT composites mainly began with a heterogenous
neat PP was maximum at 127C, but the values of Xc of nucleation during the isothermal crystallization. At the
the PP=MMT composite was decreased with the crystalli- same crystallization temperature, because montmorillonite
zation temperature increasing because the interaction absorbed polymer molecular chains, the melting point of
between montmorillonite and polymer was lessened when PP=MMT composites was higher than that of neat PP.
crystallization temperature increased. At the same crystal- The degree of crystallization of the neat PP was less than
lization temperature, the value of Xc of the neat PP was less that of the PP=MMT composites at the same crystalliza-
than that of the PP=MMT composites, the reason was tion temperature. Montmorillonite attracted polymer chain
possibly that montmorillonite acted as nucleating agent and acted as nucleation agent so that the ratio of crystalli-
and attracted the polymer chain so that the ratio of crystal- zation of the PP matrix increased.
lization of the molecular chain increased. In addition, the
crystallization temperature at the maximal Xc of neat PP
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