Tle G8-Epas Q1 M1 New
Tle G8-Epas Q1 M1 New
Tle G8-Epas Q1 M1 New
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1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other activities.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are done.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not
alone. We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let Us Learn
In this module, you will learn about the fundamental skills of Electronic Products
Assembly and Servicing NCII. This module was anchored on the Curriculum Guide
in TLE/TVL- Electronics Product Assembly Servicing NCII under the Industrial Arts
The content of this module is taken from the following learning competencies and
specifically selected to create a link of previous learning to this new one.
Are you ready? Let’s begin the learning process! See you and good luck!
Let Us Try
Hello, Learner! Let’s check what you already know about our lesson.
Choose the letter of the best answer and write your answer on your answer sheet.
1. What is the resistor’s value for a color combination of Red, Red, Black, Gold?
A. 220 Ω ±5% C. 220 Ω ±10%
B. 22 Ω ±5% D. 22 Ω ±10%
2. Which of the resistors’ value that has a color bands of Brown, Black, Gold, Gold?
A. 1 Ω ±10% C. 10 Ω ±10%
B. 1 Ω ±5% D. 10 Ω ±5%
3. Which of the following is a color bands for a 1.5MΩ ±10% resistance value?
A. Brown, Green, Blue, Silver C. Brown, Green, Blue, Gold
B. Brown, Green, Green, Silver D. Brown, Green, Green, Gold
4. It indicates the measure values on the multi-tester scale.
A. Pointer C. Range Selector Switch
B. Scale D. Zero Ohm Adjustment Knob
5. It is a passive electrical component that resists the flow of current in the circuit.
A. Resistor C. Transistor
B. Capacitor D. Semiconductor
6. Which of these colors is not used in the resistor value color code?
A. Violet C. Pink
B. Black D. White
7 8 9 10
7. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to X10 range?
A. 10 B. 100 C. 1K D. 10K
8. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to the range is X100?
A. 40K B. 4K C. 400 D. 40
9. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to range X10?
A. 150 B. 15 C. 1.5K D. 15K
10. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to the range is X1K?
A. 5 B. 50 C. 500 D. 5K
Let Us Study
Fixed Resistor Symbol (ANSI standard) Fixed Resistor Symbol (IEC Standard)
1. Identify which is the first band and the last
band. Compare the ends of the resistor.
The band that is closest to one end of the
resistor is the first band while the band
that is a bit separated from the other bands is the last band (4 th or 5th band).
Another way to check is to identify which of the outer band has either gold
or silver color, that band is probably the last band.
2. The first band does not start or reflect color BLACK normally. The color black
as first band represents zero (0) and any value that has zero (0) before any
whole number/s would normally omitted. Example 09 = 9 ; 050 = 50.
3. The first band in 4-band resistor color coding may reflect colors from Brown
to White except Black, Gold and Silver.
4. The second band in 4-band resistor color coding may reflect any colors from
Black to White.
5. The third band (multiplier) in 4-band resistor color coding may reflect any of
the colors from Black to Silver.
6. The fourth band (tolerance) in 4-band resistor color coding may reflect any of
the four colors; Black, Brown, Gold and Silver.
7. Master the color coding chart, the colors and their corresponding value in
any position (band).
8. Always do double checking when identifying the correct color printed in the
resistor. Gold and silver have shimmering effect while yellow and gray are
just plain colors.
9. Use sufficient light in identifying the colors to avoid incorrect reading.
2. Identify the color of each band of the given resistor
3. Determine the equivalent value of each color in every band of the resistor.
(Use the Resistor Color Coding Chart)
4. Put the first two digits - the 1st band and 2nd band side-by-side to form a two-
digit number. Multiply the two-digit number by the multiplier.
5. Place the Ohm symbol (Ω) next to the value and reflect the tolerance value after
the Ohm Symbol.
K – Kilo – means thousand 3 zeros (000)
M – Mega – means Million 6 zeros (000,000)
Example No. 1
The resistor has a color combination of Red, Violet, Brown, and Gold. What is the
resistor’s value? Follow the steps above in computing the resistance value and
review the color coding chart.
27 x 1 = 27 Ω ±5%
Example No. 2
The resistor has a color combination of Green, Orange, Green, and Gold. What is
the resistor’s value? Follow the steps above in computing the resistance value and
review the color coding chart.
5 6 1,000,000 ±5%
56 x 1,000,000 = 56,000,000Ω ±5% or 560MΩ ±5%
Example No. 3
The resistor has a color combination of Yellow, Violet, Gold, and Gold. What is the
resistor’s value? Follow the steps above in computing the resistance value and
review the color coding chart.
4 7 0.1 ±5%
1. Confirm the value of the resistor that you are going to look for. It is best to
write it down on a piece of paper especially there are many of them to look
2. The resistance value ranges from low value to high value, so you will
encounter numbers and prefixes depends on its actual value. Take note of
the first two digits of the given value.
For example, the given value is 470Ω ±5% the two digits represent the two
colors, the first and second color.
3. Identifying the third color (multiplier) is a little bit tricky. The following are
the tips to identify the right color. You have to refer to the color-coding chart
to help you.
a. Look for the number of zeros (0) after the two digits.
4 7 0Ω 4 7 00 Ω
4 7 10 4 7 100
Yellow Violet Brown Yellow Violet Red
b. Look for the number of digits, if there’s only one or two digits present.
1 0Ω 1Ω
1 0 1 1 0 0.1
Brown Black Black Brown Black Gold
The value of black as Multiplier (3rd If there’s only one digit, always
band) is 1. Hence, any digit multiplied remember that black is the 2nd color and
by it remain same. gold is the 3rd color.
c. Look for the prefix, K for kilo (000) and M for Mega (000,000)
4 7 KΩ 47MΩ
4 7 1000 4 7 1,000,000
Yellow Violet Orange Yellow Violet Blue
d. Look for a decimal point (.) place either before the first digit or between
two digits.
1. 5Ω .15Ω
1 5 0.1 1 5 0.01
Brown Green Gold Brown Green Silver
If decimal is placed between the 1st digit If decimal is placed before the 1st
and 2nd digit, then Gold is the third digit, then Silver is the third color in
color in the resistor. the resistor.
e. Look for a combination of any of the prefix (K or M) and a decimal point (.)
3 . 9K Ω 3 . 9M Ω
3 9 100 3 9 100,000
Orange White Red Orange White Green
4. Identify the fourth color. This is the easy part for most of the resistors have two
dominant colors assigned as tolerance.
2 2 0 Ω ±5% 3 . 9 Ω ±10%
2 2 10 5% 3 9 0.1 0.01
Red Red Brown Gold Orange White Gold Silver
What is Multi-tester?
In dictionary the word “multi” is a combining form meaning more than one
and the word “tester” is define as a device that tests the functioning of something. In
electronics the word “multi” and “tester” is combine to each other to form a word
multi-tester which is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several
measurement functions in one unit. A multi-tester, also known as a VOM (volt-ohm-
milli-ammeter) which means:
Ohmmeter Scale is the upper non-linear markings in the meter scale which is
manifested by an Omega symbol (Ω) on the right side. The numbers imprinted on the
scale are called the major division and they are group into ranges.
Ohmmeter has several operational ranges. These typically are indicated by Range x1,
x10, x100, x1k and x10k. The reading on the ohmmeter scale is multiplied by the
factor indicated in the range setting. The following examples will help you understand
how it is done.
The measured value may not exactly the same as the resistor’s nominal value due
to subtle mechanical and chemical differences that occur during manufacturing.
The manufacturer specifies the maximum deviation from the nominal value as a
±percentage. This range of deviation is called the tolerance of the resistor family.
R X 100 R X 1000
To learn more about resistor and color coding, you may watch the videos uploaded
in the YouTube using the following video URL or you may scan its respective code to
direct you into the video site.
Resistor’s Computation,
What is Resistor?
Conversion of values to
colors and units
Let Us Practice
How is it going so far? Have you gained a clear understanding of the lesson?
Let’s put that to practice! This will help you understand the lesson better.
Direction: Complete the details of resistor color coding chart. Do this in your answer
Very Good Good Fair Needs
Content (10 points) (8 points) (5 points) Improvement
(3 points)
Students were Students were Students were Students were able
able to follow the able to follow able to follow to follow the
instruction and the instruction the instruction instruction but
provide complete but with 1-2 but with 3-5 with above 7 wrong
and correct wrong wrong answers.
answers. answers. answers.
Let Us Practice More
You’re doing great! Now, let us see check your learning on ohmmeter scale
Direction: You are going write the value of each marking of the ohmmeter scale
according to different ranges. There will be three (3) activity sheets attached in this
module and you are going to work on specifically for Range X1, X10, X100. You
may refer to the Range x1 meter scale sample presented in the discussion for your
Direction: Reflect the value of each marking according to the set range for Ohmmeter. Watch the
video lesson uploaded in the Youtube for you to be guided.
Scoring Rubric
Very Good Good Fair Needs
Content (15 points) (12 points) (10 points) Improvement
(7 points)
Students were able Students were Students were Students were able
to follow the able to follow able to follow to follow the
instruction and the instruction the instruction instruction but
provide complete but with 1-3 but with 4-6 with 7-10 wrong
and correct wrong answers. wrong answers. answers.
Let Us Remember
Let’s check on what you have learned so far. The following activity will
refresh your mind on the terminologies you have read and will help you
familiarize its meaning.
To help you with, below are the itemized summary of the essential things.
Let Us Assess
You’re doing great! Now, let’s transfer what you have learned after going
through the discussion. Let’s see your progress.
Read and analyze each question carefully. Select the letter that corresponds to
the best answer and write it down on your answer sheet.
10 9 8 7
7. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to X1 range?
A. 4 B. 4.5 C. 3 D. 3.5
8. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to the range is X10?
A. 15 B. 150 C. 1.5K D. 15K
9. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to range X100?
A. 40 B. 400 C. 4K D. 40K
10. What is the ohmmeter scale reading when set to the range is X1K?
A. 100K B. 10K C. 1K D. 100
Let Us Enhance
Congratulations, learner! You have successfully reached the end of this
module! To deepen your knowledge about the lesson, let’s do another
Let Us Reflect
In this module, you were taught how to compute the resistor’s value as well
as identifying the color combinations according to the given value. Learning such is
highly important since resistor is one of the basic electronic components commonly
found in every electrical and electronic products. You have also learned the function
of multi-tester parts and perform ohmmeter scale reading through doing the
Congratulations! You have accomplished this module and you did a great job!
Let Us Practice
Activity No. 1
1. 4.7Ω±5%
2. 330 Ω±5%
3. 2.7K Ω±5%
4. 6.2M Ω±5%
5. 750K Ω±5%
6. Red, Violet, Brown Gold
7. Blue, Gray, Orange, Gold
8. Green, Brown, Black, Gold
9. Brown, Red, Yellow, Gold
10. Yellow, Violet, Green, Gold
Let Us Assess Let Us Practice More Let Us Try
Student’s answer may vary.
1. A Please refer to the rubric. 11. B
2. B 12. D
3. B 13. B
4. C 14. A
5. D 15. A
6. C Let Us Practice 16. C
7. A Student’s answer may vary. 17. C
8. B Please refer to the rubric. 18. B
9. C 19. A
10. A 20. D
Answer Key
Division of City Schools-Manila. “A Quality You Can Trust: Apply Quality Standards.
Accessed from
Electronics notes. “Standard Resistor Values: E3, E6, E12, E24, E48 & E96”. Accessed