FS2 Episode 13
FS2 Episode 13
FS2 Episode 13
Learning Episode 13: Utilizing Applications (Apps) for Teaching and Learning
To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read through the
whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the
information you will need and task you will need to do before working on this episode.
Your Task
An app, (a shorter way of saying application) is a kind of software which can be installed in various
gadgets - a desktop, laptop, smartphone, and tablet. There are thousands of apps, each with specific functions.
A wide range of functions among others includes, ordering food, getting a ride, getting a date, doing bank
transaction and even praying and meditating. Now, there are those that are directly useful for teaching and
learning which can be referred to as educational apps. Whether the class is face-to-face, blended, or fully
online, a vast number of apps can truly enhance the teaching-learning process.
The judicious use of apps can make the teaching-learning process more effective, efficient, and equally
important, more fun and satisfying for both the teacher and the students. The teacher can use apps in the
different stages of planning, preparation, implementation and assessment. Teachers use apps to prepare high-
impact presentation that help them deliver content. Teachers also use apps to motivate students to participate,
resulting in greater and more enjoyable engagement. Appa are also used to assess, document and report
performance and achievement.
Your task in this episode is to demonstrate your skills in choosing and using appropriate
applications, enhancing both the delivery of content and the learning and mastery of the students. You will
accomplish this as you participate and assist in your resource teacher’s class. Whether the class is purely
online or blended, carefully observe how the teacher utilize apps for e-learning.
An excellent guide for choosing applications to enhance teaching and learning is the Padagogy Wheel
Model created under the leadership of Dr. Allan Carrington. There were earlier precursors, but this model
appears to be the most comprehensive so far. The model aligns the applications to four essential levers. The
apps’ selection considers what attributes the students will develop, student motivation, tapping higher-order
thinking skills as articulated in Bloom’s Taxonomy and at what level the app will be used in the SAMR Model.
You will recall this from your previous technology class and surely learn even more from this episode.
Apple gave a set of five criteria in selecting apps for teaching. The set of criteria includes
developmental appropriateness, motivation, instructional design, motivation and accessibility.
It is also most likely that you have experienced learning using many of these apps as a student. The
most popular ones are Canva, Kahoot, Mentimeter, Jamboard, Slido, Google slides, google docs, Flipgrid, etc.
And then, some apps are for specific levels and learning areas. For example, there are hundreds of apps for
preschoolers or kindergarteners, like storybooks apps, alphabet and numbers apps, etc. At the same time, there
are apps for math, reading, science for primary, intermediate and secondary or even collegiate levels.
As you work on this episode, remember that you take the role of FS students now participating and
assisting in the work of selecting and using apps for more effective teaching and learning. You are inching
closer to shifting the role from being a student to being the teacher.
Additionally, you take the role of a future researcher. Always use your capacity to notice what is going
well? Or what can be missing; what can be improved? What can be a new way of doing things? Then focus on
finding out the answers to these questions. This is to develop in you the disposition as a teacher-researcher. That
as a teacher, you can always find ways to do things better and more effectively. Also, aim to develop the
confidence to try and initiate to continuously improve your skills.
Revisit the Pedagogy wheel infographics that follow. The links and QR codes provided. Once you have
downloaded, enjoy exploring what powers these apps have by clicking their icons directly from the Padagogy
wheel. An infographics on choosing Apps for teachers is also included. Exciting!
Revisit the
Before you participate and assist in tasks related to apps, first enumerate the apps you already know and
have probably tries. Explore the Padagogy Wheel and learn at least five more. Fill out the table below.
Apps that I already know/have recently explored How can I utilize this in teaching-learning?
• preparing materials,
• doing a motivational activity,
• delivering a lesson,
• engaging the learners to respond,
• giving an assignment,
• making learners practice a skill,
• making the learners collaborate and
• managing the class-checking of attendance.
The more opportunities to observe, participate and assist, the better.
Level/Grade of the Class: Grade 8 - Pollux
Lesson/ Topic: Kabihasnang China
Apps you plan to utilize in the What is the use or purpose of Explain why you selected the app,
lesson using the app. Describe how you based on the five criteria of
the teacher will use each. developmental appropriateness,
motivation, instructional design,
engagement and accessibility
Preparing Material: Google Meet Google Meet is the means to meet each Because it is timely, this application was
class in a virtual class. This is where the chosen. It's also easy to use and
kids and my cooperating teacher will available, even if you have a slow
meet, as well as where I'll prepare the internet connection. This is where I'll be
materials I've been working on with my able to get the materials for the class
resource teacher. ready.
Delivering a Lesson: PowerPoint A PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) will be PPT was chosen because it is suitable
Presentation utilized to provide the lesson to the for presenting the lesson in a manner
students during the class discussion. that is similar to how it will be delivered
to the students.
Making the learners collaborate: It is an open-sourced cloud-based It's easy to use, and kids can utilize it to
Canvas application designed to empower both communicate with their teachers. This
teachers and students by making an can be used by the teacher to engage
engaging learning environment students.
available to them.
1. How does this connect with you know about selecting and using apps?
After you participated or assisted in the use of apps in teaching-learning, describe what you observed
and experienced by answering the items below.
1. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the apps. Narrate your experience as you participated and assisted.
1. What worked well during the activity using the apps?
3. What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it better next time?
4. How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?
3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of educational apps?
This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and reflected on to come
up with a possible topic for action research.
1. What problematic situation/ challenges/area of improvement prevailed in using apps?
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge/area of improvement.
2. What di I hope to achieve to address the problem? (What change do you want to archieve?)
3. What strategies/ solutions/ means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the
4. If you will conduct action research, what will the title (Base this on your answers in nos. 1-