Thor is a well-known superhero from Marvel comics. It was created by Jack Kirby
and Stan Lee, taking inspiration from the Norse god of the same name. His stories
usually mix mythological themes and fantasy with science fiction and the last superhero
genre. Stories by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, and Walt Simonson stand out. The Thor
saga began in Journey into Mystery magazine in the form of 13-page stories. In the first
related how Dr. Don Blake, an American crippled in one leg, on vacation in Norway,
found a magic staff in a remote cave that hitting him turned them into the god Thor and
his hammer, just in time to stop an invasion by the stone men of Saturn.
Personality of Thor
He dislikes deadly science and technology for creating supervillains and admires heroes
with courage, honor, compassion, and the gift of battle. He was very wise about deadly
He is very strong and durable. He receives the power of his magical hammer Mjolnir. He
has the power of flight and can strike enemies with lightning. You can even throw the
Thor seems to trust his hammer and uses it for his strongest attacks. It is shown that if
he is attacked by his hammer or an item from it (Beta Ray Bill used his hammer and
Absorbing Man used the powers absorbed from it). Also, if the hammer is too much or
caught you must fly back to it, but in some cases, you must retrieve it on your own. Thor
can not release the hammer for 60 seconds, loses his god state, and becomes human
His only weapon is Mjolnir, the magical uru metal hammer crafted by All is Wonderful
Etrie and his Nornheim dwarf smiths. It was magically protected by Odin's spell, which
can only be revoked if the person worthy enough to launch it since Thor has proven
Thor is a great superhero in the movies and comics, but I feel that in the movies he has
had a better role and has been better used than the comics now he has been integrated
into the guardians of the galaxy and it seems that thor will be one of the characters that
will last the longest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe along with Spiderman, the truth is
that this character is one of the best avengers and I hope he will last much longer.