10 Impl 35 SystemSetup UIConfigurationTemplates
10 Impl 35 SystemSetup UIConfigurationTemplates
10 Impl 35 SystemSetup UIConfigurationTemplates
UI Configuration Templates
SAP Business One
Version 10.0
In this topic you will see how to simplify the predefined forms in SAP
Business One.
▪ Service is paramount to OEC Computers. To improve the efficiency of service calls, customer
support staff must be able to quickly scan key information in documents and master data. They
need a simplified version of the standard forms, with fields that are service-related consolidated
together on the same tab, with unused fields removed from the form, and with user-defined fields
easily accessible. Users need a user interface that is streamlined and easy to work with.
▪ Standard forms can be easily simplified to meet the needs of a group of users. These edited forms
are grouped into UI configuration templates which can be assigned to end users according to their
Simplifying Forms
Hide or
unwanted Move user-
fields defined fields
Move fields or
buttons to more
convenient part of
Instead of working with the standard forms, you can make them fit your requirements by hiding or
deactivating unused fields, moving fields or buttons to a more convenient part of the form, moving
fields from another tab onto the main tab for ease of access, and moving user-defined fields from the
side window.
UI Configuration Templates
▪ The first part of this topic explains the purpose of a UI configuration template.
Authorizations for UI Changes
Edit a form for Tools > Edit Form UI General Edit Form UI
personal use
Edit forms for others in Administration > Utilities > Administration Utilities
a UI template UI Configuration Template UI Configuration Template
▪ Authorized users can edit and modify forms for personal use using the Edit Form UI tool. The tools
menu will become active when the user opens an eligible form. The authorization required for
editing a form is found under the General subject area in the general authorizations window.
▪ Authorized users are able to modify forms for other users by creating a UI configuration template.
The required general authorization is found under the Administration > Utilities subject area in the
general authorizations.
UI Configuration Template
Administration > Utilities > UI Configuration Template
▪ UI configuration template is a
collection of forms edited for needs
of end users
▪ To create a new template, open the
UI Configuration Template window
and select Data > Add
List of edited
forms for a group
of users
▪ A UI configuration template is a collection of forms that have been simplified and/or modified to
meet the common needs of a set of end users. In SAP Business One all forms and documents can
be modified.
▪ To create a UI configuration template, choose the menu path shown in the slide, then choose Data
> Add from the menu bar.
Adding Forms
▪ The individual forms are selected from a dropdown list on the Forms tab, and then individually
▪ Additional UI templates can be created for different sets of end users.
▪ Note: Some of the edit functionality, such as hiding fields, can also be achieved using form settings.
Users can still make further changes to a form for personal use using form settings.
Edit UI Mode
▪ Select a form and choose the Edit Form UI button
▪ In edit mode the form has a distinctive black title
▪ Clicked field is highlighted for editing
To edit a form, select the row for the form in the template then choose the Edit Form UI button. Note
that this button does not become active until you select a form.
When you press the Edit Form UI button you enter edit mode. The form has a distinctive black title
area. The title of the form changes to include the text “UI Edit Mode”.
Now you are ready to make design changes!
When you click on a field it is immediately highlighted and you can perform an action on the field such
as hiding it or moving it.
Assigning Users to the UI Template
▪ Users can be
assigned to the UI
template individually
or by user group
▪ After the assignment,
the modified forms
will automatically
open instead of the
standard forms when
the assigned user
next logs in
▪ After the set of forms has been edited, the UI configuration template is assigned to users:
▪ Individually by name on the Assigned Users tab
▪ As a user group on the Assigned Groups tab. The user group must be of type UI Configuration
Templates or Cross All Types. See the companion course Users and User Groups for more
information on user groups.
▪ These modified forms will automatically open instead of the standard forms when the assigned user
next logs in.
Making the Changes
Hide and Disable Fields
▪ In edit mode, you can select a single field or multiple fields, and open the context menu by right-
mouse clicking.
▪ If the field is editable, the context menu will allow you to hide or disable the selected field or fields.
When you hide a field a space is left in the form. When you disable a field it becomes gray and
cannot be changed by the user.
▪ If the field is inactive, (displayed in gray), the context menu will only allow you to hide the field.
▪ In the example the business partner master data form is shown, however, the same editing rules
apply to all eligible forms.
Using Drag and Drop
▪ You can make use of the white space in a form to move fields to a more convenient position.
▪ You can move fields by selecting the fields and dragging and dropping them into position.
▪ You can move a field from a tab onto the main header of the form.
▪ You can also move a field from one tab to a different tab by parking it temporarily in the header area
before you switch to the target tab.
Aligning Fields
aligned left
▪ After you have moved fields, you can align them to existing fields by choosing Align from the context
▪ To align fields with an existing field, select the existing field in addition to the moved fields, then
choose left or right.
▪ To close up any spaces, select an existing field in addition to the moved fields, then choose top or
Moving User-Defined Fields
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▪ A key advantage of editing a form is to move user-defined fields from the side window to the main
header of the form or to a tab within the form. This is especially useful for UDFs added to marketing
documents. Since you edit each document type separately, you can move user-defined fields
relevant only for that document type without the need to use UDF categories in the side window.
▪ Only one UDF field can be moved at a time. To move a UDF:
▪ Select the field, not the label, and hold with your mouse until a black border appears (see
screenshot 1).
▪ Drag the field to the main form (see screenshot 2).
▪ Position the UDF on the main form (see screenshot 3).
Save and Restore Default
▪ After you have made the changes, you need to save them. Click anywhere in the form white space
and open the context menu. Choose Save to commit the changes. If you close the UI Edit window
without saving you will lose the changes.
▪ The Restore Default option on the context menu acts as an “undo” button. So if you have hidden a
field, it will be restored on the form in the original position.
▪ Be aware that the action of restoring defaults changes all fields in the form back to the original out-
of-box format. Even if you have saved and closed the UI template, when you restore the form it will
be set back to the original settings. Tip: If you decide to change an already heavily-modified
document that is in use by several users, first make a copy of the UI template. This gives you the
ability to restore the document, if necessary, from the copy, instead of having to restore it to the
original settings.
Adding Tabs
Select Add Tab from the white space context menu to add a new tab to a form
▪ If the form or document contains tabs, you can add a new tab. Select the option from the context
menu. You can move existing fields to the new tab, including user-defined fields.
Form Settings in UI Edit Mode
▪ When you open form settings in UI Edit Mode, UI Elements tab
lists every header field, and every field on each tab
▪ You can hide and disable fields by deselecting Visible and
Active checkboxes (equivalent to context menu hide and
▪ In UI Edit Mode, when you open the form settings window you will see an additional tab called UI
Elements. This tab shows every field shown on the header and each tab of the document, and you
can hide and disable fields from this window using the Visible and Active columns. This is
equivalent to hiding and disabling fields using the context menu.
▪ Note that the UI Elements tab only appears when form settings is opened from a form in UI Edit
Mode. End users never see the UI Elements tab.
Hiding a Tab using Form Settings
▪ You can also hide an entire tab by making the tab entry invisible in the UI Elements tab.
▪ In the example, we want to hide the Planning Data and Properties tabs from the item master data
since they are not used in the company. In the form settings we deselect the relevant checkboxes
for the Planning Data and Properties tabs. As a result the tabs no longer appear in the item master
data form.
▪ The Header and General tabs in master data forms are grayed out in the form settings and cannot
be hidden. In marketing documents the Contents tab cannot be hidden.
▪ The slide shows a comparison of the edit actions that can be done using UI Edit Mode, the form
settings window using the UI Elements tab, and the standard form settings window.
▪ Note that the standard form settings window is only available for certain forms, such as marketing
Managing UI Configuration Templates
▪ The next part of this topic looks at how you can manage UI configuration templates.
Copying Edited Forms to Other UI Templates
▪ Often there is a need to create multiple UI configuration templates and assign to different sets of
▪ Once you have made the changes to a form in one UI configuration template, you can copy the
changes to another UI configuration template.
▪ To do this, select the rows for the forms you want to copy, choose the Copy To button, and select
the target UI template.
Default UI Template
▪ Option to designate a default UI configuration template in
General Settings
▪ Default template will apply to all new users and to existing
users who are not assigned to any other UI template
▪ If a user is later assigned to a different UI template, the new UI
template will take precedence over the default UI template
▪ Example: A new UI template Sales group 2 is created. What
will happen when this is set as a default template?
Already assigned
to Sales group 1 Still assigned to sales group 1
UI template template
Not assigned to
Assigned to sales group 2
any UI template
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▪ Instead of assigning a UI template to every user, you can designate a default UI template on the
Display tab of the General Settings.
▪ The default template forms will be automatically applied to all new users created after the default
template was set, and will also apply to existing users who are not currently assigned to a UI
▪ If a new user is later assigned to a UI template that is not the default template, the assigned
template forms will take precedence over the default UI template.
▪ Let us examine how designating a default UI template affects existing users who may or may not
have already been assigned to a UI template.
▪ In this example, we have an existing UI template Sales group 1. We create a new UI template
Sales group 2 and set this as a default.
▪ User A, who was previously assigned by name to the Sales group 1 template, is not affected
by the default template. User A will still see the forms from the Sales group 1 template.
▪ User B, who was not assigned to any template, is affected and will now see the forms from the
Sales group 2 template.
User Perspective
Form Settings
Any user can show and hide fields in a marketing document form using the form settings icon (if they
have the authorization General > Document Settings).
If the user presses the form settings icon for a form that they are assigned to in a UI configuration
template, the name of the UI template appears in the form settings window. The user can still make
changes to the form.
Multiple UI Templates
▪ The system allows you to assign multiple UI templates to a user. Since the templates could contain
overlapping forms, how does the system know which one to use?
▪ The first template assigned to a user is considered the highest priority.
▪ The user has the option to choose a different UI template from a dropdown list in the form settings
window, and switch to the forms in that template by choosing the Apply button.
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