Role Play Arabic Level 4

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In general, for the first class, we start with ice breaking and introduce ourselves to Dr. Zarizi
Ab. Rahman. After that, we talk about the syllabus that we going to learn in SED 450 this
semester 1 and the assessment which needs to be prepared. We continued our class about the
introduction to physical and health education in school. The aim subject is to provide the
student with all the fundamental necessary skills and knowledge for them to keep a healthy
lifestyle in motor skills, fitness, and health knowledge. As a student, we must earn three basic
learning domain which is psychomotor, cognitive and affective aspect. Easy way to
understand what is learning domain for example like volleyball active, for the psychomotor
we use major muscle which is hand and leg for movement when contact with the ball. Next,
we move to cognitive which means the mental process to the interpretation of information
about direction and force to use when receiving the ball. Lastly the affective aspect in terms
of communication like what happened during gameplay with your teammates to cooperate to
help each other win the game.


For week 1, we start our class with ice breaking along with Dr. Zarizi Abd Rahman and all
students in physical and health education to know about each other background and why the
reason we choose this course. I can apply this technique to the student as a new teacher
before starting the class session to ensure students feel better during the conversation in class.
After that we continued with an introduction to physical and health education in school, Dr.
Zarizi explain the aim of physical health education studies which is to provide the student
with fundamental skills and knowledge for the student to apply in daily life to keep a healthy
lifestyle. The reason we learn this is to develop a whole child in cognitive, psychomotor, and
affective aspects. These three, learning domain must acquire as a student because it is related
to our daily learning and move like a chain of education. Like for physical education,
students learn to move which is psychomotor that movement of raw muscle to achieve
movement skill, then moves on to the mental process part which is cognitive to justify the
process of the action for the body to react to the activities and lastly effective aspects that
mean by communication with others to work as teammates to achieve the goals by obeying
the activities rules. This new knowledge I can apply during PE classes to make sure all
student gains these three learnings domain along during activities and making the body and
brain move in tandem to get optimal results in performing any activities as best as possible.
Furthermore, in health education, we learn the process to develop and provide a learning
experience to enhance information and change of behavior. Duo combination with this
learning as a teacher I can enable students to take action that will bring a lot of benefits for
their practice in their lifestyle to have an interesting experience while studying and keep their
body healthy.


To sum up, I want to critic about period for teaching physical and education in school is very
short and cannot be delivered completely. They make this subject not important like others
core subjects such as Math, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. It will show to students will not
take it seriously and become reason for them to not attend the class. the school needs to
emphasize the subject of physical education and health as well as the importance of this
subject in life to produce good human capital. Other than that, the facilities of equipment
sometimes very in poor conditions, so that learning cannot be done and it will annoy the
learning and make students fake hope. I hope authorized agency take note with these
problems and give some reform and finance to upgrade it.



In general, our next lesson is the importance of physical and health education, there are eight
importance that as a teacher we want student to achieve in PHE class which are to provide basic skills
in physical activities, develop student’s competence and confidence to take part, encourage a healthy
and active lifestyle, enhance and improve (communication skills, positive relationships and apply
creative and critical thinking through class activities), apply the (skills, knowledge and value) needed
to maintain and improving, strengthening the efficiency of the movement, create enjoyment while
doing the activities to improve fitness and personal health, strengthening health management skills of
reproductive and social mental health and practice a healthy lifestyle. These importance must be
achieve during PHE class to enhance the effectiveness during done the activities to complete the circle
of psychomotor, cognitive and affective aspects.


Week 2, we been explained about the importance of Physical and Health Education that we must
make sure student received during class activities that have eight all of them. Firstly, to provide basic
skill in physical activities. As teacher we supposed to show them the basic skill on how to do the
activities during PHE class, so they can apply and doing it properly without breaking the rules.
Second, to develops student’s competence and confidence to take part in a range of physical activities.
Students can demonstrate the talent their possess and ability that we as teacher can polish their talent
to represent the school during co-curriculum. Third, to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle, so
student can apply in their daily life to be a better student and not swayed in defaults things. Fourth,
enhance and improve communication skills, positive relationships and apply creative and critical
thinking through physical and health activities. When students develop all these characteristics it can
make them easy to adapt around people easily without having anxiety. Fifth, to apply the skill,
knowledge and values needed to maintain and improve the physical development, fitness and personal
health. We as teachers provides the fundamental skill for student can improve their life by time after
time to become excellent students. Sixth, strengthening the efficiency of the movement in games,
sports and fitness to improve fitness and personal health. All the activities required a lot of movement
and energy, so student produce sweat and can remove toxin in body to keep fresh for the next class.
Seventh, to create enjoyment while doing the activities to improve fitness and personal health. My
opinion we as teacher must have varieties of ways to do the activities for student not too boring and
love the PHE class because interesting with activities did not other class just sit and listen to lecture.
Lastly, strengthening health management skill of reproductive and social, mental health and practice a
healthy lifestyle. It is our job to inform student on how to eat properly according to food pyramids and
don’t get involved in useless things to keep healthy body a fit brain.


In summary, physical education is very important when we take it seriously because it develops the
fundamental to use in our daily lifestyle. Each student must take part and play their role also teacher
to change the stigma about this subject only for playing and waste time. It will be like that if both
sides did not cooperate and only one way to change that by teacher change the way of learning to be
more exciting various activities and gain new knowledge that they cannot get in other classes, so
students really want to participate it not only for good students but all the rest.



To begin with, we start our class session with topic National Education Philosophy which means to
develop the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so to produce individuals who
are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Dr Zarizi explained that this philosophy
must be achieved in each student, so that in the future they can be Malaysian citizens that can capable
of achieving hight level of personal well-being as well as be able to contribute to harmony and
betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large.


In week 3, at the beginning of class Dr. Zarizi explained about National Education Philosophy that we
as teacher must hold intact and pin it on chest that our responsibility to make sure our student
achieved the contact of whole child. This is very important because to be a whole child they have to
complete the circle of psychomotor, cognitive and affective aspect. When students have a balance in
aspects of J.E.R.I so a responsible and capable of achieving high level personal well-being, so as a
teacher I always keeps remind my student about this philosophy so they can have brighter goals why
they must learn since kindergarten. I also print out copy of NEP and attached to notice board, so they
can always remember it and before start our class we must say it together. Other than that, we also
learned about two fractions in physical and health education which that physical education and health
education. In PE class each student must getting the psychomotor, cognitive and affective while
during HE we as teacher provide knowledge, skills and practice. These two fractions will lead to NEP
and they can practice in their healthy lifestyle.


To conclude, this philosophy not created just for nothing but to succeed what as a student should be in
line of the contact of whole child. Our nation and society in the future will be bright with a ton of
quality graduate will developing a prosperous and harmonious nation. One thing I want to critic,
teacher must insert NEP in his learning not just tell them but show how to apply it like doing NEP
treasure hunt or something else to make them excited while develop it in their identity.



Our lesson started with introduction of what is teaching. It meant by the art of giving instruction base
on knowledge and experience. After that, we move to topic what is learning that can be defined as
relative permanent change in behaviour. In the end of class, we touch a little about the roles of PHE
teacher. Basically, we must teach (skills, activities and knowledge) that transfer into daily life,
motivates students to be active and apply healthy lifestyle, promoting healthy lifestyle activity,
leading by example and play a leadership role.


In week 4, we were introduced with unique of physical education that combine all three domains
which are psychomotor, cognitive and affective aspects also practice of being a teacher or we called
as art of teaching. Teaching is an art that have in human being called teacher that make it different
with other that can teach something. With this profession, I as physical education teacher instructs
students about sports, physical development, health and proper nutrient. With this all components that
I as teacher give to students perhaps that they could apply in their lifestyle to make sure that they keep
healthy to develop the learning as well as possible. PE teacher also must have creative thinking to
create various activities for student to keep their curiosity about PE class. After that, topic learning
defined as the relatively permanent change in behaviour. This can we see as a PE teacher that we have
achieve our goals after student done its activities, they learn something new after experiencing and
practicing it, so they had changed their behaviour permanently about what they did not know before
this to master every skill that been taught. Role of PHE teacher to lead the student to become a good
leader one day, to train from since secondary school. when they are exposed to the concept of
leadership in advance, they will not feel awkward or embarrassed to stand out in an activity and
become one of the good soft skills when at a higher level of education.


In closing, physical education is very unique that come with full package that requirement in NEP.
from another point of view, this subject is despised and considered not an obligation and it tarnishes
the good name of physical education and health teachers by stating that it is useless without any
knowledge. I hope for this subject, school management will take as priority for each student as
importance to learn and maybe doing some awareness campaign although put it in exam just like
other subjects.



For this week, we learned about Physical and Health Education Curriculum in secondary school.
There are divided into PE syllabus, topics consists of skills and fitness, health education syllabus,
assessment and the roles of teacher in PHE. Each of these learning changes according to the level of
students from form 1 to form 5.


in week 5, we analysis the curriculum and assessment standard document of what are contains in PHE
learning. PE syllabus divided into two components which are 25% for the fitness and 75% for the
skill. In topics skills, we as teacher should be expose for the students about movement concept,
fundamental movement, manipulative skill, gymnastics, TGFU, athletic, aquatic, rhythmic movement
skills and recreation. as a teacher, it is necessary to have a good and interesting learning plan to meet
all the skills needed by students so that they can be used to the maximum in line with their growth and
practice in their lifestyle. For the topic fitness, fitness related concepts will be revealed in more depth
so that they can be combine and adapt their body health such as cardiovascular endurance, muscle
endurance, muscle strength, flexibility and body composition. This matter needs to be taken into
account so that students can maintain physical and mental health to prevent the coming of various
physical health problems that can interfere with the learning process in school in order to become
more productive students. Teacher must provide exposure and example for students on how to keep
fitness for examples to build cardiovascular endurance you must doing activities such as running
swimming jump rope also can contribute to the muscle endurance and strength, so that they can see
the importance to stay fit all the time. All the topics have been structured base on learning domains
which are psychomotor, cognitive and affective. These fundamental skills must I provided to the
students, so in the end they can apply back the knowledge while they can enjoy the values of sport
like fair play, rules and regulation, communication and respect each other.


On the whole, DSKP already conclude all the needed for student and we as teacher must think how
the best way to apply this to students for them to use in their lifestyle. If we doing our job with love
and passion, we will make the next generation more responsible and be a better reference for others.



TGFU is a playful lesson for comprehension that can attract the interest and attention of children in or
outside the classroom so that they do not feel bored. As we know, not every original sport can be
played at school, so when we cannot use this method as a teacher to create a new game that take from
the main idea from the original games for give them enjoyment and decrease the bored in the class
also student absent to attend.


We break the game like futsal into simplest way from the first thing like kicking. After that, we must
make sure all the student to take part and no one left behind. As teacher, we should notice each
student skill that can be participants, so that students in higher grade will doing more challenging
activities. If everyone just played by themselves, we cannot observe the problems and we cannot
know whether they understand what is being taught and this is called intelligence performance.
Originally, we have four types of games which are target game, net and ball, fielding and striking also
invasion and territory games.

For the first, target games for example bowling, archery and petanque. This game play by throw
object near or hit the target. For the innovation we can do mini golf with various of obstacle. To make
it for save we can use futsal ball, so no one will be harm. We move to net and ball that hit the ball to
other opponent court within boundaries. This game more competitive because it involves attacking
and defense for example volleyball, ping-pong, tennis and squash. I can create the four squares
badminton to make it more interesting and involving more students. Third is fielding and striking that
have two team for the opponent and defending to achieve the goals where opponent hit object to
specific open area while defense team tries to catch it. In this game we see the great teamwork will
binding with all the team members. Lastly, the invasion and territory game that the main purpose that
to score points under time provided by through the opponent territory. This game we can see the basic
apply in handball, rugby, basketball and frisbee. These games must provide with strategy to win the
game and teamwork along while doing the games.


Overall, it may be said the focus of TGFU is provided enjoyment to all student and make sure there
are no one left behind. In the same way to polish the latent talents in students to be developed. may be
able to represent the school in district competitions or the like. I hope I can master TGFU to promote
enjoyment while provide good mental and physical also develops psychomotor skills.

8 November 2021


According to this week, we have studied about the teaching approach which is one of the concepts
that can guide us on how to give lessons during teaching. Mastery learning have 3 types of categories
that have been categorised such as the concept of mastery learning, principles of mastery learning and
characteristics of mastery learning.


For the initial, as a teacher I must to ensure that my students have to achieve high skills and
objective through my activities. Every lesson I have to plan the sessions must include the
psychomotor, cognitive and affective aspects to obtain the objective of learning. For example, when I
wanted to teach my students about dribbling skills, as a teacher I must organized the activity include
all these 3 characteristics which are cognitive, psychomotor and affective aspects. Like first they
learned the skills, after that on how they can use it and lastly the game so that they can play with their
friends followed the rules and regulations. Otherwise, I cannot go through the next learning before
they get all the fundamental objective.

Concept of mastery is to give a clear vision about what the topic all about. I must ensure my
students acquired all the objective that what have been planned during the lesson begin. As we know
all students not the same situation some of them are advanced, intermediate and beginner but have
keep in mind that they still can be learned the skills. To improvise it, I provide the activities suitable
among them by considering each student ability. This also can over cope problems like absent from
class because they will think that it may be boring.

Lastly, characteristic of mastery learning, students should be able at least 80% for master the
skill. For the rest, I need to recognize for the students that able and incapable because the important is
to give them equal skills in activities. Students that not achieved the target will join the remedial
activities because to improve the learning skills and see the problems area. Instead, for students who
master the skill will do some enrichment activities and gained new skills. All the activities take place
simultaneously to ensure all students are involved and no one will leave behind.


When using this method of mastery learning, it will develop more positive attitudes towards
teaching and give all students opportunity. Students will change their expectation from boring to more
interesting and encourage them to take part in the activities. They will be more confident that they
will be able to learn new material according to this concept also more fun in their learning.

5 January 2022


Dr Zarizi introduced to our class about multiple intelligence by Howard Gardner. It divided into 8
types of multiple intelligence which are kinesthetic, interpersonal, linguistic, mathematical,
naturalistic, intrapersonal, visual and musical.


In each people there are different types of abilities and talents. We do not just have an
intellectual capacity but others else. People that born with visual-spatial intelligence, they have strong
visualizing mind and also god in maps, charts, videos and pictures. Like these kinds of students, we as
a teacher must provide more visual learning to ensure they understand better in class because too
much words will be a burden for them. Linguistic-verbal intelligence are the people that strong in
using the words in writing and speaking. Typically, they are very good at writing stories, memorizing
information and reading. Students with this ability should be the presenter of the group because they
more fluent and can attract others to hear what he says.

Logical-mathematical intelligence are very good when it comes at reasoning, recognizing

patterns and logical analyzing problems. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence have a good body movement,
performing actions and physical control. This kind of student we as teacher must know that they can
part in athletic and field sports because they can do it better with their kinesthetic intelligence rather
than the other students. Musical intelligence people who have strong thinking in patterns, rhythms and
sound. They like to appreciate the sound of music more and very talented at musical composition and
performance. We as teacher know that maybe in academic these students cannot achieve the higher
level but in musical, they can show their talent and be more confident with yourself.

For the personal intelligence, they can be seen are strong in understanding and interacting with
other people. These individuals are skills in assessing the emotions, motivation, desires and intentions
of those around them. Teacher can make these types of students as a peer to help other students that
have problems but did not want to share their problems with others because they are good listener.
Intrapersonal intelligence is more to being aware with their own emotional states, feelings and
motivation. These students not give up easily but try their best to analyze their strength and weakness
to become more motivated. Lastly for the naturalistic intelligence, they love and interested in
nurturing, exploring the environment and learning about other species. These people very lovely and
more like topics that have connection to nature.
Next, we go for approach in teaching, this is what we call an idea about nature of teaching. In
PE teaching, approach is a theoretical view to teach like for the theory of constructivism and inquiry
base learning. We as teacher will select techniques for students needs in various approaches.
Examples of approaches are inductive, deductive, students-centered, teacher-centered. In inductive
approach, students move towards from specific or what we call the basics to more widespread but
opposite with deductive for example we take a student to do a service, after that we explains the steps
one by one. Besides, students-centered we say it like discovery learning that we emphasis on the
learner role. We as teacher will set the learning instead for teacher-centered only teacher will be the
instructor or direct instruction. Teacher will control what is to be taught and how students are


We must know that each student is very special in specific ability, so its our role to polish it and
ensure students more confidence is make the learning more fun with various styles and not boring to
catch the student’s interest. All the approaches should be use because it very helpful in every term to
give students more chances to show their talent like in presenting the topic in group. Indirectly, will
expose the students on how our learning will be in the next level like university.



12 JANUARY 2022


This week, we learn about teaching method in PHE and it is very useful. For examples
demonstrations, discussion, inquiry base learning, project base learning and simulation. It more
systematically planned by a teacher to impart the knowledge. These various types of method will be
increasing the student’s interest and as a teacher will stay in a right line on the topic to teach also give


Teaching method also refers to strategies and techniques, when we using the demonstration
method it will involving motor skills. We as teacher must ensure the formation like doing the
movement in clearly explanation. If there are still some students that cannot catch up the steps, the
demonstration can be repeated but will be less successfully if students are not allowed to apply the
skills and experienced it. Other than that, in discussion method usually used to increase students
understanding. This method is one way to keep the classroom more active and encourage the students.

Besides, inquiry base learning method is suitable for involves an assignment that required long
time to complete. This is very good in enhancing students understanding in certain concepts. Benefits
from this method, students enable to improve in problem solving, managing time and developing
social skills through group project.

In addition, simulation method that uses situation that occur like student’s environment. For
example, if there are have an accident, how students should act as an injured person and other will be
providing the first aid. They have two types of simulations which are role-play and socio-drama.


WEEK mooston style mirul antat bulu

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