The Traveler's Toolkit
The Traveler's Toolkit
The Traveler's Toolkit
Luke Miller
Griffin Tung (Order #30065839)
The bestselling solo roleplaying game for creatives,
worldbuilders, writers, and the Uncommonly Curious
“If you’re a worldbuilder, writer, dungeon master, or just like exploring imaginary
places, Journey is a wonderful game about to expanding and expounding on the
fascinating details you didn’t know you knew about the places you create. I’ve
surprised myself with what I’ve found and really enjoyed the discovery process.
THE TRAVELER’S TOOLKIT Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Griffin Tung (Order #30065839)
The Traveler’s Toolkit
Over the course of many excursions into the various worlds that players have created and explored through their experi-
ence with the game Journey, various interesting trinkets and powerful artifacts have managed to make their way into
the packs and kits of these travelers.
This collection is a set of items of interest from those excursions, though their actual level of utility... well, that’s up
to you! They are all created to be compatible with Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition games, and should be ready to drop
right into equipment and loot lists.
It should be noted that items in this toolkit may present balancing issues, and should be tweaked to fit your world and
campaign as needed.
Many of these items are named for notable travelers who have embarked on many excursions into their worlds, and
many have been doing so since Journey was originally created.
Take a tour through the Traveler’s Toolkit, and maybe one or more of these fantastic bits of kit will turn up in your own
world soon!
A strange pen with a metal nib and no feather quill. The This strip of thick, dark blue fabric feels well-worn and
barrel of the pen is made of jet black ebony wood and soft, and bears a golden tassel attached to one end.
adorned with silver inlaid runes. This pen has been carried
through multiple worlds by one of Journey’s earliest trav- When placed atop a book, Ellery’s Placeholder will pass
elers and has been used to write countless pages of notes magically down through the pages, coming to rest on the
in Traveler’s Journals. page most recently read by the last person to read the
book. Perfect for remembering which page of your Trav-
This pen can be used to write on any surface, including eler’s Journal you last recorded your travels on.
non-paper surfaces like stone, metal, etc. In addition, the
user can cause the ink from the pen to come out in any If Ellery’s Placeholder is used on a book that has never
color they wish. Conduit’s Fountain Pen never seems to run been read, it will simply rest on the cover.
out of ink.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. THE TRAVELER’S TOOLKIT
Griffin Tung (Order #30065839)
Traveler’s Thumb Vesper’s Saltwater Taffy
Wondrous Item, Common Trinket
Taken from the hand of a fallen traveler, this shriveled There’s nothing like a sweet snack for the road to help
humanoid thumb has a wide band of silver pressed into the the miles pass! This piece of paper-wrapped candy can be
shrunken flesh between the first and second joints. This popped into your mouth and chewed indefinitely. Ves-
band of metal doesn’t appear to be inlaid with any writing, per’s Saltwater Taffy will never disintegrate, and can be
but feels uncomfortable and cold to the touch. returned to the paper wrapper to be revisited again. And
again. And again. Who knows how many times this piece
When placed on a flat surface, the spirit of exploration still has been chewed over the years, and by whom?
held by the mummified Traveler’s Thumb will be awak-
ened. The entire thumb will rotate slowly until the thumb’s Vesper’s Saltwater Taffy is an innocuous and unflavored
tip points due north, assisting in wayfinding. yet sweet saltwater taffy. If swallowed, the taffy will re-
main in the consuming creature’s system for seven years
Survival checks for navigation that rely on directional to the day, at which time it will pass peacefully in whatever
knowledge are made with advantage. means is standard for that creature.
Also, ew.
THE TRAVELER’S TOOLKIT Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Griffin Tung (Order #30065839)
The Traveler’s Best Friend Journeyhome Crystal
Wondrous Item, Common Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Requires Attunement
This small wand will quickly become a treasured piece of
equipment on any Journey. It is simply yet well made from This small cluster
what appears to be teakwood, and is free of any runes, of purple crystals
markings, or stains. flickers with a soft
light reminiscent of a
When wielding this wand, a creature can cast the spell
fire burning merrily in
Mending at will, as well as using the effects of the Presti-
a heath. Holding it gives
digitation spell that relate to the cleaning of soiled materi-
you a faint sensation of
warmth, and you feel in your
You never realize how much you need magical mending heart that you know exactly how
and the ability to instantly clean yourself and your gear to get home.
until you’ve spent weeks on the road during a Journey!
As part of a long rest, this crystal’s
bearer can hold the warm stone and at-
tune to it. As long as the crystal is in their
Sylvia’s Spectacles possession, the bearer always knows the
Wondrous Item, Common shortest route back to whatever location they
consider, in their heart, to be home.
A pair of simple yet well-made half spectacles made of This effect does not dissipate if the crystal leaves the at-
polished brass and clear crystal. tuned creature’s possession. If another creature picks up
the same crystal, they will also know the shortest route
A character who dons these spectacles can see a different
back to the original bearer’s home. This lasts until another
place through the glass, a view as though they are peering
creature attunes to the Journeyhome Crystal.
through someone else’s eyes. This mystery person seems
to have a quiet, simple life and goes about their mundane
business, seemingly unaware that their eyes are somehow
a magical conduit for these glasses. Rupee’s Waystone
Who knows who the person on the other side might be? Wondrous Item, Rare
You assume they might be named Sylvia. Requires Attunement
This red crystal, when kept close to the user over the pe-
riod of a successful long rest, seems to make some kind of
link to the user’s mind.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. THE TRAVELER’S TOOLKIT
Griffin Tung (Order #30065839)
Cover Art
Created by upklyak |
Journal of Dreams
Created by upklyak |
Sylvia’s Spectacles
Created by macrovector |
Journeyhome Crystal
Created by upklyak |
THE TRAVELER’S TOOLKIT Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
Griffin Tung (Order #30065839)