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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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A comprehensive review on the exergy analysis of combined cycle power T


Thamir K. Ibrahima, , Mohammed Kamil Mohammedb, Omar I. Awadc, Ahmed N. Abdallad,
Firdaus Basrawic, Marwah N. Mohammede, G. Najafif, Rizalman Mamatc
College of Applied Engineering, Tikrit University, Iraq
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pekan, Pahang 26600, Malaysia
Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Jiangsu, P. R. China
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Natural Resources Engineering Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Lebuhraya Tun Razak, 23600 Kuantan Pahang, Malaysia
Faculty of Elect. Infor. Eng, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O.Box: 14115 111, Tehran, Iran


Keywords: The arriving optimum improvement of a thermodynamic system of energy conversion such as a combined cycle
Combined cycle power plant power plant (CCPP) is complicated due to the existence of different factors. Energy and exergy analysis is utilized
Energy as effective methods to determine both the quantity and quality of the energy sources. This paper reviews the
Exergy latest thermodynamics analysis on each system components of a CCPP independently and determine the exergy
Exergy destruction
destruction of the plant. A few layouts of the CCPP plant from different locations considered as case studies. In
fact, the most energy losses occurred in the condenser compared with the plant components. It found that in the
combustion chamber (CC) the highest exergy destruction occurred. The ambient temperature causes an evident
decrement in the power production by the gas turbine (GT). The result has proved that besides energy, exergy
analysis is an efficient way to the assessment of the performance of the CCPP by recommending a more ad-
vantageous configuration of the CCPP plant, which would lead to reductions in fuel required and emissions of air

1. Introduction greatly sustained by the combustion of fossil fuel [2]. According to

International Energy Agency (2010), by the year 2030 the coal con-
World’s population growth and substantial global economic devel- sumption rate will be more than 6000 million tonnes of carbon
opment are causing the increase in demand for energy dramatically. equivalents, and across the globe, 42% of electricity supply mainly
The energy supply has undergone a shock due to the economic crisis comes from the coal power plants.
that has inflicted the global market. The gap between energy supply Technically, the operation of a thermal plant that generates elec-
and demand has risen continuously. Studies have determined that there tricity using combustion of fossil fuel is much more complicated as
was an approximate 6% average annual growth in the electricity de- compared to a hydroelectric plant. It required flowing fluids to work
mand for the world [1]. Further, increase in demand for the energy under extremely high temperature and pressure [3]. Moreover, con-
expected for the next few years. tinuous supervision and maintenance on the complex automatic control
In general, there are many resources from which energy can be units and operating conditions of the thermal power plants are neces-
generated, including the conventional resources of fossil fuels, nuclear sary to ensure the power plant operating efficiently and produce max-
and renewable energy resources. The most common fuels used to gen- imum power [3–5].
erate energy are natural gas, coal and petroleum. Among the fossil To protection the mother nature and reduce the energy wasted,
fuels, coal has been one of the most abundant resources used for gen- growing awareness was focused recently to the on more-efficient power
erating the electricity worldwide. In fact, the world energy demand generation system and generates power depend on the renewable

Abbreviations: BFW, Boiler feed water; CC, Combustion chamber; GT, Gas turbine; LHV, Low heating value; HHV, High heating value; HP, High pressure; LP, Low pressure; IP,
Intermediate pressure; HRSG, Heat recovery steam generator; ST, Steam turbine; CCPP, Combined cycle power plant; BFP, Boiler feed water pump; SH, Superheater; RH, Reheater; DeSH,
Desuperheater; Eco, Economizer; Eva, Evaporator; CEP, Condensate Extraction Pump; N2, Nitrogen; O2, Oxygen; CO2, Carbon dioxide; H2O, Water

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: thamirmathcad@tu.edu.iq (T.K. Ibrahim).

Received 25 July 2016; Received in revised form 22 March 2018; Accepted 22 March 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

List of symbols i Initial

T Turbine
e Specific exergy [kJ/kg] in Inlet
Ex Exergy [kJ] out Outlet
Eẋ Exergy flow rate [kW] P Pump
h Specific enthalpy [kJ/kg] a Air
ṁ Mass flow rate [kg/s] c Compressor
P Pressure [kPa] g Combustion gas
Q̇ Heat rate [kW] x Exergy
R Gas constant [kJ/kmol K] w Work
s Specific entropy [kJ/kg K] 0 Ambient condition
T Temperature [°C] AC Air compressor
y Molar fraction Cond Condenser
Ẇ Work [kW]
Ė Energy [kW] List of superscripts & greek letter
İ Exergy Destruction Rate [kW]
c Specific heat capacity [kJ/kg K] T Temperature
r Pressure ratio P Pressure
k Heat ratio ch Chemical exergy
ph Physical exergy
List of subscripts η Efficiency
λ Air-fuel ratio
f Fuel ξ Ratio of chemical exergy to LHV of fuel
Dest Destruction

resources energy [6,7]. Many latest policies of the energy encourage plant. A summary of the most important findings of the works related to
researchers to boost the dependent on the sources of the renewable the present study given. These include comparison of an ideal and ac-
energy, to help in reducing environmental issues and enhance the en- tual cycle, energy and exergy analysis of the advanced combined cycle
ergy security of the regions which depend on the use the fossil fuel systems. The third part discusses three case studies and shows how they
[8–10]. performed the exergy analysis. The last part states the conclusions of
. Numerous thermodynamic power cycles have been established and the literature work and provides recommendations for future work.
studied for the past few years [11,12]. Some of these new cycles are
found to handle the system that utilizes the heat sources with low or
medium temperatures, as well as, the theoretical and experiments in- 2. Thermodynamics analysis of the combined cycle power plant: a
vestigations have confirmed their capabilities [13–15]. The combined review
cycle consist from the Brayton and Rankine thermodynamic cycle as
shown in Fig. 1 [16]. The increase in the CCPP efficiency required to The CCPP plant introduced with the cogeneration technology that
implement the suitable working fluid such as binary mixture [17,18]. utilizes both power and heat from one single primary fuel or energy
The increase of the boiling temperature in the Heat recovery steam source simultaneously, able to provide a more efficient power genera-
generator (HRSG), gives the ability to produce a high thermal exchange tion system [23,24]. Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) detain the
between the working fluid and the sources of the heat under variable heat rejected from GT and make use of it to increase the temperature of
temperature [19,20]. Therefore, the more heat exchange will decrease the steam (working fluid) in Rankine cycle (steam cycle) [25,26].
the losses of irreversibility in the process of heat addition [21,22]. The improvement the exploitation of the energy resources required
Fig. 2 shows studies that have been conducted on energy and exergy efficient methods to the analysis of the performance of power genera-
of the CCPP most of them during the last forty years. At the same time, tion cycles. Commonly, to analysis, the process of energy conversion,
by the use of power output of the plant, researchers can improve the first law of thermodynamics is applied in the methodology for
thermodynamics performance. Thus, CCPP performance can be main-
tained to operate at an optimum level. For this reason, this paper takes
a review of the energy and exergy analysis of CCPP. Fig. 2 included the
published articles from the year 1976 to the year 2017, it is clear to
note that, the number of the published article was increased to arrive
the maximum number in 2017. These increases show the interested of
the researcher to use the exergy analysis of the CCPP.
This paper reviews the combination of an available literature in the
area of the combined cycle power plant. The general aspects of the
different configuration of the combined cycle power plant, its im-
provement, modelling, and simulation are discussed. Additionally, the
analysis of the each component is carried out based on the energy,
exergy and exergy destruction and made suggestions improvement.
Finally, one can make a decision to use current combined cycle power
plant to produce innovative more effective outputs. This study divided
into four main parts including the introduction. Thermodynamics
analysis of the combined cycle power plant deals with a literature re-
view of the thermodynamics analysis of the combined cycle power
Fig. 1. Entropy-temperature of the CCPP cycle [16].

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

compared with energy can likewise identify preferable in the energy
technologies from the side of the economics and environmental benefits
view [47–49]. Exergy is hypothetically not rationed as energy, yet
destructed in the thermal system. The assessment of irreversibility that
is the losses source of the performance is known as the exergy de-
Number of Articles

40 struction. As a matter of fact, the analysis of an exergy assessing the

quantity of exergy destruction identifies the location, the magnitude
30 and the inefficiencies thermodynamic component in a thermal energy
system [50,51].
20 The identification of the thermal system component where exergy
destruction happens can demonstrate the road towards potential en-
10 hancement [52]. Hence an exergy investigation may serve as a valuable
apparatus regarding enhancing the energy efficiency of vast scale of the
thermal energy system. According to [53], Exergy Analysis is a method
that permits to identify and quantify inefficient component in a system
Years involving heat and power, not just as far as heat loads (quantity of
energy), yet as far as pressure and temperature gradients (energy
Fig. 2. Number of published research on energy and exergy analysis with
search subjects CCPP.
quality) respect to the ambient conditions. Nevertheless, the analysis
using the exergy method does not set up clear functional guidelines to
optimum energy use. Yong and Lei [54], state that exergy denotes the
system energy analysis [27]. It considered as the most economical and maximum valuable work a system can attain within ambient conditions
useful analysis for the performance of power system. However, there is (25 °C, 1 atm).
increasing interest in the advanced thermodynamics topic which com- Sengupta et al. [55] study the performance of thermal power plant
bined the first and second laws of thermodynamics to carry out the working on the coal based on exergy analysis, then they presented the
cycle analysis by energy and exergy [28]. Exergy analysis (destruction entire plant by three splitting zones for the analysis. Wang et al. [56]
and efficiency) introduced to evaluate the thermal efficiency of the implemented the exergy analysis of various cogeneration system in
cycle based on energy consumption. The analysis by using exergy cement industry, accomplishing an optimum parameter enhancement
method, act as a tool for a clear variation between losses of energy to for every cogeneration system. Saidi et al. [57] perform optimization
the surrounding and irreversibilities in the internal process [29,30]. study using the second law of thermodynamics for the polymer elec-
Analysis of the power plant is a broad concept involving the profi- trolyte fuel cell with cogeneration to get the optimum power generation
cient use of energy resources. In earlier days, the energy efficiency of based on exergy analysis. Kamate and Gangavati, [58] they study the
the plant was measured up to the first law of thermodynamics [31,32]. performance of the cogeneration plant of a typical sugar factory based
In fact, the design and analysis of most of the thermal system based on on an exergy analysis of a heat matched bagasse-based cogeneration
the first law of thermodynamics are not sufficient [33,34]. The typical plant.
approaches by the industry for the power plant efficiency analysis de- In the modern power industry, engineer approach to utilizing the
pend on the principle of conservation of energy as stated in the first law process through the exergy analysis, which gives a more practical view
of thermodynamics [35,36]. However, this methodology is defective of the procedure and a helpful device for designing assessment [59–61].
basically as a result of the fuel and heat input regarding energy cannot In fact, the thermodynamics analysis based on exergy has become a
be added to power output and irreversibilities disregarded. In latest, crucial feature in determining sources of inefficiency, providing a better
Taillon et al. [37], have discussed that exergy investigation given the understanding of the process, and to measure the quality of energy used
first and second law of thermodynamics must be involved to get the [62,63]. There are some investigators even devoted their studies to
correct approach for performance analysis of power plant. exergy analysis and efficiency improvement for the system component
Frankly, the second law of thermodynamics has been extensively [64,65]; while others concentrated on design and analysis of the sys-
used to determine exergy losses because it is related directly to the tems [66–70].
quality of energy produced within the system [38,39]. Through exergy The CCPP cycle has greater overall thermal efficiency due to the
analysis on the whole plant, irreversible loss distribution of each smaller exergy losses of the combustion process in the power generation
component can obtain. Thus, the vulnerable spot in power generation system [71,72]. A rise in pressure ratio of the GT cycle will results of
system can be determined and solved to gain better performance. En- exergy destruction in a lower rate of the power plant. Meanwhile, rate
ergy equilibrium method has stranded in most of the energy en- of exergy destruction increase with an increase both ambient tem-
gineering industry due to an inherent flaw which only energy con- perature and turbine inlet temperature [73]. It has been found that
servation principle involved qualitatively [40]. Daud et al. [41], higher thermal efficiencies based on energy and exergy analysis can
conducted an analysis of the performance of coal-fired thermal power achieve by using the methane as an energy source when to compare
plants in Turkey based on a comparison between energetic and ex- with the coal and natural gas [45,74].
ergetic. Unusual exergy parameter of the corresponding components
can determine in actual thermal power plant operation. Therefore, it is 2.1. Energy analysis
undeniable that loss and exergy efficiency analysis of power plant
contribution a lot in gaining information about the malfunction re- An energy diagnosis is one of the methodologies to improve the
cognition and detection of power plant [42]. efficiency of the power system and to reduce the cost of fuel consumed,
Exergy analysis is a strategy for the review of the mechanical de- cooling water of cooling system and emissions from the combustion of
vices performance and thermal system processes. It includes more va- fuel into the atmosphere [75–77]. First law of thermodynamics deals
luable data than energy analysis in determination of exergy at parti- with the amount of energy with the various form being transferred
cular focuses in a progression of conversion energy steps. The steps that within the system and its surrounding, causing changes in energy stored
contribute the greater thermodynamic losses (i.e., the greatest edge for in the system. Based on the first law of thermodynamics, power output
enhancement) can be identified by evaluating their efficiencies [43,44]. and thermal efficiency are commonly the main performance criteria
Exergy investigation of every component gives better comprehension of [41,78]. Work and heat interaction is treated as equivalent forms of
losses at different conditions of the framework [45,46]. Exergy energy in transit and offers no indication about the possibility of a

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

spontaneous process proceeding in a certain direction [79]. The heat loss factor is denoted by h1f commonly lying in the range
Basic thermodynamics is applied to power system to find mass flow 0.98–0.99 [98].
rate of steam generated at drums, thermodynamics properties of each The approach points (Tap ) and the designed pinch point (Tpp ) are the
equipment and state, the electrical output of the system and thermal basis for the thermal analysis of the HRSG. Eq. (2) expresses the tem-
energy of process [53,80]. Effect of different parameters involved has perature of the gas being emitted from the evaporator:
been discussed in articles and journals including steam properties, the
Tg3 = Ts + Tpp (2)
pressure of high-pressure drum, pinch point, etc. Commonly, processes
are considered to be steady state steady flow. Moreover, kinetic and At superheated pressure, the saturation steam temperature is de-
potential energy effects are ignored. The input and output values of noted by Ts. Moreover, Eq. (3) defines the temperature of the water
every plant components can define as the measure of thermodynamic entering the evaporator.
variables such as enthalpy, pressure, temperature, entropy, mass flow
Tw2 = Ts − Tap (3)
rate, etc. [41,81].
Pinch Technology has developed as a tool for energy engineering Eq. (4) is used for calculating the mass flow rate of the generation
industries to carry out thermodynamic analysis that mainly uses for steam [81].
energy optimization [82–84]. Its application has allowed the im-
mg. (Cpg1 Tg1 − Cpg3 Tg3) × h1f
provement of the energetic efficiency in chemical plant and refineries, ms. =
by implementing an optimum use of heat loads of the process streams (hss − h w2) (4)
and thermal gradients between Pinch Analysis and Process Integration As defined in Eq. (5), the energy balance is used for calculating the
[53,85]. temperature of the gases that leave the superheater:
Each component of the system in the models assumed as an in-
dividual control volume. Thus in orders to conduct the analysis, prin- Cpg1 Tg1 ms. (hss − hs )
Tg 2 = −
ciple of first and second laws of thermodynamics, and mass conserva- Cpg 2 mg. Cpg 2 × h1f (5)
tion are applied to the component with negligible kinetic and potential
The trial and error method on Eq. (5) is performed for calculating
energy changes [86–89]. Throughout the whole system process, the
the specific heat (Cpg2 ) and Tg2. As shown in Fig. 4, the energy balance
steady state assumed for the operations. The thermodynamic property
of the economizer could be considered for calculating the temperature
relations with corresponding equations are solved by the energy bal-
of the exhaust hot gases emitting the HRSG.
ance of the cycle performance according to [90–92].
Eq. (6) is another way of demonstrating the heat available from the
A schematic of the CCGT and bottoming cycle using a single-pres-
exhaust gases:
sure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) without reheating is illu-
strated in Fig. 1. To enable burning of natural gas for expansion in the Qav = mg × Cpg × (Tg1 − Tg 4 ) × h1f (6)
GT, a combustor and a single stage axial flow compressor are included
in the GT (topping cycle). For combining with fuel in order to produce where the exhaust temperature of the HRSG is represented by Tg4 .
high temperature flue gas, the principle of GT states that the air is The energy balance between states 4 and 5 can be considered for
compressed by the air compressor before being transferred to the calculating the temperature of the hot gases leaving the HRSG. This is
combustion chamber (CC). Next, the GT which is linked to the gen- shown in Fig. 4.
erator’s shaft for producing electricity becomes the recipient of tem- Cpg3 Tg3 ms. (h w2 − h w1)
perature flue gas [82]. In flowing into the HRSG, a decrease becomes Tg 4 = −
Cpg 4 mg. Cpg 4 × h1f (7)
imminent in the effluent exhaust gas temperature.
The superheater, economizer and evaporator exist in the HRSG. The ST becomes the recipient of the high pressure and high tem-
Electricity is produced with the transmission of steam by the HRSG to perature steam obtained from the HRSG [86,99], Fig. 3 shows the en-
the ST. The effluent condensate flows from the ST into a condenser. ergy balance.
Over here, waste heat is transferred by the cooling water to the cooling
Wst = ms. (h6 − h7) (8)
tower [93]. In the last stage, the output from the condenser namely the
feed water is suctioned by the feed water pump before transference to Eq. (9) expresses the heat rejected from the condenser [100]:
the HRSG [94]. The assumption that ηst andηp represent steam turbine
Qcond = m w. (h7 − h8) (9)
and pump efficiencies respectively is taken here. The solid and dashed
lines represent the ideal and actual processes on the temperature en- The pump extracts the condensate from the condenser which is then
tropy diagram illustrated by Fig. 3 [84].
For the CCGT plant, a single pressure HRSG is classified as a
common type. The temperature profile for a single pressure HRSG case
containing a superheater, economizer and evaporator is shown in Fig. 4.
Feed water temperature and blow down are the terminologies used for
superheated steam temperature and pressure. Conditions of GT exhaust
like temperature exhaust gases, flow rate and compositions are known
as well. In the design mode, the aim is also to obtain the steam flow, gas
and steam temperature profile. For calculating the HRSG temperature
profile, the main parameters are pinch point (Tpp ) and approach points
(Tap ). Fig. 4 defines them which include steam flow fall, the complete
gas and steam temperature profiles [91]. The values for (Tg3) and (Tw2)
can be calculated while assumptions are made for the pinch and ap-
proach. Hence, as shown in Fig. 3, the gas and water properties can be
calculated by applying the energy balance for gas and water in every
part. The following equations have been solved for obtaining the result:
Eq. (1) expresses the superheater duty [95–97]:
Qsh = ms. (hsh − hs ) = mg × Cpg × (Tg1 − Tg 2) × h1f (1) Fig. 3. Temperature-entropy diagram for steam turbine plant.

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

exergy analysis of a coal based thermal power plant by splitting up the

entire plant cycle into three zones for the analysis. Wang et al. [56],
performed exergy analysis of different cogeneration system in cement
industry, achieving a parameter optimization for each cogeneration
system. Kamate et al. [58], conducted an exergy analysis of a heat
matched bagasse-based cogeneration plant of a typical sugar factory.
Exergetic analysis acts as a tool for a clear variation between energy
losses to the environment and internal irreversibilities in the process
[107–109]. The steps that contribute the greater thermodynamic losses
(i.e., the greatest margin for improvement) can be identified by eval-
uating their efficiencies [43,110]. Exergy analysis of each component
provides a better understanding of losses at various states of the system
[45,111]. Exergy can also identify better than the energy the environ-
mental benefits and economics of energy technologies [47,112].
Exergy is theoretically not conserved as energy, yet destructed in
the system. The evaluation of irreversibility that is the source of per-
formance loss is known as the exergy destruction [113,114]. As a
matter of fact, an exergy analysis assessing the quantity of exergy de-
struction identifies the location, the magnitude and the source of
Fig. 4. A typical temperature heat transfer diagram for single-pressure HRSG thermodynamic inefficiencies in a thermal system [50]. In the modern
combined cycle. power industry, engineer approach to process analysis utilizes the ex-
ergy, which provides a more practical view of the process and a handy
elevated to the economizer pressure. Eq. (10) presents the corre- tool for engineering evaluation [59]. In fact, exergy analysis has be-
sponding work: come a crucial aspect in determining sources of inefficiency, providing
a better understanding of the process, and to measure the quality of
Wp = m w. × vf 9 (psh − pc ) (10)
energy used [62]. There are some researchers even devoted their stu-
Hence, the ST power plant’s net work is : dies to component exergy analysis and efficiency improvement [64,65];
while others focused on systems design and analysis [66–70].
Wsnet = Wst − Wp (11)
In thermodynamics, energy transfer and conversion processes of a
The ST power plant’s efficiency is [95]: thermal system or equipment are the main consideration to determine
the efficiency of the system. The ratio between exergy used or gained
ηstc = and consumptive exergy is defined d as the exergy efficiency of the
Qav (12)
system or equipment [115]. The exergetic efficiency of the thermal
Eq. (13) represents the overall thermal efficiency of the CCGT power equipment is defined by the ratio of exergy to heat absorbed [116,117].
plant [101,102]: For a thermodynamic system that interacts with a reference ambient
WGnet + Wsnet giving or absorbing energy in the form of heat, energy can be expressed
ηall = in the form of exergy defined by:
Qadd (13)
Exergy = Q (1− )
T (14)
2.2. Exergy analysis
Exergy analysis of power plant is mostly involved with enthalpy
Exergy is defined as the maximum amount of work that can be exergy whose exergy calculation formula:
obtained from any disequilibrium or gradient between a physical e = (h − h 0) − T0 (s − s0) (15)
system and surrounding environment. In simpler words, it determines
the availability of a system to produce work. Utilization of exergy has Where h, s and T represent enthalpy, the entropy of working system
spread to various fields of physics and engineering as a useful decision- under environment condition and thermodynamics temperature of en-
making tool in recent decades. Despite the name of terms, exergy is vironment respectively. Exergy efficiency is the exergy utilization ratio;
directly related to energy. However, unlike energy, exergy is not con- however, it cannot reflect the situation of exergy loss distribution. To
served and destroyed by irreversibilities within a system, internally and achieve that, exergy loss rate, d and exergy loss coefficient is calculated
externally [103]. The identification of parts of a system where the de- as indicators that can find the inefficient part of the power system.
struction of exergy takes place can provide guidance towards potential Unlike exergy loss rate, exergy loss coefficient, εi is the ratio of local
improvements [52,104]. exergy loss rate to total fuel entered into the thermal system.
As a combination property of a system and its environment, exergy The balance of the exergy rate can be expressed for every compo-
depended on both the state of the system and surrounding. The ration of nent of the thermal system as shown in Eq. (16) [118,119]:
energy to exergy in a system can be considered as a measure of energy
∑ Eẋ i + Eẋ heat = ∑ Eẋ e + Ẇ +I (16)
quality that indicates the improvement of energy efficiency. According
to Arriola et al. [53], exergy analysis is a tool that allows us to identify Subscripts of i and e in Eqs. (1)–(16) indicate inlet and exit states of
and quantify inefficient of equipment in a system that involving heat the stream flow. Meanwhile ṁ and h donate the mass flow rate and
and power. This analysis is conducted not only regarding heat loads or enthalpy respectively. Furthermore, exergy rate and exergy destruction
the measure of the quantity of energy but also regarding temperature is represented by Eẋ and I . Net exergy transfer rate by heat at tempe-
and pressure gradient (energy quality) concerning the ambient condi- rate T is given by [120–122]:
tions [53]. However, exergy analysis does not establish clear, practical
design guidelines to optimize the use of energy [105,106]. Eẋ heat = ∑ ⎛1− T0 ⎞ Q̇ (17)
Saidi et al. [57], optimized the power output of a polymer electro- ⎝ ⎠
lyte fuel cell with cogeneration using the second law of thermo- In Eq. (17), subscript 0 refers to the ambient environmental con-
dynamics, based on an exergy analysis. Sengupta et al. [55], presented ditions and T0 is referred to the ambient temperature. Exergy rate of the

T.K. Ibrahim et al.

Table 1
Energy and exergy analysis of the CCPP.
References Year Capacity (MW) Energy analysis Exergy analysis Remarks

[82] 2001 850 Yes This study focus on the developed simulation and optimization code to select optimum operation parameters.
[146] 2001 1100 Yes A thermodynamics optimization of large-scale coal-fired power plant was done.
[147] 2007 500 Yes Yes The results show the lower energy efficiency due to higher energy rejection and poor exergy efficiency is due to higher exergy destruction relative to net output at
part load operation.
[148] 2009 315 Yes Yes The condenser show maximum energy losses. In terms of exergy destruction, the major loss was found in the boiler and turbine.
[149] 2009 7.7 Yes Yes Energy and exergy analysis have been done and predicted that fluidized bed combustor has the largest exergy destruction
[150] 2010 32 Yes Yes The irreversibilities yield of the boiler and turbine represent the highest exergy losses in the power plant.
[151] 2010 348.5 Yes Yes Energy losses, mainly occur in the condenser while the exergy destruction of the boiler is higher than the other components of the power plant.
[152] 2011 300 Yes Yes Exergy loss mainly takes place in boiler and in condenser energy loss takes place at most
[153] 2011 435 Yes Yes Optimum design parameter was selected based on multi-objective optimization
[154] 2011 107 Yes The lower exergy efficiency of plant components was occurred in the combustion chamber.
[155] 2014 660 Yes Yes The results show that minimum energy losses maximum rate of exergy destruction were occurred in the boiler.
[156] 2014 300 Yes Yes The results produced from compared two power plant work at same capacity show that the most energy losses was occurred in the condenser and the boiler represent
the major exergy destruction between the power plant components.

[157] 2014 500 Yes Yes Perform energy and exergy analysis was done to compare between coal-fired power plant and nuclear power plant at same capacity and condition.
[158] 2015 150 Yes Yes A less exergy loss takes place in the condenser while boiler has a major exergy loss in comparison to other components.
[159] 2015 110 Yes Yes The energy loss was insignificant in the condenser due to its low quality and that the greatest process irreversibility and possibility for efficiency improvement is
found in the boiler
[71] 2015 50 Yes Yes Among the system components in the combustion chamber most exergy destruction was occurred after applied the first and second law of thermodynamics analysis.
The energy and exergy efficiencies of the CCPP are found as 56% and 50.04% respectively.
[119] 2016 200 Yes Yes The main wasting exergy equipment was the boiler while the be most wasting energy equipment was the condenser.
[160] 2017 660 Yes Yes Development efficient methodology for Thermodynamic optimization of the power plant has been done using coupled artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic
algorithm (GA) and found the optimum parameters.
[67] 2017 232.6 Yes The reduce of the exergy destruction in the cycle can be achieve by reducing the temperature differences of the net heaters and increasing the amount of supplied
working fluid to the turbine.
[161] 2017 180 Yes Due to their high irreversibility the combustion chambers are the main sources of exergy destruction
[162] 2017 250 Yes Yes The results show that the energy efficiency was 32.4% while the exergy efficiency was 34.3% of the plant.
[163] 2017 430.54 Yes Yes The energy and exergy analysis are assessment of an integrated steam generation CCPP
[164] 2018 315 Yes The simulator model can predict the exergy destruction in the cycle with relative errors of less than 1.5% for different operating conditions.
[165] 2018 2.33 Yes Yes Energy and exergy assessments are proposed of the cogeneration system.
[166] 2018 0.033 Yes The combustion chamber had half of the total exergy destruction of the plants.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850
T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

fluid flow is the summation of physical and chemical exergy rate, dis- coal-fired steam power plant. In 2011, Kaushik et al. [141] presented a
regarding the kinetic and potential exergies of the flow [123,124]. brief review of various studies and comparison between the energy and
exergy analyses of thermal power plants stimulated by coal and gas.
Eẋ = Eẋ ph + Eẋ ch (18)
Based on the exergy analysis presented in this study, main exergy loss in
The term of physical exergy is calculated as [125–127]: coal based power plants is in the boiler. While for gas fired combined
cycle thermal power plant, combustion chamber has the largest exergy
Eẋ ph = ṁ [(h − h 0 ) − T0 (s − s0 )] (19) loss distribution among the other parts of the systems [141].
To determine the chemical exergy of the blend, it is essential to Introducing exergoeconomic analysis, Ameri et al. [5] performed
know the molar structure, x of the gases of the combustion after com- the analysis together with energy and exergy for a steam power plant.
bustion process by the chemical balance equation [128,129]. Ghaebi et al. [142] conducted energy, exergy and thermo-economic
analysis on a combined cooling, heating and power system. Wei et al.
n n [143] presented an exergy analysis and an exergoeconomic evaluation
Eẋ ch = ṁ ⎡∑ x i Ex ich + RT0 ∑ x i ln(x i ) ⎤
⎢ i=1 i=1 ⎥ (20) to identify potential energy savings in distillation processes. Compar-
⎣ ⎦
ison between energy and exergy analysis has been made by Li et al.
Calculation of exergy destructions and exergy efficiency for each [144] using sub-critical, super-critical, ultra-supercritical steam condi-
component of the system are included in exergy analysis and also the tions of power systems. In 2014, Chen et al. carried out energy and
overall system. The formula of exergy efficiency is mathematically ex- exergy analysis of the combined cooling, heating and power system
pressed as below [125,130,131]: driven by gas turbine [145].
̇ , GT
Wnet Combined method of energy and exergy analysis is a useful tool for
ηex , GT = decision making because it allows optimizing the operation of the
Eẋ ch (21)
power plant, as well as recommending actions in rehabilitation and
̇ , ST
Wnet modernization programs [111]. Besides that, it also optimizes the use of
ηex , ST =
Eẋ ch (22) energy in a process of industrial power plant that guarantees the effi-
cient use of energy resources [53,106]. In this study, a number of re-
̇ ,
Wnet GT
̇ ,
+ Wnet ST search articles based on thermodynamic analysis in the CCPP have been
ηex , overall =
Ex ch (23) reviewed. A lot of research articles, including energy and exergy ana-
lysis. Therefore more, these studies have been also taken into in-
Eq. (24) shows the calculation for the fuel specific exergy
vestigation. It is also noted that, most energy losses was occurred in the
condenser but the major exergy destruction occurred in the combustion
ch chamber as shown in Table 1.
Eẋ fuel = ξ × LHVfuel (24)
where c = 1.06, is indicated as the factor of exergy based on the lower
3. Case studies of the energy and exergy analysis of the combined
heating value [134,135].
Exergy of an energy-conversion system can be quantified by speci-
fying both the system and its surroundings. It is concluded that any
In calculating the variation in a thermodynamic property analysis
process does not remarkably vary the concentrated thermodynamic
(first law of the thermodynamics), the reference ambient state is in-
properties of the ambient environment. The case, when considered the
significant. However, it is supposed that the dead state will influence
system, is at equilibrium with the surroundings called the dead state
the results of exergy analysis (second law of the thermodynamics)
[136,137]. There are no potential variances occur when a system is at
[167,168]. So as to determine the significant of the dead state towards
equivalent pressure, temperature, velocity, chemical composition, and
the exergy analysis, the case studied was analyzed using the corre-
elevation as its surroundings, that would extract the useful work of the
sponding equations; with the reference of the environment temperature
system [43,138].
varies from 283.15 to 318.15 K while keeping the pressure at 101.3 kPa
[50,169]. REFPROP 8 software was utilized to calculate the thermo-
2.3. Combined energy and exergy analysis dynamic properties of air and water at various nodes of case studied
[170,171]. In this part will discuss three previous case studies of the
The combination of both energy and exergy analysis in a single combined cycle based on the energy and exergy analysis.
methodology could provide a right solution for the analysis of heat and
power systems. The combined approach in analyzing the operation and
design of a typical combined cycle power plant not only quantifies total 3.1. Externally fired biomass CCPP
exergy loss for the equipment, but also the energy and exergy effi-
ciency, potentially improves the power systems towards efficient use of In the study of externally fired biomass CCPP as shown in Fig. 5, a
energy resources. thermodynamic mathematical model is developed for the gasification
Analysis of cross pinch heat transfer in a combined cycle power process assuming that the producer gas is in chemical equilibrium
system identifies additional losses of energy due to the inefficient de- [172]. Regarding the lower heating value of the biomass fuel, the
sign of the heat recovery steam generation system (HRSG). Arriola et al. overall energy efficiency can be expressed as:
[53], stated that elimination of cross pinch heat transfer in process ̇ , GT + Wnet
Wnet ̇ , ST
operating conditions would allow an increment of 0.81% on the cycle ηoverall =
ṁ biomass LHVbiomass (25)
efficiency and a reduction of 2.4% in the cooling water required. Plant
efficiency can be improved by implementing new or rehabilitated where Wneṫ , GT = WGT ̇ , ST = WST
̇ − Ẇ pump and Wnet ̇ − Wair
̇ − comp .
equipment. However, some energy losses could remain due to an in- In previous studies, a few researchers have conducted conventional
efficient thermal integration [53]. It has been found that higher energy exergy analysis towards externally fired biomass CCPP to define the
and exergy efficiencies can achieved when methane is used as an energy efficiency as “exergy of product/exergy of fuel” [125,134,174–179].
source when compared to natural gas and coal [45]. Esen et al. [139] Soltani, Yari et al. [173] has reported the explanation of product and
investigated energetic and exergetic efficiencies of a ground-coupled fuel exergy, as well as exergy destruction and exergy efficiency for the
heat pump system. case studied.
Rosen et al. [140], examined energy and exergy efficiencies in a Fig. 6 shows that the influence of pressure ratio and two gas turbine

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

= 50,145 kJ/kg) of fuel is utilized to determine the energy efficiency of

combustion chamber are consider in this study. Meanwhile, its exergy
efficiency is calculated from the net work output of chemical exergy of
fuel at it is standard value (52,275 kJ/kg). Chemical equation of the
combustion process occurs in combustion chamber (CC) of the GT is:
CH4 + x (O2+3.76N2) → CO2+2H2 O + (x −2) O2+3.76xN2 (26)

where x represent the amount of air required to complete the com-

bustion process.
Table 2 was developed to summarize the exergetic losses calculation
based on determine the exergetic losses for each components of the
CCPP for the study [180].
Entropy change for air in isentropic compression and expansion
process is zero, Δs = 0 [180].
∆s = 0 = s32 − s 33′ (27)

s32 = [sCO2+2s H2 O + (x −2) sO2+3.76xs N2]32 / − R [log
2P32 3.76xP32 (x −2) P32
+2log +3.76x log + (x −2)log ]
mpcc mpcc mpcc (28)

s 33′ = [sCO2+2s H2 O + (x −2) sO2+3.76xs N2]33′

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of case study (externally fired biomass CCPP) [173].
P 33′ 2P ′ 3.76xP 33′ (x −2) P33′
− R [log +2log 33 +3.76x log + (x −2)log ]
mpcc mpcc mpcc mpcc
where mpcc indicate the total mass of chemical contains in combustion
product. Heat balanced equation is used to determine the steam flow
rates and local outlet temperature in heating devices at low, medium
and high pressure. Eqs. (30 and 31) are expressed to calculate satura-
tion temperature of LP and IP evaporator.
TIP sat = TIP ex − TTDIP − DSHIP (30)

TLP sat = TLP ex − TTDLP − DSHLP (31)

TTD is defined as the terminal temperature difference between flue

gas and reheated/superheated steam; DSH is the degree of superheat in
superheater. Exhaust gas temperature is determined from:
THP ex = THP sat + PPHP (32)

TIP ex = TIP sat + PPIP (33)

Fig. 6. Effect of the pressure ratio and the turbine inlet temperature on the
energy and exergy efficiency of the CCPP [173]. TLP ex = TLP sat + PPLP (34)

In exergy analysis, chemical exergy and physical exergy associated

inlet temperatures values on the energy and exergy efficiencies varia- in each component is estimated by:
tions. For a constant turbine inlet temperature of the GT cycle, it is
obvious that there is no significant on the both the efficiencies varia- e ch = ∑k nk εk0 + RT0 ∑ nk ln(Pxk )
k (35)
tion. However, at the specific value of the pressure ratio, the energy and
exergy efficiencies are boosted in their values. Thus we can conclude e ph = h − ∑k T0 sk (36)
that the rise of the turbine inlet temperature of GT will leads to greater
thermal efficiencies at all pressure ratios [173]. where xk donate to mole fraction of k components.
In all HRSG configurations, the deaerator is located to help the
CCPP to remove dissolved gases in feed water as well as gain higher
3.2. Combined cycle with pressure level of HRSG efficiency. As last heat transfers surface the condensate preheater (CPH)
is placed in HRSG to enhance the heat recovery from the hot gases. The
Srinivas et al. [180] optimized different types of the HRSG such as: pressure and temperature of the steam in each pressure level are de-
single pressure (SP), dual pressure (DP) and triple pressure (TP) on the termined based on the local flue gas temperature in the HRSG. The
performa.nce off the combined cycle power plant (CCPP) as shown in minimum temperature difference between saturation steam tempera-
Fig. 7. The exergy efficiency variations in the CCPP are plotted with the tures in the evaporators and the exhaust gases leaving the evaporator
pressure ratio of the, compressor; inlet temperature of the gas turbine, from the gas turbine called as pinch point (PP). On the other hand the
HRSG superheated pressure (HP), the pressure of reheated steam, pinch temperature difference between steam in the super heaters and the
point (PP) and deaerator pressure. The optimized of the HRSG config- exhaust entry are called terminal temperature difference (TTD) and it
uration led to improve the generation of the steam and therefore, the Thus, the total exergetic losses of the CCPP cycle is
output of the steam turbine.
itot = iC + iCC + iGT + iHRSG + iex + iST + iCO + iw + iDE (37)
Assumptions for analysis of the CCPP are tabulated . Energy effi-
ciency of the CCPP is determined based on the law heating value (LHV Exergy efficiency of the CCPP cycle can determine from

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of CCPP cycle with HRSG: a) single pressure ;b) dual pressure; and c) triple pressure [180].

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

Table 2
Components exergetic losses.
Components Exergetic loss (Irreversibility)

Compressor iC = e30 + wC − e31

CC iCC = eCH4 + e31 − e32
GT iGT = e32 + e33 − wGT
HRSG iHRSG = (eHRSG in − eHRSG out ) + ∑ (ewater in − estream out )
HRSG (Exhaust) i ex = eex
ST iST = T0 ∑ m (sout − sin)
Cond. Tw, out
iCO = T0 ⎛mCO ST (sout − sin)+mw ×4.18×log ⎞
⎝ Tw, in ⎠
Cond. (Hot water) iw = mw ×4.18×(Tw, out − Tw, in) − T0 mw ×4.18×log
Tw, out
Tw, in
Deaerator iDE = T0 [mDE steam (safter mix − sbefore mix ) + mfeedwater (safter mix − sbefore mix )

wnet physical and thermal design, based on used the Matlab software pro-
ηex = × 100
ε 0CH4 (38) gram for optimization is developed. To study the optimization of the
CCPP, the temperature profile of the gases and steam in the CCPP, es-
Clearly, exergy efficiency is not in view of the particular heat input
timated the enthalpy and exergy of each line in plant. The energy
to the steam; rather, the LHV of the fuel is used to include the losses
balance equations for various parts of the CCPP (Fig. 9) are as follows
from the furnace of the boiler system which mainly due to energy lost
with incomplete combustion, hot gases, and etc.

• Air compressor:
Fig. 8(a) clearly shows that optimum pressure ratio increase from
single pressure to triple pressure in HRSG. According to the isentropic
expansion equation, the increase of pressure ratio will reduce the ex- ⎧ 1 ⎡ aγa
γ −1
haust temperature of the GT cycle, thus the total cycle efficiency was TB = TA 1+ rc −1⎥
⎨ ηAC ⎢ ⎬
decreases. The HRSG is better in triple pressure configuration. At tur- ⎩ ⎣ ⎦⎭ (39)
bine inlet temperature 1200 °C value of the GT cycle, the optimum
pressure ratio is observed as 8, 10 and 12 for SP, DP and TP HRSG
respectively. The Exergy efficiency of the CCPP cycle was raised with Ẇ AC = ma cp, a (TB − TA) (40)
the increased of the turbine inlet temperature of the GT, at a constant where cp, a is assumed as a temperature variable function:
pressure ratio of 12 (Fig. 8b).
By increasing the inlet pressure of the steam turbine, the overall 3.8371T 9.4537T 2 ⎞ ⎛ 5.49031T 3 ⎞ ⎛ 7.9298T 4 ⎞
c p, a = 1.0481−⎛ ⎞+⎛ ⎜ − ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

efficiency of cycle will increase as well (Fig. 8c). A remarkable rise in ⎝ 10 4 ⎠ ⎝ 107 ⎠ ⎝ 1010 ⎠ ⎝ 1014 ⎠
efficiency is observed from DP to TP with the present of high pressure. (41)
In Fig. 8(d), at 200 bar of inlet pressure of the steam turbine, exergy
efficiency of CC increase gradually with steam reheat pressure for single
pressure configuration HRSG. However, dual and triple pressure HRSG • Combustion chamber:
shows a different graph due to the existence of reheater in the config- ṁ a hB + ṁ f LHV = ṁ g hc +(1−ηcc ) ṁ f LHV (42)
urations. Reheater is implemented to reduce the moisture contain in the
steam in order to prevent the erosion of turbine blades during expan-
sion process. Exergy efficiency is optimum at 100 bar steam reheat PC
= (1 − ΔPCC )
pressure with HP pressure at 200 bar. PB (43)
By maintaining HP pressure and steam reheat pressure at 200 bar
and 100 bar respectively, we observed from Fig. 8(e) that peak
deaerator pressure is approximately 1, 3 and 5 bar for distinct level of
• Gas turbine:
1 − γg
HRSG. Greater temperature difference between exhaust and steam (PP) ⎧ ⎡ γg ⎤ ⎫
⎪ P ⎪
will cause increase of irreversibility losses in heat transfer. Conse- TD = TC 1+ηGT ⎢1−⎛ C ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎨ ⎢ ⎝ PD ⎠ ⎥⎬
quently, combined cycle achieve higher exergy efficiency at low tem- ⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎣ ⎦⎭ (44)
perature different (Fig. 8f).
Practically, the CCPP cycle has a constant pressure ratio of the
compressor and turbine inlet temperature of the GT designed by the ̇ = m g c p,
WGT − TD )
g (TC (45)
manufacturer. Thus, it is not ideal to reduce the exergetic losses in the
gas cycle components such as compressor, combustion chamber and gas
turbine. From SP to TP, exergetic loss associated to heat transfer in-
ẆNet = WGT
̇ − Ẇ AC (46)
crease with rate of steam generation by HRSG. Hence, causing exhaust
exergetic loss to reduce. In the isentropic expansion of steam turbine,
exergetic loss is affected by the amount of steam flow. As higher pres- ṁ g = ṁ f + ṁ a (47)
sure level of HRSG produce greater steam flow, exergetic flow rises with
the pressure level, which indirectly increases the condenser exergetic where cp, g is assumed as a temperature variable function:
loss as well. Overall, total exergetic losses show a decreasing pattern 6.99703T 2.7129T 2 ⎞ ⎛ 1.22442T 3 ⎞
from SP to TP of the HRSG. c p, g = 0.991615+⎛ ⎞+⎛ ⎜ − ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 10 ⎠ ⎝ 107 ⎠ ⎝ 1010 ⎠ (48)

3.3. Dual pressure (DP) combined cycle power plant

• Duct burner:
To find the optimum parameters of the system from the view of the To rise the exhaust gas temperature of the GT that entering the

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

Fig. 8. Exergy efficiency of the CCPP cycle with: a) single pressure HRSG; b) dual pressure HRSG; and c) triple pressure HRSG [180].

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

Fig. 9. Schematic representation of a dual pressure (DP) CCPP cycle [153].

Table 3 ṁ g cp (T13 − T14 ) = ṁ S, HP (h8 − h7) (52)

Exergy destruction and exergy efficiency of the CCPP components.
LP superheater:
Components Exergy destruction Exergy efficiency
ṁ g cp (T14 − T15) = ṁ S, LP (h6 − h5) (53)
HRSG EḊ , HRSG = ∑i, E ̇ − ∑o E ̇ ̇ + E6̇ − E1̇
ηHRSG = ̇ − E18
E11 ̇ LP evaporator:
ST EḊ , ST = ∑i, E ̇ − ∑o E ̇ − Ẇ WSṪ
ηST = ṁ g cp (T15 − T16) = ṁ S, LP (h5 − h4 )
Ei̇ − Eȯ (54)
Pump EḊ , P = Ei̇ − Eȯ + ẆP Ei̇ − Eȯ
ηP =
EṖ Deaerator evaporator:
Comp. EḊ , AC = EȦ − EḂ − Ẇ AC E2̇ − E1̇
ηAC =
Ẇ AC ṁ g cp (T16 − T17) = ṁ S, LP (h3 − h2) (55)
CC EḊ , CC = EḂ − EĊ + Eḟ , CC ̇
ηCC = ̇ − Eḟ , CC
EB Condensate pre-heater:
GT EḊ , GT = EĊ − EḊ − WGT
̇ ̇
ηGT =
EC ̇ − ED ̇ ṁ g cp (T17 − T18) = ṁ S, LP (h2 − h1) (56)
Duct burner EḊ , DB = EḊ − E11
̇ + Eḟ , DB ̇
ηDB = ̇ ̇
ED − Ef , DB After solving the numerical mass balance and energy equations,
Cond. EḊ , C = ∑i, E ̇ − ∑o E ̇ ̇ , Cond
ηCond = 1− temperature-transferred heat diagram of HRSG in term of gas and
∑in Cond E ̇
water/steam flow is produced.

HRSG, additional fuel is burnt in supplementary combustor. • Steam turbine:

̇ = ṁ w, HP h10 + ṁ w, HP h6 − ṁ w h19
WST (57)
ṁ g hD + ṁ f , DB LHV = (ṁ g + ṁ f , DB ) h11+ (1−ηDB ) ṁ f , DB LHV

(49) ̇ ,a
ηST =
̇ ,s
WST (58)
• Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG): In order to determine the performance of the CCPP, overall thermal
efficiency must include the efficiency of the GT cycle and the ST cycle.
In this case studied, configuration of HRSG is dual pressure. Energy
balance equations for the exhaust gases and water in each point are ̇ − WAC
ηGT =
used to calculate gases temperature and water properties. ̇
Qin (59)
HP superheater:
̇ − WP
ṁ w, HP h10 + ṁ w, LP h6
− ṁ w h19 = WST (50) ηST =
Qin (60)
HP evaporator:
̇ − WAC + WST
WGT ̇ − WP
ṁ g cp (T12 − T13) = ṁ S, HP (h9 − h8) (51) ̇
Qin (61)
HP economizer: There are a few assumptions made in conducting this analysis

T.K. Ibrahim et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 90 (2018) 835–850

[181,182]: the hot exhaust gas and working fluid. Table 3 summarized the exergy
destruction rate and the exergy efficiency for each component of the
a) All the flows are in steady flow. CCPP with effect dual pressure HRSG [153]. Therefore, the calculation
b) In this study the researcher consider the air and combustion pro- of exergy destruction and exergy efficiency will be very sample and
ducts as an ideal-gas mixture. help to develop the mathematical model for the effect of dual pressure
c) Natural gas is used as the fuel. HRSG on the performance of CCPP.
d) In combustion chamber, heat loss is deduced to be 3% of the LHV of
the fuel [183]. However, all other components are assumed adia- 4. Conclusion
e) The ambient conditions are T0 = 293.15 K and P0 = 1.01 bar. In this study, a comprehensive investigation of modelling and per-
formance assessment has been conducted on the CCPP plant. Review of
The previous studies divided the exergy to four main groups as: the technical methods of energy and exergy analysis from previous
physical, chemical, kinetic and potential exergy. Most studies assumed published journals and articles has permit a significant comparison of
the kinetic and potential exergy to be insignificant components through various configurations of the CCPP plant, specifically in term of heat
the analysis. On the other hand, the physical and chemical exergy recovery steam generator. The fact is combination of energy and exergy
consider being the significant components of the exergy through the analysis has been widely used for improvement not attainable by en-
analysis [113,161,184,185]. The chemical exergy of a substance is the ergy methods. The results obtained from exergy analysis seem to be
most extreme work that can be gotten from it by taking it to the similar with the actual practice of the CCPP generation system. As the
equilibrium of chemical composite with the standard conditions at matter of fact, exergy efficiency has successfully provided a more
constant pressure and temperature (1 atm and 298.15 K respectively) practical comparison between distinct configurations of cogeneration
[162,186,187]. Therefore in the combustion process the chemical ex- systems. Energy efficiencies can be non-intuitive or even deceptive
ergy represent the most important part. The deviation of the pressure [190]. Part of it is because it does not demonstrate a measure of ide-
and temperature of any system compared to the standard conditions led ality. Moreover, energy losses during operation process can be large
to generate the physical exergy. Physical exergy shows maximum work amount of quantity, yet it is thermodynamically negligible due to its
potential of system at initial conditions [162]. By applying the first and low quality. On the other hand, exergy efficiencies and destruction
second law of thermodynamics, the exergy balance can be obtained. provide measures of approach to ideality. Such results provide great
opportunities for improvement. Nonetheless, unavoidable irreversi-
Eẋ Q + ∑ ṁ i exi = ∑ ṁ e exe + Eẋ W + Eẋ D bility or losses are present due to technological, physical, and economic
i e (62)
constraints [50]. Among the system of the CCPP, HRSG system has the
Subscript i and e are indicating the inlet and outlet of process flow. mainly remarkable source of exergy destruction due to the chemical
Exergy destruction is defined as Eẋ D . reaction between compressed air and fuel input. The main factors that
affecting are the excess air fraction exist in the combustion and air inlet
Eẋ Q = ⎛1− 0 ⎞ Qi̇
⎜ ⎟
temperature. Improvement can achieve by reducing the air-fuel ratio
⎝ Ti ⎠ (63)
and preheating the combustion air. In overall, exergy methods able to
Eẋ W = Ẇ (64) guarantee the tremendous benefits reasonably attainable, which will
likely be beneficial to manufacturers, engineers and designers of the
ex ph = (h − h 0) − T0 (s − s0) (65) CCPP generation systems in plant design, manufacturing, analysis, and
optimization formula, and most importantly, determine the suitable
n n type of system for different conditions and applications.
ex mix = ⎡∑ Xi ex ich + RT0 ∑ Xi ln Xi + G E⎤
⎢ i=1 i=1 ⎥ (66)
⎣ ⎦
where Eẋ Q and Eẋ W is the exergy of heat transfer and work respectively.
G E is the excess free Gibbs energy which is negligible at low pressure in The authors would like to thank Tikrit University for providing la-
a gas mixture. Subscripts 0 represent the dead-state conditions. In order boratory facilities and financial.
to analyze exergetic performance, equation of total exergy rate is uti-
lized. References
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