MS 2021-2022
MS 2021-2022
MS 2021-2022
January 2021
Edexcel and BTEC qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding
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January 2021
Publications Code WBI11_01_2101_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2021
General Marking Guidance
• both have a valve (at the point they leave the heart) (1)
Question Answer Mark
A α glucose molecules join together by a condensation reaction
• {large molecule / polymer / polysaccharide} therefore {insoluble / Accept {large molecule / polymer} so
has no osmotic effect} (1) does not diffuse
• branched structure therefore {broken down / energy released / Accept branched so can be broken
hydrolysis is} faster (1) down from several points at the same
Ignore easier to break down
• compact therefore has a high energy density (1)
Accept compact so {high energy
stored in a small space / many glucose
molecules stored in a small space} (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(b)(i) Answer that includes the following points:
• estimate of number of babies with GSD (1) Accept any value between 150 and 200
• estimate of mean number of babies with Von Gierke disease (1) Accept any value between 38 and 50
Accept non-whole numbers eg 38.5
• because allele for Von Gierke disease may be recessive (1) Accept disease caused by two
recessive alleles
Do not accept {gene / disease} is
• therefore (both) parents may be heterozygous (1) Accept parents may be carriers (of the
• because individuals with Von Gierke disease are less likely to
have babies (1) (2)
Ignore mutation
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• bind to an {oxygen (molecule) / O2} (1) Do not accept O
• must have R groups that are {polar / hydrophilic} (1) Accept they are {polar / hydrophilic}
• so that the {haemoglobin / protein} {can dissolve in (red blood Ignore dissolve in blood / plasma
cell) cytoplasm / is soluble in water} (1) (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(b)(i) An explanation that includes two of the following points:
• oxygen dissociation curve for {maternal / adult} Hb is shifted to Accept shifted down for shifted to the
the right of curve for fetal Hb (1) right
Accept converse
• therefore fetal haemoglobin needs to have a higher affinity for Accept converse
oxygen (1)
Accept because oxygen needs to
dissociate from maternal haemoglobin
and bind to fetal haemoglobin
• percentage of amino acids that are different calculated (1) 14 / 13.6 / 13.59
Correct answer with no working (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(a) An explanation that includes the following points:
• because it shows that it is {made of two layers of phospholipid / a Accept it shows two layers of
bilayer} (1) phosphate heads separated by a
band of lipids
• the size of a phospholipid is in the range 2.05 nm to 2.65 nm (1)
• {small / weak / delta / partial} positive charge on hydrogen (1) Accept both points from a diagram
H δ+ (2)
• water is small enough to move by {osmosis / diffusion} (between Accept description of water moving
the phospholipids) (1) through {protein channels /
• steroid (is non-polar so) can diffuse through the {membrane / Accept steroid is not repelled by fatty
phospholipids} (1) acid tails
• glucose (is polar so) passes through {protein channels / carrier Accept movement by active
proteins / by facilitated diffusion} (1) transport
• ions (are polar so) pass through {protein channels / carrier Accept ions are repelled by fatty acid
proteins / by facilitated diffusion / active transport} (1) tails so cannot get through (4)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(a)(i) An explanation that includes the following points:
• but the line for deaths from lung cancer is a period of time after
the line for cigarettes smoked (1) Accept {delay / timelag} for deaths
• alveoli will have a smaller surface area (to volume ratio) (1) Accept gas exchange area will be
• therefore the (rate of) diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream
will be slower (1) Accept gas exchange for diffusion
Ignore less gas exchange / diffusion (2)
Question Answer
Indicative content:
Egg points (E) 1. {number / density of pores}
2. {width / size} of pores
3. area of pores
4. thickness of shell and membranes
5. rate of respiration of developing embryo
6. rate of blood flow of embryo
7. temperature
8. shell is impermeable / pores are permeable
9. shell supports membrane so there is a large SA for gas exchange
Theory points (T) 10. Ficks Law of diffusion can be used to calculate diffusion rate
11. State Fick’s Law (3)
12. because rate of diffusion depends on surface area / mp11
13. because rate of diffusion depends on diffusion distance / mp11
14. because rate of diffusion depends on concentration gradient / mp11
15. speed of molecules depends on temperature
16. because rate of diffusion depends on what substances oxygen is passing through eg
water / air
17. diffusion coefficient through air
18. diffusion coefficient through membranes
Explanation points (X) 19. increasing SA (or any named factor increasing this) causes increase in rate of diffusion
Accept converse for all 20. increasing distance (or any named factor increasing this) causes decrease in rate of
21. increasing conc gradient (or any named factor increasing this) causes increase in rate
22. increasing temperature increases rate of diffusion
Level 1 Up to 4 points from anywhere; 2 points for one mark and 4 points for 2 marks
Level 2 5 points or more, from two best categories; 5 points for 3 marks, 6 points for 4 marks.
Must achieve 6 marks to progress to level 3
Level 3 As level 2 plus up to 2 points from third category; 7 points for 5 marks and 8 points for 6 marks
• for the same energy expenditure, {vigorous Accept if you expend 4000kJ per week, intensity of
exercise / moderate exercise} decreases risk of exercise makes no difference to risk of death from
death from CVD more than light exercise (1) CVD (2)
• because antioxidants reduce free radicals (1) Accept neutralise / stabilise / donate
• who have similar (lifestyle and non-lifestyle) risk factors (1) Accept control for named factor
• compare group given antioxidants to a group using other Accept give one group antioxidants
preventative treatments (1) and the other group {a placebo / no
• monitor the incidence of heart disease over a (long) period of Accept at least 6 months if time is (3)
time (1) given
Question Answer
*7(d) Indicative content:
Outline of events (O points) 1. less blood reaches the heart muscle cells,
2. muscle cells are not supplied with enough oxygen
3. muscle cells are not supplied with enough glucose
4. aerobic respiration decreases
Contraction stops (C points)
5. anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid
6. lactic acid lowers pH and denatures enzymes
7. glycogen used as respiratory substrate
8. anaerobic respiration produces much less ATP / energy
9. therefore less / no blood is pumped by the heart
10. reference to effect on other organs
Use of graph / stem info 11. energy released from heart cells decreases with time after blockage
(G points) 12. reference to data from graph (not mp13 or 15)
13. after 8 minutes the energy released is 52 - 54 a.u.
14. after 8 minutes there is not enough energy for contraction
15. after 20 minutes the energy released is 23 - 24 a.u.
16. which is too low to maintain cell viability / for cells to survive
17. cells die as not enough ATP for vital processes eg active transport
Level 1: up to two points from anywhere; one point for 1 mark and two points for 2 marks
Level 2: up to two points from each of two categories; 3 points for 3 marks, 4 points for 4 marks
Must achieve 4 marks to progress to level 3
Level 3: Level 2 plus two points from the third category; five points for 5 marks and six points for 6 marks
Question Answer Mark
• lactase is soluble because of its {globular shape / external polar Accept hydrophilic for polar
R groups} (1)
• active site of lactase is complementary to the lactose (1) Accept active site of lactase binds to
lactose / active site allows enzyme-
substrate complex to form
• Formation of enzyme-substrate complex lowers the activation Accept R group interactions break the (3)
energy (1) glycosidic bonds
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• {lactase / enzyme} is reusable / milk is not contaminated with Accept higher enzyme activity (1)
{lactase / enzyme} (1)
• pH {below 5 / above 5} reduces lactase activity (1) Accept pH 5 is the optimum for both
enzymes / pH 4-6 is the optimum for
both enzymes
• because pH affects the shape of the active site (1) Accept active site denatured by pH
• due to ionisation of the R groups (1) Accept bonds between R groups are
• immobilised lactase is active at wider range of pH values (1)
• immobilisation holds the R groups in place so active site does not (4)
change shape (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(b)(iii) An answer that includes the following points:
• people from this country (had children that) stayed in this country Accept limited emigration from this
(1) country / reproduction with others
from same country
• relatively new mutation so has not had the chance to spread (1)
Ignore idea that mutation is caused (2)
by drinking milk / not drinking milk
Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828
with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom
Mark Scheme (Results)
Summer 2021
Edexcel and BTEC qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding body.
We provide a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and
specific programmes for employers. For further information visit our qualifications
websites at or Alternatively, you can get in touch with
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Pearson aspires to be the world’s leading learning company. Our aim is to help everyone progress
in their lives through education. We believe in every kind of learning, for all kinds of people,
wherever they are in the world. We’ve been involved in education for over 150 years, and by
working across 70 countries, in 100 languages, we have built an international reputation for our
commitment to high standards and raising achievement through innovation in education. Find out
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Summer 2021
Question Paper Log Number 65812
Publications Code WBI11_01_2106_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2021
General Marking Guidance
A few minor changes were made to the Mark Scheme before marking on the
marking service began. These have been highlighted in red in the Mark Scheme. The
changes have been highlighted in the table:
190.9 million
7(a) Mark point amended slightly so that the ‘of DNA’ goes
into smooth brackets
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
Nucleic acids (mono)nucleotide oxygen, phosphodiester
and nitrogen
hydrogen, ACCEPT chemical symbols C, H, O, N, S
Proteins amino acid oxygen, peptide
(sulfur) and
nitrogen (4)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
1(b) A description that includes three of the following points:
• by enzymes (1)
• (at least) one fatty acid is {unsaturated / has a CC double bond} (3)
Question Answer Mark
C glycogen
• 190 900 000 / 191 000 000 / 190.9 million / 191 million / 1.909 ×
108 / 1.91 × 108
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
2(c)(ii) An explanation that includes three of the following points:
• because of the ethics associated with destroying embryos (IVF) (1) (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(a) An explanation that includes the following points:
• to widen (the lumen of) the (coronary) artery / (blood) vessel (1) ACCEPT increase in {diameter / cross-
sectional area}
IGNORE larger / increase in area
• so that more blood can flow to the heart {cells / muscle} (1)
• for respiration (in the heart muscle) / so that heart muscle can
contract (1) (3)
• genotype is the combination of alleles + {TT / tt / Tt} (1) ACCEPT any pair of letters
• phenotype is the {expressed / observable} {characteristic / trait ACCEPT characteristic that can be
/ feature} + {taster / non-taster} measured
{tasting / not tasting} (receptor)
• because the mutated gene results in a faulty (CFTR) protein (1) ACCEPT less effective
• so chloride ions do not move out of the cells (1) ACCEPT reduced movement of
chloride ions / sodium ion channel
not inhibited / sodium ions not
prevented from entering cell
• decreasing the water potential inside the cell (1) ACCEPT decreasing {osmotic
potential / solute potential} /
increasing solute concentration
IGNORE decreasing water
• therefore water {leaves the mucus / enters the cells} by osmosis
(1) (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(b) An explanation that includes five of the following points:
• because mucus prevents pancreatic enzymes from entering the ACCEPT duodenum / gut / digestive tract
small intestine (1) named enzyme secreted by
• therefore large food molecules not broken down (and cannot be ACCEPT named large food molecule
absorbed) (1)
• therefore sperm cannot reach the egg cell (1) ACCEPT reach the {oviducts / fallopian (5)
Question Answer Mark
C 40
A is incorrect because
B is incorrect because
D is incorrect because
• using WHR the two women appear to have the same risk
of developing CVD (1)
• by the tape being pulled tighter around the waist so the waist ACCEPT breathing in whilst taking the
value is smaller (1) measurement of the waist
• by the tape being held loosely around the hips so the hip value is
greater (1)
• so that the waist to hip ratio is smaller (1) ACCEPT make the waist measurement
smaller and the hip measurement
• exercise will replace fat under the skin with muscle (1) ACCEPT exercising some parts of body
will reduce fat / stopping exercise to
some parts of body will increase fat
• the woman has had a child (1)
• liposuction (1)
• incidence of skin cancer increases with (an increase in) age (1) ACCEPT in either context of males or
females or both
• incidence of skin cancer increases with an increase in the years (1) ACCEPT in either context of males or
females or both
• males have higher incidence of skin cancer than females (1) (3)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(b)(iii) An answer that includes three of the following points:
• as age increase there is more time for mutations to {build up ACCEPT the older you are the more
/ occur} (1) exposure to risk factors / the more cell
divisions the more chance of mutations
• people are spending more time in the sun (1) ACCEPT an example of why this may
happen e.g. going on more holidays in hot
• more UV light reaching the earth's surface (1)
ACCEPT ozone layer depletion
A is incorrect because
B is incorrect because
C is incorrect because (1)
• because the sequence of amino acids determine the {tertiary / ACCEPT pieced together
quaternary} structure of the protein (1)
• by determining the {position / type} of bonds that form between ACCEPT a named bond between R
the R groups (1) groups
• {hydrophilic / polar} {(R) groups / amino acids} (on the outside of)
the part of the protein that is {amongst the phosphate heads /
facing the cytoplasm / facing the aqueous environment} (1) (4)
Question Answer
*8(c) Indicative content:
Level 1 :
Molecule E
1 mark = 1 relevant comment
• enters by osmosis 2 marks = 3 relevant comments
• because it is water
• the number of the molecules F, G and H lower the water potential Level 2 :
• so E moves down the water potential gradient
3 marks = 4 relevant comments for at least two
Molecule F molecules
4 marks = 5 relevant comments for at least two
• enters by facilitated diffusion molecules
• down its concentration gradient
• because it is polar and cannot pass through the fatty acid tails Level 3 :
• therefore needs a protein to provide a polar channel for it to diffuse
through 5 marks = 6 relevant comments for at least three
Molecule G 6 marks = 7 relevant comments from all four molecules
• enters by diffusion
• because it is at a higher concentration outside the cell
• and it is non-polar so can pass through the fatty acid tails
Molecule H
January 2022
Edexcel and BTEC qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding body. We
provide a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and specific
programmes for employers. For further information visit our qualifications websites at or Alternatively, you can get in touch with us using the
details on our contact us page at
Pearson aspires to be the world’s leading learning company. Our aim is to help everyone progress in
their lives through education. We believe in every kind of learning, for all kinds of people, wherever they
are in the world. We’ve been involved in education for over 150 years, and by working across 70
countries, in 100 languages, we have built an international reputation for our commitment to high
standards and raising achievement through innovation in education. Find out more about how we can
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January 2022
Question paper log number P69498A
Publications Code WBI11_01_2201_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
General Marking Guidance
A is incorrect because the aorta takes blood away from the left hand side of
the heart
C is incorrect because pulmonary vein returns blood to the left hand side of
the heart (1)
D is incorrect because the vena cava returns blood to the right atrium
• graph will be {the same / similar in} {shape / position} (1) ACCEPT line
• because the left hand side and right hand side beat ACCEPT description e.g. both
simultaneously (1) ventricles contract at the same time
• because pressure in right hand side is lower ACCEPT because right ventricle has
{as blood is only pumped to lungs / to prevent damage to {less muscle / thinner walls} as blood
alveoli} (1) is only pumped to lungs
less force to lungs
• contain {deoxyribose / pentose / 5 carbon sugar}, ACCEPT pair contains purine and
phosphate and bases (1) pyrimidine / (mono)nucleotide contains
either purine or pyrimidine
phosphate group / PO43-
DO NOT ACCEPT P / Pi / wrong
• 833 (1)
• 833 (1)
Bald answer of 833 = 2 marks
Bald answer of 833.3 = 1 mark unless (2)
given as a recurring number
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
3(c)(i) An explanation that includes the following points:
• bind to each strand of the DNA (to initiate replication) (1) ACCEPT works at both ends of the
IGNORE ref to 3’ / 5’
• credit function of DNA polymerase (1) e.g. lines up nucleotides (along each
forms phosphodiester bonds
(between adjacent nucleotides)
repairs mistakes in replication
IGNORE forms hydrogen bonds
between nucleotides (2)
• so that the DNA can be synthesised in both directions (1)
• so that S phase {is shorter / lasts 8 hours and not 833 ACCEPT wrong figures implied from a
hours} (1) wrong calculation
• so that cell division is fast enough (1)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• the {length of DNA / sequence of (DNA) bases} that code ACCEPT nucleotides for bases
for {amino acids / (poly)peptide / protein} (1) primary structure of protein (1)
• because the mutation is in the gene coding for the CFTR ACCEPT mutation in CFTR gene
(protein) (1)
• therefore the CFTR (protein) does not function correctly ACCEPT change in structure
• credit details of dysfunction (resulting in very thick sticky e.g. reduced transport of chloride ions
mucus) (1) out of the cell
sodium ions move into the cell
water leaves the mucus and enters
the cell
• couples (both) carrying one copy of the mutation can be ACCEPT couples who are (both)
identified (1) heterozygous / have a CF allele
• they can then make (an informed) {decision / choice} DO NOT ACCEPT choose which embryos
(about having a child) (1) to implant
• credit an example of their options (1) e.g not having a child / adoption / IVF
DO NOT ACCEPT have an abortion
• resulting in fewer babies being born who are ACCEPT two copies of the mutation (3)
homozygous (1) fewer heterozygous babies born
• credit details of the chains (1) e.g every third amino acid is a glycine,
repeating sequences of amino acids, high (3)
content of {glycine / proline / hydroxyproline}
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(a)(ii) An explanation that includes the following points:
• gives (the wall) (tensile) strength (1) IGNORE refs to elastic properties and recoil
• so that the aorta {does not get damaged by / can IGNORE prevents aorta from collapsing
withstand} pressure (of the blood leaving the heart)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
*5(b) Indicative content: Level 1
Graph 1 1 mark = description made from one
• older male monkeys have more stiffness than younger males (D) graph (D)
• older female monkeys have more stiffness than younger females (D)
• older males have more stiffness than older females (D) 2 marks = descriptions made from two
• probably significant as error bars do not overlap (C) graphs (D)
• not much difference in stiffness between younger males and females (D)
• as error bars overlap (C) Level 2
• age increases aortic stiffness in both males and females (C) 3 marks = plus one conclusion made (C)
• age has a greater effect on aortic stiffness in males than females (C)
Graph 2 4 marks = plus two conclusions made (C)
• density of collagen decreases slightly with age (D)
• males of all ages have (slightly) more collagen that females (C) Level 3
• probably not significant as error bars overlap (C) 5 marks = two conclusions and
• neither age nor sex affects density of collagen (C) comments on the other two graphs
• changes in stiffness do not appear to be related to the density of collagen
(C) 6 marks = three conclusions that
Graph 3 includes the asterisked conclusion (C*)
• higher type 1 in younger monkeys than older ones (D) and comments on the other two graphs
• more type 1 in females than males at each age (D)
• no error bars shown to judge significance (C) Description = comparison of one
Graph 4 variable
• more type 8 in older male monkeys (D) Conclusion = summary statement that
• may not be a difference in type 8 between older and younger females (D) includes both age and sex
• no error bars to judge significance (C) interpretation of error
bar and significance of data – not
• the type of collagen appears to determine stiffness (C) reliability
• stiffness associated with decrease in type 1 and increase in type 8 (C*) links between 2 graphs (6)
Question number Answer Mark
The only correct answer is D
A is incorrect because solutes can move against their concentration gradient in active transport
C is incorrect because solutes can move against their concentration gradient in active transport (1)
D is incorrect because solutes can move against their concentration gradient in active transport
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(b) An explanation that includes the following points:
• (free water molecules) because some water molecules are ACCEPT a description
{restricted / prevented} from movement (1)
• (down a water potential gradient) because water molecules ACCEPT from a low concentration of solute to
move {from a dilute solution to a more concentrated one / a high concentration of solute
from a high osmotic potential to a lower one / from a high from hypotonic to hypertonic solution (3)
solute potential to a lower one} (1) IGNORE from a high water concentration to a
lower one
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
*6(c) Indicative content: Level 1
• water content decreases when crabs first moved (D) 1 mark = simple description of
• because water passes out of cells by {osmosis / description of osmosis} (E) one graph
• water content then increases gradually (D) 2 marks = simple description of both
• because of the increase in amino acid concentration (E) graphs
• amino acid increases (D)
• sharply at first and then rate decreases (D) Level 2
• because {insoluble / muscle} proteins broken down into amino acids (E)
• by hydrolysis (E) 3 marks = and a simple explanation of
• because crab eats more {protein / amino acids} (E) one graph
• which is digested into amino acids (E) 4 marks = and a simple explanation of
• which are taken up into the cells by {active transport / facilitated diffusion} both graphs
(from the blood) (E)
• water content increases because the amino acid content increase (E) Level 3
• which makes the cytoplasm more concentrated than the sea water (E)
• therefore crabs do not die from dehydration (E) 5 marks = a simple explanation of one
graph and a more detailed explanation
for the other graph
6 marks = a more detailed explanation
for both graphs
Question Answer Mark
The only correct answer is A
• different drugs treat different conditions (1) ACCEPT two named drugs and what
they treat (2)
IGNORE wrong drugs
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(b)(i) An explanation that includes the following points:
• credit an example explained (1) e.g. high salt causes high blood
high fibre reduces cholesterol
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(b)(iii) An explanation that includes the following points: IGNORE non-dietary examples
• credit example of change in diet and the risk factor it e.g. salt intake can be reduced to
reduces (1) lower blood pressure
{saturated / animal} fats can be
• credit a second example of change in diet and the risk reduced to reduce {cholesterol
factor it reduces (1) levels / atheroma formation}
unsaturated fats can be
increased to reduce {cholesterol
levels / atheroma formation} (2)
• the R groups (of these two amino acids) have ACCEPT amino acids have different properties
different {properties / bonding} (1)
• {val / hydrophobic R group / hydrophobic part} ACCEPT bonds / Van der Waals
might form other (hydrophobic) interactions (with DO NOT ACCEPT incorrect named bonds
other haemoglobin molecules) (1)
• 3.3 / 3.4 (1) ACCEPT ecf for correct subtraction using {4.4 / 7.7 /
7.8} and one incorrect value
Bald answer = 2 marks
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
8(c)(ii) An answer that includes the following points: NB accept converse throughout but
all conclusions must be comparative
• person without the disease has higher saturation than person ACCEPT refs to affinity (for oxygen)
with the disease (at all partial pressures of oxygen) (1) IGNORE graph shifted
• therefore less oxygen to {cells / tissues} so {less available for ACCEPT named cell / tissue
(aerobic) respiration / switch to anaerobic respiration} (1)
• credit an example of why less oxygen to cells could be fatal (1) e.g. heart attack, stroke, sepsis, (3)
Pearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828
with its registered office at 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, United Kingdom
Mark Scheme (Results)
June 2022
Edexcel and BTEC qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding body. We
provide a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and specific
programmes for employers. For further information visit our qualifications websites at or Alternatively, you can get in touch with us using the
details on our contact us page at
Pearson aspires to be the world’s leading learning company. Our aim is to help everyone progress in
their lives through education. We believe in every kind of learning, for all kinds of people, wherever they
are in the world. We’ve been involved in education for over 150 years, and by working across 70
countries, in 100 languages, we have built an international reputation for our commitment to high
standards and raising achievement through innovation in education. Find out more about how we can
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June 2022
Question paper log number P70960A
Publications Code WBI11_01_2206_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
General Marking Guidance
• positive (1)
• the blood clotting process will be prevented (1) ACCEPT other descriptions of what will
not happen e.g. fibrin will not be
• to have thromboplastin {available / released quickly} (when ACCEPT will be at a high concentration
needed) (1) (when needed)
• because they are found in living organisms (1) ACCEPT in our bodies / named
organism / are proteins / in cells / in
• because they speed up the rate of reaction (without being
used up) (1) ACCEPT lower {activation energy / (2)
description of activation energy}
• blood in aorta is under higher pressure as it has just been pumped ACCEPT velocity slower in
out of the {heart / (left) ventricle} (1) arteries as they do not receive
blood directly from the heart
• aorta branches into many arteries /(blood flowing through) more ACCEPT (total) cross-sectional
vessels (1) area of arteries are greater than
the aorta
• the {friction / resistance} between blood and vessel (slows the ACCEPT diameter of artery lumen
velocity down) (1) is smaller / artery lumen is
diameter of aorta
lumen is greater so velocity will
be faster
• blood cannot be pushed through because of {loss of elasticity in ACCEPT in the form of a
arteries / less elastic recoil} (1) comparison with the aorta being
able to force blood because of (3)
more elastic fibres
ion Answer Additional guidance Mark
4(c) An explanation that includes the following points:
• more capillaries are in contact with the cells (in the tissue) (1) ACCEPT capillaries are close to more
cells / diffusion distance is short (2)
• high proportion of {small / non-polar / hydrophobic} {R groups ACCEPT hydrophobic groups on the
/ amino acids} (1) outside
• (parallel) chains held with {cross links / hydrogen bonds} IGNORE stated number of chains /
refs to triple helix
DO NOT ACCEPT other named bonds (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(a)(ii) A diagram that includes the following points:
• (held together by) hydrogen bonds (between amino acids) (1) DO NOT ACCEPT other bonds (2)
DO NOT ACCEPT between the R groups
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
5(b)(ii) An explanation that includes four of the following points:
• primary structure remains the same length and secondary Piece together
structure is longer with higher temperature (1)
• (primary structure remains the same length) because the ACCEPT strong / hard to break
peptide bonds are not affected (by the heat) (1)
• due to increase in vibration of the {R groups / amino acids / ACCEPT increase in kinetic energy
molecule} (1) results in more movement within (4)
the molecule.
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(a)(i) An answer that includes three of the following points:
• (in general) people’s perceptions of risks are lower than the ACCEPT converse that actual risks are
actual risks (except being overweight) (1) higher (in general)
(in general) people
underestimate their risks
• people seem to have a realistic perception of the risk of {smoking ACCEPT perception and actual risks are
/ being overweight} (1) very close
IGNORE perceived risk is lower that actual
risk for overweight
• overweight is the most common risk factor / smoking is the least ACCEPT actual risk of high blood pressure
common risk factor (1) and cholesterol are the same
IGNORE the most number of people are
overweight / least number of people (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
6(a)(ii) An explanation that includes three of the following points: NB mp 2, 4 and 6 can only be awarded
if mp 1, 3 and 5 have been awarded,
• large group of people (1)
• sample size is large for {repeatability / reproducibility} (1) ACCEPT large sample size / more
ACCEPT to allow for a statistical
analysis / description of statistical
analysis e.g. SD calculated
IGNORE accurate / precise / valid /
• people should not know if they have underlying health risks ACCEPT named example e.g. family
(before being interviewed) (1) history
should not be on medication
for CVD
• lifestyle can be modified (to reduce the risk / slow ACCEPT if people know they are at
down progression ) (1) risk then they can do something
about it
ACCEPT a described change in a
named example
• medication can be {prescribed / taken} (to reduce the ACCEPT named example
risk / slow down progression) (1)
• 8 (%) (1)
Bald answer = 2 marks (2)
(11+9+ 2=22) 17(%) = 1 mark
• stop smoking as this would reduce {damage to the ACCEPT increase antioxidants to reduce free
endothelial lining / lower blood pressure} (1) radicals generated by smoking
A is incorrect because anticoagulants do not reduce blood pressure or blood cholesterol levels
B is incorrect because anticoagulants do not reduce blood pressure or blood cholesterol levels
C is incorrect because platelet inhibitors do not reduce blood pressure or blood cholesterol levels
• other factors are risk factors that have not been included ACCEPT named factor e.g. body mass, activity
(1) levels, diabetic, genetic predisposition, passive
IGNORE sex / gender
• the {cholesterol levels / blood pressure} may have to be ACCEPT does not include {HDL / LDL:HDL} /
estimated (1) diastolic B P
IGNORE not accurate
• does not include {the number of cigarettes smoked / ex IGNORE under estimates / lying / passive (2)
smoker} (1) smoking
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(a)(i) A diagram that includes the following points:
ecf if:
{one / three} fatty acids drawn attached to
glycerol but rest correct
glycerol missing but fatty acids attached to
head with bonds
bonds missing but all four components are
touching correctly
{all shaded / nothing shaded} with no (2)
Question Answer Mark
A is incorrect because unsaturated fatty acids have double bonds between carbons (1)
B is incorrect because unsaturated fatty acids have double bonds between carbons
D is incorrect because unsaturated fatty acids have fewer hydrogen
• (if less cholesterol) movement of phospholipids no longer ACCEPT so phospholipids can move around
restricted (by interaction with cholesterol) (1) more (2)
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
• will require less (kinetic) energy to move / because ACCEPT bonds
there are fewer interactions (with {other fatty acids / converse for longer chains
phospholipids / cholesterol}) (1) (1)
• convert saturated fatty acids into unsaturated fatty ACCEPT become unsaturated / increase in
acids (1) unsaturated / decrease in saturated fats
• convert long side chains into shorter ones (1) ACCEPT become shorter
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
7(c)(ii) An answer that includes two of the following points:
• to maintain the fluidity of the membrane (1) ACCEPT otherwise the fluidity will decrease
• so that membrane can change shape (1) ACCEPT named example e.g phagocytosis,
endocytosis, exocytosis, red blood cells,
formation of vesicles
• so that fusion of membranes can occur (1) ACCEPT named example e.g. of nuclei
(during fertilisation) fusion of vesicles
• substitution mutation swaps one base (in the DNA ACCEPT substitution only affects one base
sequence / gene) (1) example using two sets of bases
A is incorrect because 1 in 4 chance of having child with PKU and 1 in 2 chance of having a boy
C is incorrect because 1 in 4 chance of having child with PKU and 1 in 2 chance of having a boy (1)
D is incorrect because 1 in 4 chance of having child with PKU and 1 in 2 chance of having a boy
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
*8(c)(ii) Group 1 : Individuals 1 and 2 Level 1
• must be carriers / heterozygous (S) 1 mark = genotypes for one group of individuals
• because they did not have PKU but some of their children did (E)
women are XX and men are XY
Group 2 : Individuals 3 and 4 OR
a description of what pedigree
• must be homozygous (S) diagrams {show / can be used for}
• because they both had PKU (E)
• because both alleles need to be recessive (E) 2 marks = explanation for one group
Group 3 : Individuals 5 and / or 6 genotypes for two groups stated
Level 2
• cannot tell if homozygous dominant or heterozygous / carrier (S)
• because both these genotypes will give an individual without PKU (E) 3 marks = explanations for two groups
• we do not know anything about individual 6’ family (U)
• because no evidence in individuals 7, 8 or 9 of the disease (U) 4 marks = explanations for three or four groups
• so less likely that they are both carriers (U) with no uncertainty