Step Turning
Step Turning
Step Turning
AIM: To write the CNC program for plain turning operation and simulate it on sinumerik
808D MCU.
❖ To know how to use G codes and M codes in part programming.
❖ To know how to operate the MCU of the CNC machine.
❖ To know how to write a CNC program for given operation and specimen.
❖ To know how to select and create a new tool for CNC operation.
Turning: It is the removal of material from the outside diameter of a cylindrical job to obtain
one or more finished diameter.
STEP TURNING: Step turning is a turning process in which series of steps having different
diameters is produced with the lathe machine. Step turning creates two surfaces with an
abrupt change in diameters between them. The final feature resembles a step.
• In Sinumerik 808D, click start button to start machine or create a new template or
machine for the required operation.
• After creating it, click the start button.
• Select Reference button, press x and z buttons to the machine reference point
i.e., to bring machine to zero position.
• Now keep some feed and spindle speed on the machine by using the knob.
• Now select the JOG mode for next operation and click on offset, select the existing
tool or create a new tool with required dimension and number it and press input.
• Now select T, S, M button and give the required tool change number, spindle speed in
rpm and spindle rotation by using select button.
• After entering all the T, S, M details press the cycle start button to change the tool.
• Now, select meas tool and give the work piece dimensions like x and z dimensions
and press input.
• Now click on program manager and select new to create a file with the required name
in MPF format.
• Then select the file and press input and the file gets opened and write the program for
the operation there. Write the part program using different G and M codes.
• T- Tool number designation, x and z are used to give coordinates.
• After that execute the program, click on auto and simulate to show the operation. The
material has to be given to show the actual material removal stock.
• For this, in execution window – more- material removal-diameter-length of work
piece – ok.
• Press simulation and press cycle start to generate the simulation of the given
Hence the program for step turning is written by using different G and M codes and executed
it on sinumerik MCU. The real simulation is also generated by using it and understood the
working of it.
Program :