Tape Corrections
Tape Corrections
Tape Corrections
Problem 8:
Trials Distance
Problem 11: The following data shows the difference in
1 120.68
elevation between A and B.
2 120.84
Trial Diff. in Elevation No. of
Measurements 3 120.76
1 520.14 m 1 4 120.64
2 520.20 m 3
1. Find the probable error.
3 520.18 m 6
2. Find the standard deviation.
4 520.24 m 8 3. Find the standard error.
A 41° 5
B 77° 6
C 63° 2
1 120.68
2 120.84
3 120.76
4 120.64
3 4 0.75
4 8 1.02
1 5.87 392.25
2 7.03 5.29
3 3.48 6.25
4 7.25 7.08
5 10.19 5.57
6 9.29 4.45
7 4.94
Problem 18:
8 0.9
9 1.2
10 1.7
11 2.8
12 3.0
BM2 1.24
1. What is the difference in elevation between
station 5 and 2.
2. Compute the elevation of TP2.
3. Compute the elevation of BM2.
1 3
2 2.3
3 2.7
4 2.8
5 3.1
6 0.5
Problem 22: Arrange the following description in the
7 0.8
form of profile level notes complete to elevation A level is
set up and a reading of 2.995 m. is taken on a bench
mark the elevation of which is 12.135 m. At the
beginning of the line to be profiled, the rod reading is
2.625 m. 30 m. from the beginning, it is 1.617 m. at 60
m., it is 0.702 m. at 66 m. and 81 m.. the rod readings
are 1.281 m. and 0.762 m.. respectively. On a rock that
is not on line, the rod reading is 0.555 m. The level is
then removed ahead, set up and a rod reading of 1.952
m. is observed, the rod still being held on the rock. The
readings along the profile are then resumed: 90 m. from
the beginning of the line, the rod reading is 1.159 m.,
120 m. from the beginning of the line rod, reading is
1.434 m, finally 150 m. from the beginning of the line the
rod reading is 2.196 m.
1. Compute the elevation at the point 60 m. from
the beginning of the line.
2. Compute the elevation of the turning point.
3. Compute the difference in elevation at a point
150 m. and 81 m. from the beginning of the line.
Instrument Instrument
Rod reading
on A 1.505 m 0.938m
Rod reading
on B 2.054 m 1.449 m
Problem 30:
A man's eyes 1.75 m. above sea level can barely.see the
top of a lighthouse which is at a certain distance away
from a man.
1. What is the elevation of the top of the lighthouse
above sea level if the lighthouse is 20 km. away
from the man.
2. How far is the lighthouse from the man in meters
if the top of the lighthouse is 14.86
m. above sea level.
3. What is the height of the tower at a. distance 20
km. away from the man that will just be visible
without the line of sight approaching nearer than
1.75 m. to the water.
Problem 32:
Problem 31: Two hills A and C have elevations of 600 Alpha 680 m Alpha to Bravo=12km
m. and 800 m. respectively. In between A and C is
another hill B which has an elevation of 705 m and is Bravo 645 m Bravo to Charlie 15
located at 12 km. from A and 10 km. from C. km
1. Determine the clearance or obstruction of the
Charlie 620 m
line of sight at hill B if the observer is at A so
that C will be visible from A.
2. If C is not visible from A, what height of tower 1. Compute the elevation of the line of sight at
must be constructed at C so that it could be station Bravo with the instrument placed at
visible from A with the line of sight having a station Alpha such that station Charlie would be
clearance of 2 m. above hill B. visible from station Alpha considering the effect
3. What height of equal towers at A and C must be of curvature and refraction correction.
constructed in order that A, B and C will be
2. Assuming that station Brave will obstruct the line 10 m, what would be the corrected elevation of
of sight from station Alpha while observing BM2?
station Charlie and a 4 m tower is constructed 3. If the average backsight reading is 3.4 m. and
on top of station Bravo. Compute the height of every time it is taken, the rod is inclined to the
equal towers at station Alpha and station Charlie side from the vertical by 4°, what should be the
in order that both three stations as observed corrected elevation of BM2?
from station Alpha will still be intervisible.
3. Without constructing any tower at station Bravo,
what height of tower must be constructed at
station Charlie so that both station Bravo and
Charlie would be visible from station Alpha.
Problem 36:
D-A 301°00’
D-B 315°00’
1. Find the distance AD
2. Find the distance BD.
3. Find the distance AB.
AREAS OF CLOSED TRAVERSE Problem 48: Given below is the technical description of
lot 2081, Cebu Cadastre.
Problem 47: From the field notes of a closed traverse
shown below, adjust the traverse. LINES BEARINGS DISTANCES
FA — —
D-E ? 64.86 m
BC ? 83.6 m
CD S 8°51’ W 126.9 m
DE S 73°31’ W ?
EA N 18°44’ W 90.2 m
1. Compute the bearing of line BC.
2. Compute the distance of line DE.
3. Compute the area of the lot.
1. Compute the missing side BC.
2. Compute the missing side CA
3. Compute the area of the lot m acres.
BC S 45° E ? CD N 57°58’ E —
Problem 60: Given below is the technical description of Problem 60 A: From the given technical description of a
a residential lot of Sta. Lucia Realty with some missing lot.
AB N 48°20’ E 529.60 m
CD S 7°59’ E 563.60 m
AB N 22° W 150 m DE S 80°00’ W 753.40 m
EA N 48°12’ W 428.20 m
1. Find the corrected bearing of line BC using
transit rule.
2. Find the corrected bearing of line DE using
transit rule.
3. Find the corrected distance of line BA using the
transit rule.
Problem 60B: Using the given data in the traverse
Problem 60C: In the traverse table below shows the
POINTS NORTINGS EASTINGS Latitudes and Departures of the closed traverse.
A 75 m 250 m
B 425 m 150 m LINES LAT. DEP.
C 675 m 450 m AB - 36.13 - 25.77
D 675 m 675 m BC + 74.56 - 115.93
E 425 m 700 m CD - 12.82 + 0.39
F 175 m 500 m DE + 19.90 + 61.74
EA - 68.40 + 69.57
1. Compute the bearing of line BC. 1. Compute the corrected bearing of line BC using
2. Compute the distance of line FA. transit rule.
3. Compute the area enclosed by the straight line 2. Compute the corrected distance of line EA using
bounded by the points. ABCDEFA transit rule.
3. Compute the area of the traverse by balancing
the traverse by transit rule.
Problem 60D: Given the following descriptions of a four
sided lot.
CD S 7°59’ W 563.60 m
Using compass rule of balancing a traverse.
DE — 753.40 m
1. Determine the corrected bearing of BC.
2. Determine the corrected bearing of CD. EA N 48°12’ W 428.20 m
3. Determine the adjusted distance of BC.
AB 15 -36 —
BC 290 - 49 —
CD 237 - 58 77.45
DA 80 - 43 75.00
1-2 180°00’ —
2-3 300°00’ —
3-4 N 80° W —
1. Compute the area of the whole lot in acres
2. Compute the length of the dividing line.
3. Compute the missing side BC. 1. Compute the location of the dividing line from
corner 2 if the dividing line starts from corner 1.
2. Compute the length of the dividing line.
3. Compute the beating of the dividing line from
comer 1.
AREAS OF IRREGULAR BOUNDARIES Problem 71: Shown in the accompanying sketch are the
measured offsets from a traverse line AB to an irregular
Problem 70: A series of perpendicular offsets were boundary and the spacing between the offsets.
taken from a transit line to a curved boundary line. Determine the area bounded by the traverse line, the
These offsets were taken 9 meters apart and were taken irregular boundary and the end offsets using:
in the following order 2 m., 32 m, 4 m., 3.5m. 5 m 4.5 m.
6 m., 7 m Determine the area included between the
transit line and the curved using
1. Trapezoidal Rule.
2. Simpson's e-Third Rule.
3. Compute the difference between Trapezoidal
Rule and Simpson's One-Third Rule.
Problem 72: Find the area of the figure shown using: Problem 73: A survey party proceeded to do their stadia
survey work as follows: the transit was set up at a point
A and with the line of sight horizontal, took rod readings
with the rod at points B and C, which were then
measured to have taped from A to 200 m., and 60 m..
Rod B Rod C
1. Trapezoidal Rule.
2. Simpson's One Third Rule. Stadia Interval 2.001 m 0.600 m
3. Compute the difference of areas between the
two methods.
The distance from the center of the instrument to the
principal focus was recorded as 0.30 m. Then they went
on to survey other points, with some of the data
recorded as follows: with the transit at point D, two
points E and F were sighted.
Rod e Rod f
Stadia Intercept
Rod at B 2.001 m
Rod at C 0.600 m
Obs. (Sec.
33 0
60 3.3 0.65 49.8 90 0.40 Problem 77: A. C and D are three triangulation shore
signals whose positions were determined by the angles
2.65 55.0 60 0.24 W = 150 deg and the sides AC = 850m . and CD = 760m
A sounding at B was taken from a boat and tre angles
75 2.0 1.20 53.0 60 0.21 E=41^ * 30 deg and the angles E = 4^ + 3C and tau = 35
deg * 3 * C deg were measured simultaneously by two
85 sextants from the boat to the three shore signals from
the shore.
1. Find the distance AB Angle ACD = 150'
2. Find the distance BD Angle ABC 42'30'
3. Find the distance CB. Angle CBD 35'30" Angle CAB 67'50'
Distance AC = 850 m.
Distance CD = 760 m.
Problem 97: Two tangents intersect at station 26 + 050. Problem 98: Given a compound curve I_{1} = 24 deg
A compound curve laid on their tangents has the foll. I_{2} = 36, D_{1} = 6 deg D_{2} = 4 deg
Problem 120: Given the cross-section notes of an
6.60 0 4.8
earthwork between station 10 + 100 to 10 + 200. +2.4 +2.0 +1.2
Assume both stations to have the same side slope and
width of the base. STA B
6.3 0 7.2
STA. 10 + 100
+2.2 ? +2.80
1 + 040
𝑥 0 𝑥
− 1.84 − 1.22 − 0.42
Problem 123: Given the following section of an
1 + 100 earthworks for a proposed road construction on a hilly
portion of the route. The width of the road base for cut is
𝑥 0 𝑥
6 m. for allowance of drainage canals and 5 m. for fill.
1.098 + 3.05 + 0.50
Sides slopes for cut is 1:1 and for fill is 1.5:1.
Base for cut = 9 m Sideslopes = 1.1 3.7 𝑥
0 +0.50
Bat for fill = 8 m Sideslopes = 1.5.1
1. Compute the value of x.
1. Compute the area of station 1 + 040.
2. Compute the area in fill.
2. Find the area of station 1 + 100.
3. Compute the area in cut.
3. Determine the diff. in volume of cut and fill using
the end area method.
Problem 124: In determining the position of the balance 3. By the end area method , find the amount of cut
line in the profile diagram, a horizontal grade line is and fill.
drawn such that the length of the cut is 850m. and that if 4. Between these two stations , is it borrow or
fill is 1200 m. The profile area between the ground line waste?
and the grade line between the cut is 7800 sq. m while
that of fill is 8500 sq. m. If the road bed is 10 m wide for Roadway for fill is 9.00 m and for cut it is 10.00
cut and 8 m wide for fill and if the side slope for cut is m.
1.5 :1 while that for fill is 2:1 . Assume a level section
with an average value of cut and fill for each stretch.
STA. 5 +000
STA. 5+ 020
Problem 150: A vehicle was stopped in 1.4 sec. by fully 1. Compute the equivalent centrifugal ratio.
jamming the brakes and the skd mark measured 7 m. 2. What is the max. speed that this car could
Determine the average skid resistance on the level maneuver on the curve so that it will not overturn
pavement surface. if the curve has a radius of 280.m
3. What would be the design super elevation per
meter to prevent sliding or overturning if the
friction factor is 0.12.
Problem 170: Compute the modulus of subgrade 1. Rigid pavement with a wheel load capacity of 54
reaction if a force of 5000 lb. is applied under a circular kN if the allowable tensile stress of concrete is
plate having a radius of 9 in. produces a deflection of 1.6 MPa Neglect the effect of dowels.
0.12 inch under the plate. 2. Flexible pavement with a wheel load of 54 kN
with an allowable bearing pressure on the base
of the pavement equal to 0.15 MPa using the
principle of cone distribution where the load
assumed to be transmitted across a wide area of
subgrade at an angle of 45 and that the
equivalent radius of the contact area of the tires
is equal to 165 mm.
3. Pavement subjected to an expansion. pressure
of 0.50 kg/cm2 with an average pavement
density of 0.05 kg/cm³. Express in mm.
Problem 177:
a) 221.6 m. b) 142.8 m
c) 186.9 m. d) 136.9 m
c) 212.7 m d) 261.3 m
Problem 204: A vertical parabolic sag curve. 135 m
long, has tangent grades of -1.7% and +2.3%. Find the
sight distance, in m.
Problem 206: A vertical parabolic sag curve has tangent
a) 154.6. b)159.5 grades of -2% and +3%. If the sight distance is 179.4 m
c) 135.3 d) 149.9 at what maximum speed can a car pass thru the curve,
in mph?
a) 774 b) 83.5
c) 80.9 d) 92.6
a) 152.1 m b) 167.9 m
c) 175.8 m d) 782.9 m
a) 169.2 m b) 158.4 m
c) 138.5 m d) 146.2 m
a) 200 m b) 250 m
c) 240 m d) 300 m
a) 79.3m b) 85.6m
c) 93.3 m d) 99.5 m