Comprehension Questions 7 Ages of A Man
Comprehension Questions 7 Ages of A Man
Comprehension Questions 7 Ages of A Man
a. stories that start in the middle and then c. acts in a play, ending with a conclusion
go back in time d. human life from infancy to old age
b. a popular, old English team sport related
to soccer
a. Schoolboy c. Lover
b. Soldier d. Old man
a. can choose whether or not to be in one c. must wear glasses and stockings
of the acts d. enter as adults and exit as school
b. enter as infants and exit as aged people children
4. The infant is described as "mewling and puking". What does this mean?
a. Birth c. Life
b. Doors d. Death
9. Why in one stage of life does man experience "a world to wide/For his shrunk shank"?
a. After a war, a hungry soldier does not fit into his uniform.
b. When a man becomes older, he also shrinks in size.
c. A lover feels smaller because the power of love is so large.
d. The judge understand that he makes big decisions.
10. “Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.”
Why does the poet call this stage “second childishness”?
a. After this scene the actor makes his exit, that is, he dies.
b. The man needs to be cared for like a child.
c. The man continuously cries and laments.
d. The man spends his life like a baby.
11. What is the significance of the words ‘entrances’ and ‘exits’ in the poem ‘The Seven Ages’ ?
12. Why does a man in his life play many parts ?
13. If human life is nothing but a ‘tamasha’, what message does the poet want to convey to us ?
Tamasha- noun a grand show, performance, or celebration