TOPIC 10 Yogas in Jaimini
TOPIC 10 Yogas in Jaimini
TOPIC 10 Yogas in Jaimini
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
Raja yogas and power, and authority: Raja yogas were seen for royal family members during the
olden days. Raja yoga essentially should confer authority in the hands on native. It is the power to
legislate, set rules, and power to reward compliance and punish the non-compliance. In other words,
Raja yoga does not mean being wealthy. It is power and authority. E.g., we have many rulers like Shri
Narendra Modi, or PV Narasimha Rao, Or Dr. Manmohan Singh- who as prime ministers have
tremendous authority, but we all know they are not known to be very wealthy.
However, there can be individuals having huge authority and wealth coming with it.
Dhana Yogas: These yogas confer professional or business successes and confer huge wealth. But
not necessarily the authority. E.g., We have several industrialists like Shri.Mukesh Ambani, or TATA’s,
Mahindra’s. They have very little political authority and can’t set rules outside their enterprise. But they
have huge wealth.
The General Yogas: Often we find key officials in government administration who command huge
authority to issue public orders, New rules, reward the performers in society or even order punishment
for offenders. But these are Raja yogas of lower order, when all conditions of Raja yogas are not
fulfilled. In Jaimini these are called as “Raja Sambandha Yogas. Same thing happens with Dhana
Yogas. There are high level managers in private enterprises who are very wealthy and command
authority over a large hierarchy of employees below them. But these are not top category Raja
Yogas or Dhana yogas. We know these yogas are formed when only some of the conditions are met,
and also due to being associated with natives who hold powerful Raja Yogas and/ or Dhana Yogas.
Arista Yogas: these yogas indicate bad luck, misery and poverty.
1) When same planet aspects the Janma Lagna, Hora lagna and Ghatika lagna in D-1 Chart and
Navamsha Lagna (D-9 Chart) and Drekkana Lagna (D-3 Chart) also are aspected bysame planet
powerful Raja Yogas are formed, which makes native a king. In today’s context Prime minister of India,
or a Chief minister.
2) Slightly lower order of Raja Yoga says a position of Minister in a Govt, is caused when the Janma
Lagna, Hora Lagna and Ghatika Lagna- when all three are aspected by same planet, based on
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
karakatwa of that planet a powerful Raja yoga occurs. If any one or two of above Lagna’s are aspected
by same or different planet, then strength of this yoga is lesser based on Planet’s karakatwa.
3) Another variant of Raja Yoga -If in D-1, D-9 and D-3 Charts Lagna and the 7H have same planet in it
or aspecting . Intensity of Raja yoga dilutes if the aspecting planet does not establish relation in all the
In above cases, we find when such a planet said above is placed in the Dasha sign or aspects a
Dasha sign it can cause Raja Yoga. Further other factors which can strengthen or trigger Raja Yoga
are PAC of Venus, and in descending order – the Moon rashyadhipati, Atmakaraka, Lord of lagna
sign and Sun the natural karaka for power and authority.
4) Look for 2nd, 4th and 5th houses from Ak- if they are occupied by benefic planets or all three houses
equally strong
5) When equal number of planets present in Lagna and fourth house- happy Life, fame and honour
6) When 2nd, 4th and 5th houses from Lord of the Lagna or Lord of 7H are occupied by or aspected by
benefic planets
7) When 3H and 6H from Ak are of equal strength or occupied by malefics.
8) Position of Venus in KL is supposed to be causing powerful yoga for immense wealth. See below Ak
is Venus is exalted and with KL, can cause powerful ruler (Point No 15)
See below chart Sun is placed in D-1, D-9 in Capricorn D-3 Rule No.3. Ak is Vargottama and
Exalted in all above chart
Ven 28-44 Ra 29-54 Ma-14.17 Ke Ve Lagna Ve, Me Ke
Ak, KL Mo 3-12 (Sa)
Chatrapati Shivaji Moon
Jup 3-29, Chatrapati Shivaji 19-2-1630
19-2-1630 Ma Chhatrapati Shivaji Lagna
Me 17-31 18-26 Hrs. 19-2-1630
Sun-12 18-26 Hrs. Shivaneri Shivaneri D-3 Mo, Sun 18-26 Hrs
Shivaneri- D-9
10-37 Ma, Sun, Jupiter Ra
Me (Sa) Ju Ra
Ke Sat-16.47
9) Vaithanika Yoga: When 3-11 combination occurs between Venus, Mars & Ketu and aspects each
other. This yoga brings Success and fame
However single indicator should not be used to exaggerate any yoga. We have to assess impact of
being in own house, exaltation, friend’s house or enemy house, neutral house etc. Even
comparing the tatwas of Venus and KL sign is helpful. Then of course the Jaimini aspects will also
make a difference.
As per Shri .BV Raman- following combination create raja yogas, which give fame, power, and rank,
depending on the other influencing factors.
When these combinations occur partly and not fully native will be very prominent person but not actual
1. When Amk is in angles, trines or 11H from Ak- success is achieved with less effort. When Amk is
placed in 6th, 8th or 12th H from Ak- success after lot of hard work
2. When Venus, Mars and Ketu placed in Ak sign itself-or respectively in Ak, 2nd and 4th houses - high
powerful position
3. When Lagna, 7th sign and 9th sign strong- political power,
4. When same No of planets placed in L and 7th H- powerful position comes later part of Life
5. When Amk placed in 3rd. or 6th from Anyof Mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu- professional success.
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
Jupiter-21. 38'
Mercury 8. 27' D-1 chart
Sun 1. 12' DOB 12.2 1856 TOB 12 21 PM
Long 84 East, Lat- 18 N
Sun rise time-6 .33 AM, Sunset 17.58
KL- Karakamsha Lagna, AL= Arudha Lagna, BL= Bhava Lagna, GL= Ghatika Lagna, HL= Hora Lagna, VL= Varnada Lagna.
ASC Rahu Hora
Jupiter KL Lagna
Parashar D-9
D1- Lagna is aspected by Mars and Ketu. Further Jupiter and Mercury aspect GL and HL-
This means fairly strong Raja Yoga is formed
Parashar D-9 Chart- above- In the D-9 chart the Lagna, occupied by Jupiter, HL and GL occupied
by Rahu and Ketu respectively- fairly powerful Raja Yoga
Excepting 10th House- All kendras not occupied by benefics. So also, Trikona. The native had all
blessings of Raja Yoga, Short of wielding power.
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
Maharaja of Mysore- Nalvadi Krishna Rajendra Wodeyar
HL, Ketu AK-Sun, Me
Sat, GL Ve,Sa, Ma
Krishna Rajendra Lagna Sun
Wodeyar Venus Krishna Rajendra Ketu
4-6-1884 Mysore Jupiter Wodeyar 4-6-1884
Ra Mysore
AL 10-15 am D-1 Mars
10-15 am- D-9
Moon Ra
Jup Moon Lagna, Mer
Lagna, Mars
Jupiter Krishna Rajendra Wodeyar Mer
4-6-1884 Mysore
Venus 10-15 am D-3
Sun as Ak and Natural karaka for Raja Yoga- Is powerful, followed by Saturn,
Jupiter and Mercury It is one of the powerful Raja yoga charts.
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
Saturn is most Powerful Raja yoga Karaka, Followed by Sun Venus, Jupiter. Mercury is Kavala
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
Results from 2H from Arudha Lagna (AL)
• If Venus, Moon or Jupiter placed in the 2nd from AL, the native is bestowed with wealth, name
and fame-1-3-15
• If the 2nd from AL is occupied by an exalted planet, be benefic or malefic the native is bestowed
with wealth-1-3-16
Nirdhana Yogas
✓ two malefics in second from AL, and aspecting Lagna give poverty,
✓ Similarly, two malefics placed in 2H from Lagna also signal poverty
✓ Two malefics placed in 5H and 9H aspecting Lagna or AL(applies to Movable and Fixed Sign AL
and Langa)
✓ Occupancy of malefics in AL and aspected by 8L
✓ 8L placed in Lagna with no aspect of any planet
✓ Debilitated planet in AL with No aspect of any planet
• Moon and Venus- aspecting 4th H from Karakamsha- Natives acquires beautiful houses
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
• AK if Occupies Navamsha of Aquarius- Native build water tanks and Choultries parks for public
• If Moon and the 7th L are in conjunction with benefics Native becomes a Mahant
• Benefics placed in 12th from KL, or when KL sign is either Aeries or Sagittarius and occupied by
Ketu- native attains moksha
• Natives becomes devotee of Lower forms of deities, when KL is a fixed sign and Saturn or
Venus is placed in it
• When both 5th and 9th Houses from KL are occupied by Malefic planets, native tends to be
VP Goel’s Book gives below Combinations
Conjunction or mutual aspect between Atmakaraka, Amatyakaraka, Putrakaraka Dara karaka
and Lord of 5H from Lagna. These combinations due to aspect and conjunction will be as
We study the conjunction or mutual aspect between Ak and other karaka’ which produce
auspicious results.
Ak- to Amk good for career and profession and wealth
Ak-to Pk- second best for good for career and profession and wealth Ak-to Dk.- good for marital
AK+ 5th Lord- This enhances natives influence in society and hence success 8) Amk + 5th Lord
This enhances natives influence in society and hence success. Other combinations whose given
by this author
Amk + Pk Amk + Dk
Pk + Dk Dk +5th L
• Venus and Moon either Conjunct or Mutual aspect or Venus placed in Karakamsha.
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
Bandhana or Imprisonment Yoga:
Equal number of Planets placed in 2nd and 12th H, OR 5th and 9th H, OR 3rd. and 11th H OR
4th and 10th Houses counted from AL or Ascendent or AK- cause Imprisonment. If they are
benefics of short duration and if Malefics long term jail
- If 4th & 10th H occupied by Malefics Long term Jail
- 3rd. and 11th H occupied by Debilitated planet and waning Moon- Long term Jail
- If Exalted planet aspects above release from Jain soon
- Aspect of debilitated planet- caused being chained. Unnantural death
Mars and Rahu when Aspect the 8th or 3rd. House from a Yogada Planet, OR even when Sun
and Rahu occupy 8th or 3rd. house from Yogada planet
When equal number of Malefics occupy 5th and 9th H from Yogada planet
Saukhya Yoga:
3. Two Benefics placed in any of 6th 7th or 8th H from Ascendant: Doctor
5. Two Benefics placed in any of 6th 7th or 8th H from Moon: Engineer.
6. Two Benefics placed in Any of these two houses, counted from Ascendant or Moon: Banker
7. One Benefic placed in Any of these two houses, counted from Ascendent or Moon: Author.
Musician, Astrologer, Cine artists, Healthy Rich etc.
Those born with Lagnadhi Yoga are domineering and dictatorial while those with Chandradhi
Yogas are more popular
• If any of Arudha Bhavas fall in 6th, 8th or 12th houses from Janma lagna that bhava
normally suffers.
• If there are Argalas formed on AL sign or 7th H from AL sign, it further makes Native
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
• If from AL on the seventh H, benefic planets, Jupiter, Venus and Moon, these three
together, or any two or even Any one is present, then native becomes wealthy.
• If in the Seventh house from AL, there is exalted planet- either benefic or malefic- the
native is blessed with affluence, name and Fame.
• If Chandra Lagna, navamsha Lagna and drekkana Lagna and 7th House from these,
these are aspected by a same planet the native becomes great Maharaja.
ARISTA Yogas (As per Shri BV Raman’s Book)
These yogas bring misfortunes, Criminal Temperament etc.
✓ Ketu in Karakamsha itself- Thief
✓ Sun and Rahu in Karakamsha itself- aspected by Mars- Person gets pleasure in setting
fire to others’ houses (means cause big disturbances to others families
✓ Ketu in Karakamsha-aspected by Mercury and Saturn- Eunuch
✓ In Most Shadvarga Charts- if Venus and Mars placed in 9th H from Karakamsha sign-
Native develops affairs with other than spouse
✓ Ninth House from Karakamsha- is aspected by Jupiter- Native is hen pecked Husband
✓ Malefic planets placed in 2nd and 8th H from D-1 Lagna- causes bad luck and poverty
✓ Mercury in 12th H from AL- Loss of wealth through Litigation
✓ If Same number of Planets in 2nd and 12th, Or 5th and 9th Or 12th and 6th, or 10th and
4th Imprisonment
✓ Same number of planets in second and ninth sign from KL great misfortune
✓ Rahu is A5 aspected by Sun- Loss of sight
✓ Karakamsha having Shadvarga of Saturn or KL being associated with Saturn, Rahu or
other Malefics native will be an Illegitimate Child
✓ Gulika placed in KL – Native will administer poison to others or he will be ad mistered
poison and will die.
Yogas causing Poverty (Iranganti Rangacharya)
1. Two malefics placed in 5th or 9th H aspecting Lagna or AL (movable and Fixed signs)
2. Two malefics in 2nd H from Ascendent or AL or aspecting lagna or AL
3. Malefics placed in AL – and Eighth lord aspecting AL
4. 8th L placed in AL, or a debilitated planet in AL with no aspect of any other planet.
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty, ICAS-Blore II
Sutra 20
This Sutra expands scope of application of Raja yogas. It simply says Rajayoga principles
narrated till this sutra, be applied to D-9 Chart and also D-3 chart as well
Sutra 21.
When Lagna and Seventh House have Moon and Jupiter and also benefic planets aspect them
or are conjunct, the native becomes a great saint
Sutra 22
A variant of above sutra 21, When Moon placed in seventh has aspect of benefic planets or
Conjunction, native tends to be saint
Sutra 23 and 24
Another variant for Sutra 21, and sutra 22. It says even the lagna, or the seventh House, or
seventh house from Moon or Jupiter have benefic aspects or conjunctions and No malefic planet
aspects or conjunctions, the native becomes great personality like a saint or head of a
monastery, or gains key position under a ruler like a diplomat, ambassador, negotiator etc.
Sutra 25
Simple Conjunction of Kendra and Kona lords produces Amatya yoga. Without aspect of benefic
it produces weaker raja yoga later in life.
Sutra 26
If D-1 Lagna sign is same as Karakamsha Lagna, the Native belongs to a noble or royal family
Sutra 27 & sutra 28
If Lord of lagna and Ak are exalted in the D-9 chart or if an exalted planet aspect them, native is
a king or belongs to a royal family. If malefics aspect or Conjoined to them cancels this raja yoga
Sutra 29
If there are same number of benefic planets in Arudha lagna and in 9H from AL native becomes
a ruler. There is another interpretation based on Kapataidakis- which says same number of
planets in AL in D-9 chart and the 9H from Lagna of Navamsha chart
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore
Jaimini Paddhati -Notes made as per ICAS Course; For internal Use- By Umesh K Mehendale, Faculty,
Not for Commercial Use, Notes prepared for Teaching purposes at ICAS, Bangalore