Avradip Pradhan,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physics,
Narajole Raj College, Narajole.
Plasma exists in many forms in nature and has a widespread use in science and
technology. It is a special kind of partially ionized gas and in general consists of
positively charged ions, electrons and neutrals (i.e. atoms, molecules, radicals
etc.). Here we call an ionized gas as plasma if it is quasi-neutral and its
properties are dominated by electric and/or magnetic forces. Owing to the
presence of free charge carriers, plasma reacts to electromagnetic fields,
conducts electrical current and possesses a well-defined space potential.
Positive ions may be singly charged or multiply charged. For a plasma
containing only singly charged ions, the ion population is adequately described
by the ion density . Besides the ion density, we characterize a plasma by its
electron density and the neutral density .
Fig. 1
Thus we obtain for the movement of, say, electrons, under the action of the
restoring force given by .
or .
Comparing this result with the known formula , we get the expression
for the conductivity ( ) of a dilute plasma as
where is the plasma frequency defined before. We find that the conductivity
of a plasma is a purely imaginary quantity. We conclude that plasma is not a
typical Ohmic conductor but a reactance. There is a phase shift by 900 between
the electric field and the current density. The imaginary conductivity is due to
the inertia of the electrons, where plasma behaves like an inductance.
Taking curl on both sides of the equation, and using the fact we get
Fig. 2
(a) For , we find that the refractive index ( ) is real. Since wave number
is also real, waves can propagate without damping. Plasma behaves as a
lossless dielectric with a refractive index . Thus the phase velocity of
waves exceeds the phase velocity of electromagnetic waves in vacuum,
It plays the same role as the skin depth for a metallic conductor. For small
frequencies ( ), the attenuation length becomes independent of the
3. During the day the F layer splits into two layers called the F1 and F2 layers,
while the D layer vanishes completely at night.
Fig. 3
Let us try to understand the facts from the theoretical background. For an
electron concentration m-3, the plasma frequency ( ) of the
ionosphere becomes
or MHz.
Fig. 4
A Short Introduction to Plasma Physics, K. Wiesemann, Ruhr-
Universität Bochum, Germany
(All the figures have been collected from the above mentioned references)