TLS2200 Manual

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User ManuaI
2 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 3
This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. No portion oI this manual may be copied
or reproduced by any means without the prior written consent oI BRADY Worldwide. Inc.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation oI this document. BRADY assumes
no liability to any party Ior any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions or by statements
resulting Irom negligence. accident. or any other cause. BRADY Iurther assumes no liability
arising out oI the application or use oI any product or system described. herein; nor any
liability Ior incidental or consequential damages arising Irom the use oI this document.
BRADY disclaims all warranties oI merchantability oI Iitness Ior a particular purpose.
and LabelMark/WIN
are trademarks oI BRADY Worldwide. Inc.
MicrosoIt and Windows are registered trademarks oI MicrosoIt Corporation.
BRADY reserves the right to make changes without Iurther notice to any product or system
described herein to improve reliability. Iunction. or design.
2000 BRADY Worldwide. Inc. All Rights Reserved
Revision C. printed March 2000
SoItware Version 3
Wildmere Industrial Estate
England OX 16 7 GU
Tel: 44 (0) 1 295 228 200
Eax: 44 (0) 1 295 228 100
4 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
FCC Notice-U.S. OnIy
WARNING: This equipment generates. uses. and can radiate radio Irequency energy. II not
installed and used in accordance with the manuIacturer`s instructions. it may cause
interIerence to radio communications. It has been tested and Iound to comply with the limits
Ior a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J oI Part 15 oI the ECC rules. which are
designed to provide reasonable protection against interIerence when operating in a commercial
environment. Operation oI this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interIerence. in
which case corrective measures will be at the owner`s expense.
The user is cautioned that any changes or modiIications not expressly approved by BRADY
Worldwide. Inc. could void the user`s authority to operate the equipment.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interIerence
in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interIerence
in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements oI the Canadian InterIerence-Causing
Equipment Regulations.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 5
BRADY Warranty
Our products are sold with the understanding that the buyer will test them in actual use and
determine Ior him or herselI their adaptability to his/her intended uses. BRADY warrants to
the buyer that its products are Iree Irom deIects in material and workmanship. but limits its
obligations under this warranty to replacement oI the product shown to BRADY`s satisIaction
to have been deIective at the time BRADY sold it. This warranty does not extend to any
persons obtaining the product Irom the buyer.
6 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
License Agreement
BRADY USA. Inc. (hereaIter "BRADY") hereby grants you a non-exclusive. non-transIerable
license to use the soItware and accompanying documentation according to the Iollowing terms:
1. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS: You may not: 1) transmit the soItware over a network
without an additional license; 2) modiIy. adapt. translate. reverse engineer. decompile.
disassemble. create derivative works based on. or copy (except Ior one back-up copy) the
soItware or the accompanying documentation; 3) rent. transIer. or grant any rights in the
soItware or accompanying documentation without prior. express written consent oI
BRADY; or 4) remove any proprietary notices. labels. or marks on the soItware and
accompanying documentation.
2. NATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT: This license is not a sale. Title and copyrights to the
soItware. accompanying documentation. and any copy made by you remains the property oI
BRADY. Unauthorized copying oI the soItware or the accompanying documentation. or
Iailure to comply with the above restrictions. shall automatically terminate this license
without Iurther notice. and terminate your rights to use the soItware. and BRADY shall. in
addition to its other legal remedies. be entitled to its reasonable attorney Iees.
3. LIMITED WARRANTY: BRADY warrants that. Ior a period oI one hundred and eighty
(180) days Irom the date oI delivery to you as evidenced by a copy oI your receipt. the
soItware. as Iurnished. under normal use. will perIorm without signiIicant errors that
make it unusable. BRADY's entire liability and your exclusive remedy under this
warranty (which is subiect to you returning the soItware to BRADY) will be. at the option
oI BRADY. to attempt to correct or help you around errors. to replace the soItware with
Iunctionally equivalent soItware or diskettes. or to reIund the license Iee oI the soItware
and terminate this agreement.
Some states do not allow the exclusion oI implied warranties so the above exclusion may
not apply to you. This warranty gives you speciIic legal rights. You may also have other
rights which vary Irom state to state.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 7
Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion oI liability Ior incidental. or
consequential damages. so the above limitation may not apply to you.
5. General: II the product is acquired under the terms oI a 1) GSA contract - use.
reproduction or disclosure is subiect to the restrictions set Iorth in the applicable ADP
Schedule contract; 2) DOD contract - use. duplication or disclosure by the Government is
subiect to restrictions set Iorth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) oI 252.277-7013; 3) Civilian
agency contract - use. reproduction. or disclosure is subiect to 52.277-19(a) through (d)
and restrictions set Iorth in this Agreement. Unpublished rights reserved under the
copyright laws oI the United States.
This Agreement shall be governed by. and interpreted under. the laws oI the state oI
Wisconsin. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes
any other communications or advertising with respect to the soItware and accompanying
documentation. II any provision oI the Agreement is held invalid. the remainder oI this
Agreement shall continue in Iull Iorce and eIIect.
8 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
TechnicaI Support
Choose one oI the Iollowing options to contact TLS2200
system support provided by
BRADY Worldwide. Inc.:
1. To speak with a Technical Support Representative. call 44 (0) 1 295 228 205.

2. EAX your inquiry to 44 (0) 1 295 228 105.

3. Contact BRADY`s Technical Support Team on-line at:

Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 9
TabIe of Contents
Unpacking Your TLS2200
Thermal Labeling System......................................................11
Saving Your Packaging.........................................................................................................11
Thermal Labeling System SpeciIications..........................................................12
Physical and Environmental Characteristics .........................................................................12
CertiIication ..........................................................................................................................12
Knowing Your SoItware Version Number ...........................................................................13
Quick Start Guide .....................................................................................................................14
Summary oI Steps .................................................................................................................14
Working with Screens and Menus ............................................................................................23
The Text Editor Screen .........................................................................................................23
The Setup Menu....................................................................................................................23
Setup Menu Options .............................................................................................................24
Setup Menu Tree...................................................................................................................27
Creating Legends ......................................................................................................................28
Using the Enter~ Key When Composing a Legend............................................................28
DeIault Eont Size ..................................................................................................................28
Changing the Eont Size.........................................................................................................29
Printer Eonts......................................................................................................29
Clearing the Legend..............................................................................................................31
Saving and Recalling a Legend.............................................................................................31
Eunction Keys .......................................................................................................................32
Printing Your Labels.................................................................................................................33
Adiusting Burn Temperature ................................................................................................33
Setting Peel Time..................................................................................................................33
Printing Larger Labels ..........................................................................................................33
Reloading Marker Rolls and Ribbons ...................................................................................34
Advanced Eeatures....................................................................................................................35
Serialized Labels...................................................................................................................35
Legend Lists..........................................................................................................................37
Continuous PrintingTerminal Block Labels......................................................................43
Continuous PrintingBanners .............................................................................................44
DeIault Eont Size ..................................................................................................................44
Eixed Length Banners ...........................................................................................................45
Barcode Labels .....................................................................................................................45
Tutorial Guide...........................................................................................................................48
T1: Creating a One-Line Legend. Component Marker .........................................................48
T2: Creating a Component Label Utilizing Multiple Eont Sizes ..........................................49
T3: Creating a Wiremarker ...................................................................................................50
T4: Creating Serialized Wiremarkers....................................................................................51
T5: Creating a Label with Rotated Text. Printing Multiple Copies ......................................53
T6: Creating a Barcode Label ...............................................................................................54
T7: Creating a Serialized Barcode Label ..............................................................................56
T8: Creating a Terminal Block Label ...................................................................................57
10 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
T9: Creating a Patch Panel Label..........................................................................................59
T10: Creating a Continuous Label ........................................................................................61
T11: Creating a Banner Label oI Eixed Length ....................................................................62
T12: Creating a Legend List. Component Markers...............................................................63
T13: Creating a Legend List Utilizing Multiple Eont Sizes and Rotations. ..........................65
T14: Creating a Legend List. Wiremarkers. Printing Multiple Copies .................................67
T15: Creating and Recalling a Legend List. Barcode Labels................................................69
T16: Creating a Legend List. Recalling and Editing a Legend.............................................71
T17: Creating a Legend List. Banner Legends .....................................................................73
Cleaning the Drive Roller and Cutter....................................................................................75
Cleaning the Print Head........................................................................................................75
Accessory Parts List..............................................................................................................75
Appendix 1: Troubleshooting and Error Message Guide..........................................................76
Troubleshooting Guide .........................................................................................................76
Error Messages......................................................................................................................77
Appendix 2: Glossary oI Terms ................................................................................................81
Appendix 3: Direct Printing Irom LabelMark/Win
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 11

Small in size. big in perIormance! Since the invention oI thermal transIer technology. the idea
has remained unchangedbigger has always been better. Until now. BRADY introduces the
TLS2200 Thermal Labeling System. This hand-held thermal transIer printer is the new
leader in the BRADY line oI quality perIormance printers. Weighing in at iust 1.32 kg (2.75
lbs.). it is the only thermal-transIer barcode/label printer that you can hold in iust one hand.
Never beIore has there been a printer quite like the TLS2200 printer. It is so easysimply
choose the type oI labels you want to print and load them in. The TLS2200 printer takes care
oI the rest. Thanks to its innovative smart-cell technology. the TLS2200 printer recognizes the
label you are using and automatically adiusts itselI. saving you a signiIicant amount oI setup
time. As you will see. the TLS2200 printer is the Iirst hand-held thermal transIer printer that is
not only portable. quick. and easy to use. but uniquely intelligent as well. We are sure you will
Iind it to be an extremely versatile and durable tool. useIul Ior a great number oI label-making
Unpacking Your TLS2200
ThermaI LabeIing System
BeIore you begin setting up the printer. veriIy you have received the Iollowing items in your
TLS2200 Thermal Labeling System
Hard Side Carrying Case
Battery Pack
Battery Charger
Warranty Card
Cleaning Card
Eont Size/Ribbon Cross ReIerence Guide Card
Quick Start ReIerence Card
Communications Cable
User`s Manual
R6210 Ribbon
Sample Label Roll (PTL-19-423)
Saving Your Packaging
The packaging surrounding your TLS2200 printer should be saved in the event oI any Iuture
shipments oI the printer and accessories.
WARNING: Never ship the TLS2200 printer without Iirst removing the rechargeable
battery pack Irom the printer and disengaging the print head.
II shipping both the printer and battery pack. remove the battery pack Irom the printer and
place the items in the original shipping material beIore transporting.
12 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
ThermaI LabeIing System Specifications
The TLS2200 printer has the Iollowing speciIications:
N Weight 1.32 kg (2.75 lbs.)
N Thermal TransIer Print Mechanism 8 dots/mm (203 dpi)
N Optical Registration System Ior Precise Print Registration
N Elastomeric Keypad
N 2-Line by 16-Character Liquid Crystal Display
N Custom True Type Eont (Arial)
N Labels up to 50.8 mm (2) Wide
N Print Width 46 mm (1.81)
N Print Length Over 1424 mm (56)
N Adiustable Ior six DiIIerent Liner Widths
N Prints 500 Labels Between Battery Charges
N Six Month Warranty
PhysicaI and EnvironmentaI Characteristics
The TLS2200 printer has the Iollowing physical and environmental characteristics:
PHYSICAL Metric Units U.S. Units
Dimensions 305 x 95 x 114 mm. 12 x 3.75 x 4.5 in.
Weight (with
battery pack)
1.32 kg 2.75 lb.
ENVIRONMENTAL Operation Storage
Temperature` 4( to 40(C (40( to 105(E) -18( to 60(C (0( to 140(E)
Relative Humidity 20 to 95 (non-condensing) 10 to 80 (non-condensing)
*Exposing the TLS2200 printer to direct sunlight is not recommended.
The TLS2200 printer has the Iollowing certiIications:
N ECC Class A Approved
N UL/CUL-listed Battery Charger
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 13
Knowing Your Software Version Number
The soItware in your TLS2200
printer can be updated through the use oI the Brady Device
Loader. To determine the version number oI the soItware currently loaded in your TLS2200
printer. watch the LCD screen as you turn the unit on. You will see one oI the Iollowing
welcome screens:
*** TL82200 ***
Please Wait
This is the welcome screen Ior a
TLS2200 printer with version 1.0
TL82200 V2.0
Please Wait
This is the welcome screen Ior a
TLS2200 printer with version 2.0
TL82200 V3.0
Please Wait
This is the welcome screen Ior a
TLS2200 printer with version 3.0
14 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Quick Start Guide
This section guides you through the process oI creating a label. Read the rest oI this manual Ior
detailed inIormation on each oI these steps. as well as other Iunctions not listed here.
Note: It is suggested that you read Appendix 2. Glossarv of Terms beIore you read this
guide. This appendix acquaints you with the terms Iound in this manual that are used
within the speciIic context oI the TLS2200
Summary of Steps
Eollowing is a summary oI the steps needed to create a label. A complete description oI each
step Iollows later in this section.
Step Purpose of Step Page
1 To charge the battery 14
2 To install the battery. 15
3 To turn the power on. 15
4 To select the marker and ribbon. 16
5 To install the ribbon cartridge. 17
6 To remove the marker roll. 18
7 To install the marker roll. 18
8 To type text. 18
9 To edit text. 20
10 To print the label. 22
Step 1. Charge the Battery
Note: The battery pack is shipped in an uncharged condition. Charge the battery Ior a
minimum oI Iive hours beIore operating the printer solely on battery power.
You can charge the battery pack while the battery power switch is turned on or off. The battery
pack charges as long as the charger is plugged in. BRADY recommends that once the battery
pack is Iully charged. you should unplug the charger and operate the printer solely on battery
Battery Power
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 15

II the battery pack is completely discharged. connecting the charger does not provide enough
power to run the printer. Recharge the battery pack beIore continued use.
WARNING: Disposal of the Battery Pack
The NiCad battery pack contains cadmium. a toxic element. The battery pack is
considered hazardous toxic waste and must not be thrown away in the home or oIIice garbage.
Once the useIul liIe oI the battery is ended (one to three years). contact your local authorities
Ior inIormation regarding its proper disposal or recycling options.
Step 2. InstaII the Battery
1. Turn the battery power switch to the off
(O) position.
2. Slide the battery release lever to the
unlock position. (slide to leIt)
3. Drop the battery in as shown and slide
4. Slide the battery release lever to the lock
position. (slide to right)
Step 3. Turn the Power On
Turn battery power switch to the on (I)
Battery Power
Battery Release
16 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Step 4. SeIect Your Marker and Ribbon
Use the Iollowing chart to select the appropriate marker and ribbon Ior your task:
B #`s Material R4310 R4410 R6010 `R6210
B-109 Tag
z zz z
B-321 Polyolefin
z zz z
B-342 Polyolefin
z zz z
B-351 Vinyl
z zz z
B-400 Vinyl Cloth
z zz z
B-412 Polypropylene

z zz z
B-422 Polyester
z zz z UL/CSA z zz z UL/CSA

B-423 Polyester
z zz z UL/CSA z zz z UL/CSA

B-424 Paper
z zz z
B-426 Polyimide
z zz z
B-427 Vinyl
z zz z z zz z
B-428 Polyester
z zz zUL/CSA
B-430 Polyester
z zz z UL/CSA z zz z UL/CSA

B-435 Polyester
z zz z UL/CSA z zz z UL/CSA
B-437 Tedlar

z zz z

B-439 Vinyl
z zz z

B-457 Polyimide
z zz z UL z zz z UL
B-459 Polyester
z zz z UL/CSA z zz z UL/CSA
B-473 Polyester
z zz z UL/CSA z zz z UL/CSA

B-477 Polyimide
z zz z UL z zz z UL

B-483 Polyester
z zz zUL/CSA z zz zUL/CSA

B-499 Nylon Cloth
z zz z UL/CSA

B-642 Tedlar

z zz z


is a registered trademark oI Dupont

Code Description
Recommended ribbon Ior use with respective material.

Acceptable ribbon Ior use with respective material.

UL This material is UL recognized with its respective ribbon.
CSA This material is CSA approved with its respective ribbon.
UL/CSA This material is UL & CSA approved with its respective ribbon.
` R6210 ribbon included with printer.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 17
Step 5. InstaII the Ribbon Cartridge
1. Remove cartridge Irom the bag. Avoid
touching or creasing the ribbon.
2. Remove any ribbon slack by rotating take-up
spool end counter-clockwise.
3. Slide ribbon cartridge Iirmly into printer.
(Locking lever must be in unlock position
see below.)
4. Push the locking lever towards the back
oI the printer to close the print head and
lock the ribbon cartridge in place.

18 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Step 6. Remove a Marker RoII
1. Cut oII printed labels with the cutter
2. Open the roll door.
3. Slide the locking lever to the unlock
4. Back the markers out oI the material
guide slots.
5. Pull the marker roll out oI its cradle.
Step 7. InstaII a Marker RoII
1. Slide the locking lever to the lock position.
2. Turn the power switch on.
3. Open the roll door.
4. Pressing the guide plate lever down. slide and snap it into a notch that matches your
marker roll width.
5. Making sure labels unwind Irom the top. snap the marker roll Iirmly into cradle.
6. Press <Enter> to clear the 'ERROR No Label Present message.
7. Eeed leading edge oI marker roll through the guide slots.
8. Press <Feed>. (Continue to manually push marker roll edge until it catches.)
9. Close the roll door.
Step 8. Type Text
Use the Iollowing guidelines when typing text:
Text Type Guidelines
Type lower-case letters (a-z) by pressing the appropriate keys.
Press the <Space> key to add a space between words. Type an
upper-case letter by holding down the <Shift> key while typing
the letter. To type many upper-case letters in a row. turn the
caps lock Ieature on by pressing the <Func> <Cap Lock>
Numbers Type numbers (0-9) by pressing the desired keys.
A yellow secondary character appears on the upper-right oI
each text key. Type one by Iirst pressing the <Func> key. then
press the desired secondary character key.
Eor all key combinations you must press the Iirst key Iirst.
Then. while still holding it down. press the second key.
To place an accent mark over a vowel. type the mark Iirst
Iollowed by the letter itselI. (Note: The tilde (~) is to be used
with the letters A.a or N.n only.)

RoII Door
Guide PIate
Cutter Lever

Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 19
The LCD displays two lines oI text with 16 characters on each line. The Iirst line always
displays the status bar. which includes Iont and character positioning inIormation (see below).
01 14 CT 01
As you type characters. they appear on the liquid crystal display (LCD) at the cursor`s
position. Depending on the installed marker size and Iont size selected. you can have up to 23
lines on a single label and 50 characters on a single line. The cursor marks your current typing
or editing position.
II you are entering more than 16 characters on a line. you can not see the entire label until it is
printed. The arrow keys allow you to move the cursor around the LCD. As the cursor moves
beyond the 16
character. the screen scrolls to display the remaining text Ior the label line:
TL82200 THERMAL_ __ _
The status bar indicates the
cursor is located at the 16
character position.
As you continue to enter text. the
screen scrolls to allow the entry oI
the remaining text (underlined M
is at cursor position 31).
Line No.
Font Size
Legend Type
(Text, Barcode)
LabeI Format
(Component, Wire)
20 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Step 9. Edit Text
Changing Font Sizes
At any time during the text entry or editing process. you can change the Iont size Ior the label
line displayed on the text editor screen. This can be done on a line-by-line basis only. To
change the Iont size Ior a given line. simply press <Shift> + <! !! !> or <Shift> + <" "" ">
respectively to increase or decrease the Iont size.
Cursor and Editing Keys
Use the Iollowing keys to edit your legend:
Eor key combinations (Ior example. ShiIt ) you must press the Iirst key Iirst. Then.
while still holding it down. press the second key.
Keys Description
N Activates a screen selection.
N When composing a legend. inserts a non-visible end-oI-line
character and moves the cursor down to the next line.
N Clears system messages Irom display.

Moves the cursor one character to the right. II at the rightmost
position on the display. the display is scrolled one character to the
leIt and the cursor remains at the rightmost position.

Moves the cursor one character to the leIt. II at the leItmost
position on the display. the display is scrolled one character to the
right and the cursor remains at the leItmost position.
! !! !
Displays the previous line oI text (iI any).
" "" "
Displays the next line oI text (iI any).
Shift +
Skips to the beginning oI the next word.
Shift +
Skips to the beginning oI the previous word.
N While in text editor. deletes the character at the cursor position.
N Backs out one level in the Setup Menu tree.
N Terminates the printing oI markers.
Shift + DeIete
Backspaces as it deletes characters. II cursor is at the Iirst
character position on a line. the carriage return is deleted and any
text on the line is appended to the text on the previous line.
Legend CIear
Clears all characters on the current legend line.
Shift + Legend
Clears all characters on the legend.
Shift + Form
Deletes all characters and lines on the legend. and resets the Iont
size to the deIault value.
Cap Lock
Toggles between uppercase and lowercase characters.
Note: Current Cap Lock status is retained when unit is turned oII.
Space Bar
Moves the cursor one position to the right. Inserts a space at the
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 21
Keys Description
current cursor position.
22 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide

Step 10. Print LabeIs

To print:
N the contents oI your legend. simply press the <Print> key.
N multiple copies oI your legend. press <Func> <MuIti Print>. The screen prompts Ior
the 'No. oI Copies?. Enter a number Irom 1-250 and press <Enter>.
Note: Press the <Feed> key iI you want to Ieed one marker without printing.
When a label has printed out use the built-in cutter to remove it. Use the external lever
to cut between labels.
WARNING: Never use the cutter with BRADYSleeve label rolls' The printer always
advances the last printed sleeve to the appropriate position to allow tear-oII at the
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 23

Working with Screens and Menus

The Text Editor Screen
Each time the printer is turned on. an initialization routine is perIormed. then the Text Editor
screen appears. This screen is the home base oI any processing you perIorm with the
printer. To change any oI the parameters previously deIined. you must access the
soItware Ieatures oI the printer by calling up the Setup Menu Irom the Text Editor screen. For
more information on setting the Setup Menu options. refer to the section titled The Setup Menu
on page 23.
WARNING: To ensure that text is not deleted. always set the rotation value before
entering your legend.
AIter setting the label parameters. you can begin entering the text oI your legend.
As previously mentioned. the LCD displays a maximum oI one line oI text and 16 characters
on the screen at any one time. II a line consists oI more than 16 characters. the LCD
automatically shiIts to the right to allow you to enter and view additional characters.
Characters can be entered on the text editor screen in insert mode only.
The Setup Menu
The Setup Menu allows you to set and adiust label Iormatting or printing deIaults. and speciIy
the language in which your prompts and menus should appear. You can access any oI the
Setup Menu Iunctions by Iollowing the steps below:
1. Press the <Func> <Setup> keys to access the Setup menu.
The Setup Menu appears on the LCD.
2. Use the <!> and <"> keys to move through the menu choices. The cursor indicates the
currently selected option.
Note: A downward pointing arrow on the right side oI the LCD indicates there are
more selections available below the currently highlighted choice.
An upward pointing arrow indicates there are more selections available above the
currently highlighted choice. Up and down arrows appearing simultaneously indicate
there are more selections available both above and below the currently highlighted choice.
3. Press the <Enter> key to access the sub-menu choices.
4. Use the <!> and <"> keys to move through the sub-menu choices. The cursor indicates
the currently selected option. Press <Enter> to select a sub-menu.
5. Use the <!> and <"> keys to select the desired menu setting. then press <Enter> to save
your change. To exit without saving the change press either the <Exit> key (sends you
back to the text editor screen) or the <DeIete> key (backs you out one level in the menu
24 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Setup Menu Options
The Setup Menu contains seven sub-menu options Ior Iormatting and printing your labels and
setting your language preIerence Ior the menus and prompts. Many oI these options provide
you with ways to customize the Iormatting oI your labels. Refer to the Setup Menu Tree
section on page 27.
The Printer Menu contains the Iollowing user options:
Option Description
Top Margin Adi. Adiusts Iirst vertical print position Irom top oI label. Values range
Irom -0.625 mm (-0.0246 in) to 1.375 mm (0.05412 in).
LeIt Margin Adi. Adiusts Iirst horizontal print position Irom leIt edge oI label. Values
range Irom -0.625 mm (-0.0246 in) to 1.375 mm (0.05412 in).
Cut Eeed Adi. Adiusts vertical cut position between labels. Values range Irom -1
mm (-0.03936 in) to 1 mm (0.03936 in). The < ! > and < " > keys
increase/decrease value by 0.125 mm increments (1 dot).
Peel Time Determines how long (in seconds) a label remains in peel position
beIore moving back to cut position. Ranges Irom 2 to 9 seconds.
DeIault 5 sec.
Note: Peel time option is not supported Ior BRADYSleeve and
PermaSleeve marker parts.
Burn Temp Determines the print density on the label. Setting ranges Irom -5
(lightest) to 5 (darkest). DeIault 0
Clean Printer PerIorms printer cleaning routine. Use this option with the cleaning
card shipped with the unit.
The Barcode Menu contains the Iollowing user options:
Option Description
Bar Height Sets the height oI the Code 39 barcode. Setting ranges Irom 1 mm
(0.03937 in) to 26 mm (1.02362 in). DeIault 1 mm. Narrow bar
width 2 dots (.25 mm). Barcode Ratio 2 to 1
Determines whether the barcode is printed along with human readable
text. Toggles between on and oII. Eont size ranges Irom 2 (5 point) to
9 (14 point). DeIault oII.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 25
The Continuous Menu contains the Iollowing user options:
Option Description
Adiusts the terminal block repeat value. Setting ranges Irom 5 mm
(0.19685 in) to 46 mm (1.81102 in). <!> and <"> keys
increase/decrease value by 0.125 mm increments (1 dot). <Shift>
<!> and <Shift> <"> increase/ decrease value by 1mm increments
(8 dots).
Banner Sets the orientation oI the legend text on the banner. Toggles between
vertical and horizontal.
Eixed Length Adiusts the maximum length oI the banner. Setting ranges Irom 32
mm (1.02362 in) to 305 mm (12.28346 in). <!> and <"> keys
increase/decrease value by 13 mm (.51 in) increments. <Shift> <!>
and <Shift> <"> increase/ decrease value by 26 mm (1.02 in)
The Style Menu contains the Iollowing user options:
Option Description
Rotation Sets the rotation in one oI Iour orientations. 0(. 90(. 180(. and 270(.
DeIault orientation is dependent on the marker roll loaded in the unit.
Always select the rotation value before entering the text Ior your label. A
change to the rotation value causes the Iollowing to occur:
N All characters and lines on a legend are deleted.
N The cursor moves to the Iirst character position on line one.
N The Iont is set to the deIault size Ior the marker.
Note: Rotation option is not supported Ior BRADYSleeve. PermaSleeve.
and pre-printed marker parts (deIaults to 0().
H JustiIy Sets the horizontal iustiIication oI the legend. Options are: LeIt. Center. and
Right. The marker roll loaded in the unit determines the deIault setting.
V JustiIy Sets the vertical iustiIication oI the legend. Options are: Top. Center. and
Bottom. The marker roll loaded in the unit determines the deIault setting.
Eormat Sets the label Iormat. Options are: Component or Wire. DeIault
N The component label Iormat is designed to print all oI the lines oI a
legend one time beIore advancing to the next marker.
N The wire Iormat is designed to automatically repeat the text oI a legend
down the length oI a marker as many times as possible. considering the
number oI lines available in the marker.
26 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
The Serial Menu contains the Iollowing user options:
Option Description
Standard DeIaults serial number scheme to decimal (0-9) or alpha (A-Z. a-z) based on
character type entered.
Octal DeIaults serial number scheme to octal (Base 8). 0-7 numeric serialization.
The Language Menu contains the Iollowing user options:
Option Description
English All menu options appear in English.
Portugus All menu options appear in Portuguese.
Deutsch All menu options appear in German.
Espaol All menu options appear in Spanish.
Italiano All menu options appear in Italian.
Erancais All menu options appear in Erench.
Nederlands All menu options appear in Dutch.
The Units Menu allows you to set the unit oI measure Ior the Iollowing Setup Menu options
(Top Margin Adi.. LeIt Margin Adi.. Cut Eeed Adi.. Bar Height. Terminal Block. and Eixed
Option Description
Inches Sets the units oI measure to inches.
Metric Sets the units oI measure to millimeters.
PeripheraI Mode
Peripheral Mode is a new option accessible one oI two diIIerent ways. It is available on the
TLS2200 Setup Menu. or you can use the <Func>+<Exit> key combination Irom the text
entry screen. This option allows you to use the TLS2200 printer along with BRADY`s
LabelMark/WIN_ V1.2 or greater soItware to print labels that are created and stored on your
Once the TLS2200 is in Peripheral Mode. pressing any key will return it to its normal
operating mode
Note: ReIer to page 82 Ior more inIormation about using LabelMark/WIN_.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 27
Setup Menu Tree
<Func> + <Setup>
Printer Barcode
Style Units
0 Degrees
90 Degrees
180 Degrees
270 Degrees
H Justify
V Justify
Burn Temp
Range= -5 - +5
Peel Time
Range= 2 - 9 secs
Cut Feed Adj
Range= -1 - +1mm
Left Margin Adj
Range= -0.625 - +1.375mm
Top Margin
Range= -0.625 - +1.375mm
Range = 1-26 mm
Range = 2-9
Range = 5-46 mm
Range = 32-305 mm
To use the menu:
N Press the <!> and <"> keys to move through the menu choices and to
increase/decrease values within the range.
N Press the <Shift> <!> and <Shift> <"> keys to increase/decrease values
within the range by larger steps.
N Press <Enter> to select and save menu option choices.
N Press <Exit/DeIete> to exit a menu without saving changes.
28 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Creating Legends
Using the <Enter> Key When Composing a Legend
It is not necessary to press the <Enter> key aIter entering the last line oI text in your legend.
Pressing the <Enter> key instructs the printer to reserve space Ior a new line oI text (notice
the cursor advances to the next line). Even iI characters are not entered on this new line. the
printer assumes the blank line is valid. As a result. markers are printed with the blank line.
which leads to uncentered legends.
When the <Enter> key is pressed at the end oI a line. a non-visible end-oI-line character is
inserted at the cursor. Characters entered aIter the cursor Iall to the next line. This end-oI-line
character can be deleted by positioning the cursor over the Iirst character position on the
Iollowing line and pressing the <Shift> <DeIete> keys. This deletes the carriage return.
moves up the text located on the second line. and appends the text on the Iirst line. Any
remaining lines oI text also move up one line.
Note: The <Shift> <DeIete> command deletes the carriage return and appends text
to the previous line only iI all characters on the current line Iit on the previous line. II
the text can not Iit. the carriage return is not deleted and all text remains on the current line.
DefauIt Font Size
The TLS2200
printer allows you to choose the Iont size Ior each individual line oI text on
your label (one size per line). The Iont size is always displayed on the status bar located on the
Iirst line oI the LCD.
When a marker roll is loaded and the unit is turned on. the TLS2200 printer reads the marker
size inIormation stored in the smart-cell on the marker roll core. This inIormation is used to
automatically set an initial Iont size Ior your label. The method used to set this deIault is
intended to help approximate an optimal starting point Ior sizing your text. It is as Iollows:
Marker Width Default Font Size
12.7 mm (0.5 in.) Largest size that allows Iour characters to Iit on a label line
J 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) Largest size that allows eight characters to Iit on a label line
Note: Eor continuous printed labels (banners). the deIault Iont size is the largest Iont
that prints on the selected marker width in horizontal orientation.
Once the Iont is set Ior a label line. the size remains the same Ior any new lines that Iollow
(example. Iont size set at 8 Ior line one. press <Enter> to add line two. Iont size remains at
size 8). The Iont size remains at the size you choose until you decide to change it.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 29
Changing the Font Size
At any time during the text entry or editing process. you can change the Iont size Ior the label
line displayed on the text editor screen. This can be done on a line-by-line basis only. To
change the Iont size Ior a given line. simply press <Shift> + <! !! !> or <Shift> + <" "" ">
respectively to increase or decrease the Iont size.
Selectable Iont sizes range Irom 1 (4 point) to 19 (72 point). The maximum Iont size selectable
Ior a particular label line depends on several Iactors including marker size. number oI
characters oI text entered on the label line. number oI lines oI text entered on the label. and the
Iont sizes chosen Ior the other label lines.
II at any time you attempt to enter too many characters on a label line. the message 'Reduce
Type Size Ilashes on the display. To allow more characters to Iit on the line. press <Shift> +
<" "" "> to decrease the Iont size.
Text already entered on a line can be switched Irom text to barcode mode and vice versa. II the
size oI the barcode. or text being switched to. does not Iit on the marker. you encounter the
message 'Reduce Type Size when you attempt to print the label. You must scroll to the line
where the switch was made. reduce the size oI the Iont (iI text) or bar height (iI a barcode). and
print again.
II you press the <Enter> key and it no longer moves the cursor down to another line. you have
attempted to enter more lines on the label than can Iit. To add more lines. press <Shift> + <" "" ">
to decrease the Iont size oI the existing lines.
Printer Fonts
The Iollowing Ionts are available on the TLS2200 printer:
1 4
2 5
3 6
RAY 12345
4 7
5 9
RA0Y 12345
6 10 RA0Y12345
7 11
8 13
9 14
10 17
30 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
11 20
12 23
13 26
14 28
15 36
16 45
17 51
18 56
19 72
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 31
CIearing the Legend
Use the Iollowing keys to clear the legend:
Keys Description
<Legend Clear>
Clears all characters Irom the currently displayed
label line while keeping the Iont size unchanged.
<Shift> + <Legend Clear>
Clears all characters on the legend while keeping
the Iont size Ior all label lines unchanged.
<Shift> + <Form Clear>
Deletes all characters and lines on the legend.
resets the Iont size to the deIault. and positions the
cursor in the Iirst character position on line one.
Values set in the Setup Menu (such as rotation. or horizontal and vertical iustiIication) remain
unchanged when perIorming any oI the above actions or when you turn the unit oII. Values
change to the deIault values iI a new marker roll with a diIIerent marker size is loaded into the
Saving and RecaIIing a Legend
Any legend entered on the text editor is retained when the unit is turned oII. Turn the unit back
on and the legend reappears on the display. This rule holds true only iI the part number oI the
marker roll loaded in the unit is not changed while the unit is turned oII. II the TLS2200
printer detects a marker size change when turned on. or iI a diIIerent marker size is loaded
while the unit is on. text on the display is cleared and the deIault Iont size is set.
Once you have Iinished entering and editing your text. you may wish to save your legend Ior
retrieval at some later point in time. The TLS2200
printer allows you to save legends to a
list. See the Legend Lists section on page 37 Ior more inIormation.
Thermal Transfer Printer Users Guide 32
Function Keys
The use of each function key is described in the chart below:

Key Description
Advances to the next marker.
Prints the legend.
Multi Print
Prints multiple copies of the legend (1-250).
Serializes legend starting with the character at the cursor.
Exits you back to the text editor screen from any Serial, Multi Print,
Setup Menu, or List Menu screen.
Advances label to peel position.

Note: You cannot use this function with PSPT label rolls
Toggles legend type status (Text, Barcode).
Shift +
Increases font size.
Shift +
Decreases font size.
Shift + Wire
Toggles label format (Component, Wire).
Displays Setup Menu options.
Saves the currently displayed legend to a legend list.
Recalls the previously saved legend to a legend list.
Displays List Menu.
Form Clear

Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 33
Printing Your LabeIs
Adjusting Burn Temperature
The burn temperature setting can be adiusted to darken or lighten your printed legend. Cases
where adiustments are needed should be rare as the TLS2200
printer automatically
optimizes the burn temperature based on the material loaded in the unit.
Note: The burn temperature is automatically reset to its deIault setting oI 0 each time
the unit is turned oII. To obtain further information on adiusting the burn temperature.
refer to The Setup Menu section on page 23.
Setting PeeI Time
AIter your label(s) are printed. the TLS2200 printer Ieeds the last printed label to the cut-oII
position. II you wish to remove (peel) the last printed label Irom the liner without cutting. the
peel Iunction can be used. Simply Press <Func> + <PeeI> on the keypad and the unit
advances the last printed label Iorward to the peel position. Depending on how the deIault is
set. you have Irom 2 to 9 seconds to peel the label Irom the liner beIore it returns to the cut-oII
position. For more information on setting the peel time. refer to The Setup Menu section on
page 23.
Note: The peel time option is not supported Ior BRADYSleeve and PermaSleeve label
parts. AIter printing. BRADYSleeve advances to the tear-oII position and PermaSleeve
advances to the cut position.
Printing Larger LabeIs
Die cut label Iormats greater than 1.9 x 2.0 will print with version 2 soItware or higher. II
you are using version 1 soItware. you will be able to print larger labels. but only up to the
printable area limits oI 1.81 x 1.81. Refer to Error! Reference source not found. for help
with installing new software on vour TLS2200 printer.
34 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
ReIoading Marker RoIIs and Ribbons
II the marker roll runs out oI labels while printing. the TLS2200
printer stops printing and
the Iollowing message appears:
~Error Out of Label
When the marker roll runs out. the print iob is permanently cancelled. Any legends remaining
to be printed are aborted. To continue printing. Iollow the instructions below.
1. Using the cutter mechanism. cut-oII any labels that have already printed.
2. Pull the ribbon cartridge-locking lever towards the Iront oI the printer to open the print
3. Pull any remaining markers out through the top oI the printer.
4. Install a new marker roll. For instructions. refer to the Install a Marker Roll section on
page 18.
5. Initiate a new print iob to continue Irom where the previous one ended.
II the ribbon runs out while printing. the TLS2200 printer stops printing and displays the
Iollowing message:
~Error Out of Ribbon
Similar to the situation with marker rolls. when the ribbon cartridge runs out oI ribbon. the
print iob is permanently cancelled. Any legends remaining to be printed are aborted. To
continue printing. insert a new ribbon cartridge. then initiate a new print iob to continue Irom
where the previous one ended.
Note: When a marker roll or ribbon cartridge runs out. the legend entered on the LCD
continues to display. This allows you to make a marker roll/ribbon replacement without
losing your text. However. the display is cleared iI the size oI the markers on the new marker
roll diIIers Irom those on the roll being replaced.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 35
Advanced Features
Eeatures outlined in this section pertain to advanced user options. You will Iind instructions Ior
generating serialized. legend list. terminal block. and barcode labels.
SeriaIized LabeIs
This section discusses making serialized labels with the TLS2200
Legends you create with the TLS2200 printer can be serialized both numerically and
alphabetically. Serializing characters in a legend results in a series oI markers that increment
by one number and/or one letter.
The TLS2200 printer allows you to create two diIIerent types oI serialization patterns:
Pattern Description
Standard DeIaults serial number scheme to decimal (0-9) or alpha (A-Z. a-z) based on
character type entered.
Octal DeIaults the serial number scheme to octal (Base 8) 0-7 numeric
Your serialization type deIaults to either standard or octal based on the selection you choose
Irom the Setup Menu. For instructions on how to set the serial default. refer to The Setup
Menu section beginning on page 23.
To create labels containing serialized data. Iollow the instructions below:
1. Enter the text to be serialized on the appropriate legend line.
2. Use the < > key to position the cursor over the last character in the legend to be
3. Press <Func> <SeriaI> on the keypad. The screen prompts you to enter the number oI
times to increment the serial number with 'No. to Serial?.
4. Enter the number oI times to increment the serial number and press <Enter>. The screen
prompts you to enter the number oI copies oI each number to print with 'No. oI Copies?
5. Enter the number oI copies to print and press either <Enter> or <Print>. Your serialized
markers are printed.
GeneraI GuideIines for SeriaIizing
Use the Iollowing guidelines Ior serializing:
N Both lowercase and uppercase characters can be serialized.
N Serialized characters can be incremented only (cannot decrement).
N You can choose only one serial type per label (standard or octal).
36 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
N Serialized text is limited to one line and one sequence per label.
N The printer Iirst serializes the character the cursor is highlighted on when the <Func>
<SeriaI> keys are pressed. When this character reaches its maximum value (9. z. or Z iI
standard. 7 iI octal). the character immediately to the leIt is incremented. and the right
most character cycles back to its minimum value (0. a. or A iI standard. 0 iI octal).
N Once a serialized character has reached its maximum value and the next character
encountered to the leIt is a non-serializable character (such as a space. accented character.
or symbol). the serial pattern cycles back to begin incrementing again Irom the rightmost
serialized character.
N AIter printing a series oI serial characters. the editor displays the next logical character in
the serial pattern (example: Print 1 to 5. AIter print iob is completed. editor displays 6).
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 37
Legend Lists
This section discusses making legend lists with the TLS2200
What Is A Legend List?
A legend list consists oI one or more legends stored under a list name. The storage capability
oI the TLS2200
allows you to create. select. print. and edit legend lists.
It is recommended that you review the Iollowing terminology beIore you start working with
legend lists:
Term Definition
Legend The actual text to be printed on a marker. The legend
appears on the Text Editor screen and can be stored in
Legend List One or more legends stored under a list name.
Active Legend List A list becomes active when you create or select it. See
Creating a New List and Selecting a List later in this section.
A list that has been activated is ready to be printed or edited.
RecaIIed Legend A legend is recalled when you press <Func>+<Recall> or
<Func>+<Shift>+<Recall> Irom within an active legend
list. See Editing a List later in this section. A legend that has
been recalled is ready to be edited.
GeneraI GuideIines for Legend Lists.
Use the Iollowing guidelines Ior legend lists:
N Legends Ior legend lists are created Iollowing the same guidelines as non-list legends.
N All style Ieatures accessible through the Setup Menu are available when creating legends
Ior lists.
N Individual legends within legend lists can have diIIerent styles.
N You cannot save serialized legends to a list.
N The maximum number oI legends you can save to a list will vary depending on how much
memory the legends in your list use. The amount oI memory used by a legend is
dependent on certain variables such as the number oI lines in the legend and the number
oI characters per line. Eor example. iI your list contains legends that all have Iive lines
and eight characters per line. you could save approximately 800 total legends to memory.
II your list contains legends that all have one line and eight characters per line. you could
save over 2.700 total legends to memory.
N A maximum oI 10 legend lists can be stored in the printer at any one time.
38 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
The List Menu
To bring up the List menu. press <List> on the keypad. The List menu contains the Iollowing
user options:
Option Description
Select Activates a list Ior editing or printing.
Create Creates a new list.
Print Prints a list.
Edit Toggles either on or off. Edits a list when:
N a part is not installed in the printer.
N a part other than the part the list was created Ior is installed
in the printer.
Delete Deletes a list Irom memory.
Creating a New List
To create a new list. Iollow the instructions below:
1. Press <List> to access the List Menu.
2. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Create. then press <Enter>.
II the error message 'Memory Eull displays on the Text Editor screen. the maxium number oI
lists (ten) is already saved in memory. In order to proceed. you must delete one or more lists
Irom memory. ReIer to Deleting a List later in this section Ior instructions.
3. At the prompt 'Enter List Name. enter a name Ior your new list. then press <Enter>. A
list name oI up to 16 character is allowed. All the characters on the keypad are valid Ior
list names.
4. At the prompt 'Enter Part No.. enter the entire part number as it appears on the end oI
the marker roll core. Eor example. PTL-19-423.
5. Press <Enter>. The Text Editor screen appears.
The list is created speciIically Ior the part number entered at the time the list was
created. You cannot create a list unless a marker roll is loaded.
6. Enter text to create the Iirst legend Ior your list.
7. Press <Func>+<Save> to save your legend to the list.
II the error message 'Memory Eull displays on the Text Editor screen. the memory has
reached capacity. In order to proceed. you must either delete one or more legends Irom a list.
or delete one or more lists Irom memory. ReIer to Deleting a List later in this section Ior
instructions. To delete a legend Irom a list. press <Func>+<Shift>+<DeIete>.
8. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear> to clear the text Irom the Text Editor screen.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 39
Pressing <Shift>+<Legend CIear> deletes all text in the legend Irom the Text Editor
screen. Press <Legend CIear> to delete text Irom only one line (the line currently
Once a legend is saved to a list. pressing <Legend CIear> or <Shift>+<Legend CIear>
only deletes text Irom the screen. not Irom the list. ReIer to Editing a List Ior instructions on
deleting legends Irom a list.
9. Enter text Ior a second legend.
10. Press <Func>+<Save> to save the second legend to the list.
Continue this process oI creating and saving until all legends are entered into your list.
11. To exit the current list. turn the power oII.
To exit (deactivate) a list. you can create a new list. select a list. or turn the power oII.
SeIecting a List
Selecting a List will make it active Ior printing and editing. To select a list. Iollow the
instructions below:
1. Press <List> to activate the List Menu.
2. The cursor is on Select. Press <Enter>. You will be prompted with all list names stored
in the printer (up to 10). The last activated list will display on the Text Editor screen.
3. Use the <! !! !> and <" "" "> keys to select the name oI the list you want to activate. then press
<Enter>. The part number you originally entered brieIly displays. Iollowed by the Text
Editor screen.
Your list is now activated Ior printing or editing.
Printing a List
To print a list. Iollow the instructions below:
1. II you do not have a list active. create or select a list. ReIer to Create a New List and
Selecting a List earlier in this section Ior instructions.
2. Press <List> to access the List Menu.
You must go through the List Menu in order to print a list. Simply pressing <Print> will print
only the legend shown in the Text Editor screen.
3. Press the <" "" "> key twice to select Print. then press <Enter>. II no list is active. 'Invalid
Eunction is displayed on the Text Editor screen.
4. II a list is activated and you have recalled a legend. you are prompted to choose 'Entire
List or 'Erom Current. Select 'Erom Current iI you want to print only the part oI the
list Irom the legend currently displayed Iorward. II you run out oI ribbon or markers
during a list print. press <Enter> to return to the the legend where the printer stopped.
40 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
5. At the prompt 'No. oI Copies?. enter the number oI times you want the active list to
print (up to 250) and press <Enter>.
This is the number oI copies oI each label within the list. II two copies are requested. the
labels will print in this order ||. You cannot print multiple copies oI the list in
this order || Irom the Print option.
Note: II a list is activated but no legends are recalled. the Print option goes directly to
the 'No. oI Copies? prompt.
Although a list is typically printed on the part it was created Ior. you can print the list using
any part that has a printable area greater than or equal to the part Ior which the list was
originally created in both the X and Y dimensions. However. iI you try to print on a smaller
label. the error message 'Invalid Eunction will display on the Text Editor screen.
Editing a List
Editing a list involves deleting legends Irom a list and changing characters in a legend already
in a saved list.
There are two ways to edit an active list:
1. II you have the correct part (the part the list was originally created Ior) installed in the
printer. you can recall legends Irom the active list and then edit them the same way you
would edit a non-list legend.
2. II you do not have the correct part (or do not have any part) installed in the printer. you
can still edit a list through Edit mode. Edit mode is explained later in this section.
To edit a list:
1. Select the list that you want to edit. ReIer to Selecting a List earlier in this section Ior
You cannot select a list unless the correct part (the part the list was created Ior) is loaded in the
printer. II you try to select a list without the correct part loaded in the printer. or no part is
loaded in the printer. this error message will display on the Text Editor screen:
Wrong Par1! se
This message will also display iI you are trying to save a legend to an active list. and the
wrong part (a part other than the part the list was created Ior). or no part. is loaded in the
II you do not remember the correct part Ior the list you want to edit. place the cursor on
your list name (aIter choosing Select). then press the < > key. The correct part displays
on the Text Editor screen. providing that you entered it when you created the list. See
Creating a List earlier in this section. Press the < > key to return to the list name.
In order to delete or edit a legend in a list. you must recall the legend. When you activate a
The part your list
was created for.
This message will only display if
the Edit mode is off.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 41
list. the last legend you entered will display on the Text Editor screen. However. this does not
mean that the legend is recalled.
2. Recall a legend Irom the active list.
N Press <Func>+<Recall> to recall the next legend in a list.
N Press <Func>+<Shift>+<Recall> to recall the previous legend in a list.
If you want to delete a legend:
Press <Func>+<Shift>+<DeIete>. The legend is deleted Irom the active list.
If you want to change characters in a legend:
1. Edit the legend Iollowing the normal guidelines Ior non-list legends.
All style options Ior editing non-list legends can be used to edit legends within a list. and
diIIerent legends can have diIIerent styles even though they belong to the same list. Style
options include:
N H JustiIy N Eont Size
N V JustiIy N Rotation
N Eormat
2. Press <Func>+<Save> to save the edited legend.
3. When the prompt appears 'Save as New or 'Save as Current. select 'Save as Current.
Your edited legend is now saved to the list.
Selecting 'Save as New will add the legend to the end oI the list. See Appending a List later
in this section Ior details.
Using Edit Mode
The Edit mode can be toggled to on or off. Use the Edit mode within the List Menu to modiIy
a list when:
N a part is not installed in the printer.
N a part other than the part the list was created Ior is installed in the printer.
To use Edit mode. Iollow the instructions below:
1. Press <List> to activate the List Menu.
2. Press the <" "" "> key three times to select Edit. then press <Enter>
3. The Edit mode deIaults to Off. Use the <" "" "> key to select On. then press <Enter>.
4. You will be prompted with all list names stored in the printer (up to 10). Use the <! !! !> and
<" "" "> keys to select the list you want to edit. then press <Enter>.
42 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
The Text Editor screen appears. The leIt and right arrows on the Status Bar (top line oI the
screen see below) are replaced by lighting bolts to indicate that the Edit mode is on.
When in Edit mode. the Print. Eeed. and Peel commands are disabled. Turn the Edit mode oII
to restore these Iunctions.
The Edit mode toggles to Off when the printer is turned oII.
Appending a List
To append a list means to add legends to a previously saved list. All legends are appended to
the end oI the list. You cannot save legends to the beginning or middle oI a list.
1. II you do not have a list active. select a list. ReIer to Selecting a List earlier in this section
Ior instructions.
2. Create a legend Iollowing the normal guidelines Ior non-list legends.
3. Press <Func>+<Save>.
4. When the prompt appears 'Save as New or 'Save as Current. select 'Save as New.
Your legend is now added to the end oI the list.
DeIeting a List
To delete a list Irom memory. Iollow the instructions below:
1. Press <List> to activate the List Menu.
2. Press the <" "" "> key Iour times to select Delete. then press <Enter>. You will be prompted
with all the list names stored in the printer (up to 10).
3. Use the <! !! !> and <" "" "> keys to select the name oI the list you want to delete. then press
<Enter>. AIter deleting a list. the display returns to the Text Editor screen.
Text Editor screen with
Edit mode on.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 43
Continuous Printing-TerminaI BIock LabeIs
This section discusses making terminal block labels with the TLS2200
Creating TerminaI BIock LabeIs
Terminal block labels can be created and printed using the TLS2200 printer. Simply choose
the appropriate center-to-center spacing repeat (pitch) Ior the block. enter your text. and print
as needed. The number oI lines oI text available at each termination is dependent on repeat
value spacing and the Iont size chosen.
Setting the Center-to-Center Spacing
The center-to-center spacing (terminal block repeat) is set by accessing the Term Repeat option
on the Setup Menu. Eollow the instructions below to set this option:
1. Press the <Func> <Setup> keys to access the Setup Menu.
2. Press the <"> key two times to scroll to the Continuous Menu. press the <Enter> key.
3. With the cursor on the Terminal Block option. press <Enter>.
4. Use the arrow keys to adiust the terminal block repeat value. then press <Enter>.
The repeat can be set Irom 2 mm (0.19685 in) to 46 mm (1.81102 in). Press the < ! > and < "
> keys to increase/decrease the repeat value by 0.125 mm increments (1 dot). Press the
<Shift> < ! > and <Shift> < " > to increase/decrease the repeat value by 1 mm
increments (8 dots).
Note: Press <Feed> aIter printing to advance the terminal strip label to the cut
44 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Continuous Printing-Banners
You can create banners using the TLS2200
printer. Banners have a variety oI industrial
uses. including labeling larger conduit.
New continuous label parts designed Ior banner printing such as PTL-8. PTL-42. and
PTL-43 can only be used with version 2 soItware or higher. II you are using version 1
soItware. you will not be able to enter text on the editor screen. Refer to Error! Reference
source not found. for help with installing new software on vour TLS2200 printer.
To create a banner. complete the Iollowing steps:
1. Press the <Func> <Setup> keys to access the Setup Menu.
2. Press the < "> key twice to select Continuous. then press <Enter>.
3. Press the < "> key once to select Banner. then press <Enter>.
4. Use the < !> and < "> keys to select the desired rotation. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
6. Enter the banner text as needed and print your label. The Iirst banner label printed will
have an additional 1 oI material Ied beIore the text prints. AIter the Iirst banner label
prints. press <feed> and then cut to avoid excess waste on subsequent labels.
Banner Rotation
Banners can be printed either horizontally or vertically.
HorizontaI Banner VerticaI Banner
DefauIt Font Size
Eor continuous printed labels (banners). the deIault Iont size is the largest Iont that prints on
the selected marker width in horizontal orientation.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 45
Fixed Length Banners
With the TLS2200 printer. you can speciIy a Iixed length Ior the banner. Values range Irom a
banner length oI 26mm (1.02362 in) to a banner length oI 312mm (12.28346 in).
You can set the banner length in increments oI 1mm by pressing the <Func>+<! !! !> or <" "" ">
Eixed length allows you to use the H JustiIy to speciIy at which point on the banner you want
the text to appear. The H JustiIy option allows LeIt. Center. and Right iustiIication.
Barcode LabeIs
This section discusses making barcode labels with the TLS2200
Creating Barcode LabeIs
The TLS2200 printer allows you to create Code 39 barcodes Ior your labels. Legends made
utilizing the bar-coding Ieature can consist oI a single barcode. several barcodes. or barcodes
together with text.
Setting Barcode Options
When adding a barcode to your label. several options can be accessed to customize how your
barcode(s) are Iormatted and printed. Options available are as Iollows:
Legend Type: This setting is used to select the Legend Entry Mode. Pressing the
<Barcode> key allows you to toggle between Text and Barcode. When set to Barcode
mode. all text entered on the line/label print as a Code 39 barcode. The Status Bar (Iirst
line on the LCD) displays a B to indicate you are in Barcode mode.
Bar Height: This setting can be accessed Irom the Barcode submenu on the Setup Menu.
This option allows you to set the height oI your Code 39 barcode(s). Heights range Irom 1
to 26 millimeters and can be increased/decreased in 1-millimeter increments.
Human Readable: This setting is also accessed Irom the Barcode submenu on the Setup
Menu. This option allows you to determine whether your barcode(s) are printed together
with human readable text (toggles on and oII). Barcode human readable text print at a
Iont size oI 2 (5 point) up to 9 (14 point).
Rotation: This option. located on the Setup sub-menu named Stvle. allows you to set the
rotation oI your barcode(s) in one oI Iour orientations (0(. 90(. 180(. 270(). This allows
you to create both picket Ience and ladder style barcodes. Please note. however. that all
lines on the legend (text and/or barcode) print at the rotation selected. Lines cannot be
rotated independently.
Code 39 Barcode SymboIogy
The barcode symbology used by the TLS2200 printer is Code 39. The character set Ior this
symbology consists oI the Iollowing characters:
The capital letters: A to Z
46 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
The numbers: 0 to 9
The space character
The symbols: - . S / +
Characters entered in lowercase are automatically converted to uppercase when printed.
TLS2200 Printer Barcode Parameters
Symbology: Code 39
Narrow Bar Width: 2 dots (.25mm)
Wide-to-Narrow Ratio: 2 to 1
Quiet Zone: 10 dots (1.25mm)
Density 7.82 CPI
Maximum Barcode Characters
The maximum number oI characters Ior a bar code is 25. The Iollowing table lists the
maximum barcode characters per line:
Marker Width Max # of Barcode
Chars Per Line
12.7 mm (0.5 in.) ` 0
25.4 mm (1.0 in.) 4
38.1 mm (1.5 in.) 8
` Zero characters allowed on label (quiet zone and start/stop characters occupy entire width).
To create labels containing barcodes. Iollow the instructions below:
1. Press the <Barcode> key to toggle the legend type Irom Text to Barcode mode (B is
displayed on the Status Bar).
2. Press the <Func> <Setup> keys to access the Setup Menu.
3. Press the < "> key once to select Barcode. then press <Enter>.
4. With the cursor highlighted on Bar Height. press <Enter>.
5. Use the < !> and < "> keys to set the height oI your barcode(s). then press <Enter>.
6. Press the < "> key once to select Human Readable. then press <Enter>.
7. Press the < !> or < "> keys to toggle the human readable text on or oII as required.
then press <Enter>.
8. II human readable. press the < !> or < "> keys to select the text Iont size desired. then
press <Enter>.
9. Press the <DeIete> key to back out one level in the Setup Menu tree.
10. Press the < "> key twice to select Stvle. then press <Enter>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 47
11. With the cursor highlighted on Rotation. press <Enter>.
12. Use the < !> and < "> keys to select the desired rotation. then press <Enter>.
13. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
14. Enter barcode text as needed and print your label.
MuItipIe Barcodes
Multiple barcodes can be entered on a label. but only one barcode can be entered per line. Bar
height can be set to one height only per label regardless oI the number oI barcodes entered on
the label.
Switching Between Text and Barcode Mode
Text already entered on a line can be switched Irom Text to Barcode mode and vice versa. II
the size oI the barcode or text being switched to does not Iit on the label. you encounter the
message 'Reduce Type Size when you attempt to print the label. You must scroll to the line
where the switch was made. reduce the size oI the Iont (iI text) or bar height (iI a barcode). and
print again.
Note: You cannot switch the legend mode Irom Text to Barcode iI a line contains any
invalid Code 39 barcode characters.
48 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
TutoriaI Guide
The Iollowing pages provide step-by-step instructions Ior creating and printing labels using a
variety oI diIIerent printer Iunctions.
The part number oI the marker roll used is noted at the beginning oI each tutorial. Many oI the
tutorials use part number PTL-19-423. A sample roll oI this 1 x 1 marker is provided in
your TLS2200_ Thermal Labeling System package.
T1: Creating a One-Line Legend, Component Marker
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Label to be printed:

Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
1. Check the Status Bar to make sure the unit is in Component mode. II not. press <Shift>
<Wire> to toggle Irom Wiremarker mode to Component mode.
2. Enter 100A on line one. (Eont is set at deIault size - 9)
3. Press <Print>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 49
T2: Creating a Component LabeI UtiIizing MuItipIe Font Sizes
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Label to be printed:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
1. Press <Legend CIear> to clear the text Irom line one.
2. With the Iont size set at the deIault oI 9. enter MULTIPLE on line one. then press
3. Press <Shift> < ! > three times to increase the Iont size to 12.
4. Enter FONT on line two. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Shift> < " > eight times to decrease the Iont size Irom 12 to 4.
6. Enter SIZES on line three.
7. Press <Print>.
50 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
T3: Creating a Wiremarker
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Label to be printed:

Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
1. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 9.
2. Press <Shift> <Wire> to change Iormat mode Irom Component to Wire (note the
change Irom C to W on the LCD Status Bar).
3. Enter 1001 on line one.
4. Press <Print>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 51
T4: Creating SeriaIized Wiremarkers
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Labels to be printed:

Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Wire
1. Press <Legend CIear> to clear the text Irom line one.
2. Check the Status Bar to make sure the unit is in Wiremarker mode. II not. press <Shift>
<Wire> to toggle Irom Component mode to Wiremarker mode.
3. Enter A201 on line one.
4. Press <> to position the cursor under the last character.
5. Press <Func> <SeriaI>.
6. When 'No. to Serial? prompt appears. enter 5. then press <Enter>.
52 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
7. When 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 2.
8. Press <Enter> or <Print>. The printer begins printing two each oI the Iive wiremarkers
listed above.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 53
T5: Creating a LabeI with Rotated Text, Printing MuItipIe Copies
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Label to be printed:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
1. Check the Status Bar to make sure the unit is in Component mode. II not. press <Shift>
<Wire> to toggle Irom Wiremarker mode to Component mode.
2. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
size oI 9.
3. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup Menu.
4. Press <"> three times to move to the Style sub-menu. then press <Enter>.
5. With the cursor highlighted on Rotation. press <Enter>.
6. Press the <!> key once to select 90 Degrees.
7. Press <Enter>.
8. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the text editor screen.
9. Press <Shift> <!> once to increase the Iont size to 10.
10. Enter ROTATE on line one. then press <Enter>.
11. Enter TEXT on line two.
12. Press <Func>+<MuIti Print>.
13. When 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 3.
14. Press <Enter>. The printer prints three copies oI the legend created above.
54 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
T6: Creating a Barcode LabeI
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Label to be printed:

Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 9.
2. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup Menu.
3. Press <"> three times to move to the Style sub-menu. then press <Enter>.
4. With the cursor highlighted on Rotation. press <Enter>.
5. Press the <"> key once to select 0 Degrees.
6. Press <Enter>.
7. Press <DeIete> to return to the Setup Menu.
8. Press the <!> key twice to select Barcode. then press <Enter>.
9. With the cursor highlighted on Bar Height. press <Enter>.
10. Use the <!> and <"> keys as needed to set the height oI your barcode to 8mm (0.31496
in.). then press <Enter>.
11. Press the <"> key once to select Human Readable. then press <Enter>.
12. Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle the human readable text ON. then press <Enter>.
13. Press the <!> or <"> keys as needed to set the Iont size to 3. then press <Enter>.
14. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 55
15. With the cursor highlighted on line one. press <Shift> <!> two times to increase the
Iont size Irom 9 to 11.
16. Enter BRADY on line one. then press <Enter>.
17. Press the <Barcode> key to toggle the Legend Type Ior line two Irom Text to Barcode
mode (B is displayed on the Status Bar).
18. Enter A101 on line two.
19. Press <Print>.
56 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
T7: Creating a SeriaIized Barcode LabeI
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Labels to be printed:


Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Repeat steps 1-17 Irom Creating a Barcode Label.
2. Press <> to position the cursor under the last character.
3. Press <Func> <SeriaI>.
4. When 'No. to Serial? ' prompt appears. enter 5. then press <Enter>.
5. When 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1.
6. Press <Enter> or <Print>. The printer begins printing one each oI the Iive serialized
barcode labels Irom A101 to A105.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 57
T8: Creating a TerminaI BIock LabeI
Note: This example assumes you have the terminal block marker roll PTLTB-400-375
loaded in your printer.
Label to be printed:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 6.
2. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup Menu.
3. Press the <"> key six times to select Units. then press <Enter>.
4. Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle the Units to Metric. then press <Enter>.
5. Press the <!> key Iour times to select Continuous. then press <Enter>.
6. With the cursor highlighted on Terminal Block. press <Enter>.
7. Use the <!> and <"> keys as needed to set the terminal block repeat value to 6 mm
(.23622 in.). then press <Enter>.
8. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
58 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
9. With the cursor highlighted on line one. press <Shift> <!> once to increase the Iont
size Irom 6 to 7.
10. Enter 101 on line one.
11. Press <>.
12. Press <Func> <SeriaI>.
13. When 'No. to Serial? prompt appears. enter 10. then press <Enter>.
14. When 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1.
15. Press <Enter> or <Print>. The printer should print ten times along the terminal block
marker (101 through 110).
16. Press <Feed> to advance printed terminal strip label to the cut position.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 59
T9: Creating a Patch PaneI LabeI
Note: This example assumes you have the continuous marker roll PTL-8-422 loaded in
your printer.
Label to be printed:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont
to the deIault value oI 14.
2. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup Menu.
3. Press the <"> key six times to select Units. then press <Enter>.
4. Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle the Units to Inches. then press
5. Press the <!> key Iour times to select Continuous. then press <Enter>.
6. Press the <!> key once to choose Terminal Block. then press <Enter>.
7. Use the <!> and <"> keys as needed to set the terminal block repeat value
to 0.60039 (15.25 mm). then press <Enter>.
8. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
9. With the cursor highlighted on line one. press <Shift> <!> once to
increase the Iont size Irom 5 to 6.
10. Enter C012 on line one. then press <Enter>.
11. Enter 01D on line two.
12. Press the <> key twice.
13. Press <Func> <SeriaI>.
14. When 'No. to Serial? prompt appears. enter 12. then press <Enter>.
15. When 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1.
60 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
16. Press <Enter> or <Print>. The printer should print twelve times along the patch panel
label (01D through 12D).
17. Press <Feed> to advance printed patch panel label to the cut position.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 61
T10: Creating a Continuous LabeI
Note: This example assumes you have the continuous marker roll PTL-8-422 loaded in
your printer.
Print the Iollowing label to be used to identiIy communications equipment:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify LeIt
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont
to the deIault value oI 14.
2. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup Menu.
3. Press the <"> key three times to select Stvle. then press <Enter>.
4. Press the <"> key once to select H Justifv. then press <Enter>.
5. Press the <!> or <"> keys to select Left. then press <Enter>.
6. Press the <DeIete> button to exit back to the Setup Menu.
7. Press the <!> key once to select Continuous. then press <Enter>.
8. Press the <"> key once to select Banner. then press <Enter>.
9. Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle the direction to Horizontal. then press
10. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
on line one.
12. Press <Print>.
62 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
T11: Creating a Banner LabeI of Fixed Length
Note: This example assumes you have the banner marker roll PTL-43-439OR loaded
in your printer.
Print the Iollowing label to be used to identiIy an electrical conduit:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all
lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault value oI
2. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup
3. Press the <"> key six times to select Units. then
press <Enter>.
4. Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle the Units to
Metric. then press <Enter>.
5. Press the <!> key Iour times to select
Continuous. then press <Enter>.
6. Press the <"> key once to select Fixed Length.
then press <Enter>.
7. Use the <!> and <"> keys as needed to set the
Iixed length repeat value to 143.000mm (5.62992
inches). then press <Enter>.
8. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text
Editor screen.
9. Enter 220 VOLTS on line one.
10. Press <Print>.
11. Press <Feed> to advance the banner to the cut
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 63
T12: Creating a Legend List, Component Markers
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Labels to be printed:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <List>.
2. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Create. then press <Enter>.
3. When 'Enter List Name prompt appears. enter LIST1. then press <Enter>.
4. When 'Enter Part No. prompt appears. enter PTL-19-423. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 9.
6. Enter PANEL1 on line one.
7. Press <Func>+<Save>.
8. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
9. Enter PANEL1A on line one.
10. Press <Func>+<Save>.
64 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
11. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
12. Enter PANEL2 on line one.
13. Press <Func>+<Save>.
14. Press <List>.
15. Press the <" "" "> key twice to select Print. then press <Enter>.
16. When the 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1. then press <Enter>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 65
T13: Creating a Legend List UtiIizing MuItipIe Font Sizes and Rotations.
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Labels to be printed:


Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <List>.
2. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Create. then press <Enter>.
3. When 'Enter List Name prompt appears. enter LIST2. then press <Enter>.
4. When 'Enter Part No. prompt appears. enter PTL-19-423. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 9.
6. Enter 100A on line one.
7. Press <Func>+<Save>.
9. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.Press <Shift>+<" "" "> twice to reduce the Iont size to 7.
66 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
8. Enter 100B on line one.
9. Press <Func>+<Save>.
10. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
11. Press <Func>+<Setup>.
12. Press the <" "" "> three times to select Stvle. then press <Enter>.
13. With the cursor on Rotation. press <Enter>.
14. Press the <! !! !> three times to toggle to 270 Degrees. then press <Enter>.
15. Press <Func>+<Exit> to return to the Text Editor screen.
16. Enter 100C on line one.
17. Press <Func>+<Save>.
18. Press <List>.
19. Press the <" "" "> key twice to select Print. then press <Enter>.
20. When the 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1. then press <Enter>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 67
T14: Creating a Legend List, Wiremarkers, Printing MuItipIe Copies
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Labels to be printed:
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
1. Press <List>.
2. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Create. then press <Enter>.
3. When 'Enter List Name prompt appears. enter LIST3. then press <Enter>.
4. When 'Enter Part No. prompt appears. enter PTL-19-423. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 9.
6. Press <Func>+<Setup>.
7. Press the <" "" "> three times to select Stvle. then press <Enter>.
8. With the cursor on Rotation. press <Enter>.
9.Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle to 0 Degrees. then press <Enter>.
68 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
10. Press <Func>+<Exit> to return to the Text Editor screen.
11. Press <Shift> <Wire> to change Iormat mode Irom Component to Wire (note the
change Irom C to W on the LCD Status Bar).
12. Enter A1000 on line one.
13. Press <Func>+<Save>.
14. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
15. Enter A2050 on line one.
16. Press <Func>+<Save>.
17. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
18. Enter A2067 on line one.
19. Press <Func>+<Save>.
20. Press <List>.
21. Press the <" "" "> key twice to select Print. then press <Enter>.
22. When the 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 2. then press <Enter>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 69
T15: Creating and RecaIIing a Legend List, Barcode LabeIs
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Labels to be printed:


Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <List>.
2. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Create. then press <Enter>.
3. When 'Enter List Name prompt appears. enter LIST4. then press <Enter>.
4. When 'Enter Part No. prompt appears. enter PTL-19-423. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 9.
6. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup Menu.
7. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Barcode. then press <Enter>.
8. With the cursor highlighted on Bar Height. press <Enter>.
9. Use the <!> and <"> keys as needed to set the height oI your barcode to 8mm (0.31496
in.). then press <Enter>.
70 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
10. Press the <"> key once to select Human Readable. then press <Enter>.
11. Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle the human readable text ON. then press <Enter>.
12. Press the <!> or <"> keys as needed to set the Iont size to 6. then press <Enter>.
13. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
14. With the cursor highlighted on line one. press <Shift> <!> two times to increase the
Iont size Irom 9 to 11.
15. Enter BRADY on line one. then press <Enter>.
16. Press the <Barcode> key to toggle the Legend Type Ior line two Irom Text to Barcode
mode (B is displayed on the Status Bar).
17. Enter A101 on line two.
18. Press <Func>+<Save>.
19. Press <Legend CIear> to clear text Irom line 2 only.
20. Enter B101 on line two.
21. Press <Func>+<Save>.
22. Turn the battery power switch off to deactivate List4.
To select (recall) List4 as the active list:
1. Turn the battery power switch on.
2. Press <List>.
3. With the cursor on Select. press <Enter>.
4. Use the <! !! !> and <" "" "> arrows to select List4. then press Enter~. The part number
appears. Iollowed by the Text Editor screen. List4 is now the active list.
5. Press <List>.
6. Press the <" "" "> key twice to select Print. then press <Enter>.
7. When the 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1. then press <Enter>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 71
T16: Creating a Legend List, RecaIIing and Editing a Legend
Note: This example assumes you have marker roll PTL-19-423 loaded in your printer.
Labels to be printed:

Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <List>.
2. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Create. then press <Enter>.
3. When 'Enter List Name prompt appears. enter LIST5. then press <Enter>.
4. When 'Enter Part No. prompt appears. enter PTL-19-423. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the deIault
value oI 9.
6. Enter 100A on line one.
7. Press <Func>+<Save>.
8. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
9. Enter 100B on line one.
72 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
10. Press <Func>+<Save>.
11. Turn the battery power switch off to deactivate List5.
To select (recall) List5 as the active list:
1. Turn the battery power switch on.
2. Press <List>.
3. With the cursor on Select. press <Enter>.
4. Use the <! !! !> and <" "" "> arrows to select List5. then press <Enter>. The part number
appears. Iollowed by the Text Editor screen.
To add a legend to List5:
1. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to the
deIault value oI 9.
2. Enter 100C on line one.
3. Press <Func>+<Save>. The legend is added (or appended) to the end oI List5.
To recall and edit a legend already saved in List5:
1. Press <Func>+<RecaII> twice to recall the second legend to the Text Editor
screen. Legend 100B displays on the Text Editor screen.
2. Press <Shift>+<! !! !> Iour times to set the Iont size to 13.
3. Press <Func>+<Save>.
4. When the prompt appears 'Save as New or 'Save as Current. press the <" "" "> key
once to select 'Save as Current.
5. Press <Enter>. Legend 100B is edited to a larger Iont size.
To delete a legend already saved in List5.
1. Press <Func>+<RecaII>. Legend 100C displays on the Test Editor screen.
2. Press <Func>+<Shift>+<DeIete>. Legend 100C is now deleted Irom List5.
3. Press <List>.
4. Press the <" "" "> key twice to select Print. then press <Enter>.
5. When the 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1. then press <Enter>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 73
T17: Creating a Legend List, Banner Legends
Note: This example assumes you have the banner marker roll PTL-42-439OR loaded
in your printer.
Setup Status:
H 1ustify Center
V 1ustify Center
Rotation 0 Degrees
Format Component
Legend Type Text
1. Press <List>.
2. Press the <" "" "> key once to select Create. then press <Enter>.
3. When 'Enter List Name prompt appears. enter LIST6. then press <Enter>.
4. When 'Enter Part No. prompt appears. enter PTL-42-439. then press <Enter>.
5. Press <Shift> <Form CIear> to delete all lines oI text and reset the Iont to
the deIault value oI 18.
6. Press <Func> <Setup> to access the Setup Menu.
7. Press the <"> key six times to select Units. then press <Enter>.
8. Press the <!> or <"> keys to toggle the Units to Metric. then press <Enter>.
9. Press the <!> key Iour times to select Continuous. then press <Enter>.
10. With the cursor highlighted on Banner. press <Enter>.
11. Press <Func> <Exit> to exit back to the Text Editor screen.
12. Enter 120 VOLTS on line one.
13. Press <Func>+<Save>.
14. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
15. Enter CAUTION on line one.
16. Press <Func>+<Save>.
17. Press <Shift>+<Legend CIear>.
18. Enter COMMUNICATIONS CLOSET on line one.




74 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
19. Press <Func>+<Save>.
20. Press <List>.
21. Press the <" "" "> key twice to select Print. then press <Enter>.
22. When the 'No. oI Copies? prompt appears. enter 1. then press <Enter>.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 75
Keep the TLS2200
printer in good operating condition by perIorming the Iollowing
recommended maintenance procedures.
CIeaning the Drive RoIIer and Cutter
Eollow the instructions on the cleaning card shipped with the unit.
CIeaning the Print Head
Remove the cutter mechanism by loosening the screw that holds it in place. LiIt the cutter
away Irom the top oI the printer mechanism and clean the print head with a cotton swab dipped
in isopropyl alcohol. Replace the cutter mechanism.
Accessory Parts List
The Iollowing parts and accessories can be ordered Irom your BRADY Worldwide. Inc.
AC Adapter TLS2200-AC 18555
Battery Charger TLS2200-BC 18551
Battery Pack TLS2200-BP 18554
Cleaning Kit PCK-5 18556
Communications Cable TLS2200-CABLE 18574
Cutter Assembly TLS2200-C 33897
Dust Cover TLS2200-DC 18553
Hard Side Carrying Case TLS2200-HC 18552
R4310 Black Ribbon R4310 18558
R6010 Black Ribbon R6010 18559
R6210 Black Ribbon R6210 18560
R4410 Red Ribbon R4410R 18704
R4410 White Ribbon R4410W 18705
R4410 Blue Ribbon R4410B 18706
SoIt Side User`s Case TLS2200-SC 18562
User`s Guide TLS2200-UM 18557
76 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Appendix 1: TroubIeshooting and Error Message Guide
II your TLS2200
printer is not perIorming as documented in this user`s guide. use the Iollowing
troubleshooting and error message guides to determine the corrective action you should take. II the
corrective action does not work. contact BRADY`s Technical Support Group.
TroubIeshooting Guide
Symptom Cause Corrective Action
Poor quality
Incorrect marker
VeriIy the correct ribbon Ior the marker roll
is loaded in the printer. ReIer to the Ribbon
Cross ReIerence Guide chart that came with
the TLS2200 printer Ior proper ribbon
Battery pack is not
1. Connect the battery charger to the
battery pack.
2. Charge the battery pack Ior at least Iive
hours beIore operating solely on
battery power.
Printer does not
power up when
turned on.
Battery pack may be
worn out.
Battery liIe is approximately one to three
years depending on its use and care. Order a
replacement battery pack. ReIer to page 11
Ior inIormation on disposal oI the battery
The marker roll has been
Ied through the material
guide slots beIore the
print head has been
1. Unlock the ribbon cartridge locking
lever to open the print head. then
remove the marker material Irom the
material guide slots.
2. Close the print head by locking the
ribbon cartridge lever
3. Eeed the markers through the material
guide slots.
The leading edge oI the
marker roll is not
inserted all the way to
the drive roller.
Eeed the leading edge oI the marker roll
through the material guide slots until you
meet resistance.
Printer will not
Ieed labels.
The leading edge oI the
marker roll is uneven or
torn (not a straight edge).
Use a pair oI scissors to cut a straight
leading edge on the marker roll.
Top oI the marker
is cut through
when cutting PSPT
The movable material
guide is not Iully locked
in place.
VeriIy the movable material guide is Iully
locked into the proper notch in the guide
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 77
Error Messages
Error Message Cause Corrective Action
Error in Checksum The soItware was
improperly installed on
your TLS2200
Contact BRADY`s Technical Support
Error Head Open Print head is unlocked. 1. Move the lever on the right side oI the
TLS2200 printer to the lock position.
2. Press the <Enter> or <DeIete>
button to clear the display.
Error No Label
The TLS2200 printer is
not seeing the marker`s
smart cell located on the
side oI the marker roll.
1. VeriIy the smart cell is making contact
with the leIt material guide.
2. Be sure the right material guide is
adiusted as Iar to the leIt as possible
Ior the roll oI markers used. The
material guide should be locked into
the proper notch in the guide plate.
3. Be sure the marker roll is snapped
evenly and Iirmly in the label roll
4. Press the <Enter> or <DeIete>
button to clear the display.
1. Press the <Enter> or <DeIete>
button to clear the display.
2. Install a new marker roll iI the roll has
run out.
Error Out oI Label The roll oI markers is
inserted properly in the
material guides.
however. they are either
not Ieeding properly or
the roll has run out oI
N you have not run out oI markers. the
markers are not Ieeding properly. Be
sure to insert the leading edge oI the
markers into the material path until
they hit the Ieed roller. Be sure the
leading edge oI the marker is straight.
II not. cut the edge with a pair oI
N the markers are present and printing.
they may have become skewed or
iammed. To Iix. press the <Feed> key
to recalibrate or open the print head
and pull the markers through to clear
the iam.
Head Too Hot Print head cannot
reliably print due to heat
1. Press the <Enter> or <DeIete>
button to clear the display.
2. Allow the printer to cool Ior ten
minutes beIore printing labels.
78 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Error Message Cause Corrective Action
The marker roll may be
running through the
printer twice.
The smart cell is programmed to run 125
oI the total number oI markers on the roll
and then stop. Insert a new marker roll and
Invalid Label
Smart cell may not be
programmed properly.
Contact BRADY`s Technical Support
Lithium Cell Low Memory backup battery
is low.
Contact BRADY`s Technical Support
Battery pack is not
1. Connect the battery charger to the
battery pack.
2. Charge the battery pack Ior at least Iive
hours beIore operating solely on
battery power.
Low Battery
Battery pack may be
worn out.
Battery liIe is approximately one to three
years depending on its use and care. Order a
replacement battery pack. ReIer to page 11
Ior inIormation on disposal oI the battery
The ribbon has run out. Change the ribbon.
The ribbon is Iolded or
mangled due to improper
installation or label iam.
1. Remove the ribbon.
2. Manually advance the take-up spool
end towards you until the ribbon has a
smooth. Ilat surIace.
3. Reinsert the ribbon in the printer.
Out oI Ribbon
There is a bad ribbon
Contact BRADY`s Technical Support
II you receive this
message while typing.
the line is Iull.
Press <Shift> <"> to reduce the Iont size
to add more characters to the line.
Reduce Type Size
II you receive this
message when you press
<print>. you have
exceeded the marker
height. This occurs when
Iont sizes are increased
between lines oI text. or
you have chosen a bar
code height that is too
Reduce the Iont size or bar code height and
press <print> again.
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 79
Error Message Cause Corrective Action
II you receive this
message when trying to
create a list. there are ten
lists (the maximum)
already saved in
memory. or the memory
has reached capacity.
Delete one or more lists. Memory Eull
II you receive this
message while trying to
save a legend to a list.
the memory has reached
Delete one or more lists or legends.
II you receive this
message while trying to
select a list. and Edit
mode is oII. either:
Nthere is no part loaded
in the printer.
Nyou have the wrong part
loaded in the printer.
The wrong part is a part
other than the one the list
was created Ior.
Load the correct part in the printer. The
correct part is the part that the list was
created Ior.
Wrong Part! Use
II you receive this
message while trying to
save a legend to an active
list. either:
Nthere is no part loaded
in the printer.
Nyou have the wrong part
loaded in the printer.
The wrong part is a part
other than the one the list
was created Ior.
Load the correct part in the printer. The
correct part is the part that the list was
created Ior.
80 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Note: The error message 'Invalid Eunction may appear while you are working with legend
lists. See Legend Lists on page 37 Ior details on working with lists. This error message may
have diIIerent causes depending on what you are trying to do. The Iollowing table lists the diIIerent
causes Ior this message as well as corrective action Ior each.
Error Message Cause Corrective Action
II you receive this
message while trying to
enter Edit mode. you do
not have a saved list.
Create a list.
See Legend Lists on page 37 Ior
II you receive this
message while trying to
print. you are in Edit
Turn Edit mode off.
See Legend Lists on page 37 Ior
II you receive this
message while trying to
print and you are NOT in
Edit mode. you do not
have an active list.
Create or activate a list.
See Legend Lists on page 37 Ior
II you receive this
message while trying to
create a list. you are in
Edit mode.
Turn Edit mode off.
See Legend Lists on page 37 Ior
II you receive this
message while trying to
delete a legend. you do
not have a recalled
Recall the legend that you want to delete.
See Legend Lists on page 37 Ior
Invalid Eunction
II you receive this
message while trying to
save a legend to a list.
you do not have an active
Create or activate a list.
See Legend Lists on page 37 Ior
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 81
Appendix 2: GIossary of Terms
It may be helpIul to review these terms while using this guide:
Active Legend List A list becomes active when you create or select it
A list that has been activated is ready to be
printed or edited.
LabelOnce a marker contains printed text. it is reIerred to as a label.
LegendThe actual text to be printed on a marker. The legend appears on the LCD screen
and can be stored in memory.
Legend ListOne or more legends stored under a list name.
MarkerA blank label. Until a label is actually printed. the material is reIerred to as a
marker. Markers are available in a variety oI sizes.
Marker RollA marker roll contains the marker and a notched liner which are Ied through
the printer. and a smart cell located in the spindle. The TLS2200
printer uses the smart cell
to automatically identiIy the marker being used.
Recalled Legend A legend is recalled when you press <Func>+<Recall> or
<Func>+<Shift>+<Recall> Irom within an active legend list.
SerializeTo automatically print labels in a numeric or alphabetical sequence.
82 TLS2200
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide
Appendix 3: Direct Printing from LabeIMark/Win
Use the LabelMark/WIN
soItware to print labels Irom a PC through the TLS2200
Thermal TransIer Printer. Eor more inIormation on LabelMark/WIN
soItware. please visit
our website at
Thermal Transfer Printer User's Guide 83

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